A Gay Lion King Parody 25

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#25 of Gay Lion King Parody

And so, we reach the march to Pride Rock. Soon.

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A Gay Lion King Parody

Chapter 25

For Johnzaloog

By Draconicon

Another campsite, another rut. This time, Simba was on his back, his legs in the air as Banzai - the hyena that led the group - rammed his cock in and out of his ass. It had been going on for the last twenty minutes, and he had cum twice over his stomach from both the hyena's hard thrusts and the other hyenas taking their pleasure with him. Balls in his mouth, feet on his face, the general humiliation of a lion beneath them: it all happened, and he had to take each and every treatment.

Through it all, he had felt Naka staring at him, glaring, clearly tensed up and ready to fight for the honor of his prince, but Timon and Pumbaa held him back. Six hyenas were nothing to sneeze, and they were trying to solve this without violence, for once.

The fact that Sarakiba was still unconscious with the other three didn't help. They needed to keep him safe, too.

"Nnngh...mmmph, never fucking...get used to...the feeling of lion ass...Fuck, prince, you got a good hole."

"Mmmph...glad you...like it..."

"Heh, gonna cum again when I fill you up, you little bitch?"

"Mmmmph, maybe...if you're good enough..."

Banzai growled, grabbing him by the ankles. Simba shivered, his eyes rolling back as the hyena shifted the angle of his thrusts ever so slightly. They hammered in from above, now, rubbing right over that happy little button inside of him. In, out, in, out, faster and faster with those gray-furred, heavy balls slapping against his ass every single time. The constant assault on his hole was just...

Mmmph. He loved the feeling. Almost as much as he'd loved the feeling of fucking Naka before they'd left the jungle.

I'm both, he thought. Top and bottom. Controller and controlled. I take and I give.

It felt right to admit that. No more hiding behind one or the other. He could enjoy -


Banzai managed to go deeper than usual, somehow, and he moaned, his toes curling as he came for a third time. The white lines across his chest deepened from the sudden, pleasurable shock, and he shivered from head to toe as he felt the little spasms of pleasure running through him. His cock twitched, bouncing on his stomach, and his hole clenched hard -


And the hyena went over the edge, too, grinding in as far as he could and holding there. Pulse, pulse, pulse, the heat of cum shooting into him and flooding through his hole. He could feel it going so far, so deep, and he knew that it'd be oozing out for a while. But...at least it was done.

Banzai pulled out slowly, the soft sucking feeling of a rod pulling free bringing with it the low heat-pain of so much rutting. Simba groaned, biting his lip at the soft 'pop' as the head pulled free. The warm, gaping feeling that always came after something big back there hit him after that, then the hotter flow as hyena cum slowly bubbled out of his hole. He reached down, rubbing around his puffy rim, feeling the little waterfall coming free. It was a surprisingly sensual feeling.

"Heh...heh...well...I'd say that bought you some time, Prince-y." Banzai chuckled, sitting down with one let against his chest and the other pushed out. "So, what the hell you want to tell me?"

Glancing at his friends, Simba slowly pushed himself upright while gathering his thoughts. The other five hyenas were still standing, looking down at him, and they were ready for a fight. He could tell; they were tensed up, their muscles bulging, posing as hard as they could to show that they were a threat. They wanted the fight, almost, and he really didn't. He just hoped that they wouldn't try and force it when he had an offer for them.

"Shenzi helped me escape the Pride Lands, way back when Mufasa was...trying to escape," Simba said. "I didn't know why, not back then, but the more I thought about it, the more that told me that Shenzi didn't like Scar being at the top of the heap. Did he ever tell you why?"

"Eh, he didn't say much," Banzai admitted, folding his arms behind his head. "I'm guessing that he just didn't like someone else giving the orders. He might have been the one taking cock all the time, but damn if he didn't like bossing us around. Good ideas, though. Kept us alive when anyone else would have gotten us killed. Dunno what he did to disappear, but hope he comes back soon."

