Clan Foxhound: Chapter 3 (SFW)

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#4 of Clan Foxhound

Thank you for reading my story and please feel free to leave feedback.

I have never been more excited in my life, finally, this small trip is almost over. I can get some time off board this tin can in space. Connor and I were riding the elevator to the main conning tower. It came to a stop and the doors slid open. What greeted me, was a buzz of activity. The command crew were now working at their terminals and talking with the station traffic control team. I looked up to the viewport and saw it in the distance, as well as the front end of our ship. So, the ship was long with many levels to it, dotted with several deck guns, and it had a few other conning towers. It looked more like something fit for an ocean than an actual space fairing vessel. The bow was shaped like a spear, ready to cut non-existent waves, while in reality, it was meant to deflect kinetic weapons, debris, and asteroids.

Shiva approached us, hands clasped behind her, "Well, you seem excited?"

I giggle a little, "Yeah, need some scenery change." I stared at the white dot in the distance, as it was slowly getting larger. It was taking the shape of the station, with a domed top and a pointed down pin, looking more like a tack than a port.

Connor would grunt, "Miners, not much good company these folks.... Fucking Corpos..."

I jolted my head at Conner, "What is wrong with miners?"

He shook his head and grunted, "Greedy tunnel rats. Always trying to make a quick buck..."

Shiva rubbed the top of his snout, "Down boy, just meet the contact, and get out." I continued to watch as the station grew, now bigger than the entire screen. The ship, suddenly, screeched and jerked to a halt, as a loud locking sound rang out through her superstructure. "Alright, let's go big guy," Shiva said as she escorted us both.

A few minutes later, I found myself in a large corridor, centered by a huge door. There was Charlie, Izzy, and Tai standing by the large gate. Izzy and Tai are my fellow tribemates as well. The trio wave and I rush away from Connor and Shiva. Both look a little stunned, while they watch me hug the humans, in a big group embrace. I would laugh and we each held each other's hands in a big circle. Another greeting ritual, where we skip, jump, and dance around clockwise.

Connor was jaw dropped, "I don't believe it...."

Shiva laughed and pushed his lower jaw back up, closing it. She smiled wide, "Why are you so shocked? I knew she was not like you or Vixie..."

He growled at her, "Hey! What does that mean?!"

She simply wrapped her arms around him, "She is still human, she has not let your little 'talk' mess with her mind..."

He looked down a little ashamed, "Look, it is true, I am not going to be able to protect her forever. She will see, how horrible humans can be..."

Shiva took his muzzle in her hand and kissed him, "Maybe you don't have to, she seems to be plenty safe, with her new friends." I heard it all, thanks to my fox hearing, but I brushed it off. I simply laughed and talked about my time learning to shoot with my friends. In turn, they told me how they had been doing.

It would have gone all day, but the large doors parted open and the airlock hissed to life, the crew began to shuffle through a large bulky ring with a boarding ramp between the two platforms. The ring itself was the sealing latch, that held the starcruiser and the station together. Massive hydraulic clamps gripped together, keeping the ship snug against the magnetic dock. Before I could join my tribe mates, I felt Connor's strong pawed hand grab my shoulder.

"Woah kid!" He would chuckle, "You're sticking with me, remember? I need a backup partner, I can trust.."

I pouted and crossed my arms, "I wanted to hang with my friends though!"

He shook his head playfully then took me with him by the shoulder, "Later, there will be other ports. Come on...." Before I could protest any further, I was yanked along.

The inside of the station was a large biodome, which would move to face the sun during day hours and away during night. The station, itself, orbited a gas giant, which would supply a vapor used to create plasma. The interior was a buzz with humans and a couple of foxtenians. It was more like a small city, with tall buildings and a monorail system built into the walls. Overhead footpaths lined the streets and cars, but to me, might as well be magic horseless carts. I just stared at them in complete shock, having no clue as to how they worked. Humans gave some stares back at me, many dressed in dirty clothes or work attire. The air lay heavy with nauseous fumes of industrial chemicals. A thick haze surrounded the exterior of the dome from exhaust ports, pumping out pollution into the void. The only ones who seemed friendly were foxtenians, who smiled and nodded to me. I hope Connor was not right about people, but the more nastier the looks I received, the more I worried he was correct.

