Tales of Azoria - Chapter 2

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#3 of Tales of Azoria

Azuri wakes up on his eighth birthday, where he finally gets the chance to leave his house. His mother allows him and he decides to fly out to see the world beyond.

Azuri Vapor

Finally, Azuri was old enough to leave the forest! He turned eight years old today and he'd been excited for years to leave the forest with his mother. Many times, his mother told him that dragons at the age of eight can leave the forest because their venom glands are fully developed, which meant they had a chance to catch prey or defend themselves if need be. It would be far too dangerous to go out alone and without venom, so it was made a formal rule in their tribe. Azuri rose up from his bed and rushed toward his mother's room. She was still fast asleep under the covers. Azuri hopped onto the bed beside his mother and started to poke and shake her. He was excited, he couldn't wait any longer to get up and go.

"Mom!" Azuri yelled out excitedly, "Get up! It's the day!" Beckar groaned, eyes still closed tightly shut. She was starting to scrunch her face from his presence. He decides to start annoying her by jumping on top of her. "Mom!" Azuri cheered again as he started hopping on top of her sleepless body. "Come on! It's time to get up!" She groaned again, but was now awake. She opened her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. Then she turned her body around to be on her back. Azuri was caught off guard a little by her rotating her body around. He got off of her and approached her face.

Her eyes met with Azuri's with a mixture of playfulness and annoyance. "If you don't stop hopping on me, I'm going to pin you down and gobble you up." Azuri giggled, as he knew that his own mother wasn't capable of harming him. She loved him and would only say or do such things to show her dominance over him, that she was in charge of this household. He still grinned widely down at her happily, still feeling the urge to giggle more from her facial expression.

"Mom, it's the day! I'm so excited! Pleeeeease, get up." Azuri attempts to grab Beckar with his teeth but Beckar is too quick, her claw grabbing his entire face and stopping him. It wasn't too aggressive, but it was still firm enough that Azuri knew he had to stop.

"I will get up, but you have to promise me that you'll eat all of your food and be patient, okay?" Azuri was muffled from her claw pressed up against his face. "I can't hear you, what was that?" She asked again, still being slightly playful with him. He muffled something again into her claw, but she still was unable to understand him. She didn't say anything or pull the claw away, but Azuri calmed down and sighed. Then, he finally nodded in her claw. Beckar responded by removing her claw from the rambunctious dragon's muzzle and clambering out of bed.

Azuri jumped off the bed and started rushing toward the kitchen. He was still excited, but he had to calm himself down. He knew that if he didn't, his mother wasn't going to take him out. He sat down on one of the cushions at the table and waited patiently. His heart was racing with excitement, he couldn't stop himself from beaming with happiness. He wanted to go now! His mom was getting slower and grumpier the older she got. She couldn't keep up with him as easily as compared to when he was only three. It made Azuri feel guilty for being so selfish and not worrying about his own mother's health. He couldn't really do anything to help her though, could he?

He continued to wait patiently at the table, grabbing one of his mother's books and reading them. Trying to distract himself, despite not understanding what the book was about. The only thing he could understand from it was that there was some war five hundred years ago. The book explained that it was about three tribes against one another, one of them was the Fuegans, the second was the Florians (Which was the same tribe as himself, his mother and father), then the Oceanians. The war was brutal through the years, but it ended with a peace treaty. Most of the reason for the ending of the war was interference from several other tribes who wanted to end the war right there and then, as it was causing significant economical and physical damage to the nearby villages.

The ending was nice to hear about, because it meant there were no more wars. All of the tribes were at peace with one another, with the exception of the Florians who were on constant lookout. Which reminded Azuri of another book he saw mother reading once. It was about a more recent war that happened between the Florians and a new species of dragons called Luminians. From the pictures Azuri saw, he thought they looked the most beautiful out of any species he saw. They had fur like the Florians, only they were in darker shades of black or dark blue, and had the ability to glow a beautiful lime green or turqoise on several parts of their bodies.

Each dragon was different looking at where the glows happened. Azuri thought they were the cutest dragons he's ever seen. "They might look cute, but don't be too alarmed when they pull you into the glow," his mother would say to him whenever he said that out loud. "We were fooled because of that at the beginning of the war, nowadays we squash them like bugs, as they should be." She would continue to say.

"But why?" Azuri never understood why the Florians hated Luminians so much. Was it because they tried stealing land? Did they do something really bad? Azuri's mother refused to give an answer, telling him to wait until he was older. He didn't like the idea of finding out later. He wanted to know why they couldn't be friends with the Luminians. She also protested in response. "Don't trust them, Azuri. They like to hypnotize their prey."

