When Rabbits Roar (part 4/5)

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#4 of When Rabbits Roar

I want to add a content/trigger warning

This story contains heavy themes of over-the-top bullying and humiliation. If you think that might upset you, please do not read this series!

Sorry if this chapter doesn't seem to flow together well, I probably should have cut some things out.

All characters are 18+ in the furry universe where they exist.

"Hey Max, I was wondering..." Austin pauses and grins mischievously while leaning against his locker.

"Do you jack off in the corner when Silas fucks your girlfriend? Or do you kneel beside him and suck your girl's juices off his dick?"

The words caused Max's ears to burn red hot, sending shivers down his spine and igniting rage deep within him. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, catching Austin completely off guard and delivering a powerful uppercut that connected perfectly with the unsuspecting hyena's jawbone. With an audible snap, Austin flew backward onto the cold concrete floor below, landing hard enough to gather everyone's attention nearby.

Max grabs hold of Austin by the scruff of his neck and hoists him back up off the ground.

"I'm sorry! I'm just messing around!" Austin whimpers nervously while clutching his nose in pain. He tries to speak through gritted teeth but can barely get any words out due to the throbbing ache radiating from his face.

As Max let go of Austin, he watched the hyena scamper away, cradling his injured face. Austin's eyes were watering profusely, and it took every bit of energy he had just to stand up straight again without collapsing onto the floor.

"Jesus! Why didn't you hit Silas that hard? What the hell man!" Austin says through gritted teeth as he stumbles back toward his locker.

After a brief pause to gather himself, Max makes his way towards his locker to prepare for practice. He tried not to dwell on Austin's words but as he put on his socks and shoes, Max felt an intense anger rising within him. Silas was doing far worse things than fucking his girlfriend. If anyone found out how much control the rabbit had over his life, he would become the laughingstock of the entire school.

As Max stood there lost in thought, he suddenly felt someone approach from behind. He tried to slip away unnoticed, but it was too late. A pair of gentle hands grabbed onto his shoulder. He recognized his longtime friend from their shared silver fur.

"Hey man," Lucas said with a concerned tone in his deep wolf's voice. "What's going on?" His words expressed worry for what trouble Max might have gotten himself into.

Max hesitates for a moment before finally speaking. "It was nothing... Just some stupid locker room talk."

Lucas nods slowly, understanding all too well what Max is going through. "Don't let those guys get to you, man," he says gently. "They're just trying to mess with your head because they know it bothers you."

Max looks down at the ground for a moment before finally meeting Lucas's gaze again. "I mean... It's kind of true though. What Austin said..." He admits nervously.

Lucas frowns deeply, clearly concerned by what his friend was telling him. "Hey man, listen," he says firmly, looking Max directly in the eyes. "You need to stand up for yourself. If you let Silas keep pushing you around like this, then he's never going to stop."

Max took in a deep breath and tried his best not to let any emotions show on his face. He wanted to disclose the reality of Silas's actions to Lucas, but the idea of revealing the extent of the humiliation he had endured at the hands of the freshman herbivore was too disgraceful for Max to admit.

"Yeah, you're right," Max says finally with a forced smile on his face as he tries not to let any emotions show through. "Thanks."

Lucas places a reassuring hand on Max's back as they jog together to the field. He tried to strike a balance between being encouraging without sounding too judgmental. Lucas knew Max had been acting weird and just wanted his friend to regain control over his own life once again.

A chill ran down Max's spine as a crisp wind passed through his fur during their afternoon training session. Despite putting forth an effort to suppress any negative thoughts, that nagging sense of unease persisted. He could feel Silas' presence looming over him like a dark cloud. The mere thought of the rabbit's piercing blue eyes scanning his body made him feel exposed and defenseless.

As they continued their rigorous practice session, Max found himself growing increasingly confident with every play he made on the field. However, just when he thought he was finally finding some semblance of comfort, Silas' chilling touch sent a shiver down his spine. The freshman rabbit slid his hand around Max's hip tightly, leaving no doubt as to whose grip it belonged to. In an eerie whisper that only the pair could hear amidst the cacophony of shouting coaches and teammates, Silas ordered: "Bathroom. Five minutes."

This routine had become a daily occurrence for Max and Silas. Every day without fail, Silas would order Max into private meetings where they engaged in intimate acts that left Max feeling violated. They strictly adhered to protocol, entering separately and exiting at different times to avoid suspicion. Silas allowed Max to keep everything a secret because it was apparently amusing for the rabbit to watch the team captain struggle with maintaining his reputation.