We boarded a monorail train, packing in like fish in a net. I struggle to find space without being rubbed up against someone. What's worse, the humans I would get bunched up on, would try and push me off them. One even commented, "Get off me fleabag!!" The man pushed me back to Connor.

Connor held me and gave the man a death stare, "You wanna say that again?"

The man looked up at him and then held up his hands in defense, "Hey! Let's not be hasty!" He pushed himself back into the crowd. Soon, the train began to move once more.

Connor helped me back up, "You alright?"

I felt horrible, but still replied, "Yeah, what an asshole!"

He pulled me closer to him for safety, "That is the least of your worries here, kid. Just stay close to me."

It would not be much longer on the nasty-smelling train. For, it pulled into our station and we departed with a group of miners, all seeming to be getting off work. They crossed the street and entered a large building. Music was playing inside, and the sound of laughter and drinking would ooze from it like a miasma of noise. I looked about the place. Lights and neon signs stood like monoliths to someone's dark gods of sex and vice. Humans would stumble about in various stages of intoxication. I wrinkled my nose and gazed up at Connor, "Why the hell did you drag me here?"

He began to walk toward the establishment, where the miners had just gone inside, "Because we are gen oners, I trust you more than anyone..." I watched him move away, combing through his statement in my head. Still didn't make sense, even when analyzing it. I shoved his broken logic aside and followed him into the bar.

The moment those doors swung open, everyone stopped what they were doing. There were humans everywhere, and each had a various stare of hatred, aimed at us. Like angry wolves, whose den had been disturbed. However, the music kept playing and soon they shifted their gaze, back to their booze. We were not worth their time, not when the devil's blood was much more amusing. The bar was lit with red and purple lights. A dance floor had a few couples grinding and flirting with each other. They courted, in some kind of mating ritual, of debauchery. Strange glass cylinders, on the walls, would contain a goop that oozed up and down. It was a small place about fifty feet wide and forty feet long. A bar sat to the left of the entrance. A few dining booths on the back wall. And dotting the dance floor outskirts were tables. Connor took my hand, leading me to the bar. I sat down on a stool, my legs awkwardly trying to find a place to rest themselves. My tail flopped out, on its own, and began swinging, when a man next to me, took offense. He growled, "Hey fox!"

My ears shot up and I looked to my left at him, "Yes?"

He pointed at my wagging tail, "You know better than to keep that, glass-destroying feather-duster, out and knock over everyone's drinks. Didn't your mother teach you manners?!!"

I was about to protest when Connor grabbed my tail and pulled it back around the stool between my legs. I yipped whipping around to face him, noticing then, that he had done the same for himself. He glared at me, "Yeah keep your tail tucked, this is their bar, not ours hun."

I groaned at him, "But! That is not fair, I can't control it most of the time!"

He glared harder and shook his head, on the edge of anger, "Sakuya... No... For once, the human is right, let it go!" I crossed my arms, looking away. I glanced at the man next to me with rage in my eyes. He glared back but still went back to drinking.

A few awkward moments passed by, when Connor began to talk to the barkeeper, "Hey Max, you wanna get us something to eat?"

The human turned away from cleaning and smiled, "Connor O'Neil! You old pirate!" The two of them grabbed each other's hands in a brotherly grab, "Sure thing bud, Hey Gostof!! Get the fox special, we have family over!"

They both went into a hug, and Connor said with glee, "Missed you, buddy!" They would break from the embrace. Connor pointed out the booth in the center of the back wall, "We're going to eat over there. As to not, disturb, your customers."

Max nodded, he was a middle-aged man with dark skin, no hair, and deep brown eyes. He spoke with a deep booming voice, "Go right ahead, brother, Gostof will get you, your food. As soon as his old gears, wind up. He needs some new parts."

I perked up, finally. Just now getting over the earlier incident, "Parts?"

Just then, the back saloon doors flapped open, and what stepped out was a six-and-a-half-foot-tall machine. My eyes went wide, it was bulky and rusted, with the head of a wolf, and a tail to boot. It was like mechanical foxtenian but of the wolf variety. It was slapped down with armor plating. Of which, pistons showed in the cracks of his joints. He had blue glowing eyes and a gray paint job. He held some plates in modified fingers, that stretched out to hold more than the average person could. I could only stare, while it walked passed me, in a mocking familiarity to myself. He serviced some humans at a table, who didn't seem to mind the machine. Much more than their disdain, for my kind. Gostof, soon, returned from his food run. He turned his head, looking to his master, in cold unfeeling efficiency, "One fox special coming up!" He snapped his head back to look forward unnaturally, enough to unsettle me a little bit. He headed back into the kitchen once more.

