Hands & Hooves

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Hands & Hooves

By Grumb

Heavy breaths echoed inside the small apartment bathroom. Pants and underwear around ankles, a shirt strewn across the floor. The surrounding air dense with the smell of sweat. Alex stood centered within facing the mirror, a hand wrapped around his shaft eagerly jerking off to thoughts of former girlfriends. Naked body slick with lust in the confined bathroom, Alex closed his brown eyes desperately trying to remember the bodies of past women he'd slept with.

It had been a year since Alex had gotten any action and found his pent-up self having to jerk off twice a day just to keep his libido controlled. Despite his horniness today though, he struggled in imagining provocative female images to get off to. Shifting his eyes back open, Alex instead admired himself in the mirror. His goatee, long-brown hair hanging down his neck, a toned chest and abdomen. His trimmed happy-trail sneaking down his belly surrounded by pointed hips that directed anyone towards his groin. Alex couldn't understand why the women weren't throwing themselves at him by the hour.

Rolling his eyes in sexual frustration thinking of his recent failures in bringing a girl back home, Alex shifted eyes to his cock and stared. Trimmed balls underneath grinded and squeezed across the top of the vanity as hips bucked in unison with his cock being pumped. Insecurities slowly bubbled to the surface as desires for a bigger cock replaced and plagued Alex's thoughts of women. Closing his eyes again, he thought of having a thick-veined member straining to be touched. Hefty flesh pulsating with desire and balls heavy with the seed of a strong man like himself. Mouth curling into a smile, Alex's mind became saturated with the type of cocks and balls you see in porn.

Imagining himself with such an organ seemingly doing the trick for the young man, Alex continued the depraved thoughts of the groins of muscular men. Ideas of a cock straining against the inside of pants. A heavy bulge pushing against underwear desperate to be free. That hefty smell that told everyone who was in control. Without warning though, thoughts suddenly shifted to images of his roommate as well. Behind Alex's closed eyes, he imagined the cock of his friend pulsing and throbbing with desire. He pictured it laying across his own hands, feeling it slowly grow with each tug as the two locked lips and tongues danced.

The idea of such forcing Alex's lust completely over the edge, he let go of his shaft finally feeling an orgasm build. Sticky precum stretching from the palm of his hand to his cock, he leaned his head back in pleasure with tingles spreading upwards from his crotch towards his chest. Alex quietly moaned as cum shot out his hand-free cock, hitting the mirror and faucet in front of him with a splatter of pent-up force.

Breathless, arms dangling to his sides, Alex shifted his head back forward looking at himself in the mirror. Eyes stared over his sweat lined body when a form of clarity hit him like a brick recognizing he jerked off to cocks and his roommate. More insecurities sent questions attacking his sexuality, desperately trying to justify why he imagined all that. Unable to rationalize a reason comfortable with, Alex pushed such thoughts to the back of his mind desperate to forget them. Grabbing a few sheets of toilet paper nearby, he lazily cleaned up the cum splattered on the vanity, leaving a few areas still smeared with nut behind.

Pulling up his pants, Alex pushed his still hard cock into underwear as he tightened his belt and grabbed the wrinkled shirt laying on the floor. Flaring his nostrils, he picked up the scent of himself which now dominated the inside of the shared apartment bathroom. Before turning off the bathroom light and opening the door he made sure to turn on the above fan to get rid of his smell.

Alex plopped down on the couch next to his roommate Ben with a large sigh, raising two legs onto the ottoman directing his attention towards the loud television.

"Lord, you were in there long enough. Everything all good? I hope you sprayed the air freshener before you left." Ben jokingly questioned.

"Yea yea yea, don't worry I did. I'm all good, but are you still good for the bars tonight? Figure we could leave soon? I heard about this new place." Alex responded, trying to quickly change the topic from talking about the bathroom.

"To be honest man, imma have to take a raincheck. I completely forgot about this midterm paper and I can't procrastinate any longer. Why don't you head out and I'll swing by later if I get enough done?"

"Damn bro, yea alright. You'd probably just steal all the women anyway you stud. Hit me up with a message if you decide to come out." Alex replied standing up from the couch, his roommate laughing in response to the compliment.

His cock uncomfortably hard from before still, Alex adjusted his pants to not show off his boner to Ben before heading towards the Kitchen. Approaching the refrigerator, he opened the door and grabbed a large handle of chilled vodka from the freezer and two shot glasses from the cupboard.

"You sure you don't want a shot? I got one just for you!" Alex screamed from the kitchen to Ben.

