Kyru (Life Desired)

Story by Drangdeka on SoFurry

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Please you all know the rules. Not over 18, please do not continue. And if you are against any male to male action then please don't go any further. If even still you continue, it's on your own decision, you have been warned.

And if your over 18 and love this stuff, please enjoy.

It's a tough life, to be alone in the's tougher when you have no way of changing things.

My name is Kyru. I'm a normal red and white fox, only difference is....I'm an orphan. My parents died about three years ago when a thief broke into the house and stabbed them to death under the quiet night. I was too scared to do anything except hide. I was too scared to do just about anything. Till one night my best friend which is even today got me out of the house. He promised me not to tell anyone of what had happened. He and me one night took my parents out into the woods behind my house and gave them a proper burial. I was able to pull it off, with the bills and everything else by getting a job and paying the bills, the only ones needed to survive. I also pulled to interpret my parents anytime the government or school wanted to know what happened. So in their books, my father and mother are just retired for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately as the years pass on, it was harder and harder to maintain. But with my best friend at my side and my determination to live better at least till I was 18. And I still strive to survive.

*pant*, *pant*, *pant*

"Oh darn, I'm going to be late for my first day in school". I yelled as I ran down the street. I finally arrived just in time the bell ring and my best friend Jake at the entrance.

"Come on!" Yelled Jake, holding the door for me. I got in and he gave me the schedule."

"Here Kyru, I already got you the schedule. I checked mines and yours, and guess what, we got three classes together." I looked at him with a frown on my face.

"Only three?" I lowered my head. Kyru was basically my only and best friend I ever had in high school. That meant every day I would be in a class with no one to talk to again. I was too shy to try and make more friends, and being that of my secret life I couldn't afford to make friends.

"Alrighty Kyru, we have the first period together in math come on let's go." He pulled me by my arm as we jogged the rest of the way to class.

At class, he and me took a seat next to each other, and awaited for the other students and teacher arrive to class. Class started and everyone mostly relaxed. Not much to do on the first day. I noticed thou, something strange. There was this normal grey wolf, kind of built but not too much, in your everyday punk clothes, talking with a couple of people, but every time I turned to them I saw the wolf catching his eyes staring at me, more ,like my whole body, and when he finds out he just turns away like if nothing was wrong. I never saw him before so he might be new to this school, but most of the people he spoke to were here since the beginning and all spoke to him as if they knew him.

"Hey, Jake, who's the wolf over there." I signaled but without pointing my finger at him.

"Oh, you noticed him staring at you ey? He has been starring at you since you walked into class. Why, don't tell me you don't know him?" I Only shook my head.

"I never saw him, is he knew?"

"Kyru, where have you been? He has been in almost all your classes since you came into high school, I think he just finally noticed you, cause he wont stop sneaking looks. Wow, he sucks, I bet every one knows he's looking at you." I looked over back at him, and like last time he noticed and turned away. Yeah, I was gay. And so was Jake, but he and me thought of each other as brothers the most, so we never said to each other that we were in love, cause basically he and me were better off as bro's. Besides no one really care if you were gay or not.

First period ended and me and Jake went our separate ways. I went to English and sat towards the center. Then, "he" showed up. The wolf came into class, and saw me. I swear I saw a smile escape his muzzle as he made his way and took a seat next to me.

"Hey, Kyru!" I turned to him, surprised.

"You know my name?" that probably didn't come out good, caused he gave me a confused look.

"Yeah, I have been in almost all your classes since freshmen year. I noticed your very, very quiet." I blushed, I was so embarrassed, this cute wolf knew me, and I just found out he was alive.

{No, no, what are you thinking Kyru, you can't afford to fall in love, he will find out your secret and things will go for the worst with you, don't do it, just ignore him for the rest of the year, and then you can date him.}

"Oh, hey." it was plain and awkward, but I had to do it, too much was at stake. I turned to look to the other side, and I felt him being kind of crushed, trying to put the moves on the fox and the fox ignored him. {I'm sorry dude, I can't. Maybe after high school, but not now.}

The rest of the day went normal. Me and Jake met up at my look-like abandoned house to do our homework.

"I can't believe you did that Kyru."

"I'm sorry, but you know too, I can't afford to show my secret."

"Why don't you just tell him to keep it a secret, I'm sure he will."

"Yeah, I'm sure he will loose interest right then and there, and then there goes my secret." We kind of ended the subject there and there. And hoped for the rest of the year to go by quick and simple.

For the first few months, things went well, the wolf always said hi to me. His name was Lex, short for Lexis. I thought it was cute, but I didn't give it much mind. I just felt ashamed cause all the times he said hi or started a conversation, I would ended almost as soon as it started, but for some reason he never gave up. December finally came by, but it wasn't as good of a Christmas as I thought, around the middle of December it was getting really cold, and my only coat had been ruined and destroyed during an accident, so I didn't have much protection for the winter.

