Proud Like A Lion...King (M/M, M/F Lion King Self-Insert)

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#2 of Fanfic

Originally posted 11 November, 2016 on FurAffinity

"If you know me, it's no secret that I might have a slight obsession with Lion King. Well, I figured it would be interesting to have a story in which the Kingdom Hearts universe combines with the real world, leading to me being stranded on the Pride Lands for some literally unknown reason. I know I'm selling this story SO well right now.

Basically I've wanted to do a personal Lion King based adult story for a long time, and this was the result. I spent a decent amount of time writing it, and I think it achieved what I was hoping for. Enjoy reading about my dirty fantasies with a completely innocent children's movie." - Text description from original post in 2016


"So you've seriously never been to the Pride Lands??"

The two feral lions casually padded down the savannah, side by side as they had a calm conversation. One of them seemed somewhat familiar, his deep, olive colored fur and spikey hair seeming bright with youthful energy and light with every step he took. He smiled innocently as he continued walking next to the somewhat larger lion with somewhat less natural coloration. His silver fur was strangely contrasted by his white mane and markings, a lone stripe running from his tail all the way to the tip of his nose with matching socks from his knees to his paws. The older lion seemed a bit uncomfortable in the way he walked, having to watch his paws with every step he took. "Of course not. Before today, I didn't know you even existed, Sora. I'd heard stories, but you know how it gets in other parts of the universe. We hear about legends and myths and all that, but we don't actually know if they're real."

Sora, the chosen Keyblade wielder, gave the lion a confused look. His tail flicked as his pace slowed, almost trying to grasp at being told he didn't exist. "Wait...seriously? People on Earth don't know everything I went through was real?"

"Nope." The other lion shook his head, chuckling softly as he kept walking forward. "For what it's worth, the only way we know about itthe Pride Lands is from a movie...and kind of a game or two. You can't exactly blame all of us for not believing a cartoon depiction of your life that we only learned about through the cartoon."

"...Huh." Sora was a bit beyond words, shaking his head with a soft laugh as he continued walking alongside the other male. "I guess that's fair. But hey, I have to go check in on the others. You sure you don't want me to lead you the whole way, Kae?"

"Nah, I'll be fine." The new lion smiled, flicking his tail as he nosed in another direction. "I appreciate you guiding me this far, Sora. Being a lion's weird, but I think I have the hang of it now."

"Alright then. I'll see you later!" The hero smiled before he bounded off a bit faster than Kaevon would've expected, making him laugh softly as he kept heading toward Pride Rock. He was still in shock, lying in his bed the night before and waking up a lion in the Pride Lands in the morning. It took him most of the afternoon to adjust to the new body and location, but he was finally comfortable walking around on four paws. His head rose to look out across the Pride Lands, uncertain of what he would do when he got there but excited to see his favorite movie come to life. He figured it would take another hour or so to get there, but he was enjoying the extra time alone. He took a deep breath through his nose, appreciating all the new scents and feelings of his new lion's body. It really was an amazing experience, one that Kaevon had dreamed of for years! But there was one lingering thought that he couldn't shake in the back of his mind...

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted as one of his ears flicked. His attention caught, turning his head instinctively to the side as he could feel the fur rising on the nape of his neck. He might not have been a real lion, but he sure was feeling like one in that moment. He looked through the tall grasses, trying to pinpoint where that sound came from. It was nothing more than a snapping twig, but if he knew anything about studying animals...he figured walking faster would be a good idea. Another twig snapped, and his legs moved quicker along the ground as he was quickly surrounded by the tall grass. Another scent caught his nose, certain he wasn't alone as his legs took off in a light run. He was working his way along that path as quickly as his paws would take him, needing to get away from the cover. He panted hard, running awkwardly on his new legs while looking every way he could out of pure fear. He stopped looking at the path before him as a large branch appeared in front of him, his paws catching as he let out a yelp before tumbling along the ground. He rolled a few paces forward, head over paws as he had to shut his eyes from all the dust he kicked up. With one final thump, he landed on his back with a gasp, panting hard as a shadow fell over his body.

"You're not from around here, are you?"

The voice came from above him, Kaevon opening his eyes as he felt the color fade from his face. All he could see was a lion staring back at him, piercing teal eyes connecting with his own as the dark fur took over his view. Kaevon's muzzle was hanging open, looking for the right words to say as he let out a muffled squeak. The lion above him didn't move a muscle, his strong paws at either side of his mane as he could feel the dirt near his head compressing. This lion was powerful...and Kaevon was counting down the seconds until he would feel those claws silencing his short life forever. He thought of all the ways he could've enjoyed his time as a lion, and as his life was flashing before his eyes, he waited for the moment that would surely be his last. Oddly enough as he was waiting for that mystery lion to take action, he quickly came to the realization that...nothing was happening. He looked up at the lion once more, noticing the male was just staring at him with a brow raised in confusion. " ok?"

"...uh..." Kaevon stammered, realizing the lions in this universe were noticeably friendly than he was used to. The color rose to his cheeks again, scratching a paw along his head as he gave an embarrassed laugh. "Y...yeah, I'm, uh...I'm fine. Sorry, I'm not exactly used to...well...uhhhh..." He searched for the right words, uncertain if anyone other than Simba knew about humans shifting into lion's in the Pride Lands. Kaevon mumbled around a few more times as he thought through what he might say, surely looking like a mess to the larger male lion above him. The lion meanwhile shook his head with a gentle smile, stepping away from Kaevon as he took a seat in the grass.

