Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 15

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#15 of Breaking The Line

draft 1 of Book 5 in the inheriting the Line Series.

Denton reels from what Damian revealed to him, Arnold runs the war as best as he can when everyone who is supposed to help him seems more interested in arguing with him.

but Denton might have kept himself out of the war too long by the time he realizes what Damian is really after, and those who'll pay the cost might be his closest friends.

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

or, you can buy the published book from Gumroad or Amazon

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"Are you sure you didn't come up with this as an excuse for the two of us to have sex?" I asked as I looked at the hotel room. It was high-end, with a king-size bed, a kitchen tucked in a corner with a small table and a gas fireplace.

"This was entirely Fred's idea," Max replied as he sat in one of the three plush seat by the fireplace.

The lion in question placed a box of cigars on the desk, took one out and unscrewed it in two. Okay, not cigars.

"Fountain pens," Franks said as he undid his brother's pants, pulled them down and took the cock in his mouth.

Fred let out a soft moan and rubbed his brother's head. "It's a prototype for a cum writing device." He paused and pushed his cock in until his balls bounced off Frank's chin. "It's more efficient than using a finger."

Frank pulled off the cock. "Until the cum starts drying and clogs the pen, that's why he brought a box full."

"It's a working prototype, I haven't figured out how to put sigils on it to keep the cum fresh." He pulled his brothers back to his cock. "Keep going, we don't have all day."

I watched them, wondering if I should help or if that would get in the way of the test.

"Uncle, why am I here?" Stan asked.

"Because you need to understand that it isn't because you are an elder that you get to do anything you want."

"Are you saying you don't want to have sex with the Rasia Elder?" the younger cougar asked, sounding surprised in spite of not liking me. He'd have sex with me if the situation called for it, he'd even like it, and then go right back to considering me a stain on the Society expensive shirt.

"Actually," Fred said, "why don't you make yourself useful and make my brother cum, it's going to take the two of us to write this.

"When was the last time we had sex, Denton?"

"Two years ago, give or take." I plopped down in one of the seats and watched the surprised cougar glance at me before undoing the tail strap on Frank's pants.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked.

"Oh, only a few seconds for me," Fred panted.

"I think Denton is wondering how long until we start the experiment itself."

Instead of answering, Fred pulled off Frank and put the tip of his cock against the fountain pen. He stroked himself a few times, and the grunted. His cock jerked and some of the cum flew to the side of the pen, instead of in it.

"You need more practice," I said.

Fred sealed the pen. "I need a better container. And I think it'll take twenty minutes to write the phrases."

Max stood. "In that case, I'll take Denton next door, if you need more cum, Stanislas can provide."

"Uncle," Stan protested.

"An elder is there to facilitate. Sometimes it means assigning someone to do a job, other times it means doing it yourself." He opened the door to the adjoining room and motioned me to enter.

"I could have just watched. Twenty minutes isn't that long."

"Are you okay with doing this? Having sex with me?"

I watched Max. The cougar looked uncertain. "Why wouldn't I be? I said we wouldn't have personal sex. I'm surprised it hasn't come up as part of a business deal yet."

He rested his ass against the dresser. "It hasn't happened, because I realized you were right."

"How so?"

"I can't treat you as if you were my son. You're an elder, even if you were my son I couldn't treat you as such. It's why we have it set up so it's never the elder's son who becomes the next elder. I've been letting the guilt over failing Jeff affect my judgment when it comes to you."

"Look, Max, from what I've seen of my father through your memories, I doubt he'd hold you responsible for what happened. All of it was out of your control, and you've been here for me since you guys found me." I stepped to the older cougar and ran a hand up his arm. "I didn't intend for this to go on this long, I just felt you needed to take a step back."

Max nodded. I undid a button from his shirt and slipped a hand under, rubbing his fur.

He smiled. "Fred wants us to have sex in the other room."

"I figured, but it doesn't mean we can't get ready here." I leaned in and kissed the cougar. He moaned, grabbed my ass and pressed me against his hardon.