I returned to Max's gaze, with a look of fear and curiosity, plastered on my face, "What in the gods' name was that thing?!"

Max placed his hands on his sides, and laughed, "New around here ey? Gostof is an old Benevolent war bot. From way back, before they were decommissioned. I bought him off a trader, a few dozen years ago. He is a bit of a local celebrity around these parts, miss. People pay top dollar to see him."

I narrow my eyes, "I keep hearing that name, what the hell is the Benevolent?!"

The music stopped, everyone dropped their glasses, and the entire club went dead quiet. Connor clamped his hand around my muzzle and jaws, hard. He leaned in close, rage in his voice, harshly whispering, "Don't ever say that, again.... Or, we both die! Do you understand? I will tell you later, but you're about to get us both killed!" Connor turned around, letting my snout go, and I caught my breath. He addressed the sea of eyes that laid upon us, "Hey! People, she is just a simple tribal, from a feral world. Let it go!" I looked and saw, that people had been reaching for their weapons. Connor waved his hands down, trying to calm them down, "Please! Lexus is the greatest hero of the galaxy! Praise the pack! Praise the Benevolent, Inari's chosen!" It was working. For, the patrons were, slowly, holstering their firearms.

A man commented while standing up, "OK boys! The rug is right! Filthy savage, probably eats bugs...." This ended the tension when the crowd began to bellow out with laughter. Someone turned the music back on, and it was back to drinking and sinning, for them.

Connor grabbed me by my scruff and pulled me away from the bar, causing me to yip. He dragged me over to the booth and forced me to sit. I nervously shook, while he took his seat across from me. His eyes burned with rage. He held his hands, before himself, propping them up with his elbows on the table. He sighed heavily, "Sakuya, sweetheart, sustain your curiosity till we are back on the ship. Before we both find ourselves in the airlock." I nod very softly, my heart pounding, I feel I may have asked the wrong question. I didn't think it was a bad one, but apparently, I may as well have spat on the boot of a Benevolent Officer. Connor sighed, "Look I need to use the little fox boy's room. Just hang out and wait for our food." Before I could stop him, he stormed off toward the back, eyes following him all the way.

It felt like an eternity was passing by, but only a few minutes had. It was then, out of nowhere, that a shifty-looking skinny man, sat down across from me. He was not that scary, but his big beefy friend was. He, also, sat right next to me. Planting himself like a tree and then, setting his gun on the table, in a subtle threatening way. He glanced over at me and then began to sip his drink. The skinny man, began to talk, "Well, enjoying pissing off the locals, are we?"

I started to sweat bullets, only able to mumble, "Look! I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just was genuinely curious-"

"Forget it!" The skinny man held his right hand up, stopping my nervous rambles. Once I was quiet, he continued, "I don't give a fuck, about that. No, the reason we decided to join you for a chat, is simple." He used his thumb to point over his shoulder to the restrooms, "Your friend, is worth a lot of money. A lot! We can tell you're not really familiar with how things work around here. We want to cut you in! Help us wax him and his crew, and you get a piece of that pie. What do you say?"

I was just sweating more, barely able to speak, "Why, d-do y-you need me?"

He chuckled, "As much as my partner and I want the money, for us, we need someone on the inside to help. Get us onto his ship, overload the reactor, and it's payday. But first, a test of your resolve, help us gun that fucker down when he pops out of the bathroom, and you're in kid."

They now both lean in, waiting for me to respond, but I sheepishly reply, "I am sorry, but I can't..."

The man growled and gnawed his teeth, "What is with you?" He began to rub his chin in thought, taking a better look at me, "You know Moe, she would fetch a good price as a floor rug!" I felt like a glass shattered inside me.

The huge man to my right smiled, and he chimed in, "Yeah, but if we take her alive, I am sure some sick fuck, will pay a lot of money for her."