"You're like Sora, aren't you?" He said bluntly, his dark tail flicking as his body language seemed noticeably relaxed. Kaevon stared for a moment before returning that smile, nodding once as he rolled over onto his side.

"Yeah...I'm not actually a lion outside of the Pride Lands. I've always wanted to visit this place and finally got the chance, so Sora showed me the way and had to run. You're...wait a minute-" Realization spread across Kaevon's face as he suddenly recognized that dark brown fur, that dark mane, and that face. "Kovu! Yeah, you're Kovu!!" He said with a laugh, lying on all fours as his tail started to flick excitedly. "Oh wow, I'm such a huge fan of yours! You're seriously my favorite chara-er...lion here!! Wow, this sure is unbelievable..." He babbled for a little bit, making Kovu smirk a bit as he walked a bit further into the tall grass.

"Heh, you're too kind, kid. But you should be careful with talk like that - might give me an ego!" He joked, Kaevon quickly standing up and walking into the grass after him. He was clearly excited, somewhat in disbelief that he was actually holding a conversation with Kovu from the Lion King. His tail flicked wildly behind him, following behind one of his favorite lions as he was enjoying the soft feeling of the grass beneath his paws. Kovu took a few more paces forward until there was a light clearing in the grass, turning around to smile at the new male. "You seem a bit different than Sora, though. He was mostly about adventure and had a purpose when he came here. Not saying you don't, but usually people around your age have more sense than to travel to a world of all lions."

"'ve kind of got me there." He sat down on the edge of the clearing, brushing at some blades of grass in his white mane. "Admittedly I didn't mean to come here. Something happened yesterday and I woke up in the Pride Lands...and a lion. Not that I'm complaining since...well, I've always loved your world and everyone in it. It's like a dream being here, and I can't imagine any way I could make it better..." His smile grew a bit softer, looking down as he twiddled his digits against the ground. With another deep breath, he still couldn't believe everything that was happening.

"Really?" Kovu's voice broke his concentration, Kaevon looking up confused at the male. He cocked his head, flicking his tail idly.

"Really what?"

"You can't think of ANY way to make this better? I mean, Sora was just a kid when he got here and his mind was focused entirely saving us from Heartless. You're definitely less distracted, a lot older, more mature, and more attractive."

Those last words took him by surprise. Kaevon's head lifted as he looked almost confused at the famous lion. "Erm...attractive? Kovu, I, uh...Kiara?" The lion just gave a simple chuckle, standing up as he moved closer to the new male.

"Look...oh, I never did ask your name, did I?"


"Alright, Kaevon. One thing that's different from your world compared to ours is a pride supports itself however it needs to. Kiara's my mate, yes, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the pleasures of life outside of our relationship. Same with Nala and Simba, same with any two lions you'll meet here. Besides, saying you're attractive doesn't mean I want to mount you, right?"

The conversation certainly brought a red tint to the new male's face, looking away with his eyes somewhat wide. His tail wagged, kneading a bit awkwardly at the ground as he cleared his throat with a bit of an extended silence. "...I...didn't, ah...I-I'm not exactly...I mean, I kind of am, but..."

"Kaevon." Kovu cut in once again, suddenly standing in front of the other lion. He wore a neutral expression, interrupted only by a smile as Kaevon's head moved slightly away. "We're in the wild now. There's no taboo, ok? I said you looked attractive, and it pretty clearly triggered some sort of reaction in you. So just come out and say what's on your mind!" His words hung on the air for a few moments as Kaevon thought on them, the blush still noticeably clear on his face as he stayed quiet a moment. He looked down in thought, doing everything he could to avoid Kovu's gaze with a couple flicks of his tail.

When finally he spoke, he raised his eyes to the male in front of him.

"...It's...hard to put everything from my society to the side." He started, playing with his front paws as he shook his mane out of his eyes. "I...yeah. I've a few times." He dragged out his words, clearly hesitating to get all of them out. And yet, somehow he managed. "I mean, I'm definitely more into women but I'm completely flexible, especially with someone really attractive in looks and personality and-" He let out a sudden yelp as his he felt a push against his body, falling over backwards onto his rear and crushing some of the grass under him. His front paws folded in front of his body, white underfur suddenly showing in the sunlight with Kovu standing over him. He just smiled, shifting his head a bit as he stepped a bit more over Kaevon.

"You think too much." He said with a soft laugh, his body stepping over the silver lion's as he swallowed visibly nervous. "I'll lay it out pretty clearly for you - You seem like a really nice guy, and your weird coloring and body will drive anyone in our pride crazy. Kiara's out, but Nala's around and I can give you two time to get a bit more intimate if you like, because she'll be just as happy to fool around with you as I am right now." He stepped over the male a bit more, his head hovering just in front of Kaevon's with that same gentle smile as if none of this was out of the ordinary. "You're definitely more mature than Sora...because one thing about when he came here was many people were very attracted to him...but he was too young. You aren't. You're the right age, size, structure, and personality. So if you can give into your instincts a bit and be straightforward with me, we can make your visit here one you and your body will never forget. Does that sound good to you?"

