Pack Life Chapter 6

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Final chapter of pack life, if you haven't read the previous ones, here is the link to all:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

As the sun rose, Leon and April woke after a rough night of no sleep worried about the trial that awaited them both, yawning April said, "I'll make breakfast if you want to take a shower first." Nodding, Leon got out of the bed gathering clean clothes for a fast shower as April headed down to the kitchen and prepared a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs with toast. Leon came down to the kitchen dressed in a suit for the serious manner of the trial, his hair slicked back.

As he sat at the table he suggested, "April, once done eating, if you like, I'll clear the table so you can get washed before we go to the trial." Nodding, April ate quietly and quickly with racing thoughts trying not to let things get to her as she started to show her baby bump. It's been almost three weeks since the incident with Barry making April nervous as to who the father of the pup would be. It wouldn't be long until time to deliver the quickly growing pup and the truth, regardless of what it was, would be reveled to all.

Dismissing herself, she headed up to the bathroom and started the water, letting it get warm before stepping in. As she washed her fur, the memories came flooding back of that horrible day knowing she'd have to tell her side of the story and let the pack make their decision. Sighing as the water started to bring a slight chill from running so long, she relented and turned it off and started drying herself off.

A knock sounded at the door as Leon informed, "April, I'll be downstairs awaiting you when ready to head to the cave for the trial. The pack will wait as long as they need to because I'm not going to rush you."

"I'll be out shortly, Leon," replied April, "just got to brush my fur out and dress." With that, the sound of his paws sounded as he stepped away from the door getting quiet as he left the room. Taking her time to brush her fur smooth, she dressed and finished her hair then headed down to meet with Leon who was leaned against the front door, arms crossed over his chest with head down and eyes closed. As she neared, he opened his eyes and straightened up giving her a sympathetic look as he opened to door for her.

As they left the house, the rest of the pack slowly left their homes following their alpha to the cave for trial to hear both sides of the ones on trial. Once everyone was gathered, he dismissed Mark from his position by the gate so he could go get some rest and something to eat.

"We are gathered here today for the trial of Barry and April for having broke pack law by breeding when mated with another. We will hear both sides of the story as to what happened and the reasoning behind each before deciding the fates of each wolf," Leon announced standing by the cave where Barry sat behind the gate, calm as could be, while April stood by Leon, trembling. "April, please step forward and explain your half of the story as best as you can for all to hear. No one is to interrupt this trial until the end of her side, if that is understood, all present may be seated in whichever form is most comfortable." With that, April stepped forward as some of the pack shifted to their feral forms sitting down on hind legs while others stayed in their anthro form sitting down with either crossed legs or stretched out legs.

April began as Leon ordered, trying to keep her voice from trembling, "I was out near the borders of our territory, gathering some herbs to help with sleep due to having restless nights of sleep due to the moons cycles. The sun was starting to set before I realized how far out I was, as I gathered the few herbs in my jaws as I was in my feral form because what I needed was the roots of the plant and digging was easier this way. As I picked them up, something slammed into me scaring me 'causing me to panic and flee in the wrong direction. At first I thought it was a bear from how big it was, but I never got a good look at it. Before I knew it, I was at the edge of out territory when Barry came from no where and he....he....," April broke into tears unable to say what happened past this. The pack sat quietly, taking everything into account waiting for her to finish her side of the story. Once she recomposed herself after a few moments of letting her emotions out, she continued, "He took his time having his way with me. I passed out from exertion of fleeing and fighting waking in the morning to being alone to come back home to face this day."

"Thank you, April for your side of the story," Leon said hiding his rage of how April was raped by his brother. Turning his glare to Barry, he announced, "Barry, tell your side of the story so judgement can be passed." If looks could kill, Barry would've been dead the second Leon locked eyes with him.

Stretching out, Barry slowly got to his feet dragging out his time causing Leon's fur to slowly bristle, as Barry announced loudly and calmly, "I'm guilty of rape, pass judgement." Then sat back down as if he just said it was bout to rain and nothing could change the weather.

