One Night in Alaska

Story by LoneWolfSniper on SoFurry

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One Night in Alaska

It was late at night when Jenna made her way to Balto's boat on the outskirts of Nome. The wind hadn't died down since earlier that day, so the red and white husky was bundled up warmly. As she approached the beached freighter, the smell of smoke made her smile. Balto was waiting. She clambered quickly onto the deck and looked around. The pilot house was empty; Balto must be below decks. With a smile, she pulled the heavy wooden hatch open and descended the stairs. As she shut the hatch behind her, she heard the clink of glass. He was waiting with a smile and a bottle of wine when she reached the bottom.

The galley of Balto's boat was dark, except for a fire in a boiler at the far wall. Though the slats in the closed hatch were thin, the heat radiating from the boiler was more akin to a roaring bonfire. The light it gave off, too, seemed stronger than it ought to be. She could easily see the couch that trapped most of the heat between it and the boiler, with its back to the stairs. Aside from that, there was very little around. A chest in the corner by the stairs, a short book case next to a wide bed on the other side of the stairway, and a dining set for two by a small stove.

If I wanted someone with a lot of things, she chuckled to herself, I would have gone with Steele. But it wasn't about what he owned. That's not it.

No, Balto had other, more endearing qualities.

The wolf-dog looked adoringly at his mate, Jenna. Her bright red fur, or what could be seen of it from under her hat, contrasted sharply with the white fur that ran from the tip of her nose down her chest and stomach to that part of her she only showed to him. Her tail - red on top and white underneath - wagged back and forth slowly, seductively. He'd stoked the fire just before she arrived, so the galley was nice and warm. Jenna wouldn't stay bundled up for long.

As Balto poured them each a glass of wine, Jenna loosened the scarf from around her neck and slung it over a hanger by the stairs with her hat. Her coat followed shortly. Even though she still wore her sweater and skirt, she could see his eyes widen just a bit; she always wore her clothes a little too tight, just for him. It was plain to her where this evening was going to go, but she intended to tease him just a bit. Setting the bottle aside, Balto looked up and held out a glass to her. She took it with a small laugh as she sized him up.

A hybrid of a wolf mother and a husky father, Balto stood a few inches above her. His muzzle was decently longer, and squarer, than those of his wilder brothers and sisters. He was built leaner than most of them, too, but years of running had built up his leg muscles, and fighting throughout his youth just to stay alive had helped develop both his arm and his torso muscles. All in all, a well-toned, well-kept body. Not overly-muscular, like Steele; more like a hidden power that only needed provoking to be unleashed. The short-sleeved black shirt he wore was more than enough to keep out the chill of the night with the roaring fire behind him; she knew that would be the first thing to go, followed by those black pants. By the way he stood, awkwardly crossed his legs, she guessed that he probably wasn't wearing any underwear. It seemed fitting because she certainly wasn't. What was the use of one more piece of clothing she'd have to find come morning, anyway?

Balto motioned to the couch he'd set facing the fire and once Jenna had sat down, he joined her. With a small nod and a broad smile, he raised his glass toward her; she matched his smile and touched his glass with hers. He sipped carefully from the glass, then looked to Jenna, who downed hers in one quick gulp. Balto couldn't hide a look of surprise, but she winked and laughed as she set down the glass. With a quick nuzzle, she kissed her way down to his neck and turned his head to face hers.

"Give a girl a hand?" she whispered, turning onto her left side and wrapping her arms around his neck. "What? Not still shaky, are you?"

Balto chuckled good-naturedly, and while he did, she slipped her right leg up and pinned his wine hand beside his leg without spilling a drop. Then, she trapped his other hand in the same way. Now, as she straddled Balto, it seemed there wouldn't be much more small talk. When he opened his eyes and his muzzle in surprise, she put one finger on his lips and smiled.

"Shh... Don't worry, Balto, I still don't bite." She reached down with her right hand to where he still held the glass of wine. "Here, why don't I help you finish this?"

Jenna dipped her right hand down to where his arm was still pinned and slipped the wine glass out of his grasp. Raising it to rest between their muzzles, she first tipped it toward herself, finishing most of the glass before inclining it ever so slightly toward him.