He paused with the lion over him, already feeling a foreign stirring in his body somewhat unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He could guess it was his own arousal, but looking down between his legs and seeing a sheath starting to bulge wasn't something he recognized. With a bit of a smile and a softer blush, he nodded and twiddled his front paws together. "I'll be honest with you - the first thing I always told myself I'd do if I was ever turned into another animal was...a-ahh...fool around with myself, but Sora made that a bit awkward to even think about. So...y-yeah, that sounds...that sounds good. Would Nala really...I-I mean I've DEFINITELY thought about that before, but-"

"She would." Kovu said quickly, nodding as he lifted one of his hind paws and slowly rubbed it along Kaevon's tail. He let out a low purr, surprising himself at the noise as another twitch came from deep within his sheath. "But first, let's make some of those fantasies real. Since you're more into females, anything off limits? Don't want to overwhelm you for your first climax as a lion." His straightforward words shocked Kaevon a bit, but the sinking into his shoulders was lessening with each rub of that paw along his tail.

" anal. Sorry if tha-"

"Don't apologize for what you like. Lions are proud, and you're a lion now." He gave one more stroke along that silver tail before lifting his hindpaw, bringing it closer to his body before his toes pushed his sac gently to the side. His testicles sagged on either side of a digit, making Kaevon take in a sharp breath before a shiver washed over his body. His sheath twitched again, the paw making its way up until it pressed down against that furred casing and gave it a quick rub. Kaevon's claws pushed out of his paws, back arching up slightly as the sensations were unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. He could feel the warmth building quickly, an unfamiliar pressure rising as the blood quickly coursed through his body. He gritted his fangs, wriggling under Kovu as the male on top let out a soft laugh. "Wow you're sensitive. Is it really that different than a human penis?"

"Hey, n...n-no teasing me, alright? That was never part of my fantasies..."

"Alright, alright, I'll take it easy. On the talking at least." He laughed, smirking as he pressed in again and made Kaevon gasp suddenly. His hind leg kicked out, head pressing back against the ground as more grass pressed into his mane. He could feel the cold breeze hitting a particular spot between his legs, panting gently as he couldn't stop his body from purring. Kovu's face was just in front of his, smirking as he let his hind paw gently stroke off his sheath before he felt it hitting something more sensitive. He gasped again, looking down between his shivering legs at the pink tip of his lion's shaft that had just barely started to push out of his body. He couldn't stop staring at it, observing his new anatomy with growing interest. His breathing was getting heavier, feeling the warmth building in him as he watched that paw stroke him off achingly slowly. Suddenly, Kovu's face lowered to take over his field of vision once more, that smirk accompanied by a raised brow and an almost mischievous grin on his muzzle. "What, something interesting down there? Wonder if I should get a closer look..."

His body shifted, hind paw removing itself from Kaevon's sheath as Kovu's head lowered more and more. His paws inched their way along the ground, trailing along Kaevon's white chest before it hovered just above his sheath. His hot breath washed over his crotch, the warm air making his cock press out slightly more before the new lion let out a roar of sudden shock and pleasure. Kovu's muzzle had quickly wrapped around the tip of that sheath, tilting down a bit to suck on his growing length as bit by bit it grew larger. Kaevon was panting hard, his hips bucking as his tail flicked wildly behind him, the rough tongue of the male lion sucking down on him, sending shiver after shiver up his spine. Kovu's head bobbed back and forth slowly, tilting and twisting every so often as that sheath kept pushing back further against his body. The sensations were unlike anything Kaevon had ever felt in his life, arching his back more before his front paws moved down to stroke his claws through Kovu's thick, soft mane.

"O-ohhhhhh, is amazing..." He said in a breathy moan, pressing his head back further before letting out a soft growl of pleasure. Kovu looked up at the male with a smirk, pulling off of that shaft before he wrapped a paw around that sensitive cock. He gave a single long stroke to the lion's shaft, making him growl in a low, gruff tone followed by heavy pants. His legs kicked out over and over again, the soft pads on Kovu's paws brushing achingly slow along the base of his shaft.

"You think that feels good...I haven't even touched your barbs yet." Kovu cooed, leaning in closer to nuzzle along his belly. Kaevon looked down at the lion, a disheveled mess as he tilted his head in confusion.

"B-barbs?" He panted out, watching Kovu wink before he flicked one of his claws against Kaevon's cock. The sensation that ran through his body was like a jolt of pleasure filling every cell he had, his roar echoing out across the land as a heavy burst of precum shot onto Kovu's mane. The lion gritted his teeth, feeling every aching throb between his legs as that paw started to slide back and forth, faster and faster as his new barbs were swollen and incredibly sensitive to the touch. His breathing picked up, Kovu's paw working him over expertly while Kaevon rolled along on the ground in pure bliss. He hardly noticed when the lion on top of him leaned down again to wrap his muzzle once more around that shaft, his rough tongue flicking along each barb as he pushed it down into his muzzle. Every second was like torturous pleasure, feeling shivers through every inch of his being as Kovu's muzzle pushed him closer and closer to that edge. He gasped for breath, his body feeling heavy as a familiar pressure forced its way through his lower stomach with his paws pushing back at the earth. He could hardly think straight, eyes rolling up as he bucked his hips faster and faster and faster, feeling that tongue rolling along his shaft and brushing against his barbs until with one final roar and thrust, it hit.

