A double shot of "Something New"

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This was an awesome and amazingly fun commission piece for https://twitter.com/HarkCanCount ProwlingJinouga, who gave me a whole mess of ideas, a slap on the back for encouragement, and told me to have at it! SO I DID!

And boy am I happy with the result! Coming in at just over 9k words, we have a tale of Tommy and Clara, Dire wolf and energetic Collie pair, visiting their local adult novelty store to find something new to spice up their bedroom fun. Little do they know just how strange their fun is about to get...


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A Double-Shot of "Something New"

A commission for Harkonian

By Isiat Carcer

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun! I promise!" The excited blonde collie's tail beat a mile a second, wagging like a fan on full force more than the excited canine it was attached to. If she laid down on her stomach like that, he wouldn't have been surprised if she suddenly lifted off skywards like a helicopter! Her little barely modest dress was fortunate it had a tail slot, otherwise her excited wagging would have been raising the back of it for the whole world to see!

"You said that about ice skating when I fell and broke my nose." Her male companion pointed out.

"You slipped!" She protested.

"You said it about the water park too when I broke my arm on that drop slide." He argued.

"How was I to know that would happen?!" It was true. He shouldn't have tried touching the edge as he went down, but going down had been her idea!

"You also said that about using the chili oil extract from that shaman to spice things up on our honeymoon to Africa." The very thought still made the broad-shouldered dire-wolf wince. No amount of cold water and blowjobs afterwards had made it better.

"Okay, in my defense, we were both barely adults, and I apologized for a month. C'mon! It's a sex shop! Nobody is going to just sneak up behind you and go for broke on your sexy behind... Well, it'd be hot if they did, but-" She trailed off, getting that look on her face that told him she was getting all kinds of ideas.

"Clara." Tommy sighed, exasperatedly. She turned, pouting playfully, her 5'2 frame barely reaching his pecs.

"Fine, fine! No giant dildo for you then... For me though-" She rubbed her paws together wickedly, tail somehow beating faster still. Tommy groaned.

"Be good! Last time you tried tying me up, I had bruises under my fur for days!"

"You were fiiine-" Clara trailed off, spinning to give him her absolute best set of puppy dog eyes, as wide as saucers with her ears cutely folded down.

He folded his arms stubbornly, not falling for that trap again.

"My coworkers thought you were beating me." Tommy huffed.

"I was though?" She smiled so innocently too, dammit.

"NON-Consensually." He elaborated with the bluntness of a brick wall. In his plaid red shirt and jeans, he almost passed for one as well.

"Fine, fine. No BDSM stuff either. Come on though! I wanna find something fun for us!" She relented and twirled around as he grasped her hand, the little collie pulling him along like a happy little tug boat dragging a cruise ship.

The little bell above the door jingled as they slipped inside. Tommy had to duck slightly, his ears brushing the doorframe. He scooped up a basket as he passed a neat stack of them by the door.

"Hi! Welcome to Modern Immodesties!" A cheery-looking cocker-spaniel greeted them. Despite her diminutive stature, the black leather dress she wore flowed and hugged her body in a very, very appealing way.

"Anything I can help you two find? What are you after today?"

"Oh, just browsing for something fun and exciting to try!" Clara positively beamed, almost skittering across the floor to look at the first display of toys that caught her eye.

"Well, let me know if you need any help. We've got some canine-centric specials running as well, and there's more in the back showroom if you can't find what you're after up here. This stuff tends to be on the more tame side of things. You two look like you know that already though." She added with a playful wink, leaving the couple to their browsing.

"Hmm. Apparently, we just radiate the kinky couple look." Tommy grinned, barely suppressing his laughter as Clara snorted.

"I mean! Is she wrong though? You can practically see your bulge entirely in a side profile love, and me, well..." She picked up a display model of a glass dildo, running a single claw from base to tip, before she flicked it, producing a clear clinking noise as her claw bounced off of the smooth surface.

"I just know what I like." She finished, licking her chops delightedly in a way that made his sheath feel suddenly tighter.

"Mrhmm... Me, I hope." Tommy huffed, his lips curling in a grin.

"Sometimes. Maybe. We'll see how well you ruin me later, my big bad wolf. Come on, let's check out the back!" Again, it was Clara leading him by the paw, while he simply looked like a giant being hauled along by the far too eager cutey. His tail wagging might have ruined that impression just a little though.

Five years they'd played their little back-and-forth game together. Teasing, frolicking, nipping, scratching, spanking, kissing, fucking like animals. They'd moved in together soon after hitting it off in college, and married soon after they'd graduated, her in computer science, and him in architecture. She had wired up their home with a full smart system from the front door to the back porch. He'd made renovations as needed to ensure he didn't have to duck anywhere in the house, as well as installing all of the anchor points and ceiling mirrors in their bedroom.

Together, they made one hell of a couple, and in the bedroom, saying sparks flew sold it short. They overloaded the entire substation.

The back of the store was more like going into a warehouse. Carpeted showrooms were replaced with stretching shelves and tables, and full-sized mannequins in harnesses and bondage straps on a plain, concrete floor.

"Now this is more like it!" Clara grinned, picking up a bright teal leather body harness to hold against her bosom, spinning to show it off for Tommy. His growl was very much approving, and a swift, massive paw smacking her ass sent her giggling away to trawl through the next set of shelves.

Unleashed, she was like a kid in a candy store. Tommy couldn't help but think, his eyes briefly scanning across a pegboard and hook wall covered top to bottom in collars and leashes. Maybe that would be a good way to keep her under control... He chuckled to himself.

He quietly picked up a red one, weighing the material in his paw, with a cheeky grin slowly stretching his lupine muzzle

"Blue please!" Came a giggle as Clara stuck her head around the corner of a set of shelves.

