Housepets: Pass the Bechdel Test - Illustrated

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#11 of Housepets! Fanfics

Tarot's been Sabrina's friend, her mentor, but always far from a lover. But under the strange new lens of polyamory, nothing makes sense and everything is possible. As long as their boyfriends are okay with it.

Illustrated with art from Junyois and 4pcsSet.

This picks up where Spooky Sensations left off, but you shouldn't get lost starting here.

Tarot's phone buzzed. Like a grain of sand that tipped the scale, she was spurred to close her book and stand. Peanut sending a text was all she could have hoped for.

"Check out this buffalo!" Peanut sent.

He had taken a selfie, head against the window, the blur of a large, four-legged beast standing in the distance. She found herself mirroring his grin.

"Which state now?" Tarot texted back.

"The Switzerland of America!"

"Which is that?"


Tarot's smile disintegrated. Peanut wasn't getting any closer. She was striving to be more honest, but that didn't make it easy to type "I miss you."

Her patience for a reply ran thin. She was tempted to scroll back to where they last sexted each other. Peanut's awkwardly angled dick pics were a pure aphrodisiac. She ascended the creaky stairs to the kitchen. Sabrina glanced at her from the bay windows. Heavy drapes cut off all natural light. A half-eaten tuna sandwich was on a plate beside her, a sappy romance book open. An electric lamp, somehow flickering, illuminated her pages but not her face.

Tarot walked by to find her own food. Some leftovers she had made with Peanut sat in the fridge, close to going bad. She glanced at the egg carton. In her head, she assembled a cacophony of flavors that had no business knowing each other. She ran with it. Her egg fried. Leftover ramen bubbled in the microwave. Her toast popped up. Jelly or peanut butter were out of the question, not wanting to remind herself of her boyfriend or his other girlfriend. She considered honey, until she grumbled to herself. She called Peanut "hun." Mayo with a drizzling of sriracha became the next logical choice.

Dropping the egg and an assortment of vegetables into her ramen, she then sat down at the kitchen table. Sabrina kept adjusting her position by the window, tucking or untucking her legs, flipping her tail to either side of her, repositioning the pillow against her back. She turned the page, glaring at the book.

Tarot's phone buzzed. She opened the message, and her eyes gravitated to the picture. Peanut was holding his arm out, getting himself and Fido in frame. A camper was in tow behind the truck. Peanut smiled, eyes almost closed. Fido looked peeved, like he never consented to getting his picture taken. Tarot read the message. "I miss you too! Just one more week!"

Across from her, Sabrina's phone screen lit up. They looked at each other. Sabby picked up her device. Tarot took another spoonful, continually glancing back, trying to catch some emotional response. Sabrina's black fur in a dark room left too much to Tarot's limited imagination. She went back to slurping up soup.

"I can't take it," Sabrina muttered.

Tarot looked over from the bowl pressed to her lips. "Hmm?"

"I can't take it. I need dick."

Broth came out of Tarot's nose. Coughing, spitting, eyes watery, Tarot looked at her in awe. Sabrina smirked back.

"Are you sure this is what you want to talk about?" Tarot choked out.

"I know, I know. We're females and I want to talk about men, but so-help-me-dog I'm horny."

Tarot coughed the last soup out her lungs. Their powers of clairvoyance were only dreams of the past. But either by some lingering fragment, or some sort of mutual understanding, she could speak to Sabrina without words. Tarot dipped her head. Sabrina nodded. Tarot squinted.

"I'm not that old!" Sabrina said.

Tarot raised her paws, eyes wide, before dropping them again without saying anything.

"You're thinking of humans. Cats don't have menopause. But I'm not that old!"

Tarot shrugged, crunching down the last of her spicy toast. She talked with her mouth full. "Well the only other hookup I have is Maxwell, so."

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Not in a million years. But how is that working out? He good?"

"He's..." Tarot said. Max wasn't scared to make her whole body move. He knew how hard to grab her, his hips jerking up against hers, taking her over. She nodded, giving the smallest smile of acknowledgement.

Sabrina raised her eyebrows.

"No, it's not like that," Tarot said. "It's just, you know."

Sabrina shrugged, returning to her book.

Tarot wasn't ready for the conversation to be over. She wished she was bold enough to talk about Max more. "What does Fido think of you hooking up with neighborhood pets?"

"We've barely talked about it," Sabrina grumbled. "I think he wants to be there if I do."

"Who do you have in mind?" Tarot asked.

Sabrina pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Darn," Tarot said.

"So how did that happen with you and Max?" Sabrina asked.


"Don't be like that. I won't tell anyone!"

"It just happened," Tarot said.

"Whatever," Sabrina sighed.

"It did! Peanut and Grape. They were finally- they were having sex. Max and I were left out. I couldn't take it, so I asked him."

Sabrina turned, bringing her feet to the floor. She crossed her legs, then uncrossed them. "Let me ask you something."

"Fine," Tarot said.

"Have you ever been with a girl?"

"Ha. No."

Sabrina blinked a few times. She closed up her book and stood. "I'll be going. Until it stops being awkward. Maybe never."

"No, I haven't been with a girl."

Sabrina stopped. "Oh." She rubbed her face, scratched herself under her collar. She sat down across from Tarot. They exchanged another set of telling glances. "What makes you think you wouldn't like it?" Sabrina said.

"Because I know I'm straight."