His eyes shut tight, muscles clenching all through his body as he reached his climax. His shaft erupted with his seed shooting into Kovu's muzzle from his twitching cock, hips thrusting wildly like a beast in heat. He could hardly keep a straight thought, letting his body react while he was reduced to a moaning twitching mess on the ground. He flicked his tail as his hind legs kicked out, hardly able to move in the waves of pleasure washing over his body while Kovu drank down every drop of his seed. It lasted only a few moments, but as the lion pulled off of Kaevon's crotch, the newly found male felt as if they were at it for hours. He panted hard, mane tousled and body limp as Kovu wiped a paw across his own face with a chuckle.

"There's that lion stamina." He teased, padding over to Kaevon's side before sitting on his haunches above him. Kaevon was still struggling to catch his breath, eyes slightly dazed as he looked up at the sky. Kovu looked down at him with a raised brow, waving a paw back and forth in front of his eyes before letting out a soft laugh. "Too much too fast?" He joked, flicking his tail as he decided to let the new lion have a few minutes to recuperate. He sat there quietly, the only sound interrupting their quiet rest was Kaevon's breaths, becoming quieter as the moments passed. Finally, with a long sigh, the new lion slowly rolled onto all fours and shook the dust from his fur.

"...That...that was better than anything I've ever felt before." He said quietly, almost distant while Kovu cocked his head in confusion.


"But nothing. I...thanks for that I guess." He let out an awkward laugh, slowly getting up to sit on his haunches next to Kovu before rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. His body seemed a bit more relaxed than before...a bit looser now that he'd fully explored his new leonine body. "Er, that's weird...thanking someone for a hand...paw...muzzle job. I guess I'm a bit uptight back home. Maybe even a bit afraid of feeling shame?" This last comment made Kovu look at Kaevon in a strange way, not fully understanding what he was saying.

"But why would you feel shame about having sex? Hell, what we did wasn't even real sex, it was more I got you off because I wanted to. There's no reason to feel shame about that one. Or anything." He pressed his nose against Kaevon's shoulder, pulling back before giving him a smile. "But I'm still just a kid when it comes to that 'lion's wisdom.' But I know someone who might be able to talk more sense into you."

"Er...alright then. Who?"

Kovu stood on all fours, giving Kaevon a soft smirk before turning toward Pride Rock. "Do you even have to ask? I'm sure she'd LOVE to...get to know you."


The sun was setting as the two lions walked up the path of Pride Rock, their claws echoing as they passed by a few lionesses. Kovu was giving plenty of nods in greeting while the other lion looked noticeably less comfortable. If lions could sweat, he would be drenched from all the hungry looks he was getting and purrs as they passed. When they finally passed the last of the lionesses, Kaevon cleared his throat awkwardly before moving a bit closer to Kovu. "Do...they always do that?"

"When they want you to mount them all night? Usually." The darker lion let out a soft chuckle, flicking his tail up before looking back at all the curious lionesses. "Can't blame them, really. Me and Simba are the only males around here, and though Simba's the one that has the right to please the lionesses, he's far too busy. And me and Kiara are trying to have a litter, so all my attention is going to her." The two of them rounded a corner, the ever-famous outcrop of Pride Rock looming just before them. Kaevon's eyes went wide as he let out a soft gasp, slowing his pace as he had to take a moment. His childhood had been so focused on this world...seeing it from the outside and dreaming of what it might be like to even spend an hour and a half there. He'd fantasized what life might be like...and gradually, his fantasies took on different shapes as his years got on. But there was no denying that now he stood on the sight of his childhood dreams.

As Kovu continued on to the top of Pride Rock, his ears perked as the sound of paws beside him faded out. He looked back at him with a tilt of his head, turning around to approach the outsider slowly. "Are you ok, Kaevon?" His voice was soft with just a hint of concern, standing off to the side of the new lion before his gaze followed Kaevon's own. Kaevon meanwhile was awestruck, watching as the sunlight painted Pride Rock in a whole new light. Feeling the cool rock beneath his pawpads...smelling the fresh air in his nose...the wind breezing through his mane...there was something still so surreal about it all. And now he was off to visit the queen to literally get a life sex. He sat down in the middle of the path, looking down at his paws almost in disbelief.

"I just...still can't believe I'm here..." His voice was hushed, the full magnitude of the situation hitting him as he walked along the path to Pride Rock. "It's like being in some sort of dream and being afraid of when you'll wake up. I'm terrified that once I turn the corner to go into the cave, suddenly I'll jolt awake in my bed and find out it was all fake." His paws were shaking, still looking down at the ground before Kovu's eyes suddenly met with his.

"You're not dreaming, Kaevon. I know hearing that doesn't suddenly solidify everything, but you felt a little bit of pain when my tongue was on your sheath for the first time, right?" Kaevon could feel the blush under his fur as his ears perked up high, turning his eyes away from Kovu. When he realized there really was no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed of any of it, the awkwardness turned to a light smile as he flicked his tail. The silver lion gave a soft nod, making Kovu smile as he nudged the male's side. "So that means you can't be dreaming. Nala will tell you the same, too. How would you like me to go ahead and talk to her so you can have some time to collect your thoughts?" Kaevon thought on it for a minute before giving a quick nod. Kovu smiled in return before disappearing from the lion's view, only the sound of his pawpads remaining before those, too, were gone.

