The Tourist Trapped in Docetri

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Crisp visits a different place, and ends up getting quite the interesting curse on his clothes.

Commissioned by FriskeCrisps

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The Tourist Trapped in Docetri

For FriskeCrisps

By Draconicon

Crisp hadn't expected Docetri to be such a fascinating destination, but here he was, staring out the window of the airfield's observation dome at the neighboring city and marveling at all there was to see. The wusky looked from the great skyscrapers that reached all the way up to the rainbow dome that topped the city to the great streaks of color that erupted from the bay in the center of the city to create it, only to be distracted by some beast with leathery or feather wings that took off from a smaller building at the corner of his eye. The magical city was a flurry of near-constant movement, whether that came from a tram that hung from a rail, a beast of the night, or something between the two.

"Never thought I'd see real magic in my life," Crisp muttered, shaking his head as he rested one hand on the glass. "Man..."

If the entry requirements for Docetri were a little less strict, he might even have changed his travel plans and gone down to customs for a day-pass, but he knew the rules. To enter the city, you had to have at least a little bit of magic of your own. There were too many machines and gizmos and pieces of day to day life that required that tiny bit of magical understanding for an outsider to be able to use them.

Hell, he'd been told that his bank card wouldn't even work out here. People visiting the magical city had to pre-purchase special cards that actually interfaced with the cash registers and ATMs in the city. Otherwise, they were shit out of luck.

And that's not really worth it. Getting a guide and all that...

At least, that was what the wusky was telling himself. He stopped staring at the city and stared at himself. A black and white canine with some wolf features in his muzzle and husky features along his neck and shoulders stared back. Loose shorts and long black and white socks went down to sneakers with tight laces, and his loose black and white jacket rested on a red shirt. He didn't look particularly magical, and he knew that he didn't really feel it, either.

It would have been nice, but the wusky knew better than to be tempted. Particularly since he had a flight back over the rainbow walls and to the real airport about a hundred miles away in just over an hour. He started to turn from the glass -

"Enjoying the view?"

A maned wolf joined him from his right, resting one hand on his shoulder. As soon as the other man touched him, Crisp seized up. His arms froze at his sides, and a tingle ran down his spine from his shoulders all the way to the base of his tail.

"Don't move," the maned wolf whispered. "Just keep taking in the view."


"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to...change you a little bit. After all, I'm retiring from this place, and I could use someone to retire with. Cute little thing like you would do just fine for me."

The wusky couldn't even get a whimper past his lips. It had to be magic, but he didn't know that they could just do something like this. His body no longer obeyed him, almost like the touch of the maned wolf had taken away his ability to move. As that slow, cold tingle continued to run up and down his spine, the stranger turned, stepping behind him and putting his other hand on Crisp's other shoulder.

"Just keep looking straight ahead. I'll have this taken care of in a jiffy. You're flying out on the next flight, yes?"


"Well, you are now. And let's just...yes, a few adjustments..."

Crisp could only stare as his coat and shirt started to change. They didn't lose their color, but they went from simple cotton and polyester to being something...something else, something shiny that reflected the light of the observation dome. The shimmer went up from the bottom hem of the coat towards the top, turning into something like latex or rubber. He didn't know what it was, but it pulled all the tighter to him, and -

"Yes, that's off for me..."

As Crisps's cheeks burned, his clothes started to change even more. The parts that had turned clingy and rubbery, almost like body-paint, lost some of their opacity. He could just barely see his fur through it, and the more that they changed, the more of his stomach and abs he could see. The transparently spread as the tightness did, going up, up, up...and worse, down, down, down as his shorts did the same.

Oh god...oh god...

Everything was so much tighter down there now, clinging in a way that it had never done before. It was like everything was pressed tight around his dick, showing it off in shape if not in sight. Or at least, so far. He bit his lips as he realized that his underwear was not quite changed yet, his briefs slowly becoming visible as he felt the embarrassment climb.

"Hehehe, that's it. A little enchantment to keep you nice and exposed for me. Are you an exhibitionist, pup?"


