The Quest chapter 3

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#3 of The Quest

The Quest chapter 3. The party gets the first talisman, but when they go to get the second one. They run into a slight snag, but Sabrina causes an accident.

The next day, a café.

"He will meet us here and he promised that he would help us.", Eleanor was saying as the party walked in to the place.

Stephen nodded as he walked inside, followed by Mala, who put an arm around his shoulder as the various anthro patrons looked at him. He watched as Eleanor walked up to a male canine seated at a table. The young human male watched as the canine stood up giving Eleanor a hug.

"Hi Pete! You know Mala, this is Stephen, the human from the Milky Way Galaxy.", the Wolf/husky said to the male canine, who looked at Stephen with his whitish blue colored eyes.

Pete scared the crap out of him. The canine has the coloring and fur length of a sable colored collie but the head and build of a wolf. His large hand shook Stephen's out stretched one. From the contact of their hands, the young human could feel tendons that felt like steel wires. "So, you're from another universe?", the canine asked him in a deep voice.

"Uh yes.", Stephen said with a squeak looking at the seven foot tall canine with a build of a bodybuilder. Just like Eleanor, Pete was wearing armor on his body, giving the canine the appearance of a tank. He saw that a huge broadsword was fastened on Pete's back. 'Damn, I am glad he's on our side. I hate to piss this guy off or meet him in a dark alley way.', the young human thought to himself as the party sat down.

Eleanor sat down next to Pete giving him a hug and kiss, then said,"Stephen, this is my fiancé Pete. I thought he could help us out in this quest, plus he can assist me in teaching you how to fight."

"After my magic lessons Eleanor. You have the tendency of bruising your students.", Mala said to the wolf/hybrids putting an arm around Stephen.

The young human gave a slight shiver as the warm arm went around his shoulders. He remembered the night before last when the party had to sleep outside. Mala was the leader of the party and the vixen had assigned him as her sleeping partner. "We only have two tents and two sleeping bags.", she had said to Stephen that night.

So he had shared a sleeping bag with Mala that night but it was a warm experience, sleeping with the naked vixen.

Two days later, on the outskirts of an abandoned city.

Stephen read the sign with a puzzled look. "Wait didn't we just left Ventosi Campi?", he asked Mala.

The vixen looked at the city staring at the abandoned structures as she answered,"The city we left is officially called New Ventosi Campi. The under ground water supply to this city dried up, so they built the new city, after moving out of this one. We have to be careful here because some unpleasant beings decided to move in to these ruins."

Pete, standing next to Eleanor, looked at the city and sighed,"My mother told me about those beings." The canine turned to Stephen and continued,"They look like you, but they had their heads covered by a metal helmet and wore gloves."

Stephen looked at Mala with a surprised look. "What do you mean they look like me?", he asked the husky/wolf with surprise.

The blue cat like eyes of the vixen gazed at him and placing a black finger to his lips, she said,"They're not human but they're something else. Sabrina calls them Hymans and you don't want to meet them."

The young human shuddered as the vixen talked to him. He was still nervous around the vixen because of the way she cuddled him close to her while asleep. But after the oral sex at the inn, Stephen was gradually becoming more comfortable around her.

"Alright everybody, let's set up at that ridge over there because you don't want to be in this city after dark.", Mala ordered. They set up camp and Mala looked at the position of the suns in the sky, then to Stephen. "We will do a training session with Stephen tonight and get up early to go in the city.", she said to Eleanor. The vixen looked at Elenor and Pete with a serious expression and said,"Just go easy on Stephen tonight because I don't want to get tired out from healing him."

Stephen nodded as Mala lead him to the ridge to start his lesson for tonight. He watched as Mala bent over her pack to get the tan colored book. The human smiled as he directed his gaze at the vixen's backside and vaginal ridge while her thick tail flipped around. She turned around and looked at him with a serious expression and threatened,"Better concentrate or I'll douse you with cold water."

Hour's later, at the campsite.

The gem glowed a whitish green light in a circle of stones. Mala walked around the parameter of the camp speaking phrases. Eleanor whispered to Stephen,"She's setting up barriers and protection spells."

Stephen remembered the lessons earlier with Mala and right then, he felt like he had run around the school track with a pack full of rocks. The young human grabbed some water and some trail mix to replenish his energy. Turning back to Eleanor, he asked,"Doesn't having a continuous spell in operation drain her energy?"

"No it doesn't for her but if you tried this right now it would kill you. That tiara she's wearing supplies the energy. Sabrina helped her put some energy in it, because Mala hasn't mastered that spell yet. It takes many years as an apprentice to be good as Sabrina but Mala has been her apprentice for only ten years and she still has more years of training.", Eleanor said as Mala walked up to them.