Tarot burned. Sabrina leaned in a few inches. Trying to dispense the awkwardness welling up in her gut, Tarot stuck the tip of her tongue out at her. Sabrina put her arms on the table, leaning in more.

With a grumble, Tarot spoke. "Grape didn't mean to. She was just licking Peanut. I'm not counting it."

"It still felt nice, though," Sabrina murmured.

Tarot spit out air. "Peanut had his-you know! I hardly felt it."

"Does Max think it's cute when you get embarrassed?"

"Shut up, Sabrina."

Sabrina opened her mouth. She shook her head instead, standing. "Fine. I probably deserve that." She strode out of the kitchen.

Tarot watched her all the way till the tip of her tail disappeared. Tarot spread her legs, looked at her crotch, and wondered what all the fuss was about. Could they really not go a couple weeks? Sabrina had gone months without Fido when he was at the academy. Years ago. Tarot wasn't sure they were hooking up at that point. If it was really about sex, that might make it add up.

Tarot growled at herself. Sabrina could fix her own problems. They both had paws. Tarot could give Max a booty call if she wanted. But in the heat of things, feeling another girl on her body felt fine. The realization only made things roll back and forth in her mind to the point of nauseousness. Kissing Peanut was easy. Even the thought of kissing another girl wasn't easy. Then again, kissing Max was hard too. They represented the same difficulty. Either from the discomfort, or a lack of romantic interest, or...

"Rra!" Tarot groaned, standing. What would Peanut do? She looked at her phone. "Wait, what would Peanut do?!"

She opened her text chat. Peanut's previous message soothed some of her anxiety.

"Hun, you still in the car?" she sent.

She headed for the privacy of her room as Peanut responded. "This road is scary," he sent.

"Are you okay?"

"Ja. Wait how do Swiss people sound?"

Tarot collapsed on her bed, kicking the air. "Angry."

"Well I'm not angry! What's up with you?"

She rushed to type the first thing on her mind. "This is awkward, but I think Sabrina wants to hook up. I don't know what to do." She smooshed the send button and leaped out of bed, spinning in circles both internally and externally, trying to shake her paws free from jitters. Her phone buzzed, and she scrambled to find where she dropped it.

"That's different!" he texted.

"Very astute, Peanut," she said aloud.

Peanut started sending a flurry of messages. "Should I tell Fido? He's looking at me funny. I think he can see what I'm typing. Oh he can."

Tarot fell down and screamed into her pillow. She dragged herself across the hall, entering Sabrina's room without knocking.

Sabrina didn't look at her enter. Her phone was to her ear. "Excuse me? I didn't do shrimp, she--"

Sucking in air, Sabrina listened, tapping her foot. She jumped at the sight of Tarot. She groaned. "Hi Tarot. Hi Fido, it's lovely to talk to you. Are you enjoying your vacation?"

Fido's voice came as an unintelligible whisper to Tarot.

"It was just lady-talk. Maybe I was trying to get on her nerves a bit, but-"

"Mmm-hmm," Tarot said.

Sabrina gave an open-mouthed sigh, her voice wavering. "Okay, yeah, maybe there was a little bit of that too."

Tarot narrowed her gaze.

"It's Tarot, babe. Not some stray."

Sabrina finally looked over. Their looks traded mutual understanding, but no forgiveness found its way into the exchange before Sabrina squinted. "Fido, you're breaking up."

"Son of my mother, these mountains!" he said.

"I-I'll call you back! No, text me! Gah!" Sabrina took her phone away from her face, sending a text.

"Huh," Tarot said.

Sabrina turned away. "If you're going to say something, now's the time. I can't take much more of this."

Tarot shook her head, clearing her face of expression. "I'm pretty sure that I' I need to go. Clean up lunch. I don't know."

Sabrina glared, but her gaze softened, blinking. "If you need time to think, you can just say it."

Starting to leave, Tarot turned back around and held eye contact for longer than either of them were comfortable with. "Okay, Sabby," she said.

Sabrina recoiled, blushing. The door clicked closed.


Tarot swirled soapy water around and around in the frying pan. Peanut wasn't responding to her messages. There was no way that the drama had become too much for their boyfriends. Mountains made a pretty reasonable excuse. Tarot backed down her step stool. She put away the pan like she didn't see Sabrina leaning against the cabinets.

"No one's been around to get groceries for a week," Sabrina said.

"Uh-huh," Tarot said. She went up to the sink again.

"So did you want to go buy some?"

Tarot nodded. "At least you didn't ask me out for dinner."

"I thought I was pretty clear with the direction I tried to take this," Sabrina said.

"Yeah," Tarot said, stopping herself from saying more on the topic. "Fine, groceries."

Sabrina held bags, swaying in her paws. Tarot hugged a large brown bag, making it hard to see the cracks in the sidewalk. She shifted the bag to one arm and tried to reorganize her thoughts. Her thoughts ignored the request, and she blurted a question. "Why aren't you a vegetarian? If you're a pacifist, wouldn't that be anti-meat? I don't know how I've never asked you this."

"I'm pretty sure you have. Getting enough protein is almost impossible. I'm supposed to be a carnivore, you know."

"I guess," Tarot said.

"I've also never met a chicken that I like."

Tarot angled her gaze. "Remind me who helped Spo?"

"Fido can tell you all about the nicer mice we've relocated sometime."

Fumbling down the edge of a curb, Tarot caught up with Sabrina, looking up at her. "You know, I think I can understand the appeal. Of saving mice."

Sabrina's ears perked up. "Yeah?"

