Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 4

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#4 of PornAcademy

After coming into incidental contact with a former porn star, Anna's finally accepted an invitation to try that job out for herself.

Starlet for the Taking

Chapter 4

Shun Ai-Na (AKA 'Anna Fang') ran away from her family when she found out that she was going to be forced to marry someone, and that her intended role was nothing more than to be a baby factory for someone who had lied to everyone.

Finding herself took time and the help of friends, and understanding all of her sexuality has been (and continues to be) an adventure. After coming into incidental contact with a former porn star, Anna's accepted an invitation to try that job out for herself.

By StripedKittyScribe

Anna took a seat in the little studio that had been set up. She had no real experience in public schools. She had never been in a classroom, so she couldn't tell what was real, what was reasonable, and what was just strange.

The rows of chairs with their odd little desk platforms were lined up with military precision, rank and file. The colorful, round letters on the wall, upper and lower case letters of the alphabet seemed a bit strange to have in a classroom that was supposed to be for high schoolers, but maybe that's how schools were? She could imagine schools that had to use the room for different things during the day.

The whiteboard at the head of the room with its various markers and erasers, a massive desk for the teacher, though the lack of a computer monitor and keyboard and mouse seemed strange as well.

It was obviously a set. Even if she had been able to pick out the oddities of what was and wasn't truly authentic, the fact of the matter was that there were only two walls up, with the other two being replaced by recording equipment, microphones, and all sorts of other things that she had no idea what was.

Anna, and she was determined to think of herself as Anna now, was the first one other than a couple of technicians to arrive. They'd been nice, though when she said that she was one of the students and not a 'grip', they looked at her oddly.

A canine of some sort did a fast check of his watch, then said, "Damn, girl, you're like an hour early."

It was true. She'd had to take the bus and then walk to get here on her own, and thus she'd planned for too much time, so that she wouldn't be late. Had she needed to rush and throw on her sun dress and heels? It turned out that no, she didn't.

It had been three months since she'd lost her virginity to Danny. She'd lost three more students, though she'd gained four. It basically kept her afloat, but that was all. Absolutely no progress in building more savings.

Danny had taken her out on several more dates, some of them ending with more sex.

She'd decided the morning after that first night that she would call Jewel and sign up for the training school. The 'Porn Academy'. She'd expected to be told to show up the next day, but apparently there were delays in setting up the business. Something to do with companies and regulations.

She pulled her little CyBook out and opened the screen, plugging the cord into a wall outlet, then set her bag under the chair and looked at the set. She tried to do some work on her budget, but found that she didn't have any internet access here, and she didn't want to ask any of the obviously busy crew for access to the wifi.

Ten minutes until the class was supposed to start, other people started showing up. First, was a big cow girl. Big, as in, 'Everything's Bigger in Tejas'. She had to be at least 5'9", with big shoulders, bigger hips, even bigger breasts, and a smile that capped it all. "Ain't you just the purdiest li'l thang!" She leaned forward, the tied-off flannel shirt doing heroic work to keep the cow's breasts contained. Not restrained, contained. Country dropped into the chair next to Anna and tossed her long braid over her shoulder. "Ah'm Country Miles," she said and shoved her hand forward. "Stage name, 'course. Don't recognize ya! Ain't this just the damndest thing you ever did hear? Trainin' school for porn!"

Anna almost ran. She still wasn't entirely used to the loud personalities that some people had, and she had to reconsider her estimation about what was larger, Country's bust or her personality. "Anna." She took the offered hand, and was surprised when she felt calluses. The kind that she recognized, from doing farm work.

"Ya, Ah'm not some prissy thang," Country said, and flexed her arm to show off the biceps there. "Grew up workin' th' farm an' hated it. Figger'd Ah'd see what's what in th' big city!"

Further conversation was cut off as other people showed up, about two dozen of them in total. All of them were women, and all of them were on the range from 'cute' to 'gorgeous'. If Anna had to guess based just on her impressions, it was a decent enough cross-section of the population in terms of species. She was, not surprisingly, the only tigress in the room. Everyone else had stage names that they introduced themselves as, and several of them had heard of the others, though not all.