"You will be when I'm through with you."

It was impossible not to stare at the slow transparency spreading across his clothes. So far, it had only hit the outer layers, but as his shorts clung to him like tight boxers, he couldn't look away from his exposed briefs. His cock and balls were quite visible against it due to the pressure, and he bit his lips as the same transparency covered his shoes and his socks, too, making him look like he was almost floating off the ground.

The tingling magic had already changed his clothes completely, but more than that, it was slowly sinking through them to his underwear, too. It was exposing him. His cheeks burned hotter than ever, and his shaft slowly started rising up, making the disappearing fabric look all the more humiliating. He could just barely see the head of his boner through it, the invisible clothes still covering him, but not hiding him. Not any longer.

And there was something...something else...





The tingling spread through his spine and up to his head, the words popping in with images to accompany them. Show off. Show off his boner. Show off his butt. Show off everything. He was a good little slut-boy, someone to play with, a good pup that wanted to give in and show off his body for it to be used.

So much pleasure.

So much intensity.

So much humiliation.

So much -

"Hold it right there!"

The maned wolf yanked his hands back, and Crisp slumped forward, gasping for breath. He hit the glass hard enough for it to thump in its frame, but it didn't break or even crack.

As he struggled to catch his breath, the realization of what had almost happened hit him like a truck. Someone with magic - with real magic - had almost taken him as a possession. He'd almost been turned into a toy right there, and he hadn't been able to do a damn thing about it. Even now, staring at his faint reflection in the mirror, he could see that the transformation of his clothes hadn't faded away. He whimpered, unable to look away from his naked body, or the way that his boner was both on display and not at the same time, pinned to his belly as it was.

Oh god, oh god...

And there was something sensual about it, too, about the way that it clung to him, so soft and gentle, and yet so firm and controlling. He was...he was -


The wusky looked over his shoulder, panting as he pulled himself from the near-trance he'd been sinking into. The maned wolf had hit the floor, and a female calico stood over him. The security officer, dressed in blue and purple, panted and shook her head.

"Goddamn Enchanters..."

"Is he..."

"Glad you're still with us, kid." The feline shook her head, dragging her face-fluff back into place and rubbing it down the back of her neck before adjusting her uniform. "You okay?"

"I...I don't know. What was he -"

"Rogue Enchanters. Some of 'em don't like the deals that they have around here, and they know that they can make money outside the Rainbow Walls. No problem with most of them going, so long as they have the right papers, but some of 'em like to be sneaky. Like this little bastard. Looks like he was planning on taking you with him as a little pet for his retirement, yeah?"

Crisp nodded.

"Figured. Come on. We'll need to see what he did to your clothes, and see if he left any commands in your brain."

"They can do that?!"

"Kid, this is Docetri. The things that we can do here will probably make your hair stand on end for months."


They weren't able to get his clothes off easily, and the longer that they remained off, the more uncomfortable Crisp got. He didn't even know why; he'd been in different outfits, different clothes before, but this time, he couldn't feel comfortable even in another set of sweats and a t-shirt from his luggage. From the moment they came off until the moment they brought his clothes back, he felt like he was suffering from pins and needles all across his body, and the sensation only got worse the longer that he didn't have them on.

Even with the comfort that came with being dressed again, the wusky was smart enough to know that something was very, very wrong. When Caitlyn - the calico - came to talk to him again, he knew that she had bad news.

"Looks like he bonded those clothes with you," she said, sitting down across from him in a sterile room with white walls and a white table. "Pretty strong enchantment, too. Looks like it turned them rubber and cued them to your emotions. The more embarrassed or stressed you get, the more transparent they become."

"...Oh god..."

"Heh, god has nothing to do with this one."


"And the bond's going to be a pain to unravel. A regular enchantment can be bled off, bit by bit, but something like this? This is going to need someone that really knows what they're doing. And we don't have someone like that on-staff."

"So, what, I have to leave this here and come back -"

"Leave? Kid...Oh. They didn't tell you."