It wasn't unusual for these encounters to occur multiple times throughout the day, depending on how often Chloe would have sex with Silas. It had reached a point where Max felt compelled to carry around bottles of mouthwash in his locker just to mask the lingering scent of rabbit semen from his breath. He now found himself juggling two responsibilities - one as an athlete, and another to ensure that the freshman rabbit's balls remained empty.

When five minutes had elapsed, Max reluctantly made his way towards the restroom to meet up with Silas. He could feel sweat beading down his forehead and trickling down his spine as he approached the door, knowing full well what awaited him on the other side.

Upon entering the dimly lit bathroom, Max's eyes immediately locked onto Silas who was leaning against one of the stalls with a smug grin plastered across his face. The freshman rabbit had already begun to stroke himself through his shorts in anticipation for what was about to transpire between them.

"I heard our fearless leader got into quite a scuffle earlier. What happened to make you so upset?" The rabbit taunted, chuckling softly while playfully poking Max's chest with his finger. His eyes sparkled mischievously as he eagerly awaited an answer from the tiger standing before him.

Max hesitated for a moment, feeling ashamed and embarrassed by what had transpired earlier in the locker room. He knew that if he didn't respond quickly enough, Silas would only continue to push his buttons.

With a deep sigh of resignation, Max muttered under his breath "He called me a cuck."

Silas's grin widened as he heard the words come out of Max's mouth.

"Well, aren't we sensitive today?" The rabbit chuckled. "You are a cuck though, I mean, I just fucked your girlfriend last night." He glances down at his pants for a moment, letting the implication sink in. "And you know what? You can probably still taste her on me right now."

Max's face contorts into an angry snarl as he clenches his fists tightly at his sides, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. He knows that Silas is deliberately trying to provoke him, but the tiger can't help himself from reacting.

"What are you going to do about it, Max?" the rabbit asks with an infuriating grin plastered across his face. His eyes sparkle mischievously as he eagerly awaits a response from the seething tiger standing before him.

Max begrudgingly lowers himself onto the cold bathroom floor tiles, feeling a chill seep through his clothes and into his bones. He takes a deep breath to steady himself before reaching out tentatively towards Silas' shorts. As he pulls them down slowly, revealing more of the rabbit's body with each passing moment, Max feels his heart race in anticipation and dread.

As Silas releases his swollen manhood from its confines, it bounces up and down with excitement like a spring. The sight of the rabbit's massive erection is something Max has seen many times before, but it never fails to make him envious. He can't help but notice how the colorful veins on Silas' shaft resemble those of a snake.

Max can feel his own erection growing within the tight constraints as he takes in the aroma of his tormentor's sweaty member. He tries to avoid looking into the cruel blue eyes that bore into him judgmentally.

"That's what I thought," Silas says condescendingly as he watches the tiger struggle with his own conflicting emotions, "Get to work."

Max carefully pulled back Silas' thick foreskin, revealing the glistening head of his erect penis. The scent that wafted up from this monstrous appendage was intoxicating yet slightly sour due to hours of being covered in sweat.

Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his lips around the rabbit's cock head and began to suckle on it gently. His tongue swirled around Silas' member, exploring every ridge and groove as if committing them to memory. As he sucked and licked, Max allowed himself to become hypnotized by the familiar scent of sweat mixed with pre-cum oozing from the rabbit's swollen tip.

Silas watches this entire scene unfold before him with an air of superiority. He can see the look of determination mixed with shame etched across Max's face as he serves him willingly. The rabbit places one hand on top of the tiger's head and begins to ruffle up his fur playfully.

As Silas continues to groan in pleasure, his long ears perk up suddenly, alerting him to the sound of approaching footsteps. Realizing that their secret encounter may soon be exposed, the rabbit wastes no time in reacting. He grabs hold of Max's arm firmly with one hand while simultaneously unlocking the restroom door with his other. With a swift movement, Silas drags the tiger into the nearest stall, slamming the door shut behind them and locking before either of them can say a word to each other about what just happened.

Max stands up slowly from his kneeling position on the cold bathroom floor tiles, feeling slightly disoriented by how quickly everything has escalated. He looked up at Silas expectantly, trying to read any signs or hints as to why they had abruptly retreated into this small, cramped space. The rabbit seemed unfazed by the situation and simply gestured for Max to stay quiet.