Leon bellowed suddenly enraged, "Tell your damned side of the story Barry!" Leon's fangs were bared, tired of his brother acting like this was some sort of a game like when they was pups.

"Calm yourself, brother, if you want my side, fine, I'll tell my side and my reasoning," Barry got back up slowly and leaned on the gate with half closed eyes then started telling his half of the story. "I waited until I smelled my brothers mate near the borders, knowing she was in heat having stalked the territory for a months time waiting for the opportunity to get at her. She's always stuck her nose up to my advances when younger claiming I was never man enough for her to be able to give me a chance. So, when the time got right, I convinced a giant brown bear to scare her enough towards the edge where I could drop down from above and claim her by force. My plan went without a issue except for some unexpected issues arose afterwards that weren't planned. Despite her being pregnant," Barry waved his paw towards April, "the pup is not going to be mine. So, yes, I'm guilty of raping her but only because I wished to have my own pack. It will never happen so do whatever you please to me." As Barry finished his half, the pack whispered amongst themselves in confusion, relief, and anger until Leon spoke becoming quiet again.

Leon glared at Barry through narrowed eyes, head tilted slightly as he questioned, "What do you mean, you know it's not going to be yours? Explain your reasoning, Barry."

Glaring at Leon, Barry finally showing some emotion, "I'm apparently sterile, brother, so nothing you do will be as bad as knowing the fact I will never have my own family." At this the pack started barking out accusations of Barry lying to cover his own hide from judgement and that he should have a harsher punishment for lying.

"Silence!" Leon bellowed as the pack stopped and became silent again before Leon said, "We will see about that, Barry will stay locked up until the pup is born, and then we will find out the truth. Taylor, gather whatever is needed to run tests to see who the father of the pup is and to test Barry's fertility. We will know the truth in a months time, until then, this trial is on hold, everyone is dismissed." Growls and snarls arose from the crowd as the pack slowly dispersed as Taylor approached Leon, April, and Barry.

"You know how difficult this is going to be, right Leon?" Taylor asked Leon as he nodded. Sighing, Taylor said, "Okay Leon, I will need to travel to the neighboring pack nearby, it'll be a week or so travel, by the time I return, April should be due." With that, Taylor left to go gather what she needed for traveling.

"Leon, are you sure you want to wait that long? Is there a way to find out sooner?" April pleaded wanting this nightmare to be over with already.

Leon's hardened eyes softened as he replied, "Sadly no, there is no way of finding out any sooner, April. We'll just have to wait until time for the birth of the pup to know who's the father of him or her." Sighing, he wrapped his arm around her, "Come on, we'll get things ready and distract ourselves from it until time. As for you, Barry," Leon's eyes and voice hardened again, "you will stay in the cave until we know the truth, you will be monitored by a pack member and kept healthy enough until judgement."

A month passed as pack life continued as normal, though tensions were there between the entire pack as some had their own thoughts on the situation. Taylor had been gone getting the stuff needed to do the tests and had came back only a few days ago. Taylor was getting things ready and needed samples from both the males which turned out to be awkward because she would need a sperm sample from each since they was both blood related. The only way Barry would agree to give his sample was if he had some privacy in a room. Leon, not liking this but knowing his brother wouldn't take anything less, allowed it with pack surrounding the small house used for expecting mothers. Once the sample was collected, Barry was put back into the cave as Taylor went to work running tests. The next morning, April's water broke and Leon carried her to the house, placing her on the bed before Taylor quickly shooed him out of the room until closer to time.

"Leon, you can come back in now, if you wish, to see your new pup enter this world!" Taylor yelled out to him before going back to instructing April when to push and when to breath. Leon quickly came to April's side comforting her best he could knowing if this pup wasn't his, it would devastate both of them. "Come on April, a few more pushes, and your beautiful pup will be in this world," Taylor instructed.

As April continued to do as instructed the pain started to become unbearable as she kept trying to push the pup out, "I can't do this, Taylor, I'm not strong enough," April whimpered.