"Even if you don't want to date the mouse, it's possible to still do them a favor and feel good about it."

"I wouldn't call it a favor."

"I suppose. I just don't want to be saving mice every day."

"But every once in a while?"

"Might feel nice," Tarot said. "In your heart, I mean."

"It'll feel nice," Sabrina said.

Tarot stopped her tail from moving. "I'm not agreeing to anything."

Sabrina hummed a tune. "If you say so."

Avoiding showing her emotions, Tarot walked faster.

Tarot eased the bag to the kitchen floor, hiding her panting breath from Sabrina. They weaved around each other, Tarot grabbing low items, Sabrina going high.

"You can leave out the-" Sabrina started to say.

"Yeah," Tarot said.

Sabrina followed Tarot around the kitchen with her eyes. It was like she was trying to make it awkward. Tarot wanted it to feel normal. There was no way this could be worth any amount of pleasure.

"What were you going to do after this?" Sabrina asked.

Despite Sabrina's intentions, Tarot was grateful for the chance to talk about anything ordinary. "I'm getting so sick of reading. I might fuss around and figure out how to use the internet properly."

Sabrina nodded. "The other pets make it look easy. It's so clunky compared to magic. Which is saying something."

"And the ads! Spirits never tried to sell me dog treats and fur soap and brushes! How did they even figure out I was a dog?" Tarot said.

"Were you shopping for any of that?" Sabrina said.

"Brushes, yeah."

"That's how. They used your cookies."

"What are they looking at those for?" Tarot grumbled.

"Why did you need another brush?" Sabrina asked.

Tarot lifted her arms, scowling.

"You could use a trim," Sabrina said.

Tarot eyed her carefully. "Soon, yeah."

"Did you want me to help you brush?"

"I can brush myself."

"Yeah," Sabrina said. Her tone left the agreement incomplete.

Tarot crossed her arms. "Fine, just don't look at me."

Sabrina rolled her eyes.

"What? You didn't get permission from Fido."

"What about Peanut?" Sabrina asked.

"Not yet."

Sabrina flashed a grin. "Not yet?"

Tarot put away the last groceries and hurried away without a word. She locked herself in the bathroom, staring herself down. Everything was fine. Peanut would stop her from doing something dumb. Her paw went for her best remaining brush, the outermost bristles starting to bend and break off. She ran her thumb over them, listening to the sound. It wasn't exactly the dumbest idea. Brushing her back made her arm sore. And she always had to be asking Peanut; he never offered like Sabrina.

She left the bathroom with brush in paw. Sabrina was waiting for her. Tarot blinked in acknowledgement, leading them upstairs. She turned on a hazy amber lamp and straddled a chair. The brush felt the same as it ever did, tugging on stubborn tufts of fur on her back, plucking hairs clean out. She gritted her teeth.

Through a mirror hung on the door, she watched Sabrina work, her head tilted. Her digits pressed against her shoulder blades. They gripped her waist. They held out her tail. Tarot's tail was as long as her legs, and was easily the most stubborn thing to get looking good. Sabrina took on the task with patience. Holding one side, brushing the other. Tarot tried not to squirm when her paw held the base. If she had gotten wet in the past hour, Sabrina would feel it. Sabrina plucked off a wiry mat of her golden brown fur from the brush and threw it away.

"Did you want me to brush you?" Tarot said.

"It's alright," Sabrina said.

Sabrina returned to Tarot's back. Her right paw soothed her as she brushed, staying against her, more gently easing the clumps loose. One clump proved difficult, reflexively causing Tarot to shrug away from the brush. Sabrina put a paw on her neck, and Tarot relaxed back. She was at a loss for what was going through Sabrina's head. The distance from the mirror made it impossible to pick up on the details. She flipped around to face her. Sabrina had her tongue pressing on the inside of her cheek. She brushed Tarot's breasts, dodging her areolas. She focused, leaning in. The brush crawled through her fur. Sabrina would feel her heart beating. Tarot recognized Sabrina's expression. She used it on Fido sometimes, when she wanted to kiss.

"Hey," Tarot said. Doubt clouded her voice.

Tarot's phone buzzed. They both jumped. Sabrina's dinged a second later. They buzzed and dinged a few more times.

"Guess it really was mountains," Tarot said, unlocking her phone.

"Yeah." Sabrina had put the brush down but wasn't looking at her phone.

"Aren't you gonna see?" Tarot said.

Sabrina rubbed her arms. "What did Peanut say?"

Tarot tried to skim, but shook her head, starting over. Sabrina was watching her.

"You should read yours," Tarot said.

"You're giving me a heart attack," Sabrina said. She opened her messages.

They sat in silence. Clouds kept her room dim, the strongest light from their phones. Tarot typed Peanut a message, pressing her lips together. Sabrina finished her own text. A swooping sound came from Tarot's phone.

Tarot felt their thoughts. So many options. Paws in new places, tugging, lifting tails. Sniffing, licking. Sabrina hoarded the imagination between the two of them, but by watching Sabrina's face, Tarot had an idea what filthy thoughts were going through her head. The most ridiculous ideas made her sniffle with amusement and hide her face.

Sabrina scrunched her lips, unsuccessfully hiding a grin. She sat forward, spreading her legs to rest her paws between them. Her breasts were squeezed together between her arms.

Tarot's eyes were drawn toward her friend's crotch. She sat back. "Do you just have a thing for dogs?"

