The Incentive Department: Chapter 4

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#4 of Incentive Department

The Incentive Department keeps failing forward! That's what you do in software, right?


Chapter Four

The test went both horribly, and wonderfully. Ashley and Bailey's date (and engagement) was the talk of the HR department. Walking in on Monday morning is going to be an interesting day for Tammy.

She'd already heard the news. Everyone had heard the news. The HR department was in an absolute uproar, and Tammy could understand it. She'd seen the change to her calendar, and for once, she didn't resent the meeting being shoved in for an hour after the start of the workday.

Leah had said that she was going to be in early to make for a proper welcome for the 'new' couple. Everyone understood that Ashley and Bailey would be in a bit later than normal. Leah was walking a fine line for the two, not having an actual celebration scheduled (Bailey's request) but having enough people there to cheer when Ashley walked in with the squirrel in his arms (Ashley's request).

Tammy saw the flurry of quick messages on the HR chat channel about having to construct an email that didn't lie, but also didn't mislead people's expectations. She was glad that all she had to do was build the damn thing and monitor it, not handle the 'publicity' for it.

The lion swept into the HR department, calling out a joyous greeting as he brought his new fiance into their work. Bailey looked radiant, alternately blushing at the attention and reveling in the reason for the celebration. The squirrel's business outfit was nothing new, in terms of 'looks' for them. The engagement ring was.

It wasn't a massive stone, nor was it intricately set. It was a brilliant choice, the color of the metal contrasting just right with the squirrel's fur. It was plain enough that it wouldn't be ostentatious, but formal enough that no one would think that it was 'just' a ring.

Linus gave Bailey a hug, and a firm handshake to Ashley. He timed it well, holding everyone's attention for long enough to let them get it out of their system, but not so long as to drag it out and make the happy couple uncomfortable.

Leah clapped her hands. "Alright, alright, that's enough of that." She endured the good-natured bitching about having to return to work, and let the small crowd each come up to Ashley and Bailey and speak to them before filtering back to their work.

Linus led those who had a need to be in the meeting to the small conference room before he dropped into the chair at the head of the table. "Kelly and Mitchel are on their way over from IT. Tammy, go ahead and get set up so that we can review the data that we have and we'll see what the facts are before we decide how we're going to release them." He gave Ashley a smile. "We're not going to lie. But we can't let a series of planned events set people's expectations, either. If it comes down to it, we may want to say something to the effect of 'our system is so good that it matched people already in a relationship'. Would you two be alright with that, if that's how we end up playing it?"

The engaged couple looked at each other for a moment, then nodded to their partner, and then Linus.

The bear beamed and clapped his hands. "Good. I've had to 'creatively interpret events' before and I never like doing it, especially if the actual truth is just as plausible and doesn't harm anyone. So let's start with the facts of the situation, and then we'll figure out how to nudge people to draw the right conclusions and set their expectations for this system."

Mitchell and Kelly both walked in and took their seats after greeting everyone present.

Tammy clicked the remote and she brought up the first screenshot. "Alright, first results were what we'd planned on, because we cultivated the data. No real shock there. Problem that we're encountering is something that I'm going to need someone with a lot more social skills than I have to look at. Either we have the algorithm set too loose, or this entire company is essentially one giant polycule waiting to happen. It matched everyone on the list with everyone else, in every possible permutation."

She clicked the next screenshot. "The UI is going to have to be pretty much totally reworked. We knew that already but now that the original timetable is scrapped thanks to Sir Harold being delighted with our 'success', we can at least put this into the new schedule as found work and get a bit of time back."

Leah held her hand up for attention. "I haven't spoken with anyone at headquarters just yet, but I'm going to tell them that whatever Sir Harold's opinion on the matter is, we're going to stick with the original schedule until further notice. Or at least, I'm prepared to do that, though a much better option would be for us to have a compromise lined up. That'll have to come from you and Mitch, Tammy."