The vixen sat down next to Stephen taking a drink of water and she said."We're protected. . . any unwanted guests will get an unwelcome jolt."

Stephen nodded staring at the green jewel glowing in the ring of stones. He looked over to the empty city seeing some glowing areas. A gentle blue glow of the planet Sirus grew brighter as the gas giant started it journey across the night sky. The young human lay on the ground looking at the night sky as the moons and the smaller tan planet emerged from behind Sirus.

A few minutes later, Mala was shaking him awake. "Time to hit the sack.",the vixen said to him.

Groaning, Stephen got up and walked to the tent. He looked back at Mala, but the vixen remained with Eleanor and Pete. The young male shrugged and went inside but there was someone already in the tent. "Sabrina!?", exclaimed Stephen in surprise.

The white wolf said a phrase, waving her hand and continued,"I must admit, my apprentice does very good protective spells. She is going to be as good as me in ten more years."

Stephen was glad to see Mala's teacher and said to her,"So how are you feeling?"

Sabrina looked at him directly with her blue gaze and answered,"I am well. I just needed a day of rest. When you get to be my age, it just takes a little longer to recover." The wolf gave him a serious look and went on,"Just don't ask me how old I am. Females of this world considerate it rude. I am here because I forgot to give you something." She handed him a burlap sack.

The young male opened the sack, extracting a garment that was silver in color. Closer examination revealed the garment was made of a metal wire. Stephen asked curiously,"Uh, what is it?"

"In Earthling terms, you would call it chain mail. You wear it under your clothes but don't worry, it feels like undergarments.", Sabrina said and looked around. She then told him,"I have to go, as I have a few things going on back at the castle. You will be joined by another member soon." With that enigmatic statement, a white portal appeared behind the wolf and she walked thru it.

Stephen stared at the area where Sabrina had been. He removed his clothing and got into the sleeping bag, stuffing Sabrina's gift down at the bottom, near his feet. The chain mail felt like a rolled up sweater from the texture. Drooping eyes shut and Stephen fell asleep.

A few minutes later, Mala walked in the tent and looked at the form of Stephen sleeping. She looked around, knowing that a portal had been summoned due to the vixen sensing energies of a magic user. 'Alright teacher, what are you doing?', Mala thought to herself. taking off her clothing, she got in to the sleeping bag. The vixen looked around once more before wrapping her legs around Stephen's skinny frame and pressed her body against him.

The next day inside the city.

Mala looked at the scroll and at a structure. The group followed her as the vixen walked around it and stood looking at the wall. A few minutes later, she pushed a stone and a hidden door appeared. She rolled up the scroll and said with satisfaction,"That's the passage that leads to the underground chamber."

Stephen watched as Mala then summoned a white colored ball of light that floated above her head. "Man, I wish I could do that.", the young human mumbled to himself, watching as Eleanor and Pete lit torches.

'Oh man, this place has a strange odor.', Stephen thought to himself as he followed down the stone steps and watched the white glow of the magical light summoned by Mala. The young human kept his mouth shut as the party went deeper in the bowels of the city.

Eleanor, walking near Pete, watched as the passage widened in to a very large stadium area. She leaned forward to run, but Mala stopped her and cautioned,"Wait one, I sense a trap here."

The wolf/husky looked around nodding and said,"You're right sister, this seems too easy."

Mala made the white ball fly up and grow brighter. The vixen looked at the floor, seeing areas with whorls on the ground. She picked up a rock and tossed it to one of the eddies. The rock sank out of sight, into the ground. "Alright everyone, step where I place my steps at and we shall not have any troubles.", Mala told them with a serious tone in her voice.

The party stepped where Mala stepped, crossing the large arena. Minutes later, they arrived at the door to a large room with a stone table. On the table was a four foot long scepter that was four inches wide. What had Stephen staring at it were the jewels encrusted on it. "That must be worth a fortune!", exclaimed Eleanor, who was also staring at the scepter with awe.

Mala grabbed both Eleanor and Pete's arms as she warned them, "Only Stephen can handle it. If either one of you or I touch it we will be burned or shocked."

Stephen nodded, and walked up to the table, looking at the scepter. He sighed to himself and gathered his courage before grabbing it. A rush went thru his body as he picked it up.

Mala walked up to him as he examined it and said,"That's it, Stephen. Lets get out of here before we attract the attention of any enemies."

