sCream Until You're Horse

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We're back with a second CTF story and a continuation of Dr. Koenig's experiments. This time it's equine, with an unfortunate (or very fortunate?) event that brings our two protagonists closer than they could have ever anticipated. I hope you enjoy this longer slow burn narrative. Any feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated! (Seriously, I'm still new to this and don't know what works, what doesn't, or what you want to see for the next story). Happy reading! :)

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Travis glanced nervously at every door they passed. The hallway turned sharply at odd intervals, stretching seemingly endlessly.

Justin chuckled. "I'm positive. After all, I do work here."

"Right. It's just, how deep does this building go?"

"Hey, we're getting our steps in. And what do you know, we're here." Around a final corner, a pair of steel double doors stood in their way. Justin flashed his keycard at the wall sensor, and after a moment's pause the light switched from red to green. The doors swung inward soundlessly. "Pretty neat, huh? I think it's a little excessive, but I guess the higher-ups are convinced we're working on some crazy shit in here."

Justin led Travis down a final hallway, which opened up to a windowless reception room. The fluorescent bulbs gave the room an oppressive, clinical feel. Past the rows of vinyl chairs and behind a pane of glass, there sat a receptionist, who looked up to see the two men approach.

"Hey Laura, can you tell Dr. Koenig I've arrived?" Justin asked, flashing a smile. Stone faced, she instructed them to take a seat, then dialed the doctor up.

"She says she'll be down in a couple minutes." Laura began typing away behind her desk.

Now that they were actually there, Travis's nerves finally kicked in, and his leg started tapping of its own accord. Justin assured his friend that everything would be fine.

"But what exactly are they going to do?"

Justin had already answered this question half a dozen times. "You're signed up for a standard overnight medical trial for a new-and completely safe-hormone supplement that encourages muscle growth, and I think there's an added confidence booster as well. It's just one injection, then we'll monitor your vitals for any changes over the next three days, and if all goes to plan, you'll be walking out of here with twenty-five grand. I promise it won't be so bad."

Travis was uncertain. "'If all goes to plan'??"

At that, Justin laughed. "I'm just messin'. Of course it'll all go to plan. We've done dozens of trials for this same drug, and none of them that I know of have gone wrong.."

"Alright, I guess that makes me feel a bit better. Still, it's weird to think I'm going to be staying here overnight."

"Hey, it's going to be great. You saw that door back there; this facility is totally pimped out. It'll be like staying at a resort. The food isn't amazing, but it's better than hospital food. Just think of it like you're getting paid eight grand a day just to relax while I do all the work. Well, Dr. Koenig really does all the work, I'm just a lowly lab technician."

And as if on cue, Dr. Koenig made her appearance. Tall and high-cheekboned, she was at once an imposing figure. Her auburn hair was tied in a neat bun, and everything from her pristine lab coat to her heels betrayed an unwavering eye for detail. Entering, she looked up from the tablet in her hands and offered the gentlemen a courteous smile.

"Please, come right this way." She beckoned them through a side room and down another hallway. As they passed yet more doors, she filled Travis in on the basic procedure, all the while asking him questions typical for a standard check-up.

At last, they reached a final set of doors. She signaled for Travis to enter, then turned back to Justin once he was out of earshot. "You've done well finding this one. Any loose ends to tie up?"

Justin shook his head. "Nothing I know of."

"Good. Not that I doubted you. If you continue to distinguish yourself like this, I see bright things coming your way."

Justin felt a soft rush as he followed her inside, where Travis stood waiting for them.

"Well, Travis, what do you think? This is where you'll be staying for the next few days," Justin said. Travis looked around. "There's no kitchen, obviously, since all your meals will be brought to the room." From the entrance, the space opened up to a large living room, furnished sparingly but comfortably. There was even a television equipped with a couple new video game consoles, and a shelf stocked with a selection of novels and magazines. There were also some kettlebells of different sizes along the wall. There wasn't a separate bedroom, but on the other side of the room, he found a queen sized bed already made. It was by all means nicer than the apartment he shared with Justin, but little hints that he was still in a research facility seemed to make themselves apparent. For one thing, there were no windows, nor were there any rugs covering the cold tile floor. But most apparently was the large one-sided mirror set in the wall.

Dr. Koenig noticed him eyeing the mirror and exclaimed, "Oh! Don't worry about that. Just a moment." She pressed her key card to the handle of the door next to the mirror, and once inside, she pressed a button. Suddenly, the glass became transparent, and Travis peered inside.

"Well, part of the gig is to monitor you for any changes," Justin said. "It's not like we're writing down every time you pick your nose or scratch your ass." He pointed to a camera in the ceiling. "Besides, mirror or no, that's recording too."

Dr. Koenig returned. "Are you ready for your injection?"

Travis nodded. She beckoned him to the sofa in front of the TV, then rolled up his sleeve. Justin left the room briefly, returning with a tray in his hands. Travis eyed it nervously, his gaze passing over the needle, antiseptic, band-aids, and swabs.

"You're a big boy, right?" Dr. Koenig quipped, in an attempt to lighten the mood. Justin prepared the needle, then found the vein and disinfected the skin. The pinprick was short and relatively painless, over before Travis even felt it go in.

"Alright buddy, sit tight and make yourself comfortable. We'll bring your dinner in a couple of hours."

"That's it?" Travis asked as Justin stuck a band-aid to his arm.

"Yup. After dinner, we'll take your vitals and check back in on you. Feel free to play some games or watch TV. Oh yeah, the bathroom's just through that side door."

Travis settled in. "Wish you could stay and keep me company."

Justin smiled sadly. "Sorry man, I've got a lot of work to do. Maybe after your check-in tonight? Except I bet Dr. Koenig will probably send me off after tonight. And then I might not see you again until after the trial." With that, he followed Dr. Koenig into the observation room. Travis watched them for a couple minutes, and then suddenly the glass turned opaque, and all he could see was his own reflection.

"So, how did you meet this one?" Dr. Koenig asked, inputting data into the tablet.

"Same as usual. I put in another ad for a roommate, and he was the most promising subject I interviewed. No family to speak of, no social life, and he just moved here from out of state."

"He must have agreed to this trial pretty fast, considering you brought in the last guy under a week ago."

"Once I told him the pay, I could practically see the dollar signs in his eyes. He had his doubts, but when I told him I'm B.T.I. staff and would be administering the formula, that seemed to do the trick. It's a shame though..." he trailed off, suddenly aware of his words.

Dr. Koenig looked up. "What is?"

Justin smiled sheepishly. "I just think he's cute. Nothing to be done about it, though." Dr. Koenig was silent. Even she thought Travis was good-looking. He was tall and took good care of his body. His brown hair had a natural curl, framing sharp blue eyes. Justin was maybe a little out of his league. He was shorter than Travis, with straight black hair cut short and rings around his eyes from overwork. He was too busy to exercise, so was naturally a little pudgy under his lab coat.

Dr. Koenig was surprised to discover her technician's attraction, as they had no reason to discuss such matters before. This was the first patient she had heard him mentioning any attraction to, and before she knew it there were gears turning in her head.

Travis was the fifth patient Justin brought to Dr. Koenig, though her own experience preceded him by several subjects and assistants. If you recall anything about Biological Technologies Inc., you might remember that Dr. Koenig specialized in genetic testing, with a special emphasis on the transformative nature of her craft. The applications for her work were of tremendous value to the company, so in the past year she was granted free reign over her own department. The sorts of tests she conducted were...less than legal, to be sure. But given enough money and influence, something inconsequential like international law could easily be maneuvered around. Besides, they were careful when picking their subjects. As she quickly found out, it was surprising how many people go day to day without anyone noticing their presence...or absence.

The gears continued to turn. The original plan was to conduct an almost identical test to the prior subject's, with a slightly modified formula intended to prolong the transformation. But this was a new angle to consider. Just a couple months ago, one of the buyers of her commercial supplement had experienced more than just a species change: apparently, as was also confirmed through replicated animal tests, transmission of the activated formula from one individual to the other would result in something else entirely. She had yet to replicate her findings with human subjects...