The rat nodded. "Sure thing." She looked at Linus for permission to keep going, then threw the next screenshot up. "First date on the magical faceless card went well, obviously." The room chuckled dutifully. "Cost was well below budget, but considering what happened and with whom, that obviously shouldn't pin our expectations for anything." She looked over at Mitchell and Tammy, then Linus. "I have more, but it's pretty deep code stuff, and it doesn't have anything to do with the current situation."

The next half hour was spent asking questions about what the system had actually done, and if the narrative they were building would be a lie, either technically or otherwise. Leah and Linus focused on making sure that the statement they put out would cover them legally, as well as say 'it works' but also that 'it worked because we picked someone who was already primed'.

Tammy quickly scribbled notes down about how she needed to add in a few edge cases to the model that she just realized would probably come up at some point.

Ashley and Bailey both got the official story, and they agreed that it was neither too deceptive, nor that it was wrong. The big lion almost looked apologetic that he'd abused the system the way that he had, but then again, he'd been holding Bailey's hand since they both walked in the door. He wouldn't have taken it back for the whole world. They left, Bailey to go to their desk up front, and Ashley to head for the transportation division.

Leah smiled as the pair left. "They're such an adorable couple. And for all they wear a skirt, you'd never think that Bailey wears the proverbial pants in that relationship." She winked over at the surprised Tammy. "Yeah, Bailey's the one in charge, which I think is part of why they were so blindsided that Ashley made that move."

Tammy blinked, and then shook her head. "Sure. Okay, so, now that they're out of here and we've got our little PR problem solved, we need to focus on what to do about the systemic problem. I'm guessing that because everyone knows about CUPID we're not going to be able to put this on hold until things are fixed without a bit of egg on our face, morale loss, or both. Is that right?"

Everyone nodded.

Tammy grinned. "Good thing I have a plan for this. What I'll do is run the query on Monday, and take the results to Leah by close of business. She can adjust the results as necessary and then we give notice to the winners on Wednesday. That lets them shuffle plans around as required and then they go out on Saturday night."

The group looked around at each other and nodded.

Leah shifted in her seat. "That sounds like a reasonable plan for the alpha stage, Tammy. Do you have any idea how long we're going to be here? I'm not going to openly bitch about the fact that I have to work to support this. The fact is that I pushed for the system and I'll back it. But I also don't want to have to make sure that it's working correctly for a fifth of my work week for the next two years."

Tammy shrugged. "That one's really hard for me to say. As of right now, the real issue is that I have no idea why it's matching everyone with everyone. I'll want Mitchell to come and do a double-doll with me, see if we can't find the problem together."

The big stag nodded his agreement.

Leah frowned. "Best guess for a timetable?"

Tammy squirmed. "I dunno, four months of beta? Give me that time with Mitchell and we'll have a better estimate for you by the end of the day. If he has the time today that is."

The big stag nodded his agreement.

Linus rapped his knuckles on the table. "Alright, it's not like you can do anything with the data yet anyway, Leah. You'll be handling this situation for the rest of the day regardless. Now, Tammy. Let's see what else you have for us about what went wrong."


Mitchell had brought his own doll to the Doll-Doctoring party. It was adorable, and Tammy very nearly lost her mind over it. It was a plush stag in Marine dress blues, with a campaign hat. It was very obviously a plush version of Mitchell. He said that his daughter and wife had made it when he was an Instructor.

'Mitch' and Semi-Kun both joined for the session, with Mitchell doing the reading this time. "Good job on the comments. Rare to see someone who can actually comment code correctly." He found a few points where the code did what it was told, and not what they wanted, but those were minor bugs and not the root of their biggest issue. It was almost like CUPID wanted everyone to go out with everyone, no matter what the intended purpose actually was.

Tammy frowned as she set Semi-Kun down to face 'Mitch'. "So really what we have is a need for a whole new method to start pruning results, or we need to change the settings in the algorithm that's already a kludgy mess. And there's no real way for it not to be a kludgy mess because people are involved and not computers, and people are messy."