The skinny man smiled wide, "You're right, she's probably a screamer! Oh, they love those. I bet she is even a virgin!" I felt my heart sink even more and the absolute face of fear only confirmed his words rang true. He looked even more interested, "Oh shit! She is a virgin! Moe, fuck the pirate, this bitch is going to make us rich!"

It was like, a switch had been turned on, and I felt a burning rage. My teeth were bared, my eyes only seeing red, I had enough. No one was going to touch me. NO ONE!!! I snapped like the ripest twig in a hydraulic press. My hand flung out, at lightning speed, grabbing the huge man by the back of his neck. Before he could even react, to grab his weapon, I slammed down his face, shattering the table. The skinny man drew his pistol, aiming it at me, but he was far too late, as I grabbed the barrel. I yanked it down to line up with his friend, making him, accidentally, unload into him. The skinny man was stunned. He didn't even try to fight back when I wrapped my jaws around his neck. Whoever I was, it was not me, I only watched helplessly, as my teeth found purchased in his throat. I clenched hard and tore a chunk out of his neck. Before swallowing the meat... I went in for more. It tasted, so..... Good..... I am so ashamed, I kept eating him. I couldn't stop, his blood, his muscles, it was like the sweetest meat, I ever had.

It was only when I felt Connor, grabbing my throat, and forcing a muzzle on my maw, that I, finally, came back. I snapped my jaws, trying to get more of him, I wanted to eat him. I wanted all of him. But when the muzzle slipped over my mouth and I was pinned down to the ground, I saw the rest of the bar patrons. The fear in their eyes, the shock, they were horrified. They had been frozen in time. They didn't even reach for their guns, just managing to watch, like sheep, watching a wolf devour one of their own. Blood dripped from my lips, leaking onto the floor in a pool, I can't describe my shock. I just simply, froze as well.

Connor pulled me to my feet and hauled me over his back. He managed to hog-tie me. He carried me over to Max, and he placed down a large sum of credits, "Here, for the trouble..."

Max pushed them back, "I saw the whole thing, those guys wanted to kill you, she didn't give in. They tried to pawn her off, and she well, snapped. Keep your money, as I said your family. Consider it, thank you, for saving my sister from those traffickers. If you want to make it up to me, get her out of here, before the law is called."

The humans stared at me in fear. A man wailed, "Did you see her eyes?! She is a fucking animal!" Another would whisper, "She is a monster!" They all began to stand and move away from me, while I still hung over Connor's shoulder. The Humans trying to put distance from me.

Connor just watched it all and sighed, "Alright, see ya around Max.."

Max nodded, "Good luck Connor, and here." He handed him the information, the one Connor had come here for. They nodded to each other, no words needed. Connor rushed out of the bar, right as sirens were blaring in the distance.

Artificial rain fell from sprinklers that hung from the dome. They were wetting my coat. I sat in a dark alleyway, holding my knees. I had not spoken in an hour, nor had Connor, who had already untied me and unmuzzled me. He sat on a dumpster, watching the rain as it drowned the world. He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit himself one. He inhaled deeply, then exhaled, before finally speaking to me in a cold tone, "I should just put you down. You tasted human...."

I fought back tears, "Do it! Just shoot me!"

He slammed his fist into the lid of the dumpster, denting it in, this made me shut up. He spoke once more, "You're on borrowed time now... I fucking can't believe it.... I am going to have to kill you...." He pulled out his gun and cocked it, before leaping down from his perch. He aimed at my head.

I, slowly, looked to meet the barrel's maw, tears running down my cheeks, "Do it... Just save my people...."

The gun began to shake, "I have to, you will turn feral! You will kill people again! I've seen it a dozen times!" He held the gun in both hands, pressing it to my head. But no matter how much he tried to steady himself, his hands still shook wildly.

"Do it.... Kill me..." I cried, "Put me down! Like a dog! That's all I am to these people!"

He stood, the gun shaking violently. Tears dripped down his face. The internal battle inside me was a war of emotions. He felt his finger clench the lever. I, merely, accepted death and laid my forehead on the jaws of death and closed my eyes. Waiting for the sound of thunder, to take me from this world... In one moment, the nightmare will end. A thunderous bang rang out in the alleyway.

