Café Plaisir: Hiring Siblings

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Love comes in various shapes and forms, even through blood. And sometimes this loves should be shared with others. 

This is my proper introduction towards Café Plaisir. Something I've been working towards for a loooong while. 

This story tells the tale of my Brionne Siblings (Artemis, Athena and Persephone) attempting to join the Café. I wonder if they'll pass. 

Lookout for Content Warnings.

Thank you all for the reception back there and for all the love so far.

Artemis, Athena and Persephone belong to me.

Nicolaus belongs to

Thomas belongs to

Firenze belongs to

Jay belongs to

The setting of Plaisir belongs to

Posted using PostyBirb

Café Plaisir: Hiring Siblings

By Olemgar/rodrigulino

It was a chilly winter afternoon in Oklahoma. The winds blew lightly against the fields, complimenting the mild sun covered by clouds, giving the weather a cool and pleasing feeling that only that time of the year could afford.

The wind flew until it broke against a particularly very elegant set of walls and windows. The red bricks of the building were the most eye catching thing in kilometers, and not just for the lack of choice. Each brick seemed to glow the shine of the sun, and the fancy doors and gigantic height certainly helped give the place an imposing aura.

"Alright girls, here we are." Artemis said to his sisters, bringing them inside the building.

The moment they entered felt like they've stumbled in a completely different world from the outside. It was a truly luxurious place. The air felt nice and well-scented, the floors shone with their reflections and many Pokémon walked around, even during non-peak hours.

"Guess they weren't kidding. Café Plaisir really is no slouch." The bigger brother said out loud to his sisters. "Should we find Nico?"

"Y-Yes." Athena answered with a stutter. She was clearly nervous about being in such a place. But definitely more excited than anything, even if she tried to hide it.

"Heck yeah! We're gonna blow it out of the water!" Persephone told with confidence, gathering some nearby eyes to the Brionne trio.

"Alright, let's go!" He beckoned with his arm and led the girls to the counter, where a very beautiful Loppuny sat and waved to them.

"Welcome to Café Plaisir! How may I help you this afternoon?" Her voice was as sweet as honey and her smile extremely infectious. Just her greetings were enough to fire up their spirits even further.

Artemis cleared his throat. "Good afternoon. We're looking for Mister Nicolaus. We have an interview set for 4 PM." He said it as eloquently as he could. The Brionne did have some experience talking to staff and professionals, so nothing out of the ordinary.

The bunny nodded and taped onto her keyboard, scanning through time slots scheduled that day. "Mhmm. I can see it here. Mister Artemis and his sisters, Athena and Persephone, correct?" They nodded in response to her. "Alright. Give me just a minute and I'll call Mister Nicolaus for you."

"That won't be necessary, thank you." From the corner appeared an acquaintance of the trio. He stepped closer to them and reached out his arms. "Artemis. Athena. Persephone. Good to see you all okay."

"Nico!" The siblings advanced and hugged the blue Meowstic at once.

"Hey, guys!" Nicolaus laughed lightly in surprise, just a head and arms sticking out between the three Brionnes. "Ahhh, I missed you too. Did the move go okay?" He pulled himself back and scanned over each sibling, enjoying the plethora of smiles surrounding him.

"Great." Athena answered in a lower tone. "Big bro stubbed his flipper while moving the sofa but that was about it."

"A-Athena! We agreed to not talk about it." The older sibling blushed profusely.

"Oh, who cares bro? Nico is family, he's allowed to know." Persephone prodded at her brother while hugging the kitty tighter.

"I've been meaning to ask," said Nico. "How are Hermes and Helen? Did they handle the move alright?"

"They're brave little Popplios, both of them," said Artemis. "They're just fine. And they're growing so fast! Hermes just turned six weeks old yesterday. He has your eyes."

Nico smiled again, much more warmly. "Well, I'm really excited to see them. Which I think is gonna be a lot more often, with you living right here in town! I foresee a lot of visits starting now."

"Is that your way of saying you want to breed Athena again?" Artemis asked with a smirk.

Nico's look turned positively sweet. Almost even innocent. At the same time, he put his paws in the pockets of his cargo shorts and gave them a bounce up and down, jiggling his groin once through his clothes. "Well, what if I did?"

The girls giggled at the very upfront teasing in such a public place. They also spared a couple of glances towards him, not fully denying said idea.

"Either way, we should go. Firenze favors getting early rather than on the dot. Come on!" He beckoned the trio to follow him.