She drummed her fingers. Mitchell was sitting in the chair on the other side of her desk with the monitors pointed at him, while she had her laptop out and was working off of that screen. "I think that the first thing we should do is revamp the UI. Let me start there. I think that part of this is my fault, and the use case is the problem. Or at least, the way that I designed it is." She stood up and went to the whiteboard, quickly sketching out a new process.

Mitchell looked it over, and said, "As an IT guy, I think that's a perfectly valid solution. You'll probably want to run it by Leah for her take on the HR angle, but I admit that I like this better. At least from my perspective, it eliminates a couple of problems that I wasn't sure how you were going to fix, that weren't in the original plan, but that came up as a result of this first test run."

Tammy nodded. "Alright. Let's run the program one more time, and give Leah the data so that she can do her thing tomorrow. Now that we have this new plan, I think that I can commit to a three month beta." She reached across the desk to shake his hand. "I appreciate this. It's nice to see that I'm not totally crazy about things and that I wasn't particularly missing some bit of code or reference that was broken."

Mitchell gripped her hand in his, then scooped 'Mitch' off of her desk. "Happy to help." He looked at her office one last time, noting the picture of her parents on the wall. "You know, I think that I caught a ride from your mom once. Return from deployment, The Sandbox to Rheinstein. Bout... ten years ago? Maybe fifteen?"

Tammy shrugged. "Mom flew those kinds of flights so maybe. Hope you didn't expect coffee in flight."

He laughed. "I actually kind of did until my Sergeant slapped me upside the head. Anyway. Tell her Corporal Roberts said thanks for the ride, and that he apologizes for the hose."

Tammy knew enough not to ask about that one. She waved, and he left. The results were already on her screen from running the query. She knew that it wasn't that the system was so powerful, as much as it was that the query list was still small. Certainly not a good actual test of it's capacity. She emailed the results to Leah and checked the clock. Time for lunch and then she'd start working on the redesign.


Leah perused the list, and tapped her fingers on the printout. Tammy was right, this sort of result was totally unworkable, and it would absolutely not last in the long term. Still, it let her play matchmaker for the time, and whether she wanted to admit it to herself, she liked that idea. Maybe not quite to this level of involvement, but Leah wanted people to be happy.

She picked a name off of the list at random, and then started the long process of actually analyzing who would be a good potential match. It took her the rest of the day, and she ran the results by Linus, who nodded his approval. She sent the email out to the individuals, and then shut her laptop screen. It was time for supper and she had no desire to cook after just getting back into town yesterday.


Ted and Logan looked at each other.

Ted was a big stallion. Over seven feet tall, rock solid and barrel chested. He worked on the processing line, and some of the jokes about him involved how he wanted to ignore the machines that did the work because he was stronger than the mechanical assistance was. He was older, and many people looked to him because of how much he was a calm, stabilizing influence. He wasn't the supervisor, he didn't want that role.

Logan was one of the chemical engineers. He was a stocky leopard with a bit more between his ribs and hips than he wanted, but he liked beer far too much to change. His glasses were perched on his muzzle, normally, but when he went out to the gay bars, he put contacts in. It spoiled the look that he went for. He was also older than most people who went to gay bars, but that didn't matter to him. He usually ended up either with good conversation partners, or good play partners.

Both had grey hair mixed in, and both had been there and done that. They knew each other by sight, but not by name. Appearances at Pride and a few similar events had them both saying 'I know that guy' without having ever approached each other for anything more intimate.

Both were gay, or close enough to it. Ted was purely gay, Logan didn't mind the company of females, but vastly preferred men.

Both were strictly tops. Which had just come out, so to speak, during their initial conversation.

Logan and Ted knew that the other enjoyed leather, because that's how they saw each other at Pride. Logan had a leather vest on over his chest, along with his leather pants and boots.

Ted wore a bulldog harness, also with leather pants and boots. Both of them would admit that Ted wore it better, because he was more fit.

They were alternately staring at their drinks, or the dance floor of wildly gyrating bodies, or the bar, or anywhere except each other. Not because they normally couldn't look another man in the eye, but because they were both re-setting their expectations of the evening. The last thing that had been said was Ted mentioning that he, also, didn't enjoy being taken.