But, my mind remained, as conscious thought still coursed through the empty darkness of my head. Ringing dulled my senses, but naturally, I opened my eyes. And a world still greeted me, only this time, the barrel was gone. Instead, it was aimed above my head, still smoking after discharging the round that was to be my end. I turned my eyes up, to see a broken man. He panted hard, a bullet hole just between my ears on the brick wall behind me. He pulled the gun close to look at it. Rage exploded through him, throwing the weapon as far as he could. He went to his side and curled up.

"Why didn't you do it?" I stare at him, my mind filled with confusion and sadness.

He clenched his fist harder, "Cause I can't! I don't want to be alone again!"

I wrapped around his stomach with my arms, comforting him, "How do you know I will go feral? What is going to happen to me?"

He just sobbed harder, "Because, it's what happens! When we taste human flesh, it's like catnip to us. It's immediate, but eventually, you will find yourself salivating at the thought. You will start to reject normal food. Eventually, you will just snap and return to an animal state."

I hug him more, "Is there a cure?"

"No...." He cried harder than I ever heard a man cry, "There is no damn cure, there is never a damn cure, there is no damn Inari!" He slammed his fist into the concrete, cracking it.

I rub my hand on his cheek, holding him closer, "As long as I have you, you could stop me... I know you would never let me change...."

Connor held my hand with his own and nuzzled it, "I love you Sakuya..."

"What about Shiva?!" I gasped in shock.

"I know, but" He pulled away, burying his feelings, "I know she will grow old and die... However, you are right, it was stupid of me to say... Forget it, I will just keep you from turning feral."

I joined him, smiling, "I can't become a monster, so long as you are here, to protect me."

He shook his head, still crying, "Stop, eventually, one day, I won't be able to."

"Well," I took his hand and we began to walk with him, "That is not today. Never worry about tomorrow's rain, when today's sun is here..." As if the universe listened, the rain ended and a beautiful sun returned. It bathed the world in holy light.

"What is that from?" He asked curiously, wiping away his tears.

"It is a saying my mother used to tell me," I smile, "It is how our tribe lived. We worry about the here and now. Whatever, is going to happen, is going to just happen. No use worrying about it. Might as well live today...."

He gave a small warm grin, "Your people are very wise. I can't wait to meet them Sakuya."

To meet the contact, we had to head down into the engineering bay. Before the elevator reached our floor, Connor turned to me, "Hey, let me talk to him for a minute before you come storming in, ok?" I nodded, right as the door slid apart to reveal a large mechanic's shop, similar to our mech bay. I stood back behind a wall and listened. Connor rounded the corner out of view. I heard him talking to someone, "Zorro is it!?"

The other's voice was male, with a strange accent, sounding eccentric, but also Latin, "Yes, how can the humble Zorro be at your service today?"

Connor continued, "Well I heard you had some information. On a recent group passing by, with live cargo."

Zorro sighed, "Ci señor, but it will cost you!"

"I have a better proposition for you," Connor countered, "Join the crew and you get a huge cut!"

Zorro laughed hard, "You are a really funny guy! No deal. I have a nice cushy job right here. My own shop, and endless scrap to tinker on"

Connor called to me, "Oh yeah, well my friend, might help convince ya."

Zorro sounded nervous, "Hey now! I don't owe anyone money! You brought muscle, really!?"

I began to walk around the corner and I saw him, my eyes lighting up like stars. He was only three tall, with huge radar ears, bigger than his entire body. He had the smallest nose and a huge massive bushy tail. He was a fennec and I raced at him. Arms flinging around him, nearly crushing him with a hug as he squealed for help. I screamed, "OH BY THE GODS!! YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!!"

He squirmed, trying to breathe, "Mi Amor, you're crushing me!!!" He squeaked as he struggled to draw air into his lungs, "Help me! Call her off!"

Connor chuckled and then said, "Sakuya, you're going to kill him, let him go!"

I groaned, then placed him back on the table, that he had been standing on, "Ok.... But..." I rubbed his little ears lovingly.

He was about to protest when he got a good look at my.... Assets...., And his eyes narrowed to sensual, "Oh my, you are a beautiful dessert flower! My ears are yours my moon spirit!"

I would yip and ask, "And where is your mommy or daddy little one?"

He snarled and spat out, "Mi Amor, I am no child!" He glared offended, then calmed himself. He took a little bow, "I am Zorro, at your service."

