Rapid Self Evolution Pt:4 Fightin' And Fuckin'

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Uh oh, here come the heroes to stop our favorite sex-crazed monster from fucking everything he sees! How will he get out of this sticky situation?!

He stood still in front of the humans, observing their movements as he prepared for a fight, his tentacles hardening into spears, their tips sharpening into a point, ready to hunt the humans in front of him and sniffing the air delicately, searching for the telltale scent of ovulation coming from one of the women in front of him. The two parties stood tense facing each other, 15 quickly trying to analyze every one of their scents, searching for a new mate among them, while the heroes across from him and the police behind them carefully watched every twitch of movement he made, scanning for an opening to attack. Finally sniffing out the scent of his fertile prey, he smelled it coming from one of the heroes, the scent finally coming through over the harsh smell of metal, gunpowder, and half-humans. His eye's locked onto his target, one of the female heroes, half made of metal and half of flesh, her face replaced by a mash of lenses and sensors, and her whole upper body and arms made of metal and machinery. But despite all of the modifications, he still smelled a fertile woman beneath it all, ready to be bred. Now that he had identified his target, there was only one thing to do.

Get rid of the rest of them so he could enjoy his prey in peace.

Staring at the humans in front of him intently, 15 burst into motion, flying at the heroes and humans that stood in his way, tentacles whipping out at them with the intent to kill. The moment he moved the cracks and zips of bullets flew past him, striking the place he had been an instant before. Whipping his tentacles forward out to strike he slammed it through the cyborg hero in the front impaling his chest, his body flying back into the police behind him with the follow-through of the strike. One of his teammates shouted his name in worry as he slammed into the ground.


Ripping his tentacles out of Wolfream's chest he lept at the next closest hero, slitting his chest open with his claws. The large lion-like man staggered back wounded from his attack, holding his chest as blood poured out from around his hand, growling at 15 the loin man's body began to shift, growing larger and more animalistic as thick reddish hair sprouted from his forearms, and massive claws grew in place of his nails. The wound closed up as he shifted he struck out at 15 landing a heavy blow on him and sending him flying into the air before he landed back down on the ground, claws skittering on the concrete. Again one of them shouted out in worry to the injured teammate

"You ok Aurus!?"

"I'll be fine Iridine, just make sure Wolfreams ok."

Recovering from the strike 15 dodged the police's bullets that had been fired at him as he was getting up, a couple glancing off the scales underneath his gore-soaked fur. Slamming his tentacles out once again he whipped them toward the police, having annoyed him enough to start attacking them. His tentacle bashed through several of their helmets, spraying brain and blood into the air, their comrades screaming in horror as they were sprayed with their friend's skulls. Claws sparking against the ground, he leaped into the midst of the disorganized group of police. Striking out with his tentacles he impaled one after another on them, ramming through them and spearing more bodies along them.

Aurus shouted, "Dammit! This is why I didn't want them to come!"

Aurus charged at him, pushing through the pile of bodies trying to strike him again. Dodging out of the way backward, 15 slammed his tentacles together, smashing the odd human between the dead bodies speared on his tentacles. Ripping his tentacles from the bodies with a hard tug, he quickly assessed the state of the fight, one strange human out of commission, another attending to him, one buried underneath the human's bodies, and three more standing on guard and watching for a chance to attack. Glaring at the three heroes he growled at them, his tail hissing along with him in anger and whipping wildly back and forth.

As he stared down the heroes, he watched the half-metal female closely standing off to the right behind the fully metal hero aiming their arm at him, it crackling with electricity dangerously. But he paid little attention to them as he was far more interested in the breeding mate he had picked out. Staring at her predatorily, he felt his body react to the sight of his mate his cock throbbing in excitement, desperate to seed her with his children, his tentacles reacting similarly, their heads slitting open and dripping slick precum onto the ground.

His mate said, "I don't like the way he's looking at me Plutas..."

Replying to her, the one in the middle said, "I don't either, Mercalis."

