Ghost of a Chance

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#18 of Misc

Happy Halloween! For this year's spooky day story, I've got a direct sequel to A Grave Dare. Taking place only a few weeks later, Darius and Jasmine are staying at a hotel within Alta Ferro when a pair of very rude people come in unannounced. Unfortunately, the two intruders are agents of Noxumbra, there to deal with him and his ghost. Though one should never underestimate how someone will react when their wife is threatened. Especially when they're an immortal.

Ghost of a Chance

By XP Author

The two made their way across the hotel lobby, totally ignoring the woman behind the desk asking if they needed help. They dressed fairly normally, but something was just slightly off about them. The skunk was normal enough, though her long coat looked to be made out of some thick cloth, and had a multitude of pouches hanging from her belt. Her partner stood out more. A tall turkey with broad shoulders, his shirt tight against him, his talons clacking against the floor as he walked. Strapped to his left thigh was a sheath, holding a blade around the size of a machete, the handle made of some carved bone. They had an air of authority to them, and a hint of menace. When they got into the elevator, one of the hotel guests tried to get on with them, but a simple shake of the head from the turkey made him think it was best to wait for the next one. The skunk pressed the button for the 6th floor.

The doors closed, leaving them alone to talk freely. "This is a very slow elevator."

The skunk smiled. "It's fine."

He looked to her. "So, how are we going to handle this?"

She shrugged. "Depends. The guy might not know he's even being haunted. In which case, we may need to either get him to leave, or incapacitate him." She gave her partner a look. "Gently incapacitate him." He just made a grunt, though it sound like a low warble from the large bird. "But there is also a chance that we're dealing with a necromancer. The spirit may be under his command, and that would make it dangerous. There is no telling what it might do if freed, either. It could be thankful and return to rest peacefully, or it could be malevolent and become violent."

"So you're saying we should be on guard."

She smiled at his ever-serious tone. "Always."

The two were agents of Noxumbra, a secret organization that handled the supernatural. Rumors had come to them about a ghost possessing dead bodies in the surrounding towns, and now it was in Alta Ferro. The research team did their thing and found out that it apparently hung out around a particular person, some rat named Darius Verner, though they could find little else about him or the ghost. Darius was apparently some investor, but other than his investments, little else was known. That was a bad sign, and so Noxumbra had dispatched them to investigate and deal with the potential threat.

The turkey was Peter Longstrider. His great-great-grandfather had been a Seneca shaman, and worked with Noxumbra when it was first establishing itself back then. His family had been involved in the organization ever since. Though Peter was no shaman himself, more of a fighter, he had some sense for spirits. It meant he paired well with the skunk, Vale Cartier. Canadian born, she was a mage that specialized in ghosts. Though not a necromancer herself, her magic could be mistaken for it, which is what first put her on Noxumbra's radar. She classified herself more as a spirit guide, using her skills not to command spirits and the dead, but to ease them to the beyond, or force them there if they grow violent.

As the slow elevator passed the 4th floor, Peter spoke up. "Director seemed very agitated about this case. Think something is up?"

She shook her head. "Dunno. Probably just still stressed out about that undead bitch finally showing her colors. And now a potential necromancer here. Doubt they're connected, but I can see why it would make her a little prickly." A member of another team, Ginny, had recently had what many considered a psychotic break and attacked another member of her team. Though no one was seriously hurt, the black rat was locked in a cage in the basement, as she was possibly one of the most dangerous people the organization had. Though Vale had no idea why the director would keep such a dangerous creature on staff. She knew it was only a matter of time before the thing tried to eat someone.

The door finally pinged on the 6th floor, and the two dropped the topic to focus on the task at hand. As the doors opened, Vale took point and stepped out. "Alright. Nice and easy. Let's try not to scare this guy into running." Peter gave another warbling grunt as he followed. The hall was long and standard of these hotels. A grey carpet with some swirling pattern, beige walls, and multiple doors. They followed the signs that pointed down another hall to the room they were looking for. Eventually, they got there, room 613.

Vale raised her hand up, about to knock, but a feathered arm was suddenly in front of her. She looked at her partner, who was looking around. He narrowed his eyes. "She has seen us."

