Deathmatch! The Pantheress General Noir X Vs. Leoranger Red

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Earth is threatened by a species of all female bipedal felines, and they've come to take over the world. Including its men. Their crimes however, leave a lot to be desired for an evil empire. Even so, the Empress's armies remain unopposed.

Until you find your powers contained in your super suit. You became Starsoldier Leoranger Red! With your Leocycle and your Leoblade, you're unstoppable fighting the forces of evil. A new villain challenges you one day.

Will Leoranger overcome his foe? Stay tuned.

This is a tokusatsu/super sentai parody oneshot. For the unitiated, Anon's a fucking power ranger fighting the villain of the week.

Deathmatch! The Pantheress General Noir X Vs. Leoranger Red



Earth is threatened by a species of all female bipedal felines, and they've come to take over the world. Including its men. Their crimes however, leave a lot to be desired for an evil empire. Even so, the Empress's armies remain unopposed.

Until you find your powers contained in your super suit. You became Starsoldier Leoranger Red! With your Leocycle and your Leoblade, you're unstoppable fighting the forces of evil. A new villain challenges you one day.

Will Leoranger overcome his foe? Stay tuned.

This is a tokusatsu/super sentai parody oneshot. For the unitiated, Anon's a fucking power ranger fighting the villian of the week.

Chapter 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The birth of Starsoldier Leoranger Red began with an unlikely hero. That hero was you. Of course, no one but Professor Hiroyo knows your true identity. Anonymous, a humble pizza delivery man and a daredevil on a 49cc scooter. It helps pay for college. You've always had a noble heart, fighting for justice in any way you can. Now the power to really make a difference is in your hands. Or your belt, to be more precise.

The invasion by the mysterious Empress Z's foul forces came as a complete surprise to the world. A new form of intelligent life was discovered, the Lyrans. Feline humanoids coming in all shapes and sizes, from spotted to striped all mimicking Earth's species. Whether it was convergent evolution, or if the Earth was seeded by their protoculture is unknown. One undeniable fact is their raw strength and superiority, not even including their advanced technology. However, their attacks were always small-scale, but couldn't be opposed by anyone. You'd actually classify their plans as something a mischievous bully would do, mostly petty vandalism or humiliating the police or military in almost entirely bloodless battles. You're pretty sure the only deaths they caused were by accidentally causing heart attacks from their shenanigans. Despite seeming like simple Saturday morning cartoon villains, you can't forgive bullies. You have a strict no-bullying policy.

There is a very real threat coming from them, though. The recruitment drives for their evil armies. Any willing human volunteers would be initiated in their own unique ways. The women would have their forms changed to that of the aliens, feminine bipedal felines. Even though their bodies would be twisted, the newfound strength and dexterity is too tempting to some. It seems to be popular with some eccentrics as well. The men, however, were the real reason they invaded. The invading species are all female, and humans are compatible enough for their needs. Almost all the men joined willingly, but some of the more unsavory aliens were persuasive to say the least. Neither type of man wants to return to human society after the unnatural act is done.

Everything changed when you found your belt. When your scooter broke down in the industrial sector of town one night, you had to try to walk to find some aid. With all the abandoned factories, there was no help. You saw a beacon in one of them, a flashing red light deep in the complex. You wondered if it was a construction vehicle still running, manned by a worker running the night shift. Running up to it, all you found was a strange metallic belt with some sort of gigantic buckle emblazoned by the letter "L." Even though it looked like a child's toy, its weight showed its true form. You placed it around yourself and pressed the button in curiosity, and you were enveloped in powered armor of some sort, piece by piece. The problem was that it definitely wasn't made for your body, and all you could do was shuffle around like a retarded Tommy Pickles. The design and color certainly wasn't suited for a defender of justice either, too many spikes.

Even though you were extremely excited to have your own super suit, without it fitting you, you decided you had to relinquish it to someone who could actually use it to strike back at the invaders. The first person you went to was an eccentric young professor at your community college. No one knows why such an esteemed professor such as her was at a community college, but she must have had her reasons. All you knew is that she was very interested in strange and alien technology. When you brought her the belt the next day after office hours, she got excitable beyond belief.