They followed their close friend, although the twins were a few steps behind. "D-Do you really think they'll be okay with it? I know we're already here and all but..." Athena started rumbling before her twin cut her off.

"Oh no sweat, Athy. If what big brother's friend said was true, we might have a chance to fill a certain niche here. I'm sure they'll be rocked to the core by our presentation." Persephone whispered in an enthusiastic tone.

"Well, I'm with both of you. I'm nervous and excited. Let's just hope everyone is chill here. If things go south I'll be there for you two." He placed an arm on top of both of them. They gave him a smile in return.

Artemis might have kept his cool, but even he couldn't deny the knot in his stomach. He trusted Nico and knew things wouldn't go sour. But his rational brain didn't always win against sheer nervousness.

As the anxiety grew, he faltered, leading the twins behind him to bump against their older brother. He looked back and saw them staring right at him. Their eyes connected directly to his.

He didn't know why, but Artemis always felt more at ease whenever he looked at them. It was like all the problems in the world melted before them. He smiled softly and took their paws with his, following Nicolaus from very close.

It didn't take long for them to stop right before a large and luxurious door. A big neon sign above blinked "CAPTIVATE" in colorful lights, blinking from one hue to another in a flashy presentation.

"Okay, you three ready?" Nico turned to them before the door. "You don't have to worry about anything. I know Firenze well. Trust me that you'll be safe with whatever presentation or idea you have to present. This is a safe place after all."

The trio looked at each other before eagerly nodding their heads. "We're ready." Artemis said

Nico nodded back, opening the big doors and revealing the insides to the newcomers.

The three siblings followed their friend into the room. Well, "room" was underselling what that place really was. They've been to bars and venues of all kinds, but it seems Plaisir's rumors really did it justice.

That place was massive. They had just entered, and yet they could see how big it was from the entrance. Rows and rows of fancy tables and chairs permeated most of the bottom floor, clearly accommodating dozens if not more Pokémon a night. At the center stood the main stage, one Brionne tall difference between it and the floor below. The stage had a couple of pole-dancing bars sticking from the ground, perfect for any strippers or more skilled performers to show their stuff. It also had quite a bit of space to perform other acts without having to rely on them.

On the outskirts of the place rose stairs leading to a second-floor. That one was much smaller in comparison, but it offered a good view from the floor below and the stage, clearly having big traits of its own. He also noticed a few doors to other rooms. He had a pretty good idea what they were for, grinning just thinking about it.

The leadup to the ceiling also had quite a number of windows. At this time of the day, it allowed some good sunlight into the room, but during the night it should bestow a graceful entrance to the moonlight, giving the room an almost ethereal feeling.

But all of that he could take in later. After all, the most important thing to notice weren't details or the room itself. Rather, he paid more attention to the small group of people ahead.

Sitting in one of the closest tables to the stage was a Ninetales. Even from that distance Artemis could tell he was a seasoned professional. He was dashing and elegant, not to mention stunning and handsome. His fur was of a pristine golden hue, perfectly complemented by his dark red eyes. and not to mention an attractive aura about him. "Fuck, he's hot." Artemis thought to himself, although his look was obvious enough to the twins to understand their brother's line of thought.

Besides him was also someone else Nico didn't mention before. A very cute Stunky boy, wearing a black top and black shorts. His fur was very well groomed for someone of his species, not to mention he smelled fantastic. "Damn, he's cute." Same thoughts, the twins also noticed, giggling all the while.

"Artemis, correct? Welcome to Café Plaisir. I'm Firenze, General Manager, and today, your interviewer." He was sitting at one side of the table with the Stunky by his side and another empty seat in the opposite direction. "Please take a seat. We'll begin immediately." He motioned towards the other side of the table, where three empty seats stood inviting.

Artemis gulped silently, nervousness overtaking him as he took the steps towards the chair, his two sisters right behind him. Nico also followed, but instead sat right beside Firenze. Getting to cast glimpses towards his friend certainly helped cast off some of his worries, but the intense and fiery eyes from the Ninetales certainly didn't make it any easier.

"Alright, Mister Artemis. I've heard a couple of things from my friend Nicolaus, but I'd like to hear it firsthand from you, so let's begin." He grabbed a sheet of paper and pen with his tails, controlling them with expertise as if they were hands for any other Pokémon.

Artemis took a deep breath in and out.

