Kink Night - Summoning
Aerimis found an old book of magic spells, and decides to use it to add a bit of flair to date night. After all, magic isn't real, right? Right?
Ryvin and Aerimis were trying something new: Aerimis had found a strange book of demonic rituals at a local secondhand shop, so tonight's foreplay was going to be summoning a demon. The lion had on a dark robe, holding the large leatherbound tome in his hands, open to a page with a complex pattern of rings, lines, and annotated script on the other side. Notes in several varying scripts filled the margins, but none of them were recognizable to either the dragon or the feline. With his boyfriend playing the part of the cultist, Ryvin was to take a place to be an offering, currently blindfolded on his knees with his wrists and ankles bound behind his back. Surrounding him was a replica of the demonic symbol on the page, with some candles placed at the edges where the lines met. Once the "demonic summoning" was complete, Aerimis was to switch roles and take the place of the powerful demon that would, while bound to the circle, have his way with the offering.
Aerimis set the book aside, satisfied that the scene was set well enough. He carefully stepped over the circles, raising his robe to make sure it didn't brush against any of the lit candles on the edge. Kneeling behind Ryvin, he gave an experimental tug on the ropes binding the dragon's wrists to make sure they had some slack to them, glancing down to do a cursory check that the restraint around his ankles similarly was secure, but not uncomfortably so. Finding them acceptable, he tapped his boyfriend on the shoulder, taunting him. "Hey, if the rope's all fine for you, I'm gonna go grab a snack before we get started. All of this prep has me famished"
Ryvin bared his teeth, the edges of his mouth pulled down into a tight grimace as he growled. "You wouldn't dare leave me here all alone like this so you can go eat some chips before sex". Though he protested, his twin dicks betrayed him, already beginning to show themselves from the implication alone. Aerimis grinned mischievously at the sight, taking the book back up as he got into position.
"You know you'd like it" the feline retorted, letting the book fall open to any page as he lifted it in front of him, waving one hand over the pages as he began to ominously chant. The book, which happened to open to the same page it was on before, began to glow as the lion on a whim decided to lift it above his hand, his "chanting" essentially random sounds fit together to seem like words at this point. Ryvin had his head down, his neck long and body flexible enough that he was able to pleasure himself with his maw. The dragon had his jaws around one of his pillars, sucking at himself as the lion performed his mock ritual.
When the lion decided it was time to move on to the main course, he began to lower the book, the pages no longer glowing. Before he could set it down, he felt a breeze rush through the room and the candles all went out. Left blind, he began to feel along the wall, looking for a switch in the darkness. He groaned as he searched, "Ugh, why didn't you tell me your basement was drafty, I wouldn't have used real candles for this!"
Before Aerimis could find the switch, the room lit again from the center. Surprised, he turned to find the diagram on the floor glowing in blazing red lines. Ryvin, unable to see anything through his blindfold in the first place, was still going at his cock, which appeared to be changing - the color had shifted to a darker tone, and the pair of them seemed to be sitting farther apart than they normally were. As the lion watched, something began to push out from between the spires, the dragon pulling off of the penis he was currently attending.
Ryvin didn't know what it was about their little game tonight, but it had him harder than he had ever felt before. He was so lost in the pleasure that he hadn't even realized that his boyfriend had stopped chanting until he felt pressure pushing his penises apart. Figuring that they were proceeding to the bit where the lion would be playing as the demon they had summoned and ravishing him into submission, he slid back off of the dick he was servicing and nosed in between the pair. Finding a furry object that he figured had to be his boyfriend's snout, he opened his maw slightly for a kiss, his head getting pushed back slightly as a tongue intertwined with his.
The dragon also felt nothing when his legs shifted, the toes becoming more dextrous, and the joints changing enough that the feet were able to reposition enough in the slack of their bonds to pull apart the knot in the rope. Freed from the bonds, the changing legs maneuvered the body carefully into a more seated position from kneeling, tilting backwards so that it was resting on his bound hands and his lower back, his tail now pressed against the floor.
Figuring that his boyfriend was pushing him onto his back to get on top of him, Ryvin swung his tail around, laying even further on his back. He began to draw back from the kiss, assuming that Aerimis was planning to pull out of it to bring some more attention to his tailhole. In reality, a long black bull's muzzle had almost fully pressed out from between his dicks, which were finishing their transition into a pair of sharp, curved horns. The dragon's scaled hips were reforming into furry shoulders, the joints rotating as the leg proportions adjusted and muscle built under the surface, the scaly covering tearing and sloughing off from the combination of the fur growth and increased mass. The beginnings of a thick mane were growing in around the base of his tail, similarly forcing off individual scales.
Aerimis was frozen in shock. He didn't know what to do, he had just watched a muzzle push out of his boyfriend's hole and then witnessed the dragon lock into a long kiss with it. On top of that, Ryvin didn't appear to be able to hear him, given there was no reaction when he had shouted and tried to get his attention. There was also some kind of force keeping him from being able to enter the sigil that they had drawn up - he had been thrown back against the wall when he had tried. The lion could try to go get help, but who would he contact? He could already hear the response when he called 911 and told the operator that he was calling because after trying some occult magic his boyfriend had a bull between his legs.