In collecting his thoughts, there certainly was a lot for the new lion to think about. His gaze looked over all of Pride Rock, taking in the savannah in all of its natural beauty while his tail flicked pensively behind him. Just twenty-four hours ago, everything was normal and made perfect sense. All it took was waking up in the middle of the night for his entire world to be turned upside down. the short time he'd spent in the Pride Lands, he was already learning so much about himself that he didn't think it was all that bad. Talking to Sora helped him realize there was a lot in the world he almost refused to experience. Being intimate with Kovu taught him there was no reason to feel shame. Just walking around in the body of a lion made him appreciate some of the little things about his personality. All of those thoughts actually brought a smile to his muzzle as Kaevon sat at the edge of the stone formation. This moment was the first chance he had to really appreciate the beauty of the Pride Lands.

And what a beauty it was.

Miles upon miles of untouched wild savannah stretched before him. All throughout the land were wild animals galloping and soaring and hunting and mating and their lives as nature ordained. There were no larger governing bodies to sway their actions. There were no external influences outside of their own thoughts and instincts guiding them toward survival. The very thought of spending time worrying on the reaction of another was foreign to the point where it didn't exist. The mindset was...refreshing. With his tail flicking lazily behind him, Kaevon knew he couldn't stay in this world forever...or even for an extended period of time. Still, the breath of fresh air was welcome. Whenever and however he would return to his own world, he would make sure to take the lessons Kovu taught him to heart. There really was no need to feel that shame. Why worry about what you enjoy and love when there is literally no harm that comes from it? Why spend so much time feeling ashamed of who you are to the point where it changes who you are at your core? What point was there in thinking that-

"I've lost count of how many times this has happened." The voice was soft...relaxing, even. It made Kaevon's ears flick gently as he turned around to see the lioness standing just behind him. His breath caught in his throat. The sunlight seemed to frame her lithe body in a blanket of radiant warmth, those deep, azurine eyes shining as they met his gaze. Her smile filled him with warmth, giving off a gentleness that caught him entirely off guard...especially coming from a lioness. She must have noticed his muzzle going agape considering her soft chuckle, her paws inching closer before she sat beside him and looked out upon her kingdom. For a brief moment, she said nothing. Her smile framed against that radiant sunlight painted her into the image of a perfect queen, tall and proud with a gaze of calm wisdom. Kaevon couldn't help but stare, his tail flicking back and forth before he hardly realized it brushed up against hers. He let out a sheepish breath he didn't realize he was holding, looking back to his tail before he made to respond. But...she just shook her head gently.

"Sometimes I forget how beautiful the Pride Lands really are. It's always there waiting for me every morning, but some days I forget to really appreciate its wonder. It's strange what sort of things we take for granted in life and nature." She spoke in such a matter-of-fact tone. The male lion found it hard not to stare before something compelled him to look out upon the horizon with her. His thoughts were swimming in the vast glory of the undisturbed beauty...narrated by Nala's quiet soliloquy. "But I suppose that's all part of life - to forget about what we enjoy if only briefly. We're all creatures of habit, and sometimes we become so averse to what's natural or enjoyable that we just can't accept it anymore. My mother once told me it can build from generation to generation. My great grandmother hated when other lions walked through the waterhole right next to where she drank. The strange thing is, I hate it, too, but when I thought about it...I had no reason to hate it other than hearing my mother and grandmother and great grandmother talk about how much they hated it."

She seemed to be going off on a that confused Kaevon to say the least. He inched a bit closer, his tail flicking back and forth along her tail subconsciously. "Um...Nala?" She turned to him with an unassuming smile, head tilted as she let out a soft hum.

"So I'm wondering how many generations back your kind hated sex."

Her response made the new lion cough suddenly, choking out a bit of air as he felt himself move back an inch or two. He let the question hang on the air, clearly still not adjusted to how open lion culture was. And yet, Nala just stared with that same regal an unassuming smile, eventually causing Kaevon's posture to soften as he let out an awkward laugh. "I, uh...I suppose since we...had a concept of society." He answered in what he hoped was an equally calm tone, his tail flicking back along her tail without his control. His fangs tenderly chewed along his muzzle, struggling to quiet his thoughts and speak openly about having sex. "Humans...we're, uh...we're strange." Dust kicked up as he shuffled his paws aimlessly along the rock, finding them suddenly very interesting with his gaze cast downward.

"We don't talk about sex when it's...personal. So say you and Simba were monoga-er...only mated with each other."

"Kaevon, I know the word monogamous. You're talking to a queen, here."

"Er...right, sorry. Well, we're a primarily monogamous species, but for some reason we only really accept talk or discussion of sex and its...more intimate parts with those we trust and consider intimate. Some people don't even talk about sex with family members to teach them about life, but rather let teachers give...usually not that great of information that's missing a lot of important details. But at the same time, some people do talk about sex pretty openly, but not in a...respectful way? It's not a way of giving mutual pleasure or having fun, but more like...a trophy. And I guess because I'm not the sort of person who did that, I just associated shame with being open about sex and talking about what I enjoy and find pleasure in. I know it's not the right way to go about sex or life,'s a habit that's really difficult to break, you know?"