"Eck!" Azuri pushed the book in front of him to the side. He lost interest now, looking toward the hallway where his mother walked out from. Her face was still very exhausted, but she did appear more awake than in the bedroom. His heart was racing again as he only knew he was minutes away from leaving the forest for the first time. He didn't know where his mother was planning on taking him. He hoped it was somewhere as beautiful as Fuegolis. They usually lived in the hottest parts of the deserts, with large castles that were littered with gold and jewels. When Azuri heard about those castles, he was very curious about visiting one of them.

His mother whipped something out from one of the cupboards. She then started to prepare a small meal for herself and Azuri. Azuri was indeed feeling a little bit hungry, though his excitement and curiosity filled any desire of wanting food. It took his mother several moments before joining Azuri at the table with a plate of fruits and vegetables. She then started to pour orange juice into a small cup on the side. She pushed it over to Azuri, then poured some for herself.

Azuri looked down toward the plate, licking his lips. The plate had an apple, two slices of orange, lettuce, broccoli on the side, as well as some olives, onions, and tomatoes mixed in. Essentially it was a salad, one of Azuri's most favorite meals. Even as breakfast, it was the most enjoyable thing on the planet to Azuri. Compared to his mother, who had barely touched her food, he pretty much gobbled his up in one swallow.

She noticed his staring and groaned. "You shouldn't be staring at others while they're eating, Azuri. That's not polite." Azuri looked apologetic and sadly turrned away. It felt forever that his mother was eating her food. When he glanced over at her eating, it didn't appear as though she was excited or at all thrilled at that moment. Azuri looked down at his plate, his ears flattening against his head before he placed the apple down on the table and hopped out of the chair. He walked over beside his mother and nuzzled affectionately into her neck.

Beckar immediately smiled at this act and nuzzled him back. She wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry mom." He felt bad, he can tell she was hurting and her body was cramping all over. He could tell just from her face how much she was hurting physically. She brushed a claw down his back and neck, still smiling happily at him.

"It's alright honey, I know you're just excited and all." She continued to eat and slurp the salad on her plate, though a little slower than Azuri. "I was excited as well at your age, so I can understand you are too." Azuri felt his mothers wings wrap around him affectionately. Keeping him close in her grasp, before finally letting go. "How about this hon, you can go out and leave by yourself. I don't think I'm going to go today." She said disappointingly, poking at her food on the plate.

"Are you sure, mom?" Azuri asked her, he was dumbstrucked from just hearing those words. He didn't know what to say, she would never allow him to do that. Was she really trusting him to go on his own?

"Just as long as you get back before sundown." She tells him, her tone showing a little bit of guilt. It was clear she didn't want to, but she had no other way to ensure Azuri was happy today. ". . . And to be careful of strangers, especially Luminians." She says to him with a serious expression that wasn't fun to look at. It genuinely looked like she meant that, even though her tone wasn't fitting it.

Azuri nodded to her, "I promise mom, I will be super careful!" She closely examined him for a second, before sighing with defeat and beginning to munch on her food again slowly.

"Have fun Azuri, I will be right here if you need me." Azuri's heart was beating fast now, he couldn't believe it. He was going to be able to leave finally! He didn't know where he was going to go, but he hoped it would be somewhere amazing. He turned and started galloping toward the door, about to open until he glanced back at her. He rushed back and gave her goodbye nuzzle and kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks mom, you're the best!" Then, Azuri turned back around and opened the door and walked outside. He instantly felt the nice breeze of air around him, which was pleasantly cool thanks to the shadiness of the trees of the forest. His legs were dancing in excitement as he galloped happily out of the forest and toward the edge. That's when he finally got to the large fence surrounding the forest that was set up by their queen. He knew about this fence having electricity running through it to keep creatures out.

The fence didn't stop younger Florians from leaving, however if they were caught by the guards then there would be considerable punishment to both the youngling and the parent. Considering he was finally of leaving age, he didn't have to worry about the rules. He used his wings to fly over the fence and onto the other side. When he landed, he felt the warm, soft grass under his claws. He took a deep breath of the fresh Florian forest air, before releasing with delight. His face was showing complete happiness and excitement all over, his claws still dancing. Hello world! My name is Azuri, and I'm coming to see you! Then, Azuri started wandering off into the grassy plains ahead.

Tales of Azoria - Chapter 3

Azuri found himself flying over a lake that was just clear enough to see nearly all the way to the bottom. He could see the fish swimming and going about their regular lives like nothing was wrong. He wished he could have the simple life of being a...

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Tales of Azoria - Chapter 1

In the land of dragons living their lives like any normal society would, one thing was clear to Beckar: She couldn't reason with her husband. No matter what or how she tried to do it, he was too stubborn. A little infant dragon that was only two years...

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Tales of Azoria - Prologue

(Albatross) (Thousands of years ago to present) In the time of the goddesses and gods, the dragons felt safe and happy under their god rulers. Dragons willingly spread throughout the world and had the ability to meet other races. They didn't have...

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