"...Didn't tell me what?" Crisp asked, his heart suddenly beating against his ribs. "What's going on?"

"You can't leave."


"You can't leave. Not bonded to an enchanted item. It's against Docetri law, and the laws of everyone around us, for that matter; we agreed to that in order to keep everything more or less under control. Until we can fix your clothes, they can't leave the city, and considering that you can't take them off without discomfort - and eventual pain - you can't leave without them, either."


Caitlyn shook her head. Her expression was familiar; he'd seen the same sort of look on many people whose hands were completely tied by the system and couldn't do anything about it. The wusky slumped in the chair, staring down at the table as he tried to imagine how the hell he was going to manage this.

"How long can this take?"

"That depends on how fast we can find you a disenchanter," she admitted. "The good ones get booked months in advance, and they're not cheap."

He winced.

"That said, Docetri's Rainbow Guard takes security pretty seriously, so we'll foot the bill when we get one, but it's the when that's the problem."

"Which means...I have to stay here..."

"Uh-huh. And we used to cover that, but after a bunch of idiot tourists came out to get 'cursed' and then live on the public funds, we had to start limiting that. Sounds like an excuse, I know, but...well, there's some seriously fucked-up people out there. We had three hundred tourists come through, hit the worst parts of the Dead Zones, and get droned out of their minds before we found them. And they had to be taken care of for a year before they were suitable to be released again, and the first thing that they wanted to do was get released back on the streets to do it again."


"Some people don't want to think. And unfortunately, we can't take care of all of them. They don't think the whole situation through. They ain't getting caught by caring masters. They're getting caught, zonked, and transformed by gang members that want a sex toy, and then they dump most of the new drones in the gutters to be picked up by cops later. And when that happens, we gotta find a way to take care of them, which means patching 'em up, un-droning them, and - it's a mess."

Crisp could only imagine, though the idea of people coming to the city specifically to lose all control and get taken care of was...weird to him. When he tried to imagine how that would feel, what it would be like to lose himself so completely, all he could do was shiver in fear.

And yet, he could imagine some people that he knew that would go for it in a heartbeat. If you thought your life was bad enough, if you thought that it was worth just giving up everything to make sure that someone would take care of you for a while...well, there'd be people that would try it.


He came back to the moment. Caitlyn passed him two cards. The first was almost like his debit card, though it had an additional symbol on it: a hexagon linked to a diamond with a horizontal line, with each shape sporting a little star peering through it, like eyes through glasses. The second was a pink card with a large T on it.

"City bank card?" he asked, holding up the first one.

"Yep. Marked with the 12 Powers of Docetri," she said, chuckling. "First time seeing it?"

"Mm-hm. What do they mean?"

"Short version? The hexagon's for the six magical powers that people use like the stuff out of stories. The whole inner power, fueled by effort stuff. The diamond's for the four powers that come from outside, like old stories of ley lines and nature magic and that stuff. The two stars are for...well, let's just say there's some mega-powers that you can make deals with, and those represent that."

"...That's a lot of magic stuff to learn."

"That's why we tell people to learn it before coming here, but you'll have to pick it up as you go. The other card's a tram pass."

"A tram pass? Like...for public transit?"


"But...where am I going to stay?"

"We can't pay to put you up, unfortunately. Not long term. We can give you a place for the night, but everything else is going to be on you to work out."


"What I can do is suggest where you should go. We have someone that we work with sometimes, someone that helps with people that get fucked over by criminals in the city - and sometimes the corporations."

Oh, god, what am I in for?

"What you'll want to do is go to Draconis station. There's an academy not far from there, about two blocks south. You go there, and you ask for the headmaster. He'll be able to help you if you can make a deal with him."

"Wha - a deal?!" Crisp stood up. "I'm the one that got attacked. Why do I have to make a deal with him?"

"Welcome to Docetri, Mr. Crisp." The calico shook her head. "Anyone that thought that magic would solve all our problems never got around to thinking of the human element. There's a limit to all resources, even the magical ones. Much as I sympathize with what you have going on, kid, there's a hundred other cases that are already piling up. Some of that, you're just going to have to take care of on your own."