"One last sip, my lover?"

Balto smiled and nodded, at which Jenna tipped the glass gently into his waiting muzzle. Balto swallowed the last few drops easily, at which Jenna smiled and set the glass aside on the little end table next to the couch.

"Won't be needing that for a while, now, will we?" she murmured, caressing his face.

Balto shook his head slowly, still smiling.

"Now then," she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck, "what shall we do first?"

Without really waiting for an answer, she let her hands wander around his shoulders and down his sides to his waist. Before Balto could say a word, she'd pulled his shirt completely over his head, slipping it off his trapped hands last without giving him a chance to escape her hold. Looking over his toned chest, she nodded approvingly.

"Mm-hmm. Much better," she said. "Now, c'mere."

Jenna pressed her muzzle against his, their tongues seeking each other's mouth. Balto groaned and kissed back harder as her hands moved down his chest, massaging his tense muscles. She pulled gently away from the kiss, sliding her muzzle along his and down to his neck. She opened her eyes ever so slightly, looking up at him as he looked down at her. Without speaking, she pushed her muzzle up against his and they kissed again. Then, slowly, she drew herself up to her full height, so that Balto was now looking up at her. As she pulled back from the kiss, she looked down with a smile as he opened his eyes. He almost managed to hide his surprise at the view; her still-clothed but ample chest was just inches in front of his face. He stared a moment too long, and when he looked up at her, smiling sheepishly with joyful eyes, she narrowed hers but gave a knowing grin.

"So, what now?" Balto asked innocently, flexing his still-trapped arms.

Jenna cooed and tightened her grip on his arms just a bit. There was something strangely arousing from keeping him pinned like this. She chuckled inwardly and chalked it up to payback for letting him play a little rough with her, at her own insistence. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead, holding the pose purposefully for a few seconds. Balto let slip a low growl as her breasts pressed against his muzzle. With one eyebrow cocked up, Jenna looked down. Balto, however, had closed his eyes and was basking in her ample attention. She pulled him tight against her, shuddering as his growls sent vibrations through her chest. Then, she leaned back with her hands on his shoulders and smiled.

"Don't worry; I know what my boy likes."

That said, she leaned back, straining her waist against his as she pulled her sweater up over her head and tossed it aside, on one of the chairs by the table. The heat of the fire felt even better on her bare back. With a coy smile, she stretched her arms up, cocking her head to the side, but still eying her love intently.

Balto, on the other hand, couldn't keep from breaking into a wide grin. He could still feel his heart skip a beat every time Jenna put on a little show for him. And when she began to run her hands playfully over her breasts, he felt his restraint start to slip. It didn't help that when she'd pressed herself against him, he could already feel her growing arousal in the wet spot she left on his pants. Slowly, he leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Jenna's bare chest.

Jenna reached out and, cupping Balto's muzzle in her hands, brought it to her breast. Balto hardly needed the cue to start sucking hungrily on her nipple, making it harden with arousal. Jenna moaned and began to caress her other breast, pinching and rubbing her nipple. Balto took this as a ticket to keep going, and moved back, licking and nuzzling both breasts. Jenna gasped and began massaging around his ears. Finally, Balto opened his eyes and looked up, only to see Jenna had her eyes closed in bliss; she was arching her back and slowly but surely inching up off of his lap. With a mischievous smirk, he ducked down and touched his tongue to her lower stomach. Jenna raised her head and moaned loudly, her body lifting up as he traced his tongue north from her stomach.

And suddenly, he was free.

Before Jenna had time to react, or even realize what had happened, Balto had one arm behind her back and the other under her rump; without much effort, he lifted her completely off of him and laid her on the couch. Jenna looked up in surprise at Balto, who simply moved himself over top of her and brought both his arms up to wrap around her, pinning her arms against her sides.

"You sly dog," Jenna growled, giving his nose a quick lick when he leaned down. "So, now what?"

Balto grinned.

"Just wait and see," he whispered, kissing her once more on the lips.