"This is Lyran technology!" she shouted. "See, 'L' for Lyran! You found one of their combat suits."

That explained a lot to you, but you still didn't know how to proceed.

"Can you make it fit me?" you asked.

"Let me take a look. This is experimental technology, so it might be dangerous. Stand back," she ordered.

Flipping it onto its backside, she found a small hole, and taking a paperclip and inserting it caused it to beep.


"Okay, it'll do what you want now. Probably," Professor Hiroyo offered.

Placing the belt around you loosely, you pressed the red "L" button and transformed into your true alter ego for the first time. In a flash of light, the suit formed around you, a red suit armoring your feet, hands, chest, and shoulders. You span in a circle and the final piece, a masked helmet with two cat ears on top encased your head. A small pyrotechnic explosion occurred behind you as you fold your arms, setting off a fire alarm that the professor quickly turns off.

"It's supposed to take whatever form you want, but is it working right?" the professor asked with an eyebrow raised.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, and it's perfect. Your long white scarf flapped in a nonexistent breeze, and on your chest was the best part. A lion's roaring face to symbolize your bravery and ferocity.

"Why do you have a lion face on your chest?" she asked.

"Because it looks cool," you replied in a deep voice.

"Sure. Now let's get this turned into the Army or something," she suggested.

I found it, it's mine now!" you asserted loudly. "I will be the light in the darkness, standing against the forces of evil!"

She sighed, knowing that you'd never change your mind.

"Just don't do anything stupid while you play superhero. I'll be keeping an eye on you," she said.

She couldn't see your grin inside your mask.

"Sure thing... commander."

All you needed was a name. Star... fighter? No, Starsoldier sounded better. And you had your color already. Red, the leader. It all came together, and Starsoldier Leoranger Red was ready to fight.

With Professor Hiroyo's guidance and your newfound abilities, you started small, just beating up small gangs of felines harassing young men, or having a recruitment drive without a permit. All of these alien hoodlums had an innumerable list of crimes, including heinous ones likelittering. Your trusty scooter got a new paint job and was dubbed the Leocycle. It's a really cool name you came up with yourself. A hero can't go everywhere by foot, after all. When the professor came up with the idea to livestream you with a drone, it revolutionized everything. Soon, all the children of the world were watching you do battle with the forces of darkness. This attracted the attention of the media, having your fights on the news, and eventually edited into "episodes" for viewers to collect and rewatch.

This couldn't be ignored by your enemies, however. Their plans escalated to sending a new robot of war or some genetic abomination practically every week at you. After about twenty-three of your foes were eliminated, you received a challenge.

"Dear Starsoldier Leoranger Red,

You have been a thorn in Empress Z's side for too long. For the fallen soldiers of my army, I will defeat you. Meet me at the abandoned quarry outside town at midday.

Love, Noir X, 4th General of the Empress's Invasion Forces, Commander of the 4th Army Group 'Black Cats Gang'


You finally found a worthy foe. She could do with a shorter title, though. You could barely sleep all night, but the next day you headed out to the quarry for your fated duel.

As you cruise down the street on your Leocycle, you curse the fact that you haven't gotten a sponsorship from some kind of motorcycle dealer. This thing can only hit forty-five miles an hour, and that's after tuning it. It's better than having the professor drive you whenever you have to get on the freeway. The media must not be in as much of a hurry as you, but justice can't wait. You see the quarry, and you drive your vehicle full speed down the slope, and lean into a sharp slide, kicking up dust everywhere. Before the cloud disperses, you jump off and land in a cool pose, your palm in front of your face to obscure your mask. Pressing a button on your belt, the Leocycle retreats to a safe distance. At least the professor managed to add some cool features to it.

When the dust clears, you finally see your foe.

"You're late," the general scolds.

"Sorry, the Leocycle is kind of slo-" you start. "I mean, the Leocycle is too powerful to go faster!"


"Sure it is," she says as she rolls her eyes.