"Can nothing be a surprise for you?" He called back as she skittered out of sight again. The excitable canine seemed filled with the boundless energy that accompanied infinite mischief.

"Well if you want me to wear it for you, I want it to be a color that compliments my coat! Red clashes with this!" She pointed to her exposed arms and legs, and her swishing tail. "Gosh, didn't you ever do color theory?"

It was a bluff. Neither of them knew a damn thing about coordinating their colors, but, to her credit, she probably knew more than him anyway. Outside that ditzy, playful exterior, she was a genius and would spend hours just chatting away while she coded some new subroutine to, oh, random, non-specific suggestion, water their small porch garden plants at the optimal time of day based on the ambient temperature and humidity, as well as soil moisture and nutrient counts.

"Neither did you." He pointed out with a grin.

"Nope! But I like the blue. You wanna see me leashed up? Get the blue one. With the gemstones!" She winked at him, growling with a suggestive wriggle that told him leashing her up wouldn't be all she'd let him do. He quickly hung the red leash up and grabbed the one she indicated, before pausing as he passed the next rack.

Well, if a collar was fun, what did that make a full-body harness? He snickered to himself as he tucked it into the basket as well. He made quick paws to catch up with his wife.

He found her browsing a long shelf of strap-on accessories among a handful of mannequins to display them, grinning ear to ear.

"What sounds better to you? "Full Moon Wear-wolf", "Dominatrix Donned Dragon" or "Slip-on Stallion Schlong?" Jeez, who the hell is running this company's marketing team?" She laughed, giving one of the display manicures a slap across its silicone strap-on. The brightly colored rubber cock bounced back and forth comically.

"Ha, yeah, they're pretty awful." The little cocker spaniel shopkeeper smiled as she approached, her tail wagging. "But hey... If you guys are after something to -really- spice things up, uh... We've got some special stock just in." She alluded with a hint of mischief and mystery, grinning from ear to ear. She didn't explain, just turned on her heels, wagging her little tail behind her as she lured the customers in.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it seemed, in this case, it was also readily effective on canines. The moment Clara started following the clerk, giggling all the way excitedly, it was fated that Tommy would not be far behind.

"Alright, but if this is something stupid big, you're not sticking it in me!"

"I make no promises!" The cheeky collie bitch winked across her shoulder at him and stuck out her tongue.

The special stock room, as it was, was behind a folding metal door with portholes set in each half of the frame. It was dark, illuminated only by the glow of red lights.

"A lot of this stock can be a little sensitive to light exposure, so we have to keep it back here." The clerk explained, tracing a paw along a line of shelves inside the dark corner room.

Tommy had to lean in close just to get a good look at the contents. Octagonal glass bottles, almost decorated like fancy little perfumes lined each shelf, with a little label on a ribbon affixed to the neck of each crystal stoppered vial. Not one of them could have contained more than an ounce of fluid in them, but it was hard to make heads or tails of them at a glance.

Carefully, the dire wolf lifted one in his paw, turning it over to read the tag.

"Chunkin' Hunk?" He raised an eyebrow dubiously.

"Mommy Milkers?" Clara read one off as well, giggling at the little chibi image of a big tittied cow on the label.

"Feel free to browse. They are sealed for quality, so please don't open anything in here. And they are obviously, fragile. Don't be the reason we have to put up a warning sign. Please." The cocker spaniel sighed that last request, and almost certainly, there was a story behind that.

"Okay, I'm curious... Are these like, novelties, or? Aphrodisiac perfumes?" Tommy asked, carefully putting the first vial back, and checking another.

"Yeah, I mean, some of these names are pretty great. Heheh, Found you babe!" Clara giggled gleefully, holding up a bottle with a fancy blue ribbon. The card simply read "Dire Daddy." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Clara, you have a 'Dire Daddy' at home." He did his best not to snort laughing.

She pouted.

"Maybe I wanted two!" She grumped, putting the bottle back.

"Oh, that one is called Double Trouble. Pricy, but fun..."

"Wait, what?" Clara paused, looking at the bottles again. "So what exactly are these?"

"Potions, naturally! The manager's sister is a witch way out in Europe, and I didn't believe it at first either, but... They work! Genuine transformatives, though nothing here is FDA-approved. We like to keep it on the down low, but... You two seem the sort who might be into a little something extra to spice things up. So, you can keep a secret, right? And I'll give you a good deal. Two for one. One for him, one for her, and you can both try something completely new!"

Well, that certainly got Clara's attention. Tommy was still more skeptical, even as his little wife scurried about, excitedly browsing the shelves.

"And who's to say you don't just sell these as fantasy novelties? Like, these are..."

"Expensive, yes. Magic doesn't come cheap, but you ought to see what it does in the bedroom." The spaniel grinned lavisciously, her tail giving a swish.

"If you want my advice?" She turned, and plucked a pair of bottles from the shelf behind her, offering them out.

"Eye of the beholder. It's... A bit pricier than the rest, but it's much more flexible to your tastes and lasts about twelve hours. Two for one. As long as you keep in mind what you want to be when you drink it, that's what you'll become. But you gotta stay focused! Get distracted and you're liable to end up a chipmunk for half a day!" The clerk laughed, handing the couple the pair of matching bottles.

Tommy turned it over in his paw, reading the faint instructions on the back of the label tag. It was difficult in the red light to make out clearly.

"And say these don't work?"

"Bring them back! We'll front you the cost of something else. Scouts honor!" The spaniel crossed her heart with a wink.

"Come on babe... Might be fun. Why watch me ride a stallion toy when you could be the stallion?" Clara grinned, her thighs wriggling together with her excitement. Heck, he could smell it pouring off of her. She was clearly into the idea.

He frowned, debating it a moment.