He had adorable velvet eyes and was pure sand color with little brown markings on his ears and tail tip. I snickered and offered my finger for his small hand to shake, "Sakuya Attono."

He took my finger and kissed my hand, "Your name, is enough to spark passion in the hearts of poets, for centuries."

I blush a little and then ask the big question, "Why are you small?!"

He scrunched up his nose, "Madam, I am not small, I am simply a Fen Foxtenian. My people lived in a giant world of sand and savannah plains."

Connor butted in, "Yeah, Zorro's people are natural tinkerers, they can make anything out of just simple junk and duck tape."

Zorro would smile at the statement, "Oh you have to, when you are crash-landed for hundreds of years. Plus, I am even stronger than a normal Foxtenian...."

I blinked at him confused, "How though, you're so tiny?"

He showed off his strength, by lifting a full-sized engine with ease, "High gravity, I am five times stronger than you."

My jaw dropped, "Damn..."

Zorro would hop back over to us, "So, are you part of this loser's crew?"

I smirked and nodded, "Yep, why?"

He rushed up my hand, sprawling on it, kissing my furred arms, "Oh, I could show you the rings of Keston Nine. If only you joined my crew instead!"

I blush from the embarrassment and calmly remove him from my arm, "No, thank you, I have arrangements with my current crew."

Zorro not allowing himself to be defeated, snapped his head to Connor, "I'm in...." Connor smiled at me and shrugged. I guess, I was the secret weapon in convincing the little fox, to join us and give up the information for free.

Zorro was packing his things, when he piped up, "Oh, and my apprentice has to come!"

"Apprentice!?" Connor and I said together, turning our heads to someone coming out of the storeroom, carrying a few schematics.

Zorro would yell at him, "Marbles come on! We ditching this dump!"

The being would squawk and throw the papers into a bag, revealing himself as a gray lizard folk... Marbles wore a bone mask of some kind of reptilian. He was just like Sparks, only bigger about five feet tall. He had a strange rusted sword on his back. He stared at us, "So, we going on a big long trip?!"

Zorro nodded and replied, "Yes pack my things."

Marbles gave a big smile, jumping for joy, "Yippee, finally!" He rushed back inside the storeroom and brought out more equipment, to place on the cart.

"Why is he called Marbles?" I would ask.

Marbles jumped to life, "Because, I'm bonkers! You wouldn't understand, you are not bold!" I looked back to Zorro for an answer, but he looked just as confused as me, throwing up his hands, in a shrug.

Zorro explained, "Found him in space one day. Poor guy was in a life pod, frozen. He has been learning to tinker, ever since. He is a little nutty, but he is a good listener and a very welcomed, set of hands."

Marbles rolled up, with the fully packed floor cart, "Yes, Sandy Tail teaches Marbles how to be a better builder. In return, Marbles helps Sandy Tail!"

Zorro jumps onto Marble's shoulder, riding him, "Also, he makes a comfy steed in a pinch. Now, let us depart, you two have caused, quite, a ruckus on this station." I couldn't agree more with the little cutie.

As we casually walked back to the air-lock, I kept thinking about the bar. I mean, I am tough, I could control it, right? Mind over matter, hell I don't even feel anything... Well, till Charlie came walking up to join us, on our way back. He smiled at me, "Hey Sakuya!"

I, however, smelt him, and it began to tingle my senses, ones I never knew I had, I tried to hide my mouth, less he saw me begin to salivate, "Hey Charles, how was your day?"

He looked at me confused, "You acting strange... You feeling ok?"

I, nervously, laugh, "Of course! I am just tired, I need to sleep, soon."

We had started to pass into the tunnel and board our ship, when he offered, "Here, let me take you home. I want to hear all about your day!"

I sped up, leaving him in the dust. I shouted, in a desperate haze, "I can't! I am feeling very sick!" I broke into a sprint. He was confused and only trying to hit on me, but I was only thinking of.... how he would taste.... What the hell Sakuya? I just had to push all my thoughts away and run for my room. The only person who was not confused was Connor, for he simply frowned.

I reach the safety of my cabin and lock the door. I leaped onto my bed and laid against the port hole. Watching, as the docking ring was being retracted. Our ship was free-floating in space. Using its thrusters, it pushed itself away from the station. I am only left to wonder, if I am just crazy from stress, or did I just, legit, think Charles would be good with gravy......