Prize Fighter 3: Red Burst

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#3 of Prize Fighter

Bonny is back for another fight, and just like last time, her opponent is another member of D-Gen. This time, the one she is up again is the big, buff dragon Zex, aka: BigBodRed. Though unlike the last time she fought a fellow D-Gen member, this time... only one of them is walking away with their life...

Coffee Break Story

Prize Fighter 3: Red Burst

By XP Author

Bonny sat in her little room, once more focusing herself. As much as she could. Her boyfriend had tried to talk her out of the fight... again. Though she understood why. She had barely survived the last one, only living because the squirrel had thought she would be a better fuck alive. Well, that, and Sonia had wanted her to go off with her. The koala had turned her down, of course. She had very little interest in traveling anywhere. She had found her place in this dirty backroom brawling arena.

There was also the matter of just who her opponent was. Another member of D-Gen, though he only had maybe 2 or 3 videos up. All of them showing his brutality. Still, she had far more videos showing her own. Overconfidence got people killed, and she was pretty sure he was riding high on that. She took a breath, held it for a moment, and let it out. She was ready. She opened the door, stepping through the throng of drunks and druggies hoping to see blood. Many of them hoping to see her blood, she knew.

In the arena, Dal K. was doing his announcement thing. The bat saw her approaching and held up one of his wing-arms. "In our first corner, standing at 5'6" and weighing 160ish pounds or so. Our most regular fighter! You love her or hate her, but she will always deliver a good show! Bonker Bonny!" She stepped through the gap in the fencing around the pit, holding up a hand and looking up at the crowd. She wore her usual clothing, a black hoodie and matching cloth shorts, both looking fairly tattered. As she looked up at the crowd, she saw her boyfriend, Manny. The effeminate goat had gotten close to the edge of the ring, not something he did much. His face was all worry and fear.

Dal continued. "In our other corner, standing at 7'1" and weighing a fucking lot, Big Bod Red!" Across from her, she watched the red dragon have to duck and turn a little to the side to fit through the gap. The man was massive, not just in height. His real name was Zex, a bodybuilder, and it showed. He didn't bother wearing a shirt, leaving his bulging muscles on clear view for all to see. He even flexed a little for the crowd, going so far as to make his pecs bounce a little. He also didn't skip leg day, the things as thick as trees. The only thing covering his lower half was an incredibly tight pair of blue spandex, the outline of his massive cock clearly visible through them.

Zex grinned as he looked around at everyone, though he eventually locked eyes with his opponent. Though in his mind, she was just his target. He had taken to going after people that fought, already somewhat making a name for himself as a killer of killers, haven taken down three vigilantes, two of them the violent sort, and another D-Gen killer, one of the bounty hunters, the polar bear named Frezmin. He saw the last video Bonny put up, where she got defeated. He was disappointed that the woman hadn't died at the end, but also excited, as it meant he got to try and correct that particular mistake personally.

Dal, already half-way out of the arena, shouted. "Are you ready!?"

Zex chuckled, rolling his neck. "Oh, I'm fucking looking forward to this!" Bonny just grunted, putting her hands up in a light stance. She didn't wait for anyone to say to start, she just rushed forward, planting a solid punch against the man's gut. With tough scales over hard muscle, it was like punching a brick wall. He didn't even flinch. "That the best you got?" He grabbed her arm and turned on one foot, heaving the woman away. Bonny flailed a bit, her back colliding with the fence. She grabbed the grating out of instinct, keeping her from planting her face against the floor. Unfortunately, she ended up on the other side of the arena, so she couldn't pull her usual trick of launching off at him.

She just let herself drop to her feet. "No. Just getting a feel for my opponent."