"Scar has him," Simba said. "And if you don't do something, then you're going to be the next patriarch, and Scar's going to be giving you orders until the day you die."

"...The hell you say?" Banzia growled.

"Think about it. Shenzi didn't turn me in. He didn't even help me that much, he just made sure that I got out of the Pride Lands before Scar could get me again. That was enough to make Scar get rid of him, make him disappear. If he's not dead, then he's held prisoner somewhere, getting punished, being tortured for going against my uncle. And that's just trying to keep him from getting something that he wanted. What would happen if Scar told you that you had to do something suicidal? What if you told him no?"

"We're the only reason that he's King. He can't just -"

"He already got rid of Shenzi. And he's getting an army, an army of different people that hate hyenas," Simba said, gesturing back at the canyons. "You saw them. He didn't send any hyenas to watch the canyon, because he didn't trust you anymore. He's looking for a way to get rid of you, and I think Shenzi knew that. He knew that you needed a better option."

"And what, you're it?"

"I think that he hoped I was."

Simba didn't know if he could be, but he knew that he couldn't be that picky about allies at the moment. He didn't know what kind of deals Scar had made with the other species in the Pride Lands, but his uncle was smart enough to make agreements that would tempt others. Not everyone would be drawn back to the 'rightful' king just because Simba had shown up. They would side with Scar, instead.

The hyenas, however, were a huge group. They weren't the strongest individually, but Banzai was half-right. Scar got most of his power from the fact that he controlled and used the hyenas. He was slowly replacing them, but that didn't mean that he had done that just yet. If Simba could peel them away, even a significant chunk, that would give him a huge advantage.

"What did Scar promise Shenzi?"

"Eh. He promised that we'd be equal to all the other species."

"Are you?"

"What the hell do you mean, are we?"

"I mean, do you get treated better than you used to? Are you given anything but fear? I mean, they might obey you from time to time, when Scar's watching and when you can hurt them, but do they want you around?"


"Scar's looking to get out of this deal with you. That much is clear," Simba said. "But I can offer you something more."

"And what the fuck is that?"

"...A hyena Chosen."

Banzai and the others stiffened up. Naka growled deep in his throat, only for Simba to whip around and glare.


"This...this is beyond undignified. No lion has ever chosen a first lover from one of the other species. That's not...that's not even against tradition, that's just wrong. Why would you do that, Simba?"

"Gotta say, I'm on the side of the bodyguard here," Banzai admitted. "Why the hell would the prince here offer something like that?"

"...I'm not going to lie. I...enjoyed my time with Shenzi, and with you." Simba rubbed the back of his neck. "I found...a different sort of pleasure there, something that I didn't think that I'd ever really enjoy, and I...feel like I could get to like that more than I could the stuff that I did with other lions."

"Simba -"

"Naka. Let me talk. Please." He shook his head. "And if I took a hyena as the Chosen, as the first of the King's lovers, then that would make a difference to how the rest of the Pride Lands sees you, wouldn't it? Not just as enforcers, but as someone that the King chose, right?"

Simba could see the offer and the implciations making its way through their minds. He knew that it was going against centuries of tradition that the kings had held to in the past. He knew that his father probably would have been looking at him, mouth agape, but at this point, he had to be practical, and he had to be honest. He had gone through too much to pretend that he was the same as his father or even his uncle. Life had shown him that he was different, that he needed something that they didn't. It was time to stop pretending and start doing.

"So, in exchange for you working with me...once Scar is out of the way, I'll take one of you as the Chosen. And I'll look at everything that Scar did to officially bring you into the Pride Lands, and make sure that I give you a better deal than he did."

"...Fucking hell, I don't think we're getting a better deal than that, boys," Banzai muttered, shaking his head. "Kid, if you think you can do this...fuck. I'm with you."

"You can," Sarakiba muttered, finally waking up. "Scar has...his weaknesses...He hides them in the dark...in that deep shadow that he pulls you into...but he has them. If you can go into that power...you can find them. If you can stand up to him, you can find them and use them."