"Really sorry, but that's just how it is."

The security officer got to her feet, patting his shoulder before walking around the table and leaving him alone in the room. He stared down at the table at the two cards she'd given him, unable to believe just how fucked he was.

He was alone in a city that he knew nothing about, surrounded by magic that didn't make sense to him, and completely vulnerable to anyone that might want to take advantage of him. The fact that someone had been able to walk up right behind him and almost turn him into some sort of sex pup toy was still burned into the back of his brain, and he honestly didn't know if he'd ever entirely feel safe again.

What was he supposed to do? Pay for help? Offer some sort of favor to the headmaster when he got to the station? What the hell?

The wusky slowly picked up the cards, staring at them. The symbol for the 12 Powers stared back, the golden lines, straight and reflective, almost taunting him with what others had that he didn't.

That gave him an idea. He had no idea if he'd be able to follow through, but it was at least something.

Crisp turned around, grabbing his luggage from outside the door, and made his way to the airport tram station. He'd figure it out as he went, and hope that he got to this academy before he had a full-on breakdown.


He was lucky enough that the night-time tram was mostly empty. Those that used it seemed more inclined to just read the paper or look at their phone than they did to look at him and wonder if they could do something to the newbie. Maybe there was something about him that made him stand out as a less-useful victim, or maybe the magic in his clothes made him look more like a local. Whatever it was, he managed to remain unmolested during the tram ride.

Getting off at Draconis Station - a multi-colored building that seemed to be covered in scales rather than concrete - he joined the mass of people pushing and shoving each other. With four different lines passing through the area, there were so many people, and he honestly felt like he would be swarmed under more than once.

Eventually, Crisp reached the switchback stairs that led down from the raised station, and got to ground level. A sign just outside the station pointed south, with the words 'Academia Draconis: 150 meters' on it.

Deciding that must be the place, Crisp followed the road. A smell of still water and a lower, crackling scent of something like a storm filled the air, and he moved a little faster. He stopped when a concrete wall topped with metal spikes rose on his right, and he followed that to a black-iron gate. It was open, even at this late hour of the night, and he peered around the corner to see what he could find.

It looked like some vague mix of a village and a school. Two rings of building surrounded a lake so black that it looked positively inky. The inner ring was well-lit, and he could just make out some silhouettes partying in some of them. Dorms, he imagined, though they were pretty big ones; each dorm building was two stories tall and looked big enough to host at least eight people with some comfort. The outer ring looked more like giant lecture halls and administration buildings, and they were surrounded by the rest of the wall that ringed it from the street side.

He took a step forward -

" Halt."

Only to stop. The wusky yelped as a golem made of water and ice stepped around the corner, looming over him by three feet of height. He stared with wide eyes and a sudden fear of going naked -

Oh no.

The humiliating thought of suddenly being naked hit him hard, and his clothes went from rubbery but opaque to tight and transparent in the space of a split second. He tried to cover himself, but he knew it was barely effective.

"I - I need to see the headmaster. Right now. Please."

" Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but the Rainbow Guard said to come here."

" Victim?"


" Come."


He'd been in a bit of a haze as he was led across the campus. He wasn't sure just what had happened, but the more that his clothes stayed transparent, the more that he felt a low-level urge to show off, and the harder it was to keep his hands in place. It had faded, eventually, but he wasn't quite sure how long it had taken to get to the office, or what had happened on the way.

Now, however, he was in a padded chair, luscious and tall-backed, and sitting on the other side of a metal desk from a dragon. A very tall, very austere-looking dragon with black scales and white eyes, and Crisp barely managed to meet them.

"So, you got bonded with some enchanted gear," the dragon said.

"Uh...yeah...Are you the headmaster?"

The black-scaled dragon smiled ever so slightly. He leaned back, his gold coat splaying out over the arms of his chair, and his red suit pulled a little more tightly over his chest. He went from sitting to lounging like it was effortless, and chuckled as he did so.