Travis was still on the couch when Justin entered with another tray. This time he set it on the table. Travis came over. "Having fun watching me watch TV?"

This time, instead of a needle, the tray bore two plates of food. Just standard burgers with some fries and a side salad; his stomach was already rumbling. They each took a plate. "Dr. Koenig said I could eat my dinner with you," Justin told him.

"How considerate. Y'know, it gets pretty boring just here by myself."

"I'd love to hang with you more, but I think Dr. Koenig doesn't want to accidentally bias the test results. She likes keeping track of all the little variables," Justin said between bites.

Travis dug in. The burger was a little overcooked and bland, but a burger's a burger. "Can't say I feel any different yet," he told Justin.

"Yeah, well, it's not going to happen overnight."


After they finished eating, Justin cleared the plates and brought the tray to the door. But when he pressed his keycard to the handle, expecting the light to turn green and the lock to click, nothing happened. The light flashed red, and the door stayed locked.

"Hey, Dr. Koenig?" Justin tapped the glass. "I think the lock on the door's busted or something. Can you let me in?" No response. He tapped some more on the glass, then pounded on the door. She must have stepped out for a bit, maybe to eat, he told himself. He tried the entrance door as well, but it remained locked too. Defeated, he set the tray down and joined Travis on the couch.

After getting one of the consoles hooked up, they busied themselves gaming for what must have been a couple hours. Justin assumed Dr. Koenig would put an end to it when she returned, so they continued on. After a while though, it seemed like something must have gone wrong. She wouldn't have forgotten the trial, right? One of his first thoughts was to text her, but he soon realized he'd left his phone in the observation room. They had already confiscated Travis's at the front desk, stating some company policy against allowing outside cameras into the building.

He set his controller down and returned to the mirror. "Dr. Koenig?" he said, his fist pounding the glass after double-checking that the card still didn't work.

Travis was less concerned. "Well, I have to stay in here anyway. It really isn't so bad, especially now that I have someone to hang with."

Justin met his gaze. There was something else in his eyes, something unsaid but seeming to catch in the air. Justin felt his face redden, but he managed to keep his professional composure. I'm sure she'll be back to let me out soon, he told himself, and sat back down next to Travis.

Justin had been working at B.T.I. for six years now, first as an intern while he completed his chemistry doctorate, but rising the ranks as he proved his ability. When Dr. Koenig was granted clearance to open her own department, he was one of the many researchers pulled under her management, and within the year he had become one of her primary assistants. He knew B.T.I. was contracted by many powerful entities, but his personal security clearance limited his knowledge: he only knew what he needed to know to do his job. He was familiar with the animal testing side of Dr. Koenig's research, but his role up until then had been purely on the theoretical side. Lab work, mostly. Chemicals and measurements.

He first became aware of something strange when Dr. Koenig began inquiring about his personal life, soon thereafter charging him with the special task of finding participants for her trials. He used his apartment as a means for building trust, and she required a thorough background check on prospective patients-family couldn't be in the picture, that kind of thing. Of course this seemed like a red flag, but Justin's career seemed to depend on it, and the less questions he asked, the better. He would find a candidate, convince them to participate in the trials, administer the formula Dr. Koenig prepared, check on them that first day, then get back to his other responsibilities. Every time he brought a roommate to the B.T.I. building, he would find their stuff already packed and moved out by the time he returned home that day. As of yet, he hadn't heard a thing from the other people he'd brought in before Travis. Once again, the less questions he asked, the better. He was making too much to be nosy.

Admittedly, he was still curious about what exactly went on once his part was played. Having never seen the effects of any of the formulas he'd administered, he could only guess at what was really going on here. But Dr. Koenig was nice enough, so he rested easy convinced there wasn't some kind of horror movie human-experimentation eugenics conspiracy afoot. Now, as he sat next to Travis and picked up his controller, he couldn't detect any sinister differences brought on by the formula.

Justin checked his watch. It was past midnight, and still nothing from Dr. Koenig. He had spent the past several hours gaming with Travis, and for some reason spending time with him totally abated his thoughts of being trapped there. They naturally grew closer to each other as the night went on, their casual conversations turning more personal. Justin felt a pang of guilt about never seeing Travis again after this was all through. If things were different...

He tried the door a final time, banged on the glass again, yelled, but nothing worked. Maybe Dr. Koenig went home for the night. That seemed unlikely though; as far as he knew, she was always there to conduct the check-ins after the injection.

"Hey, man, are you really so desperate to leave?" Travis asked him before letting out a big yawn.

"I guess not," Justin yawned in response.

Travis climbed onto the bed. He untucked the blankets while Justin made for the couch. Travis watched him. "Hey, there's plenty of room, if you want. It's a bit more comfortable up here."

Justin respectfully declined. What would Dr. Koenig think if she returned in the morning to find the two of them in bed together? He knew his career would be on the line for sure.

"Suit yourself. Though I'd probably sleep a little better with you here beside me." Travis murmured. Justin blushed, his thoughts wandering to less than professional places, but he relented. He switched off the overhead light, leaving the room dark except for the bedside lamp. Then he curled up on the couch, shifting until he was comfortable. The night passed without interruption as both men drifted off to sleep.

Justin woke up first. Without windows, the room was still pitch black, so he groped around for the light switch and flicked it. Travis groaned and stretched from under the covers, stifling a yawn. Still no sign of Dr. Koenig, except...

Two plates were laid out for them on the table. The tray with last night's dishes was gone as well. Justin inspected the spread, finding pancakes, bacon, and two cups of orange juice.

"You hungry?" he asked.

Travis groaned. "Mostly sore, honestly. Maybe soreness is one of the formula's side effects?"

He clambered out of bed. Once again, no apparent changes seemed to have occurred. They tore into their food.

"Say, it's kind of weird she set breakfast out for you too. Don't you think she would have woken you up?" Travis said before spearing another pancake with his fork. Justin thought so too, but said nothing. In truth, he was growing very anxious. After they ate, he tried the door again, fruitlessly.

The next few hours were spent chatting as they occupied themselves, first with the weights and then back to the console. Justin was quickly surprised to learn he had so much in common with Travis. Obviously he knew a lot from the background check, but evidently there was a big difference between all the objective information and a person's life experiences. Eventually, the conversation veered in a new direction.

"So, you're single, right?" Travis casually asked.

"What?" Justin was taken aback.

"Sorry, I guess I just assumed. I've only been living with you for a few days, but you've never mentioned any partner, plus you're so busy working here all the time-"

"Yeah, okay. No need to apologize," Justin interrupted. He paused. "It's true though, I guess I just haven't found the right person yet. Nothing too complicated about it."

Travis returned his focus to the game for a moment, then turned back to Justin. "And what kind of person is the right person?"

"Like, my type?"

"Yeah. Does he need a six figure salary or something?"

"He?" Justin's cheeks flushed.

"Oh come on, Einstein. If you've been trying to keep your sexuality a secret, you've done a pretty piss poor job of it. What are you so up tight about?" As he said it, Travis himself was surprised by his forward tone. It was like he was feeling a strange confidence welling up in him, as if the words were said before he even thought them. He seemed to recall that one of the formula's benefits was as a confidence booster. Maybe it's the formula talking...

"I don't know, Travis. I've just been so busy, first with getting my doctorate and then with this job. I've been working more than sixty hours a week for about a year now. Haven't really had the time for a relationship."

"Hey, I get it. This lab place is pretty crazy. I'm not surprised they're working you to the bone. Still haven't answered my question though."

"What's my type?"

"Yeah. Like, for instance, what about me?" Travis said it before he processed the words, but strangely it felt good to be so direct.

Justin paused the game. "Well..."


"Well, I won't deny you're pretty hot. I'd probably be into someone like you. If I met that person, maybe."

"Now we're getting somewhere," Travis smiled, and scooted in closer.

"I don't know why you're so interested in my love life all of a sudden."