Logan drew a deep breath in, then let it out. "Guess we know why this thing is still in beta." He tossed his shot of bourbon back.

It was the right thing to say, or at least it got the conversation moving again. Ted laughed, and sipped his tequila. "Yeah. I guess everyone kinda got their hopes up that the system was perfect after those two got engaged." He waved a hand. "I know, I know, it was something that already was gonna happen. Ashley has been talking about it for weeks, wanting the right time."

Logan grinned. "Heard that his fiance ran him through the wringer for springing it on them like that."

Ted nodded. "Haven't met Bailey but Ash is always picking stuff up for transit somewhere else."

Logan waved at the waiter, then motioned for another round. "So. Pretend you aren't here with me." He shifted to lean against the table, and nodded out toward the dance floor. "Who're you taking to a hotel?"

Ted faced the dance floor and pursed his lips, considering the question. "Not a bad selection out there. Just purely on looks, that panther in white leather is pretty damn good, but I know his reputation."

Logan nodded. "Everyone knows to stay away from him. You're not wrong, though, purely on looks." He considered. "Another one on my 'look but don't touch' list is that wolf with the skirt. Cute, even a super good lay, but very clingy."

Ted grunted. The waiter had just set down a new round of drinks, and he took a sip from his. "Good to know."

They spent the next ten minutes or so comparing notes about the various people dancing. They settled into a more easy, companionable silence, until someone new came into the picture. The new guy was a ferret, or stoat; some kind of weaselkin. Shorter than either of them, and showing off some new gear by dancing on his own. There was a flavor of unrestrained delight that both Logan and Ted liked. The chaps and bare chest probably didn't hurt their interest.

"You know who that is?"

They looked at each other, and laughed at the question they'd both asked at almost the same time. Ted took another sip from his drink, looking out at the dance floor.

Logan nudged him with the toe of his boot. "Go ahead. We're not fucking each other, and I can tell that you like the look of him. This is supposed to be fun, and I don't dance. I won't leave without telling you."

Ted offered a fist bump, got it, and then went out onto the dance floor. He had to move slowly, though as large as he was, he didn't have any problem getting through the crowd of kissing, grinding men. He got within a few feet of the new guy, and started to move with the thudding bass.

The stoat looked over his shoulder, grinning as he worked his hips around, showing off the way his chaps framed his ass. Within a minute, he was dancing right up against Ted, arms draped around the larger male's neck. "I almost feel bad." The stoat had to practically yell to be heard over the music. "Took you away from your date."

Ted leaned his chest back, pushing his hips forward for his dance partner to grind and rub against. He was quickly filling out the leather pouch, offering something fun for them both to rub and be rubbed against. "We're here with each other, but not with each other."

"Oh, now I don't feel bad, I feel naughty. Two handsome leather daddies here without anyone to play with." The younger man trailed his hands over Ted's chest. "I'm Mark."

Ted's mouth quirked up, and he gave a squeeze to a deliciously round butt. Just right for all sorts of things to happen. "You sound like you're hoping to get worked over pretty rough."

Mark lifted up onto his toes, brushing his lips against Ted's jawline, reaching as high as he could. He couldn't get away with a whisper, there was too much ambient noise. But he could speak just for the stallion. "I kicked my last boyfriend out a month ago and I haven't had sex since. Long story you don't need to hear. Time for me to start enjoying life again."

Ted danced with Mark for another song, then drew him out of the crowd. "Logan, this is Mark." Ted's hand was on the stoat's waist. He reached for his drink with the other hand. "Mark had an interesting proposal."

Logan's eyebrow rose questioningly.

Mark made his pitch.


They went to the hotel that Ted had rented for the night. For a casual hook up like this, neither Ted nor Logan were comfortable with bringing someone 'home'. The negotiations had taken a little longer than normal, mostly because Ted and Logan needed to be clear about what was going to happen regarding each other.

Mark hadn't minded. He was getting what he wanted. He was on his knees between the two older men, one hand around each of their cocks, alternating sucking on them.

