Fox Spray

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To keep some pesky deer away from his new land, Ethan tries a local repellent. 9/10 doctors do not recommend breathing in this repellent.

Fox Spray

By Grumb

Often struggling with finances, Ethan suddenly found himself flush with cash after a family member's Will provided a substantial amount of money. Although initially in shock, Ethan was able to buy a dream property as a young man. Hundreds of acres, green rolling hills, a small farmhouse and most importantly, not a neighbor on site. It was his little slice of heaven in a new town, far away from past concerns.

When Ethan first bought the property, one of his earliest decisions was growing a garden to live off the land. Despite all the effort plowing the fields, planting the seeds, watering and weeding, Ethan would find in horror, day after day, that deer grazed upon his struggling plants. The first two deer repellents he had shipped from online, no matter how much sprayed, did little to deter the antlered menaces. Not wanting to shoot the poor things, Ethan decided to drive to the local improvement store, desperate for something to work.

Pulling up in his truck, he barely noticed the fox-shaped sign hanging under the awning walking in. Being that the past two repellents were some random name-brand, Ethan decided it best to get some help from someone local to the area. In his mind they probably knew best. Moving towards the back of the store, Ethan soon found a red-haired man moving boxes.

"Hey there, I've been having some problems with deer on my property and..."

"You're the fella who bought that large farm up north right? The guy said, cutting off Ethan.

"Uhh yeah, that's me. Haven't really had time to come to town yet." Ethan responded, looking into the employees bright blue eyes.

"I've been growing some gardens and nothing I've tried seems to keep the deer away. I was hoping this place might have some alternatives? I'm pretty desperate."

"I'm not surprised. The chemicals you used probably did more harm to your garden than scaring the deer. Something like that wont work up here. You'll need stuff a bit more natural to keep things away from your territory." the young man informed Ethan.

"Alright, well do you have anything like that?"

"Well as a matter of fact I do, follow me."

Walking into a closet, the employee quickly reemerged with an unmarked milk jug, a thick yellow liquid sloshing around inside. Almost immediately, the store was filled with a horrible aroma of a musky odor originating from the jug.

"Jesus christ what is that god awful smell?!" Ethan yelled, quickly covering his nose and turning away.

"If you want the deer off your property. This is what you want! It's worked for generations in this town." The worker replied in a smile, the stench seemingly not bothering him at all.

Still holding his nose, almost sick, Ethan weighed whether this was really the only solution.

"How much?"

"Since you're new to town, and I'm certain it'll work, first one is on the house," the employee said, extending the jug forward towards Ethan.

Getting hit with another wave of nauseating air, Ethan grabbed the jug holding his breath before weakly thanking the strange worker.

Watching the customer walk out the door holding the jug, the employee muttered under his breath,

"I'm sure we'll see each other real soon."

Pulling up to the farmhouse, Ethan was thankful he had a truckbed to store the jug so he didn't stink up his car, though he was not particularly looking forward to releasing this stuff outside. Due to the container not having a spray attachment, Ethan needed to funnel the liquid out of its original container to a new one. Walking to the garage, he put on a painting mask and a pair of garden gloves, beginning the messy process.

Barely opening his watering eyes, Ethan watched the stringy slop inside slowly pour into the new spray container. He could see how its color wasn't just a deep yellow, but with thick lines of whitish-gray. Continuing to pour, the stuff pushed heavy fumes into the air almost like it was gasoline. Absorbed with looking at the swirling liquid, Ethan didn't even notice when it began overflowing into the new bottle, pooling onto the garage concrete floor.

"God dammit" Ethan yelled as he quickly tiled the jug forward, spilling even more across his gloves and pants. Looking at the wet stains across his clothes, but knowing he needed to spray the yard still, Ethan decided against changing or cleaning, simply wiping his hands onto his pants as he walked out to the garden.

For the most part, spraying the repellent went without issue. He tried mostly to breath through his covered mouth to keep the stinging smell out of his nostrils, but as he worked up a quick sweat in the hot spring sun, even that was eventually abandoned. Eventually, the stink began poking at Ethan's head, giving him a headache as he sprayed the last of the repugnant stuff out of its bottle. Walking back to the garage, not feeling particularly well, Ethan left the remaining repellent in the garage, quickly throwing off his clothes, masks and gloves at the door before heading inside.