Stephen looked at her and nodded, following as the party retraced their steps. An hour later, the party was outside, looking at the sky. Mala breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Better be quick, we don't have much time."

While walking down a street, they saw five figures running at them. "Let's roll, and kick ass!", Pete yelled, putting on his helm.

Stephen grasped the scepter and shivered. Pete looked more like a wolf with the helm on. It covered his head completely, giving the friendly canine a more predatory appearance. Whitish blue eyes shown thru the eye slit, looking quite eerie. "Stay behind Eleanor and me, since this is your first fight and hold on to that scepter!", he said to Stephen as he drew the huge sword from his back.

Mala placed herself behind Pete and Elenor but in front of Stephen. Stephen watched as a flash of energy formed around the vixen. Fire appeared around her hands and her cheerful expression turned feral. With a slight snarl upon her lip, Mala growled,"Stay near me Stephen." The fight began as the first of the attackers reached them, raising a broad headed battle axe.

One of the enemies turned into a living torch when Mala launched a fireball at him and it connected. Another was quickly decapitated by Pete's large sword. The third, Eleanor disemboweled and she went for the fourth creature. Stephen heard a noise behind him, seeing a sixth attacker appear as it ran in from an ambush at the rear. The humanoid raised a sword to hit Mala! Stephen, not having a sword, used the scepter to block the attack and drew it upon himself instead. He felt something stab his chest as Stephen brought the scepter down on the enemy's head. His adversary burst into a pillar of flame, and as he was passing out, a pair of blue cat like eyes were looking down at him with concern.

The ridge outside the town later.

"How is he?", asked Eleanor, watching Mala remove Stephen's shirt.

The vixen glanced at her foster sister with a worried look. "I'll know in a bit.", Mala said as she pulled up the young human's T-shirt. Beneath it, she saw a silver garment. With a whispered,"Thank you Sabrina.", she set about lifting the finely woven mail from his chest.

"What's going on?", asked Pete, expecting to see a bad stab wound. "What the heck? That stuff is expensive and rare.", he exclaimed in surprise.

Eleanor knelt next to Pete and asked,"What's going on dear?" She looked at Stephen's chest and also asked with surprise,"Where did he get that?"

Mala moved the garment and muttered some healing words before answering,"Well, I am glad Sabrina interfered because all I have to do is mend a couple of ribs." She turned to the two wolf hybrids and went on,"I would rather mend ribs than repair a punched lung. He will recover."

A portal appeared and a white female wolf with silver head hair walked out of it. Sabrina looked at Stephen being healed by Mala and at Eleanor and Pete. "I see that my present to Stephen has been of good use."

Mala stood up and turned to her teacher, giving the wolfess a hug as she said, "I am glad that you visited us last night. Stephen only has a couple of broken ribs but he will be out for a couple of hours."

Sabrina nodded looking at the young human male resting on the ground. Shirtless, she could see the effects the training had had. He was growing muscular and had lost some of his softness he had arrived with. 'I wish I was twenty years old again, but oh well.', the wolf thought to herself before turning her attention back to Mala. "I'll take the scepter off your hands. I did some checking, and the second talisman is in a different place." Sabrina said as she handed a scroll to Mala. Sabrina then said some words that made the scepter levitate off the ground.

"Thank you for giving Stephen that gift of the mail shirt, teacher. Be careful with that scepter.", Mala said to the wolfess.

Sabrina handed a small bag to the vixen and told her,"Don't teach me to be careful, young one. I have been handling magic for longer than you can think. Now, you're going to fly to the next location and you're welcome. Just use the usual means to contact me if you need my help." The wolf summoned a portal and walked thru it moving the floating scepter. Unknown to Sabrina, the talisman had been damaged. It sparked from the area where the weapon had struck it.

A few days later, at an airfield.

Stephen grinned looking at the giant airship. His dad had let him watch a Japanese cartoon called Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. Ever since then, the young human had wanted to ride on an airship. He took a deep breath as Mala walked up to a desk with a fennec vixen sitting at it.

Mala talked to the smaller vixen, and a minute later Mala slid some coins to the fennec, who passed back four tickets. The vixen walked to Stephen and handed him a ticket. "We took the last two staterooms but each stateroom has a bed. We will be sharing a bed.", she said with a grin and she handed the other two tickets to Eleanor and Pete.

The young human walked to the airship with a cylindrical main body and wings of an old bi-plane. To Stephen, the airship looked like the one from that Japanese anime movie he had liked so much. He followed Mala to the loading ramp for passengers, but as usual the other anthros were staring at him.

Mala's stateroom, an hour later.