She frowned. "The ghost?" He nodded. She reached out to try and feel for the ghost, but it was no longer in the halls. But she caught the lingering essence, now in the room ahead of them.

"They are going to flee."

She sighed. "Well, we can't have that. Alright, we do this loud." Peter nodded. Taking a step back, he charged at the door to break it open.

* * *

Darius yawned as he woke. The room was quiet and dark, the curtains drawn over the windows to cover the lights from outside. Only a little of the city noise made it into the room, mostly the occasional siren in the distance. It was why he chose a room so high in the hotel. Though the top floor would have been better suited for the quiet, the suites past the 6th floor got exponentially more expensive. While he could afford it, he didn't like to flash his money that often. The benefits of living as long as he had was learning certain things. He knew when a new technology would likely take off, and invested in it, earning him his wealth. Though saving that wealth would protect him should investments not pan out, or another economy crash happen.

He glanced over at his phone, tapping the screen to turn it on. The time said 9:48 PM. He nodded. "Yeah, overslept a little." He had meant to be awake by 9. He had a plan to walk around this section of the massive city, get a feel for things. It had been a long time since he visited, and things changed rapidly in Alta Ferro. At least in the southside of the city, with all the markets and businesses. Eastside never seemed to change, only get dirtier.

The blue-furred rat threw the light sheet off of himself, swinging his legs off of the bed. He slept naked, so when his bare feet touched the floor, he found it cold. Though he liked the cold. He also felt the presence of his wife, Jasmine, nearby. She always appreciated the view. Though he could not see or hear her right now. She could only manifest on a full moon, and that would not be for another two weeks or so. But her spirit was bound to him, and he could always feel her presence nearby.

He clicked lights on as he went about his normal routine. After relieving himself, he made his way to the little kitchenette to start some water to make tea. He bought a box of apple mint tea that he was interested to try. He was pouring the hot water over the teabag when the hairs at the back of his neck stood up. Something was wrong. He got a feeling of apprehension from Jasmine, then fear. Something from the hallway had set her on edge. Anything that could scare a ghost was not good, and in this day and age, very rare. So rare, he could probably count them on one hand and have fingers to spare.

One was more likely than any other. "Noxumbra. Didn't expect them to find us before we even did anything." They were trouble. Hunters of the magical and supernatural, self-appointed police of the mystical world. "See if there is a safe way down the outsi-" His words were cut off as the room's door suddenly exploded into wooden shrapnel, a massive brown bird charging his way through it. The avian continued charging through, right into him, knocking him backwards towards the bed, though he fell to the floor before he got there.

"You know we're going to have to pay for that, right?" A female voice came from the doorway. Sauntering in after the bird, carefully stepping over the pieces of the door, was a skunk, her large tail twitching with mild annoyance.

Peter let out a warbling grunt. "Faster than picking the lock."

Darius slowly picked himself up off of the floor. "Ugh... you could have just knocked."

Vale tilted her head. "You don't seem surprised to see us. I assume you know who we are then?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Nox. The... what is it the kids say these days? The magic popo?"

"The kids do not say that." The bird stated matter-of-factly.

Darius just let out a huff. "So, what is it you want with me at this hour?"

She shook her head. "Oh, it's not really you that we're here for." She turned and held out her hand, a faint glow of blue surrounding it. That same blue suddenly appeared in the air, outlined in the shape of a woman. "We're here for her."

His eyes went wide as he watched the form of his wife appear. A muscular, but distinctly feminine rat, she squirmed and struggled within the energy. She looked at him with a pleading look, full of pain. He could feel it from her, too, the spell causing her agony. "Jas!" He glared at the skunk. "Let her go! Now!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Vale stepped further into the room, dragging Jas with her. "This lost soul has been linked to the death and possession of no less than a dozen victims in the past two years. And I suspect you're at fault in that, too. A spirit like her can't do much to the physical world, after all." She gave the man a wicked grin. "So I'm going to send her back to the great beyond where she belongs. And if you act up, you'll jo-"

"I SAID LET HER GO!" Darius shouted, his fur bristling. Despite his outward rage, he was in a panic. He was no mage, could not hurl spells to stop her. He was an alchemist. The only magic he could do required a spell circle and reagents. Hardly something that could be done on the fly.

