The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 9

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#9 of Perils Of War TLOS (Book 2)

Flame woke up and looked down, noticing that Ember wasn't with him, he looked around and saw that she had left a note explaining that she took their armor to get cleaned. Flame yawned and got up, he noticed that their knife pair was still there. He grabbed Embers, and unsheathed it, looking at the intricate designs etched into the blade. He set the knife back down and stepped outside, and shivered, it had grown cold overnight, and the fortress was pretty high up. He charged his fire element, and warmed himself. Then he looked over to Spyro and Cynder's room.

"They're still asleep" he mumbled to himself, then looked around "So is everybody else"

He walked over to the control room and poked his head through the doorway, he spotted Michael studying a projection that hovered above a table in the corner, and walked over to him.

"What's new?" He asked

"We are almost done taking the planet, our forces are pushing the main line all the way forward now." He told Flame

Aura stepped through the door, yawned, and stretched. Flame could tell by the look on her face she was not a morning dragon.

"Morning sunshine" Michael said to his adopted daughter.

"Meh" she replied

She snapped her claws and a cup appeared in her hand, she drank it and sighed. Then looked over at Flame

"Where's your mate? What was her name? Oh, Ember, right" She asked him

"She went to get our armor cleaned, I think she got up right after the sun rose, she loves mornings." He answered

Aura snorted, then looked at the projection.

"Almost done, nice" She noted

"Were going to Faun tonight, and you're going to settle into one of my spare rooms." He told her

"Fine" She replied, rolling her eyes.

A letter appeared over Michael's head, he instantly grabbed it and looked down.

"This planet is officially clear of dark magic" He informed them. "Let's get out of here"

Spyro laid awake curled around Cynder, the cold was seeping into their room, he held her close so she wouldn't feel it. A sudden flash of light made him look up. He peered out the window to see that they were right above Faun, but very high up. Spyro returned his head to its earlier position, happy to be home. After another half an hour, Cynder woke up. She lifted her head and nuzzled Spyro.

"How long have you been up?" She asked "And are we back over Faun?"

"A bout 5 hours, and yes were back" He answered

"You could have gotten up" she told him

Spyro rolled his eyes, then lifted his wing a bit. A small gust of cold wind hit Cynder's face. She quickly grabbed his wing and lowered it again.

"I retract my earlier statement" she said

Spyro chuckled, and nuzzled her under his wing. He nudged her mouth to his and kissed her, summoning his element power and sharing it with her. Cynder felt the parts of her body that weren't covered by Spyro's wing warm up, and sighed.

"Want to go get breakfast, or more likely a late lunch" Spyro asked her

"Yesss" She purred

The slowly got up and stretched, and walked out of the room. They both shuddered in discomfort at the cold. Trice and Aura were in the square, chatting. They both turned to them.

"Look who's finally awake" Trice stated

"How are you two not shivering" Cynder asked

"We're Michael's daughters, I inherited the ethereal magic and she had it gifted to her." She answered

"So, you're sisters?" Cynder replied

"Of course, though I am a LOT older than her" Trice told her "She has always been my sister, so were both of you mothers"

"That feels so weird, you look the same age as the rest of us." Spyro replied

"Yeah, she's looked like that all my life" Aura told them

Michael walked out onto the square.

"Good, everybody's awake" He spoke, then took flight

The rest of the group followed, and made their way to their homes. Aura looked nervous about settling into a house in a city to look for a mate, but she knew that it had to be done, and that she will be happy with whatever happens. They landed in the square, and Cynder turned to her.

"Wait, you're from another dimension, how does that work?" She asked

"She's the same species as you, but from another dimension" Michael told them "Dracios Elementia, common elemental dragon."

"How many different kinds of dragons are there" Spyro asked


They sat stunned for a moment, then Camry and Layla landed in the square. They watched as the two young dragons chatted and ignored them, then walked into the guest house and closed the door. Michael chuckled Trice joined him. Then he snapped his claws and a medium-sized wooden box appeared. Aura grabbed the box and walked into her new house. Spyro saw a small red sun dragon peering out the window of the guest house, then he rushed out the door.

"Spyro!" He yelled and hugged him.

"Ray?" Spyro said, hugging the little dragon back.

Jake walked out of the guest house, smiling.

"Hey" he said

"I wish I knew you were coming; I would have got back sooner." He told her

"Your fine, Mary put an application to transfer here, she feels like she needs to help return this city to it's former glory" Jake told him, then turned to Michael. "I also need to talk to you about maybe moving into one of your houses."

Michael smiled, as if he already knew this was going to happen. He pointed to an empty house two houses down from the quest house.

"That house is already set up for you guys." He told Jake

"How many houses do you own" Spyro asked him

"I own the entire district" Michael replied, ignoring the stares he received.