Then, he gently pressed both her arms under her back, wrists crossed, palms down. He had neither the rope nor the desire to actually bind her, plus, her weight seemed enough to hold her hands still. Though she raised her eyebrows in both surprise and curiosity, Jenna made no move to stop him, only smiling as his grin returned. Now that her hands were pinned, he reached up and held her muzzle in his hand as they shared a tender kiss. With a peck on the cheek, he whispered in her ear,

"Trust me?"

To which Jenna answered,


Balto kissed her once more on the nose and then began sliding down her body, kissing her chin and her neck, licking her already hardened nipples, nuzzling her stomach as it gently rose and fell beneath him. As he drew closer to her waist, he squeezed his hands under her back, tracing a finger down her spine as he ran his tongue down her stomach to her skirt's waist line. He looked up at Jenna, who was watching him as best she could over her love mounds, and gave a small smile. That done, he seized the waist of her skirt in his teeth and slowly began to pull it down. He'd only gone a few inches, though, before he realized something that made him chuckle with delight.

"Dear, it seems you're missing something..." he asked, looking up at Jenna with a playful grin.

With her skirt no longer covering her groin, and without undergarments beneath the skirt, Jenna's cunny was now completely exposed. Jenna merely shrugged and smiled back at him.

"I knew I'd forgotten something," she replied.

Balto laughed and bent back to pulling her skirt away. But before long, both realized that with Balto between her legs, it could only go so far. Balto simply nudged his nose underneath her skirt and crawled up until he could rest his head on her stomach. As he lay there, feeling his mate and lover breathe in a slow, steady rhythm, he found himself being lulled into a calm, relaxed rest. Yet, even as he closed his eyes, he heard Jenna say,

"If you even think about falling asleep like that, I will crush you between these legs."

Balto opened his eyes and met Jenna's mischievous grin with his own.

"Oh, believe me, my love, I am very aware of what a powerful grip your legs can have."

"Okay, mister, that's it."

Jenna wiggled her skirt down to her ankles and kicked it off across the room. Without her cloth restraint, she was able to cross her legs over Balto's back and press him tight against her. Balto simply smiled, as though he had anticipated this, and nudged her legs up over his shoulders and wrapped his arms around her upper thighs. Then, with a quick tug on her legs to pull her toward him, Balto began lapping at Jenna's outer lips. The red and white husky gasped loudly and tightened her grip around Balto's back as she felt her cheeks flush. Balto began running his hands up and down her thighs as he licked her sacredness, alternating between soft and firm strokes, trying to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. Jenna moaned and tilted her head back, letting the sensations of her lover's tongue and hands on her body wash over her. Balto, for his part, alternated between licking his lover's cunny and exhaling hot breath on her moist lips. Her moans grew longer and her breath ragged; he knew she was getting close. Jenna was only too happy to confirm it.

"Ah! Balto! I'm gonna...ah... Oh, god..."

Balto grinned and opened his muzzle wide before plunging his tongue as deep into her as he could, closing his muzzle gently around her sacredness. Jenna let loose a loud moan, squeezing Balto even tighter with her legs and arching her back so much she unwittingly freed her trapped hands. Smiling as best he could, Balto let her love fluids flow down his tongue and into his open muzzle. As her release faded, Jenna opened her eyes, just as Balto drew back. He looked at her, still smiling, and licked his lips. Jenna grinned and, lifting her hand, beckoned to him with a grin. Balto shrugged one of her legs off his shoulder and kissed her toes, chuckling as Jenna giggled and tried to tug her foot away. More determined, he kissed her ankle and nuzzled the back of her leg. She shivered, and her hand dropped to grip the couch. Balto looked up momentarily, a smirk on his face, before he began to kiss his way up her thigh. Her breathing grew louder as his muzzle drew closer to her sacredness. Just as he reached up to part her lips, Jenna placed a hand on his head.

"Wait," Jenna whispered.

Balto stopped and looked up in surprise.

"If you're going to start that again, at least let me return the favor this time."

Balto pretended to consider her offer for a moment, then nodded.

"Alright, Jenna."