Stephen looked at the view from the stateroom windows. He remembered when the party had walked thru the city of Otium. Otium was more advanced than Ventosi Campi. As he and his companions had walked the streets, everyone stared at him and Mala. Some female athros had called Mala a prostitute and call girl because of her outfit. As for what they called Eleanor and Pete, that was worse. Now he couldn't wait untill the party went back to the more rural areas. Stephen looked to her and said,"You know what Mala? I have visited big cities on Earth and in my opinion, they're all the same. Crowded, dirty and full of rude inhabitants."

The vixen looked at him with her dark blue cat like eyes and said,"You're right Stephen. It is much the same here. I wear this outfit because it's comfortable and lets me move easily. I didn't like it when they called Pete and Eleanor half breeds. It was not their faults for who their parents are. There are three females to one male in the area we live in." She stroked the human's chin and told him,"Since you have decided to stay here, I'll be sharing you with two other females. As for Elenor and Pete, male wolves are few in numbers, plus female wolves are very beautiful. A female wolf would be sexually attractive to both a male husky and collie."

A speaker in the ceiling blared,"Attention passengers, we will be lifting off in five minutes. The flight to Petra Nigra will take three days. We expect a smooth flight to our destination. The meal schedule is posted on the stateroom doors and lounge."

A slim hand rested on his shoulder as Mala said,"Stephen, to ease any worries, please spend as much time as you can in here. Just don't go off exploring this airship. There are dangerous areas in it and the less attention you draw from the other passengers, the better it will be for us all."

He nodded and returned to looking out the window, feeling Mala's hands massaging his shoulders. Stephen remembered a sentence Mala had said about female wolves having a sexy figure. The young human remembered Sabrina. She had the figure of somebody's grandmother, but she must have been very sexy when she was younger. Sabrina currently wore a baggy, long sleeved shirt and something similar to sweat pants. Sighing, Stephen remembered how the kindly, older wolf had saved his life by giving him that fine chain mail. Comparing her to a grandmother seemed respectful to her and because Sabrina reminded him of his father's mother.

Later that night, in Mala's stateroom.

He didn't know what woke him up. Sighing, he looked at the empty spot beside him, seeing Mala was not there, where she had been. Getting up, Stephen went to the bathroom. Opening the door and gasping, he saw Mala sitting on the toilet fingering herself. Stephen felt himself growing erect at the erotic sight and he nervously asked,"I am ready for my first lesson, want to show me?"

Smiling, the vixen stood up giving him a kiss. Still naked, she gently guided him to the bed, as she told him with a smile,"I thought you would never ask."

Stephen lay on the bed looking at the vixen climbing onto the bed, next to him. She moved over him and straddled his hips, kneeling above him with a sultry smile on her muzzle. He looked at her snow white fur pattern, along her breast and belly as she raised her body. Taking hold of his penis, she held it in position. The young human male felt his pulse race as the vixen lowered herself on his organ.

Mala moaned as Stephen's length slid inside her wet and ready sex. She grabbed Stephen's head and planted a kiss upon his lips as she slid further down his eager lehgth. The vixen felt the human spasm as she stroked his slightly long light tan hair.

The young human was released from the kiss, feeling her warm, wet, velvet texture around his penis. His hands came up and enfolded Mala's medium size breasts, feeling the firm texture. He leaned up and started sucking on the pink nipples, triggering ahot moan from the vixen.

She pushed him flat on the bed, feeling his breath on her breasts. Mala moaned as she orgasmed, feeling her fluids run down and coat scrotal sack. The vixen felt Stephen tremble and stiffen, then yell as his semen splashed inside her. Sitting up, she saw the young human male panting with a dazed, happy look on his face as she still moved her body, bringing both of them further thrills after their orgasmic release. Mala rocked up and down slowly, still rubbing her lover's penis within her tunnel of love.

Stephen smiled at the vixen sitting on him and said,"That was great! Can we do it again, soon?"

Mala caressed the young human's cheek and murmurred,"We will Stephen, after we get the second talisman, ok?"

The young human male hugged the vixen when she laid back down on the bed, feeling her furry legs wrapping around his. "I am looking forward to it.", he said with a happy and tired smile He fell asleep as he felt her lips touch his in a kiss.

Four days later, at the base of a mountain range.

Mala looked at the scroll given to her by Sabrina. The vixen looked at the path ahead of them, checking for any hidden traps or passages. She looked again at the scroll and said,"Well, there should be an opening to another chamber, somewhere along here."

