One Off: Blackmail

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Hello everyone! I'm currently under the weather and was unable to post a story yesterday, partially because of that but mainly because I've been working on a request someone had for me! I've not heard back from them after sending a revision so I'm not sure if they enjoyed it or not. I was hoping to post it for everyone to enjoy afterwards but I'll just have to wait and see! Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy this one! Let me know!

If you are wanting to have a story commissioned, feel free to reach out!

If you've got a request, I'm open to hearing about it too! (No guarantees that I'll do it though!)

Allie stretched out on the lounge chair with the warmth of the sun covering her from head to toe as she enjoyed her time off college. She had recently returned home for a few weeks vacation and she was going to thoroughly enjoy herself. College was rough on her as she faced being kicked out due to her grades being lacking even though she was trying her best due to her mom covering her tutition. She felt her mind wandering into the realm of negativity before she quickly shook her head from side to side as she refused to dwell on those thoughts. Her eyes closed fully as she let herself bask in the sun as she lounged by the poolside with the only bit of clothing cover her being a white bikini.

"Enjoying your vacation?" A familiar deep voice spoke out before a chuckle followed after those words. Her eyes opened to glance around before seeing her step father standing in the doorway to the kitchen as he stared at her. She didn't hate him but she wasn't entirely fond of him either, but she never complained as she knew her mom was happy. She closed her eyes and adjusted her face back upward toward the sun. "Yeah, might as well right?" Even with her eyes closed she could feel him eyeing her up and down which only made her uncomfortable.

"Yeah I guess it you would... Relaxing by the poolside and trying not to think about the explusion that might come your way huh?" His arms folded over the front of his chest with a smirk spilling over his face as he leaned against the doorframe. Those light hazel brown eyes wandering along every inch of her exposed form before coming up to rest on her face. He was more than twice her age and already in a relationship with her mother, but he could see the strong resemblence that they shared. It drove him up the wall whenever Allie was visiting as she had a stunning figure.

Allie shot upright almost immediately when those ears twitched atop her head from hearing his words. She froze when she realized she gave it away without being able to feign innocence. A soft sigh rolled out from her mouth as she glared at Jacob for a moment before speaking. "What are you talking about..." She wasn't sure how much he knew or how he knew it, but she was still going to try and play it off. Her dark chestnut brown eyes studying him for any sign of a tell that she could notice while waiting for him to respond.

He simply continued to smile at her for a moment as he watched her expression before turning himself slightly to reach onto the counter and pulling out a letter, which was opened. Two fingers held onto the piece of paper as he wagged it toward her direction as he spoke. "Well, thats what the letter says. Seems the school board sent it to your mom since she was paying for everything... Tut tut... Such a bad girl you are Allie." That grin reaching further from ear to ear as he chuckled. His tail slowly beginning to swish behind him as he began to ponder on how to play the situation out.

Her eyes went wider from the sight of the letter as she stood up and began to make her way over to him. She stood at only 5'6" while he was just over 6 feet tall, but she didn't care. Her annoyance was growing as she knew he was going to hold it over her, both literally and figuratively, if she didn't do something about it now. "And what about you huh? Going through someones mail is a crime last I heard." Her arms crossed over her chest as she grinned up at him, as if she had a way to turn the tables. She could feel his eyes drinking her in even though she tried to cover herself up, which only further added to her irritation building. "This is why I hate wolves... Always sniffing around where they don't belong." Muttering more to herself than to him as she sighed heavily.

His ears flicked as he caught her muttering and chuckled once again before shaking his head. "Now now, just because you hate wolves doesn't mean everyone does... Your mom loves it. So why don't you Allie? Leopards and Wolves can get along if you really try!" His gaze lowering from her adorably irritated expression to her chest as he felt himself growing aroused. That letter dangling over her head as she tried to snatch it suddenly, though he reacted quick enough and pulled it higher. "Ah, ah! Naughty girl. That's not yours, that is for your mom. Unless you don't want her to see it..." He let the last few words linger as he met her eyes with that grin still splayed over his face.