"And this isn't some shitty scam? I'm not going to get home only to realize I've been sold a fancy one-ounce bottle of cordial, am I?" He eyed the spaniel cautiously.

The spaniel grinned wickedly, leaning towards them.

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

Tommy frowned at the little bottle as he pulled it from the black velvet back, his tail swishing as he sat atop the toilet of their ensuite bathroom.

This little thing had cost him a good chunk of three days' wages, and the more he looked, the more he was certain he'd been played.

"You ready babe?" Came a call through the closed doorway to their bedroom, where Clara was sitting on the edge of their king-sized bed, her bottle just like his already in hand, most likely.

"Just give me a minute. I want to read the directions." He called back, running a paw across his whiskers and lupine muzzle.

"How hard can it be? Pop cork, down hatch, think hard and poof! You're a new you for twelve hours! She was pretty clear about that!" Clara laughed from the bedroom.

"Yeah, assuming it isn't just grape Kool-aid!" He huffed, turning the bottle over in his massive paws. It seemed tiny by comparison.

"Awwww... You'd drink the Kool-aid with me, wouldn't you?" She teased him back. He rolled his eyes.

The liquid inside was a vivid orange, almost like a sherbet. He frowned, pinching the label and holding it under their bathroom's light. The gold-edged lettering flowed in elegant cursive, only adding to the fantasy of what it promised. He didn't have high hopes, but if it made Clara happy, he'd play along.

"So what are you going to be then, hmm?" The dire wolf asked as his eyes scanned over the rows of elegant script.

"Uh-uh! No telling! It's a surprise, remember?" Clara giggled. He heard the sound of the crystal stopper being popped.

"Alright, hold on. We said at the same time... Give me just a moment!"

He squinted, reading quickly, his claw tip tracing the letters.

"Eye of the beholder.

A potion of intent.

Focus on your desired form,

Drink the elixir,

And watch as reality bends to match your inner eye." He chuckled. It all sounded far too good to be true. Just an elaborate ruse to get couples to spice up their imagination play.

"Mhhm, fancy, isn't it? What do you think it tastes like?" Clara asked off the cuff.

"Tangerine." He answered, barely even thinking about it.

"Mango. Winner gets to be on top. On three?"

"On three..." He gulped. Gods above, he just hoped it didn't taste like piss-

"Three!" Clara called, startling him out of his microsecond of lull.

"Wait, hang- Fuck." He growled, popping the crystal cork with his thumb. He didn't hesitate, and tilted his head back, pouring the contents down his muzzle. The vial drained in a heartbeat, and he swallowed quickly, feeling the liquid as it tingled down his throat with a very slight warmth.

Fuck, that was definitely closer to mango.

He doubled over as it hit his stomach, and instantly, regretted the choice. He groaned as he fell forward, one paw clutching his stomach, the other barely reaching out in time to catch himself as he fell to the tiles, curling in pain. Oh, something was definitely wrong.

"Clara!" He called, wincing as his insides churned violently like he'd just swallowed a mouthful of curdled milk. He gulped, fighting back the urge to vomit. He heard the glass vial as it hit their bedroom floor, rolling across the hardwood. He heard Clara whine sickly.

"T-Tommy! I- Fuck... Call the poison hotl-" She yelped suddenly from behind the door, and he heard her collapse to the floor. He had to get to her!

He tried to stand, but at once, throbbing filled his head, white flashing behind his eyelids as he doubled back over. No!

He. Had. To. Get. To. Clara.

"CLARA!" He snarled. His fur was tingling. Everything felt wrong like he'd had cold and hot water simultaneously poured over his entire body. He wanted to shiver and tear his fur out at the same time! His insides rolled, and he let out a wheeze as something in his back gave way, like his head had been yanked down to his chest. What the fuck was happening?!

"Cl-Clara" He whined. His voice sounded like his throat was being constricted, higher and more out of breath than he'd ever been. His chest under his tucked arms felt like it was swelling, sensitive and sore like he was bruised. Even his teeth felt painful. Everything hurt! He clenched his eyes shut, hoping beyond hope that Clara was okay! He had to get to her! She had to-

As quickly as it had come on, the pain vanished all at once, like a veil had been yanked away from him. Tommy slowly opened his eyes, blinking as he tried to stand. His legs felt shaky like a newborn foal struggling to stand. He felt lower, off balance as he tried to regain his senses. He pulled himself up onto the sink, catching his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Tommy about screamed in shock!

"Clara?!" His voice was not his own, rather, the quieter, lighter and fluttery voice of his wife.

Oh, it was absolutely his wife looking back at him, but the words had come from HIS mouth... Or rather... Her mouth.

He opened wide, inspecting his new muzzle with his fingers, small and dainty, just like-

Just like Clara's. Oh gods! He-


No fucking way! This was impossible! They couldn't have-

"T-Tommy?" came a much deeper, rougher voice from behind the ensuite door. HIS voice.

He threw the door open without thinking.

He stood before himself.

Or Rather... Tommy... Stood... Before... Tommy? Clara?!

"Uh... I-" He tried to start. The completely nude, massive male dire wolf in front of him threw his arms around Tommy, almost crushing him with newfound strength and relief in equal measure!

"Clara- Can't breathe!" Tommy wheezed after a moment.

"OH SHIT! I'M SORRY, I-" The dire wolf let her go, spinning and knocking the lamp off their bedside table with his tail, sending it crashing to a pair of Clara's utterly torn panties on the ground.

"Shit, hang-" Clara spun again, trying to control the unruly appendage, knocking their home monitor from its stand with a loud clatter. She winced at the sound, grumbling.

"Fuck- Tommy how do you control this thing!?" Tommy blinked as He shouted at himself and his tail in frustration. It was a strangely surreal experience. Except now... Clara was him... And he was...