Before he could even think of anything, a fist collided with his gut, knocking the wind out of him. He fell to his knees, gasping. The bird towered over him. "Sit down and be quiet. We will deal with you later."

Vale let out a sigh, but turned her attention to the ghost. "Well. Let's get you back where you belong, eh?" She held up a second hand, which started to glow as well. There was an ethereal scream of pain that echoed around the room, as if it was coming from some great distance, echoed as if through water. The skunk grunted. "Struggling... won't help you..."

"J-Jas!" Darius started to get back up, using the bed to drag himself back to his feet. "Stop! Please!" The rage in his voice was gone, now just pleading. "Stop this! You are hurting her!"

The skunk laughed. "Hurting her!? She's already dead! You can't hurt what doesn't have a body!" She knew that wasn't exactly true, but she also didn't care. "And it will hurt a lot less if she would stop resisting!"

He cried out again, tears in his eyes. "Stop it! She is in agony! Please st-" His words were cut off by a pained grunt. He looked down to see the bird's hand at his chest, holding the bone handle of an ornate blade, the business end currently rammed through his chest and poking out his back. He tasted blood in his mouth, the blade having pierced his heart. He looked up, almost confused.

"This blade is enchanted by powerful shamans of long ago. Your magic will no longer work, necromancer." He let the handle go, watching Darius crumple to the ground. "May your soul be tormented for eternity by those you wrong."

Vale frowned. "Why the hell did you do that!? We were supposed to bring him in!"

The bird turned to her. "They are bound. You cannot banish her with him holding her soul as he was. I solved the problem the fastest way, before he could make things worse." He stepped past her. "Finish this up. I will watch the hall so we are not interrupted."

She clicked her tongue. "Fine." Turning her attention to the woman, she sneered. "No more anchor. Time for you to go."

"DARIUS! HELP ME!" Jasmine's voice wailed, still distant and echoing, full of pain, not just for herself.

"He can't help you anymore, wraith." She started to part her hands, the ghost screaming in agony again. It felt as if she was being slowly torn apart. "Stop... resisting! Just give u-" Blood exploded from Vale's mouth suddenly. The spell instantly fizzed into nothing, the glow around both her hands and the ghost vanishing in an instant. She looked down, seeing the tip of a blade piercing through her body, right next to her left breast.

A warm body pressed against her back, a mouth near her ear whispering. "I'm not a necromancer. I'm an immortal alchemist." He twisted the blade, making more blood spray from her mouth. "And you hurt my wife." He ripped the blade out of her once more. Her body fell to the floor, twitching and quivering as she rapidly bled out. He would have enjoyed watching her die at his feet, but he had another problem that was more pressing. The big turkey in the hallway.

The fist slamming into his jaw let him know the problem was a lot closer than the hallway. He was nearly sent crashing to the ground from the blow, but a following uppercut to the bottom of his chin sent him backwards instead. His back slammed against the window, the glass making a thung tone, but holding up. Unfortunately, he also dropped the blade at some point. Before he could look for it, he was subjected to another series of blows, hitting his chest and face with surprising speed. He heard several bones crack.

After however long it was, the pummeling finally stopped, and Darius was allowed to slump to the floor. His face was bloody and broken, several teeth no longer in his mouth. His right arm was broken, his left dislocated at the shoulder. More than a few ribs were also shattered, as was his collarbone, and who knows what kind of things his organs were going through on the inside. Peter stepped back, flexing his bloodied hands. Despite never losing his stoic gaze, it was clear the amount of rage burning under that calm surface. "You are immortal. But not invulnerable." He reached down and picked up his blade from the floor. "Let us see how well you live with your head removed.

He reached down, gripping the rat's short hair and yanking his head up to look at him. "I will cut you into pieces and bury them in different timezones. See how your immortality handles that." He brought the blade up, but before the edge could even touch him, something latched onto his back. "What!?" He dropped the knife again as a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, a body pressed to his back. He stumbled backwards, trying to throw the person off. With some horror, he realized it was Vale he was struggling with. Or, more accurately, Jasmine wearing Vale's body like a suit. "Get... out of her!" He swung his body around, trying to throw the woman off of his back.

