Destiny's Trigger - Prologue- The River Called Fate

Story by Vayne_Arunion on SoFurry

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This story is a compilation between my friend and I. His name is Alec(souldice) and I am Vayne. We decided to write a stroy that would appease to us and hopefully appease to the general audience that reads it. Every character in this story is unique to us and if there is any similarities between our characters and yours it is purely coincidental. Any and all comments are welcome we are trying to get better at writing so any comments are welcome. If you are not over the age of 18 and get into any trouble for reading this story, you will take full responsiblity for it. We the authors did not make you read this, you chose to by your own free will so I say again if you are not 18 turn around now.


Chapter 1

From the void a voice begin to speak as a set of eyes appear and start to move. "Hello nice to meet you. My name is Xain." "You can't see me yet because you haven't met me. You'll meet me later first let me start with some questions. Have you ever noticed the shadows moving out of the corner of you eye? Have you ever believe that the old story about demons and monster and even angles were true once? Well what if I told you they were true? Creep out yet? Well then, what if the I told you the shadows you see moving are really just this world bumping into its mirror world a world were all the monsters of old live? Well if you can't read with an open mind this story is not for you Gramps. This story is about when these two worlds collide and you need an open mind to keep up. Our story begin not with me ,but it start on a dark moon lit night" ,with a fading dark voice. The eyes become larger as the they become two moons.

One a brilliant blue as the other becomes silver and a third blood red moon appear all three close to each other as if they are about to a line. On the ground near a city of ruin a shadow leark around until it comes to a rest at a door looking structure. The shadow looks around with the hood as it talk to it self a female voice comes from this hooded figure.Where is that "Teratome he told me to meet him hear before the moons a line",said the hooded figure in a worried voice.

As the figure didn't notice a hand of bones comes from the shadows and grabs the hooded girl shoulder with a yell of fright. "YEAAAAAAAAAA" The girl would then grab the hand and pull the owner out of the shadow and throw them into a wall all you can see is the cloak hit the wall as dust and bones fly out of it. The cloak girl so surprise by this unaware that she was still holding the arm of the one she threw.

From the cloak that hit the wall a skull with a red glimmer of light for eyes roles in front of her and begins to speak. "Hello to you to Noire," in a sarcastic voice. The cloak girl would chuckle as she said. "Sorry Letum I thought you were one of Gigalamesh's men. Here your arm back ",she said with a sincere voice as the bones started to come back together. He look at her and said with humor in his voice." Next time I'll yell at the top of my bones.Here I am. hehe ,but let get serious Noire What your planing here is..,"She cuts him off.

"I Know the danger I'm doing this for my home and the resistance know are you going to lecturer or are you going to open the way. So I can hide these items in the world of old." He look at her in a way that even with his bone face you could tell he was worry for her safety. "Alright I'll do it ,but you have to promise me something." ,Letum said. Noire said to him in a frantic voice, "I'll do anything just name it just open the way before someone see us here." Letum smiled his skeletal smile as he said,"Don't make a promise you can't keep ,but here my condition if you can't find heroes to fight this evil. Promise me you will live out your life in the old world happy and free."

She look at him from under her cloak with anger in her voice she would say. "You want me to leave this world under the rule of that tyrant and his generals. He'll kill all of us if it gets him his way his general of the seven river are bad enought. I can't wait till get his bother Zeon for what he did to my fam..." Letum raise his hand to stop her he then would begin to speak again. " I'll take that as a no good then you pass. Let us begin then you'll need these to get back with." he would throw her a bag as he continue ."Once you get there put the four weapons of the heroes that you carry in that bag and they'll do the rest.Now let begin."

He would then take off his cloak revealing his bone structure as the moons would begin to a line. His body would glow as it did it look as if his his skin was regrowing back to his body as he reveal his true for wings of light would sprout from his back as his face would become humanoid his hair would be a blue light of feathers and his eyes would be a crimson read his hand became claw as he pointed toward the door looking structure as his change finish he would like what most would call an angel. He would then begin to chant. "Ach Kostelijk Portier Engel Besturen Thy Paadje en opendoen Zeggen mij". Just then then ruin begin to shake as light burst threw the door lighting the whole sky.

"Letum you old bird you did thank you so much I won't let you down",Noire said happily.Letum would reply. "Hey I'm only 190000 year old I'm still yo......." Just then as five arrow would fly into his back as two more slice off the wings that had sprouted from his back. Noire would look to were the arrow came from and as she turn white as a ghost as she saw on the cliff above them. Not a General of the Seven River,but a man who struck terror into her with the glance of him.