"Haha nice try man, but nah I'm good for now."

"More for me then." Alex said to himself, quickly downing both Vodka shots with violent coughs following as the hefty liquor slammed the back of his throat.

Quickly grabbing a cup and filling it with water, Alex chugged at it desperately to replace the stinging ethanol taste that coated his tongue. Placing both hands on the counter as he recovered, Alex pondered whether one more shot was needed. He wanted to be comfortable around the ladies after all. Grabbing the vodka bottle again and pouring another, Alex ignored the rational thoughts that advised against and downed his third shot.

Throwing on his winter jacket and sliding into his shoes, Alex yelled a goodbye to his roommate before leaving the apartment. The vodka warming his insides, he stumbled down the outdoor apartment steps with a goofy smile pumping himself up with the hopes of finding a girl to take home tonight.

The bar was farther outside of town than Alex originally thought. By the time he strolled up to its front, the sun had already set leaving his surroundings dark and the air chilled. Hands buried in his pockets, Alex looked up at what hung just above the entrance to the small shack of a bar. Starring back, the boned skull of a goat gazed downwards, its black socketed eyes piercing into the young man's soul. Two horns curved upwards and ended in points, only alleviated in its devilish appearance by an array of Christmas lights that wrapped around illuminating its boned face.

Maybe it's a goth bar, Alex anxiously thought to himself. The three vodka shots pushing his body forward, Alex reached out and pushed open the heavy wooden door, stepping inside.

Almost immediately upon entering, Alex recognized it was an environment far removed from his normal comfort of shitty college bars. The place was practically empty with a few locals who sat huddled in areas throughout. The inside was completely lit with red Christmas lights showering the small space in a scarlet glow that emphasized dark shadows in the corners.

Alex was on the verge of turning right around and calling an uber to head back into town until his eyes met a young lady sitting near the end of the bar all by herself. The red lights coated her figure in almost a saintly glow that defined her from the rest of the strange people staring at him inside.

The vodka shots once again doing most of the work for motivation, Alex confidently walked up to the woman and sat right next to her without permission, raising a finger of attention to the bartender nearby.

"I'll have a vodka sprite. And for the lady?" Alex tried to stylishly pull off as he turned towards her.

Looking at the obviously drunk man from top to bottom, she couldn't hide her look of disgust.

"I'll have the usual John. Give this man the same." She said with confidence as the bartender nodded and reached underneath the bar to grab a green bottle with a thick dark liquid inside.

Alex was almost put into a stupor by the definiteness of the lady before him, shocked she so easily decided what he was going to drink instead. He was the man after all, he should have decided.

Seated next to her, Alex had the chance to get a better look at who he was trying to seduce. She certainly matched the rest of the bar environment, exotic and unpolished. She wore almost a tunic that draped to the floor below, colored the same as the red lights around her. Runic patches sewn randomly throughout her garbs, rips and tears in her clothing leaving strings of tattered cloth hanging down from her chair.

She must be one of those eclectics. Bet she's desperate for a man, Alex thought still staring at her, admiring the beauty in her pale face despite her strange attire.

"What's that you just ordered?" Alex sheepishly asked, knocked off his normal game of buying a girl a drink and carrying forward a conversation from there.

"You'll like it, it's sweet," she coldly responded.

Alex turned to face the bartender. An awkward silence defined the space between the two as he watched the gross liquid poor into two large shot glasses.

I should have ubered to another bar, Alex thought as one of the shots was placed in front of him, the other given to the lady.

Looking around, Alex noticed other hooded patrons staring in his direction. Unable to make out faces in the darkened spaces of the bar.

"I'm Alex by the way, and you are?" He said, turning in his chair again hoping to start over.

"Mary works." she responded before grabbing the shot and shifting in her seat to get a better look at the young man before her.

Shot in hand, Mary stared deeply into Alex's eyes with an exploring expression across her face as if she was studying him.

"Uhhh well what should we toast to?" Alex said, trying to break the uncomfortable tension.

"To insecurities." Mary flatly answered after a rather long uncomfortable pause.

"To uhhh insecurities." Alex repeated, his face growing red and raising his glass.

The two looked into each other's eyes as they downed their shots, though it was Alex who first broke their gaze as whatever liquid he drank touched his throat. Leaning over, he coughed and sputtered feeling the awful taste of salt and bleach line the insides of his mouth leaving a gross consistency behind. It was somehow worse than the past three vodka shots combined. Looking at the bartender in desperation, his eyes tearing up, Alex needed water or some chaser to cleanse his throat.