A moment later Plutas broke the standoff and fired their fully charged arm at 15, the round slamming into his leg as he tried to dodge, sending him spinning into the air once again, smashing into the side of his most recent breeding grounds and shattering the glass walls and sending him sprawling across the lobby. Shakily getting to his paws, his rear leg having nearly been torn off from the impact, he saw the heroes charge through the broken glass he had just been sent through, the odd-smelling human that had been standing to the left of the fully metal hero immediately rushing at him arm pulled back and ready to punch him. Straining to move out of the way, 15 pushed through the pain in his leg and managed to leap out of the way of the blow, the punch landing right where he had been, cracking the stone floor. Striking out with his tentacles toward the hero, he slammed them into him hard sending him flying into the reception desk, smashing it to pieces. Plutas called out his name in worry as he was struck.


The pain in his leg began to dull he felt the mangled leg repair itself, his bones crawling back into his skin and popping back into place, and fresh skin, scales, and fur covering the exposed muscle, his leg fully healing in just seconds. Shooting another round at him from their arm Plutas barreled toward 15, dodging the tentacles he was whipping toward them. Punching toward 15 as soon as they were close enough to attack, they struck him in the shoulder, a dull pain blossoming from the blow. Whipping his tentacles back towards them, 15 batted Plutas off of him, sending them sliding across the ground a few feet before following up the attack and battering them again with his tentacles. Mercalis intervened before he could get another attack off, landing a blow squarely to his jaw, shaking his vision from the impact.

Slashing out with his claws he attacked her back, just grazing past her chest as she dodged out of the way. Another shot coming from behind slammed into him shattering his scales and splintering his ribs, feeling hot sticky blood pouring out from the wound down his side. Lashing out once again, he struck both heroes at the same time, knocking them away. Spying Osmius getting up out of the wrecked reception desk from the corner of his eye, he growled intimidatingly at the heroes before launching himself at Mercalis, trying to take her out before he had to injure his partner any further.

Just as he was about to reach her, jaws spread wide to deliver his venomous bite a shadow crossed over his vision as a massive furred fist slammed into him, driving him to the ground, shards of sharp pain sliced through him as his ribs fractured from the impact, the stone splitting beneath him as he was forced into it. As blow after blow crushed into him, blood burbled from his mouth as his ribs punctured his lungs, darkness encroaching in his mind as he was pummeled over and over again. Just as he was about to pass out, his tail lashed out and bit onto the hero's arm, pulling him into the air as Aurus prepared to strike him again.

Getting thrown into the air, his momentum ripped his tail's fangs from the lion man, sending him flying across the room and crashing down on the other side. Sliding across the floor he left a smear of blood along the ground. Breathing weakly, he felt his body start to heal once again, bones returning to their original positions as his ribs slid out of his lungs, and stood to his feet once he healed. Glaring at the heroes across the room he saw Iridine make her way into the building as well, joining the others.

"Wolfream'll live but he won't be fighting until he gets repaired."

Responding to her Plutas said, "Good, we were just finishing up here, he'll be back up and running in no time."

Growling at the hero's again in frustration and anger, he eyed Mercalis again lustfully, not to be dissuaded by the humans in front of him. Suddenly he felt his tail grow and split into three, looking back he saw that each one, which had only been as thin as a viper, had swelled to the size of a python, and now three large snakes were hissing at the heroes angrily with venom dripping from their fangs. Hissing louder and louder, the three snakes suddenly reared back before launching forward and spraying a thick concentrated stream of poisonous gas across the room at the heroes.

The gas quickly filled the room with its poisonous haze and he heard the heroes begin coughing on the paralytic gas, their bodies thumping onto the ground almost immediately. Pleased with this outcome, 15 started walking towards them to claim his prize, when out of the smog a bullet cracked past his head whizzing past him and slamming into the opposite wall, a loud boom echoing through the room as it impacted. Immediately on guard his vision suddenly shifted and he began to see in a new color, the poison unable to block out the outlines of the heroes. Only two were still standing both of them particularly bright compared to the rest of them. The brightest, in particular, was the arm that was aimed at him, it shining brightly through the poison. The two standing had brilliant spots of light glowing in the center of their chests, he couldn't identify which ones they were through with the smell of poison thick in the air.