"Don't you?" Travis reached out and gently placed his arm around him. Strangely, though Justin knew by now that Dr. Koenig was probably behind that mirror watching, he didn't pull away. Once she lets me out of here, I probably won't see Travis ever again, Justin thought to himself. Might as well enjoy his company.

They sat like that for a while longer, their talk growing more intimate with every passing second. Travis always lead the questioning, forcing Justin to divulge his deepest darkest thoughts. To Justin, it was like falling deep under some intoxicating spell.

"I think you've been neglecting yourself for too long, Justin. All these long nights spent working, never a moment to relax. How lonely has it been, just you by yourself?"

Justin felt the dam burst, then. All his pent up needs, desires. He really had been neglecting himself, always rushing to the next rung without ever a thought of slowing down and enjoying the ride. He had already been harboring a crush on Travis, and now it was clear that the other man reciprocated. If anything, Travis seemed more needy than him.

"Fuck Dr. Koenig, you know that?" Travis whispered in his ear. "What has she done except work you half to death?"

"I mean, this job is demanding, but-"

Travis pressed a finger to his lip. They savored the moment for a bit, then the thought dawned on him. "Hey, has your key card ever failed before this?"

Justin thought hard. "Well, it doesn't work on doors with a higher security clearance than I'm granted, but..." he thought hard. "Our system is state-of-the-art. I've never had a problem with it before."

"Well, then there you go. She must've revoked your clearance and locked you in here. Like it or not, you're probably part of this experiment too."

"She wouldn't-"

"Wouldn't she? Are you sure she didn't inject you with anything in your sleep?"

"I would've felt it."

"Probably. Who knows what she wants with you. Point is, you're stuck in here with me, and we haven't heard anything from her this whole time. She might be behind that mirror right now, or she might not be. But I say that your role in this is no longer as her assistant."

"So?" Even as he said it, Justin could feel that he knew where this was going.

"So once again, fuck Dr. Koenig. You have needs, I have needs, and we've been locked together in this room with this nice big bed for too long. Don't you feel pent up?"

Justin hadn't been feeling particularly pent up until Travis mentioned it. It wasn't until the words came out that he realized that what he had been feeling was simply his 'normal'. Pent up was his normal. Now that the idea was out in the open, he felt his desires bubbling at the surface, ready to burst. Travis confirmed this with a glance at the tent in Justin's pants

Without another word, Travis dragged him over to the bed. "Alright, you little slut. Daddy has his needs too." Travis didn't know where the words came from, but they felt electric on his tongue.

Justin felt the imaginary switch flip in his own brain. "Yes, Daddy. I'm your little bitch."

"Good. Now let's see what you've got poking out there." Travis pushed him onto the bed and stripped off his shirt. He pulled Justin's pants down his legs, then shed his own clothes. Justin's rod fought against the fabric of his briefs, throbbing. He had always considered his penis to be pretty average, but it seemed tiny compared to Travis's girthy eight inch member.

"C'mere, slut." Travis stripped Justin's underwear off, his cock bobbing free as he laid on his back. He grabbed it roughly and grinded it against his own. Justin moaned. "You like that, slut?"

"Yes, Daddy." Travis let go and climbed on top of him, pinning his shoulders with his hands then diving to meet Justin's mouth. They made out sloppily as they grinded their bodies against each other, throbbing with need.

Justin pulled his head away, gasping for air. "Fuuuuck."

"Did I say you could stop, bitch?"

"Unnhhhhh," Justin moaned, his hips tensing. "I need you inside me."

Travis's hands massaged Justin's shoulders, finding their way to his pecs. "Soon, slut. Daddy can't wait to fill you up. But first, we need to make it easier for Daddy to enter."

"Anything, Master."

"That's fucking right, because you're my little bitch and you do as I say." Travis growled with a strange primal tenderness. He dismounted, leaving Justin on his back as he shifted his body. "Get on your knees, slut."

"Yes, Master." Justin did as he was told, his cock straining with need. Travis grabbed Justin by the back of the head, and before Justin knew it, Travis's meat was jammed between his lips. He jerked his head back and forth, taking it in all the way to his throat. He could feel himself gagging, the heat and pressure coming from Travis's member overwhelming his senses. "Fuuuuck," he moaned unintelligibly. He felt hot beads of pre trickle down the back of his throat. Travis was bucking his hips now, a little too rough for Justin, and he pulled away. Travis's cock bobbed in the air, coated in saliva.

"You little slut. Was Daddy playing too hard for you?"

"N-no, I-"

"It's okay. I know what you really want. And I'll give it to you, for being such a good little slut." He forced Justin back down onto his hands and knees, then came around to his rear. Grabbing him by the hips, Travis spread the globes of Justin's butt. "You're a little tighter than I'm used to."

Justin panted. "Just fuck me right now."

"Oh, so you want to give commands now? Maybe I need to teach you a lesson. How about I start by tearing this hole up?"

With that, Travis added some spit, even though Justin's mouth lubed his dick up. His fingers digging into Justin's hips, Travis directed his rigid cock into the hole and began to pump it deeper. The hole opened up painfully, and Justin moaned. Travis forced it further. The sensation of it rubbing against Justin's inner walls was heaven. He didn't know if he could take it all, but with a couple more thrusts, it was buried to the base. Justin felt it brush up all the way inside of him, and the pain exploded into pleasure. "Oh, fuuck!" he practically squealed. Travis only grunted as he thrusted his meat and bucked his hips. He knew release was on its way, felt it building up in waves inside him. Justin ceased conscious thought altogether. It was like the words in his brain had melted into sounds, and from sounds into flames, flames that burned with pain and pleasure such as he had never felt before in his life. Travis sped up his thrusts, building to a climax, and suddenly Justin himself came, sending ropes of jizz onto the bed below. Travis gave his cock one final thrust, getting even deeper, then he too slowed down as his hips involuntarily bucked, his cock shooting into Justin. Justin felt the hot liquid filling inside him, felt his gut begin to bloat from the strain. His legs, suddenly shaky, collapsed under him, and he laid there panting with Travis on top of him.


"Is that all you can say?"


Justin closed his eyes, basking in the afterglow. His head was so clear, his nerves relaxed even as his stomach gurgled, both from Travis's cock and from his heavy load. Travis sprawled out on top of Justin with eyes also closed, out of breath. His cock still felt so hard, even though his seed was spent. Justin's inner walls hugged his cockflesh so tightly, and with so much molten heat, that it felt like their bodies were being melted down into each other. Little did he know, that wasn't far from the truth.

They opened their eyes again after catching their breath...only to find themselves staring up at a lab coat. Dr. Koenig was standing in front of them, her tablet in hand.

"What the fuck!" Justin screamed. He jolted to awareness, his arms finding their way beneath him as he tried to lift himself up. All of Travis's weight was still on him, even as Travis clambered to his knees. His cock was still firmly jammed in Justin's asshole, and he tried to pull it out, but it wouldn't budge. It felt to him like Justin's hole was constricted too tightly around his cock.

"How long have you been watching us?!" Justin cried. Hot, musky sweat rolled down his forehead.

Dr. Koenig smiled. "Well, if you mean how long I've been in the room, then only a moment. But I saw it all. And heard it too, 'little slut,'" she jeered.

"You fucking pervert."

She feigned shock. "Me? A pervert? No. It's all for the sake of science, dear. How many animals have you watched mate for the sake of science? Trust me, I don't get off on this. But you," she met Travis's eyes with a smirk, "you do."

Travis had a more pressing issue. "Hey, Justin? I can't pull out."

"You can't...what?"

"Is there anything you can do to, y'know, loosen-"

"Just take your fucking dick out of me!"

Travis pulled as hard as he could, straining against Justin's backside. This only brought a yelp of pain out of both men.

Dr. Koenig tsked. "I'm afraid it's too late for that." She typed a note on her tablet. "I'm so pleased I get to observe the process this time."

"What fucking process, cunt?" Justin snapped. Any thought of keeping his job flew out the window several minutes ago.

"The formula, to be precise. For some reason, splicing interspecies strains requires an extreme stimulus to activate. I usually wait around until the subject inevitably gets bored and pleasures themselves, but as it happens, something a bit more exciting takes place this way."