Head pounding at this point, Ethan was desperate to just take a shower. The other name-brand solutions certainly smelled, but nowhere near as strong and virile as this stuff. Despite being completely naked at this point, Ethan could still smell its pungent undertones wafting into his nostrils. Almost as if some of the liquid soaked through his clothes, clinging to his sweaty skin like glue.

Turning on the shower and desperate for relief, Ethan immediately jumped into the cold water, lathering on shampoo, until finally he could breathe deeply without being sick. The stench from before slowly dissipating, replaced with the smells of fresh body wash. He stood in the tub for a while, exhausted and head still swimming trying to recover, occasionally itching at the back of his wet head. Eventually stepping out, Ethan was thankful to finally take in some normal air.

Pretty weirdly exhausted, Ethan threw on some pajamas and decided to head to bed early. Facing the ceiling and slowly falling asleep, he was excited to see if those deer were finally kept out of his yard.

A strange restless sleep keeping him from a good rest, Ethan woke in panic to discover his entire bedroom smelled like the repellent. Looking over to see an open window, Ethan threw off his damp cover and jumped out of bed covering his nose, before running to slam close the window. The animal odor long stuck inside his room though, was slowly chewing at his brain most of the night. Ethan didn't even question at first why the window was open or notice the splotches of liquid throughout, soiling his carpet, sheets and clothes. Ethan hated the smell, but its presence reminded him why he got it in the first place. Did it work in his garden?

Ignoring his dirty bedroom, Ethan went outside to check the damage, not noticing that the rest of his place smelled just as bad. To his shock once outside, not only were his plants looking healthier than ever, but no additional damage by the deer was seen. In fact, everything looked like it grew several inches in one night. Although the outside air still hung thick from the previous spray, Ethan was ecstatic, barely containing his joy that something finally worked. He almost felt high for some reason.

Running back to his house, Ethan grabbed his cell and looked up the number for the local improvement store, eager to share the results. The phone ringing, he couldn't help but bring his hand down, grabbing and playing with his meatier than usual bulge which strained at the pajamas.

"Red's Improvement, how can I help ya"

"Hey this is Ethan. The new guy in town? You gave me a jug of repellent yesterday?"

"Hey Ethan, how are things on the farm?"

"I just wanted to call and thank you, the stuff actually seemed to work last night. My garden looks fantastic" almost yelled Ethan, pawing hungrily at the lump in his pants, his tongue hanging a little out his mouth.

"Sounds like you're really enjoying it. I'm sure you got enough liquid for a couple more days, but keep spraying it around to keep those deer away for good. I got plenty more just for you." The employee assertively directed Ethan.

"Yes sir, I....I mean. I mean thanks yea I'll make sure to do that" Ethan awkwardly said before hanging up in horror.

Why the hell did I just call him sir, Ethan thought to himself, pulling his hand away from his crotch and snapping back to normal.

Ethan's face turned to disgust when he finally noticed that his house smelled of the aroma as well. He quickly went back to his room, discovering that his floor and clothes were stained with the disgusting detergent. It even looked grinded into the carpet around his bed.

"Did I leave my windows open last night? Did some animal get into the spray and come inside? How the hell did I not even hear it?" Ethan all thought, his mind still not completely thinking straight.

Grabbing another mask and gloves, he spent most of the day scrubbing the floors and washing his dirty sheets and clothes. Particularly his clothes, the things absolutely reeked as if they were plunged into the pungent liquid. Some of his white shirts literally stained a sickly yellow, almost tie-dyed. Literally holding his nose as he shoved them into the washer, Ethan just hoped the detergent could clean his stuff. Eventually, with most of the day wasted cleaning, he was able to barely replace the noxious smell in his house with that of lemon cleaner, though his head was still pounding.

"I gotta be careful allowing this stuff inside again. It can't be good to keep smelling it," Ethan thought to himself.

