Manic and Cream 1

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#134 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Cream the Rabbit is now a goth college girl with older guys on the brain. Particularly, she's thinking about her old babysitter, Manic.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are written as above the age of 18.

This is a commissioned piece. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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"And so, Aladdin got everything he wanted, and all he had to do was, like, be himself and stuff."

"That's not how the story goes."

"You heard it a thousand times, kid. Why not let a dude improv from time to time?"

Manic chuckles, closing the copy of the "1001 Nights" and leaning back on the chair beside the bed.

Cream the Rabbit is snuggled up tight in the bed, watching him with an expectant gaze.

He glances back at her with a quirked eyebrow. "What?"

"There's more to the story."

He shrugs. "Yeah, well, like, your imagination and stuff is great for coming up with ideas when you sleep. So, like... dream up something cool, why don't ya?" he says, giving Cream a playful poke on the forehead. "You need to sleep, and so do I." He chuckles and stands up, turning the light off. "G'night."

"Nighty Night, Mister Manic," Cream says, sighing and closing her eyes.

"Yeah, goodnight." He says, watching the rabbit as she drifts off. "Man, if I had good nights like that when I was a kid... I'm just glad we get that now."


The bunny sits at the table on the quad, her spiked boots up and on the bench across from her. She wears heavy black eyeliner and has dyed her red fur black. Her black lips pout as she swipes over her phone, her arms folded over her chest, wearing her chain-studded black sleeveless top and her pleated and spiky skirt.

Soon, a pink hedgehog in a sharp and well-pressed outfit and glasses approaches her, sitting across from the younger rabbit, and pulls out some books. "So, how goes things, Cream?"

Cream plops her boots down onto the ground and sits up, shrugging. "Eh, you know. Life and bullshit."

Amy Rose shakes her head at her friend as she pulls out her tablet.

"What?" Cream asks, tilting her head. "Something wrong?"

"I saw your mother over the weekend at that charity function, and she was showing off photos of you to all the socialites."

Cream groans, "Ugh, don't remind me of those 'prim and proper' days. I got enough on my plate, you know. Too much to get nostalgic over the good old days."

"Good old days, huh? Well, the high-flying adventure is over, and we must make our own excitement now."

Cream huffs. "What I'd rather make," Cream says, "Is something to help get the edge off once in a while."

"Says the girl who looks edgier than Shadow," Amy says, fluttering her eyes.

Cream responds with a prompt finger.

"Tsk, Tsk, I helped practically raise you, and you treat me like that? How would your other caretakers feel."

"Yeah, like what? Manic?" Cream asks, knocking her fingerless-gloved knuckles against the table. "What is he doin' now? Wasn't he in a band or something?"

"Oh, someone's interested in talking about Sonic's brother, hm...?" Amy says. "Got a thing for older men?"

"S... shut up." Cream grumbles. "Me and him... just vibe, you know?"

"No, I get it. The goth and the stoner, two peas in a pod."

"If that pod's a bed, or a couch... or an alleyway."

"Damn, girl. Someone's got the Springtime horny."

Can't help I'm a fuckin' rabbit," Cream says, staring daggers at Amy.

"Well, Graduate Program or not, I'm still a college student," Amy says, "and that means that I am entitled to all the entertainment that college life affords."

"What are you getting at?" Cream says, tilting her head, spiked earrings dangling and clinking.

"I'm saying," Amy says, poking her cheek in a teasing way, "that we get you the perfect opportunity to meet him and tell him how you feel!"

"You're a hopeless romantic," Cream says, waving Amy away. "There's no way in Hell he'd ever want to hook up with someone he used to babysit."

"You aren't the girl he used to babysit, Cream." Amy reminds her. "We all change drastically throughout our lives, some more than others. Manic's pretty much the same, but you might be up his alley now that you're who you are.."

"You know the dating rules," Cream says. "Half your age plus seven. I didn't flunk Math. He'd probably still see me as a kid just from the difference."

"Well, what's the harm in reintroducing yourself?" Amy says, shrugging. "It's not like you've seen each other recently. And besides, it's not like I'm setting you up on a date."

"Well, what exactly are you doing?"

Amy spins her tablet around, showing off the invitation she had been working on. "A party at Sigma Alpha Kai--open to the public, per invitation. If things don't work out with him, the worst he can do is say 'no,' and you're left with your pick of hunky guys--or gals."

Cream slides the tablet closer toward her, frowning deeper than before. "You're inviting Sonic there, aren't you?"

Amy giggles, "Like I said, some of us change more than others. The invite is anonymous, so we don't have to worry."

Cream scratches her nose and finally nods. "Sure, fuck it. I'll give it a shot. Worst case, I get rejected, wasted, and railed by some jock, which will scratch my itch, anyway."

Amy frowns, tapping the table. "Maybe... this isn't such a good idea."

"I'm kidding, gawd, Amy, I think you're the one who needs to get fucked more than me!"

"Well," Amy says, taking the tablet back and hitting 'send,' "if all goes well, I suppose we both will get what we want."

Manic and Cream 2

Sonic the Hedgehog leans back in his red race car bed, head against the board with a guitar on his lap. Sitting around and chillin isn't generally on the world traveler's itinerary. He hums a few bars from one of his favorite tunes. As usual, the...

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