I gasped as he slipped a finger in the tail gap, and under my tail, pressing harder against him. Shoving my tongue in his muzzle, holding his head with a hand and undoing his tail strap with the other. Then my hand was between us, around his thick cock.

I fought the urge to stroke it, just holding it as I ground myself against him, pushing my pants down with the motion until both cocks were rubbing together.

Max pushed me away, panting hard. "We need to stop."

I tilted an ear at him, reaching for his cock.

He grabbed my hand. "I haven't had sex today in preparation for this. It's not going to take much to make me cum, and Fred isn't sure if this is going to work if I'm not pent up."

"Now I wish I'd known this was coming. I've had sex as much as I usually do."

Max caressed my muzzle. "That isn't going to affect you."

"Any chance you'll tell me what this is about?"

"Me fucking you."

I rolled my eyes. "A no would suffice."

"But it isn't as cute."

The door opened and Stan poked his head in. "They're ready for you."

I took off my shirt and rejoined the others. Stan was naked too now, and I decided that I was going the help him get over his disgust at me by having sex with him after this. Without his shirt on he had the muscle definition I was starting to think of standard for the Cormoran, and his cock was thick and long with heavy balls hanging below it. Without meaning to, I licked my lips.

Stan was studying me in return and gave an appreciative nod. Our eyes met, and I knew that sex between us wouldn't be a problem.

I looked around the room, and I couldn't see where the writing had happened, so I pulled out of my body. The four walls had thin lines of magic on them. It was almost artistic.

"Is this safe? Having your cum on the walls? What if one of the staff works for one of your enemies?"

Stan snorted. "Like we wouldn't check everyone who works here." Yep, sex will be great, and the rest of the time I'll avoid him.

"We do most of our business deals in this hotel," Max said. "We have a special arrangement with the management regarding cleaning the rooms we use."

"Just making sure. So what do I do?"

"Take it up the ass," Frank replied.

"And you guys will be the audience?"

"No," Fred said, collecting the fountain pens around the room. "I don't want us to mess up with the readings. We'll be in the next room. You two can take your time."

I looked at Max. "It might not be all that long. Max's fuse is on the short side today."

"Just remember what I told you, Maximilian," Fred told the cougar.

"I do."

Frank licked his lips looking at me and Max. "Don't you think one of us should stay, just in case something goes wrong?"

Fred grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him. "Everything will be fine. We can all have sex after the experiment's done."

"Yeah, but that's going to take--"

Fred grabbed Frank's muzzle. "Don't say anything. I'm sure Stanislas can keep you busy while they're busy." He looked at us. "As soon as the door's closed it's safe to start."

Stan followed the lions in the other room and closed the door.

Max was kissing me, a hand massaging my balls. He backed me until my legs hit the bed and I sat on it. Max dropped to his knees and took my cock in his muzzle.

"Fuck, Max." I ran my fingers through the fur at the back of his head as he bobbed up and down. "If the experiment is about draining my balls, you won't have long to wait."

He released it and licked it like a lollipop, looking at me. "No, this is just for us. I want to taste you again. And Fred did say to take our time."

I motioned around the room with a finger. "So is that recording us? Making a porno for him to sell?"

Max chuckled. "Porn isn't something we care about. Too many willing men. I have no idea what the phrases are for, but Fred being Fred, I expect it's to document the experiment."

I positioned my cock at his lips. "Then we should get back to it." Max swallowed it and I moaned.

Less than a minute later I grabbed his head and held it as I thrust in his muzzle and grunted. I shuddered and came. Still panting, I fell back as Max climbed on the bed, raising my legs over his shoulders. He slicked my hole with a lube covered finger, then kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his hips and prodded him to start.

I sighed as his cock stretched me. He wasn't the thickest guy I knew, but he was among the top ten. I opened my eyes to him looking into them with an intensity I'd never seen in them. He picked up speed, grunted in the kiss, gave two hard thrust and tensed with a strangled cry.

I held him as his cock pulsed in me. I was hard again, my cock pressed between us and I wanted to fuck him.

He rolled off me with a quiet curse and laid on his back.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Just tired."

I sat. "Tired? From sex?"