Sabrina clicked off her collar. "I liked riding Fido with you."

She blushed. "I guess that's an answer."

"It's as far as I've gotten."

Tarot scratched her neck. "I guess I liked when Grape licked me."

"I can't explain it," Sabrina said. "It felt nice when you held my hips. But it's not like I wanted your dick."

"Cause I don't have a dick?" Tarot said.

"You know what I mean."

"Like a strap-on?"

"You know! Metaphorical dick."

Tarot nodded. "I do have a dildo. No strap-on. I should, maybe. You know, for Max."

Sabrina tilted her head in. "I am not used to you using these words."

"I'm not used to it either."

"Show me your toy."

Tarot looked at her old dresser, revealing the dildo's location. If she didn't grab it, Sabrina would. She clutched the last threads of control she had. The dresser squeaked open, and she pulled it out from under a folded blanket.

Sabrina's eyes lit up. "I knew it."

"Shut up," Tarot said. "What else would it have been, cat-shaped?"

"Tentacle?" Sabrina suggested.

Tarot's blush flared. She hid the toy behind her back, looking at the door.

"Do you wanna see mine?"

"Later," Tarot said, glancing at her.

Sabrina snorted. "Hey, I'm doing my best to make you comfortable here."

"That's a lie."

"Then what would make you comfortable?"

"Nothing!" Tarot said, bringing out her arms. "It's like I'm still psychic. All I foresee is awkwardness."

"You liked getting brushed, right?"


"So let's do more of that, and-"

Sabrina had tipped her hand with the final word. She needed it to lead somewhere. Tarot nodded anyway, sitting down beside Sabrina in bed, passing the brush off.

"Can you do my--" Tarot's voice came out thin. She cleared her throat. "Can you do my chest again?"

Sabrina captured her gaze. Teasing words were on the tip of her tongue. But Sabby only nodded. Tarot scooched close. Sabrina tucked her legs in and sat face-to-face. Like before, the brush pushed through, followed by Sabrina's paw testing her fur for knots. Tarot's fur was thickest right above her breasts. With a professional focus, Sabrina smoothed it out, holding down her boobs to keep them out of the way.

"Careful with that thing," Tarot said.

Sabrina had a paw squarely on one of Tarot's breasts. She stopped brushing. "I like yours."

"Peanut told me once that I don't really have boobs," Tarot said.

Sabrina grinned. "Peanut didn't know Grape was a girl." She gave Tarot's breast the smallest squeeze.

Tarot frowned. "He can be charming."

"Mm." Sabrina's thumb slid over her nipple.

Tarot backed up an inch. "Hey, I have an idea."

Sabrina took her paw away, tilting her head.

"Does Fido ever sext you?"



Tarot relented, joining Sabrina in true nakedness. Sabrina inspected the card on Tarot's collar, setting it beside hers on the nightstand. Tarot's dildo stood tall adjacent. Sabrina inspected it, rubbing the shaft. Before Sabrina could look back, Tarot tucked herself in bed. Sabrina had her own blanket. She indiscreetly ogled Tarot's neck.

Tarot made a face. She stuck her arms out, sitting up, grabbing her phone. "Have you seen Peanut with his dick out?"

"I think so," Sabrina said.

"You'd remember."

"Are you, Tarot No-Last-Name, bragging about your boyfriend's size?"

"I can brag if I want to!" Tarot said. "Look at him!"

Sabrina inhaled, then she squinted. "Wait, what is he doing?"

"I don't know," Tarot mumbled. "I like it."

Sabrina feasted her eyes on Peanut. She only had one paw outside of her blanket. Tarot needed one guess for where the other had taken residence. If she focused her ears, Sabrina was definitely rubbing herself. Tarot snapped her legs closed.

Sabrina brought her phone in front of Tarot. "Look at Fido. Something about dogs when they get a bit poking out..."

Tarot tilted her head. "Leaves a lot to the imagination."

"That's what I like about it."

Tarot considered her words, relaxing her thighs. "Hm. I like Peanut's confidence. He's not great at poses, but he just makes me want to suck him off."

"Now there's an idea," Sabrina murmured. She spread her knees further apart, leaning one leg against Tarot.

Tarot stared at herself through the blanket. She put her palm on her crotch, if only to warm her paw. There was comfort in cupping her vulva, even without horniness. "Do you give oral to Fido much?" Tarot asked.

"Much. He's really into it. Is that just something cultural with dogs?"

Tarot shrugged, not willing to talk about it. "Maybe."

"I have a picture somewhere where he's asking for it... Here."

Fido had himself gripped under the knot, panting. His K9 police vest was on, lockers behind him. Tarot read their texts underneath the picture. She slid her fingers up, feeling the crease of her labia, the moisture between.

"You're not the only one I tease," Sabrina said, scrolling through their conversation. "I like getting him going at the end of his shift."

"What if he gets caught?" Tarot said.

Sabrina blushed. "Exactly. The sex after..."

Tarot scrolled up to a delightful shot of Peanut pressing his dick along Grape's back, her purple fur a backdrop. Peanut had sent: "Heaven forgive me for what I'm about to do with this cat." Tarot closed her eyes. She pushed two fingers in, slipping them against each other. She had urged him on that day. She was there to lick him clean.

"So how far down on Peanut can you get? With, you know," Sabrina asked, sticking out the tip of her tongue.

Yanked from memory, it took a moment for Sabrina's question to click. Tarot scoffed. "I'm not telling you that!"