Quickly remembering though what the employee told him over the phone, Ethan went back to the garage to spray his yard again before sundown. In the garage, the jug still open and its spilled contents left on the concrete floor, the confined space stank entirely of the mixture, the air almost dense with fumes of musk. Though whether it was because Ethan dealt with the smell for most of the day or he was just simply too tired to care, his senses were not as assaulted as before.

Still breathing with his covered mouth, Ethan poured more of the liquid into the sprayer again, not taking his eyes off the stuff as it poured. Strings that plopped into the new container ever so often, corrupting the surrounding air as it fell.

"I wonder what this stuff is made of," he thought, absently itching at his chest as he walked out to the garden again.

Ethan found himself spraying much more of the fluid onto his plants than yesterday, a dumb grin across his face as he did so. He even made sure to spray close to his house, near the foundation and the door. The deer needed to be reminded this was his land. Container soon empty, Ethan strolled back to the garage high from the vapors swirling around his head.

Dropping the empty sprayer, Ethan caught himself staring at a small puddle of the repellent. Not thinking, he bent down and brought a gloved finger forward and poked the puddle with curious intent. The stuff was incredibly dense yet ropey as he pulled at it between his two covered fingers. Unconsciously his other hand tugged at his bulge, breathing in the spicy garage air, tings of pleasure stirring from his groin as he groped at it.

Once again though, Ethan managed to snap himself out of his daze, realizing in horror and disgust what he was just doing.

"What the fuck am i doing? This shit is messing with my head. I don't care how great it smells, I'm getting rid of it tomorrow." Ethan thought to himself, not even catching his praise of the repellent as he threw off his clothes, gloves and mask at the door, quickly heading to the shower.

Almost the same routine as yesterday, Ethan jumped into the cold shower, desperate to be free from the aroma following him like a shadow. Grabbing the already open bodywash and squeezing it into his hands, he tried wrapping his brain around what just happened in the garage, trying to give explanation to his gross actions. His mind, deep in fog, didn't notice the different consistency of the yellow soap.

Sticking to his hands, Ethan spread the soap across his neck and chest, rubbing it into both of his armpits, trails of bubbles sliding down onto his groin and hairy thighs. The smell exploded tenfold from what was in the garage, the now hot water forming a corrupting mist that stuck to Ethan's body. The young man was surrounded by a degrading haze that numbed the brain and offered shivers of pleasure throughout his body as reward.

Almost baked in the shower, Ethan didn't feel disgusted or ashamed, in fact as quivers of pleasure shot up his back, he couldn't help but feel amazing in this musky sauna. Grabbing the bodywash again, he squeezed more of the heavy sludge onto slick hands, rubbing them over a hairy stomach, towards his pointed hips and down to caress a lengthening cock.

Mindlessly bucking his hips against soapy hands, Ethan loudly moaned in the bathroom like an animal. His cock was originally nowhere long enough to have both hands pump at it; now they easily fit with room to spare, squeezing at the fattening mass, thick veins pulsating against his fingers. Tilting his head back into the hot water and steam, Ethan reveled in every sensation.

His body lathered with the sticky slime from the bottle, large drops forming at crevices that heavily plopped into the tub, clogging at the drain. Salty musk coating the bathroom tiles in grime, creating a hefty mist in the air that Ethan breathed more and more in like a drug. Bringing a hand down, he squeezed at his bloated nuts, both hanging low and plump between sweaty thighs.

A corrupted idea popping into his head, Ethan brings the hand fondling his balls up towards his virgin ass. Lubed by grime and a crack slick from the surrounding air, Ethan pushed a finger into his aching hole with another loud moan. Back muscles flexing with pleasure, he couldn't help but shove a second finger. A third finger. A fourth finger inside. He'd never done something like this, but it felt too amazing to stop. Before he could fit anything more though, Ethan's balls violently squeezed, finally at their limit.

An enormous wave of pleasure originating from his groin pushed throughout his wet body, Ethan's eyes rolling into the back of his head as he was overwhelmed with sensations. His cock flaring, flow after flow of cum erupted onto the shower wall and his feet below.