"First off, your names please?"

"Artemis Olympus. Chairman and CEO of Olympus Backing. It's a pleasure, Master Firenze." He made a small gesture and reached out his arm towards the Ninetales. He reached out in kind and gave him a firm pawshake.

"Athena Olympus. Artemis' secretary." She shook his paw just the same, her voice very soft. She couldn't help but blush while shaking such a soft and furry paw.

"Persephone Olympus. Investment strategist. A pleasure." She repeated the procedure, keeping her cool under the presence of such a competent male right in front of her.

"Olympus Backing, huh? A non-profit organization, if I'm not mistaken? I've heard of some of your events. You took part in the Just Route fall fundraiser in Tulsa last year to provide orphaned Pokémon with basic feeding and healthcare." He said while peeking some of his notes held by his tail, while one of his eyes never left the pink seals.

"Yup, we did." Artemis confirmed. "We felt like it was a worthy cause. They weren't looking to sell merchandise or expand their names. They really wanted to help. So we took part in the way we could, giving them all the money they needed to supply their demands."

"Intriguing." He retreated his tail holding the notes. "But surely you could have profited from it somehow, right? Selling shirts, maybe finding further sponsors."

"Profiting?" Artemis forgot for a second that he was the one being interviewed and let out a loud tsk. "That was a serious goal. I'm not spending money to get money back. I have more than enough. I was gonna use what I could to help them. That's it." His tone was a bit more aggressive than the one he had up until that point. Realizing it, he corrected his posture and cleaned his throat. "S-Sorry. Lost my cool there for a minute."

From the edges of his muzzle a small grin formed around Firenze's lips. "Alright. And that's where you met Nicolaus?" He made some notes on the paper by the table.

"Correct. He was at the event as the representative for Plaisir. We started chatting there and we hit it off pretty okay. We got to hang out afterward as well. We found some nice restaurants and discussed life and other aspects." Artemis gave a glimpse to the Meowstic, who was making a stealth thumbs up to him. That made the seal smile.

"So was Nicolaus how you came to discover the Café?"

Artemis nodded. "To be frank, I've heard things about you for some time. Both about some of the events you backed, and also the more... raunchy rumors..." He couldn't help but spill a giggle from his lips. "But Nicolaus only gave me the full details when I started looking for a part-time job."

That information made Firenze raise an eyebrow. "A job? Forgive me presumptuousness, Mister Artemis, but I believed you were... for the lack of a better word, filthy rich?"

Seeing the handsome male use such a slang caught the girls off guard, making them laugh from behind her brother. Both the fox and the older seal ignored them for the moment. "I guess we are, yeah. Ever since our parents died and left their fortune to us we never really lacked for money. And it's nice! But... even with some of the events we take part in, we don't really... have much to do. We've seen some specialists and they told us that's bad for our mental health, and that we should find something, even a part-time job, just to keep us going."

"So... you're not here for the pay?"

His face waved from one side to the other. "We're here because, truth be told, I think it will be fun. After Nico told me stories from here, I couldn't help but feel that's where our calling was. With enough time-windows between shows and no need to fear for money, we can still keep working on our goals while also building up our social skills and... expanding." His tone for that last word was very suave. Naughty even.

Firenze couldn't help but get interested. "Expanding, huh?" The fox cast a glance towards the cat to his side.

"In the sense of one's family tree, I guess," Nico said cheerfully, glancing toward Athena. "It's an important part of life, isn't it?"

The Ninetales decided to not pry it any further for now, but something of a smile did tug at the corner of his mouth. "Very well, then what is it you want to do? We have exceptional entertainers here, and, if you don't mind me saying, very potent breeders within our midst. What do you hope to achieve here in the Café?"

Artemis mischievously laughed. "Besides the general things. Nico also told me some... fun things about the place. That... a decent chunk of the staff doesn't look badly on families having more... intimate relationships." He accentuated the last point.

"Oh, damn!" Thomas, who had been more quiet up to that point, couldn't help but exclaim from the bombshell that was just dropped.

It took a couple seconds for the Ninetales to understand what was being said, before looking at his cat friend. "You told them?"

"Just the broad strokes," Nicolaus said, looking back up as innocently as any cat could. "I thought it would interest them to know so many of us are warm to -- well, reimagining family bonds, I suppose."

"And why would that be?" He returned his face towards Artemis, directing the question at him.