"Clara, what..." He started saying, holding his paws close to her chest. Familiar, soft roundness filled his palms as his pecs had pushed out into a nicely rounded pair. Wait, were those-

"What? It did what it would say it would do! How fucking cool is that! I mean... I had planned on maybe turning into a sexy, buff goat to Ram you-" She, that being... Clara, the dire wolf in front of him, giggled exactly like his wife. There was no mistaking it was Clara. It all felt almost too surreal. Tommy was still trying to catch up to the present.

"But then I heard you in there, and all I could think about was making sure you were okay... I uh.." The Tommy before him paused, taking a step back, one paw on his chin. His smooth, grey and silver patterned fur shimmered like he was a stand-in for a fur shampoo commercial. His eyes roamed up and down his transformed figure with a low, appreciative growl. Was Clara checking herself out- Wait! Was she checking his body out in the mirror? And did that.... Had he really- Oh no!

Tommy threw his paws down the front of his briefs which barely even hung to his hips now, a dozen sizes too large. Panic filled his face. Or rather, her face... Oh no- Gone was Tommy's thick, scruff sheath and heavy fruit hanging below. The soft, peachy fuzz of Clara's pubic mound had replaced it. They really HAD transformed into each other!

"Oooh yeah. Damn, I do look fucking good, don't I? Mrhmm! Sexy. I knew my ass was great, but damn. It's another thing to see it from someone else's eyes!" Clara growled. Oh, there was no doubt that was his wife in HIS body, and he had-

"What's the matter? Big bad wolfy a little lost for words now you've got your paws on my tits?" Clara teased her husband in his new form, taking a step forward. A firm, meaty paw clapped Tommy on the ass! He yelped, a feminine squeak he was used to hearing from Clara when he spanked her!

"Clara what the fu-"

"Alright, it's okay! Calm down love. The potion did -exactly- what it said on the label. Obviously, when we heard each other collapse, all we could think of was... Well, each other..." Clara smiled a big, wolfish grin. "I'd say that's pretty damn sweet of us, wouldn't you?" She leaned down, placing a soft kiss on Tommy's head and wrapping her husband in a tight embrace.

"We could have done anything with this, and yet, here we are, as, well... Us!" Clara giggled excitedly at the prospect.

So it had worked. The realization struck her brain like a firework. It. Actually. Worked.

"Ho-lee shit." He breathed.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Pretty sure that was mango, actually, but..." Clara chuckled, raising his paw to gently set it atop Tommy's new dainty, collie shoulders. Two fingers delicately pinched her scruff between them. An unbidden pant escaped her lips, as his now very masculine, very dominantly growling wife prowled around him like a hungry predator.

"Glad to know I know myself well." Clara growled, taking full advantage of being in her husband's dire wolf body. She reached down as her distinctly more feminine husband inhabiting her previous form seemed to freeze up from the neck pinch, a trick he had used on her often enough.

The dire wolf growled, stooping her huge form down over the quietly huffing collie, grinning from ear to ear.

"Awww, what's the matter love? Not used to being the small one in the pairing?" Clara rumbled, sliding in behind her not-so-big-anymore collie lover. Her new paws all but enveloped Tommy's entire chest as she slid them underneath his arms, those massive mittens that were once Tommy's simply engulfing his breasts! Clara growled, pinching her sweet little husband's tits between two fingers.

Tommy squeaked adorably, an unbidden whine escaping his lips. Excitement coursed through him. It felt so damned good! How did she... He-

"Mmhm, fucking love it when you do this... Gotta be a little less rough when you do it after this though. They're sensitive, and you're a very big wolfy." Clara growled in the collie's ear. The very tone and that low, dominant rumble made Tommy want to melt, shivering as his wife's new body pressed against his back, trapping his tail up along his spine securely. The unruly appendage still tried to wag anyway, Tommy's much smaller hips wriggling.

Hot breath washed across the nape of his neck and made his fur stand on end. Something hot and needy felt like it was building just below the collie's naval, something that coiled tight around his nerves and desires, tugging and pulling him where it wanted like a marionette puppet guided by so many gentle tugs on its strings. Tommy had certainly never felt like this while he'd been in a male body. He whined, not understanding, and yet knowing deep down exactly what that feeling was. Heat. Need. Desire.

Those same strong paws that palmed and played with his sensitive breasts gave him a gentle push towards their massive bed, shoving him down roughly onto the side of the matress. His new feet tried to pedal and didn't even reach the floor, just dangling helplessly, while Clara's paws shifted, pressing down in the small of his back. Her second massive hand grabbed Tommy's tail and unceremoniously yanked it out of the way of her prize.

Clara was VERY much the alpha now, and Tommy huffed and panted, trying to push himself up so he could see just what Clara was doing with her new dire wolf body.

A paw shoved him roughly back into the comforter, growling for his submission. Tommy gave it, shivering all over. Was this how Clara always felt when he got demanding with her? It was almost instinctive, and those puppet strings of new desire lazily pulled a soft whine from his lips.

It must have been. The hulking wolf that was Clara now, just growled her approval, that deep rumble gently rattling the windows in their fixtures, pawing along her husband's new curves with undisguised lust.

"Damn babe, You're wetter than the Panama! God, now I know why you love doing this to me so much, but now... My turn. Stay." Clara snarled the command with a deep, bass growl, and Tommy couldn't even think about moving. His entire body tensed at the force behind the word.


Some part of his new body's hormones or brain wiring craved to do exactly that, and Tommy couldn't bring himself to disobey, even playfully. He wanted to obey. The anticipation was killing him! The paw on his tail slowly slipped down until it was tightly wrapped around the base of the entirely independently wagging appendage. Tommy could hear his heart beating rapidly in her ears and felt herself flushing red from the compromising position she was forced to hold. Excitement made that tightness in her belly wind like a spring.