"Only water we got is the bathroom sink." The bartender responded without question, knowing immediately what Alex needed.

"Excuse me real quick." Alex squeaked as he incompetently stood up and stumbled towards the bathrooms in the back, coughing along the way.

Mary smirked as she shifted herself forward again.

"Another frat boy you've debased this month Mary?" The bartender sighed in an almost dissenting tone.

"Oh you know how easy it is. Plus I imagine this one will be much happier once it's all said and done. I'm doing him and his roommate a favor." Mary giggled, proud of her work.

Alex stumbled into the bathroom door, pushing it open and desperately scrambling towards the sink. Leaning his head down, he turned on the faucet and lapped at the water like a dog as he wildly tried washing away the taste that coated his mouth and stung the back of his throat.

For minutes Alex kept his head under the tap water, rinsing his face and mouth until he finally felt some relief, able to clear his throat without tasting the horrible liquid. Turning off the faucet and raising his head gasping for breath, Alex stared at himself in the cracked bathroom mirror. Fuzzy familiar memories of himself hours ago in his own apartment's bathroom filled his body with shame seeing his current embarrassing state in public.

Leaning and supporting himself against the dirty sink, Alex stared at himself feeling the direct impacts of alcohol. The ground swaying underneath him, he watched the image of himself in the mirror blur and smear, details of his face obscured by a cloud of drunkenness and stupor. His body swaying against the effects of the shot he took, Alex could barely see his reflection. Squinting his eyes, it was almost as if something was in the mirror staring back at him. Sets of pointed red sticking above unkempt hair, a lumbering mass of dark.

Flexing his arms to hold onto the sink so he wouldn't fall over, Alex for the first time questioned if he was drugged by that woman. On times more than he could count, he'd been trashed before and never had Alex felt this way after a shot.

The predicament of his situation slammed into Alex. He was at a new bar, no friends nearby, far outside the town center. Possibly drugged. Fear quickly filled his thoughts recognizing how stupid he was for coming this far out of town without a buddy.

Calm down Alex. You're fine. You need some fresh air and water, he reasoned to himself as his hands let go of the sink and he turned to face the restroom door.

Upon facing a new direction though, Alex's eyes widened in horror seeing a concrete wall directly in front of him instead. The same door he'd just stumbled in from was gone, replaced with a barrier that locked him in place without an exit. Alex didn't know whether he was dreaming, hallucinating or a horrible combination of both but something obviously was wrong. Quickened breaths of panic only adding to his anxiety, he placed hands on the wall frantically looking for any sign of a door to escape.

Unable to find an exit, Alex turned around again to see that the bathroom stalls and urinals that were just there, were also replaced with walls. Alex was trapped inside a box, the sink and mirror only remaining in his small concrete prison. Facing the mirror in fear and confusion, Alex's face lost all color upon seeing fingers from multiple hands slowly emerge from behind the glass of the bathroom mirror like some horror movie.

The hands slowly stretching forward could hardly be described as anything human though. Each only had three freakishly swollen fingers coated in a gray fur. All of the fingers ending in sharp shadowy talons that curved into horrible black points. The hands twitched in anticipation as they moved closer to Alex, impossibly floating in the air as they did so.

Screaming, Alex stepped backwards only to hit a wall behind. With nowhere to escape, he violently swung at one of the closest claws hoping to smack it away, but helplessly watched his fist pass right through the spectral limb instead.

This has gotta be some dream right? Alex questioned, almost some relief given to the impossibility of his situation and what he was seeing.

Such thoughts of comfort were quickly shattered though when the hands, all at once, surged forward grabbing at his shoulders, clothes and legs. Almost a dozen of them all firmly grasped his frame, tightening their claws around and slowly pulling him towards the mirror they just emerged from.

It didn't hurt, but Alex couldn't help but continue to scream, desperate to alert someone outside this concrete prison that he needed help. Being pulled closer into his own cracked reflection, Alex tried digging his feet into the tiled floor below with little success, his shoes slowly sliding across.

Alex watched in dismay, trying to use his own hands to push the things off, though they once again helplessly passed through. The limbs could touch Alex but he couldn't interact with them. Slowly but steadily, his body was pulled closer to the mirror until his chest hung over the sink and his legs dragged limply behind. The back of the ghostly claws retreating into the mirror, Alex's jacket and chest pulled in with them.