It wasn't Logan's first group scene. He'd done things like this before, and it certainly was a fun thing to engage in occasionally. He made sure that he was stable, and that when Mark's lips wrapped around him he didn't shift or lean too much against Ted.

The stallion wasn't used to group scenes. It was a new experience for him, and it showed. His tail flicked and shifted each time he watched Mark's muzzle slip down onto his dick, and then pull off to tend Logan.

Part of the negotiation had been an agreement that everyone would be wearing condoms, and that was non negotiable on Ted's part. He would play, but there were some risks he wasn't willing to take. Thus far, he was enjoying himself, which had surprised him. He tended to be a very private guy when it came to intimacy.

It had started off with Mark between them, kissing one then the other, while working the front of their pants open and stroking them.

Logan was getting close to an orgasm. He reached down and brushed his thumb over Mark's cheek. "Alright, time for you to get on the bed, handsome."

Mark's tongue curled up and across his lips as he stood and then moved to get on his hands and knees across the bed. He positioned himself at an angle, making sure that he would be available for either man to use his muzzle or ass.

Logan gave his shaft a single stroke, then approached the bed. He was about to say something when he noticed a bit of silver between Mark's cheeks. "You really were all set for someone to play with you." He pried the cheeks apart, tugging and teasing the plug with one hand.

Mark moaned and pushed back. He nodded, not willing to speak right now.

Logan and Ted both recognized how their playmate was sinking into the kind of head space that some people relished. Logan gave Mark's backside a sharp smack, making the smaller man call out wordlessly. "You need someone to tap your ass, don't you, handsome."

Mark nodded, reaching up for Ted's cock.

Logan spanked him harder. "Try again."

Mark's eyes squeezed shut as he cried out. "Yes, sir!"

Logan returned to groping and molesting the upturned round cheeks. "I want you to take Ted's cock all the way to his hilt."

Mark whined and squirmed. "But I need it! Now!"

Ted was stepping up, watching with fascination. He knew, of course, about how BDSM generally worked, but he'd never really dipped too much into it. He didn't really consider himself a Dom, even though he was a top. Most of the time, he was into leather for the aesthetics of it. Leather just looked good around a tight butt. He reached a hand down and cupped it under Mark's chin, tilting it up a bit, looking at the younger man and how he responded to Logan's attention.

The leopard was working a small package of lube that he'd kept in his back pocket, tearing the foil at a corner and then drizzling it directly onto the stoat's cleft. "You want it, sure. But I don't think you need it. You're not sucking your Daddy's cock, and he's standing right there. Good boys don't disobey their daddies or sirs."

Ted almost yelped as Mark's head darted forward, and engulfed half of his shaft all at once. Ted's eyes looked up at Logan, shocked at the kind of behavior that he was seeing from someone that he hadn't met before. He opened his muzzle to ask Logan a question.

Logan shook his head, holding a finger to his mouth. That hand drifted back down and worked Mark's ass open once more, slipping his cock between the cheeks and thrusting at them. "That's better. Now take him all the way. I saw you go almost the whole way down him already, I know that you can."

Mark's lips slid further and further down, lewd sounds coming from his face as he shoved forward. Among the slurps, schlucks, glurks and other sounds of sloppy worship, he made more plaintive sounds. Whines and whimpers. Moans and gasps.

Ted had never gotten a lover worked up like this. He was a caring top, and tended to be a little more gentle than this. He enjoyed curling up behind his lovers, stroking and caressing them, feeling the slow buildup of passion. And yet for all of that, he'd never made one of his lovers just... mewl and tremble like this.

One of Mark's hands reached out and grabbed at Ted's hips, pulling him forward and finally getting all of the stallion's cock into his mouth. He squirmed his hips around, trying to get more of that attention to his ass like he wanted. Like he needed.

Logan leaned forward, examining the result as well as putting more pressure on that hilt-kiss. "There you go. Now then. You show your daddy just how much you love that fat cock of his, and I'll give you something. You pull off to moan or say anything, and I stop. Understand?"