Unknownst to the party, a set of bluish gold eyes was watching them. The being who was watching the party, concentrated her gaze on the strange hairless being, who was walking with the vixen. "What is that creature, walking with the vixen sorceress? That being has a strong magic field . . . atrong as that vixen but its being contained by that stone.", the being muttered to itself, before jumping onto the trail.

"Watch out!", shouted Eleanor as she unsheathed her sword and swung it at the being that had just jumped on the trail from its place of concealment. "What the!?", exclaimed Eleanor as her sword came to a sudden halt, mid swing!

Who ever had just jumped on the trail, had done the impossible! The kitsune had caught Eleanor's swinging sword with her bare hands. She said some strange words and Eleanor collapsed to the ground.

Stephen looked at the vixen that had just knocked out Eleanor. He turned to Mala and asked with concern. "Can't you do anything?"

Mala looked at Stephen with her blue catlike eyes and replied,"She's a kitsune. My magic doesn't work on them."

"You're right, vixen sorceress, and male canines won't lift a finger to do me harm.", the kitsune said looking at Pete, who was just standing there. He was looking at the female kitsune, who was wearing nothing.

Stephen looked at the female vixen with three tails and no head hair. She had a more brownish tint to her coat, with a tan instead of white breast and belly like Mala. The kitsune walked up to Stephen looking him over and said,"I know about every life form on this moon, but I've never seen anyone like you."

"I am from another solar system, across the galaxy.", Stephen said to the kitsune as he noticed she was the same height as himself. He again took note that the vixen was not wearing anything and he could see everything. Other than the lack of long head hair, she had the same build as Mala, but she had smaller breasts. Stephen guessed them to be 34D cup, just a pleasant hand full. Drawing his eyes from her breasts, he looked to her face and asked,"What's your name?"

The kitsune looked Stephen over thru her bluish gold eyes and answered coyly,"I go by many names. Your sorceress might know a few of them but you can't pronounce my birth name. You may call me Maud."

Mala looked at Maud and taking care to be polite, told her,"We're looking for a magical item in this area, a type of Locket."

"I know what you're looking for, but if want it, you will have to trade me something for it. I want something from this life form near you.", said Maud looking Stephen over and licking her lips.

"What do you want?", asked Mala, but she already knew because she had studied kitsunes during one of Sabrina's lessons.

Maud grinned, touching Stephen's hair and running her fingers thru it. She said with a sultry murr in her voice,"I am in heat and I want a kit from this life form from another galaxy."

Stephen sighed as a definate thrill ran down his spine. He looked at the bluish gold colored cat like eyes of Mala, who was staring at him. Mala had been his first, just a few nights ago and now this three tailed vixen wanted to have sex with him? 'Oh boy! Seventeen years of nothing and now twice in less than a week on this moon? I really like this place.', he said to himself as he looked back into the eyes of Maud.

"So? What's your answer Stephen?", asked Maud with a smile as she stood next to him.

The young human looked at the petite kitsune who wore not a scrap of clothing. He looked at her medium sized, tan furry breasts and said,"Yes, I'll do it."

Sabrina's castle at the same moment.

Sabrina looked at a large book, reading the contents. She slid her index finger down the page as she read a passage and said to herself,"Interesting. . . This scepter is only ten years older than me. Now who made you, I wonder?" The wolf thought to herself as she read the old volume she had borrowed from the leader of her order,"Fascinating, this magic tool has enough energy to make a few trips to and from the Milky Way galaxy, where we picked up Stephen. I bet this would come in handy if Stephen wants to go home, but I have this feeling he will want to stay, from the way Mala stares at him."

Unknown to the wolfess, who was intent upon the book, the scepter was again sparking. Sabrina's tail brushed against the scepter, receiving a shock. She jumped and knocked the scepter over, causing it to fall on the floor.

"What the hell!?", Sabrina exclaimed as a white flash hit her and her vision was blinded!

The Quest chapter 4

The Quest chapter 4. The party gets a new member and Sabrina undergoes a change. Sabrina's castle. The white flash hit the old female wolf knocking her to the floor. She felt every hair on her pelt get pulled. "AAIIEE, this hurts!", Sabrina...

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The Quest chapter 2

The Quest chapter 2: Stephen meets Elenor and the sorceress Sabrina. Sabrina tells him what she needs done, but at a inn, Mala catches him doing something. The next morning, Sabrina's castle. Stephen felt someone shaking him awake, the first...

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The Quest

The Quest by Raven Fox assisted editing by Dasher Cheetah. A ordinary seventeen year old boy ignored by his single mom is taken away to another world. Prologue : Andromeda galaxy, a class M moon. Outside a castle. The three foxes walked to...

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