"Yes. Yes, I am."

"Sorry, I'm just -"

"No, no. No need. You've never been here; how are you supposed to know one person from another yet?"


"If it helps, my name is Draconicon. And you are..."


"Well, Crisp, I can tell that you're dealing with something pretty big right now. I'm sure that the Rainbow Guard are going to call me at some point to see if I know any free enchanters to work with your situation, but that's not the big thing for you right now, is it?"

"No, um...I was told that I should talk to you about...about other things."

"I'm guessing housing is a big one."


"But also not the only thing."

"No, I...Sorry. I'm just...I'm getting over everything that happened at the observation dome and...It's a lot of adjustments."

"I'm sure. Take your time."

Crisp leaned back. His clothes pulled and tugged on him, reminding him that he was still in a very tight, very exposing set of clothes, but he put that out of his mind as he pulled his new bank card from his pocket. The symbol of the 12 Powers looked back at him, and he slowly turned it around to point at it.

" a school. Do you teach these?"

"I do."

"Can you...teach me some of this? Quickly?"

"Heh. Magic in Docetri doesn't come that fast. It's kind of learned slowly as children, and then specialized in during the late teen years. Most people take at least two years of very focused study to get anywhere, and then I take charge of them when they come here and help refine that further."

Crisp's heart fell. So much for getting some basics down that would let him get around without worrying for his freedom.

"But...that doesn't mean that there aren't little things you can learn. Even if you can't cast magic, you can learn how to recognize what others are going to do before they do it, and that might give you a little more safety."

"How'd you know -"

"I've seen other people get got. The first thing that all of them think about is how to keep it from ever happening again. If you can hold onto that, that's good; if you ever start blaming yourself, don't."

Crisp nodded, taking a slow breath as he realized just how much relief that brought him. He had hoped that he'd be able to get something from this headmaster, but he hadn't thought that it would actually happen. It wasn't much, little more than being taught how to read a room from the sounds of it, but it was more than he'd known how to do before. Anything to have a better fighting chance was worth it for him.

"Now, there's still the point of figuring out where you're going to live, and how you're going to pay for those lessons."

The wusky groaned, slumping back in his chair.

"Don't be like that. There's a pretty easy solution. Have you ever heard of an SSG?"


"It's short for a 'Sexual Service Grant.' Some of the students take that; they get their tuition paid for, but they basically serve as sex-toys for the staff and the top students. Limitations, of course, since they still need to complete their studies, but still more or less free-use. And I still have one of those grants available for this year...and some space in my apartment."

Crisp blinked slowly, staring at the dragon. Draconicon shrugged.

"If you want to pay money, we can do that, too, but that'll still cost you for the rather long time that you're staying here. And I'm not going to demand much from you; the contract for SSG stuff is very adjustable. For someone like you, we'd start with you basically working with...I'd say a foot fetish focus for a while, and then seeing if you want to earn more privileges by doing more after that."

"Foot - why foot fetish stuff? Why am I even considering this?"

"Because you need something, Crisp. And you don't have a lot to offer. I'm giving you the chance to get some of what you want. So...what'll it be?"

As the dragon leaned back in his chair, Crisp stared down at his own lap. He could only imagine what being under that sort of contract would do to him, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little...curious. If it was like that, with someone else in charge, and doing it to get what he wanted...was that as bad? It felt like he had at least a little control, and it was a contract rather than out and out slavery. He could negotiate, at the very least, which was infinitely better than what the maned wolf would have done to him.

No immediate transparency occurred, which was...better. He wasn't just losing himself to the odd enchantment of his clothing, which seemed determined to convince him to act slutty. Maybe...maybe this could work.

"Let's, uh...let's negotiate that contract..."

The End

Summary: Crisp visits a different place, and ends up getting quite the interesting curse on his clothes.

Tags: M/solo, M/M, Embarrassment, Invisible Clothes, Magic, Transparency, Docetri, Dragon, Wusky, Boner, Exposed, Exhibitionism, Corruption, Magic City, Calico,