The moment his chest touched the mirror, Alex was hit with a frigid chill as if he was sinking into a metallic pool. Straining his neck upward, his body became increasingly swallowed by the abyss before him. His head inches from the reflected surface, Alex looked for anything to hold onto. Grabbing a hold of the sink, he managed to pause his face submerging briefly enough for him to take a large breath one last time. His grip failing against the strength of the multiple pulling claws, a forceful jerk broke his hold from the vanity and in one motion Alex's entire head and neck sunk into the cold reflection.

Still holding onto the idea that he was tucked in bed sound asleep, was all Alex could hold onto as he experienced this awful trip in the flesh. Fearfully opening his eyes, Alex was dumbfounded in terror upon seeing he was being pulled inside some sort of a tunnel lined completely with mirrors. Hundreds of reflections of himself appeared in each one like he had entered some hellish house of mirrors at the circus.

Eyes constantly darting around looking at his surroundings, he watched as suddenly to his right that same flash of red he saw before reflected along his side. A mass of shadows moving closer, shifting from mirror to mirror towards the helpless human being pulled through this tunnel by claws. Defenseless and unable to make out its form in his position, Alex could only watch as the thing moved closer.

Shifting his head to look directly into one the mirrors passing nearby, Alex managed to catch a glimpse of the creature. His own reflection gone, Alex gazed deeply into two red eyes which stared back with a hypnotic gaze. Its surrounding mass replaced human skin with that of beastly fur lined with muscle. Before he could stare at this mutated reflection of himself anymore, in a bright flash Alex was suddenly tumbling face first out the other side of a mirror, landing flatly on the floor below.

Alex groaned against the impact of the floor struggling to comprehend the madness of what just happened. Shifting himself and raising a head off the ground, he quickly recognized his surroundings to be that of his apartment. Somehow he was now sprawled on his bedroom floor instead of inside the bathroom of a bar. Behind him, his room's full-body mirror leaned against the wall. Broken glass cracked in a pattern identical to the pattern on the bar's bathroom mirror.

"What the actual fuck?" Alex audibly questioned nobody but himself..

Was all that just a dream? Did I pass out from those vodka shots?" He questioned as his mind scrambled to rationalize the impossible.

Stomach laying flat against the floor, Alex was exhausted enough to want to go back to bed at this point. Barely managing to support himself on his elbows, he shifted one of his legs underneath, raising his hips to stand back up. Moving his body though, he realized just how sore he was. It was a struggle to stand, feeling mentally and physically exhausted from whatever dream or trip he experienced.

Before he could manage to bring the other knee forward to stand, Alex felt an all too familiar sensation of being grabbed by a foreign hand, this time from behind.

No. Not again. Alex exhaustingly pleaded, turning his head in dismay.

Seeing just one of the floating claws this time, Alex's entire self became overwhelmed with doubt and dread recognizing it wasn't all a dream. Though such feelings of fear quickly shifted to embarrassment watching the hand slide towards his raised ass, coaxingly squeezing at his flesh.

Face flushing red, Alex didn't know if he should yell at the thing or try moving away to escape. He knew he couldn't swat them away like the annoying flies they were. He just wanted to get outside and find some help.

Maybe it's all a dream still? Am I crazy? None of this is possible. It's all imagination. Questions that flooded Alex's brain once more.

Attempting to stand yet again, Alex tried ignoring the hand until he abruptly felt it slide down and press between his ass and groin. Fingertips pushing against the sensitive flesh in an almost mocking manner, sharp claws scratching at his pants. Yelping in shock, Alex looked over in humiliation feeling such an area assaulted by the exploring monstrous limb.

Alex watched in disbelief though as more limbs emerged from his cracked bedroom mirror to join in. Sharp claws descending upon once more to finish their job. Though Alex knew there was little he could do to fight against these spectral things, he still tried pushing away the growing number of limbs and twisting his body against them.

Beads of sweat collected upon Alex's forehead, his frame growing slick from the entire unthinkable ordeal. Exhausted, with each struggle his movements slowed in the useless fight, barely finding the strength anymore. His reactions seemed dulled, inflamed by the amount of alcohol consumed.

If I can just get outside, I.....I'll be fine. He truly believed, looking at his bedroom door feet away.

Trying to ignore the sexual squeezes and caresses, Alex finally stood up with great effort and struggled towards the door. He managed to move inches forward with the heavy limbs still attached when something else caught the corner of his eye. Raising his own hand, Alex stared at hairs sprouting from his very skin, slowly spreading and growing darker by the second. Looking at his other hand, he watched similar fur grow. He was dumbfounded. Another impossibility wracking his mind with confusion.