Travis continued trying to pull his dick out, to no avail. She watched with a smirk. "Trying to get it out now is quite useless. Check for yourself. No, wait, allow me to check too. I must write my observations down."

Travis stopped pulling and looked down at Justin's upturned ass. The sight was nauseating, something so surreal that his brain took a long dizzying moment to process what exactly he was seeing. Right up to the base of his cock, the skin was fused seamlessly to Justin's rear. Even his testicles were bonded to Justin's backside. The subtle difference in skin tone seemed to blend where their bodies met.

Justin sensed Travis's shock, as he was painfully aware of each of Travis's movements. "What is it? Why can't you pull out?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Dr. Koenig replied, moving to the other side of the bed and leaning in to inspect the conjoinment. She typed some more, murmuring to herself.

Justin twisted his body as best as he could, muscles straining. Sure enough, the situation was made all too clear. "How is this possible?!"

Dr. Koenig sighed. "Well, I suppose I owe you that, at the very least. As you're aware, my department is concerned mostly with genetic alterations, with emphasis on modifications brought about through hormone treatments."

Travis looked down at Justin. "Wait, that's right. You work with this bitch, don't you know what's going on?" Justin was at a loss for words.

Dr. Koenig reinserted herself: "He doesn't know shit. This is my brainchild; he's just a lab technician." It stung for Justin to hear considering all the work he'd done for B.T.I., but now was not the time. "We were initially concerned with enhancing the human body, pushing it to new genetic extremes and what have you. Big military applications, I suppose. But I discovered some interesting results with one of our hormone formulas. As it happens, cross-contamination is an all too real possibility. Considering how much the formula rewires genetically, it makes sense that contaminating it with different DNA would have...adverse effects."

"Like fusing us together?"

"Well, no. I'll get to that, though. The chief point was interspecies contamination."

"Species?" Neither of them liked where this was headed.

"Oh, yes. Species. What I discovered is that whatever the formula latches onto first is what it programs for. The formula is rather invasive by design, and once it comes into contact with more living cells it continues to operate based on that original DNA, effectively rewriting the genes it comes into contact with to match. So, for the purpose of the study I'm conducting on your friend here, I simply injected him with contaminated formula."

"What?!" they cried out in unison.

"Yes. Now, to continue. I'm trying to iron out some of the variables of the process. Using the results from the last two subjects, I seem to have worked out the proper dosage for a controlled transformation. In the past, it's been unpredictable: either it's complete in a matter of minutes, or it can take several days. If all goes to plan, your transformation will be complete in around three days."

"Transformation?" Travis looked back down at their fused flesh.

"Into what?" Justin asked apprehensively.

"Well, I was going to keep it a surprise, but if you really want to know, your friend Travis is going to be a Clydesdale stallion by the end of the week."

Travis would have laughed in her face if not for their sudden fusion. He was still kneeling above Justin, and as they spoke the feeling in his erect cock seemed to slowly fade. He was aware that it was still there, and he still felt its raw heat, but the length of it continued to give off a melting sensation, as though it was losing its form. Justin still felt it inside of him, though the tightness and pain he had experienced only moments before was slowly replaced by that same somewhat fuzzy warm feeling. It didn't help that the jizz inside of his belly still sloshed as he moved. Travis must have been really pent up to have released this much. If he could only pull out to drain the liquid, the discomfort he was feeling would go away.

"A fucking...f-fucking stallion? Like, a horse?" Travis asked, feeling lightheaded.

"Look at that, he knows his barnyard animals." Dr. Koenig gave him a patronizing grin.

Justin was still processing her words. "Wait. You said that Travis is turning into a stallion-which I still don't believe-but what about me?"

"Haven't you figured it out by now? And here I thought you were one of the brighter ones. Ah, well. Let me continue. Once I discovered the trans-species implications, another shocking occurrence revealed itself. Contaminating the formula with DNA was not exclusive to the first genetic sample exposed to it. Once ingested, or in this case, injected, the formula seeks to unify the cellular makeup of its host. Hence why transformations don't end until the whole individual's genes are completely changed. Well, genes contaminated with the formula have ways of being excreted. Transferred is more like it. When Travis ejaculated into you, his seed entered your body, and with it, the formula. His formula, already attuned to his genes. Now, if you two were separated from each other when this occurred, perhaps it would result in your genes being replaced by Travis's genes. Maybe we'd have a cloning situation-now that is something I need to test at some point," she took a second to type it out on her tablet.

She continued: "But, when this transfer occurred, you were already attached to Travis. He was, pardon any crudeness, already deep inside you. Maybe there was a chance to pull out, if you had done so in time. But now it's too late. As has happened in the past, the formula has accepted you two as one host body. If you still haven't guessed what's happening by now, then let me spell it out for you. In three days, Travis is going to be a lovely, virile Clydesdale. And you, my dear lab assistant, will be his cock."

It was Justin's turn to feel lightheaded. "That's-that's..."

"Impossible? For your sake, I'd start believing it. You only have a couple days to come to terms with it. I'm afraid it's all too real."

"You cunt. You fucking-"

"Now, now. Though I'm sure I deserve it, I wouldn't bite the hand that feeds me, if I were you. When your transformation is complete, don't forget that I'm the one arranging your fate. After examining you, I was planning on sending you somewhere nice, somewhere you could live out the rest of your days studding and siring your brood. Now wouldn't that be lovely. But it doesn't have to be so nice, and the way things are going, you won't be in any position to complain once this is through. So why don't we make this easy for ourselves and harbor any ill will in silence? I would really appreciate it if you were to cooperate over the next few days. What's done is done."

"So this is really happening?"

"And we're just going to be stuck like this? Forever?"

Dr. Koenig considered this. "Well, maybe not forever, but as it stands I haven't figured out how to reverse the process. Considering the formula replaces the host's DNA, unless I collect a sample of your DNA and spend all my time and research creating an antibody, there's really nothing that can be done. But think of it like this: you're aiding the advancement of science! Think of all the good you're doing. And being a horse isn't so bad, I've heard. No responsibilities, just open fields and plenty of mares to fuck. You do seem awfully good at that."

Justin spoke up. "Did you lock me in here? On purpose, I mean?"

"I wasn't totally positive you two would take so quickly to each other, but the formula has an added confidence booster that seems to have come in handy. I'm so glad it worked out. Really, you'll be thanking me three days from now, if you can still speak by then. I sorely doubt it."

There was little else to be said. They wanted nothing more than to leap off the bed and exact some sort of revenge, but in their conjoined state, movement was extremely awkward. By the time they had gotten themselves off the bed, Dr. Koenig had already left their lunch on the table and exited to the observation room.

They shuffled over to the table as best as they could, Justin scampering on his arms and legs with his rear high in the air, attached to Travis's waist.

Sitting down was a little easier than they expected. Travis had to lead from behind, then lifted Justin's torso and bent his knees back. When seated, it was almost like Justin was giving Travis a lap dance. That awkward thought was in their heads as they ate the sandwiches left out for them in silence.

"How are you feeling?" Travis asked Justin, after a while.

"How do you think? Not fucking good."

Travis sighed. "Yeah, I definitely don't envy your position. I'm really sorry I convinced you to, well-"

Justin turned to face him, their heads only a few inches away. "Don't apologize. You didn't know, and neither did I. It's like she said, what's done is done."

Travis shifted his weight in the chair. It was strange having Justin's body pushing down on him at all times. By now, what little sensation his cock still gave him came off as a faint buzz. "When do you think the real changes will start?" he asked.

"I don't want to think about it."

Travis tried to lighten the mood: "Well, I guess if anything, the two of us will be getting much closer soon."

"Dude, you're turning into a fucking horse. Try to have some perspective."

"You don't have to be such a dick about it-" Travis's tongue caught in his throat. Under different circumstances, he would have laughed at the accidental pun, but now he just felt overwhelmed by guilt and stress. Surprisingly though, he felt Justin's weight bob slightly on top of him, and when he caught his gaze he could see a hint of stifled laughter.