The last words brought silence to the conversation, Nala's gaze having stayed on Kaevon the entire time. She simply smiled and gave a quick nod, making him feel just a touch uncomfortable having shared something more personal with a complete stranger who happened to be a cartoon character he'd fantasized about in his home world. So y'know...perfectly normal situation. But suddenly her body started to circle around his own, tail flicking along his neck and down his sides as she passed. The smooth sensation of her fur against his own brought a long purr from the back of his throat, closing his eyes for just a brief moment. He was lost in some of his old fantasies, thinking back to all the times he'd pictured himself in this exact same position...only now it was real.

"Shame doesn't exist here, Kaevon. And I can tell that Kovu wasn't lying when he said you'd love to play around some.'re going to mount me, you're doing it like a real lion. No overthinking things, no worrying about being ashamed, just wild, fun pleasure. Alright?" He caught her gaze as she rounded the front of his body again, nuzzling softly against the back of her neck as his white mane brushed against her fur. He managed a quick nod, tail still flicking against her leg as she passed by. "You probably don't realize it, but your tail definitely tells me everything I need to know. Your scent, too." She teased with a quick laugh, giving him a sudden lick along one of his haunches. He took in a sudden breath, leg twitching before she started pressing her weight against his body. "Come on. Get on your back, we need to get those instincts working."

"W-wait, right here? We're going to-"

"What did I say? We're doing this like lions, and lions have no shame. C'mon, Kaevon. Trust me, you'll love it, and if we ever do something you don't enjoy, all you have to do is say stop, alright?" Her tone and body language seemed a lot gentler than Kovu's, and the fact that he had an incredibly large crush on her made this decision...a whole lot easier. He hesitated for a moment, still feeling her weight against his body before he started leaning over onto his side. A soft groan with a nervous shift of his paws was all he gave as he rolled all the way to his back, front paws folded a bit at his chest. Those light blue eyes looked noticeably concerned, meeting Nala's before she gave him a soft smirk and chuckle. "You'll have to move those paws for what we're going to do." His response was a slight tilt of his head, moving his front paws to his sides.

"What we're going to do? I thought we were just-"

"Ah more thinking or overthinking. You're a lion. I know there's a human in there too, but we don't know how long you'll be here. So...when in Pride Rock..." The purring got even deeper, her voice softening slightly before the sun was blocked from Kaevon's view. Her body was framing his, standing over him while she stared directly down into his face. A wink was all she gave, a soft lick to the nose quickly followed as Nala started to turn her body around. The breeze from the swishing of her tail felt wonderful against his body...but the light brushing of her claws through the fur of his lower belly was even greater. Her hind leg kicked over his head, Kaevon's eyes widening suddenly as he was looking up at the area between her legs and under her tail. It was impossible to stifle a gasp at the sight, his ears flicking back as her vulva was in plain view. He could feel the stirring in his sheath, forgetting about Nala's face hovering just above his own crotch as he was enraptured by his proximity to her most intimate of parts.

And yet, he had very little time to think about it before her body started to lower toward his. It was almost teasing how she moved with such restrained grace, looking back at his face with a half smirk. She continued to lower her body until her belly rested on top of him, the cream fur mixing with his own while her tail flicked up and out of the way, giving Kaevon a full-on view he never would've expected in his wildest dreams. His nose twitched as she lowered her body closer and closer, licking up his muzzle as his mind was swimming from the sudden scents assaulting his senses. A full shiver ran through his body...but that was nothing compared to the wonderful feeling of her warm paws rubbing along the sides of his sheath. They lowered a bit more to tease at his sac before she started nuzzling all along his crotch, making his hind legs twitch and kick out while he gave a long, low purr. "You have a lion's musk...but you're missing that lion's spirit."

Her words were hardly out of her muzzle before she pressed her hindquarters down against his nose. The new lion let out a surprised yelp before his eyes rolled up in sudden bliss from the scents, his tongue flicking out to taste the sweet warmth between her legs. Purrs came from deep within his body without a second thought, her sweet taste making his fur stand on end as his sheath twitched to life. The queen purred all her own, her hips rolling just slightly into his muzzle. "That's a bit more like it. Quite the soft tongue you've got, to-" She didn't get to finish her sentence before Kaevon's paws suddenly wrapped around her hindquarters, eliciting a gasp from Nala as she was pulled down onto his muzzle. He held her there as his claws rolled through her fur, shutting his eyes as his nose took a deep whiff of her sweet, unbelievable scent. Nala arched her back with a sudden moan at the change in behavior, flicking her ears before turning back to him with a smirk. "Oh, someone's starting to feel it. Alright then, no more holding back."

But Kaevon hardly heard her. With his eyes still shut, everything focused on her warm, welcoming lips. His nose pressed right between them, taking sniff after sniff as he could feel it getting damp from her own arousal. Part of his body could sense her paws brushing through the fur along his sheath and even giving it a stroke or two, but he only could focus on nothing but warm, welcoming sex. Hot breaths panted against her wet fur, his paws quivering as he gently rubbed along her haunches. Then, with one slow breath against that incredible heat, he let his tongue brush against the edges of her entrance before ever so slowly rolling out of his muzzle and against her inner walls. Nala's back suddenly arched again, her muzzle opening against his sheath as she let out a long purring whimper of unexpected pleasure. That motion seemed to set her off, her paws pressing down against his sheath to roll that furred casing back and show off his still growing shaft. Her claws moved without hesitation, flicking against his barbs and rubbing in all the right places to make the male roll his body along the ground while the vibrations of his purrs echoed deep inside of Nala. It was clear both of them were getting worked up quickly, Kaevon's cock twitching out of his sheath more and more while the fur between Nala's legs grew damp with every rub of his nose against her body.