What the hell is happening to me?

Before he could even react more to these changes though, Alex's concentration was completely shattered upon one of the spectral claws abruptly shoving itself at the belt holding up his pants.

"He...hey stop," Alex weakly protested looking away from his hand as one of the three-fingered claws made quick work of the belt, promptly unbuttoning and pulling down his pants. Hands behind released their grip upon his backside and shifted towards the pants as well to aid in shoving them down to his ankles. Alex, in combination with the effects of the alcohol and the constriction of the pants around his feet, quickly found himself without balance falling back onto the ground butt first.

He could only feel defeated with this situation finding himself back where he started on the ground again. Scared to struggle too much with those deadly talons so close to his skin and groin, if anything he was just thankful they were not pulling him through a mirror again. Sitting there, his legs spread across the floor, he flushed in shame feeling these fingers sensitively press along his flesh. A familiar pleasurable warmth contagiously spreading with each poke.

No longer resisting, Alex watched the multiple hands tease and press in some areas more sensitive than others. A couple limbs moved towards removing his shoes, others teasingly slid down his exposed hairy thighs. A hand behind squeezed his shoulders and the back of his neck. Two limbs appeared out of nowhere and slid underneath his shirt, one going for his nipple and the other snaking its palm against a steadily thickening happy trail.

Alex looked to his own hand again and was thrown out of his trance seeing how much they'd already changed. His fingers were gradually shifting into each other. Thumb moving towards the index. Pinky merging with the ring finger. The crevices between steadily replaced with new flesh and a hairy coat. His middle finger swelled to match the size of the other combined fingers. Within moments, Alex went from having five digits on his hand to three, identical to the horrible things floating around him.

A rational person would have at least tried resisting against the limbs or tried standing back up. In fact, none of the hands were holding Alex down forcing him to stay. He could stand up and walk out of his bedroom at any time. As these changes expanded throughout Alex and shivers of desire expanded though, a powerful stupor took hold of his mind dulling such rational thoughts of escape.

Feeling a palm suddenly squeeze at his bulge, the cock and balls underneath desperately pushing against his underwear, Alex couldn't help but tilt his head in a loud moan. Seemingly motivated by his submission, even more hands appeared from the mirror and pushed forward more aggressively.

At this point, both of Alex's hands no longer reflected anything human. Overcast gray fur completely covered any skin that remained, the flesh underneath grown rough and leathery to the touch. Fingernails had long since stretched and pointed into new wicked talons that left scratches across the floor as Alex relished in the pleasure.

His hands completely shifted, the same fur meticulously spread from his wrist up his arm. The flesh underneath, once covered by the new pelt, shifted to become leathered and darkened. Fresh mass and heavy muscles bulking underneath to fit his transforming body.

Alex didn't know if these hands were causing the changes or if being forced through the mirror did, but he could barely find the logic to care at this point. Minute by minute the ideas of Alex were corrupted and torn with suggestions of bliss and temptation. He heard his new talons click on the floor, watched muscle expand within his biceps and felt each touch around his sensitive changing form.

The hand that rubbed against his happy trail before, abs now dusted in white hairs, slid and pushed its fingers past the band of Alex's stretching underwear, wrapping itself around his already stretching cock. Slowly pumping up and down underneath his briefs, Alex's cock stiffened even more from the stimulation. Another limb released its grip from his bulge outside the underwear and slid underneath to wrap its long clawed fingers around the man's balls, roguishly squeezing at them feeling their weight and need.

Alex could sense himself growing dull, thoughts sluggish and without human reasoning. Pleasure steadily mounting, pinging and dominating his once mediocre personality with corruption. He barely even recognized in his drunken stupor a shirt being grabbed and pulled over his face, thrown to the side. Straightening his legs allowing better access to his groin, Alex drowsily shifted his head to look down upon his bare chest and the rest of his body.

Shirtless, he could see how far the fur had already spread. From his taloned fingers all the way up to his shoulders, darkened gray covered every inch of his skin. Underneath, rugged muscles stretched and strained larger as he raised a bulky arm to flex and admire. Noticing just beneath his new limb, connected to his broadening chest, more hair lined his armpit, albeit thicker and more matted than the rest of his spreading fur.