"April, give one big push on the count of three," Taylor instructed knowing this was hard for April, "One, two... three!" April heaved as hard as she could, using her stomach muscles to force the newborn pup into the world, panting as she heard the whimpering cries of her newborn, Taylor cleaned the pup a little before noticing April wasn't done. "April, you have one more pup on the way," she informed them laying the first pup in a warm patch of straw beside them to bring the second pup into the world.

"What?!" Leon asked shocked, then focused on April helping comfort her best he could as she forced the second pup out into the world. As Taylor cleaned both the pups and kept them warm while they whimpered from being brought into a bright new world, she weighted them and got the sample needed from both of them before handing them to the parents.

"Congratulations, you two," Taylor announced, "you have two healthy, strong, male pups." April nuzzled her sons and her mate happy to have them all there forgetting all about the trial for a moment though Leon didn't. His gaze met Taylors, having discussed earlier how soon they'd know the results. She shook her head, silently informing Leon, Barry was telling the truth. Somehow, Barry wasn't able to have offspring of his own making the twin pups in their arms, their offspring.

April finally coming down from the adrenaline of the birthing remembered suddenly about the trial asking, "Leon, are they-?"

Leon stopped her midsentence with a kiss, then informed her, "They are our sons, April, though, we still have a trial to hold and a very difficult decision to make." After the pups were cleaned up, April and Leon headed home the next day after April had rested some. The pack congratulated them on the newborns though some held back on their joy until the trial to know what the outcome would bring.

After a weeks time had passed, Leon and April had discussed what they planned to do during the trial and what this would mean for the future of the pack as well as their family. Believing it the best option, they headed to the cave for the trial, each of them carrying a pup, Barry sitting by the gate awaiting his fate, like every day before it, lifting his gaze to his brothers. Howling loudly, announcing the trial was about to begin, the pack quickly gathered around to find out the truth of the pups.

"As you all know, April was raped by Barry a couple months ago," Leon announced, "we now have the results of the pups. Barry is infertile, the male pups are in fact my sons. April and I have discussed this for the last few days understanding Barry's actions and desperation as the need to have his own offspring. So, Barry, we are going to let you go but since you can not have offspring, we will be giving you an alternative option. We have decided to allow you to raise one of our sons as your own with the understanding that we may take him back at any time we see you unfit to care for him. He will be required to visit with his brother often as they grow up together but you will have your own pack on the outskirts of our territory if you can find a mate. Is this agreeable to the pack?"

Barry stood there, dumbfounded and surprised by his brothers generosity of allowing him to experience fatherhood after everything he had done. The pack discussed the discussion amongst themselves in agreement and gave howls of joy to announce their agreement to their alphas decision as Janice approached the front of the pack cowering. As the pack quieted down, they all watched, wondering what she was doing standing in front of Leon and Barry.

"Leon, sir, if Barry will have me, I would be willing to be his mate for life," Janice blushed ears down in embarrassment, "he and I have been talking for the past month and we share a lot in common. I also can not have a pup due to past injuries and would love to have this chance to raise one with him."

"Well, Barry, what do you decide, brother?" Leon asked, looking to his stunned brother with a softer smile as his brothers eyes started to become glassy with tears.

"I would be honored to raise your son, Leon, and have a beautiful wolf like you, Janice, as my mate," Barry answered as tears started to roll down his cheeks unable to stop the emotions from spilling over.

Leon and April allowed Taylor to hand each couple a pup, which each named themselves. Leon and April named their son, a silver coated pup with a black mane and blue eyes, Kiba. While Barry and Janice named their adopted son, a black coated pup with silver mane with amber eyes, Kira. Keeping to the terms of agreement, Barry and Janice went on to make a territory big enough to support them as well as a few of the pack from Leon's, to their new home. They allowed the territory to overlap so they could always go meet their family with no quarrels from either side, as the twins grew up together knowing they was all family but being told only that Barry couldn't have his own family so the sons would never question the love of the parents. The packs grew strong together and there was never no issues that couldn't be solved through diplomacy. They went on to spread out over the land and became the strongest pack of the area unchallenged by all. Enjoying the way things were, being part of the pack life.

The End