This man was on the cliff. In the moon light he wore a blue jacket. That look as if it was cut from the hide of a dragon itself. It wore tight to his body open so that it show his adamant. His skin was tan as he stood at six one in high he was of normal body type. He wore blue pants to match his jacket. His hair was short and and silver as the moon. From his chest to his neck a tattoo of a dragon unraveling appear. On both side of his waist. He carry three katana each with a different hilt. He look down with silver eyes that look to be those of the devil himself. As he smirk looking at Noire as he raise his hand as his men appear from the shadow behind him raising their bow to fire again. Noire look in fright as she knew who this silver eye devil was. He is one of the three brothers of chaos Vosh the dragon of the azure sky. Vosh was one of Gigalamesh's Grand generals. These were general so great that Gigalamesh gave them each their own territory to keep them from rebelling against him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A LIZARD?",said Letum in an angry voice as he broke the arrow stabbing into his back as blue blood leek from his lips, He glare at him with anger in his eyes. Vosh would look at him and reply with humor in his voice. "We were looking for you. Then we saw this big bright light and had to know what it was. What do you know it show us right wear you were. you might have well shot a flare to telling us I'm right here.Oh an is that princess Noire with you too. This is my lucky day to bad you both combined couldn't peak my interest,but your heads will feed my village for weeks."Letum look at him and the door knowing they had no chance especially him wounded. He would look at Noire and say, "Noire I'm sorry." Noire would look at him puzzle and would say, What do you mea..aaaaaaaaah" Before she could finish her sentence Letum open his hand and push her with great force into the gate were she began to fall ,but she would catch the edge of the gate as Vosh order the arrow to fly once more. looking down she seeing a great river she would scream. "Letum what are you doing and what is that below me." Letum would look over the side as an arrow would be sticking out of his left eye as he throw two men over the cliff as they are ripped apart by the current and carry away. He would then look at her with kind eyes and say. "That my dear is your fate a river that will carry you to the world of old. Noire when you fall into it keep your mind on were you need to go and keep a hold of my bag or you'll be rip to shreds by the river like them. Well you don't need the ba ,but it will help when you get to your the world of old." She look at him worry, What about you?" Letum smile and said, "Someone got to hold them off for your escape see you." he hit her hands making her let go. As she falls she would yell "THANK YOU LETUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM".Letum would smile as he look at the army of men. Letum then grab the arrow that was in his left eye and pull it out with his eye on the tip of it he then bit off the tip and ate the eye.This sent waves of fear in most of Vosh's men as some ran in fear saying demon. Vosh quickly became anger as he snap one of his men neck that ran toward him as the man fell to the ground. His helmet would roll of revealing a face red and spikes and two horns as his body would begin to turn to dust and blew away in the wind.Vosh then yell at his men" Why are scared of that your demons yourselves from hell itself. Now the next man who run will be kill and the two men who were next to him will also be kill for letting him run is that clear now I'll give the man who kill this Idiot. A drop of dragons blood and a night of R & R along with four women of his choosing. This act anew his men moral to the point that they stared to advance on Letum. Letum look at the men that were approaching him. He could see there intent of killing him in there eyes.

He would then sigh and say with a sarcastic tone "Hey lighten up we're just starting." as he said this he summon a ball of light to his hand as he pointed it at them a giant blast erupted from it blasting away hundreds of the men. He would then charge in as he would then punch one man in the face as he then would spin and elbow another in the throat. One man would stab at him as he caught it the blade of his sword with the sleeve of his robe rapping it around the blade as Letum kick the man in the chest as the blade was rip from his hands as it flew into another soldier vaporizing him in seconds. Vosh's men we're turning to dust left and right.Letum then jump into the air and off of one man head as he grab the flag the man held. He then landed stabbing the tip of flagpole into another man and snapping it off as he drop to his knees holding the pole with two hands up to block three swords from slicing him in the back. He threw them back as he channel lighting into the staff shocking the men. He got up and then flip forward bring the staff down into another mans head desecrating the man. He then spun around knocking men back as well as using the pole as a medium to amp the power of his next spell.To create a giant typhoon.Blowing many of Vosh's men away. Vosh looking at him annoy. Vosh stared to approach him as his men flew past him scream in shear fear. As Vosh approach Letum knowing he had to finish this quick. Would then start to summon a giant fire ball the like of witch was so hot that the men around him started to catch a flame just by being near it not even touching the flame. It was now the size of a hot air balloon he would then throw it at Vosh as his men die instantly from the the shear heat of it as it look like it was about to hit Vosh.

It froze and shatter into snow that fell like snow saskura around him. He then put his right hand on top of the handle of the middle blade on his left side. Vosh then move toward Letum as if he was walking and as he pass to those around him they could only see sheathing the blade as it click into place Letum fell to the ground as cuts all over his body erupted with blood. Vosh said with sincerity in his voice. "Sorry ,but your fate was sealed when you met me Teratomion. Vosh look at the door as he would then say. "Cyri ,Moro,Bashi ,and Titho." Four shadow would apear from the croud of men as they say in unison. "What is thy bidding Lord Vosh." "You four are Part of Liu Long's new recruite are you not show me how strong the men from the Blood river army are and track down the princess." Vosh said with amusment. "Yes sir" after saying this the four shadowy figure disappear into the gate knowing they had to follow the princess. Vosh look at what remain of his men and said, "Gather more troops we'll send more troops in one hour to make sure the jobs done I'll go as well. Just as Vosh turn around Letum was getting up cover in cuts and blue blood He Look at Vosh with his one eye and said."Dame I knew you were strong ,but I figure I could at least stop you. O well Sorry Noire ,but it looks like I won't get to yell here we are next time. VOSH YOUR REIN ENDS TO DAY THIS IS MY FINAL GIFT TO THIS WORLD GIFT OF HOPE AND HOPEFULLY YOUR DEATH. MY FINAL SPELL *HASU NETSU NAKONARIMASU TAMASHII*" (Lotus of The dieing Soul)

Before Vosh even realize what was going on. Letum Body erupted into crimson flames that blasted in twelve miles in every direction. The blast then form into a beautiful giant crimson lotus that seem last for hour on end until it finally subsided all that remain of the hill and it ruins were a creator that from above look like a lotus,but in the center of it a giant dark shadow began to shrink till it form a man it was Vosh. His jacket was incinerated and his pants were shredded. In his left arm was the one Letum ribs and out of his Gut was the Letum's hand with the middle finger stuck in right below the heart. Vosh said, "I'll give you that you Bonny bastard you were if not flashy." Vosh would collapse on the ground still alive.