*beep*, *beep*, *beep*. I got up from my bed and went downstairs to get ready. I barely slept, not to mention it was cold throughout the whole night. And having only cold water didn't help much. But, it got worse.

"*sigh* I have no choice, I guess I have to run to school.". I opened the door and ran, just ran. It as freezing outside, no less than two blocks and I was already freezing cold. I finally got to school, and I couldn't feel my ears nor tail. It was cold even thou I was in school, and today was test day. I went into class, and I felt like I was getting lightheaded. Everyone came in class, so did Lex too.

"Hi Kyru", he said waving his hand, s if nothing.

"H-hi.. Lexis." He gave me a weird look.

"Are you ok? You don't look so good." I didn't mind him, my head was like in 5 million places, I couldn't concentrate.

"Ok, student's, ready for your test?" I was able to hear an aw cry from the student's, my head by this time was killing me. The tests were given out. I had a really hard time concentrating. Lex went up first, and then I. When I got up he was coming back already. And that's when it happened. My vision went blurry and the whole room started spinning. All I heard next was the voice, that sweet calming voice of Lex.

"Hey, are you ok. Hey! Kyru!"

I didn't know what happened, everything just blanked out. By the time I awoke again, I was at the nurse, with three warming blankets over my fur, and a wet hot towel over my forehead. I bent up and looked around the room I was in.

"Kyru!, your awake, thank goodness" My best friend came in and rapped his arms around, me, as did I to him.

"What happened Kyru, you were ice cold, and your temperature was below what it was suppose to?" I looked away, I knew why.

"It was because I didn't have an overcoat. I forgot all about a coat, and having the temperature decrees a lot today, I took the chance and came in anyways." He shook his head.

"You are taking to many risks and some aren't good for you. " he sighed.

"I hope this doesn't go any much ,longer, and finally after you graduate and turn 18 you can live life without a lie." I nodded, I sure hoped so.

"Oh, and maybe you should also thank the person who brought you here." He said with a silly grin on his face.

"What do you mean. Who brought me here?" As I said it, Lex came into the room. I was astonished.

"Hey there! I got very worried when you fainted right in from to f me, I held you and told the teacher I wouldn't mind taking you down to the nurse. You fur was freezing, why didn't you bring protection, you can get very ill." He had a worried face, one of the most cutest, it almost made me cry, I felt like I had done something wrong to one of my parents. I shook it off and looked away.

"Thank you." I knew this wasn't the way to say thanks, but his face, I couldn't look at it. What was this thing going over me, am I really falling for this guy? Both Lex and Jake both shrugged, it then became a an awkward conversation.

"Well, if your feeling better, I'm glad I was of some help, I'll be seeing you around, cutie." My eyes went shocked and I stared at him as he left.

"WOW...if he isn't in love with you, then there is no such thing as love." he looked at me, with a raised eyebrow, I could tell the naughty things going around in his mind. "Why don't you date him. You know you like him as well. I'm sure he will keep it a secret, you never know."

"It's too much, I just can't take that risk."

"Oh, but you take even bigger risk of going outside, to catch a cold, or worse, pneumonia?" I looked away, and the discussion ended right there. It was already afternoon so I got dressed when I was feeling better and went home with Jake, of course, a complaint to my parents, as if they will ever get this.

December came near it's end, while we had our vacation. I saved enough money to give a present to Jake. It wasn't much, but he understood. I also got a present from him, it was a lot, and I didn't want to take it, but he said "No, isn't an answer." So I had no choice. But what I found very surprising was that Jake had another present, but not from him, but from Lex. They had met before the Christmas vacation and gave it to him to give to me at the right time. It was a sweater. It was very comfy, and it protected me well from the cold. It kind of got me embarrassed. He probably thought my family was poor, so he got that for me. Hey, who am I kidding, I am poor. It even had pockets, I didn't wait one sec, I just put it on. I felt my heart tingle when I did, it was hand made by him.

"Wow, this wolf can sue!" It was very comfortable, but again I made myself shake the feeling off, I can't afford it. That night it hurt me, I was crying almost all night, to know I have a chance to be happy again, I was just too scared of the other consequences. It was in between, being happier, or tearing everything I had apart.