Charging toward the one that had just fired at him, he wrapped his tentacles around them even as they tried to dodge him. Grasping them firmly he came closer and saw that it was the one the other humans called "Plutas" their form resolved into the colors he was familiar with when he got close enough. He felt his tails lunge forward around the hero, gripping around their head and both their arms pulling in all different directions, tearing them off, leaving him holding their torso. Constricting his tentacles he crushed through their waist, separating their legs from their upper body and dropping them to the floor. Stalking over to the other hero who seemed to be looking around in confusion at the commotion he leaped at them once he was close bowling them over and restraining them with his tentacles. Looking closely at the hero he saw that it was his breeding partner struggling underneath him.

Panting happily with excitement at the prospect of fulfilling his purpose once again so soon, he felt his member start twitching and engorging in arousal, drooling precum all over her chest. The scent of the female beneath him was intoxicating, his brain swarming with endorphins as prepared to breed with the human beneath him. Growling in excitement and to let her know who was in charge, he bit down on her neck, pinning her down as he tried to inject venom into her. His teeth penetrated her armored neck slightly, an unpleasant feeling of metal scraping his teeth making him loosen his jaw on her.

As she struggled underneath him, trying to fight him off, her grunts and groans of exertion delighted his animal brain, taking pleasure in the restless throes of his prey trying to escape. Pressing her head into the ground harder, careful not to tighten his jaws too much so he wouldn't feel that awful metal scraping against his teeth, he scraped his claws along the fabric restraints her body was contained in, his claws scraping along her metal skin as they shredded away easily under his claws, revealing her strange metal body to him. Mildly confused by the difference from the flesh he was used to seeing, he ran his dick over it experimentally, testing the feel of it as he ran his pulsing tool along the strange edges and corners that made up this human's body. His dick catching on a hole in her chest, he strained to look between his legs with her neck still in his mouth and he saw that there was a glow coming from where his dick was resting, the hole warm and smooth on his cock, almost like the walls of the human nest he was in. He heard her yelling something at him as he explored this new hole with his cock, but he couldn't tell what it was, strange.

Pressing his cock deeper into the hole, he felt her body arch against him as he heard her gasp strangely, it didn't sound like his master's gasps when he had bred with her, nor any other noises he had humans male when he bred with them either. Again, strange. Pushing deeper again into this new hole he felt his precum work its magic, lubricating the way for his dick as he worked deeper inside the half-metal human. He felt his dick hit the end of the hole, feeling like it was made out of the same smooth material as the sides of it, but much warmer. Even though his dick only made it a quarter of its length into the hole, he was excited to spill his cum into it. Pulling his hips back he thrust forward, dick running along the warm and smooth walls, his dick tip pressing against the end enjoyably, tingles of pleasure sparking through his cock as he excitedly had his way with her.

Her struggling becoming more intense underneath him as he fucked her hole, he wrapped his tentacles around her arms, holding her in place. As they wrapped around her he felt them slip out of their combat mode and soften back into usable dicks, tingles of pleasure flowing from them back to his groin as they coiled around her arms, sliding across her metal skin. Liking the feeling he kept moving them around her arms, the feeling providing a nice background to the main event.

With each thrust, he pressed his sensitive dick tip into the hole's end, warm licks of lightning touching him gently along his cock, tracing trails of pleasure along it. Enjoying the soft pleasure of fucking the half-metal female, he started unconsciously licking her neck, happily using her as a breeding toy. The sounds of her struggling and desperation delighted him and exacerbated his arousal as he felt stronger and in control of his partner, her cries of defiance only confirming his feelings of power and ability to do whatever he wanted with her.

Eventually growing tired of the weak feelings of pleasure he got from her strange hole, ready and wanting to bury his whole cock deep inside her, he concentrated, wanting to seed this hole and mark it his, even if he was bored of it. Feeling a stream of faint pleasure from his cock, he felt his thick white semen start to leak from it, filling it with his valuable sperm. Stopping the stream only when he felt it overflow and start to cover her chest, he pulled out of the hole and shuffled back, his dick dragging along her abdomen, leaving a trail of slime wherever it touched as he worked back towards her pussy.