"I can get pretty close to taking the whole thing. Knots are great, but they do kinda get in the way."

Tarot spread her fingers, curling them, trying to mimic the awesome fullness of Peanut's tie. She rolled her eyes, barely believing what she was going to tell Sabrina.

"I can take it," Tarot said.


"Oh, be quiet. I'm not telling you this."

"How do you do it? You're right; he's a lot."

"A lot of practice. He was very eager to have me learn."

"I'd imagine!" Sabrina's quick rubs were audible over her own.

Tarot sniffed a laugh out. "Eager, but not in a 'let me shove this down your throat' kind of way. He's pretty well behaved."

"Mmh. That's good."

"Even when he cums, and, oh dog, I have to swallow because of the--in my mouth, he just pets me. Doesn't thrust, just..."

Sabby sat with her shoulder-to-shoulder. Tarot closed her eyes, but the memories faded. She rubbed on either side of the hood over her clit, tensing her vagina. She tilted her hips up, plunging her fingers in, letting her tail wag. Sabrina grunted beside her, like giving Tarot permission to enjoy herself. The blanket fell to Tarot's belly. Sitting back, both her paws were between her legs. It took a couple minutes of hearing themselves masturbate, of only breathing in only through her nose, to admit that she was focusing on Sabby.


Tarot opened her eyes. Sabrina put a paw on her thigh. "I know it's weird, but can I get you off?"

"Naauuhuuuuhmmm," Tarot said. "Okay?"

Sabrina nodded. "You'll be okay. Can you take the blanket off?"

"No," Tarot said, clutching it.

Sabrina snorted. "Fine."

Sabby slid her paw under. Her warm fingers slid across Tarot's belly. They were too quick in their approach. Tarot blocked herself off only to meet Sabrina's fingers with hers. Tarot inhaled. Sabrina rubbed her paw like some kind of lewd greeting. They were soaked. Tarot's heart, her huffing breaths, faded into obscurity. Sabby snuck past her defenses and pressed on her crotch. Tarot took deep breaths, her paw on top of Sabrina's. Sabrina dragged her middle finger along, lining up, pressing in. Tarot sat up, fur raised, losing all stability. She clenched her teeth, legs not knowing whether to open or close.

"Easy, Tar. Just focus."

"Focus on what? That a girl is-? Gah."

Sabrina rubbed in and out, spreading her furred, leaky lips. "Focus on the warmth."

"Rrrrhhh! You're the one in heat!"

"Yeah," Sabrina murmured, leaning in. Her face was close. She rubbed in a circular motion. "Focus on my heat. Smells kinda good?"

"Well, yeah," Tarot said.

"And my fingers are nice? Warm?"

"Mmm-maybe they are."

Sabrina joined Tarot under her blanket. She mated Tarot, pumping her fingers, spreading her. Arousal drooled out. "You know, you're pretty heated yourself."

"Oh my dog, stop," Tarot said, turning her face away.

Sabrina stopped, her fingers pressed inside. Tarot squirmed. She kept anticipating the relief of movement. When it didn't arrive, she opened her eyes. Sabrina blinked back.

"I meant I wanted you to shut up," Tarot said.

Sabrina laughed. She kissed Tarot's neck, flooding her with confused pleasure. Quick circular motions pressed on her labia. Tarot huffed, pushing her hips up. Sabrina pumped her fingers back in.

"Oh!" Tarot gasped.

Sabrina whispered against her neck. "Focus."

Tarot couldn't focus on much of anything, murmuring. "Hhmm. Mmh. Ah!"

She squeezed her paw under Sabrina's. Rubbing her own clit sparked an intensity that overrode her thoughts. She trapped their paws between her thighs. The sound of Sabrina squishing in and out of her reappeared in the haze. Tarot held on to the edge as long as she could bear. Sabrina took her over, curling her fingers. Tarot let out a quiet, high-pitched moan. Sabrina nuzzled her through to the end.

Tarot grabbed Sabby's soaked paw. "I think I'm going down on you."

Sabrina shook her head, grinning. "What?"

"Listen, Peanut told me he'd try anything once."

Sabby laughed. "Okay?"

Tarot threw her arms up. "So you made me horny! Leave me alone!"

Sabrina threw back the blanket. Tarot's ears perked up. Sabby squeezed the pillow between them.


Art by Junyois

Shaking her head clear, Tarot took hold of Sabrina's legs. She lowered down, eyes up. "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Just think about what Peanut does."


"I'll help you."

Tarot shared her nervousness with another look. She shuffled back, leaned down. Sabrina kept her eyes on her, clenching a pillow. Kissing Sabrina's crotch, she pressed to her soft flesh. Warmth poured off. Her vulva was smooth, giving moisture back. Tarot inhaled, mind unraveling in the many notes of her scent. She kissed again, feeling the crease of her inner labia, the heat inside. She opened her mouth, kissing deeper, her lower lip sliding against her pussy. Sniffing, she pressed her nose to Sabby's fur, no longer able to fight it. The first lick. Arousal bathed her tongue. Tarot huffed. She had tasted herself before, but not another girl. Here it was immediate, warm, unknown. She gripped Sabrina's thighs. She pressed down, spreading Sabrina open.

"Mm," Sabrina grunted. She sat up.

Tarot breathed, tongue hanging from her mouth. "You okay?"

"What did you have for lunch?" she asked.

Tarot burned. "Oh sh-"


Art by 4pcsSet

Sabrina held her neck. "It's fine."