Balto shrugged Jenna's legs off his shoulders and drew back into a sitting position, resting on his forearms against the couch arm, left leg dangling lazily off the couch. With a smile, he leaned forward with an outstretched arm, which Jenna gladly took. He pulled her quickly up into a hasty kiss before twirling her around to lay with her back against his chest, his arms crossed around her as he kissed her neck. Jenna let her eyelids droop and snuggled back against him, but even as she relaxed, she felt something nudge her inner thigh. Cracking one eyelid, she looked down to see that, despite the restrictions of his pants, Balto's member had grown in response to his tending to her "needs."

"Mmm, Balto, it looks like you could use a little attention..."

"Don't worry about it," Balto said, nipping at her neck.

His hands ran smoothly down her sides, caressing her velvet-soft fur. She nearly let herself sink back into his embrace, but another, harder nudge against her thigh stopped her.

"Balto, you've already taken care of me," she said, humming contently when his hands moved up to her breasts. "Now, why don't you let me take care of you?"

"That's not important, Jen."

Jenna chuckled.

"Well, part of you thinks differently."

She started to lean forward, but Balto's hands left her bosom and crossed around her, holding her back.

"Maybe I don't need the extra attention," he said, kissing her between the ears.

"Balto, that can't be comfortable," she replied, reaching down to run her hand along his length.

She smiled when she heard a low growl slip from his lips, just as he pulled her tight against his chest.

"And if I just want to hold you right here?" he murmured, nuzzling his muzzle into the curve of her neck.

"Alright, now you're just being silly," Jenna laughed, straining forward only a few inches before Balto pulled her back.

"What's wrong?" Balto teased, stealing a kiss on the cheek as she began to wriggle in his grasp. "Can't take a little excitement?"

"Foreplay I can take," Jenna replied, nipping him playfully when one of his hands strayed up to her breasts again. "But your "excitement" is poking me in the leg."

Though Balto's arms kept Jenna's pinned to her sides, she slipped her hands back and traced her fingers up and down his stomach. Balto shuddered and squirmed, laughing even as his grip slipped. Laughing a bit herself, Jenna brushed Balto's arms off and sprang forward, quickly undoing the button and zipper on his pants. But she paused once she'd gotten his fly undone. She'd been wrong about his undergarments. Just as she regained her senses, so too did Balto.

"So that's how you want to play? Alright then."

He seized her legs and pulled back, causing her to lose her balance, and as he lifted her legs up over each shoulder again, Jenna collapsed with her hands on either side of his stomach and his cock nestled between her ample breasts. Without wasting a second, Jenna posted herself on her elbows and began working her breasts around his length, pinching and rubbing her nipples. With his tip just out of reach, she resorted to exhaling her hot breath onto it. She heard Balto groan and his shaft quivered between her massaging bosoms. Jenna giggled quietly and rubbed her breasts against his cock very slowly, trying to feel each inch of his length. Just then, she felt his hips jerk forward suddenly, almost instinctively, while at the same time she felt Balto's tongue against her outer lips, and she cooed in delight. Looking down again, she saw that his cock was finally within reach, and began licking the tip happily.

Balto, meanwhile, had to lean forward to reach her cunny with his tongue, his hands in the crook of her knee as she began to relax. He felt her begin to squeeze and massage his shaft with her breasts, and while he would never admit it, he loved the feel of her nipples against his length. Her tail flopped lazily back and forth in front of him, tickling his nose until he reached up and gently pushed it aside. Though Jenna was still wet from her last orgasm, he felt her cunny clench and grip around his tongue, trying to pull it further in. At the same time, he felt Jenna's hot breath on the tip of his cock and he groaned at being teased like that, his hips moving toward her instinctively. When he felt her tongue on his tip, he laid his head back and for a long moment simply let her tease him, but when a she did not seem to move closer, or try to coax him to climax some other way, he decided to help her along. Eager both to fully please Jenna and to be pleased himself, he waited until her tongue ran down the side of his shaft and then thrust his hips forward while at the same time pulling Jenna's rump up against his muzzle. He grinned when he heard her muffled cry of surprise and plunged his tongue as far into her as he could.