The tiger peers through the small crack between the stall door and its frame, he can see his best friend Lucas casually walking towards one of the urinals located along the opposite wall. The wolf appears to be completely unaware that anything out of the ordinary is happening right under his nose. Max's heart races as he tries to steady his breathing, knowing full well that being caught performing fellatio on a rabbit would be a fate worse than death.

As Max continues staring intently at Lucas's backside through the narrow gap in the stall door, he suddenly feels a hand go down between his legs from behind him. One of Silas' nimble fingers begins teasingly tracing circles around the edge of Max's tight little hole, causing an involuntary shiver to run up and down his spine.

Silas firmly grips the thick fur on Max's tail with one hand while slowly sliding his middle finger into the older feline's tight entrance using the other. Max scowls angrily at him, clearly not pleased about this intimate act happening in such a tense situation. The rabbit persisted and wiggled his middle finger inside of Max's snug hole. Silas can feel every muscle clenching tightly around it as if trying desperately to resist his intrusion. The tiger nervously clenches his fists, trying to resist Silas' advances while simultaneously attempting not to alert Lucas of their secret encounter in this public restroom stall.

Feeling bold, Silas decided to push things even further and inserted another finger alongside the first. He spread his fingers apart slowly but surely, stretching Max's hole in ways it had never been stretched before. The sensation made the older feline arch his back and entire body spasm uncontrollably. Undeterred by this reaction, Silas began to thrust his fingers in and out of the tiger's entrance with a steady rhythm that only grew faster as time went on.

Max covered his mouth tightly with his paws, trying to stifle any noises he might make. However, it becomes more and more difficult as Silas' fingers continued to slide in and out sphincter muscle repeatedly, causing a series of wet squelching sounds. With every movement, Max's body swayed and pushed back against Silas' fingers, attempting to muffle the noises created between their two bodies.

Silas grinned at Max's reaction and decided to take things up a notch. He began to finger-fuck the tiger with an intensity that left them both breathless. Max shut his eyes firmly and clenched his jaw, struggling to stay quiet and suppress his natural instincts to clench against the rabbit's digits probing deep inside his ass. The force of the rabbit's fingers caused Max's hips to buckle and his face to press hard against the cold stall door. Max quivered from head to toe, struggling to contain the pleasure coursing through every inch of his body.

The rabbit's fingers curled upwards inside the team captain's ass, searching for that sensitive little nub that would bring him even more unbearable pleasure. Silas grins when he feels Max's sphincter tighten around his fingers like a vice. The rabbit thrust in and out of the feline's snug hole, relentless in his pursuit to push the older cat beyond his breaking point. When he saw Max shaking violently against the stall door, he knew he had won. The sound of the feline's ragged breathing filled the small space as his cock throbbed uncontrollably between his legs. Then, without warning, a loud groan escaped Max's lips and a surge of semen exploded from his erection, splattering against the stall door in front of him.

"Max? Is that you in there?" Lucas asks from outside the stall door, his voice filled with concern as he recalls hearing an unusual sound just moments prior.

"Uh, yeah, I just, um, need a moment in here" Max replied in a shaky voice, struggling to regain control over himself.

He felt guilty for telling Lucas that he would stand up against the rabbit earlier today, only be finger fucked like a teenage girl right behind him hours later.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked again, his concern for his friend growing by the second.

"I'm fine," Max muttered, trying to keep the emotion out of his voice. "I'll be out in a moment."

"Alright... I'll see you out there" Lucas says in a concerned voice as he washes his hands and leaves the room.

Silas removed his finger from Max's anus and unlocked the stall door, causing Max to stumble out looking disheveled and flustered.

"Wow, Max," the rabbit said with amusement in his voice, "You came without even touching yourself. You must have really needed that."

Max pulls his ears down close to his head, hoping they'll help shield him from Silas' prying gaze. He takes a deep breath and tries to regain his composure.

"This needs to stop," The tiger growled, clearly shaken by what just happened between them.

"Someone is going to find out about this and my life will be ruined." He looks up at the rabbit with desperation in his eyes. "Please, tell me what you want from me so we can end this once and for all."

"I don't want you to give me anything," Silas said softly as he looked into Max's eyes. "That isn't fun."