A fat thumb trailed lower still, sneaking easily beneath her loose pair of briefs, where Clara's blunt claws tugged them lower, exposing Tommy's shapely rump to the cool air of the bedroom as they were pulled away, inch by tantalizing inch.

Clara's amused rumbling as she explored her own body in a whole new way was unmistakable, and the wet slap of a wolf licking its lips was unmistakable as Clara admired her husband's new assets.

"Mrhm, there's my hubby. Such a good girl... Damn, I have a pretty little fuzz there..." Clara teased him with another deep, masculine growl that made Tommy want to close his thighs and squirm. The word drove a straight line through the neurons of her brain, rewarding him with a hit of dopamine that made her tongue loll.

Good girl... huff.

He didn't get the chance though, as a fat, leathery pawpad slid wetly across that newly formed slit between his thighs, lazily gathering up his dripping arousal on rough, calloused pawpads. Whatever thoughts Tommy had about the situation went out the window at the first, electrifying touch.

It was like his entire new body was suddenly hit with a wave of pleasure and libido so strong that it cancelled any other rational thoughts in favor of devoting everything to focusing on that feeling.

It was more intense than the rush they'd gotten fucking in the corner of a crowded bar in full view. More thrilling that the first time they'd risked bareback in heat because both of them were too horny and far gone to stop to find protection. More passionate than the first time Clara had whined for him to bite her and mark her as his mate. His lover. His bitch.

And this was only the first touch.

That fat finger twisted and pushed, slipping with ease into his new sex, and worked forward with an even, but relentless pressure, slowly spreading his sex lips open and sliding deep. Lube had never once been an issue when Tommy had fucked Clara, but now their roles were reversed, it seemed the same was true!

"C-Clara~" He huffed, whimpering as his hips rose from the bed, trying to push back against that finger.

"Mrrhmm, yes my lovely little girl?" Clara huffed with a deep, bass growl. The dire wolf's second knuckle popped past his swollen, puffy lips, as her thumb found Tommy's clit, pressing and rubbing in tight circles against the collie's pleasure buzzer.

Whatever Tommy was going to say got lost in his sultry moan as he shoved his face into the comforter to hide his burning cheeks.

"Such a good girl! Let it out baby, moan for me. Let's get you nice and ready." Clara's praise and encouragement were like a drug, one that Tommy's brain didn't seem to be able to get enough of.

Behind him, Clara knelt down and leaned in close between Tommy's sandy thighs, taking a good whiff to scent out the collie's needy snatch. And oh, did she smell like heaven. That first little huff sent his tail into overdrive and made his blood heat up like water spilled on a stovetop. She panted hotly against the inside of the collie's thighs, tongue hanging out, tasting Tommy's excitement with each tickling breath.

"Clara, what are you..." Tommy started, but Clara's broad, mitten-like paws suddenly left his body and clenched down hard on her thighs with still-moistened fingers. Before Tommy could lament the sudden emptiness and absence of her wife's finger, the dire wolf had replaced it with something better.

"Pre-smash snack." Clara giggled deviously. "I want to see how I taste."

"Aa-aaah!" Tommy gave a surprised squeak that rapidly devolved into a hungry moan, his fists bunching the bedding as she bit his lip.

Clara had shoved her entire snout roughly against the collie's sex. Whiskers tickled his thighs. Each hot breath made his tail hole clench as he was huffed over, and each devious wiggle of a familiar and broad wolf tongue that had forced its way right past his sex lips to push deep into his soaked passage made him want to bark and howl in pleasure.

Clara huffed noisily, wet, messy slurps echoing around the bedroom as the newly transformed dire wolf ate out her husband with the appetite and lust of a ravenous beast. Their size difference played right into Clara's favor now, the wolf growling and making his entire tongue tremble while it was still being squeezed and pulled by Tommy's new sex.

Her jaws simply enveloped the much smaller canine's entire mound, large, lupine teeth brushing across fur as she greedily lapped, drank, swallowed, and drilled her tongue into the collie she had pinned like an overeager dog trying to lick every last drop from the inside of a soup can. The sound of each sloppy motion made Tommy's cheeks flush a vivid red, even as he squirmed and gasped, at one point outright biting the sheets and groaning.

But it wasn't enough for Clara that her husband was enjoying the benefits of the finer sex now. The smugly grinning dire wolf wanted to make sure he knew exactly what her husband made her feel every time he had held her down and forced this kind of pleasure on her!

Clara snarled, and went deeper still, almost bottoming out in the tight, squirming collie from her tongue alone, feeling acutely with her fluttering and twisting oral muscle just how tightly wound he was getting, juices and lust covering Clara's muzzle like she'd been lapping from a water bowl.

But it wasn't enough. Clara huffed, and pulled her husband's hips off the bed entirely, supporting Tommy's weight with just her jaws and muzzle, while her tongue made like a bandit and stole into his cunt in its thick, full goodness. The dire wolf had to fight with all her strength just to hold Tommy still enough for her to eat him out, the collie almost howling into the bedsheets.

She growled a single command into her husband's new muff, and he obeyed.

"Cum for me."

"C-Cl-Oh fuck Clara!" Tommy whined. Fuck, gonna- Ngggh! His entire body tensed, fur standing on end as something deep inside suddenly gave way. He saw stars as he went into raking spasms of orgasmic bliss, moaning and panting in a sweet release as his moist passage clamped down on Clara's new tongue like a press.

I taste fucking divine~ Was all the wolf could think as she hungrily slurped down the collie's messy orgasm. Just a few, spasming pulses of the collie's sex were enough to soak the fur across Clara's muzzle. Tommy's paws clawed the bedding, scratching the comforter as he flailed behind himself, shoulders still trembling more against the bed with each lick across his oversensitive flesh, managing to barely tap the top of the lusty dire wolf's nose.