You get a good look at her, and she's not as monstrous as you'd expect from an evil leader. Much like her expendable masked henchwomen, she's a black feline, just much more muscled, and much bigger. She's at least seven feet tall. She's a black panther. To be more specific, she seems to be a melanistic jaguar from what you can tell from her barely visible rosettes. A Leoranger has to know his cats, after all. Her intimidating sneer isn't quite so scary with her choice of eyewear, however. She's got an eye patch shaped like a pink heart covering her scarred eye. It's a cute touch, but the rest of her is much more erotic than anything. A leather corset that covers her shoulders, topped with sleek looking matte black pauldrons. Her arms are completely exposed, not to mention her chest. The corset just barely covers her nipples, and it's tied so tight that it looks like her breasts will spill out from just a deep breath. Her pants are held up by a belt much like yours, but you might be using the word "pants" a little too loosely. Black flared riding pants, with the crotch completely cut out, exposing a pair of entirely too small pink panties. It's all topped off with what you can only classify as jackboots, but they're completely pointless when the entirety of her paws are exposed. You can already tell that they're going to censor the hell out of her in post when it gets released to the public.

"See something you like? I don't blame you, for Noir X is the most beautiful of all her majesty's generals. But this rose... has fangs," she says as she bares her teeth.

Now that you're certain you got all your gaffes out of you, you press the button on your belt, signaling the professor to start broadcasting the livestream. It was pretty embarrassing when you got caught petting one of the knocked out kitty henchmen on the head after a fight.

You thrust out your arm.

"Noir X! The brave Starsoldier Leoranger Red has come to defeat you!" you shout. "I will make you understand the error of your ways!"

An explosion serves as your backdrop as she throws her back in laughter.

"Nya ha ha ha! Let's see you try! I, the Black Cat General Noir X will punish you for your crimes against the empire!" she returns your yell.

She licks her lips salaciously after her statement.

"Prepare yourself to face JUSTICE!"

You take on a fighting pose, and of course give her time to respond to your challenge. It's common courtesy in a battle of good versus evil, after all. You're saving your weapon for a critical moment, but she unveils hers immediately. With a crack, she snaps a leather whip. Is that supposed to do anything to your armor? She seems to be really into this dominatrix theme. Your earlier question is answered as you see a mysterious purple plasma start emitting from it.

"So courageous... maybe a better name for you would be... Braveman..." she whispers.

She strikes first, and with a flip, you dodge her first attack nimbly. You prepare one of your signature moves as a counterattack.


While still in the air, you spin around into a drop-kick, and flames surround your leg and collide with her chest. Her paws grip the ground, drawing lines through the earth as she slides back a few feet.

"Nya ha ha! Good try, Leoranger, but I'm not as weak as my subordinates!"

Her next strike catches you off guard as it strikes you in the breastplate, sending sparks and smoke everywhere as you're thrown to the ground.

"Khh! You might be strong, but good always prevails!" you say as you jump to your feet.

You return to your stance, and prepare another blow.

"Leo Punch!"

You unleash a blazing fist, a roaring lion's head emerging and flying towards her. She deftly dodges with a sidestep, making you look like a fool. She lets out a laugh, but doesn't respond with an attack. How insulting!

"Leo Flurry!"

Now multiplied by many times, your original punch rushes towards her like a wave. However, with a series of flips, she evades every individual one. With a grin, she returns your attack, hitting you once in the thigh and the shoulder, cutting notches into your armor.

"Mmm. You look so pitiful like that, hero. Why don't you show me what you can really do?" she says as she shoots you a hungry look.

It's a little disconcerting how she's running her free hand down her abdomen as she stares you down. From the wet spot on her crotch, she's really enjoying this. You have no choice but to unleash your weapon. You press another button on your belt and your blade of justice shoots down from the sky, embedding it in the ground. You unsheathe it from the earth while letting out a yell.

"The bane of all evil! LEOBLADE!"

You take it in your hand and start dashing at her, throwing slashes at her to and fro. She matches you, parrying every attack with a flick of her whip.

"Now that's what I like!" she shouts in exhilaration.