The rabbit paused for a moment before continuing. "I want to take it from you." A smile appeared on his face, but it wasn't one of happiness or amusement, it was cold and cruel.

"I want to see the look in your eyes as I take everything that makes you feel like a man," As Silas uttered these words, his piercing blue eyes locked on to the feline's with such force that Max had to look away. Then, without another word or glance back at him, Silas exited the bathroom leaving the terrified tiger alone with his own thoughts.

As Max returned to the field after their meeting in the bathroom, he felt a wave of despair wash over him. The young rabbit was becoming increasingly bold and demanding, causing Max to worry how long he could keep up this charade before everything came crashing down around him. He noticed that his teammates were starting to look at him suspiciously due to his odd behavior. All day, Silas' words echoed in Max's mind as he went about his daily routine with a knot of anxiety tightening in the pit of his stomach. Even when he lay down in bed that night, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread and uncertainty that had taken root within him.

The next day at the start of practice Silas instructed Max to meet him in the bathroom once again. With hesitation and reluctance, Max followed orders and found himself standing awkwardly by one of the urinals as his teammates continued their warm-up routine outside.

"I've got a surprise for you, Max," Silas said in an almost playful tone of voice as he took his hands out of his pockets revealing what appeared to be a small carrot.

Upon closer inspection, Max realized that this was not actually a real carrot but rather a silicone replica butt plug. The toy had intricate details carved into it and even sported tiny green leaves at the top for added authenticity. Silas held up the faux vegetable with an air of pride as if he were presenting Max with some rare treasure instead of forcing him to take part in another humiliating act.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Silas asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement and anticipation.

Max couldn't help but feel a wave of nausea wash over him at the sight of this ridiculous object. The thought of having that disgusting toy shoved up inside him made him want to retch right there on the spot.

"Come on," Silas urged, waving the carrot-shaped plug enticingly in front of Max's face. "Don't be shy now."

He reached out and grabbed hold of Max's arm firmly, pulling him towards one of the stalls at the back of the bathroom. As they entered the cramped space together, Silas locked the door behind them with a loud click that echoed ominously throughout the room.

"Bend down," the rabbit instructed firmly as he stood right behind Max who was shivering with fear. Shaking hands, Max leaned against the wall while following Silas' directions, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over him like an ocean tide. He could feel his heart racing in his chest and noticed beads of sweat forming on his forehead despite the chill in the air.

Silas wasted no time pushing the silicone replica inside Max until he felt the tip of the orange plug spread apart his anus. The pain was sharp and immediate, causing Max to cry out involuntarily, but Silas didn't seem to care about his discomfort. Instead, he grabbed hold of Max's hips roughly, pulling him back against him as he thrust the carrot-shaped toy deeper inside him.

Max couldn't help but let out a deep groan at the overwhelmingly uncomfortable sensation that shot through him like lightning. It was as if every nerve ending in his body had been set ablaze by this cruel act, and yet there was nothing he could do to resist or stop it from happening. He knew better than to fight back; Silas held all the power here, and he was merely a pawn in his twisted game.

Silas then took a step back and admired his handiwork. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at what he had accomplished. The carrot stem now protruded from Max's ass like some grotesque decoration, its vibrant green color stark against the orange and black fur of his teammate. Silas ran his hands over Max's backside appreciatively, marveling at how well this latest addition suited him.

"This is a great look for the team captain," Silas said sarcastically as he eyed Max up and down. The rabbit couldn't help but smirk at how ridiculous the feline looked.

"You look like a true leader," Silas added with burst of laughter.

Max stood there frozen in place, struggling to process what had just happened. He could feel every inch of that silicone replica digging into him from the inside, its cruel ridges teasing his sensitive tissues with each tiny movement.

"How does it feel?" Silas asked, pretending he cared.

Max hesitated for a second before responding, unsure if he should tell the truth or not. But ultimately, he decided to be honest and said, "It's really uncomfortable." He then shifted his weight from one foot to another attempting to alleviate some of the discomfort but found that it didn't help much at all.

Silas stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, watching intently as Max squirmed in pain. "Oh, come on now," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You're the team captain! You should be able to handle a little discomfort."

"You can't be serious," Max said nervously as he stared at the green stem protruding between his cheeks. "You want me to play with this thing inside me? This is insane."

Silas simply chuckled softly before responding, clearly amused by Max's distress. "I saw how much you liked my finger in your ass yesterday, maybe you will play better with a carrot in your ass?"