The door opened. "Well?" Fred asked.

"Give me a minute to catch my breath," Max replied.

"Frank, Stanislas help Max up. I want to start the second part now, in case the effect doesn't last long." Fred handed me a piece of cloth. "Blindfold yourself."

"This is starting to sound more like some kink I didn't know you had than an experiment," I said as I tied the cloth over my eyes and made sure I couldn't see.

"Tell me what are the powers in the room."

I felt around. "You, your magic breaking ability, Fred's healing, Max's mind-reading." The fourth felt like a wall. "I don't know what Stan's ability is. Something about not passing through... force field?"

Stan gasped.

"Good, that still works."

"What do you mean, still works? Was there a chance I was going to lose my taping ability?"

"Not really."

"Fred, you're not inspiring confidence here."

"Don't worry about it. Tap Max and answer my questions."

I heard the others move away. "Is this about testing my range? We already know it's up to about fifty feet."

Something like that, Fred thought.

I sighed. "Okay, think your questions."

When did we meet?

"Martin's party. Stefan brought me thinking it would be a good idea for me to meet him and the rest of you, not knowing I'd realized Martin had impersonated an FBI agent."

First time we had sex?

"The days after that. When you guy pulled me back from the brink of death after I nearly drained all my energy burning the thread Damian had hooked Oscar with."

How angry were you really when you found out I'd been lent to the Santiagos to open your briefcase, shit not that.

I chuckled. "Do you want me to answer?"

He sighed. "Might as well."

"I was pretty pissed, it had been a rough week, and that only added to my problems. It also made me realize that friendship across family is a fragile thing and that didn't help, but we're all adults and--

Yes! It worked.

"What worked?"

"Keep going." Max is across the hotel.

"What?" I pulled the blindfold off. Fred was looking at his phone. "Is this a joke?"


I opened the door to the other room. The only thing in it was my clothing. The hotel was large, too large. Max couldn't be that far. I felt for his ability. It wasn't in range. I glared at Fred. "Okay, what's going on?"

Tell me is you can hear my thoughts.

I stared at him

"I'm going to take that as a yes." He typed something in his phone. "They're coming back."

"He's outside my range, I can't feel his ability, there's no way I can listen to your thoughts."

"Can you sense your own ability?"

I shook my head.

"You ever tried?"

"Of cou-- Actually, no. I know what I can do, so there's no point."

"Try it now. It's still part of the experiment. I'm actually not sure of this part."

Instead of protesting I turned my senses inside and almost to them that of course there was nothing there when I felt something. Something that felt a lot like Max's mind-reading ability.

Yeah, I'm guessing that means he's feeling something, the question is, is it his ability or Max's?

"Max's," I answered. "How is that possible?"

The door opened, and the others entered. I felt for Max, and his ability was there.

"I wasn't sure it would be," Fred said, "but after finding out how the Orrs can gift their ability, I thought it might be possible to do something like that with you."

"Me? Not the rest of you?"

"Nah, we tried it," Frank said. "I tried to give Fred my healing ability, never worked."

"It didn't work because I only have one ability. You, on the other hand, seem to have an unlimited pool of them to draw on, so long as you have a template you can copy."

"But I can only do it if it's within fifty feet of me."

"But that's because the template is in us, in our magic, which is in our cum. So I figured that it should be possible to give you a copy of that template when Max came into you."

"Okay, then why doesn't that happen anytime I get fucked?"

Fred shrugged. "No idea, but just like the Orrs have to want to gift their ability, Max had to focus on transferring it to you."

"And it was draining," Max said. "I don't think I've ever felt this drained. It's like on top of not getting the usual charge from the sex, I dumped everything I didn't need to live into you. Did you feel an extra boost?"

I shook my head.

"I expect it was because it took all of that to make the template and transfer it."

"Okay," I said. "So Max can give me his ability. You said this experiment would help free the people under Damian's control. I don't see how his power helps me do that."

"His power doesn't, but you miss the point. It isn't that Max can give you his ability. It's that anyone who fucks you with intent can do it. What if this way you can use a combination of powers, instead of just one at a time?"