Mark nodded, as much as he could while staying all the way to Ted's hilt.

Logan laughed, and spanked Mark again. "Good boy." He nudged his tip down, and started slowly sinking himself into the snug ring. He wasn't slamming all the way in at once. Whether Mark had warmed up with that plug or not, Logan knew better than to just cram forward.

It made the stoat's hips squirm around, even as he started to suck and bob his head along Ted's shaft.

The stallion looked over the spitroasted stoat at Logan, his mouth open slightly as he breathed fast and sharp.

Logan winked at him, then mouthed the words 'fuck his face'.

Mark was halfway down Ted's spire when Logan slid forward completely, sinking into the grasping hole then withdrawing. Mark's hands clenched at the covers where he was on his hands and knees, and he did his best to hold still.

Ted licked his lips, seeing how the other two were behaving before he started to thrust. Slowly at first, then faster as he started to take over the pace of what happened. Within a few moments, he was moving fast enough and far enough that he could feel his balls swinging and tapping Mark's chin. Both his hands were on the stoat's head.

Mark was looking like he was drugged, and blissful. Those big brown eyes turned right up toward Ted, and locked on while his tongue swirled and caressed the shaft plunging into his mouth.

Logan's own thrusting was faster, the impacts clapping Mark's ass cheeks and making them bounce. "Don't you cum, handsome. Don't you fucking dare."

For a moment, Ted thought that Logan was talking to him, until he heard Mark whine piteously. The stallion looked at Logan, who had both of his hands firmly planted on Mark's waist. It was impossible to tell exactly which slap of flesh on flesh was what, it felt like there was more going on than could be accounted for by what he could see, until he looked back down at Mark's shoulders.

Mark only had one hand on the sheets, and from the position and motion, everyone who was looking could tell that he was furiously stroking himself.

Ted looked at Logan, the two bouncing the stoat between them. Logan grinned, and then winked. The jag considered how to proceed for just a half a second, and then leaned down. "You need to cum, don't you, handsome?"

Mark nodded eagerly.

Logan's teeth were right next to Mark's round ears as he said, "You cum now, you don't get your Daddy pounding you into the mattress." His hips were driving faster and harder, pushing physical buttons just as much as other ones. "You can hold out. I bet that if he puts you on your back, and you look up at him with those pretty brown eyes and you beg him to fuck you and make you cum, we'll have to mop you off of the floor."

Mark's hands both darted up to Ted's hips, grabbing and clenching his fingers into the thick round cheeks that were driving the stallion's cock into his mouth.

Logan's breath was coming faster and harder. "I'm going to finish. And then I'm going to sit back and watch."

Ted licked his lips, unsure who he should be watching at this point. Logan had the reins of this scene, but was quite obviously about to hand them over to him. He wasn't as confident in his ability to be a Dom, the way that Mark seemed like he needed. He hadn't ever really done this. And yet the fact of the matter was that he was turned on. And so was Mark.

Logan grunted as he slammed forward one last time, then held there. He stirred himself around as he felt the rush, leaning his head back to savor it.

Mark shivered, and whined, wiggling and squirming like he could get that last little bit he needed if he just ground around at the right angle.

Ted slowed his pace, and watched. He almost climaxed himself. He decided to pull back until just his tip was inside Mark's mouth. "I'm going to fuck you." For just a moment, he could have sworn that he saw Mark's pupils turn into hearts. "Get on your back and spread your legs."

Logan drew back enough to free himself from Mark's backdoor, then stepped back and sat heavily into the hotel chair. He was still breathing hard, though was starting to get it under control as he watched.

Mark didn't instantly obey, pulling his mouth off of Ted's cock then rising up on his knees. He tried to kiss Ted.

Ted wasn't shy about his own taste, nor about the taste of lube or anything else. He'd made out with guys who had just swallowed his load before. But that wasn't what he'd told Mark to do, and something felt like he needed to fix this. Not in terms of it being objectively wrong, but what the stoat needed out of the scene. For him to act out and be corrected. For Ted to correct that behavior. For Daddy to correct it.