Conversation was cut short as Jewel Starr clicked her way onto the set, holding a coffee in one hand and a tablet in the other. "Alright, ladies, let's get this show started. Take your seats, please." She set the coffee cup down on the desk and checked her watch while everyone complied. "Congratulations. You all passed the first test and you didn't even know it was happening." The mink femme crossed one long leg in front of the other as she leaned back against the desk facing them all. "You showed up on time."

Jewel braced her hands on the desk, looking them in the eyes as she spoke. She looked like an executive. Or at least, a movie director's idea of what an executive should look like. Tight skirt, tight jacket, high heels, stockings, and a few buttons on her blouse open to expose deep cleavage. "You all know why you're here. You're interested in becoming porn stars. Brandon and I have made this class, the first class of this school, invite only. Some of you have your own cam shows. Some of you are dancers. None of you even have a bit of experience in the broader industry." She held a manicured finger up. "And let me be perfectly clear. This is an industry."

She pushed off of the desk and walked around to the chair, letting everyone see just how tightly the skirt clutched her butt. "Time for what I've decided to call the 'Great Disillusioning'." She dropped into the seat and looked at them once more. "Mac is going to be distributing paperwork to you all. We're going to go over it in time, do not just get started on your own."

While she was talking, a few of the stage hands were moving things around in the background, and one of them was dropping paperwork off at each desk in a thick folder, along with two pens. Several of the ladies (including Anna) thanked him audibly, the rest just gave him a quick smile.

"You all just passed the second test. Never, and I mean this literally, never be anything but kind to the crew. They can break a scene any time they want to, and production will come to a halt." Jewel tapped a couple of times on her tablet, and a projector came to life, plastering an image on the whiteboard. "Everyone has already submitted their ID for verification to get in this room. Get used to getting your ID checked on set. This is a legal requirement." She tapped her tablet.

A short montage showed of women in various stages of moaning delight. Heads tilted back, jaws open, sometimes tongues even lolled out. The cuts were all done so that nothing 'naughty' was shown, but it was obvious that the performers were naked, and that they were having intense, delightful, powerful orgasms.

Jewel let it play. "This is what we, as actresses, produce. This is the end product. Fantasy. Not real sex. Not guides. Fantasy." The video lasted just under a minute, then was replaced by what looked like a computer slide show. "Most of the studios out there are, frankly, shit to work for. Some of them can be downright rapey. We're trying to change that. Lesson one." She rapped her knuckles on the desk with each word. "Read. Your. Damn. Contracts. Either you or your lawyer needs to read the damn contract. Preferably both of you. No, not your agent. Lawyer." She finger-spelled that in sign language.

The next three hours were brutal. Mizz Starr didn't pull punches or hide anything. If anything, it seemed like she was trying to scare some of the students away. She didn't name names, as it were, but she indicated what could happen on set, and the dangers of it.

Sometimes those dangers were somewhat obvious. Performers lying about their age for a quick buck and producers allowing it. Performers (of any sex or gender) taking things too far and causing either physical or mental harm. Lax safety precautions for heavier kink scenes sometimes resulted in breakages of equipment. More often it broke the performers. Literally.

Sometimes the dangers were less obvious. Did you have a food allergy? You damn well better put that in your contract. Yes, that included even mild allergies. Allergic to lavender? Better make sure that's in there, otherwise a scented oil during a massage scene could get somewhere sensitive. Allergic to a protein in some fruit or other? Mucus membranes were in more places than just your mouth, nose and throat, and they could all cause reactions.

By the time they broke for lunch, the mood in the room had gone down, significantly. No one was quite ready to walk off, but everyone felt dirty, and not in a fun way. 'The Great Disillusioning' had been a good name. Any hint of glamor had been taken off. Pornography was work. Hard, sometimes dirty work, in ways that didn't have anything to do with kinky fun. Long hours. Lots of risk, financially. Lots of discomfort to 'get the shot'.