As Max stood there trembling with fear and indignation, he couldn't help but feel a wave of sheer frustration washing over him. He clenched his fists tightly at his sides, struggling to contain the rage that threatened to consume him from within. His eyes were wide with shock as they stared directly into Silas' heartless gaze, searching for some semblance of humanity or compassion in those cold blue eyes but finding none.

"Why are you so cruel? What kind of sick fuck gets off on doing shit like this to people?" Max asked, his voice shook with anger as he confronted the rabbit head-on.

Silas feigned surprise by the comment, placing a paw over its chest in mock shock. "I'm not cruel!" He shook his head slowly from side to side, feigning hurt and disappointment at the thought that someone could think so poorly of him.

"How could you even say such a thing?" Silas continued, his tone growing more defensive with each passing moment. "I'm only doing what needs to be done."

Silas wiped away fake tears from his eyes before continuing the faux defensive tone that grew crueler by the second.

"I'm just trying to help you lose your virginity," he said, feigning sympathy for Max's plight "You know, it's a bit pathetic that you haven't lost it at this age."

Silas sneered before adding with an air of condescension: "Since you couldn't fuck a girl, I need to stretch you out so you can get fucked like one."

Max's rage was palpable; his fists trembled as he tightened them, turning his knuckles an eerie shade of white. He fought to maintain control over his quivering voice, determination etched into every fiber of his being.

"I don't think you understand how fucked up this is, do you think this is a game? You can get in serious trouble... You even can go to jail!" he spat with defiance, his voice shaking as he stared into the cold and calculating eyes of the rabbit. He felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, urging him to fight back against the twisted game that Silas had created for his own amusement.

Even as Max challenged his captor, he knew deep down inside that there was no hope of escaping from this nightmare. The thought of telling someone about what had been happening made him feel nauseous with shame and embarrassment. Who would believe him anyway? He was the team captain, a leader who should never let himself be humiliated like this.

Silas merely chuckled softly at Max's outburst, "Oh, shut up," he said dismissively. "I won't get in trouble, I know predators. You think you're all better than us. You would never be able to admit that an herbivore took advantage of you." the rabbit spoke confidently.

Max glared at the rabbit in anger, but he knew the rabbit was right. Being harassed by Silas every day was a preferable alternative to admitting something so shameful.

"Now come on, let's go. The entire team is waiting for us, and I need to make sure you don't take your toy out," Silas commanded with a smirk, gesturing towards the door that led onto the soccer field. As the two males stepped out of the locker room and joined the rest of the team, Max could feel every single one of his muscles screaming in protest. His entire body ached from head to toe.

Max tried to keep pace with the other players as best he could. But it wasn't easy; the fullness sensation he got from the plug wedged deep within his hindquarters made him want to constantly walk on his toes. Every step he took sent a mixture of pleasure and pain coursing through his body, leaving him feeling both energized and drained at the same time. When he would make sudden movements or twist his body in a certain way, waves of pleasure would wash over him, making him groan softly under his breath. Occasionally, a player would casually brush up or bump into Max by mistake. This sensation would cause an unwelcome stirring between the tiger's legs, causing him to start panting heavily, much to the amusement and laughter of his teammates.

By the time practice finally ended, Max was completely exhausted both physically and emotionally. He could barely stand upright as he limped off the field, clutching onto anything he could for support. As the other players dispersed, chatting excitedly about their upcoming game against another school, Max slowly made his way over to the bathroom, looking for some privacy to remove this humiliating carrot from his hindquarters.

As soon as Max crossed the threshold into the restroom, he was met with an unsettling sight: Silas was already there, leaning casually against one of the sinks, his gaze filled with an eerie ferocity. Without warning, the bunny grabbed the back of the older feline's head and thrust his tongue deep into the tiger's mouth, catching him completely off guard.

The force of the rabbit's wet and sloppy kisses was enough to push Max back into the nearest bathroom stall, where he found himself trapped - locked in place by the weight of Silas' body pressing up against him. The smell of the younger bunny's lust-fueled excitement filled his nostrils, only serving to heighten the sense of panic that was quickly overwhelming him.

"You're such a fucking slut, Max," Silas muttered as his tongue left the older feline's mouth, his voice shaking with a lustful intensity that terrified the tiger. The bunny's breath came in ragged gasps as he pressed himself up against the tiger's trembling body, clearly struggling to contain his own overwhelming desire.