Justin maneuvered into a cough, then sighed. "I guess I can be a bit of a dick." At that, he finally laughed, drawing a chuckle out of Travis too. "This isn't what either of us want, but there's nothing to be done about it now except come to terms with our new reality."

After lunch, Travis and Justin stumbled their way to the couch. It took them a while to get comfortable, but in the end they opted for Travis laying on his back with Justin on top of him, both their upper bodies turned to face the TV. At the moment, nothing noticeable had changed after the fusion, and the two picked up controllers and got back to their game. Travis had to reach around Justin's body in order to grip his controller with both hands.

The hours passed quickly with their eyes glued to the screen, bodies pressed together. The changes were too subtle for them to notice at first, though in all honesty the game distracted them from the reality of their situation.

Travis thought he was imagining the volume get louder, even as his ears softly stretched and tapered at the ends. They shifted slowly up his head, resting at last much higher up. They twitched of their own accord, Travis none the wiser. In the meantime, a dull heat radiated from his legs, though they were already hot from Justin's own legs on top of them.

Justin felt the heat too. When they started playing, Justin sat up so his head wouldn't be in Travis's way. As they continued to play, he felt himself grow tired holding the position, but when he rested his head back down on Travis's chest, he no longer blocked his view. They traded digital blows without much more thought, though Justin's scalp started to itch, bringing a hand to scratch at it. When he brought his hand back to the controller, he was shocked to see it was covered in hair.

"What the-" his voice trailed off as he pressed pause and set the controller down. Travis turned to check on his friend. "What's up?" he saw the shedded hairs clumped on his pecs. "Oh."

"I guess it was only a matter of time-whoa, dude! Your ears!"

Travis's hands shot to the sides of his head, only to find smooth skin. His fingers traveled upward, and the skin grew fuzzier. Now it was his turn to be surprised. He ran his fingers up and down his newly minted equine ears, and they twitched at his touch.

"This is so weird."

"Tell me about it. What else has changed?" Justin sat up, or at least tried to. His back didn't seem willing to obey, as if the bones in his spine had turned to jelly. "Can I get a little help?"

Travis obliged, though he noted silently that Justin seemed to have lost a bit of mass. At the same time, it seemed to him that his own belly protruded more than usual. He scooted himself to the end of the sofa, sitting up against the armrest. Justin still laid on his back, trying to push his flopping torso up with his arms. Travis grabbed his shoulders and pushed his body upright, with some effort.

"You're still pretty heavy, dude," Travis said.

"Speak for yourself. It's like you gained fifty pounds just from sitting here."

"And it's like you lost it."

Justin realized that his friend was right. As he was lifted up, he couldn't help but notice how much closer his perspective seemed to be to his own legs, and Travis's as well. Speaking of Travis's legs...

"Looks like your hair-or, I guess fur-is growing in," he commented. Travis's legs seemed darker, with a dusting of chestnut colored hairs that lightened to white at his ankles. His joints also seemed strangely swollen. Justin's own legs were noticeably smaller than Travis's now, and his knees lost some of their definition. If anything, except in size, they had taken on the softer appearance of a pudgy toddler's legs.

They inspected their bodies slowly, running their hands over the affected areas. Travis had to keep Justin's back propped up with one arm as he did this. Justin found he could still move his neck.

"How are you feeling right now?" Travis asked.

"Honestly, I'm a little sluggish. Maybe it's my back. I still feel mostly like myself though."

Travis didn't think he could approach the next question head on, so he pitched a softball. "Any discomfort?"

"Like what?" As he said it, his searching hand passed over the area between his legs. "Uh..."

"Okay, I might as well say it. I think I have to...go. To the restroom," Justin didn't answer. "I don't exactly know how that's going to work yet. Maybe it'll be wired through to your-...I don't know, does it feel like you have to take a piss either? Maybe both of our piss will go out through your di-"

"It's gone."


"My dick is gone. And my balls. All of it."

"It's what, just-?"

"Yeah. I know what I'm feeling down there, and there's nothing. Not even a hole where it used to be."

"And you didn't feel it vanish?"

"Well, it felt kind of hot down there, but then I've been laying on top of you this whole time with your dick still in my ass-" he'd totally forgotten about that, ever since the feeling of Travis's rod seemed to fade away. His stomach still felt strangely full, but like it was plugged at the bottom by a cork.

Travis felt a twinge of pain, heightened by all the weight atop him. "Dude, I really need to piss. My bladder's screaming to be emptied."

Justin turned to the man below him. "What am I supposed to do about that?"

A new voice entered the conversation: "Your job. You do your job, horse dick." Their heads whipped to the door, where Dr. Koenig stood smiling.

"Haven't you bothered us enough? What do you want now?" Justin asked.

Dr. Koenig snorted. "It's not what I want, it's what your top wants. You know where the bathroom is. I hope you make it in time." Travis's hand fell from Justin's back, causing Justin's pliant body to slap against his chest. Then he swung his legs over the side of the couch, bringing Justin's with them.

"Do you think you can stand?" Travis asked Justin. "At least, on all fours like before?"

"I don't know, dude." Justin kicked his legs, which continued to slowly lose their definition. It felt like a heavy pile of blankets was pressing down on them, but he still managed to move them. Travis pushed his body off the couch, then immediately teetered forward. Justin's upper body folded over, his torso dangling helplessly as his head slapped against his legs. He cursed as Travis stumbled shakily on his now somewhat malformed legs, veering in the direction of the bathroom.

Dr. Koenig took her sweet time watching, then eventually set down her tablet and rushed over to help them. Justin was trying to displace some of his weight by reaching his arms and legs to the floor. His feet could no longer quite reach, especially now that it seemed Travis's own legs had grown. Justin's hands just barely brushed against the ground, and his body swung back and forth with every step. It was hard not to smack against the two pairs of legs around him.

Dr. Koenig stabilized the pair and led them into the bathroom. Travis stopped in front of the toilet, but Dr. Koenig guided him instead into the shower. "It's probably easier to piss down the shower drain. Easier for both of you," she said, nodding down at Justin.

"So what now?" Justin asked.

Dr. Koenig arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean, what now? You should know better than me."

Travis groaned, his bladder feeling ready to burst. And then Justin felt it too, deep down in his base. He was suddenly aware of a tightness, like he was flexing his core muscles as hard as he could. Somewhere deep down, where he had been feeling that plug, there was a hot rushing sensation that shot up his body.

"I think I feel it," Justin said. His upper body felt so tight. He tried to focus his thoughts on loosening the tightness, but the contracting muscles felt suddenly foreign to his senses. It was like trying to flex a specific muscle for the first time. The pressure in him built to an extreme, and another ripple of energy shook through him. A sigh escaped from his lips as his body tensed a final time, then relaxed. His arms then hung limply at his sides, and he bobbed slightly as the floodgates burst. A sudden torrent of magma shot through him, rising up into his throat like vomit before shooting out of his mouth. It was a flood. Shocked, he tried to force his jaw closed, but the jet of piss was too strong. It tasted sour and coppery, and the smell wrinkled his nose. He would have gagged if his throat wasn't already spewing piss like a firehose.

Travis moaned, the release sending a wave of relief through him. Dr. Koenig sat on the toilet lid watching with unyielding fascination. "You already piss like a draft horse," she joked. Eventually, the flood slowed to a drip. Justin coughed and sputtered like he almost drowned. The hot taste of piss lingered in his mouth as he spat the last droplets down the shower drain.

Travis felt guilty. From the sound of things, the process had been rough on his friend. He couldn't imagine having to experience what Justin just went through even once, much less every day for the foreseeable future. He only hoped it would get easier for him down the road.

Dr. Koenig left briefly then returned with her tablet. "How do you feel, Justin? And please be specific. Lots of details."

Justin tried not to gag from the rich taste of piss on his tongue, and his voice was suddenly much raspier as he recounted the experience. Dr. Koenig took her notes, then announced that dinner would be out for them in a moment. They were thankful for a moment of privacy as she left the room.