Ted put his hands on Mark's shoulders and pushed him away, gently but firmly. "I told you to get on your back. If you want to kiss me, you need to do what I said first."

Mark was breathing so hard that Ted almost worried he was going to be in medical trouble. "Yes, Daddy." Mark rolled onto his back and drew his knees up toward his chest, exposing his backdoor. "Fuck me, please, Daddy."

Ted crawled forward, hovering over the smaller male. Stroking himself a couple of times as he lined up, he kept his body off of Mark.

Mark's arms reached up to get a hold of Ted's chest, curling his arms under the stallion's as he chewed on his lower lip. "Please, Daddy. I need you in me."

Ted brushed his crown against Mark's ring, and then pushed forward. Normally he'd have taken a bit more time, working into someone, but Mark had already been warmed up. Mark was saying that he needed it, and Ted may well have needed it just as much. He pushed forward, smoothly, but he didn't stop. He sank every last bit of his cock into the stoat's body.

Mark arched up. "Fuck! Fuck. Fuck me, please. Harder. Don't stop, Daddy, please, fuck me, oh fuck you're huge!" Mark's ankles kicked up in pure reflex.

Ted seized the moment, grabbing at the back of Mark's knees, pinning them to the bed. Deep and powerful, he overpowered the younger man, and did his best to reduce his lover into a gibbering wreck. He felt his balls slapping against the chocolate-colored fur of Mark's spread ass cheeks. He felt the impact of his thrusts bottoming out rock the bed.

Mark groaned, pleaded, begged, and made sounds that Ted had never heard before. Some were so deep that they were transferred by touch more than hearing. Some were so high that he went above the audible range. Some of the utterances were full, even (lewdly) poetic sentences. Some were so incoherent that all they got across was how much he was loving the treatment, and how much he needed more.

Ted dropped his mouth just over Marks, panting hard. "You want to cum? You feel like you're about to pop?"

Mark nodded.

Ted kissed him, moaning himself as he went off. The condom was intact, he felt the warmth of his seed spreading back inside of the material.

The moan of completion that Mark returned seemed to come from somewhere in the weasel-kin's soul. He bucked up, then shoved his weight down as much as he could. His heel kicked. His fingers twitched. His eyes rolled back into his head.

Ted slowly relaxed, lowering himself down to rest chest-to-chest with Mark, kissing and holding him the whole time. Slowly grinding forward, stirring and caressing. It had been a long time since one of his releases had been so intense. He could feel his tail still snapping and twitching occasionally.

Logan stood out of the chair, and started working his pants back on. "I think that I'll let you two enjoy this. I'm headed home. See you around, Ted. Nice to meet you, Mark."

The stoat crooned softly.

Ted huffed a small laugh. "See you, Logan."

Mark and Ted stayed close, even as Ted pulled free. The buzzing and hormones were drowning their brains, and neither seemed willing to say anything. They settled into a big and little spoon position, Mark tucked in against Ted's front.

Mark broke the silence, neither of them knowing how long it had been. "I hate rebound sex. Cause on the one hand, I want to tell you to pack your shit and move in and do this to me every night. But I also know that's a really dumb thing to say."

Ted huffed a laugh. "Yeah. Maybe we can talk about going out for breakfast or lunch or whatever and getting to know each other. Now shut up and go to sleep."

Mark pointedly wriggled back into the stallion's front. "Yes, Daddy."

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity or SoFurry page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.

Agent 0069: Chapter 3

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I Was a College Professor Reincarnated as a Wolf King?! Chapter 4

I Was a College Professor Reincarnated as a Wolf King?! ## Chapter 4 By [StripedKittyScribe]( * * * Trevor Gates was just an old college professor that was facing retirement down with a scowl....

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Playthings of the Rich and Famous: Chapter 4

Playthings of the Rich and Famous Chapter Four By [StripedKittyScribe]( * * * My name is "Rocky," and that's about how my life has gone. A product of the Galatea Corporation that went awry, my...

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