Clara rumbled, her nose wrinkling as she pulled back, that broad tongue swiping out across her lips to clean Tommy's rich, lust-laden flavor from his blunt lupine muzzle, savoring it as it clung to her tongue like honey.

"Ho..." Tommy started, gasping. His legs felt like jello, and it was only thanks to a gentle clap on the rear from Clara that he even managed to get back onto the bed.

"Holy fuck Clara..." He huffed, rolling over onto his back with a far-off, distant look. His mind was still reeling. His hair was a mess, and so was his entire pubic mound, matted with lust and canine drool. Was that how Clara felt when he did these things?

The wolf crawled over him, chuckling deeply as she leaned down to push her muzzle against Tommy's more delicate, feminine one. Their tongues clashed for a few moments. Paws went around the wolf's neck to support herself. He could taste pussy on the kiss, familiar, warm, and moaned sweetly into it as a paw slipped beneath the small of his back just above his tail. It propped the collie's hips up off the bed. Something firm and hard dragged across her inner thigh, and Tommy's eyes shot open, raising his head to glance down along her stoma-

Clara rumbled and shoved him back down into the bedding, pressing her lips hotly to the little canine's, keeping her husband from looking and spoiling the surprise.

"Mrhhmm... I know you said nothing stupid big inside you, but... I think you'll make an exception for yourself." Clara was grinning, and Tommy could feel the way the wolf's lips were curved wickedly as she messily made out with her husband. It all felt so wickedly naughty, like their positions had been reversed, and the thrill of excitement that shot through Clara was more than enough to set the newly made dire-wolf's tail into a furiously quick wag. "And I made no promises..."

Clara's cock throbbed with need, her nose utterly covered with Tommy's lust from her impromptu feast. The thick scent, heady and lust filled had been all but painted on her muzzle, and hormones imbued her every breath. She rolled her hips forwards, feeling heat and wetness against the tip of her new, girthy cock as she messily made a few probing thrusts, seeking the little collie's snatch like an eager stud trying to find its mark.

"H-hold on, shouldn't we-" Tommy shivered as a shaft he was intimately familiar with slid across his exposed and dripping womanhood, hotdogging his pussy like he had done the night before against his wife's ass... His wife, who was now driving what was technically his cock over his swollen and wet body, glistening and dripping arousal. The entire situation was crazily surreal, but the pleasure he felt was anything but, at last put on the receiving end of the pleasurable torment Tommy had so often had tormented his wife with!

Clara drew back, huffing loudly through her nostrils, driving her muzzle up against Tommy's throat hotly. Her breath tickled against his life vein, quickly followed by a long drag of the dire wolf's tongue across the quickly pulsing artery.

"Shouldn't we, what, hmm?" Clara's growl was deep and possessive and made Tommy shiver from head to toe as Clara lifted his hips with ease, drawing back to line the spade-like tip of the massive lupine cock against his still untried femininity.

"Uhh-I---Uh" Tommy stumbled, his own voice still so familiar, but still coming to terms with the fact it was not his own as he knew it. He was trying to stall. He knew it. Clara knew it. At least she was giving him the benefit of a brief pause to find his words.

"...Safeword?" He half suggested, half pleaded, half questioned, 150% still trying to wrap his head around all of it, and the impending threat of what had previously been his formidable girth about to most assuredly wreck his shit.

"Oh... Love." Clara giggled, the sound so unlike how he remembered himself sounding as a male, foreign in Tommy's old voice, like a bad impersonation of his usual mannerisms and playful cheekiness.

"You know my safe word, but you'll have to remember it. I never used it once, and I know you won't either... I've been so looking forward to using this." Clara grinned, and slipped forward an inch, making Tommy gasp as he was spread open in an entirely new way by his wife.

The first moment was absolutely not like Tommy had expected. He had been bracing for pain, but even as his wife's fat, canine prick pierced into him, he felt only a sharp rush of pleasure along with a stretch that was best described as delicious. Unconsciously, his slender muzzle opened in a little gasp, an opening that Clara quickly exploited, shoving her lips against her husband's with a deep growl that rumbled loudly enough to make Tommy's entire body hum like a struck harp.

Just the tip didn't stay that way for long.

Clara, feeling the first inch of her new girth being cradled snugly within the confines of her husband's tight new feminine body, could barely hold back. She wanted to feel what it was like hilted in his, and in a way, what had been her own tight passage. Fuck, if this is how Tommy felt every night when he pounded her into the bedsheets, she could see why some days he'd become little more than an insatiable, horny puppy.

"Ahhh, fuck! God, I have a great cunt! No wonder you love it so much! How's it for you baby? Feeling full yet, husband dearest?" Clara laughed with a loud huff of air through her nostrils, doubling down as she hunched over the supine collie on the bed. Her ears twitched at the little huffs and muted whimpers escaping Tommy's lips as she sank deeper still, claiming that previously untouched territory in the new collie's fertile, clenching pussy.

Oh, she'd been able to smell nothing but that ripe scent since she pushed him on the bed the first time, an almost primal instinct driving and overwhelming the newly changed dire wolf to absolute primal levels of need. Her cock throbbed inside her husband's snatch, and what felt like an absolute flood of precum escaped her prick's tip, squelching back out around the angry, crimson flesh as she shoved more inches into the squirming bitch beneath her.

For Tommy, this was an entirely new experience! He'd been pegged for sure when he had been in his old body, Clara extracting a particularly naughty delight at making the dire wolf squirm underneath her, but this was...

"Oh! Oh fuck! Am I really that big?!"

Clara's only response was wicked laughter, and tightening her grip on Tommy.