I opened my eyes again, this time it was dark, night had fallen and I guess I must had cried myself to sleep. I was on my bed, and the blankets were a bit falling off, I must had turned more than usual. But what woke me up? Then I found out as I heard a creak from my window. I saw outside and there was Lex. My heart skipped a couple of beats. I went to the door downstairs and opened the door. "What do you think your doing? How did you find me? I'm sorry Lex, I just can't..." My words were cut off as he rapped his arms one around my back, the other around my waist and kissed me, so, so deeply. I didn't know how I was alive cause I felt my heart stop, time stopped along with it. It felt so good, his lips surround mine , rapping around mine, in such a protective form. The I felt his tongue slowly lick at my lips. I didn't want to let him, but my body was disobeying me. My mouth on it's own opened and let the intruder in, and to make it less bearable my own tongue rapped around his, wanting him so much. I didn't know how this could be happening, it just was. I finally got control of my body and broke the kiss.

He picked me up by my legs and back and carried me back inside.

"Lex, I'm sorry Lex, I can't...I can't love you back. I can't tell you why I just...." But he didn't let me finish. I looked at him a she stopped me with his finger on my lips.

"Kyru, I love you....and no matter what you think will come between us, I will still love you." Those words went straight to m heart. I felt like crying right then and there. I didn't know just how much love I was missing till I got it, and now I didn't want it to leave, I felt like a baby in his arms I never wanted this feeling to leave. He took me up to my room, till I stopped him.

"Hey! Wait, please understand, the reason I didn't want to be with you is because....because I live alone, I'm an orphan, my mother and father died, and I have struggled to maintain it a lie. So....." But yet again I was shushed, by his lips this time. He broke I and I almost whined when he did.

"I don't care, I just want you. Not by how you live, nor if you're an orphan." He entered my room and placed me in bed, my legs dangling at the edge of it. He didn't waste no time, he grabbed my trunks and pulled them down, revealing my sheath, which was starting to swell.

"Wait! Never done this before!"

"It's ok, just relax, and lay down" he said putting one paw on my chest and pushing me down back into bed. You see I had never played with myself, I just was way too busy with life itself to even notice, it was day in and day out, never was into games, nor fun, cause being alone and at this age, you just grow up mentally to quick, to even realize of your needs. I felt his nose rub against my sheath, and the scent of my heat rose and filled the air very quickly. He smelled it in and then gave it a simple and gentle lick at the tip of my sheath, making my member jerk out. I winced, it felt so good. I simply did as he told me, his rough canine tongue sipped and lapped at my growing member, licking it from base to tip and vice-versa. I moaned, feeling the same tingle go up and over my whole body.

"Ahhhh....L-Lex!...P-please stop!'s starting to hurt!" I said as I felt my member and knot swelled up to fully erection. It was even beginning to hurt. Bu this just made him start to bob his head over my swollen member, sucking it hard, and stopping at the knot. Even if I wasn't much of at all fox, by knot was too much for his mouth. I felt the tip of my fox-hood go to the back of his throat, sucking my member hard, and lapping it all around with his tongue, I gave a loud moan of pleasure as I spurted thick spurts of my newly and first time shot of semen. I heard him gag on the first shot, but he swallowed it after tasting it a bit, swirling it around my cock and then sucking it down. I grabbed at his hair and ears and pulled at them hard, as I continued to cum intensively for my first time. The pleasure just kept overflowing me!

I jolted up, sitting direct in my bed, giving a loud yelp as I came on my trousers under my sheets. I was sweaty breathing hard. I looked around and called for Lex's name, but he never came. I pulled the sheets up and pushed my trousers down, seeing my member fully erect and throbbing mostly covered in my first batch of cum. It was starting to get sticky and cold, but then again so was the room. I sat there panting as I looked around one more time, and placed my hands on my eyes, crying. I don't know what I was getting to, but this fur alone is affecting me. Why was it that he kept hitting on me, I was never popular, I was always quiet, stayed to my business and just hung out with Jake and Jake alone. I never caused any commotion what's so ever, except for this winter where I fainted. But even so, he was already hitting on me. I didn't know what to do, but I sure knew that I had to clean myself, and maybe, just maybe, release my stress. At least I knew one way to do that was to jerk off, I'm starting to become more normal, I'm feeling young again.

Not sure if I will continue with this story, depends if people like it, if not, there's no reason to continue. If Anything any spelling grammar, or if the story didn't make sense, or it was just to damn boring, please let me know.

Hundred Acre Woods:

ATTENTION:: Before you read this story, make sure that none of the following offends you, please. This story contains sex between males, shota (as you would like to say) and other explicit things. YOU KNOW THE DRILL....NOT 18 OR 18+....DON'T EVEN...

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The new arrival

\*\*NOTICE\*\* this story contain scenes that may be inappropriate for 16 or younger. This contains sexual contacts between two males, so if this offends you, do not continue reading. Other wise please enjoy my first story. This is my first story,...

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