"Where is Mary?" Spyro asked

"She's scouting the location for the new economy inspection and control center." He answered

Michael narrowed his eyes "The ML runs its main trade line through this city, it can't fail even if it wanted to"

Jake looked up at him. "It does, so that's why we keep hearing of massive amounts of wares being transferred around here."

"This is the branching point for this dimension. All ML supplies come here to be sold and transferred to the planets where they are needed." Michael explained

Jake nodded, then looked back into the house

"Girls! Spyro and Cynder are back" He called

Storm and Sammy ran out the door and greeted Spyro. Then ran to play with Trice, who leaped up and splashed pink sparks, making the young dragons giggle. Samantha walked out the door and looked over at them.

"How was the battle, battles?" She asked

"We won both of them, of course because Michael was there." Spyro answered

"Another dark master bites the dust" Michael retorted

The group enters the guest house, and talk for a while.

On a distant planet, a Female red dragon hides in a bush and watches an armored grey dragon walk along a path. The grey dragon walked along the rough path, ducking branches and stepping over the sharp thorns. The dragon approached an abandoned building, then poked his head through the entrance. He noticed signs that a dragon had been staying there and studied them, he looked around, knowing that the dragon he was hunting must not be far off. Suddenly, the female dragon leaped out of the bush and charged the hunter. The grey dragon dodged and swung around.

"Not bad" The female spoke "It only took you over a century to find me"

The hunter lifted his head "A hundred years? Miss, I've only been looking for you for 8 months."

The red dragon froze, then snarled "Nevertheless, I'm not going back, I'm not going back to the city where my line no longer exists, I'm never going back to..."

"Fury had a son" The hunter interrupted "He defeated Malefor"

The red dragon snapped her neck back "What? Who?"

"His name is Spyro, he is a purple dragon, he..."

"A purple dragon! Another one?" She yelled


"And he defeated Malefor?"


"Where is he now, I assume with Michael"


She sighed, looking down.

"Michael sent me to find you after Spyro brought him back"

Tears started to form in her eyes "I don't want to go back; it hurts too much"

"Your grandson is there, and he wants to know you" he told her

"Tell me about him"

"He was hatched and raised by dragonflies on Genrir, he eventually found the guardians, and they taught him about his powers. He rescued Silver's daughter, Cynder, from Malefor's clutches. Then was trapped in a crystal for three years. When he woke, he defended Warfang from Malefor's armies, and defeated him. The victory came at a cost, Genrir was shattered. They woke up in the Valley of Souls, and found Michael's statue. Spyro woke him up and he told them of their history. Now Spyro and Cynder are mated..."

"Mated! My grandson mated with Malefor's daughter." She yelled

"Yes, they fell in love while working together to defeat Malefor. There is another war going with the Dark Authority, and Michael wanted to make sure they were together before it started."

The red dragon looked up at him "I never caught your name"

"I'm Canthos, hunter of the outer rings"

"I'm Nuri, though I expect you already know this"

"Actually, I didn't, they only told me to find the old queen, I think the general Michael gave the order too didn't actually know your name."

"Those pricks"

"Will you return with me to Faun now?" Canthos looked hopeful

"I think I will, and I want you to tell me everything you know about my grandson"

The two dragons walked down the path, Canthos telling her a story.

"Where did you guys go?" Mary asked

"Just two nameless darkened planets" Michael answered

The group had settled down at the dining table, and were eating a nice meal

"Another dark master down, eight more to go" Jasper remarked

"Yep, and they are only going to get harder to find" Michael replied

"So, Layla what did you do while we were gone?" Trice asked

"Not much, just went to a cool music museum and explored the city." She answered, blushing

"Nice, looks like somebody knows what their doing" she sent a sly look to Camry, who blushed

"Hey, a weird letter from somebody named Junior was dropped off, it was addressed to you Trice" Layla handed her a letter

"This came by maildragon?" Trice laughed "That goof"

Michael chuckled "What does he want?"

"He wants to know which planet were on... Wait... He's HERE!" She laughed

"Who's Junior?" Spyro asked

"My brother, by blood not adoption" Trice answered

"Where is he?" Michael asked

"Middle of nowhere, by the looks of it" Trice showed him the paper

"I know how he got there, that's the old portal henge. But he knows that we never settled there." Michael remarked

He summoned a letter and wrote on it, then quickly added the symbol and it vanished

"What's he doing taking the old portal systems?" Trice asked

"He probably just wanted to take the scenic route." Michael answered

Everybody finished their meal, and went home. Spyro and Cynder relaxed on their couch.

"Another one of Michael's kids" She laughed

"He once told me he has four biological children, but millions of adopted ones." Spyro replied

"That must be interesting" Cynder remarked

Eventually the sun fell and the two dragons went to bed

Cynder woke first, the morning sun shone through the window and hit her in the face. She yawned and looked up at Spyro, his sleeping face was smiling, as if he was having a good dream. She knew she had to wake him up, there are things they need to do today. Cynder licked his check, and he opened his eyes. He smiled, and licked her back.