Simba was glad to hear that, though from the looks of the Wanton One, it was pretty clear that Scar had already used that power to break him down pretty hard. The fact that Sarakiba had been able to resist as much as he had and offer his body to the guards as a distraction spoke to the willpower that the Wanton One had once had, but now...Simba shook his head. It wasn't worth pursuing.

Naka, however, wasn't about to be ignored. Simba yelped as the other lion grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back from the fire. He stumbled to his feet, barely keeping his balance and oozing out the ass as his bodyguard dragged him just out of earshot before whipping him around.

"Are you insane?" Naka whispered.

"I'm doing what has to be done."

"Mating with one of them?!"

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"Simba -"

"Listen. My father made peace with a lot of species, but he never settled things with the hyenas. He was ready to kill them - and did kill them - when they took me. That is not peace; that's conquest. And we need allies."

"We'll have them at Pride Rock. Once you show up -"

"And you think that everyone will just change sides?"

"Enough of them. Enough to...to..."

"To have a war?"

Naka gritted his teeth, looking away. This time, Simba grabbed him, forcing his bodyguard to look at him.

"I've been thinking about this since we left the jungle. Scar's smart. He would have found a way to make sure that they want him to stay king. Some of them will remember the rules and try and follow them, but we don't know how many. Unless we get overwhelming numbers, the others will think that it's worth fighting to keep Scar in charge. That's how my uncle works; he makes other people want him. That's why...that's why he's so terrifying."

Even now, he could feel the ghost of his uncle reaching out to him, feel the clawed fingers stroking along his hips and pulling his ass back. It was right at the point of feeling that memory of penetration when he stopped it, forcing himself to keep talking.

"If we go there with the hyenas on our side, then we have numbers."

"But to promise that..."

"Do you think I'm no better than my uncle?"

"But they're..."

"They're part of the kingdom," Simba said, shaking his head. "And that means that we need to be better. My father tried to ignore them. Scar's trying to use them. I want to have them with us."

"And in you..."

"...Yes. And in me."

"Why? Why would you...with them..."

"...I'm not the only one that has, Naka. Remember. I wasn't the only one that used you back at the graveyard."

"I've tried to forget."

"I know. But you enjoyed it, too. Even if you enjoyed me more, even if you try and pretend it never happened, it still happened. The difference between you and me right now isn't that I'm more perverted, or dirtier, or more messed up than you." Though the last was probably true. "It's because I'm being honest. And being honest...I would probably enjoy my time with a hyena more than a lion. I'd feel...safer."


"Because they won't judge me for being different."

It was hard to say, but harder to see the reaction on Naka's face. His friend looked utterly shattered, though it only showed on his features for a moment before he controlled himself again. Shaking his head, Naka stood up a little straighter.

"As you say, then."

"Naka -"

"You're right. The fact that we just had to have this conversation...you're right. I apologize. I will...figure out a way to be better about this."

"...Thank you."

"Well, if you're all done with this little love-fest, shall we get going?" Banzai called, the hyena leader getting to his feet. "Scar's not going to wait forever."

"No...no, he won't."


The approach to Pride Rock was watched from all sides, and Simba was aware of the eyes on them even before Naka was. The closer that they got to the great hold of the lions, the more that he felt that the shadow-power to see others, to be aware of them, was growing stronger. He could sense them now, hearing the whispers that could have been words, or could have been thoughts.

_What is he doing here?

That can't be Simba.

No, he's dead.

But it looks like him.

With the hyenas? Why send them for the -

Follow. Follow._

But more than that, there was a sense of something else. Not his father's power, but something like it. A 'sight' that went with the sound, allowing him to not just feel the other lions and their presence, but see them like a glowing aura in the grass. They were there, and he was able to keep track of them.

It made Simba feel vaguely royal again. It was a very strange feeling after feeling so much less for so long.

The various species of the Pride Lands lined the upper part of the Rock as they came in sight. He could hear them, too -

_The hyenas are rebelling? How'd that happen?