"Do you have any idea how pathetic you looked out there? Whenever someone brushed up against you, you would melt in their hands. The whole field smelled like sex whenever you moved. You couldn't keep your mind off getting pounded by anyone touching you. All it took was a little carrot up your rear to reduce you to this state? And don't get me started on those slutty whimpers you kept letting out of your lips. Honestly, if I hadn't been restraining myself, I would've tackled you then and there and bred you in front of everyone. I'd make you my bitch, and the coach would ship you off to the girl's team where you couldn't distract the males anymore." The bunny growled, his eyes burning with unquenchable desire.

The words hit Max like a punch in the gut, leaving him winded and gasping for air. He knew that what Silas was saying was true, he could feel the embarrassment radiating off him in waves. As he tried to regain his composure, Max found himself struggling to maintain eye contact with the smug rabbit. He knew that looking away would be seen as a sign of weakness - but every time he locked eyes with Silas, he felt like he was drowning in a sea of his own shame and despair.

As Silas' gaze intensified, it seemed like the room itself began to heat up, radiating from his piercing blue eyes. He reached out and grabbed Max by the shoulders, spinning him around with an almost effortless ease. The larger feline could feel a sense of unease creeping over him as he felt Silas' paws on his body.

Silas pulled Max's pants down and began to roughly tug on the carrot toy wedged inside the his ass, his paws firmly gripping onto either side of the toy with an almost obsessive focus. Max could feel himself flinching away from the pressure, but it was as if his body was frozen in place, unable to move or protest. As the carrot began to be pulled out of him, Max could hear a sickening squelch that seemed to echo through the bathroom like a gunshot. He could feel himself trembling as the cool air rushed in to replace the uncomfortable object that had been lodged inside him for hours on end.

Silas wasted no time asserting himself on the older feline. He pulled down his soccer shorts, revealing his veiny, throbbing erection that was already glistening with pre-cum. The rabbit then pressed this massive member against the tiger's ass, causing Max to shiver in anticipation of what was about to come next. Silas slowly slid up and down the tight crevice between Max's cheeks, leaving a trail of slippery pre-cum behind with each stroke. The rabbit savored this moment, taking in the sight of the tiger's trembling body beneath him while he teased him. With a cruel grin plastered across his face, Silas pulled back the foreskin of his throbbing erection. He ran The wet swollen head of his manhood over Max's tailhole teasingly as if trying to get a reaction out of him.

Max flailed its tail vigorously in response to the intense feeling. It squirmed, attempting to escape from this unpleasant situation. It tightened and clenched every muscle it could to resist the unavoidable penetration. Silas was resolute - in one swift motion he managed to push his slimy cock head inside of Max's quivering hole. As the tiger felt the pain of being invaded for the first time, Silas couldn't help but let out a triumphant roar.

"Ahhhhh... I just popped your fucking cherry, Max" The rabbit boasted proudly, his words hanging heavy in the air like the scent of sex that clung to every surface in the room.

Max's face turned scarlet red, and he felt an intense surge of humiliation course through him like electricity. His heart raced as he tried to contain the wave of despair that washed over him. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, desperately trying to block out the unbearable scene unfolding before him.

"Remember Max," Silas said as he pressed his veiny cock against Max's trembling body, "I don't want to see any signs of vulnerability or weakness from you while I invade and plunder your proud tiger ass, okay?" The rabbit taunted mercilessly.

Max clenched his fists and felt a lump form in his throat, making it difficult for him to swallow or even breathe properly. The tiger was taught to suppress his emotions from a young age, but he never had a harder time doing it than in this moment.

As Silas attempted to push himself deeper into Max's ass, it felt like trying to fit a baseball bat into a thimble - the sheer size of his erection was simply too much for the tiger's tight virgin hole to handle. The rabbit couldn't move an inch inside the confines of Max's muscular body; he could feel every ridge and vein on his massive cock as it struggled against the unyielding resistance that surrounded him.

Despite this, Silas took great pleasure from observing the tiger's futile attempts to end this humiliating encounter. The older feline violently contorted his body in an attempt to dislodge the bunny's cock. he gritted his teeth and tried every trick in the book to escape from his tormentor, but it was all for naught. Silas refused to budge, he managed to keep the tip of his oversized manhood lodged within Max's rectum as he relentlessly taunted and degraded him even further.

