Max's adventure: Grovyle’s Christmas

Story by poke_max on SoFurry

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#6 of Max's adventure

Max's adventure: Grovyle's Christmas

Max : Hello everyone. Feraligator, hurry.

The story I tell talk about Christmas and some of its traditions, but under the terms of Grovyle. In this story, as usual, there are sexes scenes so, if you are under eighteen, do not read (as if it worked).

Feraligator : Even at fuck? You are truly bitch Max. And you, yes, you. If you've been good, you'll find me under the tree with my big, wide, red ...


Feraligator : Gift, what did you understand? There is one for you also, even though I could wrapped, but before ...

Both : We wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all users of sofurry, but especially those who read and voted our stories. We wish everyone all the best.

Feraligator : Now honey, on your knees and get ready ... are you still here? Begin to read.

I was not able to say no to Max, even if from the very beginning I wanted to say that I like to travel with him and explore new lands, now I had no family, nowhere to go but without especially friends who were waiting for me, then and now I trusted in Max after what I saw the cave ... I was still thinking about that.

"Grovyle, are you okay?"

Max hugged me from behind, making me jump, but I had to control myself, or something will come out of my sheath.

"No, I was just thinking about that thing you said yesterday."

Max sit with knees crossed, always followed by Feraligator, who lost no time to sit down beside him and began to scratch his head. I had not yet told, but I found him funny sometimes.

"With regard to Christmas? You never celebrated with your old trainer? How is it possible? ".

I was filled with many memories both happy and sad with my old trainer at that time I was only out, like all his other pokemon, to eat. That was a very tedious for me, even though it was the time when we celebrate the birth of the God pokemon, Arceus.

"He did not pay much attention to us when he was with others, commonly ignore us, but to me it seemed a normal thing. We talked among ourselves pokemon for a while 'time when it was granted, and they told me a story about Arceus, but I do not remember... "

Feraligator, who was listening, intervened in the conversation.

"You mean you do not know the story? On the day of birth is equal to the humans, who celebrate Christmas, only the humans believe that it is a human to deliver gifts, but as the story tells, is a legendary pokemon. Did not anyone ever tell you when you were little?".

"My trainer took me already since I was an egg; I have not had a chance to meet my parents."

Max and Feraligator looked a bit 'embarrassed by the situation in which I had made them.

"Do not worry; I've never had any problems on this. Why not tell me this story? "

Many times I have heard some references about this, but I never understood anything

"So, it is said that from the beginning, the land was inhabited only by humans and their animals, when one day, which matches their Christmas day, a creature appeared in the sky, eclipsing the sun and dropping in all a deep sleep, which lasted one night. When they wake the humans found the first species of pokemon that began inhabiting the forests and lakes, butdo not meet forfear. But the following year a pokemon, still alive, went to a man and a pokemon and made each a gift: the gift of understanding the language of all other species. Both began to travel and teach human and pokemon how to live together. Each year is celebrated with different rituals depending on the species, but generally giving themselves gifts or doing favors, just like humans do. This is the basic things you should know... "

Max heard the whole story but with more surely in the head, noting that his hand would not stop caressing the leg of Feraligator all the time, and as soon as he finished speaking, Feraligator began to kiss with Max, oblivious of my presence and indeed, changed his position that I could see his tongue into his mouth and hear him groan.

Max went off, looking a bit 'embarrassed, but we both knew it was nothing compared to what I had seen the day before, although I had to promise not to tell Feraligator.

"I'm going to prepare things for the party, stay with Grovyle and talk a bit '."

I saw him move to the field and start looking for something in his backpack.

"Grovyle, then what are you doing?"

Feraligator began to stretch and rest his back against a tree, relaxing with the breeze blowing over the whole hill, moving the leaves on the trees and cooling the air.

"I just join you, I could not leave you alone, and you can neversucceedwithoutme."

I was lying, but I do not say the real reason for not appear weak in front of him, but as I thought, I not believe what I said and began to laugh silently.

"Yeah, tell the truth, you come with us for one reason only: Max."

I remained impassive to his words, blushing a bit, 'I never thought of him that way.

"No, what you say, I never thought about this, and then he is with you right?"

I wanted to avoid the subject and I fired the first question that came to my mind, hoping to convince him.

"Yes, but does not mean that I can only have sex with me. However, I must ask you a favor tonight, as soon as I give the signal, convinces Max to follow in the forest, and if its stories, tell him you have to say something in private, we will follow as soon as we can. Arcanine and I have a gift from him, two large gifts to be honest, I wanted to invite you, too, because now you are ours, but since you're not interested, there will be time for us. A pity, however, Max finds you cute. ".