Still pushing his hand deeper into his ass desperate for more stimulation, Ethan's knees buckled from the strong body shudders. His feet slipping against the slick floor, Ethan's fingers were slammed against his prostate as he fell ass first onto the bottom of the tub. Legs pushed forward, his now upright cock continued shooting loads onto Ethan's chest and face, stimulated by almost the whole hand in his ass.

Leaning his back and head against the shower wall, Ethan's brain surrendered himself. Every orifice of his body oozing with shine, himself almost waterproof as the water simply slid off the cum, sweat and slime all over his body. He was absolutely disgusting, but in pure heaven.

Orgasm dulling to a warm buzz, Ethan was given just enough braincells to sluggishly stand back up in the slick shower and turn off the water. Catching his breath with the heavy air, a rational Ethan would have been horrified with what lay before him. As he stepped out of the shower into a bathroom coated in water, sweat and cum, barely able to see through the mist, Ethan could only think about how tired he was. Not even grabbing a towel, hair still dripping, he walked out of the bathroom, dirtier than when he entered, to his bed collapsing into a deep sleep. His open windows softly blowing wind inside.

When Ethan woke up early into the afternoon, he almost felt hungover. His mind swam with faded memories of the night before. Slowly rising from his bed, Ethan struggled to think what happened. Quick memories of spraying his garden and turning on the shower were followed by mostly empty recollections. Looking around his bedroom, the place was a mess. Clothes strewn around, carpet and sheets just as soaked as the day prior. That ever-present odor floating throughout the air. Most of this seemed of little concern to Ethan though. At the moment, his biggest priority was getting some water for his parched throat.

Getting out of bed, his leaking cock and leathery balls dragging along the covers as he did so, Ethan slowly made his way to the bathroom, careful to step around the thick piles of whatever was laying on the floor. His legs and thighs were sore like he worked out. His abs strained with every step. Though not a single thought as to why registered in Ethan's head.

Entering the thick-aired bathroom and turning on the faucet, Ethan lapped at the cold water for minutes. Filling his empty belly with hydration and relief. Raising his face, water dripping down his chin, Ethan looked into the still foggy mirror from the shower last night. Wiping some of the condensation and grime off the glass, he almost screamed at what looked back at him.

Bringing hands to his face, confirming the thing in the mirror was him, Ethan touched at a face dusted with small red and white hairs. His ears coming to a slight point, equally covered in the same red. His former dark brown hair shaded in layers of auburn, significantly longer since yesterday, a new shaggy mullet still damp from last night, hung close to his shoulders in the back. Looking at his chest, a patchy pelt colored in red and some areas white, lined his torso continuing down his stomach and hips. Hanging between his legs, a long heavy cock covered in fur at its base lazily swung back and forth, twitching with Ethan's beating heart.

His mind flooded with questions, "What was happening? How was this happening? Do I call someone for help? Who would I even call that wouldn't just lock me up for experiments?"

Panicking, Ethan still didn't notice his entire house and body smelt like the deer detergent he received a couple days ago. In fact to his altered brain, the stench was the only thing that seemed normal in this entire situation. Had he recognized the smells, some of his existential questions might have been answered. Instead his quickened breathing of the corrupting bathroom air provided Ethan with the only answers he needed as eyes once again drooped. Inhaling with flared nostrils, Ethan decided to ignore his altered appearance, itching at his ass as he walked out the bathroom without concern.

Looking around his chaotic looking house, a still naked Ethan didn't know what to do with himself. Thoughts were completely empty. Something tugged at the back of his brain, desperate to take control of his lust muddled head, but it was far too weak. Walking over and plopping bare ass onto the couch, Ethan was given a full view of his musky hairy body. Sliding his hands over both his thighs, feeling their strength and fuzz, he watched as a cock slowly filled with blood, rising between the center of his legs with a demanding presence. Without question, Ethan grabbed at his shaft, eager to have something to do. Spreading thighs, getting a whiff of an open crack, he furiously pumped at his enlarged package without care, stinking up the living room like he did his bathroom.

Everything felt off though. It just wasn't pleasurable enough as if something or someone was missing. A presence was needed to watch Ethan and keep him in check. Thinking he needed more of the wonderful smell though, the inside just too clean for his taste, Ethan stood up and went out to the garage to the container of repellent.