"Fuck... I can feel you milking my cock with your ass, you fucking whore," Silas panted heavily now, his breath coming in short gasps as he felt the pressure building inside him. "You want me to cum inside of you, don't you? You want to be filled up with rabbit seed... just like a real tiger slut."

The cruel words from Silas were having an effect on Max, causing the tiger to squirm even more frantically beneath him in a futile attempt to escape. Although Silas could hardly moved inside Max's body, the way that the older feline's muscles clenched and unclenched was pushing him closer towards climaxing. As Silas reached the point of no return he grabbed on to Max's tail and pulled it back forcefully to ensure the older feline couldn't move while he unleashed his devastating payload.

The rabbit grunted through clenched teeth as his cock spasmed violently inside of Max, sending wave after wave of scalding hot liquid deep into the feline's bowels. It felt like an eruption of volcanic proportions, Max could not contain his shock and fear as hot molten lava filled him up from within.

"Oh...oh my fucking GOD...yes!" Silas gasped out between pants, still attempting to thrust himself deeper into the feline's tight ass even though he knew there was no way he could make any more progress. His mind buzzed with euphoria, blocking out everything else around him until all that existed was the raw, primal sensation of dominating the bitch beneath him.

The rabbit slapped the older male's rump firmly enough to make it jiggle "This ass is MINE now!" he declared, ensuring that Max understood that this would be a defining moment in their relationship.

"Grrghh...yeah! Take my fucking bunny batter, kitten!" Silas roared as he continued to ride out the most intense orgasm of his life.

The tiger moaned softly as he felt himself being filled up with the rabbit's potent seed- it burned like hellfire inside of him, causing his knees to buckle and his heart rate to spike uncontrollably. The sensation was overwhelming; it filled every inch of his insides with a burning heat that made it difficult for him to even breathe let alone attempt any semblance of movement. He felt violated and dirty beyond belief as the feeling of hot liquid from a rabbit's ejaculation seeped into his body, consuming all the pride and dignity he had left in his body.

In his dreams, Max always imagined losing his virginity as a rite of passage into manhood - a moment where he could feel dominant and powerful, capable of conquering any obstacle in his path. He envisioned himself taking control over some beautiful young girl, making her tremble beneath his touch as he drove his length deep inside of her, feeling the warm embrace of her walls around him while they both surrendered to the ecstasy that only came from such intimate connection between two souls.

Now those dreams had been cruelly ripped away from him now; replaced instead with a twisted nightmare where he found himself being humiliated and degraded by another male - one who was not only younger but also weaker than him in every way imaginable. It wasn't just any male; it was a rabbit! A fucking rabbit! The cruel irony stung the proud feline like a poison dart. He was supposed to be the alpha, respected and feared by all those around him. Now he was being made into a joke - his virginity was stolen from him by an inferior species. Max looked back at the grotesque rabbit cock still lodged in his ass, pumping its noxious liquid deep within him. He could feel his body screaming in disgust. He couldn't believe what was happening, it was too horrifying to be real. The triumphant moans of the bunny mocked him as his mind reeled from the shock and betrayal. His pride had been shattered beyond repair; his once-proud body now just a vessel for the rabbit's vile essence.

As the last few drops of jizz dribbled out of Silas' pulsing cock, the young rabbit finally withdrew his member from the feline with a satisfied grin plastered across his face. "Damn... Tiger ass is fucking amazing" Silas panted, wiping sweat from his brow as he let go of the defeated tiger beneath him.

As Max lay on the floor helplessly, Silas looked down at him with a cruel grin plastered across his face. The young bunny stood directly over the feline. His semi erect member dripped cum onto Max's sweaty fur - causing him to shiver uncontrollably in response.

"Tomorrow, after practice I'm going to fuck you properly" Silas said confidently, looking into Max's panicked eyes with an evil grin on his face. "You're going to feel every last inch of this cock inside that sweet little tiger ass".

Silas reached down and picked up the carrot butt plug from the floor - the very same object that had been wedged inside Max's ass only moments before. Silas carefully positioned the carrot into the feline's anus, ensuring it was inserted to its full depth and none of his semen would leak out.

"Get out of here before I decide to have another go at you," Silas said coldly, his eyes gleaming with cruel amusement as he watched Max struggle back up onto his paws. As the tiger desperately scurried away, tail between his legs, Silas couldn't resist giving him one last parting shot: "And you better not let any of my precious seed drip out of you."