Anna picked up one of the bag lunches and ate by herself, observing the room while the other girls chatted. She was considering trying to join in one of the conversations when the room went quiet. Instincts kicked in, and her eyes snapped up toward the entrance of the room.

A wolf male had just walked onto the set, aiming to talk to Jewel about something. Everyone started whispering, a few even giggling.

Even Anna knew that face. That was Brandon Steele. He was one of the most famous male stars there was, even as old as he was. And for a porn star, Brandon was damn near ancient. His brown hair had streaks of silver in it, making him look distinguished, experienced, and charming. He was still very fit, though he didn't quite have the massive muscles that he'd sported in his youth. He had the most intensely green eyes Anna had ever seen. Anna had seen a few of his videos.

Brandon Steele had been making porn for over 20 years, and while he wasn't performing as much as he used to, there were some videos up on LewdTube, and he could still 'lay pipe' as good as any of the younger performers. It was hard to separate rumor from fact regarding him. Supposedly, he'd earned a PHD from UNLA's prestigious film college. Supposedly, he'd also earned a Master's degree in business.

He didn't talk for long with Jewel. He handed a few things over in folders, muttered a few comments, and then headed out. Whatever it was that he'd said to her, Jewel didn't like it.

She tucked those folders under her tablet, then called the class back to their seats. Now that she'd shown them the bad side, apparently it was time for the 'good'. Or at least, the less-bad. This school would be affiliated with a new studio being founded, and they would either pay for the training out of pocket like any other vocational school, or they would be signing an exclusive contract with the new studio for two years.

They could do their own things 'privately', and were even encouraged to start their own LewdTube channels and social media outlets. Dances, striptease, toys, just no multi-party shows unless it was professionally filmed, under the studio banner. They would keep all of the revenue from that stream to themselves as long as they stayed within the bounds of the contract.

They'd be paid a "small" salary of $24,000 a year, with a percentage of revenue being shared to them based on how long they'd been performing, and a few other things. Anna wasn't the best at math, and even she recognized that the 'hundreds of thousands' that she could be making was incredibly unlikely. But even on the low end, it would be closer to $40,000, and that was far more than she was earning right now.

The performers had rights of refusal and negotiation about proposed scenes they would be in. Jewel made sure to emphasize that even if they didn't sign the exclusive contracts, they should take these seriously and enforce them at other studios.

Just after the last paperwork was signed, Jewel looked up at the clock. "We ran a bit long, sorry about that. Be here tomorrow morning at the same time, and we'll go over the breakdown of your first set of courses. Anna, please collect the papers from everyone and stay behind, I need to talk with you about some things that have come up."

Anna's blood ran cold, and she numbly collected everyone's folders, then made her way up to the desk. "Yes, ma'am?"

Jewel glowered over her tablet at the smaller tigress. "You picked a working name, I see." She dropped the tablet, drumming her fingers on the desk. "I'd already picked a name out for you. 'Anna Poon'."

Anna shrugged. "I didn't like it."

Jewel looked at the paperwork in Anna's folder. "I'd ask if you can even pull that move off, but something tells me that you can. I'm just glad that we caught it here before we started working on visuals." She shut the folder and dropped it to the desk. "Congratulations, Miss Anna Fang, you're going to have the best chance of anyone in this class of actually becoming a star. Your first shoot is going to be with Brandon. We'd paired you up with a guy in the male class for the script, but he didn't show up on time. He failed the first test, and was expelled."

The mink leaned back in her chair, looking up at Anna from the new angle. "You aren't going to be filming for at least a week. We have to shuffle things around due to the fact that Brandon's instructing that class, and now we have to shoehorn this in. You'll be getting training in improv until then, and you'll get the script at least two days before filming." She steepled her fingers, making sure that Anna was looking her in the eye. "You're going to have a massive leg up on anyone else in this class just due to his name recognition. Don't fuck it up."