Jasmine clung on for all she had. In life, she was a trained warrior, and had taken down many people bigger than her. Though Vale's body was hardly as well toned as hers had been, so she was still at a disadvantage. She cried out as he slammed his back against a wall, pinning her between him and it. But she did not loosen her grip. She reached up and grabbed at his beak, yelping as he snapped it upon her fingers instead. She still gripped tight. Pushing away from the wall, she shifted her weight to the side, swinging around him like a pendulum. The momentum was more than he could resist. He tried to twist with her, but she tugged his beak the other directly.

There was a loud series of cracks and crunches as she twisted his head nearly completely around, shattering the vulnerably brittle avian bones of his neck. His body still twisted from the momentum, even once she let him go. She collapsed to the ground, rolling to the side and back up to her feet, her long, fluffy tail standing straight out, ready for something else. Instead, she saw the turkey's body hit the floor and twitch, his head laying at an impossible angle, tongue hanging out of his beak, eyes staring wide and blank at the ceiling while his chest was to the floor.

She relaxed, only to gasped. "Darius!" She rushed over to her husband. He had already started to heal, the split flesh and broken bones knitting back into place. Even the missing teeth had been replaced. Though his face was still somewhat swollen. When she touched his shoulder, he cried out. "Ah... right. Um..." He just nodded. She lifted his arm quickly, a wet crunch sounding as she put the shoulder back into place. She still winced as he cried out in pain. "Sorry!"

He nodded again. "It's... fine." He coughed and spat up a gob of blood. "Thank you. Wasn't sure how I was going to deal with that brute."

She smiled. "You distracted him long enough for me to take over this body."

He nodded. "Yeah, sure. We'll say that was my plan the whole time." He tried to get up, only to wince as a sharp pain stuck at his chest. "Ah... nope. Ribs aren't done yet."

Jas grinned wider, moving to sit down next to him. "You were still very brave." She leaned up to kiss his lips gently. "Even immortal, I know you aren't a fighter."

"That's what I have you for." He reached out to stroke her cheek. It may not have been his wife's face he was looking at, but it was her eyes he was staring into. "I will never let anyone take you from me."

"Oh, you hopeless romantic." She giggled and leaned in to kiss him again. A deeper kiss this time, her mouth pressed to his and held there. Her arms slowly slid around him to hold herself close, his own moving to hold her the same. They held each other in the warm, loving embrace, a rare treat for both of them.

After she pulled back, she rested her head on his shoulder. He reached up to gently stroke against her cheek. "So... how long do you think you'll be able to stay in her?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. It feels... different." She looked up at the window. "It's not a full moon, so I shouldn't have even been able to in the first place."

"Maybe because she was a spirit mage?" He guessed.

"Maybe." She looked back down at the bloody shirt. "She's definitely dead." He nodded, noting that she was cooler to the touch already. "I probably can't stay in here forever. I'm sure she'll start to rot soon. I'd really rather not stay in a decomposing body."

"Yeah, I don't think I'd enjoy that much, either." He reached up to gently stroke along her back. "But you're here now." His hand moved down to stroke against her tail next, which sent a shiver through her. "And look, a girl with a nice, big, fluffy tail. Just like you asked."

She smiled. "I guess so." She looked at him again. "Feel healed enough to explore it with me?"

He smirked. "Oh, I'll put up with a little aching to spend any time with you, my love." He grunted as he pushed himself up to his feet using the bed. "But we probably shouldn't do it in a room with no doooo~okay!" He fell backwards onto the bed as she shoved him. The look in her eyes told him all he needed to know. She didn't know how long she'd have the body, and she was _not_in the mood to wait. She didn't take much time undressing, either. The coat was flung off, draping partially over the dead bird's body. The shirt was pulled off next, revealing that the skunk wore a sports bra, keeping an ample chest bound tight. Though there was a tear where he had stabbed through her, the blood-soaked hole already widening. It was also swiftly removed, letting her tits bounce free, nipples poking through the white fur of her underbelly.