Jenna had not been prepared for Balto to thrust his cock into her muzzle, but she adapted quickly. Pulling back for a brief breath, she began to bob her head up and down on her lover's cock, moaning as she did. With one hand, she reached down and fondled his sack while the other began pumping up and down the length of his cock in synch with her bobbing head. By the way Balto was tonguing her, he was trying to make her cum first, and she intended to beat him. She started slowly, popping her head off his cock to run her tongue along his length, swirl it around his tip. Then, she wrapped her lips around his cock head and suckled on it like a pup at her mother's teats. She felt Balto moan, and looked at him out of the corner of her eye, over her shoulder. With his muzzle buried in her snatch, she could barely see him, but he spotted her looking back and stopped to meet her gaze. She winked at him before taking every inch of his cock into her muzzle.

When she did, Balto nearly bit his tongue. Jenna knew how to get his attention; that was sure. And with her mouth working around his cock like that, he'd lose control much too soon. He had to stop her. Playfully, he reached up and ran his claws along the back of her legs, chuckling when she shivered and curled her toes. But still, she kept at it, letting her tongue slid all the way down his length and twisting her muzzle as she pulled back again. He had to shut his eyes and clench his stomach when she paused and kissed his tip. In desperation, he raked his claws up her legs to her rump, then gave it a quick squeeze. That did it.

Jenna had been in the middle of tracing her tongue around the base of his shaft when she felt him give her rump a squeeze. She threw her head back and yipped in surprise. Before she had time to regain her composure, she felt his tongue delve between her inner folds again, but this time was different. Jenna moaned, only managing to give his cock an appreciative squeeze as his muzzle pressed against her mound. She'd never felt something this incredible. His tongue fluttered back and forth like a flag in a hurricane, probing, stroking and searching out every last secret spot inside her. She started to breathe a little faster as his torturously arousing administrations grew slower and more tender. Almost absent-mindedly, she kept stroking his shaft, dropping one hand to the couch to steady herself as her knees began to shake. Her breaths turned to loud pants when his tonguing grew faster and frantic again, her hand strokes speeding up with him. Suddenly, his tongue strayed across her clit and she shuddered. For a moment, he stopped, and she swore she could hear his lips curl back to reveal a wolfish grin. But before she could turn to see, he plunged his tongue into her and pressed it against that sensitive bundle of nerves. She threw her head back and let out a yell that melted into a moan as a bolt of pleasure rushed through her entire body, fading slow like the rumble of distant thunder. She rolled her hips ever so slightly, bucking gently against his muzzle as her tied tongue struggled to form words.

"Balto...oh..." she gasped, her hand squeezing his shaft suddenly as his tongue rolled across her clit again. "That was...oh, wow..."

Finishing up, Balto drew back and let his hands drift from her rump up her back.

"You're welcome," he said softly, kneading her back muscles under his thumbs.

Jenna sighed happily and began to arch her back. As she did, Balto slipped her legs off his shoulders and let her rump slid down his chest to settle on his stomach. Following the guide of Balto's tender hands, Jenna sat up and leaned back against him, resting her head against his shoulder while he rested his muzzle on hers. Once her back had moved against his chest, he simply traced his hands around her waist and began stroking and massaging her stomach, drawing circles in her silky-smooth white belly fur. Jenna hummed happily and, turning her head, kissed him on the cheek.

When she shifted her legs just a bit further apart, though, she slid down his chest the extra few inches and suddenly she found her snatch straddling his rock-hard erection. In an instant, her fire was re-kindled, and she seized his hands and brought them up to her bosom. Once he began to work her breasts around in his hands, Jenna posted herself on her hands and started rolling her hips, grinding her wet snatch all over her lover's hard shaft. But since her blowjob had been cut short earlier, and her hand strokes had only been enough to keep him hard, Balto's pent-up arousal was already fast approaching release.