Scar says that it's just a pocket of 'em. The rest are still loyal.

I say we take care of these ones, then get rid of the others. Scavengers have always scared the shit out of me._

"They're not happy to see you," Simba muttered to his left, glancing at Banzai. "Bad time?"

"...Now that you say it..."

"Let me walk in front."

"Yeah...might be a good fucking idea..."

Simba pushed between the two hyenas in front of him, feeling the eyes of the gathered army turn from the hyenas to him. Even at a distance, he could feel their shock. Their eyes went wide, their mouths fell open, and there was silence. Not even a whisper spread along the upper reaches of the Rock.

And that was when Simba knew: Scar hadn't realized that he had come back. Either Shenzi's work or something else hid him from Scar's senses, and the whole ambush had been to bring Naka back, not anyone else. Which meant that the rest of the dark King's army didn't know that the real heir had returned.

Simba seized the moment. He spread his arms, aware of how dirty he looked and ignoring it. He called out at the top of his voice for all to hear.

"I am Simba, heir to Mufasa, and I have come home!"

The roar of his voice echoed across the grasses and up to the heights. Those that stood on the edge almost stumbled off, having to catch their balance before they tumbled to their deaths, and others spasmed and shook. They were frozen in place from surprise and conflicting ideas of what they should do.

Taking advantage of that, Simba pushed forward, and the hyenas, Naka, Timon, and Pumbaa followed him. Banzai, to give him credit, was reaching out and waving for any and all of the hyenas on the Rock to come down to him, and the flood of gray that came out of the nooks and crannies all over the place was immense. Each hyena in and of themselves wouldn't be the most useful, but when they were two or three to one, that put the odds more decisively in their favor.

Simba reached the bottom of the great ramp up to the Rock's entrance. Three other lions, all with at least a partial mane, waited for him. They looked him up and down with narrowed eyes.

"You...return, Simba?" one of them asked. "How can we be sure that it's you?"

All it took was one look. The power of shadows and the strange glow of the other power merged, and he saw what they felt - disdain, annoyance, fear, uncertainty - and what they needed - surety, a firm hand, confidence. Scar, it seemed, had been slipping with the last one of late.

"I am Simba. Mufasa, my father, broke out of the Rock with the aid of Sakabi, the Chosen that was part of my making. He raised me from a distance, and I grew up with all of you around me. We hunted, we trained, and we lived. And now...Now, I'm here to take back what Scar had taken from us."

"Taken? He's maintained the Pride. That's all. And you -"

"Has he?" Simba asked.

"He is the King."

"He's Mufasa's brother. My uncle. He was named King in my absence, until I could get 'better.' Well, I'm back now, and I am better. Better than him. And I am here to take the throne again."

The other lions looked at each other, but Simba knew that he wasn't speaking just to them. He was speaking to the trackers that were still in the grass behind the hyenas, and to the other species that looked down on them from above. A quick head-count showed that their numbers were nearly the same as the hyenas. He had perhaps two hundred hyenas at his back, while there were elephants, gazelles, crocodiles, and more on the rock that reached at least a hundred fifty, with another twenty lions around him.

There were more hyenas in the Rock, he was sure, but that was little consolation. For this to work, at least two tribes on the Rock, or some of the lions, needed to turn to his side. If even one of them turned, it might spark something in the rest, convincing them that this was the right thing.

Come on...come on...

"You are the Heir?" one of the elephants called down.

"Yes! Look at me. I am Simba."

"If you are, what did Simba do when he was ten, that caused some problems between my people and Mufasa?"

"I - I climbed the shoulders of your chief, and I demanded to be carried on them," Simba admitted, blushing. "I was tired, and I was stupid."

"I remember. I still have the claw marks."

The elephant nodded, and the ten big-eared, long-trunked soldiers stepped back, leaving a gap in the line. Ten out of a hundred fifty, but then the crocodiles did the same. Likely out of fear that the elephants would take a chance to stab them in the back if a fight broke out and they were on the front lines. With those two folding, twenty gazelles did the same.