"You're sure?" Tarot said.

"Lunch was a while ago. Here."

Sabrina leaned in and wrapped her lips to Tarot's. Tarot stopped thinking. She pushed back. Sabby licked inside Tarot's mouth for a second, her scratchy tongue meeting hers. Then she pulled back, still holding her neck like nothing changed.

Tarot flitted her eyes away, then back, blushing. "Oh, I get it."

"Just wanted an excuse," Sabby said. She licked her lips.

Swallowing her spit brought the taste of Sabby down with it. Her spit, her heat. It was rich, difficult to understand, but she slipped back down between Sabby's thighs. Even knowing how Peanut licked her, she had no idea what she was doing, why she wanted it so urgently. Tarot growled, licking against where she thought Sabby's clit would be.

"Ooh, goodness! A bit lower. Right--mmm!" Sabrina moaned, pushing her hips up.

Tarot swiped her tongue hard. Sabrina's pussy hugged her mouth, soaking her. She reached forward, clutching Sabby's belly, any fur she could. Sabrina burned hot, tilting her hips side to side, letting out hushed moans. Sensations tugged on every corner of Tarot's mind. She recalled sexual experiences like a passing breeze. It was increasingly distracting, but all her time with Peanut had to be a source of inspiration.

"Hold my head down," Tarot said. With a pause, Sabrina nodded. Her paws fell behind Tarot's ears, curling her fingers in. Tarot moaned, pressed close, opening her jaws wide. She tried to lick inside Sabrina's vagina, but her tongue glided over. Her jaw was getting sore, but it was nothing like having Peanut's knot in her mouth. She could just keep lapping, sucking. She let out a long sigh, pressed down on Sabby. Tarot bunched a blanket between her legs, trying to hump it. Her tail couldn't raise any higher.

Sabby curled her legs in, leveraging up against Tarot's mouth. Slobber drooled down her ass. Tarot grabbed her thighs and held them down. She swiped firmly on Sabby's clit. Sabrina moaned her lowest octave, clenching her thighs, shuddering. "Oohhh my. Keep doing that."

Tarot did. Stability vanished. Sabrina shifted, hugging Tarot's head. Her hips bucked, humping against her friend's mouth. Tarot made eye contact, just as quickly closing her eyes, moaning into her. Sabrina came for her. Her walls pulsed. Tarot let the taste build, lapping up her ejaculate, swallowing only when Sabby stopped squeezing. Tarot lifted off an inch, tongue drooling. Sabby's pussy was blushing harder than ever. Tarot glanced up. Sabrina watched her, breathing hard. Tarot returned, licking. Her wet black fur, the velvety texture slipping against her tongue, made it difficult to pull away.

Sabrina scratched behind Tarot's ear. They exchanged grins, Tarot's tongue still on her labia. "So, dildos?" Sabrina asked.


Sabrina jumped out of bed and out of the room, a prance in her step, tail all the way up. As quickly as Tarot located her knotted toy, Sabrina returned with hers. It was bigger, suspiciously similar in size to Peanut.

As usual, Sabrina read what was on her mind. "Want him?"

"You want mine?" Tarot said.

Sabrina squeezed the shaft. "I guess I don't always need the biggest thing."

Tarot reached for it. "Hey, the tie on mine looks bigger."

Sabrina pulled her toy away. "Nuh-uh. You gotta do the thing."

"What thing?"

"You don't have to teach me, I just want to see."

"Guh. Fine! Maybe you'll learn something anyway." Tarot made a grasping motion. Sabrina complied.

The smell caught her off guard. There wasn't enough soap to mask the scent of Sabby's vagina on the silicone. Tarot felt its weight, relaxing her shoulders. She sat up fully, sniffing it some more under Sabrina's watchful eyes. She pushed it in along her tongue: a comforting width. She curled her fingers against her pussy, not quite giving in to pushing them in. Sabrina must have either been right about her and dog culture, or she just liked having something in her mouth. Halfway, Tarot reached as much as she could take in her muzzle. She pushed further. The silicone bent down with the curve of her throat. Her gag reflex hit her. She waited for the feeling to subside, pushing, repeating. Gasps escaped her throat. She spread her knees, giving Sabby a better view.

Tarot reached the knot. She met Sabrina's eyes. Sabrina was rubbing herself, fingers on either side of her clit. Tarot tried to breathe normally, opening her jaws wide. She pushed the knot past her teeth. Sabrina inhaled. The toy bulged in Tarot's throat. She grunted. Not as tricky as having Peanut pressing his sheath to her lips, spurting his load, but she ached. She needed more than a mouthful of toy. She pulled off, breathing hard.

"You're beautiful!" Sabrina said, taking her paw off her crotch.

Tarot wiped off her lips, holding the toy out. "Your turn."

"I can't do that."

"Just take what you can. I'll make it worth it."

Sabrina narrowed her gaze. "More of your classic euphemism and vagary."

"Pfff. Lay on your back."

Sabrina blinked. Then smiled. "Oh, I see. I'm all yours."

A pillow cradled Sabrina's head. Her knees raised, spread apart. Her smile pulled Tarot in. Sabby sniffed the dildo, not hiding her enjoyment of all her spit. Clenching herself, Sabrina's pussy lips leaked, her mons swollen. Tarot wanted to spitroast her with dildos, but seeing Sabby in the evening light, her plan dissolved. Her head returned between Sabby's thighs. Sabrina murred, petting Tarot. Tarot gave her long, smooth strokes. Her crotch was soft, squishing under her tongue. She could be here all night, holding Sabby's thighs, pressing her tongue to the tightness deeper in her flesh.