This continues as you drive her back slowly, but both of you start to tire. You have to finish this with a special attack. You grip the sword with both hands, and searing flames start to liquefy the rock at your feet.


You spin in circles, your blade outwards as the sharp flames cut into her mercilessly as she's unable to guard. She's thrown back even further, and falls to one knee, beaten and bruised. Her poor armor is torn up too, deep cuts exposing more of her flesh. An entire pauldron was thrown off in your assault, but she's still not defeated. Flames of anger blaze in her eyes as she lashes out with an intense fury, and you're too tired to defend yourself. The strikes beat down on you over and over again, until you're face down on the ground. This was her mistake. Close to defeat, your suit morphs as pieces fold over your armor, a full suit covering you. Your helmet is shaped like a lion's head, and great claws erupt from your gauntlets.


What you believe is your final form is unveiled, and she's powerless as you smash her backwards into a wall, seemingly defeated. The time of your transformation is limited, and you revert to your normal armor as you walk up to her.

"Had enough yet?" you ask.

She raises her hands in surrender.

"I give, I give. Just come over here and I'll cooperate peacefully," she pleads.

You take a few steps forward and wait.

"Okay. Just stay there," she orders.

You look down on the ground and see an "X." Pillars erupt from the ground to your left and right. You dart your head back and forth.

"What is this supposed to be? Pretty silly trick if you ask me!" you gloat.

"That's not my trick. This is!" she says as she drives her claws into the ground, and you see the ground displace as several things rush underneath it towards you. They erupt out and snakes around the pillars, before shooting out and wrapping around all your limbs. You struggle and struggle, but there's no hope of escape.

"How cowardly," you spit out.

"Nothing cowardly about it, I just wanted to show you my true power. Did you like my act? You weren't even close to defeating me yet," she taunts. "And now you're all tied up. I couldn't spin my web out in the open, so I had to bring you to the perfect place."

"Once I get out of this, you'll learn what regret means!" you assert.

She gets an evil smile on her face as she saunters over.

"But you're not. And I can play with you as much as I want now," she says, licking her lips.

She starts prodding and prying at your helmet before she starts pulling as hard as she can. You start to hear it crack before you yell out.

"Wait! You're going to break it!" you plead. "The release is under my chin."

The professor expertly swings the drone around your back to protect your identity as she lifts the helmet off your head.

"Oh, quite handsome. I was worried you were only strong. Still an idiot, though," she teases.

With a snap of her fingers, you're pulled to your knees. She hooks her thumbs into the tiny patch of fabric covering her crotch before you hear it rip.

"Oh no! Children of the world, look away!" you shout in concern.

Luckily the professor was on it as you shouted those words, and the feed cut out just in time. She spreads her legs as she stands in front of you expectantly.

"Now get in there where you belong," she commands.

It's absolutely humiliating being degraded like this. So many hopes and dreams are riding on your back. You just have to bide your time until you can strike back. She seems to get impatient as she grabs your wrists and thrusts her pussy right onto your face. Her musk is overpowering with all the excitement and sweat that she accumulated over the battle. Her pants are wild as she grinds against you, pressing against you so hard that it almost hurts.

"Tongue. Now."

You oblige as you lap at her petals, drinking in the copious amounts of fluids that she's pouring out. She coos in pleasure as her powerful thighs start to squeeze against your head.

"It's good, isn't it? No human can resist after tasting our bodies," she explains.

It really is intoxicating, but you barely manage to keep your wits about you. As you drive your tongue in and stir her insides, her legs repeatedly tense and slacken against the sides of your head. You feel pinpricks on your wrists, her claws completely penetrating your armor. She's got a wild look in her eye as she continues to gyrate her hips against your face.

"Good, good. You're not done until I cum," she informs you.

She buries you even deeper into her thighs, and her vice grip on your head gets painful as she gets closer to climax. You manage to bring your chin up enough to start to suckle on her clit, and you feel like she's about to crush you until your eyes pop out.

"Keep going! I'm close!"