"Is there anything I can do to make this better for you, buddy?" Travis asked, knowing full well there was little to be done. Justin seemed ready to say something, but the words caught in his throat. And then he was sobbing. Travis stepped back on uneasy legs and scooped Justin up by the armpits. Justin's face had changed a bit, it seemed. He continued to retain his features for now, but his ears had shrunk, and his mouth was now much rounder and a little bit higher on his face, even with his slightly thinner lips closed.

"This s-sucks," Justin sputtered, the tears falling down his cheeks. "I don't want to be a p-penis."

"I know, bud." Travis patted him on the shoulder, and was surprised to feel it too. Over the past several minutes, it seemed as though Justin's skin had grown more sensitive, and now Travis felt the sensations as well, only a bit muted.

They sat there for a while, Travis trying his best to console his friend. He was himself hit hard by the reality of their situation, but he knew Justin had it worse. In time, Justin would be nothing more than a part of Travis, and he was admittedly grateful that it wasn't the other way around. In time, Justin sniffled and the tears ceased.

"Let's head to the table."

Dr. Koenig joined them for dinner that night. She tried aiding Travis into a chair before dragging a second one under him too. His hips were noticeably broader, his ass fuller. His hocks had yet to form, but his legs were still unwieldy and hard to manage. Justin's upper body flopped on the table with his noticeably thinner arms holding him upright.

They stared daggers at her as she tucked into a mouthwatering filet. All that was laid out in front of them was a heaping bowl of leafy greens and chopped vegetables. "Eat up," she instructed. "I know you're hungry."

Justin felt Travis's stomach gurgle against his back. Travis was suddenly famished, and plunged his head into the bowl without a second thought.

Justin was horrified. "Dude! What are you doing?!" Travis pulled his head out, his mouth full of lettuce. "Whub?" he garbled between bites. And then he was suddenly, embarrassingly aware of himself. He swallowed, then reached for a fork...only to find none provided.

"Silly horsey, forks are for people!" Dr. Koenig chortled. They rolled their eyes at her. Justin hadn't been feeling hungry like Travis, but he reached for the bowl all the same. "What do you think you're doing?" she cooed. "Does the cock want a bite? Maybe your mind has already started slipping. In case you're confused, Travis is going to be doing the eating for both of you from now on." Justin slumped down on the table, defeated.

Travis made slow work of the salad with his hands, and eventually he accepted his predicament and went back to using his mouth. He polished the bowl clean, but when he pulled his head out, more changes had taken place. His jaw was stretching, his nostrils and the base of his nose pushing out to form the start of a muzzle. His tongue felt thick and unwieldy in his mouth, and it required effort to speak without mangling his words.

"Wub is haffning now?" he forced out between rubbery lips.

"I mean, I told you that you were going horse. Don't know why each change is such a shock to you." Dr. Koenig was secretly convinced that the shift from a human brain to a horse's wouldn't require much of a transformation for someone like Travis. She sympathized a bit more with her former technician, whose fate was undeniably much more bleak. Cutting another bite out of her steak, she had to remind herself that she was the one who caused all this, and feeling any pity for him now was futile. There would be more technicians, probably brighter ones who knew not to fuck the patients. He brought this on himself, she thought, yet not fully believing it.

Nobody spoke for the rest of the meal. By the time Dr. Koenig was clearing the dishes, Travis and Justin alike were ready to hit the sack. Dr. Koenig guided Travis over to the bed, which was still strewn with their discarded clothes and covered in jizz. She stripped off the dirty comforter for them, and they climbed into bed without trouble. They elected to keep the blankets off, though they slept with the lamp on in case anything happened in the night.

After Dr. Koenig left the room, Travis fell into a deep slumber, feeling the weight of his exhaustion even as the weight of his roommate pressed down on his belly. He had almost gotten used to Justin resting on top of him; it was like a weighted blanket, soft and warm. As he began to dream, he was suddenly aware of the earthy scent of tall grass. A field stretched all around him, curving upward in a gentle slope. The treeline was cropped back, revealing a wide open space perfect for running. Suddenly, his legs were pumping up the hill, the verdant landscape rushing by in a blur. He remembered how slow he'd been on just his back legs. Look how fast he could run now on all fours-? There was a pause common to dreams where the logic seemed to evade him: something wasn't right here, but he couldn't quite piece it together. It all felt too heady, too thick and dull to process. So instead he focused on the breeze whipping his mane back, cooling his flanks. He had never felt so free.

Justin took a little longer to fall asleep. His body was pressed up on Travis's chest, his head nestled between Travis's pecs. His arms slumped over Travis's sides, fingers barely brushing the mattress. He was painfully aware of how much mass he'd lost. His upper body was only a little shorter, but much thinner. His legs had shrunk faster than his upper body. They felt so numb now. He wiggled his toes, or what felt like his toes; it was like trying to run underwater, everything so heavy and resistant to his urging. Though he knew Travis was losing his humanity as well, Justin envied his autonomy. All that he felt was trapped. It was suddenly so claustrophobic: just the idea that he couldn't get up if he wanted to gave him a rush of panic. Eventually, just as exhausted as Travis, he shut his eyes and tried to dream.

Dr. Koenig returned to the observation room. Sighing to herself, she picked up the tablet and flipped through her notes, occasionally mumbling to herself as she worked.

"It's Justin's own doing, really...If he likes cock so much, is it really such a surprise he'd become one? After all, you are what you eat." Her attempt to lighten her mood fell flat. Performing these experiments always took their toll on her. She liked to think she wasn't a sociopath, just that she had gotten really good at burying the anguish she was causing herself: "It's all in the name of science." It seemed to be her mantra these days. She knew she was in denial, at least a little. But maybe she could be in denial of her denial too? It all gave her a headache.

She checked in on her subjects at half-hour intervals through the night, taking her notes then resting until the next alarm woke her. This cycle continued until just before dawn, when she was startled awake by a loud cry.

Justin's dream seemed to have blended with that prior feeling of claustrophobia: he felt totally trapped, and he struggled to move his arms and legs. The world was total darkness, and his skin was pressed into something hot and tight. His unconscious thoughts drifted to the thought of a cocoon, and suddenly he was fighting against the wall of darkness surrounding him with useless limbs.

And then he felt his whole body shake, but not in the dream. He didn't know it yet, but the source of the shaking was Travis, whose arms and legs kicked fitfully while he slept. All Justin felt was a barrage of tremors from under him, and he awoke to the thought of an earthquake. Only, he didn't wake up. Didn't he? The world was still dark, though he knew his brain was suddenly alert. Hadn't they kept the light on? With some difficulty, he lifted his arms to his eyes...only to find smooth skin. Before he knew it, his rounded mouth was open and he was screaming.

Travis jolted awake just as Dr. Koenig burst through the door. "Whoa there, Justin! Can you still hear me?" She ran to the bed.

Justin stopped screaming, and began to hyperventilate. Eventually, his breath became more shallow. Dr. Koenig repeated her question.

"Y-yes, I can hear you." It was getting harder for his mouth to make the right sounds.

"Don't panic, Justin. This was going to happen sooner or later." Looking at his face, she noted the absence of his eyes. His ears had also flattened to the sides of his head, the skin melted like wax so that only their vague outlines and the inner canals were visible. His whole face was puffier, his mouth hole more central as it pushed against the bottom of his nose. Justin's world was now stuck in the dark, and he wondered if he'd ever be able to see again. But he wasn't the only one to change.

As Dr. Koenig attended to Justin, Travis's eyes were locked on his muzzle, which had grown more pronounced overnight. And then the burning began. His arms and legs, which stopped kicking the air the moment he woke up, suddenly felt like they were submerged in a furnace. Travis began to shriek and writhed in pain. Dr. Koenig took a step back before she could get kicked.