Sabrina's moans became muffled. Tarot looked up to see Sabby's jaws full. Gripping the knot, she slid the shaft in and out. Spit drooled from the knot as she adjusted her jaws. Blushing, Tarot's imagination took things further. He'd be gentle with her. Even the shade of red wasn't far off.

As Sabrina's thighs flexed in her grasp, Tarot slipped her tongue inside her vagina. It was like Sabby's walls knew when to dilate. Tarot pulled away, pushing her fingers in. Sabrina murred. Tarot hardly took the time to appreciate her texture, grabbing her toy. It had a short taper, a ribbed shaft, and lobes that rivaled Peanut's, all of it a dark purple. Tarot hummed, sucking her fingers clean. Tasting Sabby's inner walls made her mouth water. She spread Sabby and lapped her out like it'd be the last opportunity. Slowly convincing herself it wouldn't be, she pushed the taper in. The purple was a striking complement to Sabrina's fur, stretching her heated labia: blushing skin fading into black fur. Her walls started to resist. Tarot reached between her own legs. She clenched against her fingers, pushing in harder, deeper. Moisture drooled down her palm. She rubbed all of her excitement back onto the silicone. She kept pushing, intent on watching Sabby wrap to it.

Sabrina writhed. Pulling the dildo out of her mouth, her breathy moans came out easy. She raised her hips. "Gods, that's nice," she whispered.

With an awkward grip, Tarot managed to get the knot pushing against Sabrina. Her labia bulged out. Sabby's grunt turned into a moan. After a few thrusts, Tarot couldn't take Sabby as easily as she wanted. She got on top of Sabrina backwards. Tarot's tail raised, wagging over top of Sabby's face.

"This view!" Sabrina moaned.

Lowering her head, Tarot kissed Sabby's clit. She kept the dildo pumping. Moisture came out in strings, spattering the knot. She licked it clean. With the sound of her taking it, of ribs bumping through her vagina, Tarot was entranced. There was nearness that came with keeping her paw moving, in watching Sabby's lips start welcoming the bulge in the toy. And there was distance, some lingering disbelief that this could be happening.

Tarot blushed, going still. Sabrina slid a finger against her crotch. She dripped on Sabby. The massive knotted toy, warm and wet from their mouths, rubbed against her backside. Tarot looked back from the corner of her eye. She flagged her tail. Finally, Sabrina plunged the tip in. Tarot sighed. She relaxed her hips, wrapping to the toy and dropping down the thick shaft. When she remembered to keep thrusting in Sabrina, she eased it back then thrusted forward, smacking the knot to her pussy. Sabrina trembled. Tarot raised her tail, hips falling close to Sabrina's face. Hot breaths greeted her. Sabrina hummed and moaned, pumping faster. Her hind claws extended. Her thighs clenched.

Sabby inhaled, crying out. Tarot kept thrusting, rubbing her clit. Sabrina stopped moving the toy in Tarot, but Tarot couldn't stop. She worked her hips. She pushed the knot hard against Sabrina. Sabrina wiggled, rubbing up and down on it. She gasped. Tarot knotted her. Damp fur bulged as the knot pushed inside her swollen mound, her vagina stuffed, clamping the curves.

As Tarot's breath slowed and the thumping of her heart faded from her ears, she heard Sabrina sniffing her. Tarot held in a laugh, letting Sabby have her way, looking over her shoulder. Tarot glided up and down. Her arousal slipped off the toy, down Sabrina's fingers.

"I'm getting my strap-on," Sabrina said.

"No you're not," Tarot panted.

"Oh, fine. Either way."

Tarot touched Sabby's vulva, the toy buried just underneath. She blushed, riding the toy more. "I'd complain, but."

"Do I look good with a knot in me or what?"

Shaking her head, Tarot breathed. She tilted her head up, ears falling back, fur swaying. Sabrina pushed in time with Tarot's presses down, pressing the knot against her. Rubbing her clit, Tarot's heart picked way up. The knot flirted with her lips. She held still, grinding against it, helping Sabby lock inside. She let out a rasping moan. "Keep moving it, Sabby."

Sabrina inhaled, shuddering out. Her thighs closed in one knot, grinding the other inside Tarot. Tarot grunted, struggling to stay still. She grabbed Sabby's legs, wobbling. Her head fell. She took comfort in the deep black between Sabby's legs, her nose pressed to the dildo base, her ass raised. Sabby overwhelmed her sense of smell. Tarot licked the base, pressing the toy deeper.

"Something about your..." Sabrina murmured, inhaling. "You can take that out. Keep, keep licking me."

Tarot had closed her eyes, lost in fullness of the toy, so on edge. She murmured agreement. She pulled. Sabrina's vulva bulged outward. The toy slipped free all at once, strings of ejaculate arching out. Tarot gasped. She relaxed down, replacing the toy with swipes. She didn't bother dodging Sabby's butt. Sabrina thrusted a few times in quick movements. Groaning, Tarot grabbed her thighs and opened wide on Sabrina's slobbery crotch, wagging her tail.

Sabrina huffed. "If I didn't know any better."