Her voice is desperate as she rides you to orgasm. You deal the finishing blow as you run your tongue in circles around her clit, and her whole body clenches as she lets out a long, throaty moan. A short spurt of her girl cum coats your face, and she catches her breath with trembling legs before she frees you. You cough and sputter a bit with defiant eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" you ask.

"I finally found a strong enough man, and I'm going to keep you," she explains. "And this," she says while pointing out your bonds. "Is just a hobby I learned from Miss Baiser. It's just as fun as it looks."

"We're not done yet, though. I still need you to fully submit," she says.

She adjusts your restraints again, and you're brought to your feet, angled slightly back into a slight recline. She leans down and starts poking at the armor on your crotch. As she runs her hands over it, the light on it flicks on with a slight glow, and she depresses the button.

"No! The Ranger Rod emergency release!" you cry. "You can steal a Ranger's purity, but my soul will never submit!"

"You're a virgin? That makes sense, only a virgin would run around dressed like this," she states.

Ouch. That actually hurts your feelings.

"A hero has no time for romance!" you retort.

She smirks as she places the tip of your manhood at her entrance.

"Good. This is not going to be romantic."

With that, you're engulfed in an instant. Her legs are wrapped around your hips as she shuffles her paws to get a good footing. She's mostly standing, and her form looms over you as all you can see are her breasts. The fat spills out over the top of the hem of her corset. Once comfortable, she starts her assault, thrusting her hips against yours without mercy. Loud, wet claps echo through the empty quarry as she crashes onto you over and over again. Her silky walls constrict against your cock at irregular rhythms as she starts to drool in pleasure. You're forced to pierce her insides again and again as her pace and moans quicken. You feel the pressure in your loins start to build as she swings her hips even more erratically. She's really close too. Your face is buried into her chest as she wraps her arms around your head for leverage. She starts thrusting with all her might, humping you like a dog in rut. She eventually cums with a scream, and that drives you over the edge.


You erupt with the force of a thousand suns, forcing torrents of cum directly inside her. It doesn't even subside when it starts to spill out of her, and it's running down both of your legs by the time you finish.

"Haah, haah," she breathes roughly. "You're such a dork, but at least you fuck good."

She dismounts you and starts talking.

"You'll be a perfect mate for me. Our cubs will be so strong, and hopefully at least a little smart," she says. "I'm not sure your side of the family is going to help that much with that last part."

You were a gifted child, just unique, so you're a bit offended. As she spins around to try to call her ship, you've finally regained enough power. She's completely distracted in every way. In a blaze, you activate your Super Leoranger form, and burn straight through your restraints. She turns around in time just to get hit with your attack.


Your leg snaps out, on a crash course directly aimed at her crotch. You drive it with enough force that she's literally lifted off the ground, and there's a slight pause. You hear liquids splatter against the ground as both of your mixed cum are evicted from her by the strike. She collapses onto her hands and knees and wheezes.

"What... ugh... you asshole..." she manages to sputter out.

For a moment, the dynamic between hero and villain is shattered.

"I, uh, sorry," you apologize bashfully.

"Oegh... what the fuck! You're supposed to be a hero..." she groans.

It takes a few awkward minutes for her to recover before she gets back to her feet painfully.

"Red! I won't forget this!" she says before she starts to limp away.

"Wait!" you yell.

She looks at you, confused.

"Why are you doing all these evil acts?" you ask sincerely.

"Nya ha ha! To take over the world and all of its men, of course!"

She seems a bit chipper again.

"But wouldn't it work better to do good things and make a good impression? You'd get more people to join you," you say. "Like reading at a library for the kids, or a soup kitchen or something."

"Uh," she says unsure. "The Empress says force is the best way to solve our problem."

"Are you even trying to take over the world? All you do is fight me," you say harshly. "And if it's not that, it's harebrained schemes to lure me out. How many people have you 'kidnapped?' You let them go as soon as I arrive."

"Well, that's-" You cut her off.

"The kids cheer for you guys as much as me! You always 'take over' their schools and interrupt their classes!" you continue your rant.

"Fu-future soldiers for our empire... Nya ha ha..." She laughs weakly.