To emphasize this, Balto slipped one hand under her arm and lifted her up while he slid the other down her side and lined his cock up with her cunny. Jenna made not a sound; only watched with a growing smile as he slowly lowered her onto his cock. When his tip parted her outer lips, she whined softly, nuzzling against his cheek. Balto nuzzled her in return, sliding both his hands under her thighs and lowering her maddeningly slowly on to his shaft. The further in it went the longer and more pleading her whines became. With her left hand, Jenna reached down between her spread legs and rubbed the top of her opening, while with the other hand she reached up and held Balto's head in the crook of her neck as she rested her head on his. Balto rubbed his muzzle along the underside of her chin, groaning as his cock slid into her, inch by inch. Jenna squirmed and writhed in his grasp, trying to force his cock further into her, to get that feeling of being filled faster. This seemed to embolden Balto, as he stopped lowering Jenna, much to her chagrin, but instead began gyrating her hips around, grinding his cock against her inner walls mercilessly.

"Balto, please..." she whimpered, humping back against his chest. "Please, put it in me. I need it so bad, Balto, please... Please, baby...."

At her last plead, Balto stopped again, causing Jenna to gasp and whimper in a mix of frustration and passion.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" he asked, his hot breath on her neck.

"Yes," was all she could whisper in reply, but it was all that needed to be said.

Obediently, Balto lowered her needy sex down onto his wolfhood until their hips finally met. Jenna panted in desperation. Having Balto's cock inside her hadn't calmed her fires of passion; if anything, it had made them burn hotter than ever. Curling her hand under his muzzle before gently turning him to face her, she touched her nose to his and said,

"Go ahead, baby. I know you need this. Take me."

Balto flashed a loving smile and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. Then, gently, he lifted her up, letting his cock almost slip out of her before lowering her down again. When their hips touched again, Jenna gasped and slid her right hand along her thigh before sliding it underneath when he lifted her again, entwining her fingers with his. Balto's shaft slid into her again, feeling somehow bigger than before; Jenna squeezed his hand in hers just as her cunny began to milk his throbbing cock. His shaft now painfully erect inside his lover, Balto grit his teeth and started to thrust up against her hips whenever they came down to meet his, speeding up his pace as he did. Jenna was only too happy to help, rolling her hips up and down as he lifted and dropped them, practically bouncing in his lap.

They kept this up for several minutes, the only sounds in the ship's galley coming from the two entangled canines. Moans and groans, panting and the occasional whimper.

Suddenly, Jenna felt her cunt land on a bulb of hot flesh instead of the warm, soft fur of Balto's crotch. She looked down to where their bodies became one, and smiled broadly. Though this was by no means their first time coupling, she was still impressed and even caught off guard sometimes by the size of her lover's knot. Though most dogs' knots were only slightly bigger than their cocks, roughly the size of a golf ball, Balto's was closer to the size of a small tennis ball. And though she'd managed it before, as she looked down at his knot prodding her entrance, she wondered if it would still fit this time. Perhaps sensing her apprehension, Balto brought his right hand up to her cheek and looked up at her.

"We don't have to..." he said, his voice calm and reassuring, without a hint of disappointment. "I don't need to knot you to get off, Jen."

Jenna took her right hand off his shoulder and gripped his wrist as she lifted her muzzle off his head and looked down into his eyes.

"That's what makes it fun, though," she said with a laugh. "Really, Balto, don't worry about me. I enjoy it just as much as you do." She let go of his wrist and slid her arm down his chest and under her own right leg. "I thought maybe you could use an extra hand." She flashed a sexy smile over her shoulder at him, which he returned as he cupped his right hand under hers and twisted their fingers together. "Now, why don't you finish what we started?"

Balto nodded and grinned before he thrust up against her. Jenna yelped happily, rolling her hips in time with his thrusts. She curled her legs around his, holding her thighs as far apart as she could. Balto kept her hands pressed between his hands and her thighs, helping her ride the length of his cock. And each time their hips met, the lewd slap of wet fur joined their passionate cries; each time his knot rammed against her entrance, a shock of pleasure rushed through her body. Gradually, her outer lips opened wider, but her entrance was still so tight.

"Ah, oh, Balto... Balto, it's so close. Don't - ah! - don't stop! Ah!"

"Hah, Jen, here-it-comes!"

Then, with one final, furious thrust, Balto forced his knot inside his lover's sacredness, locking them together as they cried out their bliss, grinding frantically against each other.

"Oh my god, Balto, it's so big! Oh god, yes! Yes!"

"Jen - ah! - oh, you're so fucking tight! I can't - ah! - hold it!"