Persephone was the one to answer. "Because we fuck our brother and I already have a kid with him!" She said in an excited and yet seemingly innocent tone.

"O-Oh." Firenze cleared his throat, surprised by such forthcoming bluntness.

"I- uh-" Thomas looked back and forth, his cheeks reddening quite a ways. "Same? Except for the kid thing. I mean, I also fuck my brother. Gah, you know what I mean!" He covered his brow with a paw.

"Thomas..." The fox burrowed his face under his paw as he gave an exasperated sigh.

"My point is, people are gonna be chill with it here. You're all good!" Thomas gave the siblings a good thumbs up.

Firenze forced a cough to bring attention back to him, as well as give him a brief moment to recompose himself. "Right. Well, I don't really judge, that's true. Although it's been a while since I've last seen someone say that. Even more so during an interview."

"Now you see why I asked you to be the interviewer today?" Nico smirked for a second while teasing Firenze.

Firenze's face tightened a bit, frustrated with not being able to answer back against the clear cut truth.

"Sorry, my sis is still a bit excited." He pulled Persephone and Athena closer by hugging them with his arms. "So, yeah. Ummm, that's our thing, I guess. We're very open about our love for each other. And we do have a thing for breeding, even more so among ourselves." He planted a kiss on both of their foreheads. "And since I have a feeling some audience would be into it, I thought: Why not make a show of us expanding our family?"

"So..." He looked the three siblings up and down. "You'd be knocking up your sisters on top of the stage...?" The fox tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't help but feel entertained by the idea, with his own malehood slighting shifting under the table.

"Not only for the clients." Artemis inclined himself a bit over the table. "We're more than willing to do it right here, right now~." He looked directly into his interviewer's eyes. "You can't hire us without us showing a proper demonstration of our skills, right?"

"They're fast learners," Nico commented.

"Hmph." Firenze stood up, making his way to a nearby table closer to the stage. "Very well. Show me what you got. But know I won't just be judging you as the manager, but as a professional breeder myself." He turned his head back to his path.

The Stunky followed soon behind. "Knock it out of the park. I'm sure you'll make a banger of a show!" He tapped Artemis' shoulder before following behind Firenze.

The three siblings stood, followed by Nico. "Alright. You got it all set up. Just relax and have fun." The Meowstic comforted them before going after the other two.

"Oh boy, it's time..." Persephone rubbed her arm in both nervousness and excitement. "Can't believe we're actually doing this, hehe." A tinge of eagerness escaped through her tone.

"Don't worry, sis. Just remember the night with big bro and Nico and you'll do splendid~." Athena reassured her twin, placing her paw on top of her head and giving an affectionate pat.

"Exactly. We'll be fine. I'm here for you." Artemis hugged them both. "Alright. Let's go backstage. We gotta look the part~."


Minutes passed as the three staff members just waited around in their seats, Firenze checked papers, Thomas groomed his fur with a small comb he brought and Nico's eyes never left the back entrance to the stage as he waited in excitement.

They traded a few ideas and mostly chatted until they heard a rumble from the door. "Can we come in?" Artemis called from behind the barely open door.

"Yes!" Firenze answered out loud, getting to hear his voice reverberate through the big room.

The door closed once again for a second before bursting open. The loud sound instantly brought the three attendant's attention towards the figures entering the room.

The three siblings had entered the Café mostly naked, with just their natural physiques and slits to cover up their more intimate regions. But now, they were more than dressed up for the part.

The two twin sisters walked into the room with a delicate and suave strut. Their leggings were covered with fishnets that glistened with the help of the sun bathing upon their clothes. They had dark eyeliners and just enough make up to bring out the most of their pink complexions.

And just in front of them, their big brother took the lead towards the center stage. Instead of fishnets to create a contrast between his bright skin, he wore a frilly light pink dress just above his hips, jumping with each step he took, giving the audience plenty of room to see his slit in full display under it. Above his head rested a Roselily, complementing perfectly his deep pink colors and the chosen dress.

Their entrance into view got all watchers silent as they admired the three beauties above stage. Two identical twins, albeit one clearly more nervous than the other, and a slightly taller and yet quite similar older brother.

"Welcome, one and all, to Café Plaisir! I'll be your entertainment for tonight, Artemis! And with me comes my two adorable sisters, Athena and Persephone!" He announced as naturally as he breathed. He presented as if there were dozens of eyes on while only three Pokémon were there. But Artemis didn't know how to hold back, after all.