She clicked her tongue as she didn't expect him to react as quickly as he did despite his age. She thought she might've had the advantage in speed given how he was almost twenty years older. "Fucking hell... What do you want?" Her voice offering a slight growl behind her question as she narrowed her eyes at him. A flurry of thoughts began to race through her mind if her mom were to find out she was on the verge of being expelled. She didn't want the disappointment and the lecture because she just needed a bit of time to turn her grades around, which she knew she was capable of.

Jacob held that letter up in the air just out of reach as he turned his head upward as he pretended to be in deep thought. "What do I want... What do I want... There are so many things I want. I guess the better question is, what can /you/ offer me?" He fixed his attention back toward her as he leaned down slightly with that smile once again. "I can think of a few ways you can buy my silence... I guess it just depends on how badly you want it." His free hand came up to gently rest against her wide hips and gave it a squeeze for emphasis with his eyes roaming her figure.

She felt a wide ranges of emotions flooding into her at his implied request with a heavy pit swelling in her stomach. She wasn't a virgin but even she had standards with her oldest partner having been only five years older than her. That heavy pit only growing as it was going to be with her step father as well, making her heart lurch inside of her chest at the thought. "Ugh... You're disgusting..." She said with her head shaking and tearing her gaze away from him. Her arms hugged tighter against her chest in a form of comfort while her mind continued to reel and weigh the options that she had available.

"Well, that didn't sound like a no to me... but it didn't sound like a yes either. I guess I could give your mom a call now and let her know about the letter? She won't be home for a few more hours, but maybe best to give her a heads up." He spoke while once again pretending to be lost in thought with his head tilting upward, though he watched her through a sideways gaze. His tail swishing and swaying slowly behind him as he tried to apply a bit more pressure to her in order to have her give in. The front of his pants were already straining as it was and he needed a way to relieve the ache in his balls.

Her ears flicked at his words with her lower lip being chewed up as she continued to be deep in thought. Both hands coming up to press into her face as she exhaled loudly and heavily into her palms before having them drag downward. "Fine! Whatever! Lets just get it over with... Fuck..." She groaned and grumbled before shifting her gaze back to him. Her heart was heavy as it began to quicken in the beating thumps from the thought of what was going to happen next. She watched as his expression turned to glee as he began to turn into the house with the letter being folded and tucked away into his pocket.

"Well, I would've liked more enthuasism but... I'll take what I can get." He moved inside and began to make his way into the basement where he had his man cave setup. He plopped himself down onto the couch as he turned on the television before draping an arm along the back and gestured for her to sit down. "Come come~ Be a good girl and I promise I'll give you the letter while not saying anything to your mother." He placed the remote down before adjusting the front of his pants open to reveal the girthy thick pillar of his cock as it sprang free from its confinement.

Allie followed him quietly as she watched the papers being tucked away as if it were symbolizing her fate being sealed. She glanced around his mancave as he got himself comfortable before moving to sit beside him. She was about to ask him a question when her eyes went wide at the sight of his cock. Her mind going blank from the sheer size as she stared in disbelief before mumbling. "Holy shit..." She felt a spark of warmth swelling inside of her while her nose gave a slight twitch from the strong masculine scent wafting from him.

He keenly watched her expression with pride as he drank in her surprise and awe. That dick only throbbed as he fought to pounce her then and there, as he wanted to savour and enjoy the moment. "Mmm, thats a great look you've got there. I'm sure you'll have plenty of other expressions to make as well. So? Show me how badly you want my silence." His hand gestured toward his member which twitched again before he relaxed and waited for her. He had always wanted to have his way with her in the past, but it was a difficult and tricky situation given the relationship he was already in... not to mention their age difference.

She stared for a few more seconds before finally her mind returned in full control as she tried to look unimpressed, despite her awe struck expression just moments earlier. Slowly she slid along the couch closer to him as she leaned forward, with her forearms resting against his leg as she took hold of his length. She watched as her fingers were unable to touch as they closed fully around him. Her heart was thumping a bit faster within her chest due to the intense heat that was radiating from him as that scent grew stronger too. Her body squirmed gently from the feeling of that warmth growing a bit hotter within her as she began to run her tongue along his shaft. Slowly she made her way up then down his cock before coming all the way to the tip and swirl along it.