There's a moment of silence.


"Panthera Black! Let's do an Inazuma Double Kick!" you shout to your comrade.

With a new name, and a newfound passion for defending the peace of the world, Noir X is now Panthera Black. She was playing along for her own benefit at first, but truly learned the true joy of justice dealing. The kids love her too! She's a role model when it comes to rehabilitation, and defections from the Empire are slowly increasing.

Her blazing paw, and your foot connect with your enemy, a tiger wearing some terrifying spiked armor. She's the third general of the Empress's army. Her minions cheer her on from the sidelines.

"You're so powerful! Armour Tiger!"

"Armour Tiger flies at mach speed!"

"Invincible Monster Armour Tiger!"

She laughs at your attack and releases one of her techniques.

"Tiger Lariat!"

She charges you, but both of you dodge and strike at her, knocking her down. She seems defeated. All of a sudden, she growls and grows in size, soon towering over the city.

"Black! You know what to do!" you shout.

With a press of a button, a giant robot comes flying down from the sky, and with a dynamic leap, the both if you start piloting it. The battle is intense, but the enemy falls and retreats after your signature Spacium Beam.

You and your partner stand at the foot of your mecha, and speak your mind. Panthera looks out at the sky.

"Someday, we'll have to bring the fight to planet Bavarois itself..." she mutters.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. All I care about right now is this super robot you stole," you say, completely ignoring her worries.

"My own robot! My castle of iron! Your name is... Daicougar!" you shout.

Panthera can only sigh.

"What's with the feline theme, anyway? We're felines. Isn't that kind of confusing?" she asks.

"Professor Hiroyo said the same thing. The reason is..." you pause before raising your hands behind your head, mimicking cat ears. "I! LIKE! CATS!"

"I knew that much," she says as she leans into you. "But I don't want you to like them too much. If you cheat on me, I'll bite off your balls and then kill you."

She's probably not joking.

"...yes ma'am," you say in a small voice.

"I'm your lover now, and only I'm allowed to fuck you into the mattress," she says smugly.

"Hey! The kids are still watching! Just say you're my girlfriend and leave it at that," you whisper angrily.

"Hmm... I don't think so," she says before you can respond. "I like the sound of fiancée more. Hope you're ready, Red."

You double take, and an explosion erupts out of the ground behind you, and all she does is wipe the dust off of her fur and laugh.



That was fun to write!

I have a challenge for my readers:

If you can name at least 10 of the explicit references I made, I will write you a oneshot of your choice. They are all from manga, anime, and tokusatsu shows. It's all superheroish or mecha stuff, so start looking there.

Also, more tiger mommy soon. I just had to vomit out some autism to regain a semblance of normalcy.

Chapter 2: Not a New Chapter, Just Listing the References


No one guessed any except for the GaoGaiGar one, so here you guys are.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Oneshot references:

-Magia Baiser from Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete/Looking up to Magical Girls

-Braveman from Zannen Joukanbu Black General-san

-Armour Tiger from Tentai Senshi Sunred/Astro Fighter Sunred

-Professor Hiroyo/Hiroyo Tsuzuki from Hikounin Sentai Akibaranger/Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger

-Mecha's name Daicougar is a reference to Choujuu Kishin Dancouga/Dancouga - Super Beast Machine God

-Noir X's Black Cats Gang is a reference to Tail Concerto

-Planet Bavarois is from Go! Go! Purin Teikoku/Go! Go! Pudding Empire

-"Why is there a lion face on your chest?" "Because it looks cool." is a slightly edited quote from Yuusha Ou GaoGaiGar/King of Braves GaoGaiGar

-Super Inazuma Kick is from Top o Nerae!/Gunbuster

-Inazuma Double Kick is from Top o Nerae 2!/Gunbuster 2/Diebuster

-Spacium Beam is an attack of Ultraman

-"Castle of iron" is a phrase from Mazinger Z's OP


Watch Astro Fighter Sunred! It's one of my favorite anime, other than Legend of the Galatic Heroes, which is objectively the best anime ever made.