Athena hugged Persephone's side before raising her voice as well. "We're very happy you came to see us today. And if you're here tonight, it means you have a test for some more spicy sides of life~." She exclaimed in excitement. Usually Athena was the more quiet one while Persephone was the most forward, but that changed while in front of a stage or in bed, or maybe both in this case, as they basically swapped their personalities while in the act.

"And if so, you came to the right place. Love comes in many forms after all." Artemis slid towards the front of the stage within a moment, using his sleek and moisturized body to his advantage. "And just because we're from the same blood doesn't mean we can't love each other more... intimate ways~" As he said that, Athena approached from his side. Right in the queue, he turned his head to plant his lips on her, tasting her lips in a most flashy fashion in front of the small crowd beneath him, moaning out loud all the while.

As their tongues intermingled, he moved them back until his back was against the dancing pole. He stood on his hind flippers and leaned his entirety of his spine against it, giving the Pokémon below a full display of his front body, save for his short dress skirt.

While Athena kissed from above, Persephone moved in to kiss from beneath. Her lips met her big brother's slit. Licking and sucking on his delicate flesh while audibly moaning. Her own entrance started moistening by taking in her brother's musky scent from so up close.

"Hehe, not everyday you get a show like this one." Thomas said, observing it all while a tent formed beneath his trousers. The Stunky had no intention to hide it, just enjoying the show while some liquids left his shorts.

Meanwhile Firenze's eyes never left them. He was silent, but carefully examining each and every movement they made. He'd almost look like a weapon ready to kill them at any mistake made, if not by the subtle fact of his canine tip slightly poking out his sheath, as Nico got to notice from nearby.

Nico smiled and returned to observe his friends, excited for what was to come next. But even though he was focused watching, he still slid down his shorts and let his erection out, joining in with Thomas on properly enjoying the show.

After over a minute of passionately making out and tasting each other's essences, Artemis broke their kiss while looking lovely at his sister's eyes. He planted a short and delicate peck on her cheek, before Athena hopped down from him.

With still some leftover saliva in his lips, Artemis faced down. "As you see, a kiss between a brother and sister is just like any other. Filled with both love and lust. And soon..." From all the foreplay, Artemis' cock had slipped out of his slit, throbbing violently and leaking drops of pre onto the stage floor. "It'll be filled with more than just that~".

While Persephone was giving tentative licks at the base of his erection, Athena brought herself down, staring directly at her older brother's cock. She gave a single quick like at his leaking tip before bringing her whole head down on it, shoving several inches of seal cock into her tight throat.

Artemis gasped and moaned from his sister's wet lips all around his shaft. She moved her tongue and sucked on it like a homemade lollipop. "But with us being three, it's not fair to leave one alone while the other two have fun." He reached out his arms back, reaching them around so he had a tight arm lock on the pole. "Even if the position isn't ripe, you always gotta give your family your absolute best~."

As he finished saying it, Persephone hopped down from the ground until her flippers stood on each of her brother's shoulders. She slithered so her lower body would be leaning between shoulders, with her wet entrance dangling right in front of his mouth. With no hesitation, he pressed forward, burying his tongue deep into her honey pot.

The sexy sounds weren't reserved from just above. At the bottom floor Thomas had pulled down his garments and let his cock slip free, masturbating as he saw the incestuous act in front of him. "Fuck, this is so hot..."

Firenze giggled with a snort. "Can't deny that..." Under the table he was leaning his paws at, his cock throbbed and leaked some pre of his own. He made no move to touch himself, too engrossed in the performance to risk missing any of it.

The siblings performed as they had practiced dozens of times before. Their movements were in sync with each other. Their moans were complementing each noise each other made. Their juices coated each other. Their hearts beat as one.

Their moans got louder and sluttier. Juices flowed down each of their nethers as they got closer and closer to tasting each other. Athena knew her brother's spasms very well. The moment his throbbings became much more violent, she'd shove his entire length down her throat. In perfect timing, she swallowed each and every wave of brotherly cum running down towards her stomach. Being a water type, she could hold out her breath for a long while, allowing her to drink her brother's seed with expertise.

During his own climax, Persephone tightened her grasp around his head and began squirting into his mouth. He eagerly lapped everything she offered him, moaning from the amazing taste it offered him and the mindblowing pleasure of his sister blowing him down below.