Every single touch was like heaven to the new lion. His mind was absolutely overwhelmed from her feral scent and that madness inducing taste dancing along his tongue. His hips kept bucking back and forth against her muzzle while her paws kept massaging his aching leonine shaft. His tongue rolled eagerly along the sides of her lips to urge even more of her pre along his muzzle, consistently slipping in to remind himself of her warm, welcoming taste. His breath came out in heaps against her body, and as he was basking in this wonderful experience, he suddenly let out a purring moan right into lips. Without any sort of warning or notice, Nala engulfed his shaft completely and pushed right down to his rolled back sheath. He could feel every single flick of those barbs along the sides of her muzzle, her teeth, and her tongue as she purred sent shockwaves of pleasure up his body. He could feel his eyes rolling up with his muzzle hanging wide open, tongue buried deep as it flicked and twitched over and over and over. His fur was standing on edge, cock twitching hard as pre dripped from his shaft and into her muzzle. His romp with Kovu was like nothing he'd ever experienced, but with was a whole new game. His legs pushed out against the ground, toes curling while his tail flicked wildly back and forth. The way she tilted her muzzle down his shaft. The sensations her purring sent from the tip of his cock down through his hips and all throughout his body. The warm pressure of her paws pushing his legs aside to give her head more space to roll along his crotch and sac and length...

But suddenly, he could feel the cold breeze blowing over the entirety of his his hips and body.

Kaevon raised his head in confusion as the pressure lifted off of his face. His tongue was still hanging out of his muzzle, her arousal dripping from his whiskers onto the fur of his neck. He could still feel his shaft aching in the air as Nala's body moved entirely off of his. The male's paws folded at his chest, eyes partially fogged over in pleasure as they looked straight up into the air. Her muzzle brushed up against his, Kaevon purring deep as he shut his eyes in response and brushed right back against her before pushing his lips up against hers. They both purred, Nala standing over his body as their tongues danced and played back and forth. He could taste his own pre on her lips, and her own taste was still strong on his tongue. Their muzzles pressed together hard as they shared that deep, passionate kiss before Nala pulled back with a deep pant. As Kaevon opened his eyes, he met Nala's own and could see the fire deep within. Her muzzle opened, voice coming out barely above a seductive whisper as every word made Kaevon shiver with a low purr.

"I want you to mount me. Now. Mount me and make me roar you irresistable lion."

Her words were like honey to his ears, hardly taking a second to think about what she said or how she said it before he was up on all fours. His shaft was already dripping with his pre, leaving a trail from his fur to his tip as the rest of his length glistened while he walked. His body rubbed against Nala's sun-warmed side, his silver fur practically shining as she purred and rubbed her head along every inch that passed. Both of them were panting in a heavy, wild heat, feeling their bodies pulsing and hearts beating together before Kaevon's muzzle was brushing up against the base of Nala's tail. One deep inhale put his senses into a frenzy, growling in almost pure animalistic lust before nudging that tail high up into the air. Nala flicked it up against her back, lowering her upper body as she braced herself instinctively for what was to come. Though human just a day prior, Kaevon hardly felt like himself at that time. Or perhaps that wasn't the right way to say it. Maybe for the first time, he felt comfortable enough in his skin to live in that moment. He knew what he wanted. He knew what Nala wanted. And he knew what they both needed.

With his body resting behind her own, Kaevon lifted himself up onto Nala's haunches as his hips started rocking back and forth in the air. Slowly but surely, his paws worked up along her body, pulling himself further up on top of her until his their hips met. His shaft pressed up against her warm leg, the fur tickling along his flesh as he let out an aching moan. His body shivered in response, paws wrapping underneath her belly as his claws dug firmly but gently into her fur. Nala let out a moaning growl in response, his soft pawpads rubbing up and down her chest and teasing along every teat he could find while grinding back and forth along her rear. His breath came out ragged against her neck, his tongue lolling out before he groomed her fur in a carnal need to have her body closer to his. He kept teasing and stroking and rubbing and humping, his hips slowly shifting as he tried to find his mark. His tip left a warm trail of pre where he dragged his shaft along her fur, the velvety sensation causing it to twitch and pulse to life as he searched for her lips. Then suddenly, with a sudden shift in her body and a bump along his shaft, he lined up with Nala's heated, waiting need...

...and he thrust in without waiting another second.

Both he and Nala arched their backs in unison, her lips thoroughly wet from his tongue and her own arousal as it took next to no effort to slide his entire cock deep inside of her. The sensation of being filled made Nala moan, but the heat and tightness of her body against his own made Kaevon roar out in a wild need. He kept his body still for only a moment, reveling in the new pleasures and sensations before the panting against her neck turned into lustful growls and nips. Her ears flicked a bit, turning her head to look back before her pants turned into a crying moan of aching pleasure. Kaevon started pulling back, his barbs pulsing and raking in all the right ways against her walls as she had to sink her claws into the ground, burying her muzzle against a paw to keep from roaring out like a newly mounted lioness. Her face flushed hard, his paws pressing and rubbing with every slow stroke of his barbs and shaft against her body before his tip teased once more against those aching lips. All she could hear was the soft whimper as her body shook, recovering from that sudden feeling but wanting more as her hindquarters pushed back to seek it again. And fortunately for her, he didn't keep her waiting.