Inebriated by his changes, Alex couldn't help but absently take a whiff of his pit continuing to flex, floating arms squeezing at his biceps in admiration and encouragement. Unable to resist, Alex pushed his nose forward. The smell of his sweaty underarms was so strong, it almost knocked rationality back into the man. Such sanity existed only for seconds though as the damp aroma of animal and masculinity pushed deep into his nostrils. The smell tendriling into his mind and smearing across his face, spurring changes both inside and out. Like a drug, Alex shoved his nose even deeper unable to get enough. Feeling the damp hairs touch against his broadening nose, it took everything for him to not extend a tongue out to catch a taste as well.

Alex pulled his face back from his pit with a loud gasp, shaking his head feeling new sturdy muscles within his neck. His longer than usual hair swinging along his upper back, a messy mane forming. In his crazed trance Alex let his tongue roll out in bliss, hot heavy breaths blowing out his mouth with his body's temperature rising. Still intoxicated by the smell of his armpit, he licked around his fattening lips and the groove between his nose and mouth, tasting the collected salt that covered his sweaty face. Savoring the taste, he noticed as well that his tongue felt larger, almost swollen, looking down to see its pink color darkening and its size lengthening as tastebuds touched at his corrupting smell.

Unable to keep up with all the changes, Alex was almost dismayed upon looking down that part of his view was obstructed by two large pecs covered in cream-colored hairs. One of the floating limbs still remained at his right pec, squeezing at the thick flesh which bounced up and down with each of Alex's pleasured movements. Furry chiseled abs below were lined with a strange new pattern, practically a gray arrow centered on his stomach outlined by beige furs, pointed directly towards Alex's groin for all to see. Mesmerized in this foreign body of his, Alex's own eyes were directed at his ripping underwear and the hands still jerking underneath.

Almost upon recognizing Alex was staring at his bulge, the floating hands around used their claws to carefully slice through his underwear, letting the articles fall to the floor in tatters. Unrestricted, Alex's confined shaft sprang into the air and balls dropped heavily onto the floor, ghostly hands still supporting its mass and squeezing at the stretching skin.

Temptation glaring in Alex's eyes, the brown in his irises shifting maroon with desire, he used one of his own clawed hands to replace the one currently on his cock. He watched with each bliss filled tug, the human flesh across the tip of his cock grow dark and flatten out. The flesh underneath pulsating with each pump, lengthening up his lower abdomen destroying any past insecurities Alex had regarding its size.

Already doubled in length, a swollen ring emerged around the middle of Alex's shaft. The flesh appearing darker than the rest becoming tough and leathery, new hairs growing and lining his meat with a slick pelt. Nerves underneath more sensitive than ever before shot quivers of pleasure up Alex's spine, forcing his back to arch each time. Having worked on a farm when he was younger, Alex knew, despite his barely cognitive state, what was growing on his changing cock. A sheath.

His shaft's length more than able to support his own claws pulling the skin back and forth, one of the floating hands joined Alex in working at his member. Two sets of hands wrapping their palms around the still-changing monstrous cock attached to Alex, jerking the transforming man into submission.

The weight of his member was enough that as it grew, the shaft slowly bent over with gravity fighting against its mass. Steamy heat practically generated by its size and veins pulsating within taking blood away from Alex's brain. A constant stream of precum leaked from the tip of his flattened cock, coating his entire crotch in smell and seed that layered the hands squeezing at it. The entire thing reflected nothing close to its pathetic human form anymore. Completely equine in nature now.

Alex brought his other hand up to fill the void of his pec not being caressed, delicately taking two of his clawed fingers and squeezing at his sensitive nipple. The darkened skin underneath on his chest sending tingles of delight over his body. Paired with the sensations of his new equine shaft pulled up and down, Alex was washed in a pleasurable haze. His tongue, changed to reflect something serpent-like, hung low out his mouth down his hairy chin with thoughts empty.

Engrossed within his own sexual debauchery, Alex didn't acknowledge the other hands moving towards his still unchanged legs. His figure already supported so much mass, he needed just as strong legs to support this hulking beast of a frame if ever wanted to walk again. His shoes long gone at this point, socks strewn to the corner of his bedroom, pants and underwear in tatters left exposed limbs to still be changed.

With Alex's red-colored eyes rolled into the back of his skull from pleasure though, he couldn't watch the color of his toenails shift dark like the talons on his claws. Instead of growing wickedly sharp, toes and nails swelled, slowly shifting together into one mass as each shudder of bliss throughout his body merged them closer. His transformation almost expedited by each tug against his sheathed cock, it wasn't long until feet completely mutated into two bulky hooves. Strong keratin clomping across his bedroom floor with loud thuds. Still engrossed within his own depravity, Alex directed little thought to the fact his toes had lost their moveability.