Eventually the siblings' light spasmings stopped, and both sisters removed their unions from their brother. Artemis took two quick breaths before directing himself to his interviewers. "I hope you don't think we're done yet. We still got the main bit to go through~."

Persephone disengaged from his shoulders and resumed standing on the ground, leaning her head against her brother's. All the while, Athena lifted herself up and jumped into a tight hug against her brother. One so tight her wet pussy was rubbing directly against his still erect cock.

"C'mon, bro..." Athena shouted in lust-driven delight. "Knock me up good in front of your new coworkers. They'll love it~."

The older seal couldn't help but feel himself throb from such a loud and bold declaration. She was right. And it was about time to seal the deal. "You've waited long enough. It's finally time!" He positions his paws around his sister's hips, angling her just right against the tip of his shaft. "The union between a brother and a sister." He pulled Athena against him, letting his cock slide easily against her moist entrance, eliciting a moan from the two siblings.

He pulled his cock back and shoved it all against the inside of her. They had done it plenty a time before, so he easily got it all in, feeling her soft skin against his groin. He groaned and shivered under the warmth of her insides. Her walls shuddered against him, devouring his length as best it could.

"...I love you so much, Athena..." He said it out loud amidst a moan, establishing a solid rhythm on her pussy. Holding her in such a tight embrace did a number on him, having to stay up and preventing them both to fall. Or at least, for the moment.

What was a quiet fap before was now a furious masturbation as the well-groomed Stunky audibly beat his meat while watching the show. "You're doing great, you two! Keep at it!" He yelled amidst a cacophony of wet sounds his paw made around his dick.

Nico was much quieter, using his psychic powers to create friction around his barbed cock and rub it up and down. His cock throbbed at each moan from the performance. Strands of pre leaked from his tip whenever Athena would moan around her brother his fur stood on end. It reminded him of the sweet night he spent together with the siblings.

All the while, Firenze had barely moved a muscle, watching the presentation with great focus and interest. He didn't join them in self pleasure, but he was definitely enjoying it, as demonstrated by his knot being fully inflated at the base of his cock.

Although he and his sisters had trained this a lot at home, somehow he got himself worked up faster than usual. Maybe it was the excitement of finally sharing their love with even more people. Perhaps it was the atmosphere of the room and how anyone that decided to enter could easily see their act. Maybe it was the amount of eyes glued on them as they basked in each other's pleasure. Most likely Artemis found out he had an exhibitionism kink at the worst possible time, and from Athena's contractions it seemed he wasn't alone in that.

"S-Sis..." He whispered into Athena's ears. "I- I can't hold much longer... at this rate-!"

"D-Don't worry, bro." Athena said while feeling his throbs inside her moisten cunt. "Persephone! D-Do what we planned."

"O-Okay sis!" Persephone nodded in agreement, planting one of her hers behind her older brother.

Artemis didn't have time to react before he felt a strong shove behind him, making him lose balance and stumble forward.

With the way they were hugging, Athena went down with him, falling the soft distance on her back with a low thump sound. "A-Artemis, you know what to dooooOOAAAAAAAH." She couldn't finish the sentence. Artemis had adapted from the fall and was leaning his arms and paws against the ground, leering beneath him, his sister's face looking at him with love and lust. He couldn't help himself anymore.

What began as a peaceful act of lovemaking devolved into ferocious humps. The older brother kept his sister pinned down as he properly rutted her, his hips hitting her own in a fast and violent manner. The violent progression of their act left Athena gasping and moaning on the ground, making unintelligible noises as her tongue escaped her mouth and her eyes stared at his face.

"I-I'm gonna!!!" Artemis roared as he pushed one last time against his little sibling. He bottomed out against her, poking the entrance to her fertile womb and unloaded a torrent of his kindred seed deep inside. Each throb of his cock shot more and more of his spunk deep into her, guaranteeing an easy and swift impregnation. But even with her knocked up, he kept pumping and pumping more and more. Her own walls squeezed and squirted several times against his length, letting their juices mingle and roll down her hips until it hit the stage floor.

When Artemis' climax had finally subsided, he removed himself from his sister slowly, admiring the enormous trail of cum that followed him.

Whoever was the janitor of this place will have their paws full later, if the spunk puddle they made was any indication.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead, letting his precious sister regain her senses briefly as she gasped for air as she rested on the smooth floor.

"F-Fuuuuuck, man. That was a show and a half. You three rock!" The Stunky complimented the siblings. He had finished, in several meanings of the word, and was clapping to them with a moist hand.

