Road Rovers: A New Start 2

Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Road Rovers: A New Start

here's part 2 hope u like it i don't own the road rovers in any way this for entertainment purposes only


Exile sat in a round room listening to Autumcorp's president and vice president explain how their business revolved more around medicine than anything else. He was barely listening he already knew everything about Autumcorp all he could focus on was the president. A well built white akita with a small grey patch on his forehead. Exile loved seeing him cause he's so cute and that his friend Jonathan aka Jon the sexy gator would be a perfect boyfriend for Maxwell. He snapped back into reality when the vice president adressed him. Exile walked to where Maxwell was and faced all the furs in business suits, there were a few humans too. "Exile would you please explain Wintercorp and Autumscorp joint goal". the vice president asked?

"Our goal is simple we want to help cure the world of all of the world's sickness's and help extend people's lives. I also hope that our partnership inspires other medical corporations to join us that is our goal." Exile said with passion and love. The other members clapped and cheered at Exile's words. Maxwell had a tear formed out of his eye. He is still amazed by Exile's ability to inspire confidence and bring people together by only talking to them. The members began to file out and Maxwell was gettin ready to leave when he felt a hand grasp his shoulder. He turned to see Exile smiling at him and he smiled back.

"Hey Max can I see you in my office I want to get to know you a little better if that's alright with you." Exile asked? Maxwell pondered this for a moment and answered," sure why not." Exile's smile couldn't have got any bigger when he put his arm around Maxwell and led him to Exile's office. When they arrived in Exile's office Exile took his tie and shirt off. Max was suprised by this but oddly entranced by Exile's lush white fur, his muscles, his pecs. Max licked his lips he always knew he was gay and went public with it. People accepted it and didn't treat him any differently. Exile sat at his desk, kick his shoes and socks off, and propped his feet on the desk. He then montioned Max to take a seat and Max took it. They just stared at each for awhile and didn't make a sound. Max was starting to feel uncomfertable so he tried to say somethin but there was a knock at the door.

"Come in". Exile shouted. A tall handsome alligator came in and Max noticed that this gator was the one that smiled at him when he first arrived. Exile stood to give the gator a hug and a kiss. Max just dropped his jaw he didn't know what to do he was happy that two hunks he had crushes on were makin out right in front of him. They broke the kiss and instructed for Max to stand. He stood up and found himself in a sandwhich between the two giant males. The gator rubbed his ass and began usin his reptile tongue to lick, kiss, and suckle his neck. Exile did the same to his neck but instead of ass rubbing he's rubbin Max's crotch inciting moans from the white akita.

"What do you think John are we gonna have fun or what." Exile asked? John gave Exile a toothy grin and licked his lips.

"Hell yea we're gonna have fun how'd ya know I had a crush on this guy".

"Oh some of the guys in the security room will tell you anything if you give them a blowjob."

"I'll need to kick their asses but right now how bout you hit the switch and let's get started." Exile left the two to hit a switch and the wall flipped to reveal bed. John lifted Max and threw him onto the bed. Exile took his pants and underware off while John and Max stripped all of their clothing off. Soon all three of the males were butt naked and starting to get hard. Exile locked the door and strode over to the bed where he, Max, and John were gonna have the time of their life.


Today was a productive day but their still was the nightrush that was gonna begin at 7:00 p.m which started in five minutes. Shag wouldn't be working since he needed the rest but just as he was leaving he saw one of his employees crying at a table. The employee is a large black bear named Bruce and has worked for Shag for two years. You would think that this would make him a senior among the employees but due to his sexuality his collegues make fun of him whenever they get the chance. Shag strolled over to the bear and sat next to him. Both are of equal height but Bruce has a small flab of fat protruding from his gut.

"Hey Bruce what's the matter." Shag asked in his deep but soft voice. Startled Bruce looked up to see Shag looking at him with concerned eyes.

"Oh Shag's nothing sorry i'll get back to work." Bruce said in his nervous voice. He tried to get up but Shag grabbed his arm.

"Don't give me that you were crying now tell why." Shag is never forceful but he really likes Bruce and is deeply concerened. Bruce sighed and let a few more tears drop from his face.

"It's about me being gay." Bruce said in a whisper. Shag knew about this and put a stop to it for a while but he knew it would start again. But this year it ended for good.

"Tony take over Bruce's shift you'll get paid overtime." Shag shouted to the tiger in the back.

"Yea sure thing hey Bruce i'll straighten them out for ya." Tony shouted back and came into view for a grin. Bruce gave a shaky grin and got sweeped away by Shag.


Hunter looked up at the building that read: Wintercorp gateway to new medicine and center of friendship with Autumcorp. He gripped the envelope with cash in it as he made his way to see his old friend. He coughed a little and he knew he needed to rest or he'll get sick but continued to see his friend then rest when he got home.

hope u liked it and get excited for the next chapter