The tide had turned. Things were shifting in his favor. Two hundred against a hundred seventy had turned into two hundred forty against a hundred thirty.

The lions blocking him from going up the stones to the caves knew it, too. Simba took a step forward, and they parted. Whether they agreed with him or not, they knew that he at least had a right to come forward. They wouldn't stop him from that.

"Heh...nice work, kid," Banzai muttered. "Shenzi'd love that show."

"Hopefully he's still around," Simba muttered.


"We can still hope."

He reached the top of the ramp and the entrance to the great caves of the Rock. Simba took a deep breath, then roared. The echo of the sound tumbled down the tunnels of the caves beneath the Rock, and he maintained it for nearly a minute before he ran out of air. The sudden silence afterward was nearly deafening.

"Scar! I challenge you for the throne!"

There was no answer, at first. The various warriors on the Rock said nothing, and the lions didn't whisper. The hyenas at his back said nothing, and neither did Naka and his friends.

Then, the sound of footsteps filled the air. The soft tap-click of a lion padding along was accompanied by soft groans. Someone - two someones - were coming.

A body flew through the air and hit the ground at Simba's feet. He backed up a step before realizing who it had to be, but Naka had already moved between him and the injured lion.

"Let me," Naka muttered.

His bodyguard slowly turned the shivering form over. Just as Simba had imagined, it was Sakabi; his father's Chosen lover had been broken, ravaged for who knew how long. The lion's nipples were pierced with heavy bone crescents, pulled down and dragged forward to steal away his muscles. His cock was completely limp, his balls dragged so low that they'd never spill their seed again. Claw marks danced around Sakabi's hips and chest, marking where Scar had held him in their ruts.

He couldn't even speak. His eyes were glazed over, and they stared at the sky as if waiting to be drawn into them.

Naka trembled, Simba's bodyguard staring at the broken - but thankfully still-living - body of the lion before them. Before he could do anything stupid, Simba reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder.


"He nearly killed -"


"Mmmm, yes, Simba. We are going to be civilized about this, after all," his uncle called from the tunnels. "Why don't you come in? We can talk away from all these pesky ears, and we can discuss what sort of king you would like to be?"

"I'm done discussing things in the dark, Scar. Come out into the light."

"Ah, you wish all your secrets to become common knowledge, Simba? Do you want all those sick desires of yours to come to light? Why, I'm sure that most would hardly want to hear about the sort of things that you've been up to..."

"And what about yours, Scar?"

"...Ah, I see that my nephew has begun to grow a spine. But is a spine enough for a king?"

"Even if you had one, it wouldn't be enough for you."

He felt the darkness shift. Unlike with the other lions, he couldn't see Scar the same way. His uncle had wrapped himself in that shadowy power, and Simba's couldn't penetrate it. He could only feel that he was somewhere in there, waiting, watching.

The dark-maned lion emerged from the tunnels. He was...weaker than Simba remembered him being. Whereas his memories had painted Scar as a relentless monster, thick and strong, tall and broad, what stood before him was something else. Still looming, still with that terrifying glint in his eye, but without the thickness and power that he recalled from their sessions together.

I was smaller then. Weaker. Things have...changed...

A tremor ran down Simba's back, but he had to keep focused. He squeezed Naka's shoulder, keeping him from charging the King. He stepped around his bodyguard, pushing away his fear for Sakabi and putting himself between Scar and the others.

"This is between you and me."

"Mmm, Simba, it has always been between you and me. You and I? We understand desires, do we not? Or at least, I understand yours."

Those eyes were so piercing that he felt pinned in place as Scar stepped forward. His uncle stared at him as if he could see right down to Simba's heart, and the older lion chuckled as he shook his head.

"Mmm, a young lion with a preference for hyenas instead of his own kind. A dirty young man, so ruled by his desires, unable to think of anything but submission to others. Is that the sort of King that the Pride Lands needs?" Scar asked, beginning a slow-paced circle. "Mm, how long before someone else looks at you funny and you feel the need to bend over, your ass clenching, your cock twitching at the thought of someone else putting you in your place? Why, you mewl for a hyena to step on you; you'd be nothing against an enemy of the Pride Lands."