To his disappointment, the jug was completely empty. Just puddles and prints littered about the ground. His cock slowly drooling a line of precum where he walked, Ethan was desperate for more stimulation, but he needed more of the smell. More of the stuff to lather onto his growing body. Remembering where he got the yellow liquid, he quickly went to his phone to call his local improvement store.

In another call with the red-haired employee, Ethan awkwardly stumbled out words asking for more of the degrading liquid, using the dumb excuse that the deer returned. The store worker, seeing through the lie with amusement, happily offered to drop the stuff off directly at the farm. Ethan could barely contain himself, eagerly stroking his cock, breathing hard into the phone. Agreeing to come over soon, the employee remained on the line listening to his new changing pup jerk himself off, hearing every desperate moan.

To Ethan he couldn't care less if the worker was listening. If anything it made him hornier knowing a strong man was on the line, as he continued to slide slick sticky hands over his needy changing cock.

"I'll start heading over now boy" the employee asserted.

"F..fuck.......ok." Ethan moaned before hanging up, trying to ignore the shivers of pleasure that shot up his hairy body from being called boy.

In no condition to drive to the store anyway, Ethan was happy to stay within the comfort of his stinky home, free from the outside public. Though after hanging up, a somewhat rational Ethan recognized the state of his place and body, questioning why he called someone at all. In a panic, he ran to the washing machine to throw on some clothes and hide his body before the employee arrived. Grabbing a previously white shirt that was now stained yellow, he dug deeper looking for pants.

Unable to find any, he ran into the hallway, picking up and putting on a damp pair of previously worn underwear that stretched and barely fit his enormous leaking shaft and cumbersome swollen balls. They strained at the fabric, desperate to be free, his cockhead poking out the top of the waistband. Before he could find a pair of pants, the front door knocked.

"How the hell did he get here so quick," Ethan thought, peeking from around the corner, seeing the improvement store worker through the window. Just him standing there, Ethan's cock surged, shooting a string of noxious cum across his stomach as it continued to snake past his underwear's waistband. Something about this attractive male right outside accelerated Ethan's changes throughout his body. A strange appendage on the back of his butt beginning to grow and stretch at the already strained underwear. Ethan grabbed at his sweaty bulge, unable to behave himself as pleasure and aroma radiated out his groin, coating his thickening hairs across his body.

Another knock snapping Ethan back, he quickly ran to the front to let this strong man in. Opening the door, Ethan was immediately slammed with a thick wave of animal scent that assaulted his senses.

"Hey there pup. Looking good." the employee said with a sly smile.

Ethan couldn't even respond at first. His mind swarmed with a haze, staring and smelling at the stud right in front of him, looking drunk.

"Hey...hey there. I'm sorry I don't think I ever your name?" Ethan tried to say, saliva drooling from the side of his mouth as he took in the man's scent.

"You can call me Reynard," he said, stepping a little closer to the swaying man.

Swarming with sensations, Ethan was lost in thought and didn't know what to say or do. His face flushed in red as he stared deeply into the blue eyes of Reynard, red hair hanging around that closely matched his own. Before he could say anything to ruin the moment, Reynard aggressively moved forward grabbing Ethan's head and shoving it into his reeking armpit.

At first Ethan was shocked, almost preparing to struggle, as soon as his darkening nose hit the slick hairs though, taking in their wonderful earthy scent, he gave in completely. Sticking a fattening tongue out tasting salt and that smell he's been craving for so long now. It's all he needed to be completely put into submission. His cock heavily stretched at the underwear, almost tearing the fabric. Coarse red and white hairs exploded around his stinking sweaty body, giving him a shaggy mane in desperate need to be grabbed at by a strong male.

"Come with me," Reynard demanded, pushing the changing pup from his pit, leading him towards the outside gardens around the back of the house. His eyes barely open, Ethan followed closely behind like a good boy, watching in pure bliss as the guy in front of him slowly stripped, leaving a trail of clothes behind. Each piece of clothing removed, Ethan saw more of a beautiful coat of red and white. A bushy rust colored unkempt tail grew and whipped around, flexing back and forth, beckoning at Ethan to follow. Reynard looked behind his shoulder with a teasing smile, now sporting a long snout, pointed canines and fleshy pink tongue which let drool slowly droop out his maul in anticipation. Each step, the employee's body growing taller as his feet shifted, reflecting heavy padded paws with new claws.