I turned my gaze to Max, that while he had been attacked by Arcanine, who seemed eager to play with him, and Max, to calm him down, he began to scratch his belly, making him turn his back while his right leg would not stop moving.

"Really? Now that you point out to me, he is not bad, but now that I think, why did you choose him as a companion? "

Feraligator answered immediately, almost without thinking twice.

"I have a whole list. Beautiful, funny, human; I have always had a soft spot for them. Nice trainer but submissive, allow me to give him what I want. Also want to tell you how good he is to get into it? ".

The conversation was going too particular.

"NO! There is no need, however I will do as you say, but I'll just take it in the woods, nothing more. "

Feraligator got up and slowly overtook me, dropping his head to whisper something, because Max was coming, perhaps to tell us something.

"Do not be hard, I know you want to stick your cock inside Max, who would not. Think about it, but do not forget tonight, or you're dead. "

He gave me a paw and help me to get up, even if pressed a bit 'too much, maybe to make me understand the concept, but I knew he was joking, or not?

"Come Grovyle, there is a surprise for you."

He grabbed my hand and led me into the camp to make me one for which he had worked all day. At the center was located a table big enough to seat more than five people and was completely covered with a red tablecloth, next there was a fire, where he was roasting the meat that made me hungry just looking at it, while above the table was a tray of what looked like a sweet tooth. I managed to count at least five colors and went to examine them.

They were soft to the touch but it gave off no odor.

"Poffin, desserts made with berries, taste."

I took the purple one and bite.

I began to spit, it was too spicy and I found my tongue on fire. Immediately ran to drink some water and emptied quickly the bottle.

"Damn, sorry, I should warn you. Those are for Arcanine. Try the green ones. "

I did not know if trust him again, so I took one and gave it a little bite, was not bad, indeed, eat right away and I took another, savoring the taste much less spicy than the first.

"I see you like, however don't eat other things or you will not have space for lunch."

The day continues with binge eating and jokes that I never had the chance to do with my old trainer, but now is enough, I had to forget what he did. I thought the world is collapsing like a wall thanks to Max, who is making me discover many things and treating them as an equal. From now he will be my only trainer.

In the afternoon they all began to sleep, but not me and Max, who had to fix some things. I asked him if he wanted to help, but he refused saying he had done and even invited me to sit next to him under the tree to talk a bit '.

"Then Grovyle, you had fun?"

Asked me with his usual smile.


I did not know what to talk about and that he hoped to continue the discussion.

"I have not said how do you get what you were injured. You want to talk about? "

"Well, as I said before, I was in the forest and without a half when I look ahead I saw two people dressed in black who immediately began to attack me to take me. I tried to resist them, but it was useless and so I tried to escape, but one of the bastards had a gun and hit me in the leg, leaving the wound. It was fortunate that he is still alive and especially to have met you Max, now that I think, I have not even thanked. Thanks Max, you save my life and I am ready to follow you master. "

It was hard to say but finally I did, but Max did not seem convinced yet.

"Grovyle, I do not want you to come just because you feel indebted to me, and if so, I will not force you to do it, do what you want. Think before you answer. What you gonna do? "

I did not hesitate to answer, my ideas were clear.

"I want to come with you, master"

Max took me and hug me for happiness, I did not think he cared so much to me as a team, who knows why, although I thought the words of Feraligator "You are cute." It was nice to hear a touch after a long time of solitude and I brought my hands around his waist, letting it rest on my shoulder.

"Thank you, I could not bear to leave you alone after what had happened to you."

I laughed sarcastically.

"As if could happen something. I am not so weak, and eventually I'll prove it, and then, where would you go without me. "

He regained his composure and apologized to no avail also, if I had done to his words.

"You're right"

My face was inches away from his and I could feel his breath on my skin and the wind was strong enough to mess up his hair long and to stir the leaf on my head.

"You have very beautiful eyes, Grovyle"

"Thank You"

"Let me check the wounds, I would not like there was any infection."

He fast controls my body, seeing that all the wounds had disappeared, but the wound I had on my leg, left a scar.

"Damn, if I take them. Grovyle, please open your legs. "

I did not know if that was the case, because the wound was a few inches from my sheath, but I worried a lot. I opened my legs and whisper something and I noticed that Max went to get a tube from the bag.

"Give it to me, Max"

"No, I'll calm, and then you would not know where to put it, the scar is extensive, this cream should reduce the redness."

He spreads it in his hands and start applying to the scar with slow massage, to make it absorb better. I could not but be a little 'excited because Max had his hands very close to my sheath and often touched it with his hand, but I tried to hold myself, tightening my mouth and waiting for it to end.