Simba could feel his old fears coming back, every stark reminder of Scar's touch running over his body like invisible hands, like cutting blades as they teased old scars beneath his fur. The shame of being so 'dirty' compared to the other lions struck him hard, making his cock rise and his face burn. His tail rose, the slime of Banzai's seed still oozing between his cheeks for all to see.

"Why, Simba, I think you're having a turn," Scar chuckled. "Come, boy. Come to your uncle. You need more time. You're certainly not ready to be King."


"Come, Simba."

He felt the urge to obey. His leg twitched, one foot almost leaving the ground. He started to take that step -


Banzai spanked him hard enough for him to feel the shock right through his system, and his foot went right back down. The hyena barked over his shoulder, snarling.

"Yeah? You think that you can beat this kid, Scar? My money's on him, slut or not!"

"Ah, the hyena speaks. But we all know what you really feel, Banzai. A hope for something better? No. All that matters to you is a chance at my nephew's ass. The lot of you have nothing but that hunger for holes. And you wonder why the rest of the kingdom doesn't trust you? All you have to do is look at you, now. Traitors to your own -"

"Heh...Looks like prince-y finally came into his own."

All eyes flicked from Scar to the thick-hipped hyena that had just appeared behind him. Shenzi slumped against the wall, groaning under his breath, and Scar's eyes went wide. For a moment, his attention shifted, and Simba was able to see and hear.

He saw his uncle laid bare for the first time in his life, and it was a nightmare of a man wrapped in a shell of power and desperation. He saw his uncle's intelligence and cunning, his ambition and his pain, his fears and his utter insecurities. In that moment, he saw the debauchery that Scar had pursued when the Pride Lands embraced Mufasa and discarded him. He saw the anger at Mufasa's plans to integrate the Pride Lands and ignore other pieces of it, everything incomplete.

And he saw what Scar had desperately planned to do: to bring the Outlanders back, and become their idol, the one that they would respect, when the land that he had helped Mufasa craft barely acknowledged him in the slightest.

Simba stared at his uncle as everything was laid bare, and as Scar turned back to him, his uncle knew what Simba had seen. Shenzi chuckled.

"Your choice, Scar," the hyena grunted. "Now Prince-y knows, too. And everyone's hear to listen."


"You can't manipulate your way out of this one, uncle," Simba said, shaking his head. "And there's no exile waiting for you."

"Simba, Simba, Simba," Scar said, shaking his head in exaggerated 'reasonableness.' "Come now, you can't just kill your old uncle."

"He should," Naka muttered. "Simba...please..."


"Simba! He had your father killed!"

"No...no, he didn't," Simba said, shaking his head. "He set it up, but he didn't make it happen. And he didn't want it to happen. Not when he wasn't the official king. Not yet. My father dying...made everything else harder.

"That doesn't mean that he hasn't done other horrible things...but for now, he will be placed where he placed so many others. In the depths of the Rock."

It was not the popular answer, but it was the right one. He needed time to judge Scar properly, and he didn't have that time now. The hyenas pushed forward, directed by Banzai to take the former King down into the depths, while others rushed forward to support the sagging Shenzi. The patriarch of the hyenas was led out, chuckling to himself as he half-walked, half was carried toward Simba.

"So...you finally made it back."

"...Yeah...guess I did."

"Well...here's hoping we get a better deal with you than we did with him."

Simba nodded, turning to the other species. He didn't know how he was going to be able to sell this to them, or what kind of deal he was going to have to make to keep them happy, but one thing was for sure. His carefree days were done, and his responsible ones were just about to start.

The End

Summary: And so, we reach the march to Pride Rock. Soon.

Tags: M/M, Anal, Lion, Hyena, Banzai, Simba, Rule 34, Series, Feet, Sweat, Cum, Orgasm, Creampie, Powers, Politics,