"Time to get up, we have errands to run." She said to him

"They can wait." Spyro replied, and kissed her.

They stayed like this for a while before Cynder broke off and nuzzled him.

"We can't just ignore them" She mumbled into his neck

Spyro sighed, then got up, grunting as his bones popped. Cynder followed him, grabbing her armor and putting it inside her magic storage.

"We need to get these cleaned, they are covered in mud and blood." She told him

Spyro nodded, and grabbed his armor. They walked out of their house and stretched their wings. Camry was standing in the middle of his square, waiting for something.

"What are you doing?" Spyro asked

"Layla and I are going to one of those royal events, I'm going to buy her some new jewelry" Camry answered.

"That's nice, what event are you going too?" Cynder said

"One of those brunch things" Camry told her "All I know is that royals are supposed to have special jewelry when attending certain events, and Layla has been receiving some bad attention about it. Hey, can you guys come with us, I don't know what I'm supposed to buy."

"We can come" Spyro looked over to Cynder, who nodded. "We don't know what to get either, but I expect that she would need one of those special sets as well."

"Drakes need a special kind as well, and I have mine, but I don't know what the ladies need." Camry replied

"I guess we'll find out" Spyro responded

Layla walked out of Michael's house and up to them.

"Michael said that the proper jewelry needed for royal events is a set of silver bracelets, a headplate, a tailbrace, and a necklace. Also, drakes need all of those things except for a headplate." She told them

"We need our own sets as well" Spyro told her

"Oh, thank god, I have no idea what I'm doing" Layla replied

They flew off toward the jewelry district, and landed on its gemstone studded floor. They entered one of the royal shops.

"Hi" one of the workers approached them, eyeing Cynder's headdress, the one that Spyro had given her.

"We need three sets of royal event jewelry, one for a drake, and the rest for two dragonesses." Spyro told her


Spyro gave her a weird look

"Your much too young to have children"

"They're for ourselves" Spyro replied

The worker recoiled "How do you not already have a set, it should have been gifted to you, did you lose it?"

"No, we were raised on Genrir, I only recently discovered my heritage, and have never attended any events." Spyro explained

The worker gave them a confused look, then motioned them forward. A blacksmith stepped into the room and gave them a strange look, then shrugged it off and measured them. After a few hours, the blacksmith handed them their new jewelry. The two younger dragons hurried off to their brunch, and Spyro and Cynder flew towards the market. They landed in a different market district then they usually go to. A couple dragons noticed them, and ran up to them.

"Your Spyro and Cynder!" One of them exclaimed

"Uh, yeah" Spyro replied

"I'm your biggest fan!" The other one replied

Spyro noticed another dragon approach them, this one had a floating book and quill and a camera floating next to her head.

"Hello, my name is Letta, I'm a reporter for Faun's main newspaper, would it be okay if we have an interview" Her camera clicked

"Um, were a little busy right now, maybe some other time." Spyro answered

The reporter nodded and backed away; her quill was scribbling frantically. Suddenly, a crowd started to form around them.

"What's your reaction to the king's new taxes targeting magical wares?" Another reporter dragon asked

"Can I get your autograph?" A green dragon called

"Uh, wait, what taxes?" Spyro asked

"Are you oblivious to the rest of the territory? Are you ignoring things that don't affect you?" The reporter pushed.

"What? No, we've been focused on fighting a war." Spyro explained

"Are you two going to have children? If so, when?" A different reporter asked

Cynder blushed and backed up, the crowd was pushing closer to them. Spyro covered Cynder with his wing, protecting her.

"What are you hiding? Why are you cowering? Has Spyro been abusing you?" Different voices called out to them.

"No, i..." Cynder stuttered

"Why haven't we heard much from you two? What's been going on?" more voices rang

"Hey, wait..." Spyro tried to speak

"Cynder, shouldn't you be next to your mate? Is Spyro forcing his will on you?"

"What?" Cynder looked out into the crowd

They had their backs against the wall, the crowd bearing down upon them.

"Hey, give her some space." Spyro told them

"Let Cynder speak for herself. Is he hurting you?"

"No, he's been nothing but kind and loving to me" Cynder called out, she was clearly scared and overwhelmed

Spyro looked at her, worried about how Cynder was reacting to the whole event.

"Is he making you say that? What does he have on you?"

Cynder ducked under Spyro's wing, huddling closer to him.

"Alright, that's enough, you guys need to back off." He told the crowd

"What have you been doing to her? Have you corrupted her further?"

The crowd closed in around them. Spyro held Cynder close and growled, his instincts kicking in.

"Back away from my mate." He ordered

"Why the sudden aggression? We're right, aren't we? You ARE hurting her!"

"No, you are hurting her, can't you tell that she is freaking out!" Spyro yelled back

"I'll save you." Another dragon yelled.

The crowd closed in