As Silas's twisted words echoed through Max's mind like a dark storm cloud hanging over him, he fled from the bathroom as quickly as possible, desperately trying to avoid any teammates that could smell the unmistakable stench of rabbit on him. He walked home with his head bowed low in shame and embarrassment. As he walked slowly down the street, each step sent a jolt of pain through his abused hole as some of Silas's seed splashed inside of him and began to seep out around the base of the plug.

Max stumbled through the front door, desperately trying to keep from falling apart at the seams as he made his way towards the bathroom. With trembling hands, he slid down his soccer shorts and bent over the porcelain toilet bowl. Max reached back with a sense of dread and grabbed hold of the silicone carrot plug that was still firmly lodged within his ass. With a deep breath and a grimace, he yanked on it with all the strength left in him. The tiger heard a loud pop followed by an agonizing wave of pain that sent shockwaves through his body.

"Oh God," Max murmured under his breath as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror above the sink. Every inch of his body seemed to be covered in sweat, causing his normally sleek fur coat to clump together haphazardly. His once vibrant hazel eyes looked dull and tired. His large, pointed ears hung limply against his skull, drooping downward in utter dejection and disgrace. His gaze fell downward, unable to meet the eyes of the pitiful creature looking back at him from the mirror. When he glanced downwards, however, he caught sight of something far more gruesome. His once pristine and untouched hole now gaped open, revealing pink flesh underneath while also exposing the inner lining which appeared raw and inflamed. The wound stretched to reveal a endless stream of rabbit cum leaking from the violated orifice. It oozed forth like a toxic sludge, stubbornly clinging on to everything that it touched. He could feel the remnants of the rabbit's seed deep within him, urging him to expel it all.

Shaking with disgust, Max couldn't believe this was his life now--reduced to a mere breeding ground for a subordinate species. The thought of the disgusting rabbit having the audacity to invade his body, pollute it with his vile semen, and then command him to carry his seed within himself made him want to cry in rage and disgust. Yet somehow, the knowledge that he was so deeply degraded only served to further fuel his arousal. Unable to resist the urges surging through his body, Max reached down between his legs and began to rub his throbbing erection while the rabbit's seed continued to drip from his abused hole.

In a desperate attempt to regain control or perhaps punish himself further, Max found himself reaching back once more and reinserting the carrot butt plug into his ravaged asshole. He winced at the sensation of being filled again after such a brutal violation. Once fully seated, he lay flat on the cold tile floor with his knees up, remaining still for a brief moment. He took deep breaths, trying to clear his mind and push away thoughts of what he was about to do.

He lifted his hips off the ground, feeling the warm liquid sludge begin to move upward toward his stomach. Max grimaced in revulsion as he imagined the foul-smelling mixture spreading throughout his innards, coating every surface it touched. The sheer volume of ejaculate inside him was staggering, far beyond anything he ever expected from someone over a foot smaller than him. His face twisted into an expression of pure revulsion as he pictured Silas' smug grin watching him do this unspeakable thing to himself. Somehow, despite hating every moment of it, Max found himself becoming increasingly aroused by these new sensations coursing through his veins. Max thought about just how low he had sunk. Everything about this situation screamed 'wrong', yet some twisted part of him basked in the depravity, finding pleasure where logic dictated none should exist.

With one hand gripping tightly around his shaft, Max started pumping away feverishly, driven by conflicting emotions of shame and desire. Each stroke brought forth fresh waves of carnal need, intensifying until he finally succumbed to release. The tiger raised his hips even higher, making sure that the rabbit cum was reaching places inside him that he would never be able to get out. With a guttural moan tearing itself free from his constricted vocal cords, Max surrendered wholly to the depraved instincts taking hold over him. His entire body shuddered violently beneath the weight of his orgasm, muscles contracting spastically as thick ropes of tiger cum sprayed out wildly across the tiled floor below. Some landed near his feet while others arched high above his head before falling heavily upon the cool porcelain toilet bowl beside him, leaving behind evidence of his complete surrender.

Thoughts whirled through Max's mind like a tempestuous storm, uprooting every belief and conviction that once defined him. What kind of tiger was he becoming now? How could his body respond so eagerly to such humiliation and degradation? And most importantly - why couldn't he find the strength within himself to resist this twisted path before it led him further into darkness?