He chuckled, reaching down to grab and shake his own crotch at her. "Oh, you can feel me all you like, babe." The crowd laughed, and she just sneered at him. She already had a pretty low opinion of him, and now it was nearing rock bottom. She put her hands up, but kept her distance for now. The dragon rolled his eyes at her caution. "Oh, c'mon. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of rage demon in the ring? Where's your fucking fury!?" He closed the distance in only a few steps, swinging at her. She ducked under the blow, stepping to the side, but still not countering. "I want a good fight, you cunt!" He threw another series of punches, each and every one only dodged. "C'mon! Fight ba-"

She cut off his angry words as she finally saw her opening. Ducking low, she threw out her fist and slammed it into the man's groin as hard as she could. It still felt like hitting a big of bricks, but he at least reacted this time. He grabbed at his crotch, stumbling back a step. "Happy now!?" He growled, but she launched into her own attack. First, she kicked at one of his legs, something she learned from her last fight with Sonia. The man was still too unsteady to really counter it, and slammed down onto his knees. She was on him then, grabbing one of his horns and smashing her fist as hard as she could into his face over and over. He grunted and flinched at every blow, and blood started to see from a few of the dented and chipped scales along his cheek and forehead.

Then she let out a shriek of pain when his clamped his jaws on her upper arm. She nearly fell to her own knees as sharp teeth sank into her flesh, blood drooling down his chin. She tried to pull her arm free, but the teeth were in deep. She had broken bones before, and been bitten before, but this was the worst so far. She punched him with her other hand, hitting his face and trying to hit his throat. Instead of letting her go, he stood up, dragging her off of her feet as she dangled from his mouth. The koala shrieked again as gravity added to the agony.

Somewhere in the crowd, among the raucous, bloodthirsty cheering, Zex heard someone shout 'no' at the top of their lungs. He looked up, seeing the girliest goat boy he had seen in a long time, tears streaming from the boy's eyes. Must be someone who has a thing for the girl still trying to punch at his chest. He had never gotten the chance to fuck with a target's lover before, but the horrified look he was getting only made him want to do it more. He clenched his jaw as hard as he could, and was rewarded with a fresh spray of blood splashing onto his face.

Bonny fell to the ground, screaming at the top of her lungs. She writhed on the floor, grasping at the stump where her right arm had been only seconds before. She had broken just about every bone in her body at least one, but this was by far the worst pain. It wasn't that the bone was broken, it was sheered through, and all the muscles around with it. The strangest thing was that it still felt like she could feel her arm below that, even though she could see the severed limb laying limp on the ground nearby. It still felt as if it had been dunked into molten steel.

Zex let her writhe and bleed, enjoying the screaming. He leaned down close, flashing his bloody teeth in a mocking grin. "Guess you won't be fighting anymore, huh?"

He recoiled as the top of her head slammed into his jaw, snapping his mouth shut so hard it rattled his brain. He very nearly bit his own tongue off. " FUCK YOU!" She bellowed at him, her voice raw and hoarse. She was far from done yet. Even without an arm, even if this was her last fight, she refused to go down so easily. As he stumbled back, she ran at him, leaping into the air to drive both feet solidly into his gut. As he continued to stumble back, she hit the ground, rolled to her feet, and ran at him again.

This time, she moved past him, planting her foot on the fence. She ran up it two steps before shoving off, turning in the air as she did. She had gotten enough height to smash her knee into the side of the dragon's head, sending him very nearly toppling over. "Fucking bitch!" He swung, but missed as she was already moving. She had opened enough cuts on his face by now that he was half-blinded by his own blood. Or maybe it was hers, he couldn't tell.

He still caught her movement and swung with his tail, but she had been expecting that move from the start. Dragons loved using their tails. She hopped up, but not over. Instead, she drove a foot down on the middle of the appendage, making he cry out as his tail was smashed to the floor. The next thing he knew, he felt feet running along his back, the koala climbing on him instead of the fence this time. He reached back to try and grab at her, but she still managed to drive her heel into the small of his back between his shoulder blades, where wings would be if he had any. He was surprised to find himself forced to his knees, only for her to smash her foot into the back of his head, nearly driving him fully to the ground. Also nearly breaking his neck.