Feeling his dick slip along her crotch, he felt her soft human skin give way underneath his rock-hard cock, her metal skin giving way to the flesh he was accustomed to. He rubbed his sensitive dick tip all over her hole, smearing his precum over it as he marked her as his. As she struggled underneath him all the more fiercely, he breathed in deep her unique scent the smell of her fear, unlike anything he had experienced before, somehow more pure and refined than the regular human fear he was used to enjoying. Thankful the cloying smell of the poison had started to clear away as he enjoyed her scent. As the poison cleared from the air, he saw his breeding partner's teammates paralyzed all around him, conscious and glaring death at him as he went to breed their companion.

Good. They should watch as he took what was his and despair, after all, they were the weak ones and they would bow to his natural order. Excited, 15 slowly wormed his way into his mate, his cock parting her folds and being slowly enveloped by her slick warm tunnel, acutely aware of her ridges as they ran over his delicate cock tip. He could feel her teammates burning a hole into him as he had his way with his prize, but he felt only elation at their anger, at them watching him pump his pups into his mate, helpless. They should be honored, really, he thought, to watch such a glorious purpose be fulfilled right before them. But their anger would do, their anger at their own weakness as he cemented himself at the top by fucking their partner right in front of them, stripping away their power with every thrust he made. Exiting.

Burying his dick deep inside his female he made his tentacles slither all over the semi-human, spreading precum all over every inch of her skin, humiliating her and making her his, again cementing his position above as the superior male as he attempted to possess her whole body. Slithering his tentacles in coils over her body, their sensitive skin sending shocks and tingles of pleasure through him every time they crawled across a new facet of her metal body, slowly winding their way down to join his main cock and bury themselves in her pussy. He could feel more and more of his cocktacles slide out of his body, slick with liquid as the new flesh entered into the world. Sliding over her waist he could feel his cock thrusting into her through her skin, the swollen rod distending her vagina as he buried it into her.

Wrapping down over her legs, he slid over her thighs, each tentacle wrapping their own leg sensually and marveling at the smooth satin feel of human flesh rubbing against them, a smooth current of electricity flowing to his brain from his cocks. Her thighs thick and taut with muscle encased below her smooth skin, delightful in feel and form. This must be his finest breeding partner yet, her form perfect and strong, surely capable of birthing as many kids as he wanted from her womb, he could undoubtedly load her with his seed, again and again, the instant she gave birth, impregnating her again and again, repeating the cycle forever for eternity.

Slithering down over her feet he pointed his cock tips up towards her vagina, ready to join his main cock in her dicking down. The cock-flesh cocoon finally completed, he pressed forward his two tentacles joining his thick, red, throbbing cock at her entrance. Pressing into her sopping-wet breeding hole, he pushed past his cock and into her pussy, his mate screaming as he spread her hole with his cocks, driving them deep into her cunt. Pumping his cocks into her in a rhythm, continuous impacts of pleasure wracked through his body as he continued to fulfill his ultimate purpose, to breed with every living thing he came across.

Pumping his tentacles deeper into his mate he pressed into her cervix, kissing up against it with his tentacles cock head, feeling electrified by the kiss he pulled back, enjoying the feel of her wet walls tugging on his cocks as he ravished her. Thrusting forward he pushed into her womb eliciting another delightful scream from his prey. Swirling around inside her, he felt tickles of lightning stroke his cock as he rummaged around her insides, the licks of warm heat sending blows of electrifying pleasure to his brain. Leaving his cock buried deep in her womb he pumped his other two into her in tandem, pressing against his firm girth already lodged inside her. Coiling his cock around in her womb, he pressed around it feeling his prize up in a way he never could before. Pulling his cock out from her womb rapidly, drenched and dripping with her pussy juice, he thrust back into her womb at the same time as his other tentacle spreading her cervix and filling her womb with his two cocks. Spreading precum all along her insides he twirled and rolled his cocks inside her, maximizing this pleasure becoming his one new goal as he played around in her womb.