But the worst thing when my cock began to harden, so as to widen my sheath, and Max foolishly thought it was another swelling and moved his hands up there.

"Max wait, that's not ..."

Max looked up

"What? Does it hurt? "

My cock was out and bumps into his hand, which immediately withdrew after realizing what he had done.

Max blushed at the sight of my green cock, who began to harden more quickly at the touch of his hand, reaching eight inches.

Damn now he thinks that I want to have sex with him. Why they all happen to me?

"Grovyle ..."

Max did not seem uneasy and began to touch me, paying attention to my every detail.

Surely it was not the first time he saw one, but made special attention to the head of my cock: under it there were small horns which were used to stimulate the partner, so at least I think.

I was going to get up when he felt the lips of Max pick up my head and start sucking.

I could not give a gentle sigh of pleasure, were months that someone touched me in that way, especially with a mouth so tight.

His head began go quickly up and down, and turn the tip of his tongue and slide down my horn, making me feel suddenly powerless. He immediately started deepthroating my entire cock without difficulty, stopping immediately after taking it. The sight of his mouth, swallow my cock and his face between my legs made me become more and more excited, but I had to control myself, I don't want it, at least not now.

But my body did not respond and leaned back against the tree; while Max did not stop even to breathe. His hands roamed my body, feeling those fingers touch my muscles and stopping near tailhole, making small circles around it and applying a little pressure, but without entering.

"M-Max slow down ..."

But it was as if he did not listen anything.

He had begun to slow down and give long licks from base to tip me, picking up all the drops that were formed.

"I hope you are strong, why I not just drink your tasty cum, this one will end up inside my ass."

He did not know how to respond, I was not sure if I want too but I did not want to disappoint him, and then spoke with a tone so sexy.

"If you master what you want, I'll do as you say."

A smile appeared on the face of Max heard those words, when he notice something.

"What is this? Do not tell me ... "

Touch with his finger my sheath, and used both hands to enlarge.

My second cock came out of his prison, wet and covered for my pre that had formed to the beginning.

Max's eyes lit up on seeing a second dick, like the first, that wanted to be invited to the party.

"Oh my god Grovyle. You have two cocks? I did not know that a pokemon could have two. Together they have almost the same size cock Feraligator. I cannot wait to try it. "

He began to rub together and lick both tips, one after another, alternately sucking and bury it deep into his throat, while I kept his head, pushing him further and further to take until his lips touched my base, while the other cock was massaged the tip with one hand and rubbed against his cheek.

His face was covered with pre.

After ten minutes he stopped and removed his mouth from my cock, taking up air.

"You're resistant, let see what happens if I try this."

I did not know what he wanted to as long as both hands gripped my bases and aligned the two points against his mouth and with difficulty, put both cocks in his mouth, and slowly slide them down his throat.

I felt the walls of his throat tighten around me in an incredible way, no one ever took both cocks in mouth, a lot had tried, but no one could not control them.

"Master ... take them all, please do not stop ... I'm about to cum."

I could not resist and now the pressure inside me was too high to control it.

The human kneeling in front of me was doing a great job, and it was time to reward him.

I put my hand to my mouth to suppress the cry that I was going to deliver.

Max's throat was full of pre-and and of my flesh when I caught him with large amounts of cum that poured down his throat, which he don't refused to drink. Thick, tasty cum drips from the corners of his mouth, unable to hold everything, so as to slide down his mouth and his face.

I had not yet left his grip on his head but Max did not care much and that pushed him against me, to feel more deeply my cock that slowly stopped shaking and release cum.

I took my softened cocks out of his mouth, not believing what had happened to me.

Max did not stop and it was still pretty damn excited by rubbing against my cocks, almost making me come back hard.

I pushed slowly off the head, finding a bit 'of resistance, and my cock did not stop dripping, and made a few steps back with my cock bouncing and begging for more.

"Max, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, but I think you're so sexy that I would let you mount me every day."

I found myself a bit 'embarrassed by the confession of Max, who would not stop looking at my body.

"And then those two green cocks ... I want more."

He try to jump on my, but luckily I dodged him, making him slam his face against the tree, with a loud sound. I hope that he does not hurt.

"Max, are you okay?"

He was lying face down, motionless.

He was unconscious.

Instead he got up slowly, holding his head to the blow.

"I'm sorry, Grovyle, forgive me; I did not know what goes through my head. I did not ask even if you wanted, I would not have taken advantage of you... "

But his eyes were still fixed on me, full of sorrow.

"No, that's okay. But now I'd better go. "

I went a bit 'confused about his behavior and what to do if it happens again.