But with her foot on the back of his head, she was finally in reach. He grabbed her ankle and yanked, slamming the smaller woman into the ground so hard that the fences shuddered and rattled around them. She let out a cry of pain, the muscles all along her back trembling in protest. She was also not sure if her spine had just broken or not, but everything hurt enough to convince her it was still in one piece for now. She also realized that he had let go of her ankle almost as soon as she had hit the ground. He instead had one hand on the ground to keep himself steady, shaking his very dizzy head to clear it.

She tested her theory that she wasn't paralyzed, and was happy to find it was correct. She managed to scramble her way backwards, until she found the grating. She gripped it and used it to drag herself up to her feet. Though her back still protested, not wanting to straighten fully, and her legs felt like they would give out at any moment. There was also that little matter of just how much of her bloody was currently on the floor instead of inside her. Her severed arm was still drooling the stuff all over the place, making her more than a little lightheaded. She was probably not walking away from this one, but she was determined to take this asshole down with her. Or at least make him hurt.

She pushed off from the wall, stumbling her way over to the man, who was still trying to get his own head straight. She hoped she had left him with some kind of concussion. She decided to do worse, grabbing at his horns and trying to twist his head. But she just didn't have the strength to do more than keep him momentarily looking down. She grunted as he drove his head into her gut, making her back off several steps and nearly topple over.

Zex grunted and pushed himself up. He was still a little dizzy, and his neck was definitely sore. Though when he looked at the koala, she was very obviously in far worse shape. Blood still drained from the stump of her arm, her face was equally cut in a few places, and it looked like she was barely managing to keep her eyes open, let alone stay on her feet. He chuckled. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?"

Bonny let out a breathless laugh, putting her hands up... hand up. "N-ne-nev.... nev'r!"

He chuckled. "Well, I admire your commitment." He stepped forward, and before she could even react, slammed a fist into her chest as hard as he could. So hard, she was lifted fully off of her feet. He heard several cracks as he shattered probably half of her ribcage in the blow. She slammed to the ground a moment later, clutching at her chest and writhing, even as her breath came in short, wheezing gasps. "But you are done."

She somehow still had the mind to spit at him, though it was pretty bloody. "F-fu...k.... y-you!"

He smirked. "Not a bad idea!" He looked up at the crowd. "What do you think? Should I fuck this stupid cunt's cunt!?" He already knew the answer, a resounding yes. With the one notable exception being that goat, who had sunk to his knees in sobs. He also noticed that the announcer seemed to be looking away, not wanting to see this. Not that the dragon cared about either of them, his attention turning back to the woman on the ground. "Hear that? Guess you get one last fuck after all."

She tried to kick at him as he reached down to grab at her shorts. "D-don...don't..." For a moment, he thought she was begging, but her gaspy words continued. "!"

"Defiant to the last." He grabbed her leg and slammed it to the ground, then smashed a fist down hard enough he heard a crunch from the bone. "I like that." She let out a wheezing sound that probably would have been a scream if she had the energy for it. He let go of her broken, trembling leg, returning to the task at hand. He gripped at the crotch of her shorts, yanking them down. They only got about to her knees before the tattered fabric just ripped entirely. He blinked as he noticed two things. One, she didn't wear any panties or underwear at all. And two, she was soaking wet, her juices practically flowing out of her cunt.

He laughed. "Didn't take you for the masochist." Though as he thought about it, it did make sense in a way. "Or maybe you're just a slut." He was pretty sure she tried to tell him to fuck off again, but she was struggling to speak at this point. He figured he should do this before she was fully gone, pulling his own shorts down. His massive cock flopped out, the meat rising as he stared down at her. "Yeah, gonna be stuffing this guy into that tight little slut hole of yours. Bet that's what you wanted all along, isn't it?" He chuckled, reaching down to rip her hoodie open and expose her small tits, also totally uncovered by anything but her fur... and quite a bit of blood.