It was like one of those medieval stretchers, or maybe like getting drawn and quartered. He felt his limbs stretch well past their limit, and he was certain he was going to be torn apart from the strain. His vision blacked out as he continued to spasm. And then his knees snapped. It was like they split down the middle, and a moment later, his elbows bent past breaking as well. It was like the pain of pulling a muscle, only a hundred times over and concentrated within all the muscles in his arms and legs. They ached and shifted, the heat unbearable as his joints reformed, only to Travis it felt like they were twisted funny. The stretching slowed, then ceased, and with it the heat dulled to a steady ache. He stopped screaming, even as another jolt of pain jabbed at him: he'd unknowingly bit his own tongue.

He panted, out of breath and damp with sweat. When he opened his eyes, he was first aware that his skin was covered with more deep brown fur. His arms and legs were suspended in the air, as though the joints connecting them to his torso had shifted perpendicular to his body. He cautiously contracted his right arm, only to find his elbow bending backwards. His eyes bulged out in shock, and a faint whinny escaped his lips, unbidden. With great difficulty, he arched his back to inspect his legs, and found his knees also bent backwards.

"Those are your new hock joints. Well, at least the back ones. Your elbows are just knees. I wasn't expecting them to snap back and reform like that, or I would have given you something for the pain."

"Shanffs a lopf," Travis sputtered sardonically. He was almost unintelligible now, his thick tongue refusing to obey his will.

As this was happening, Justin's own arms cramped up to his sides. Try as he might, he could no longer pull them off of his body; they had become stuck. Through all of Travis's writhing, Justin was shaken around with no control over his body. Again he felt so helpless, so robbed of control. The claustrophobia was made so much worse by the feeling of having eyes with lids that could not be opened. He couldn't feel the pain in Travis's legs, but he was aware of the flesh around his waist tensing up when Travis jerked his legs.

Dr. Koenig aided Travis in moving his new limbs. His hands and feet were the last to change; soon he felt them burn as his legs had. His fingers and toes curled inwards as the tendons tensed up of their own accord. Trying to fight it, he focused all his efforts on separating his fingers from his fists, but it was useless. The heat rushed in like a swiftly rising tide, and he shrieked once more as he watched his skin seal the gaps between his digits and harden, darkening to ebony. His wrists and ankles stretched nauseatingly, settling into fetlock joints.

His arms and legs were now completely equine, with a new set of hooves to complete the look. His torso had yet to bulk up or stretch to its full size, so the proportions were gangly and felt alien to him.

Dr. Koenig inspected each hoof with care, then told Travis that it was time to try standing on his new legs. He grunted in consternation, then nodded. Dr. Koenig grabbed his hind legs, and they flinched, still sensitive from the change. With great effort, she pivoted his lower body to the edge of the bed. Travis twisted his shoulders, and with a final, awkward motion, tumbled onto the floor. He landed roughly on all fours, but at least his legs were under him. His new joints spasmed, and he took a shaky step to right himself. As for Justin, for the sake of nausea it helped that he could no longer see as his world flipped upside-down. When Travis landed, Justin's chin slammed on the ground, sending a jolt through him. He was hanging to Travis's undercarriage by the waist, but his upper body was still too heavy to be lifted off the ground. His back slumped lifelessly, but he felt it stiffen up for a moment when he collided with the cold tile floor before bobbing back down.

"Hey dude, watch it!" he yelled up to Travis.

"Pthorry!" came a slurred response.

Dr. Koenig helped Travis steady himself. "How are you feeling?" she asked, patting his side.

"Ith hurth," he replied. He was referring less to his legs and more to his too-small torso. His broader hips helped, but his shoulders still felt too tight, especially since his neck had yet to stretch out. His muzzled head was stuck looking at the ground, and he had to crane his neck to look out in front of him.

Though Justin's head was touching the ground, his legs hung in the air. He felt them tensing up with a warm buzzing sensation. And then he felt Dr. Koenig's hand as she reached between Travis's legs to grope them. He yelped in shock; her hand was cold against the sensitive skin.

"These are coming along nice. About the size of basketballs now, but they'll shrink in time. What do they feel like for you, Justin?"

"Your hand kinda tickles. I can't feel my feet anymore, but it all just feels heavy hanging off of Travis like this. Are they really that big?"

"Yep." She prodded at them, sending a shock through Justin. Travis felt it too, and his feet clumsily veered away from the touch. "The testes are about to come in." As she said it, Justin felt what remained of his thighs tense up, like he was flexing his quadriceps. The load of semen he had taken from Travis sunk deep into him, sloshing down into his thighs. They strained almost excruciatingly for a time, and then he felt all the weight and pressure suddenly drop. The skin of his lower legs and feet, which had long since lost all form, caught the two orbs and sagged low beneath Travis's ass. The skin darkened to a deep brown, and became leathery to the touch. Travis took a wobbly step forward, and Justin felt his legs-well, his balls-swing heftily, brushing up against Travis's thighs.

"I haff to pfith again," Travis announced. Justin didn't understand his words until he felt the now familiar pressure building up in his waist, somewhere near where his prostate used to be. Before he knew it, his body bobbed slightly, stiffening, and then he was lifted forward off the ground, the skin of his chin peeling off the cold tiles.

"Fuck, why-" Justin just managed to say before the muscles released, and with it came a new torrent of hot, sour piss. Dr. Koenig thought he heard Justin crying out as he exhaled piss, but the sound was too muted to be sure.

"This is why we don't have carpets in here," she commented wryly, stepping back to avoid the splash. When the piss slowed to a dribble, Justin felt a cough rise in his throat, but for some reason it wouldn't escape. Panicking, he tried to close his mouth, only to find that his lip muscles no longer obeyed his will. His mouth was stuck open, making an 'o' shape. He ran his tongue over his teeth but found only gums before it stuck permanently to the bottom of his mouth. His body was still tense, his head bobbing a few inches off the ground and making him dizzy. A couple more drops of piss dribbled out of his open mouth.

Dr. Koenig was taking more notes now, and inspected Justin's face closely. His whole body had thinned tremendously over the past 24 hours, now maybe only a paint can in diameter and just as tubular. His arms had been completely absorbed into his sides. The sheath hadn't yet grown in, which she was quick to write down. Certainly that would be the next change. All that remained of his face was a central hole, where his nose must have combined with his mouth mid-piss. His ear holes were gone.

"I suppose I have to apologize," she started, setting her tablet down on the table. "I told you three days, but I hadn't accounted for the merging of your bodies. It seems that it has sped up the changes. I suspect you will be completely transformed by the end of the day, if not lunchtime." She glanced at her watch; it was almost seven a.m.

Travis snorted in contempt, stamping his front hoof. This was followed by a whinny, even though he had meant to swear at her.

"How can she do this to us?!" came Justin's voice. Travis had gotten used to hearing it so far below him, so he was shocked with how loudly and clearly it came.

Before he even knew he was talking, he responded: "I know, right? She said three days."

"Whoa. Your voice, it's back to normal!"

"You can hear me?"

"Wait...I can't even move my lips anymore; how is this possible?"

Dr. Koenig continued inputting notes into the tablet: she was arranging Travis's final examination. In the meantime, Travis and Justin slowly discovered that, after losing their human voices, they were somehow able to communicate with each other as though telepathically. Though they didn't know this, when the formula reached Justin's brain cells, they reacted by transferring the data-effectively his consciousness-to Travis's own brain cells, linking their thoughts. This had its limitations: Justin's body was still very much cockflesh, Travis's was still equine, and none of their bodily sensations were affected. For all he knew, Justin's consciousness was still located in his cockhead, as that was where (what was) his head continued to be.

"I was worried we'd lose each other," Travis admitted.

"Me too. I thought you'd just become some dumb animal, and I'd be stuck as your brainless cock."

"Hopefully the last of the changes won't take this from us."

They continued for a while, relaying to each other their fears and complaints, with Travis explaining to Justin what he could see. His face had pushed out even further, and now his eyes were on separate sides of his head. It was like a panoramic lens on a camera, strangely disorienting but full of information. It took Travis a long time to adjust, while in the meantime Justin complained about the taste of Travis's piss.