Jacob spread his legs a bit wider apart from one another as he soon felt that tongue tending to his manhood. He groaned out in approval as he picked up the TV remote and flipped it to a womans college volleyball game before placing it back down. "Mmm thats a good start... Keep it up..." He praised her with a hand gently coming to stroke along the back of her head. His fingers dancing through the strands of her jet black hair and down the back of her neck. Soon he was stroking along her back before he came to rest atop that backside of hers which he gave a firm squeeze to. His attention shifting from the TV to her ass as he watched her trying to swallow up his fingers with every squeeze he gave, making him chuckle quietly before looking back to the TV.

Her eyes glanced upward slightly as she watched him hardly paying attention, which sent a mix of annoyance and relief washing over her. Those thoughts sending mixed signals to the rest of her body as she both wanted his fully attention as much as she didn't want him to look at her. She groaned in confusion before giving a slight shake to her head as she disregarded those thoughts and focused on getting him to cum as quickly as possible to be done with it. She soon wrapped her mouth around the tip of his cock as she began to bob up then down upon him. That tongue continuing their dancing wiggle along his underside and along as much as she could reach.

He kept his hand on her ass with an occassional squeeze now and then while he watched the attractive females on the TV with Allie tending to his throbbing manhood. He rolled his head back to stare up at the ceiling when he felt her mouth coming to wrap around him as that tongue got to work. His digits sank firmly into her ass as a sign of approval with his groaning moans only getting louder. "Ahhh... Yeah... Thats the spot... Mmm, work that tongue girl..." He never once glanced down at Allie as she bobbed her head back and forth, coaxing her to take more of him into her mouth until she was hitting the back of her throat. That brief tightening of throat muscles was enough to get him to buck his hips upward suddenly, making her gag loudly with a spasm.

She continued to feel that strange mixture of annoyance and relief build inside of her. Every now and then she would look up at him and then away quickly, trying to catch a glance of him looking at her even if for but a moment. Her head picked up the pace of its bobbing motion with that tongue never resting for a second. She could feel both her tongue and mouth beginning to ache as she worked before feeling him enter her throat for a second. Eyelids fluttering as saliva spilled from her mouth and dribbled onto his cock as she gagged. Her entire body lightly jerking before she pulled her mouth back. "Glkaghh!"

He took his free hand off the couch arm and placed it onto the back of her head as he encouraged her to take him back into that tight throat of hers. The feeling of her drooling saliva coating him only spurring him on as he pressed down firmly. That other hand continued to grope her ass with a few smacks to her backside here and there with a delightful clapping sound filling his ears. He soon felt her throat opening and welcoming his cock as he pushed deeper inside without giving her a chance to fight back. The entire time his attention remained on either the TV infront of him or on the ceiling when his head rolled back to offer a groaning moan. His fingers soon bunching up into her hair as he took a firm hold on her and began to use her throat to give him pleasure. "Mmmm... you've a nice throat too... Very nice..."

Her eyes began to well with tears as she felt herself repeatedly being made to gag around his cock from every inch that he was giving her. She placed both her hands on his leg as she tried to get into a comfortable position, knowing that she had to endure it in order to get him to stay quiet about her situation. Soon enough her eyelids were fluttering and fighting to stay open as she stared up at him with that expression degrading into a mess. Saliva and his precum drooling from her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks, and a deepening dark blush spilling over her face. "Glrgugh... Glagk.. Glrgkk!" She gagged constantly as he was happily using her throat to his hearts content.

Minutes went by as he simply sat there with his hand moving her head up then down his cock until he finally pulled himself free from her mouth. That cock thoroughly coated in her saliva as she gasped for air. He stood up suddenly as his hands began to push her into a new position behind the couch. He soon had her standing infront of him with hands on the back of the couch as he stood behind her while still able to see the television infront of him. His hands took a hold over her hips as he shifted on his feet and began to prod at her tight pussy which to his surprise was drooling wet. "Oh my oh my... Getting a bit turned on Allie? Tut tut, such a naughty girl." He chuckled down at her with a firm pat to her ass before returning to firmly hold her in place.