Feet fully shifted, corrupting qualities continued to spread upwards from Alex's ankles while fur pushed down from his crotch, the rest of his legs becoming the new focus for change. Fur covered thighs exploded with power and flesh, their size growing to the point each was lined with an immeasurable amount of power. Bulky tissue coated in gray fur rippled in potential. His legs, with each wave of pleasure washing down his body, shifted backwards to reflect that of the ungulated beast he was quickly becoming. His hooved feet, sheathed cock, and now protruding mouth and nose to form a snout. All equine in nature. Legs spasming from their changes, it wasn't long until Alex accidentally stomped one of his hoofs down into the very floorboard, unfamiliar with his strength and power.

For Alex, he cared little about destroying his room or the other tenants below. The very name Alex at this point was a distant memory as he fiercely continued to masturbate. Each time thought to be on the edge of orgasm, his pleasure only reracked and built, making thoughts painfully dull as the desire to empty his swollen balls defined all else. Time progressed and Alex only grew more incensed being unable to finish, almost seeming as if he was not allowed to cum. His libido constantly and teasingly edged by the hands until his entire body was finished changing.

Body caked in sweat from the strain, Alex took in the similar smells to what seeped from his pits. Eyelids heavy with desire, Alex watched with no concern his broadening nose and mouth take up more of his view as nostrils enlarged to take in his delicious odor virility. A broadening face emerging into an equine snout dusted in bleached fur. The natural hair of his eyebrows and the already existing goatee, shifted a dark black from their original brown matching his messy mane in the back. Alex's new muzzle extended beyond the bridge of his nose with enlarging nostrils to the side of his furry face reflecting that of a stud.

Ears coated in the same coarse dark fur and cartilage thick with skin, shifted towards the top of his head and flickered with the sounds of crude wet pleasure around. Not long after his teeth flattened out within their maw though, Alex felt abnormal sensations of pressure build on the top of his head. Raising the hand still grabbing at his pecs to the top of his skull, Alex touched at two nubs pressing underneath his shaggy hair.

Curious as to what they were, the former rational mind of Alex peeked through the rank and hunger, pausing his endless stroking to shift himself to face the mirror behind. Pulling one of his hooves out of the floorboards and awkwardly sliding them along, Alex struggled to move his monstrous frame. His leaking cock dragging across the floor, precum leaving a trail behind as it smeared. Scents submerged within crevices throughout his body finally freed from shifting, overwhelming the room with the smell of beast and sex. It was as if his own physique was fighting with Alex's logical mind, constantly sending flutters of corruption to keep him from thinking.

Finally managing to turn around to see himself in the mirror, Alex could barely even comprehend what he was staring at. An amalgamation of muscle, hair and flesh. A terrifying sight to most, but deep down Alex relished in his new form instead of questioning it. For the first time he didn't think of insecurities as he admired his form from head to hooves. Red eyes beaming, he couldn't avoid being turned on by the creature in front of him. The muscles. The fur slick with sweat. The mammoth of a cock paired with his dark-colored sheath. Alex was rational enough to recognize he had turned into some equine creature. That is until he saw the horns.

Colors distinguishing themselves from the rest of Alex's body, these horns surfaced brightly red, practically shining in their creation. Alex followed them with his eyes as they grew in with surging pulsations, feeling their increasing weight and strength moving his head. Situated between his two pointed ears, the horns finished growing with two wickedly sharp points shooting towards the ceiling while two smaller tips near the base of his skull emerged as well.

They were satanic. Demonic. Unholy. Putting into question entirely what he was changing into. And for the first time since Alex caved into desires, he felt fear swell in his chest again, his heart beating in desperation to keep up with its new form.

As if the hands could sense the doubt trickling into Alex's still human brain, they all at once descended upon his body, continuing their sinful prods against his rational. Particularly more hands heading towards the three knobs bulging on Alex's back and lower spine.

Despite his fear, watching in the mirror the phantom limbs swarm at his frame again Alex felt far too exhausted to fight and struggle once more. Shifting his eyes to his cock, similar thoughts sneaked their way back in, whispering suggestions of how good he'd feel putting his claws on his warm shaft. A constant battle for supremacy within his mind, Alex became far too captivated by his aching loins to continue the struggle any longer. He wanted to feel good. He wanted to be good. A hostage to the feelings once again, he pushed apprehensions of the abomination he was becoming and submitted.

