Spells in R&D

Story by Frey Meastros on SoFurry

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(This document is for RP purposes, I in now way can preform such magic RL... though I would if I could. Also it is not ment as a story, its so I have somthing to link people to when they ask for things durring RPs)

The folowing is a list of spells in development by the Order of Atter. All know side effects are listed with the spell, more unknow side effects may occure.

I. Macro Multiplication: This spell increases the size of the recipitant. Side effects include: Green skin, problems with managing anger, and intencifed sexual drive.

II. Atter's Strength : This spell causes mustle growth. Only know side effect is the recipitant;s tail will become a squirrl tail, or they will grow one if one is not preseent.

III. Goo Transmutation: This spell transforms the recipitant into a living goo. They can speek, chage their color, transparancy, smell, taste, and dencity. Side effect is an inability to eat any solid food.

IV. Taur Transformation: This spell is ment to turn a biped into a Taur form of their own species. Side effects include, Inability to return to biped form, gender change to herm, and light sencitivity.

V. Feeling Feat: THis spell makes the feet of the recipitent sencitive, able to receave pleashure from touch, and more dexterous (IE the ability to use them like hands.). Side effect is any female, herm, or cuntboi on whom this is preformed will become a shemale.

Finished Spells

(This document is for RP purposes, I in now way can preform such magic RL... though I would if I could.) The folowing is a list of Spells that have been fully reashurched, and tested by the Order of Atter. They have been proven to have no side...

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