She felt as if she were going to cum at any moment from how he was using her without regard. That mixture of annoyance and relief was being transformed into a craving for his attention, as depraved and twisted as it was. Her eyes rolling slightly into the back of her head from the lack of oxygen as her throat was being repeatedly stuffed before he finally pulled free. She gasped and coughed as she was nudged and forced to move into a new position. Her hands came up to wipe her eyes as she still noticed him not looking directly at her, furthering the desire to get him to glance her way even once. "Sh-Shut up..." She stammered out from his words as her forehead came to rest against the couch.

He nudged and prodded that thick cock of his against her petal lips with the feeling of them spreading as he began to push forward. He took his time in sliding in the first inch of his girth as he felt her shivering and shuddering underneath of him. That grin only spilled wider on his face as he continued to watch the television, knowing that it was driving her insane not to get even a moment of recognition despite how he has acted in the past for her attention. He shifted on his feet to get a better stance as he was soon three inches deep inside of her before he began to pick up the pace. He applied more strength behind his thrusts as he fed inch after inch into her pussy. The tightness he was being treated too was enough to have him groan and give her hips a firm squeeze. "Shit thats tight... Good girl..."

The feeling of his manhood spreading her apart and force its way into her body was only adding fuel to the fire she felt raging on inside. Her toes curling and cracking with only the first three inches inside as she held onto the couch tightly. Her fingers were digging into the cushions as she tried to stay quiet through it all as an act of rebellion for him not giving her attention. Despite her best efforts at remaining silent, she was unable to hold back the whimpering moans that were beginning to escape her. He was easily the largest cock she had experienced and it was becoming difficult not to think about the pleasure that he was giving her, even despite how he got her there in the first place.

That grin of his remained plastered upon his face as he noticed her trying to be quiet in an attempt of defiance, lightly shaking his head from side to side. He bucked his hips sharply as he drove two inches into her body, and then another two inches, until finally he was fully hilted inside of her. The feeling of her plump backside acting as a cushion for his hips only spurred on the throbbing of his cock buried inside. He could feel every inch being massaged by those tightening muscles of hers, and the sudden sharp inhale of hers only aided in the pleasure. "Oooh yeah... Thats it... Mmm... Oh, I forgot the condom... Oops..." He chuckled to himself as he pulled himself back to the half way mark before slamming forward again. His hips clapping against her ass with a fleshy slap to fill the room.

Her face buried firmly into the couch as she felt him bucking forward and drive two inches at a time without regard. She was able to stay relatively quiet for the first two, but the following inches to his hilt were too much for her to handle. Her moans grew louder while her curvaceous body writhed and squirmed underneath of him. She was having difficulties in adjusting to his thickness as he simply kept feeding inch after inch into her. Those ears twitching wildly atop her head when she heard him speaking and her heart skipping a beat with the realization that he hadn't put on a condom. She twisted her head around to yell at him before he bucked sharply again and causing her to squeal out inside.

His hips flew into a thrusting flurry as he watched her ass repeatedly clap against his hips with their wobbling jiggles. That sight adding to the sensation of her body squeezing down around every inch of his cock with such an intensity he had almost forgotten about. He watched as she tried to turn around and chastise him for not putting on a condom but her sudden squealing only made him grin wider. "Oh I'm so sorry! How could I forget... Well, don't worry I can fix that..." He growled out between groaning pants while pulling himself free from her pussy. His fingers hooked into her ass as he spread them out to get a view of her puckered asshole as he crammed himself into the opening. "Ooooh shit! I take what I said back before... This is fucking tight!" He howled out in blissful pleasure as he made her stretch around him once again.

Her body was beginning to ache from the repeated thrusts that he was giving her, feeling herself rocking and struggling to stay standing. Her ears twitching as she heard him speaking again but having troubles processing it with how her mind was descending into chaos. That heart thumping and beating faster within her as she sucked in sharply from his full retreat from her pussy. She was thinking perhaps it was over and he had changed his mind when he suddenly nudged and crammed into her asshole. Her eyes going wide in surprise as she squealed out and began shuddering. She had only recently begun experimenting with toys in her ass, and never having experienced an actual dick inside before!