Anna nodded, and turned to leave. "I'll see you in the morning."


Anna had to admit that the classes were well structured and planned out. Some days they were with the guys, some days they weren't. The classes ranged from improv, to observing another scene being performed, to how to negotiate a kink scene beforehand, to bondage safety.

Anna's was the last of the first scenes to be filmed, simply because Brandon's schedule was so full. She'd been told that this would be a bit odd of a scene, just because of limitations on his time. Normally they would negotiate and discuss the scene with each other just before shooting, but he had an appointment close enough to the end of the day that the director and Brandon had decided to bend the rules a little bit.

Anna sat in the room, with Miranda, Brandon, and the director, a fox male who looked like he enjoyed cookies far too much to get in shape for any kind of acting, let alone being the 'male stud ideal'.

Miranda was there in a capacity that was new to her. Anna had approached her to act as an agent and manager. She had almost fought with Anna, almost tried to get her to stop, to pick another option. It only took one look into Anna's eyes to get her to relent. In the time since Anna had started, she'd quickly grown, not just as a dancer. Anna was a friend, in a way that Miranda hadn't had in a long while. Something along the lines of a younger sister, though one that was far less of a little shit than Miranda's own sisters.

The director popped the top of a cola, and sucked half of it down before he started. "Alright. First, introductions. I'm Bobby, been directing for ten years. Done a few things for Miranda with her dancing and some competitions. Done a bunch of stuff with Brandon." He hung the arm holding the coke over the backrest of his chair, smiling over at Anna. He looked like he was somewhere in his mid 30s. Average height, above average weight. Brown eyes and a white coat that made the arctic fox look even fluffier, in spite of the Las Aguas summer.

Brandon, Miranda and Anna introduced themselves, though it seemed like Brandon was familiar with Miranda's dancing career. Something about her being a background performer in a video a year or so ago.

"You read the script yet, Anna?" Bobby was still 'all business' but was smiling. He liked his job.

"I have," Anna said as she looked across the table at him. "I'm generally okay with everything that's in there, though I'm concerned about the spanking." She looked over at Brandon, who outmassed her by double. "No offense."

Brandon held his hands up with an easy smile, "Hey, that's why we talk about this. Is it a safety thing, or a personal thing?"

Anna looked over at Miranda, who nodded just a touch, then back at Brandon and Bobby. "Personal, though I think that I could be alright with it as long as you recognize my desire for caution there. I've seen some scenes online where the one being spanked really got it rough, and some where it was a lot lighter and more playful. Lean more toward the lighter, at least at first. If it seems like things are going well, we can push a little further. If it's going badly, we call it 'punishment enough' and move on."

Bobby and Brandon looked at each other, each one giving a few twitches or eyebrow raises to the other before they turned back to the table. "We can work with this," Bobby said. "Any problem with the age difference aspect? Or the implied power dynamic?"

Miranda spoke up, "I'll field this one in terms you'll get but that she wouldn't use." She reached a hand over and squeezed Anna's thigh. "Daddy-dom is fine, but that language is absolutely off the table. Not that it applies here, wrong setting. But this needs to go into her contract or file or whatever. No family-play, no hint of family-play, no step-siblings or step-parents in the script."

Anna flinched.

Brandon caught it. "Understood. Is 'Sir' alright? Or 'Mr. Garret'? What about a correction?"

Anna looked to Miranda. "I... you mean, like I call you one at first and you tell me to use the other?"

Brandon nodded. "I'm not really one who usually gets into the more physical domination parts, but it's the role. Some girls want it rougher. I kind of doubt that you want me grabbing your throat or slapping, but I want you to take this as a learning experience. Understand that you need to ask questions. So. Do you want more physical corrections, or just verbal?"

Anna looked to Miranda again.

Miranda shrugged. "You wanted in here, kitty. This one's on you. Think about it before you answer." She looked at Bobby. "Another thing that may not be as much of a deal, but she probably doesn't understand the implications. Tartan or seifu?"