She practically tore off her pants, yanking them down to reveal the fairly plain panties hugging her hips. There was an obvious damp spot at the crotch, and Darius wondered if it was his wife's arousal or if the woman had wet herself when she died. Possibly both, though he didn't mind either way. Especially as those panties were yanked down and discarded with the rest of the clothing, leaving her fully exposed to him. She crawled onto the bed, moving not over him, but beside him, her large tail held high and swaying a little back and forth. "C'mon, big boy. I want you to breed me properly."

He smiled, his cock having grown quite hard already just from the show she gave him. That demand made it twitch. "Far be it from me to deny such a request." He pushed himself up, ignoring the slight ache still in his chest, and moved around behind his wife. He rested his hands against her rear, gently rubbing the soft, black fur covering it. It had been some time since she had been in the body of a skunk, and he always enjoyed the texture and pattern of their fur. And, of course, that massive tail waving right in front of his face. His touch moved up to gently run his fingers along the base of that tail, teasing up her back, and back down the length of the twitching thing.

She moaned as he toyed with her, letting out soft whimpers of desperation. "Stop... teasing me and take me!"

He grinned, but leaned forward instead, his face burying into the fluffy fur. His cock prodded at her now drooling pussy, while one hand moved down to wrap about the soft, thin belly. "But you love when I tease you. You make such cute noises."

Jas whimpered again, gasping when his hand gripped at her breast. "Y-yes... but I think she was almost in heat, and it's... definitely effecting me!" She gasped again when he pinched at her nipple. "Please... I need it!"

A chuckle slipped form him. "So I really could breed you, huh?" He prodded at those lips again, her juices already coating his tip.

"Y-you know it doesn't work like that..." There was a slight note of disappointment to her voice. She had long resigned herself to the fact that he could never truly breed her. Even if a corpse was fertile, they would not last long enough for anything to come of it. And it was of course impossible for a ghost to get pregnant. At least, he had yet to find any sort of ritual that could allow it. Necromancy might possibly be an answer, but he was no wizard, and he feared any actual necromancers would try to take his wife from him. A old spirit like her would be a powerful thing to their kind.

But they could pretend for a night, at least. "Well, worth trying anyway." The hand along her tail gripped it at the base and yanked her back, his cock ramming fully into her greedy cunt. She let out a loud cry of surprise and pleasure. He felt her squeezing around him tight already, so he did not waste time starting slow. His hips pounded forward against her, rocking her whole body as he started hard, and only got harder. Her arms gave out under her quickly, her face buried in the pillows as she cried out her lustful desire for any to hear. Thankfully, this time of year, the hotel was fairly vacant, so it was unlikely anyone heard them. If they could, they would have heard the fight earlier, anyway. Especially the door being shattered.

He pounded forward, thrusting himself as deep as he could within the skunk's hole. Even if she was in heat, her inner walls were already cooling, which only made the heat pouring off of his rod all the warmer for her. He leaned forward to wrap both his hands around her, face buried into the wildly twitching and quivering tail, his hand gripping at her ample chest to grope and squeeze at them. His fingers felt the knife-wound he made earlier right at the base of her left breast, but he focused his attention on the soft mounds.

It did not take long for his wife to start panting and gasping, rapidly approaching an orgasm already. If she was this sensitive, it was no doubt the dead woman was in heat before she died. He did not slow down for a moment. He felt as much as heard her cumming, her pussy clamping hard around him, her body convulsing against him, all while she screamed her pleasure loud. He kept pounding away, even as she squeezed him for all he had. A benefit to his immortality was he had an incredible amount of stamina.

Of course, he also could go over and over, a fact she was more than aware of. "C-cum... cum in me! P-please!" She yelped as he struck deep again. "I-I need... to feel it!" Another orgasm tore through her as he rammed himself deep into her. But they were not enough, even as another started building. They would be nothing to the feeling of him releasing within her, filling her to the brim with his seed, pouring into her womb. She desperately needed it.