His tongue lulled out happily from his mouth as he began to use her ass with that constricting vice-like sensation surrounding every inch of his cock. He could feel her ass trying to stave off his advances as he tore down her defences with his powerful thrusts. His mind was being thrust into heaven as he pressed fully into her asshole. Hips resting comfortably against her ass with her body writhing underneath to try and handle the ordeal of being stretched to her limit. "Oooh shiit... At least you won't get pregnant now though eh? Aren't you happy?" He chuckled down at her as if applying this was her idea, before pulling out and beginning to thrust to his hearts content. His heavy balls slapping against her still drooling pussy as he felt himself getting closer to cumming.

The feeling of her asshole being stretched and the rest of his cock pushing inside of her was driving her mad. The intense painful pleasure was a combination she had rarely experienced before and it was only making her squeal out. Her knees were wobbling and beginning to shudder underneath of her as she was feeling herself lose the ability to even stand, let alone speak. That heart beating wildly within her chest as she tried to cope with having him using her asshole now as if it were her pussy. She could feel the flames dancing and kissing against her nether regions with the sensation of a climax building. Her eyelids fluttered up at him before she turned her attention back around and buried herself into the couch to try and muffle some of her squealing moans.

The sight of her struggling continued to bring him pleasure to no end. He was drinking in her expressions with the thought that he was her first real experience with anal sex. It took everything he had to restrain himself from unloading himself then and there. He brought up his hand and struck down on her left cheek to coax her into tightening further for him to enjoy. He continued to keep a steady pace in abusing her asshole with that thick girth stretching her out, ensuring that she was unable to relax completely. "Mmm fuck... Going to cum if you keep tightening up like that... Shit... Your mom never lets me fuck her in the ass... Gods its amazing..." Another firm pat to her backside as he spoke with a soft chuckle following afterward.

She felt every inch of her body being violated and used for his own devices. Her thoughts were hardly coherent as she felt herself becoming more aroused from the way he was treating her. Toes curling and cracking as she tried her best to hold off on that building climax, but it was an impossible task. The intense fire surged through every part of her body as if she were a matchstick. Her cries of euphoric painful bliss were bouncing off the walls as he stomach came to inhale sharply. Her ass tightened and constricted along his cock as she rode that climax like a wave. Soon enough it tapered away and her mind was blank outside the intense pleasure that was slowly waning off of her.

He groaned out loudly from the sudden feeling of her ass tightening around him as he had to come to a stop just to endure it all. His balls were aching and on the verge of unloading as he began to make a retreat from her ass. He purposefully pulled out slowly as he watched his cock exit that still clenching asshole as he mused softly. "Mmm don't think it would be right to finish in here... But don't worry, you'll have my silence..." He grinned before pushing himself back into her pussy and giving a few frenzied bucks. It didn't take him long before he let himself spray rope after rope deep inside of her womb. That thick knot forcing itself inside and locking her to him as he came, howling loudly as his head rolled back happily. "Oooh fuck yes..."

Her body jerked lightly from how he was pulling out of her ass until he was fully freed and sending a shudder through her body. Her entire body was exhausted and aching now as she simply wanted to collapse to the floor, but it was short lived. The feeling of his cock pressing and filling her pussy up once again made her cry out weakly. Her ears twitched as she heard him speaking and before she was able to protest he was already flooding her with his seed. The intense warmth and feeling rolling over her with the realization that she could end up pregnant, making her panic and squirm, but his knot kept her in place until he was finished.

It only lasted a few seconds though it felt like minutes until his balls were finally emptied of their load. He looked down at her panicking and met her eyes with his own for the first time as he smiled. "Oh don't worry. I won't say anything if you won't. You'll be a good girl won't you?" He gently squeezed her chin between two of his fingers as he leaned forward until his nose was almost touching hers. His cock still fully lodged inside of her as he waited for a reply, though still lazily humping and grinding into her backside for the sake of it.

The intensity of his eyes were overwhelming as she felt herself being lost in his hues. Those ears twitching as she couldn't help but swallow and exhale hotly before nodding her head. Her entire body was once again feeling like a match with the warmth spreading into her every nook. Eyelids fluttering as she stared back at him and having troubles stringing together a response with her voice quivering. "Y-Yes... I... I'll be a good girl for you..." Her mind being muddled by the attention he was finally giving her.

He nudged himself forward as if he were going to give her a kiss, just wanting to see how she'd respond, and the way she moved forward subconsciously was enough of an answer as he squeezed her chin. "Good girl..."