"What do you say, Firenze? I think they did very well. Besides, Coco told us a few water types could be beneficial to the organization." Nico said, while using his psychic powers to levitate his cumshots in the air before swiftly swallowing it in a single gulp. "The more we have the less we need to worry about fire type incidents." The Meowstic said with an affable smile.

"Hmmm..." The fox prodded himself up with his paws against the table. "Alright. You three definitely aren't a bad sort. You certainly possess the enthusiasm required to do a good job here. I think they'll definitely like you when you're performing for a full room. But..."

"B-But?" Artemis nervously swallowed. He could feel his stomach lurching from the sheer anxiety.

"Well... For as much as I... have no problems with this sort of activity personally, it's still something we should be careful about." The fox cleared his throat briefly. "If you really want to put up shows like this together, you'll have to be a bit more... coy about it."

"How so?" The spent Athena managed to ask in between ragged breaths.

"You could play it off as you're not actually siblings, but just acting as you are. As long as the public thinks it's just a show. It shouldn't be a problem." Firenze said while mulling over some of the details in his head.

"That can be arranged. They might look very similar, but as long as we market it correctly, people should buy the story." Nico confirmed the theory.

Firenze continued, "So, if anyone asks if family members do "stuff" here , you say you haven't heard a thing about it. The Mightyena family? Totally normal siblings. The Absol and Emolga pairs of recent? You're new and haven't heard about them. The Chef twins? Complete professionals! Got it?"

The three siblings quickly nodded . "Got it!" They said in unison.

"That's one thing, now for the other part. You're definitely good. But you still lack some of the finer techniques you need to really drive a crowd ready. Those smaller moments that make your performance really reach even the most reinforced of hearts." He stood and walked slowly towards the stage, climbing it and leering down at the three pink Brionnes. "Now, if you still have some energy left, let me show you how to make them like you even more~." He lapped his tongue around his maw, looking at the untouched twin, Persephone.

Artemis and Persephone exchanged a quick glance. A smile and a nod was all they needed to convey their thoughts. "Very well! We'd be honored to learn with a master in the arts." Artemis backed towards his sister, easing her onto the floor, presenting her pussy towards the much bigger canine.

She might have looked nervous and meek, but just one look at her swollen and leaking pussy was all Firenze needed to know she was waiting for him, completely spreading herself for the fox.

He didn't need any further coaxing. He descended upon the girl, giving her licks across her neck, and plunged into her depths.

Firenze was the one to climb up, but there was still a friend and coworker observing the act with clear interest. Artemis couldn't just leave them there without some affection of their own. "Nico! Athena hasn't had enough of you yet. She told me before we got here that she'd love to go with you again. And you, Thomas, right? My sisters aren't the only ones good at taking dick, if you catch my drift~?"

Thomas blushed deeply, but with an invitation like that he couldn't just turn it down. "Alright. I'll show you some of my own moves. It's my duty as your senior." Thomas said before hastily climbing up and taking the older brother in no time. His tail wrapped around the seal's neck as he humped away into the tight and horny seal.

Nico, meanwhile, gracefully brought himself up with his psychic moves. He looked down at Athena and brushed her cheek with his paw. "Are you feeling good for one more, hun?"

Athena grinned with lust and care in her eyes while looking at the Meowstic. She spread herself, letting the seed her brother spilled in leak further. The sight worked wonders on Nico as his cock throbbed and he joined in their love act.

Amidst his 'demonstration', Firenze looked at them and proclaimed. "Welcome to the Café Plaisir staff." He returned to his mission, breeding the new recruit a new kit.

They spent what felt like hours fucking and teaching each other new things for the show.

So long passed that the janitor, a cute Espeon wearing a classic janitor hat, entered the hall to do his routine cleanup and he stumbled on them.`

And he only said one thing: "Seems like I'll be cleaning you guy's room quite often, huh?" Before returning to his duty of cleaning, leaving the cacophony of lewd sounds to themselves.

A Heart Shaped Tail: In-Between Nights - Chapter 5.5

A Heart-Shaped Tail: The In-between nights By Olemgar/rodrigulino Chapter 5.5 (Post "Sewing a New Passion") The wooden door opened without fanfare. The switch was turned on, as the lamps lit up and illuminated the cozy...

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Chained Ogre (Short Story)

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Landscapes of Hetra: Ouroboros

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