And he gave it. With several more hard thrusts, he cried out, allowing himself to fall over the edge. His cock exploded within her, spraying her with his hot jizz, coating her inner tunnel as it splashed against the entrance to her womb. She screamed with him, her whole body going into shivering spasms, convulsing and undulating under him. He gripped at her tight to keep his hips slamming into her, the inner walls milking him for all he could give her.

She suddenly became dead weight under him, literally he supposed. He followed with her, laying atop her, his cock still buried inside and spitting the last of his load. She panted heavily, gasping for air she really didn't need. He leaned up to kiss the back of her neck, trailing his lips along her shoulders. "Feeling better?" She nodded slowly. He smiled, reaching up to rest his hand on the back of hers, lacing his fingers through hers. She let out a soft moaning hum. "I'm ready for the next round when you are."

Jas nodded. "Okay." She leaned over to nuzzle against his face gently. "Lay on your back. I don't know how much longer I can hold onto her, so I want to look you in the eyes this time."

He chuckled. "Of course, my love." He pushed himself up, pulling himself free of her with a moan. A shuddering moan slipped from her, as well, her body still shivering as she felt his seed leaking out. He rolled over onto his back, laying beside her and smiling at her. "Ready when you are."

She nodded again. "Yeah... I'm ready!" She pushed herself up, her arms still shaking a little. Her legs still felt a little like jello, thighs quivering from the little aftershocks she still felt. She still managed to get up onto her knees, leaning back, only to feel herself losing her balance and continue backwards. "AHH!" She fell back, trying to right herself. On instinct, he reached out to grab her hand. Neither was prepared for what happened next.

The body of the skunk continued backwards as he missed grabbing its hand. He did, however, grab his wife's, her ghost suddenly exiting the corpse. The skunk continued back, falling to the floor with a heavy thud. The both looked, not at the dead body, but that Darius was actually holding her hand. She was still visible, as herself, still an ethereal blue and semi-transparent, still floating a few inches off of the bed, but he could touch her. He looked up, seeing she was just as shocked and confused as he was. She had never stayed corporeal like this before. "W-what...?" She asked.

He shook his head. "I... don't know..." He reached out his other hand to touch her arm, and she let out a gasp as she felt it. It was a very strange feeling to him. She was both there and not at the same time, cold to the touch, yet simultaneously oddly warm. He could feel her fur, but it was like touching a breeze. "You're... here." He moved to touch here leg, then belly, then up to her cheek, a large grin spreading on his lips. "You're actually here!"

She smiled at him. "I'm always here, you know that." She still leaned against the touch to her cheek, finding his warmth more than a little comforting.

"Of course I do. I can always feel you nearby." A smile only widened. "But this is the first time I have been able to touch you in almost 800 years! Not you in someone else's skin,!"

She returned his smile, and would probably be blushing if she could. "I-it has been a long ti-EEP!" She cried out in surprise as he yanked her down against him, a new feeling in her ghostly form. Suddenly her mouth was against his as he gave her the deepest kiss he had ever given. It told her all she needed of his desperate longing for her, his love that had not only lasted but grown over the centuries. She practically melted into the kiss.

She moved to lay fully atop him, offering no weight down on him, despite pressing herself as close as she could. Again, he got the impression that it was like holding the wind, feeling her upon him, yet not at the same time. Unique, but not unpleasant, especially as she pressed her chest and muscular belly to his, her toned legs straddling his waist. His eyes snapped open as she started to grind against him, feeling her lips rubbing along his shaft. It was as if he only just realized that she was truly naked against him, not in her ghostly armor or wispy clothing.

She did not break the kiss as she raised her hips, positioning herself above his throbbing shaft. Her hips lowered again, and she felt him enter her. He let out a loud moan as he felt something he had wanted to feel for centuries. He also realized that he was still able to breathe and moan, despite her tongue solidly within his mouth, not at all blocking his air. His hands moved down her back, fingers teasing briefly at the base of her thick tail, and eventually to her rear. He gripped and pulled her down, both letting out loud cries of pleasure as she took the entirety of his still messy shaft.