Bringing both of his hands down, unable to resist any longer, Alex resumed stroking at his desperate cock. Feeling its weight and pulse throb against the palm of his hands only made him question why he ever stopped in the first place. Watching his beastly form move and flex in bliss in the mirror, Alex was unable to resist anymore even if he wanted with the heavy musk that constantly seeped from the crevices around his body.

Taking control of their human, the hands seized upon their preoccupied victim to squeeze and push at the bulges emerging just underneath Alex's shoulders. Another limb grabbed the freakishly long tail growing above the human's ass, coaxing its development. The foreign bumps on Alex's back expanding with stimulation to shift into something repulsive. Alex could only watch as a hostage, buzz of pleasure defiling his brain, as new flesh expanded into their infernal forms. Webs of velvet lined by fur the same color as his horns emerged and unfolded across his bedroom. Their form stretched and fluttered with delicious sensations that shook the entire body of Alex. His eyes staring in admiration as demonic wings flexed, deadly claws at the end of the wings pointed in jagged claws, its entire form almost bat-like in nature.

Watching his tail grow in the mirror as well, Alex only assumed it would be a furry horse tail to match his equine frame. Such thoughts quickly shifted though as its image quickly became more infernal, shifting to match his horns and wings. He stared deep into the mirror as the limb attached to his rump extended far past any normal equine size. Shivers of pleasure sent directly into his brain with each new hand that squeezed at the growing flesh. Incentivized by touch, the almost rat-like tail snaked along the floor of the bedroom and extended upwards. A limb with a mind of its own hovering behind the frame of Alex, flexing and oscillating with desire and power.

Alex's tail lengthened to the point his room barely contained its mass, its form defying gravity and chaotically twisting in the air with strength. Swinging and hitting random objects throughout his room, crashing and breaking into them. The tip of the tail horribly mutated as well to reflect the color of the inner lining of his fluttering wings and horns. Forming into a three-pointed vertebrae matching the trident of a demon, thick and lined with solid bone. Alex's new weapon of a limb continued to thrash across his room and slice deep cuts into his walls and furniture, eager to get outside this small space.

Alex watched in combination of bliss and repugnance, a mind defined by contrasting thoughts with his wings and immoral tail dominating his small apartment room. His once human qualities entirely abandoned, his body shifted to reflect some demon. A punishment in flesh. All that remained was Alex's still human mind that desperately continued its struggle in morality without control of its own self.

Resting on the floor still, Alex's balls pulsed and throbbed with need growing fat with new seed of degradation that replaced Alex's human cum. His body complete, all that remained was shedding the human still inside. Alex felt each throb of ecstasy push deep into his loins and with each throb his brain attacked. Memories replaced with fornication. Humanity transformed into demonhood. Sexuality entirely defined by smell and vigor.

Closing his eyes once more, thoughts of straining cocks attached to loathsome creatures filled his mind. Monstrous figures mutated by desire and heavy corrupting seed. Alex's mind became saturated with images of other demons similar to himself. Bodies transformed and corrupted. Sharp canines. Wicked tails. Horns and sweaty fur. It all became too much for Alex with pressure building, an orgasm finally emerging with his mass fully transformed.

Similar to earlier this morning when Alex was just steps away in his apartment's bathroom, his mind focused upon his roommate. This time though he imagined the cock of his friend changing and corrupted by his own hands. Watching Ben's weight grow from his own corrupting musk. Forcing his rank upon his roommate, changing him into something as repulsive as himself. Completely obedient and controlled.

The idea of such putting his lust over the edge, the former Alex loudly roared in explosive lust, rattling his bedroom windows with the sound as swollen balls constricted and pressure pushed deep into his loins. A fat vein desperately strained on the side of his shaft, his cockhole flaring with a torrent of contaminating seed bursting from its tip. Cum first splattering his furry stomach, up his bouncing pecs, towards his neck and across his lengthened maw. Drops of the gunk practically hitting everything in his room. The mirror, the bed, the floor all became saturated with collections of viscous seed.

His climax sending wave after wave of rippled ecstasy throughout as his wings fluttered and tail spasmed in sensations. Serpent tongue rolling out, a mind completely destroyed and shrunk to fit that of a horny beast, the former Alex collapsed onto his back in total exhaustion. His ton of a body shuddered the entire apartment like an earthquake as he hit the floor. Glowing buzzes of bliss warming flesh as his cock continued drooling out cum onto his belly, yellow seed running down his sides. Eyes still closed, the beast breathed a sigh of relief and relished in its changed personality and form. Just one thing missing as it lay on the destroyed apartment bedroom floor.

A mate.

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