Bobby shrugged. "I don't think that it's been made yet, but we usually default to tartan."

Miranda squeezed Anna's thigh again. "Make it a seifu this time, at the least. And do me a favor and put another note in her file in case it's not in there already to avoid those kinds of implications."

Bobby pursed his lips, and then nodded. "Got it. I'll make sure the prop master and costumers know."

Anna listened, and thought that she may have understood, but only after the fact. "What is... Is this part of a whole collection of things? Is there a theme?"

Bobby drained the rest of his cola, then set the can down on the table. "What do you mean?"

Anna looked down at the table, and took a deep breath. "Is this just a solo scene? Or is it part of a collection? Wolves on tigers? Teachers on students?"

Bobby made an 'aah' and then scratched at the back of his neck. "Well, we hadn't really planned on anything other than scenes for you all just yet. Your lesson plan calls for a few scenes before 'graduation' but there isn't any kind of specific theme or story. Why?"

Anna set her hand on Miranda's and squeezed it. "I was thinking that maybe since we have a headliner, and since there's a new studio, maybe you should make an actual film. You've got connections, don't make it so that I'm the only one with a star pairing up. Do some kind of college thing. Sorority parties, cheerleaders and sports stars."

Brandon smiled. "I think we can work with that. And never," he held a finger up, "never, ever think that you shouldn't make your wants and needs known. Even outside of this context."


The time had come for the scene. Anna was standing just off set in a schoolgirl uniform that was just as trashy as she'd expected. They'd gone through the rest of the negotiation, and she understood her part, now that the script had been reworked. She looked at the set that she'd mostly been taking classes in before. It was now where she would demonstrate that she could do what she'd been training for. She looked up at the camera and the people on set.

Bobby gave her a thumbs-up, and then called, "Quiet on set. Roll sound."

"Sound is speeding."

Bobby checked the viewfinder of the camera. "Camera Rolling."

One of the other cameramen stepped forward. "Marker, Untitled University Series, Scene one, Take one." He clapped the board's wood arm down.

Bobby said the last word. "Action."

Anna knocked on the 'door' of the set. "Professor Garret, could I have a minute?"

Brandon sat at the desk, necktie tugged loose around his throat as he looked papers over and made marks on them. He didn't look up from his work. "Of course. Office hours are now."

Anna strutted up to his desk, her heels making no sound on the carpet as she approached. She knew where the cameras were, and made sure that as she bent over his desk, her thighs were parted and she showed plenty of panty from behind. "I wanted to ask about that teaching assistant position that you had up on the board."

That made him look up at her, and his eyes widened. It was a good show, even if her breasts weren't the largest. They looked great in the small, tight top. "Yyyyyes." He pushed back from the desk. "You certainly have the grades for it. Though I don't recall you dressing quite this..." he trailed off.

Anna trailed her fingers along the desk. "They say to dress for the job you want." She slowly circled the desk, moving with a lot of hip roll that she'd learned from pole dancing. "I think that you should enjoy the company of anyone that you take on your... staff." She moved around behind his back and leaned in, brushing her lips against his ears. "I know that I enjoy any time I have in front of you."

She turned his chair, and leaned forward to give him a kiss. They hadn't gone over this yet. There hadn't been any kind of practice, which just meant that when she kissed him, she kissed him 'wrong'. Or 'right', depending on the definition.

It startled Brandon, just from the intensity of it.

Bobby caught the reflex on camera and grinned. You couldn't pay for stuff like that.

Brandon quickly covered his blunder, and reached a hand up to play along her hip, teasing his fingers along the waistband of her tiny skirt. "You wear this just for me?"

Anna didn't answer at first. She slipped into his lap, her tail brushing across his knees as she started to lace her fingers with his tie. "I wore it for me. " She then started working his shirt open. "But I'm glad you like it."

Brandon let out a low, hungry growl. "You're never going to give me a moment's peace, are you?"