She started slow, moving her hips up and down against him, feeling how he twitched within her. If it could be called within her. He still felt her around him, squeezing him tight. She finally broke the kiss to lean back, her hips bouncing harder and wiggling against him, her ghostly breasts bouncing as well. He reached up to take hold of those ethereal breasts, squeezing them, thumbs teasing at her nipples, making her moan. The sound was echoed around him. He looked down to see his own cock through her, the tip buried deep inside of her over and over. It was a strange sight, but not one he minded seeing.

Her hands moved down to rub against his chest as she continued to bounce upon him, moaning louder. She was not even sure how she was feeling the pleasure she was, but it was the best feeling she had ever experienced. She could feel the heat in his cock radiating through her, every twitch and jerk making her gasp and moan. His hips started to thrust upwards to meet hers, making her throw her head back as she cried out in pleasure.

They said no words, none needing to be said. He knew what she wanted, and she knew what he did. Their pace grew faster and harder, his hands moving to her hips, more to hold her than guide her. He grit his teeth as he felt himself nearing the edge, unable to hold himself back. She did not want him to, either, needing him to release, so close to her own. In unison, they both came, him thrusting deep while she squeezed hard. His cock jerked and started to spit his seed up... only for it to stick within her, caught floating in the air as he emptied his balls into her. She writhed upon him, feeling his molten love clinging inside of her somehow, and it only made her cum that much harder.

Eventually, she fell forward against him once more, his cock still spitting a little more into her. She rested her head against his chest, and he slid his arms around her, both letting the warmth of their love linger. He saw his cum still there inside of her, but then it started to fade away, as if being erased by something... or absorbed. As it faded away, he felt a shiver run through her. "Are... you... doing that on purpose?"

She let out a soft giggle. "I think so..." It was the best answer she could give. It felt like she was drinking the warmth from his cum, letting it permeate her very being. It did not last, but it was enough to sate her desperate desire for now. "It's... new." She nuzzled against his chest. "But it feels really... really fucking good." He nodded slowly, already formulating theories as to what was happening. It was possible some of the skunk's spirit magic may have allowed her to manifest like this. It was possible she was draining life from him, but as he was immortal, he would feel none of it. These were things to be tested later. For now, he just held her, enjoying that he could.

Of course, they could not stay like this forever, much as the both would have liked to. "We should probably leave. Check out and find somewhere else to... test whatever this is..."

She sighed, nodding slowly. "You are right, of course." She leaned up to give him a gentle kiss. "We should-" A thought struck her. "I'm visible."

He nodded. "That may pose a problem, but we'll figure it out." He gasped as she suddenly floated off of him, his semi-flaccid cock flopping out onto his belly. "H-hey, a little warning first!"

"Sorry. But, let me test something." She closed her eyes, concentrating for a moment. Her form seemed to flicker before him, like a lightbulb about to burn out. "Hrm... not quite. Let's try..." She concentrated again, and this time, she faded into misty nothingness before vanishing entirely. "There." Her voice was even more echoed than normal, sounding like it came from a great distance, yet all around him. It was not unlike when she was putting on a show to scare victims. "I think I can stay like this... however long I want." A moment later, she manifest before him, as if emerging from the mist, this time wearing the wispy clothing that floated around in the air with her. "Yeah, and I can come back without any trouble, too." Her voice was back to normal, as well.

He smirked. "We are definitely going to need to test all of this out." He pushed himself up a little, glancing over the edge of the bed at the two dead Noxumbra agents on the floor. "After we get out of the city. They won't like that we did that. Probably send more people after us."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'd like to avoid dealing with them again." She grinned. "But maybe this time I can actually fight back, too!" Her grin moved to him. "I was supposed to be your protector. Maybe I can still live up to that!" She paused. "Maybe 'live up to' isn't the right term, but you know what I mean."

Swinging his feet off the bed, he couldn't help but chuckle. "I do miss my lovely guardian maiden. I would not complain for having her back."

"You didn't leave me a maiden for very long, you sly rat."

He smirked. "No, I don't suppose I did." He pulled some clothing out of his travel bag. "We can reminisce later. For now... how about we head back to Europe. Haven't been to the old country since the second world war." She smiled at him, nodding happily.

* * *