The crowd was almost losing their mind as he lined himself up with her pussy. He was aware several of the guys up there had their own cocks out, stroking them furiously or fucking the nearest warm hole they could find. He focused on the one in front of him. He held her down with one hand and shoved forward, ramming nearly half of his length into her. The woman let out another wet wheezing whine as he ripped her cunt wide, blood already drooling out of the thing. He was definitely way too big for her, but he was surprised that she only seemed to tear a little. "Guess you like having things stuffed into this little tunnel, huh? You really are a little slut."

He shoved harder, feeling more of her insides quivering and tearing around him. It was not long before he found the back of the tunnel, his tip mashing against it. He grunted, gripping her hips with both hands. "This is my favorite part. Don't worry, I've gotten really good at it!" He shoved forward as he yanked her back, tearing right through into her womb, and then further tearing through that into her insides. Normally, he expected to see blood splashing out of her mouth as he tore through her guts like this, but there was only a slight dribble on her lips. Her insides still quivered around him, but she was pretty far gone at this point.

He grunted, leaning down. He slipped one hand under the back of her head so he could look into her unfocused eyes. "Guess you're already halfway out. And you did give me a good fight like I asked. So I'll give you this much." He gripped her muzzle with his other hand, twisting hard until he heard the crack. She jerked, her body trembling around him for a second while her eyes went wide. Then they rolled back as she went limp. He let her head go, and it thumped to the ground, mouth hanging open.

He chuckled, gripping at her body to start ramming himself into her again. He felt her heart beat wildly for a few seconds, then rapidly start to slow down, until it stopped entirely. He huffed a few times, forcing the whole of his shaft as deep as he could, holding nothing back now that she was dead. He threw his head back in a roar as he came, blasting a massive load up into her guts. After only a few blasts, he ripped himself out of her in a bloody display, his messy cock still blasting heavy gobs of his seed onto her belly and face. He stroked himself to work out every last bit he could, the crowd absolutely loving it, many watching doing much the same.

Zex let out a heavy breath as his cock finally stopped spurting, just drooling the last of his seed. "Fuck, bitch. You were a fun one at least." He pushed himself up, holding up a fist and not bothering to hide his cock at all. He really loved breaking these dumb cunts that thought they could take him. He wondered who he should go after next. He had a few ideas... He might need to update his passport.

* * *

The bar had emptied, most of the crowd finished with their orgy not too long after the dragon had left. Or had at least taken it somewhere else. Only a few were left in the place. One of those was Manny. The goat sat in the little room to the back, cradling Bonny's cold corpse. He had been like this for almost two hours, sobbing and clutching her, keeping her away from the drunks and druggies that would have only done worse things to her.

He flinched when the door opened, clutching the limp woman harder, only to see that it was Dal. "Hey..." The bat's large eyes fell to the woman, then to him. "You're not going to be able to stay here, you know..."

"I know..." Manny's voice was quiet and shaky.

Dal let out a sigh. "C'mon, Manny. I'll get you a drink and take you home. And I'll make sure she's properly-"

"NO!" The bat flinched at the suddenly forceful tone. "I-I'm not leaving her like this!"

The bat looked at him for a long moment, seeing an odd determination on the goat's face. His eyes went wide as realization of what he said sunk in. "No... no, you're... You're not going to call _HER_are you!?" The goat nodded. "Manny! No! You said yourself that you're lucky you even got away last time! Do you think she'll let you-"

"Dallas..." Manny gave him an almost apologetic look. "I have to, Dallas."

Dal let out a long sigh. "Fine. I guess I can't stop you." He turned to leave. "Just... if you see my... _when_you see my little brother... just... don't mention me. I want to stay as far off the radar of those two as I possibly can."

The goat nodded slowly, watching the bat leave. He sniffled, taking several deep breaths and trying to control himself. He pulled his phone out, staring at it for a long moment, then pulled up the number and called. A part of him hoped that no one would pick up. "Hello?" He was not so lucky, the voice of Belle Komori coming loud and clear on the other end. "Manuel?"

He sniffled. "H-hey..."

He could practically hear the smile in the woman's voice. "Well! This is definitely a surprise. I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore."

"I-I... need..." He took a deep breath and just let it out. "I need your help, Mom."

* * *