Stopping just in front of Ethan's still pungently smelling garden, the massive new fox known as Reynard turned to face his pup, towering over him with powerful energy. Without any words or permission, he grabbed at the smaller changing fox right out in the open, pushing his snout into the mouth of the man, kneading at both of Ethan's plump cheeks

Ethan loved the dominating stank and vigor which arose from this creature. He didn't question why it looked like a fox nor did he question why he was looking like a fox. He was just grateful to receive its sloppy saliva across his face and lengthening mouth, eagerly returning a messy kiss of passion and love.

Grabbing the changing pup's stretched underwear, the large fox shoved them down Ethan's furry legs, exposing an incredibly strained cock. Pushing his large hips forward, Reynard rubs his red cock and sheath against a still human shaft, still aggressively grabbing at ass and kissing an expanding snout. With each frot, Ethan's cock pulsed with changes, growing new thick leathery flesh around its base, sneaking up his stomach. Shaft on shaft flaring with desire and need as stained cum, looking the same as the deer repellent, escapes the top of their cocks.

Ethan can't think. He doesn't wanna think. His eyes staring into hungry blue irises. He moans loud as Reynard grabs his new lengthening tail, each tug and squeeze just as pleasurable as each frot. A furred snout with long whiskers equally slopped at the handsome taller fox before him. Desperate for his aggressive hot breath and sticky saliva. Ethan pulled back, quickly throwing off his yellow shirt and turning around, raising a fluffy tail to show off his needy backside. The only thing on Ethan's mind were sheathed cocks and the handsome fox. He needed to be claimed and controlled. He desired for his ass to be completely owned. He didn't question it. He wanted it. He needed it.

Without any tease or warning, Reynard shoved his lengthy sheathed cock into the puckered ass of his new foxy pup. Inch after inch pushing inside a slick hole. Ethan's yipped and groaned in pleasure, flush with heat and aroma swirling around his foxy head, pointed ears perched on top shaking back and forth with each slam. Red cock sliding in and out, Reynard made sure to always shove his shaft quickly back in, no time for Ethan to consider anything. A hole entirely claimed and soon to be filled. Churning furred balls slapping against another as the two remained locked, deep in breed.

Ethan brought a clawed paw to his new sheathed cock, eagerly stroking at it while fucked from behind. A wet tongue hanging out his maw flopping around with each thrust as his mind swarms. Each rut shrinking his brain more, replacing memories and desires. Changing thoughts and suggestions. Left in its place a small mind only focused on heavy sweat and cum. Defined by sex and the beast behind him. A fully formed fox left in its place, his furry body finally spazzed with a crescendo of sensations and pleasure. A powerful thrust and Ethan was rocked with orgasms. His cock shooting thick spurts of cum onto the grass. Wave after wave erupting out as his massive balls slowly drained, days of pent up degrading seed finally released.

Ethan's orgasm was like nothing he'd ever experienced. His entire body overwhelmed with heat and bliss. All he could do was helplessly stand there bent over as the orgasms took control, though Reynard was not quite done with him yet.

Pulling out and spinning the smaller fox around, Reynard pushed Ethan down onto the cum covered gras. The stench of musk heating the surrounding air. Pumping his shaft in front of the pup, Reynard planned to completely initiate this new fox. Surging, veins expanding, his cock flared forward, a large surge of thick yellow cum hitting the face and snout of Ethan. His new fur coated slick with a reeking shine. Ethan opened his maw to lap at his fox's seed. Eagerly being good, allowing it to shower his hairs, matting his slippery fur. He wanted to smell just like the fox before. All others knowing he was claimed.

Both foxes collapsed onto the slick grass together, legs over legs, backs sticking to the cum across the ground. Panting over their long snouts desperately breathing in each other and gasping for breaths. Ethan, looking over, already feeling his cock grow rigid again, nuzzled closer to his fox, lapping into another passionate sticky kiss.

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