Anna giggled, and pushed her hand under his shirt so that she could feel his broad chest. "Well. You do have to teach occasionally." She pulled him into another kiss by his tie, and then slid off of his thighs, pooling on her knees in front of him. She fumbled his belt open and then worked the front of his pants loose.

Bobby looked over at one of the other camera operators.

They were flashing a set of signs at him. 'This isn't in the script.'

Bobby flashed some signs back. 'Roll with it, this is good stuff.'

Brandon's hand rested on her head as she stroked him, spreading his legs to give her room to play. "I guess if you're going to keep me working so much we may as well both ennnnnnjoy it." He leaned his head back and gripped the armrest of the chair with his free hand.

Anna's tongue was working along his girth, from base to tip. She still hadn't gotten much practice with giving blowjobs, and while she'd played that way with Danny once, Brandon was larger. Which she just used to her advantage. Sucking on him was awkward. So she played it up. Her cheek bulged out as she pushed her muzzle down, taking him halfway. It was sloppy. But that was her character right now. Young, inexperienced, and overeager.

Brandon guided her slowly, then pulled her head up to free his shaft with a lewd pop. "Alright, you're handling this interview really well, but I think it's time to see how well you'll fit the position." He stood up, working his shirt free of the pants and then off of his shoulders.

Anna pulled his pants and underwear down then started nuzzling him once more, playing with his cock with an impish giggle.

He reached down to get his fist in her hair, tugging just a bit to get her to stand. The kissing was sloppy and wet as he bent forward, one hand on her breast and the other dipping between her legs.

She groaned out, arching and grinding forward with the rubbing. The skirt hid nothing, and she stroked him with one hand while the other locked behind his head. She pushed herself further into him.

Brandon scooped both hands under her ass and lifted her up, setting her on the desk while still kissing, and then with a sharp motion, he jerked her top open. It was sewn to allow the buttons to pop easily, and without a bra, her pert breasts were open for him to attack.

Anna's heels kicked up into the air, her thighs around his waist as she pawed at his ears. She'd felt Danny's mouth there, but this was the first time she'd felt someone really 'feast' on her chest. Hard nipples against his tongue, firm little mounds barely yielding against his touch.

Brandon's shaft rubbed against her folds as he thrust his hips, slipping along the slick panties that kept her modest. At least, modest until he pulled them to the side. Holding one of her legs up and pushing the other down, he nudged his tip against her and then started thrusting forward.

Her cry of pleasure and passion filled the set as she reached up to hold one of his wrists. "Yes, sir, fuck me, fuck me, please, harder!"

Each utterance was punctuated by one of Brandon's drives forward. He spread his legs to make sure that he had enough stability, and that he had a good bit of freedom for his balls to impact against her.

The next half hour was filled with him shifting her from one position after another. On her side, on her belly, up against his front, each one getting her to renew her cries for more, harder, deeper, faster. It wasn't constant fucking, in reality. He had to pull out a few times, adjusting her position to display her or let the camera guys shift their angles to catch what they needed to. The pill he'd taken before shooting was still working, making sure that he was raging hard, but he needed to calm down so that he didn't pop too soon, and take a drink.

It wasn't like a normal movie. They didn't have 'quiet on set' at all points. The cameras never really stopped filming, even when he wasn't pretending to do his best to pound his 'student'.

Anna knew most of what to expect. She'd been at least partially trained, after all. Maybe she wasn't a professional yet, but she had enough knowledge to be able to make everything work well enough. She constantly added lube during the breaks, let her limbs relax from the tense positions, sipped water from a bottle that was offered, and assured Brandon that she was still good to go for more, actually harder or however he wanted to lead the scene.

Brandon's hands settled on her hips against her upturned ass, bending her over the desk. Each thrust bounced her forward, her head hanging then lifted up, her breasts jostling wildly under her as she braced against the edge of the desk. Every thrust got her to make another moan or squeal or gasp, her tail curling around his hip. "Get on your knees, kitty."