His tentacles slid over each other, pressing against each other's muscular lengths as pleasure wracked through him as he possessed his prey completely, her only function was to serve as his cock puppet until his hard thick cocks ravaged her until she was too loose to hold his semen inside her. He could feel her womb bulging with his roiling cockmeat as he felt his pleasure reach a sudden crescendo as he thought about the helpless humans watching him violate their precious teammate with his dicks. His knots swelling massively, he pushed them deep into her pussy and let loose a massive orgasm, feeling his mind shatter as he lost all sense of self and became only his body, pleasure pouring through every vein and nerve, lighting his body up like a supernova as he came.

His cum immediately shot into his prey's pussy from his main cock in large violent squirts, spraying her walls and shooting past his cocks into her womb. Huge globs of cum burbled out around his knots, splattering onto the already cum covered floor. Even while his main cock loaded cum dump after cum dump into his partner, he felt large swells of cum traveling along his tenta-cocks, ballooning them as they wrapped around her. His sperm finally reaching her pussy, he felt the pressure travel through her cervix and balloon his cocks in her womb before finally exploding inside her, his cocks spraying seed into her every crevasse.

Load after load of sperm unloaded directly into her womb, spraying out of all three of his cock tips fiercely, her womb swelling in size rapidly at the sheer rate and volume of cum being pumped into her. And then he felt the eggs start to come. The tight electric pressure traveled down his cocks as he started to unload them into his breeding mate, his main cock shooting them into her first before quickly being followed by his other two cocks, her horrified screams half-heard by him, subconsciously turning him on even more, his cocks thickening and growing harder inside and around her as his excitement increased. His body was paralyzed in ecstasy at the feeling of his three cocks swallowed by her quivering pussy, it clenching down tighter on him than he had ever felt before as he made her his breeding bitch.

As his orgasm only continued to heighten he felt his claws dig into her arms, tearing the metal and crushing through them, tearing them off from her, her only use now as a sperm and egg receptacle for him to use. As he continued to cum inside her he felt his orgasm hit the second stage he had hit previously with his master, his already broken mind feeling like it had been vaporized by the pleasure. Impressions and sensations of the real world flitting through his mind in the euphoric fog smothering him, feelings of absolute power, fulfillment, and satisfaction breezing through him blasted away by sharp crashes of extra-orgasmic rapture firing through his nerves, again replaced by the acute sensation of his cocks buried deep inside his breeding bitch's pussy, the warm, slick, constrictor like grasp on his cock otherworldly.

His orgasm finally tapered off after what seemed like time immemorial, leaving him gasping for breath, panting heavily on top of the cum stuffed human. Sliding off the three-foot wide belly of the human, he shakily got to his paws, feeling the last dregs of cum dribbling into her pussy as he waited for his knots to come unstuck from her. He gazed at the paralyzed heroes smugly, their glares apocalyptic at him as they watched him calmly lick himself clean of his semen, still stuck in their friend's cunt. Feeling like rubbing it in, he concentrated, feeling his balls churn as he pumped another load of cum into her, his eyes rolled into his head and his tongue lolled out in pleasure, rear legs kicking like a dog getting scratched, as cum spurted into her uterus once again from his main cock, the two balloons of sperm slowly traveling through his tentacles into her womb, spurting again into her making her uterus gurgle with his cum. A drip of drool dropped from his lolled-out tongue before he pulled it back into his mouth and gave the heroes a pointed look, telling them that he was doing this just to make them hate him more.

After a few minutes had passed 15 finally felt his knots reduce to a size he could pull them out. Straining he yanked himself out of her his cocks snaking out of her flaccid, cum spilling from her before being blocked by an egg, plugging her womb. Slithering his tentacles back inside him, he padded out the front door only to be greeted by two more humans, again ones he recognized, but this time they certainly weren't heroes and as he saw one of them he immediately shrank in fear.

"Looks like you've been busy..."

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