The changes were also definitely continuing - it was hard to tell, but Ryvin's neck looked less and less like it was craned downwards, and the surface was looking more and more fleshy along most of the length by the moment. As Ryvin pulled back out of the kiss, his tailhole pulled shut, the bull's muzzle filled out to its completed length. The muzzle moved down the tail, building into a full skull as it slid. The tail was thickening at the base into a strong neck, as the rest of the length began to shrink and harden, centering on the forming skull. The ex-twin dicks were moving even more to the sides, twisting into heavy horns that curved into points, the ridges smoothing out into an even curve.
The dragon's wings hadn't been left out, either, the existing skeletal structure dissolved, leaving the membrane. New bone began to form under Ryvin's former hips, slowly pulling the wing into shape once more. The bovine visage smiled, one of the former draconic legs reaching down to pull the blindfold away from Ryvin's head, but found that the dragon had his eyes closed anyway. With the tail curling for the new head to lean back in, the repurposed arm pulled Ryvin back in for another long kiss. Aerimis's eyes made contact with the new bull's, and the muzzle half formed a knowing grin in the middle of the kiss, as if to say "Don't worry, I see you, you're next".
During the kiss, the wild black mane filled out from the bull's skull, forming around the horns. The mane fur developed a fiery red highlight as occasional streaks developed into a shining gold. The now solidified bit of remaining tail violently split into two, forming into a second set of horns in between the first pair. The new set of horns stuck out in two long thunderbolt shapes, spearing backwards, then away from each other and down, finishing out by spearing backwards and slightly back together again.
The longer Aerimis stared the less it looked like he was watching a bull monster grow out of a dragon and the more it looked like a dragon getting absorbed by a bull monster. The entire portion of the conjoined pair that was now the minotaur's upper body was almost entirely void of scales, a coating of black, crimson, and gold fur accenting his bulging musculature. The changes appeared to have finished above the shoulders, the former feet now hands sporting dark fur on the back and crimson scales on the palms, with wicked golden claws extruding from the tips of the fingers.
The minotaur's right hand was resting behind Ryvin's head, no longer holding the dragon into the kiss. The dragon's eyes were still shut, his muzzle showing a content smile. The bull's head angled upwards as the kiss broke, the draconic head sliding under to nuzzle under into the main fluff and rest on the inflating chest. The other hand was lower, lightly stroking up and down the dragon's neck. The base of the neck had fully lost its scales, now a dark puffy tube that was getting surrounded by additional furred flesh. The base of the neck now hidden inside of a pouch, two large orbs began to bloat out from between shifting shoulders, the socket rotating to suit leg joints better than arms.
Ryvin was now lost in bliss, stuck in a pleasured haze as he let whatever he presumed his boyfriend was doing to him happen. He would have to find out what exactly it was the lion did afterwards, but clearly it was doing it for him. The pleasure was still mounting, and he felt that he was reaching a climax as his mouth began to fill with a viscous salty fluid. Ryvin's eyes and mouth slowly began to open as he realized something was wrong - the fluid was coming from within, and spilling out onto his chin. Now face to face with a dark mane, and feeling the weight of a hand on the back of his head, he tried to pull back. The dragon's eyes shot all of the way open. He spit the thick fluid when he reflexively attempted to breathe fire in his panic. Finding his entire body nonresponsive, he turned his eyes upwards to find a dark snout and horns filled his vision.
He still had feeling, but no control - he could feel every caress of his former neck, the slow advance of the weighty balls as they pulsed larger, spilling between thick legs. There was a tight sensation in one of his former hands as it solidified into a hoof, the arm having reshaped into a solid thick leg. The other hand almost felt the same to him - though it seemed to have lost a finger, and the thumb had rotated backwards. Above the waist, he could feel how much his body had already filled out with new mass. The large wings, currently spread wide, were engulfed in a prickling sensation from sprouting feathers. Ryvin could even feel the large head set on the thick neck that had not too long before formed between his penises, and the thick, heavy horns that had been his dicks and tail.
The hand on the back of his head lifted his neck slightly, putting him face to face with a bull sporting a twisted smile, fierce gold and red eyes staring dominantly down at him. Ryvin could feel his throat tightening, his neck losing the last of its scales as more and more fluid began to make its way through his maw. The dragon's defiant glare gave way as his skull softened and puffed out, his horns swallowed by a developing flare. Cum began to spurt further and further from his mouth in the bursts, retaining more pressure as his head sealed up, leaving only a single small opening at the tip as his sapphire eyes were covered by soft flesh.
Aerimis realized he had been holding his breath as he watched his boyfriend disappear into a large horsecock on a massive bull hybrid that was still growing. Now that the dragon was finished, the hulking beast stood on his mismatched feet, one golden hoof and one taloned foot. The feline got a good look at the defined chest and swelling belly as the minotaur stretched, his frame tall enough for his palms to lie flat on the ceiling as he reached upwards. The raven wings spread out, nearly reaching across the dimly lit room.
As the bull stood, the light from the sigil in the floor faded completely. Aerimis finally managed to be able to move, the fight or flight response overcoming his shock and curiosity. Figuring that he didn't have enough time to even attempt to reach the switch to be able to see, he turned to flee up the stairs that he had crept his way to during the takeover of his boyfriend's body. The lion only made it a couple of steps with the room fading back to black before he hit a solid wall of beef. Looking up, he had light again as two small flames pulsed into existence. The brief flash of vision showed him just how utterly massive the bull had become, Aerimis's face just about level with the bull's shaft. A deep, gravelly voice broke the silence "Leaving so soon? I still have a present for you."
Aerimis gulped as two strong hands clamped down on his shoulders. He was next.