Every thrust left him feeling weak and shaky. He almost regretted going so hard on Clara in past, like the dire wolf was giving back exactly what she took almost nightly for the last 5 years. Tommy was biting his lip not to whimper and yelp in ecstasy every time Clara thrust forward! He'd already been soaking wet before her cock had plunged into her, but now-

God I can feel every twitch of precum filling me! Tommy's muzzle hung agape dumbly as the next thrust hit something deep inside at the same time something else fat and thick hit her lower lips with the force of a freight train. Tommy yelped, his entire body suddenly tensing as his vision flashed white. Then, with a whined, drawn-out moan, he felt wetness leaking back around Clara's thick cock, held nice and deep. He wanted to look, but the dire wolf growled, pushing his head back down into the bedsheets with another lustily, growled kiss. Another rock of Clara's hips drove that cock a little deeper and had Tommy panting.

The next one pushed him over the edge entirely and had him cumming a second time in as many minutes, his new body clenching and milking around the log of dire-wolf spreading her open. Her plaintive whines filled the bedroom as Clara mercilessly ground her fat knot against the collie's clit, stretching his sex lips just slightly as if to tease him with the threat of being stuck, just like Tommy always did. Oh, Clara was pulling out all of Tommy's naughty tricks against him, and it was working too!

"Oh damn babe, I think I hit a good spot there... Want me to do it again?" Clara huffed, letting Tommy feel the next powerful, needy throb of the log of dire wolf almost hilted in his snatch.

"Oh, god... Fuck, please?" He panted almost breathlessly, his claws tearing at the sheets as Clara raised her hips, pushing her knot against his tautly stretched passage. Their combined mess squelched out with a moist, lewd sound.

"Want me to cram this knot in you, let you feel what it's like when you tie and fill me up?" Clara rumbled like mountains moving, pressing forward until she was threatening to force that knot in with brute strength alone. Tommy whimpered, rocking his hips desperately back against his wife's knot.


"Please... what?"

Tommy gulped, clarity regaining its foothold in his mind for a moment. Oh, surely Clara didn't want him to b-

Clara growled.

"Please, what, pup?" The dire world grinned, turning her husband's pet name against him.

"Ppplease don't make me say it?" He half-heartedly suggested with a sheepishly sweet smile up at the wolf looming over him. Clara's hips bucked once, drawing an entirely involuntary squeak from the pinned collie. His cheeks burned pink beneath all that new blond fur.

"Mrhmm, I could, yes, but if I just -gave- you the knot, would you really be getting the full experience of being me? I wouldn't want you missing out after all..." Clara teased her husband mercilessly, twitching hard as another pulse of precum splattered messily against the collie bitch's cervix.

"Pllllleeeeaaaasseee?" Tommy whined, wrapping his dainty legs around the dire wolf's waist, trying to pull himself against the lupine shaft. Clara was having none of it, giving a few, short thrusts that wore down Tommy's resistance with the ease of a blowtorch through butter.

"Huh-uh... You make me tell you... I wanna know how it feels to be the one asked for a change."

"But I'm a guy! It's... Weird for me to be the one doing that!" Tommy giggled, biting his lip as Clara gave another, more forceful thrust to silence his excuses, leaning in to kiss him hotly upon the lips once more with a long and lusty growl, filled with naughtiness and promise.

"Not right now you're not. Right now, you're my little bitch, and I want you to beg me like I always do you... C'mon, Tommy... You always ask so nicely when I peg you. For me?" Even with a different body and voice, the soft note of sweetness was undeniably Clara, and it melted whatever was left of Tommy's resolve to hold out. In for a penny...

Tommy put on his best begging face, like the one Clara so often had when HE was the one in charge. He was going to be absolutely spoiled by the end of this.

"Pllleeaaassseeee?" The slow grinding motions were torture, rolling along like a gentle wave of pleasure that threatened to, but never quite crested like he wanted them to. He whined softly up at the strapping dire wolf with her cock buried three-quarters of the way to his knot in his soaking tight sex.

"Gosh, I see why you fall for that look every time now. How am I supposed to say no when I do that?" Clara huffed, playfully annoyed at how damn cute her husband made it look.

"You're not." Tommy grinned back up at his wife, tugging the dire wolf closer with his wrapped legs around Clara's waist. "That's the whole point."

"Oh, I'm going to fuck you stupid and full of damn puppies for that." Clara growled, raising herself entirely and taking Tommy's dainty hips in her massive, meaty paws before she drew back until just the tip of her new, throbbing shaft was splitting the needy collie.

"And you're gonna be good and beg me for it before the end." She snarled, her fingers digging into Tommy's hips.

Tommy blinked once. "Wait, hold o-"

And then Clara did exactly what she said she would fucked him like an animal. Tommy's yelps, howls and moans filled the bedroom, interspaced with Clara's huffs, growls and snarls of lust, using his husband's new body like he was a cheap toy. Wet slaps echoed off the walls, and the sheer force of the animalistic fucking had the windows rattling in their frames before long.

Tommy's claws raked lines in their sheets, tearing the soft fabric as he squealed and came with a bark, eyes rolling backwards in his head. The wolf trailed a finger along Tommy's cheek almost praisingly, all the while hammering his new body into the bed like a furious carpenter hammered a crooked nail. Clara's finger pressed past his lips as Tommy panted, hooking into his cheek and forcing him to meet eyes with his domineering wolf-wife.

She grinned, slamming her knot against the collie's already stretched lips. Tommy just whined needily, but he could recognize his own tells, and knew Clara couldn't hold out much longer like this. Her tail was sweeping back and forth rapidly, and her thrusts were becoming more and more erratic and unsteady, breath hitching every time she bottomed out that log of flesh impaling him.