Once Kaevon pulled out, he started pressing his shaft right back in, filling her once more before he started grinding his hips back to build up a rhythm. His thrusts were smooth, tail flicking as his body gyrated in time with his mating in a way that made Nala purr and moan in blissful need. Every time he pulled back, his barbs made her roll her body against his own with a renewed growl of wanton delight, pushing back as far as she could to keep those sensations going strong. Kaevon quickly found his rhythm and stuck with it, his hips starting to move quicker as he rolled his shaft up into her body, pulling out in a new way every time to ensure each barb treated her with the proper attention. They stayed like that for what felt like ages, his shaft pulsing in and out while pre spilt inside of her to make it smoother and more unbelievable with each passing thrust. Their bodies were meeting in a blissful union, hip to hip, paw to chest, muzzle to neck, feeling his heart beating against her back and deep inside her body while her breath came out in rushed pants in time with his own. They huffed and purred and moaned and twitched together, feeling that beautifully overwhelming pressure building higher and harder with every thrust. Kaevon had to grit his teeth, starting to roll his hips at a wild speed while Nala's body started to twitch and press back against him. The two were just at the edge of what they could bear, their bodies screaming for release as their scents mixed on the air, bringing each of them closer and closer to that edge where they needed only one final push to go over the top of their blissful and wild sex. He could feel his cock straining, she could feel her walls tightening. Closer...and closer...and closer with every thrust and twitch as his paws tightened. Her claws extended. Both of their breaths caught in the back of their throat before in unison, they threw their heads back and with one final, ear-splitting, carnal roar....

...they both let go.

A wave of heat rolled through Nala's body as she tightened around his shaft, the warm rush of her climax washing past his shaft as he twitched to life with a spasm of pure pleasure. That final twitch made his seed shoot hard out of his leonine shaft, wracking his body in his orgasm as the two climaxed as one. His thrusts grew wild, her body pulling him in as they gasped for breath between their roars. They lost track of time as their orgasms amplified each other's, Kaevon's seed filling her up as he humped and thrusted to feel more of that hot pressure against his shaft. They kept pushing and rubbing against one another in that lover's bond, showing no signs of stopping as he nuzzled against her, she pushed up into him, their hind legs brushed and bumped against each other while their fur collected their mixed climaxes underneath them. Seconds felt like hours, keeping that union until they could slowly feel the afterglow rolling over them. Kaevon's grip along her body loosened. His shaft giving its final twitches of cum before coming to a rest. Nala's paws relaxed while she let out a long, sated breath, her walls relaxing and letting go of his shaft. The two of them slowly lowered their bodies to the ground, panting heavily as they collected their thoughts and energy while basking in that lust-fueled intensity. It was minutes before they spoke, but eventually Nala managed to speak through her labored pants.

"W...well, I guess you really...really are a lion." She said with a quiet laugh, purring before closing her eyes happily. His white mane rippled down over her head, Kaevon shifting so he could nuzzle along her cheek and give her a few licks with an affectionate purr.

"I suppose so." His voice was raspy, almost cracking from that roar as his warm body enveloped her own. The two of them laid there for a while, wrapped up in each other's afterglows while they purred and rubbed along each other affectionately.

"You certainly belong in this pride." Nala said suddenly, her energy seeming to come back as she nipped at his whiskers. "With instincts like that and a mount that good...we're not letting any other pride get their paws on you."

"Oh? Will...will Simba be alright with us, uh..."

"Kaevon, you don't know Simba like I do. He'll be expecting a 'first-hand' demonstration of your skills." She said with a smirk, her body pushing back against his own to bring out a long purring moan from deep within his throat. He was suddenly starting to feel his own energy coming back, his shaft twitching back to life and that heat building up again so quickly. "Besides, you've heard about lions in heat, right?"

"I've...heard rumors, we'll say." He smirked, giving her ear his own nip as he rolled his hips, letting his shaft press further inside of her as it started to erect once more.

"Oh perfect." She purred, humming with a laugh as she pressed her head back against his neck. "Because it's true what they say about how long it takes to recover. So, I hope you're ready for round two..."

"And what about round three?" He teased, pulling out of her body so he could grind up against her lips once again. She replied with a snicker, looking back at him with that same lustful energy she had before.

"Let's just say it better be as good as round eight. Now come on, you needy lion. We're nowhere near done."

And with another wide smirk, Kaevon could tell he was going to love staying in the Pride Lands.

Head in the Water, Feet on the Ground (Otter TF)

"Marigolds! Corn and victuals for the selling!" Eli's voice echoed throughout the marketplace, attracting customers from every corner of the village. The clank of gold passing from hand to hand was the source of...

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Divine Bonds (Wolf Link x Amaterasu)

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that guy's actually a human??" The small flea-like creature spoke in disbelief as he bounced on the back of a pure-white wolf, crimson markings all along her body in an...

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