It was evening and after supper, the sky filled with stars lighting up the whole forest, from which continuous lines of pokemon in party echoed from every side.

"He's coming"

I did not know whom he meant, when I saw a small dot in the sky grow more and more until all of a sudden I saw a pokemon who carried a red bag, the same size of his body and a baseball cap, making me scared.

Floating in the air, carrying a bag on his shoulder in red, this contrasted against the pink color of his skin.


Pretty, rested on the ground, leaving the bag behind him, but it seemed that almost did not touch the ground.

I cannot believe it was mew, what is he doing here?

"Every year he visits all travelers to give them gifts, they last year gave me a nugget of gold, luck, no? But the strange thing is that it is the only pokemon I do not understand. "


He took the bag and pulled out a gift: a box that was as big as the bag: surely there will be some magic back. He walked over and gave the package to Max, that he began to unwrap it.

He did leave out some object for humans and some potion making happy Max, who put everything in his backpack, including a strange gray stone.

Mew looked at the scene put it on Max, but once moved my foot to get closer, the sapphire eyes of New stared on my and approached. I was petrified, because it was closer to me.

"I need your help, Grovyle"

His mouth was not moving, but I could still hear his voice, maybe its telepathy.

"As soon as I go tell him this. I would do it myself, but I cannot communicate with humans. ".


By now it had become evening, and everyone went to sleep, but according to the agreement with Feraligator I had to take Max in the woods. Feraligator gave me the nod when Blissey was asleep, and I went to Max, who was changing for bed. As soon as he saw me, looked down, and hurried to dress.

"Max, can I talk in private in the forest? I would not want someone to hear. "

Max seemed preoccupied and he squeezed my arm.

"Wait, if you want go away for what happened today, I ..."

"No, not for that, even if I did not expect that you could be so ... well, excuse the word: bitch. It is another thing. "

Max took a breath of relief, albeit a little 'embarrassed and quietly saying the opposite and began to follow me, sensing movement behind me were moving.

We walked for a while, 'till Max is not willingness to stop and sit down, still a little' tired for today. I hastened to join him, but standing up, ready to go as soon as Feraligator was on the scene, but no trace of him.

"So what are you telling me this so important?"

"Mew told me to tell you this, but do not ask what they mean, I do not even know:

Still have not completed your team and if you want the most powerful of the pokemon, take my advice: go to the north, beyond this forest to meet the pokemon who is able to withstand up to higher temperatures and is full of wisdom. Reached that place in your street you'll find another human that will guide you to the king, but he still does not know it. But remember that it will be difficult to convince them and earn their trust if you would just catch them and then said something else on the third, but I do not remember anything. "

Max began to look at the sky thoughtfully.

"What a strange gift, which made me... mew ..."

At that time known of the mistletoe hanging from a tree just above him, stuck with a strange substance.

"Grovyle, mistletoe. You know what they say? That whoever kisses underneath it, is protected from bad luck. ".

Grovyle looked at the small plant that Max pointed to it and then direct his gaze on Max

The moonlight was shining his brown eyes, and continued to stare at that plant.

Being seated, his face was the same level as mine, make it easier.

I took my muzzle on his mouth, took a deep breath and my lips met his.

"How nice"

We both turned toward the source of the voice, showing the figure of Feraligator followed by Arcanine, stopping a few feet away. Both Feraligator and Arcanine had a malicious grin on their face.

"I thought Max was not your type, and now we're trying. Change your mind? "

I walked away from Max; open-mouthed the words, and go in front of Feraligator, pushing with all my strength, but because of size, moved a few inches.

"What the fuck are you saying? I was just doing it because he was under the mistletoe, and he asked me, fool. Since I've brought here, I'm done. Have fun you two. "

Feraligator did not seem bothered, indeed, seemed amused.

I turned and before I left, I went to Max and planted a quick kiss under the mistletoe, giving them no time to respond.

"Good night, Max."

And I run away.


Max's adventure: behind the waterfall

Max's adventure: Behind the waterfall It seemed as if he had been placed a weight of 100 pounds on his chest, what would they do? He chided himself for being so careless to run into the forest alone and because of this, now like an animal caught...

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Two large blue friends

**TWO LARGE BLUE FRIENDS** Hello everyone.This is my first request, made to nicobay. Hope you like it and sorry for any grammatical errors (as usual) "Mom, I'm leaving" "Where are you going?" "At the beach. I'll be back tonight....

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Max's adventure: Fire on the river

#### Max's adventure: Fire on the river Feraligator woke up; though he was still tired because of the incredible sex he did with Max last night. During the night his cock was back inside his sheath and noticed that Max had returned to normal...

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