"Give it to me, baby! Give me all you got!"

"Ah! J- Jenna! I'm cumming!"

"Me, too, baby, me toooooooaaaaaaaaaahhh!"

And as they soared to climax together, they met each other's eyes again, and then their lips met, tongues dancing from one mouth to the other. They stayed lip-locked as their releases faded into afterglow, breathing through their noses as their mouths stayed occupied. When they finally pulled apart, Jenna was the first to speak.

"You know, this position makes it awfully hard to get intimate."

Before Balto could reply, Jenna lifted one of her legs until it was nearly flat against her chest. Then, she spun in his lap, making Balto wince as his sensitive cock was screwed deeper inside her, while Jenna lowered her leg again; she now knelt straddling his lap, though his knot kept them tight against each other.

"There," Jenna sighed, placing a hand on both his shoulders, "much better."

"I'd forgotten how flexible you are," Balto chuckled. "We'll have to make use of that."

"Of course," Jenna giggled, kissing him on the nose. "But what are we going to do until your knot shrinks?"

"Well..." Balto began, running his hands lightly down her sides. "I thought we might just lie down and relax."

"Here on this little couch?" Jenna gasped, looking to one side and then the other. "I'll fall off, or you will."

"You know I'd never let that happen, Jen," Balto soothed, sliding his hands beneath her rump.

Jenna cried out in surprise when he gave her a playful squeeze, then put on her most convincing scowl.

"Now, Balto..."

But she never finished whatever she had intended to say. Balto smirked at her and interrupted,

"Here, let me show you."

With that, he lifted her off his lap enough to stand. Jenna's arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, but there was no need, as he caught her back with his right hand and laid her gently on the couch. Her muzzle still wide in surprise, Jenna said nothing as he straightened her legs on the couch, a much-needed relief for her bent knees. As he slowly lowered himself onto her, her frown turned to a smile. Whatever chill of the night that might have whistled between their bodies was quickly smothered when Balto's mass of warm fur enveloped her. With a smile, he nuzzled her neck and kissed her on the lips.

"See?" he said with a toothy grin. "Safe and warm."

"Hmm..." Jenna replied, smiling back and shaking her head. "You..."

She batted him gently on the nose. Balto slowly drew back, lifting himself off of her.

"Is my lady not comfortable?" he asked earnestly.

Jenna shook her head again and simply pulled him back down into a kiss. Balto only managed to avoid collapsing on her by resting his elbows just above her shoulders. For a few long moments, they tasted each other's mouths again, and as they parted, Jenna flashed a smirk of her own.

"Now I am."

Balto couldn't help but smile back.

"What more does my lady desire?"

"A little attention," she said simply, placing a paw on each cheek before guiding his muzzle to hers. A brief kiss, and she guiding him down to neck. "You may start here."

Balto didn't say a word, only bent to his task. A gentle kiss just below the base of her muzzle, and Jenna sighed in content. He kissed her again, lower; and again, even lower, tracing a path down the center of her neck. But rather than venture lower, he moved up and gave the skin on the left side of her neck a gentle nip. Jenna gasped, and he felt her tap him on the tip of his nose.

"Naughty boy," she chided, moving her hands up to grip the fur around his ears. "I see we'll have to send you somewhere else." She pushed him gently down, until she felt his cool nose nestled between her bosoms. "There. You may continue."

Balto began by giving each breast a good once-over with his tongue. Then, he paid special attention to her nipples, taking each into his muzzle and suckling it until it grew firm with arousal. Once that was done, he reached up and took a breast in each hand and began working over them, pinching and squeezing her hardened nipples as he licked and kissed where ever his hands were not. Through all of this, Jenna closed her eyes and let the sensations flow through her body, but suddenly a new, unexpected feeling caused her to open her eyes and look between her body and Balto's. His knot had finally shrunken enough to allow his cock to slide out of her drenched cunny. But even as he withdrew, she felt a lingering need to have him inside her again, made more obvious by his tongue and hands on her breasts. Her mind made up, Jenna put her hands on his cheeks again and lifted his face toward hers.

"Thank you, Balto, that felt wonderful," she said. "But now you've gotten me all hot and bothered, so you need to catch up. Straddle my stomach."