Dr. Koenig wrapped up her notes, then pushed the table to the wall. She explained that Travis needed to learn how to walk with his new legs, and that slow process began. Justin was fully limp again, and swung a few inches off the ground with Travis's movements. With every few steps he took, Travis's legs felt more sure of themselves, the joints growing stronger and firmer. His neck had yet to grow in, and his legs were still closer together than they should be, nor had his mane nor tail grown in yet. Justin was still without a sheath, but as Travis practiced his movements, Dr. Koenig noted that Justin's skin was darkening at the base, becoming mottled pink toward the head.

To reward his work, Dr. Koenig brought in a clump of hay for Travis to eat. He was incredulous at first, conveying as much mentally to Justin. But then, without warning, his head stretched out to where Dr. Koenig held out a handful of hay, and before he knew what he was doing, he was chomping down on it with his blocky herbivore teeth. Chewing it was a calming motion, and the taste wasn't even half bad. Travis loved matcha as a human, and fresh hay tasted strangely similar, almost refreshing.

Dr. Koenig continued to lead him in circles around the room, allowing the changes to occur in their own time. After a few laps, Travis felt his neck start to stretch. It didn't hurt as much as his limbs, but the feeling of stretching skin still burned. His perspective shifted, his eyeline rising until he could even see above Dr. Koenig. He was becoming huge. As this change occurred, his body seemed to fill in with all the muscle and fat of a true draft horse. His belly stretched as his ribs grew, though not uncomfortably, as it felt like his insides were now given more space to breathe as they expanded. And then, just as his stomach filled out, he felt a pressure building from behind. His gut instinct was to clench his ass cheeks, but it seemed like the horse side of him played by different rules. It was too late to try and hold it in, as already a tube of horse shit the diameter of a soup can tumbled out of his now wider pucker. Once he was finished unloading, Travis continued to push, still feeling the pressure in his rear. His efforts were finally rewarded by a bursting feeling right above his asshole. He turned his head in time to see his brown tail grow in, swishing as the hairs lengthened. Travis was distracted as Justin yelled at him mentally: his oversized balls were in the line of fire, and were now slimed up with shit.

In that stretch of time, his basketball-sized orbs had shrunk down until they were a little larger than two grapefruits. Justin was uncomfortably aware of their churning, as though they were being slowly filled by the steady leak of a faucet.

"Looks like your tail grew in, buddy," Dr. Koenig commented, even as her nose wrinkled from the smell of shit. The whole room had quickly started smelling like a barn between the hay, piss, and shit.

They did a few more laps, Dr. Koenig avoiding the shit, though it didn't seem to bother Travis to step right in. His fur filled in slowly, reaching its full length. His mane grew in faster. By now, their transformation was nearly complete. All that remained was Justin's sheath, and they didn't have to wait long.

As Travis walked, Justin felt his body pull in closer to the equine belly, until his head was pointed almost fully forward. Every few steps, he even slapped against it. His skin started feeling raw, and now every slap sent all the nerves in his length vibrating. He thinned further as they walked, reaching his final thickness a little after eleven in the morning. He was girthy, even for a Clydesdale, and his final length was just over three feet long. Dr. Koenig was impressed: Justin made a fine cock.

And finally he felt the skin around his waist grow hot, and he was pulled in even closer to Travis's chest. He felt his balls and the base of his length become enveloped by warmth as they retracted, forming his equine sheath at last. His head swung a bit, the warmth climbing up his body. About halfway up, he felt the skin swell to form the medial ring.

Justin had just started contracting into his sheath when he was hit by a wave of pleasure so intense that his whole length immediately unfurled. The pleasure was emanating from his head, which engorged and flared out to form a mushroom-shaped tip. "Fuuuuuuck," was all Travis heard in his head.

"Dude, what's going on down there?" Travis asked. He could feel the pleasure too, and his rear hooves stamped the ground in response.

"Fuuuuuuuck," Travis replied, now drooling pre helplessly.

"I guess you really haven't changed so much, after all." And then there was another jolt of pleasure. Justin had never felt anything so intense in his life. It dwarfed the sensation of any orgasm he'd had in his life, coursing up and down his entire body as his balls churned with need.

Dr. Koenig was initially startled, but was quick to recognize what was happening as she saw Justin harden, his body arcing under Travis's belly. Travis started humping the air, slapping his thick horsecock against his chest with a loud neigh.

Though convinced they would get there on their own eventually, Dr. Koenig felt a tug of guilt in the back of her mind, a tug that pulled her to the observation room, where she found herself donning a pair of latex gloves. She returned to find Travis frantically pumping his hind legs, Justin's body slapping beneath him. "The least I can do is help you out," she said, though she wasn't sure Travis could still understand her.

She patted his flank, calming him. He seemed to understand what she was planning to do, so with some effort he slowed his bucking. Her gloved hands were cool on Justin's skin, sending sparks of electricity where she touched his length. She began to slowly stroke him, up and down, up and down. She couldn't even reach both hands around his girth, and repeating the motion was hard work. Travis, consumed by need, started thrusting his hips as she built up speed. Justin felt his entire body ripple with intense, burning heat, vibrating with every stroke. The pleasure exploded in his brain, overcoming all thoughts and feelings until he was an empty field of lust and pleasure. Travis's leg muscles seized up as they reached climax, and he whinnied loudly as Justin surrendered his very existence to the eruption of jizz that shot through his length and out of his mouth. He was racked by wave after wave of ecstasy, spewing thick ropes of horse cum across the tile floor. It felt like it would never end, his heavy balls still so full of sticky seed.

He came for a full minute, shooting out glob after glob of semen until he was milked dry, balls clenching emptily. Travis's eyes were closed as he continued to whinny and shudder in orgasmic bliss. Finally, Justin's twitching died down to a throb, pulsing in time with Travis's powerful heartbeat. The final globules of cum dribbled from his open mouth, their taste so irresistibly salty.

Eventually, after Dr. Koenig wiped his length (and the shit from his balls) with a towel, Justin retreated into the soft, warm confines of his sheath. What was once claustrophobic was suddenly so secure and safe. Releasing his load then tucking away into his Master was bliss. It was then that he realized Dr. Koenig was right: if he could speak right now, he would thank her for the transformation.

He communicated this to Travis, who couldn't agree more. He was so much more powerful than he could have ever hoped as a human, so much faster and stronger...and more virile. His old body seemed so weak and small in comparison, and he wondered how he ever put up with living like that. He snorted happily as Dr. Koenig gave him an apple, which he snatched out of her hand with his teeth. This was real living.

Dr. Koenig completed her examination, then uploaded her notes to her private database. She had gotten the formula a little off, but then again the experiment didn't quite happen as expected. But this was better, right? She had finally seen a merging of two humans firsthand.

She strapped Travis into a harness, and he happily chomped down on the bridle. She led him out of the building, where a transport van was waiting. As she watched it pull away, she found it in herself to smile, at least briefly. She had originally planned on proceeding with the plan she described for them, but somehow, it didn't feel right to send them out to sire a brood. It had taken some research, but she finally found the sort of place she was looking for. It cost extra to transport them out of state, but she felt that she owed it to her old teammate. Her conscience wasn't fully sated, but it was a start.

Travis and Justin rode in the back of the van, passing the time chatting about some of their favorite memories as Justin snuggled inside of him. As they reminisced, it was as if they could see what the other saw, just how they remembered it. It may not be the way they wanted it, but they were both glad that the two of them, rather than anyone else, were sharing one body.

They pulled into the ranch just after sunset. They weren't sure what their fate would be, but they hoped it was the first option Dr. Koenig presented. It didn't quite appeal to them in a way she would understand, but it seemed an easy life.

And yet, when they were brought to the stables and led past the other horses, they couldn't help but notice a distinct male musk coming from each of their new brethren. What kind of stud ranch didn't have mares?

They soon discovered that, though there were no mares, it was still a stud ranch, of a different sort. And they were the biggest stud around.

Doggone Confidence

1: Truth or Dare "Truth." "Oh, come on. Stop being so boring." Max jabbed Kevin in the ribs. Everyone else sitting in the circle murmured agreement. "Your dares are insane. Plus, you're giving me the option, so why are you complaining if I pick...

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