And he wanted him to lose that last bit of control. It was hard to think with all the overwhelming pleasure that threatened to leave him comatose and adrift in a sea of well fucked stupor, but he still had one last trick, something Clara always did that drove him absolutely wild...

He threw herself up at the waist, taking fistfuls of the dire wolf's shaggy chest fur in his paws to pull himself against her. Clara stumbled backwards at the sudden weight shift, carrying Tommy with him against her chest. All the while, their hips kept colliding, as now, aided by gravity, Tommy rode the wolf for all she was worth.

Clara spun and shoved Tommy's shoulders against the wall, rattling the picture frames nearby as the dire wolf hammered into the lusty collie even harder, feeling her new, heavy ball sack tightening against the base of her sheath.

"I NEED to knot you, Tommy." Her breath huffed across the transformed collie's ears, making him blush as she nipped playfully at his nipples, a little tease Clara used against him more than often enough. She buried her face into Tommy's new cleavage with a growl. Tommy pushed her head up, and returned the favor with an eager whine, canines pinching at the sensitive little nubs encouragingly as Clara jackhammered away at him in a frenzy of fucking and pent-up lust.

"Then do it! Please!"

"Say it, Tommy!"

"Ngh! Clara! Knot me already!" Tommy yelped!

Clara's claws dug into the collie's hips as their feral passion entered that terminal phase of bliss. They could both feel the change as all of their pleasure quickly came to a boil, rolling and billowing across strained nerves and their strange new bodies like a gale, sweeping aside whatever hope there had been of holding back the inevitable any longer.

With a bark, Clara's hips shoved upwards, pinning Tommy's smaller body against the wall firmly, trapping the squirming collie to the dire wolf's chest.

Tommy saw fireworks behind his eyes as Clara let out a mighty grunt of effort and shoved forward one final time. The wet pop was unmistakable as her thick knot slipped home, and cum started hosing down the smaller canine's cervix like a firehose.

"Oh... Oh fuck I love you... make such a good girl, Tommy..." His wife huffed loudly, rubbing her cheek against his own.

Tommy nearly blacked out from the absolute overload of sensation, utterly filled in more ways than one. He reached down, feeling the way Clara's knot throbbed behind the hiss tautly bulged sex lips, shot after shot of blissful warmth filling his belly as Clara trembled and panted, laying soft kisses along her husband's throat between breaths.

"Mrhmm, so this is... How you feel whenever I do you like that, huh?"

"You like it? Did I do good?" Clara asked quickly, cracking one eye as if asking the question left her horribly vulnerable and self-conscious. Even in the midst of their afterglow, still twitching and pulsing, she still worries about pleasing him to the utmost. If that wasn't dedication, Tommy didn't know what was.

"Loved it." Tommy chuffed, kissing the transformed dire wolf on the nose sweetly. Both of their tails started to wag at the same moment, swishing back and forth.

Carefully carrying him back to the bed, Clara lay Tommy down on his side, before snuggling in close, sighing happily as they cuddled, both lovers tangled up utterly in eachother.

"Heh, not worn out already are you?" Tommy giggled, batting his eyes in an attempt to be cute at the dire wolf. A fat, mitt-like paw brushed across Tommy's whole face.

"Telling me you're not a one-and-done guy yourself?"Clara teased right back, slurping her tongue along the little collie's cheek messily.

"Give me ten minutes, and once we separate, maybe I'll fuck you against the shower wall. And once we're done there, I want to see how that pretty blue harness looks on you." Clara rumbled, her eyes full of wicked promise. Tommy just blushed a crimson, torn between blushing more or giggling nervously. Oh no. What had that potion unleashed in Clara?

The cocker spaniel in the sex shop hummed, switching tracks on her earbuds as she wiped down one of the display cases. For their 'Freaky Friday" deal day, it had been slow since she arrived. Not that she was complaining of course. Paid by the hour and all that.

The little bells above the store's doorway jingled as it swung open, and a customer entered.

"Hi! Welcome to Modern Immodesties!" She said with the practiced perfection of an employee who knew their opening spiel so well they could do it in their sleep. She looked up as she continued.

"Anything I can help you find- Oh hey! It's you again! No boy toy today?" She smiled sweetly to the collie from last week, who marched up to the counter. The spaniel recognized that look immediately and went on the defensive.

"Uh, just so you know, my manager is on lunch right now, so if you have a complaint-"

"Oh, I mean, I'm not sure if it's a complaint, but it IS a problem. Tommy!" The collie called over her shoulder. The doorbells jingled again as the same collie standing before the counter entered the shop again. It didn't take long for the spaniel to piece two and two together.

"Oh... OH!"

"OH IS RIGHT GIRL. MY HUSBAND IS STILL MY WIFE! I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WAS TEMPORARY!" Clara snarled, thrusting the empty bottle across the counter, and pointing to the label.

"You read ALL of the instructions, right?" The spaniel asked as she reached down and parted the folded tag on the string, revealing additional writing on the inside of the paper. Clara's eyes went wide. The second matching collie stood quietly, shyly by the door, watching them.

"You said it only lasted half a day!"

"Yeah, it does. How virile was your hunk? Cause I'm going out on a limb here and saying you both ended up as each other. This uh... Isn't the first time this has happened, but it can happen." The spaniel gestured to the fine print. Clara had to read down, her eyes skimming over the text rapidly. She blinked, and re-read the words again, blinking as she read them aloud.

"Caution! Protection is recommended for those changing to the fairer gender. Side effects may be prolonged in the event of unexpected pregnancy!"

In the back, Tommy paled. Clara blinked again, still trying to process that information.

The two identical collies traded a glance of awkward surprise.

The spaniel let out a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of her head.

"So uh... Congratulations are in order Mom? Would uh, you be interested in trying any other of our potions, now you've got a few months to adjust? I'll even give you my employee discount!"