Sabrina's crotch shifted under her. Scent poured out, ready to be lapped up. The knot inside Tarot pumped hard. Sabrina swiped her paw over, collecting arousal dripping from her lips. Her fingers slid over Tarot's butt. The longer Tarot spent with her head down, the more adventurous Sabrina was getting. She didn't mind. The knot was so distracting, always pushing in her walls. Between her panting breaths, she couldn't lick Sabrina as much as she wanted to. She grabbed the toy soaked from Sabby's arousal. She drew the shaft into her mouth, humming, sucking the flavor off it. She thrusted it back in. Sucking Sabby's clit, she pumped her. Arousal squished through them, but the wet pumps inside Tarot were becoming less frequent. In a way, it was a relief. Tarot could spend more time indulging, licking, weaved up in the heat of Sabby's body, caught in the taste.


Art by 4pcsSet

Sabrina gasped. Her tail flexed. The dildo in Tarot stopped moving, tied deep. Sabrina took hold of Tarot's hips and pushed her down. Tarot sighed. Sabrina was testing their relationship; she clutched the base of Tarot's tail, licking under it. The restriction only made her want to wag more. Sabbina murmured, pressed close. The licks over her anus were forceful. She twisted the toy inside Tarot, making her tremble against the thick knot. Tarot breathed deep, pressing her hips back, idly pumping Sabrina. She couldn't hold on.

Tarot came, giving no indication but the shudder of her breath and the clench of her ass. It rolled over her like sleeping while fully awake, deeply relaxed yet fully sensitized. It didn't seem to end. She didn't want it to. Thrusting into Sabby as deeply as she could, she fell into a rhythm, mouth held to Sabrina's clit. She never felt so satisfied, surrounded on all sides by pleasure.

Sabrina stopped licking. Hot breaths bathed Tarot's ass. After a long tremble passing down her legs and up her hips, Sabrina collapsed in bed. Tarot was her blanket, fitting to her curves. Tarot slipped the toy out. She made out with Sabrina's tasty folds long after she stopped twitching on her tongue.

"What the heck?" Sabby said. "Where did that come from? Where did I lick you?"

Tarot relaxed down, using Sabby's crotch like a pillow. "Dog, I'm tired."

"But why do I get the feeling we're still going to be too bored not to do this tomorrow?"

Tarot considered it. She wanted it. She was too embarrassed to say it. "You heard what I said earlier. Once in a while."

Sabby rubbed Tarot's vulva under the flared end of toy, pressing on the knot. "You know, I didn't get the chance to eat you out."

"Maybe," Tarot murmured, grinning to herself. She went cross-eyed. The toy sat just past her nose. Tarot wagged her tail.

Sabrina rubbed her thumb on Tarot's ass. "Besides your butt. You have a cute butt by the way. Was that new for you?"

"Pha," Tarot sputtered. She made Sabrina take the shaft. The knot smacked to her labia, her body blushing, too tired to fight the intrusion. After only a few pumps, Tarot pushed it all back in.

"Gahhhaha," Sabrina moaned. Her head fell back, her thumb pressed in and stretching Tarot's ass. "Scissoring! We could even get one of those double-ended dildos."

Tarot smooched her pussy. "Sabrina, I love you, but I need you to stop talking."

"Aww, okay. I love you too."

Tarot flopped over. She stretched out her legs enough to send rumbles through her bed. Despite how embarrassing it all sounded, Sabby turned her on. She debated fingering her butt. The toy in her vagina gave her plenty to clench on. She brushed her paw against the base. It was starting to feel like a lot.

Sabrina grunted, slipping off the knot, then all the way out. "Here," she said.

Tarot blinked, taking the toy. "What am I doing with this?"

"I know what you want to do with it. Naughty lady."

They exchanged glances.

"Hey, you licked me there," Tarot said.

"Sure I did! But I recall you went to town on my butt first."

An awkward gait to her step, Sabrina walked out. The shower turned on.

Tarot laid back, sniffing Sabrina's toy, cautiously pushing fingers into her butt. It felt wrong, even after everything. She pushed the toy's tip in. Sabby's vaginal fluids helped spread her ass, leaking down her tail, urging her on. But the knot in her vagina was too much. She struggled to pump her butt while so stuffed. Thrusting her hips up, she was pulled blazingly tight.

She fell into tiny motions, in and out, trying to get comfortable. Ideas streamed through her mind. Sabby rubbing her pussy up against hers, the slippery heat of it against her clit. Sabby using her strap-on on her. Or just relaxing down between Sabrina's legs, pleasuring her with licks for as long as she could keep it up. She liked the control, being so close to something so intimate. Sucking, making out with another girl's labia. And for Sabby to want it, to hold her down. The feeling of an orgasm on her mouth. Still, the idea of Sabby spreading Tarot's legs, thrusting, rocking her good and hard, even sliding out of her vagina and into her...

The shaft halfway in her ass, she couldn't take it. She let out long, breathy moans, pulsing on the shafts. She grunted, pulling the toy out of her butt, feeling more thoroughly mated than any time with her actual mate. He would have shrunk, untied her by now. And kissed her. Helped her clean up this fabulous mess.

Tarot sat up. Peanut couldn't be here. He'd be back. She left the other toy in her vagina and stood, plans forming. The shower was still running.

Housepets: Can Sleep

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Housepets: Talk Dirty

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Housepets: Get What They Always Wanted

### ### Part 1 * * * King was getting used to experiencing life differently. The ceiling stopped feeling so high, and the carpet that his heels currently dragged through: so low. He was never very strong, so getting pulled along wasn't too much...

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