Balto nodded and straightened up, kneeling between her spread legs before he climbed gently over them to straddle her stomach. Jenna smiled and beckoned for him to come closer, placing her hands on her breasts. Taking the hint, Balto shuffled further up her body, nestling his cock between Jenna's ample breasts.

"Now, let's see if we can get you up to speed," Jenna giggled.

She leaned down and took the tip of his limp cock in her muzzle as she began to rub the rest of his length between her breasts. Balto felt her pause at the taste of their combined love fluids, but she quickly went back to sucking him back to erection, pressing her breasts hard against his cock. Balto moaned, his arms hanging at his sides and his eyes shut as she worked her magic. Before he'd even realized it, he was hard again, and when he finally opened his eyes and looked down, he saw Jenna looking up at him with a sly grin on her face.

"What does my lady desire?" he asked again, wondering what she could have planned next.

Jenna's grin turned to a gentle smile.

"I want you... to do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy, Balto. I'm yours."

Balto stared at her for a moment, open-mouthed, not quite sure what to do, but a moment later, he regained his composure and with a quick peck on her muzzle he moved back and knelt between her legs. He gently lifted her rump until her cunny was lined up with his cock, and then looked to her. Jenna nodded, the smile on her face widening. Balto prodded her entrance once to part her outer lips, then with one thrust he hilted himself inside her. Jenna cried out, clutching the couch in both fists as she was suddenly filled. For an instant, Balto froze, but Jenna broke the spell immediately with two words.

"Don't stop!"

Balto obliged, pulling out until only his tip remained inside her before quickly thrusting back into her. Jenna cried out again, and Balto settled into a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of her as she moaned and whined. Though slick with their love fluids, her cunny fit around his cock like a glove, squeezing him and pulling him deeper in each time their hips met with a smack of wet fur.

"Oh, Balto, yes, yes... Oh, faster baby, please... Please, do it faster," she panted.

With a grunted reply, Balto re-doubled his effort, pumping in and out of her faster and faster with every stroke. Then, suddenly, Jenna yelped as he felt his knot stop him short of filling her. Again, he paused, but rather than let her desperation turn to anger, Jenna urged him on.

"Push it in, Balto! I know you can! I need your knot, baby, please! Fuck me like a wolf!"

Without a second's hesitation, Balto reared back and began hammering her cunny harder and faster than he ever had, the rapid, sloppy slapping of their sex-wet bodies mixing with his grunts of effort and her cries of lust. Jenna's hands moved up to the armrest and she held on for dear life as each thrust made her vision flash, her breasts bouncing up and down in time with each thrust. And as his pounding reached fever pitch, he gave one giant thrust and suddenly they were locked together again. Jenna leapt up, latched her arms around his chest and pulled him down on top of her as her lips crushed against his in a desperate, frantic, needy kiss.

Balto didn't miss a beat, but simply wrapped his arms around his lover and kept humping her, grinding his cock around inside her tight cavern. Muzzles found muzzles, noses, cheeks, ears, necks, shoulders, anything that was within reach. Words forgotten, Balto and Jenna spoke in moans, their hands searching, squeezing, caressing, any way to make it better. Until Jenna gripped Balto's cheeks and pressed her lips to his again, trying in vain to muffle her scream as her climax surged through her with the force of a tidal wave. Her legs clamped tight around Balto's waist as her sex clamped down around Balto's shaft bringing him to climax with her. And for a long time, they lay there, hips and lips locked together in the oldest display of love there is.

After a few long minutes of kissing and caressing, Balto and Jenna snuggled close together, lying side-by-side. Cushioned between the couch's back and Balto's chest, Jenna looked up to see her mate and lover looking down at her with a calm smile. She tried to think of something to say, some sweet nothing to whisper in his ear, but Balto derailed her train of thought when he cupped her muzzle in his hands and brought her into a tender kiss. And as they parted, Jenna nuzzled his neck and snuggled up against his chest, falling fast asleep. Balto pulled a blanket off the couch top and draped it over their tied bodies before wrapping his arms around Jenna and fading off to sleep with her.