She pulled off of him, her pussy absolutely drenched with the combination of lubes and his pre. She pushed him back enough that she could drop down, her knees parted wide as she leaned forward, angling her muzzle up and pushing her chest forward to emphasize her small breasts.

Brandon's hand was already on his cock, stroking and pumping as he looked down at her, teeth bared. "Last test," he grunted, and then sprayed her face and out-streched tongue. Each burst of seed came with a deep grunt, the spray going all over.

Anna curled one hand between his legs, cupping his balls as he tapered off, squeezing and then licking the underside of his cock with an eager, slutty grin on her muzzle. "Passed with flying marks." She gave one last kiss just under his glans.

Bobby let it hang there for just a second. "Cut! Pretty good! Alright, let's get these performers some towels."

The crew immediately and professionally shifted gears, one person approaching Anna and Brandon with towels. The cameraman who had been moving with the handheld unit returned it to the stand and plugged it in to start the data transfer. The people manning the sound equipment secured their items and then moved to assist with other things.

Brandon sat heavily into the chair on set, still shivering a bit from his release. "Good job, Anna. Especially for your first time."

She was busy wiping herself off with the towel, at least to the point that she wouldn't be dripping everywhere on her way to the shower. "Thanks." She sat back against the desk, looking at the way that everyone was ignoring the fact that she'd just had sex in front of them, and then gotten coated in cum. "Is it always like this?"

Brandon nodded, hooking his pants with an outstretched foot to draw them closer. "More or less. This is a pretty vanilla scene so there's no bondage aftercare and medical checks." He reached out to pat her shoulder. "Seriously. For your first shoot, that was really good. Hope that you enjoyed it. More than just the obvious."

Anna gave him a tired smile. "I think that I did."

Brandon nodded, and stood to pull his pants on, then buttoned the pants and waved to people as he started walking off set. Approaching Bobby, he caught the fox's eye and stood by while the director wrapped a few things up. "Look good on your end?"

Bobby took a clipboard and started making notes on it. "Looked pretty damn good. Editing will make or break it but you know that already."

Brandon nodded, and then leaned in close. "Did you hear her with the dirty talk? Like, actually listen to it?"

Bobby looked up at the bigger wolf. "No. I mean, not enough to give you a verbatim repeat of it. Why?"

Brandon worked his shirt over his head. "I didn't hear her say 'oh god' once. I heard 'oh fuck', 'oh shit', 'oh yes', but not 'oh, god'." He looked over at the edge of the set, where Anna had been.

The tigress had wrapped a towel around herself and gone off to the showers, looking none the worse, for the fact that this was her first porn scene.

It wasn't the most intense that Brandon had ever been involved with, not by a long shot. But it was far from the most gentle. "Do me a favor and double check me during editing. After Miranda's comments, and this, I'm starting to get an idea about her."

Bobby made a note on the clipboard. "Sure, but why does it matter? I mean, it's her business, isn't it?"

Brandon considered that for a long while. "Probably. I don't know. Call it risk management on my part." He stretched an arm around in front of him, working some back and shoulder muscles. "Either way, I'm headed to the showers. Good work, pass Anna's and my thanks to the crew. I don't want to get in their way."


Anna stood under the spray of the shower, letting the hot water beat down on her shoulders. She didn't rub herself. To be perfectly blunt, she was more than a little sore. Brandon was larger than she was used to, and he'd done what the scene called for. He'd fucked her, hard, especially at the end. She hadn't said anything, because the script didn't call for it. She hadn't wanted to spoil whatever story or tone they were angling for.

She hadn't lost track of how many times she'd cum. She knew exactly. She'd cum three times. They hadn't been 'worthy' of noting. No gushing. No squirting. No real way for anyone to see anything on camera. Brandon had to have noticed, though. He'd tactfully pulled away each time, giving her a moment to recover, checking to see if she was able to keep going.

The first was when he'd been fingering her and attacked her nipples. That one had been sharp and fast. The second had been when he'd lifted one of her legs against his chest and rolled her slightly to the side. They'd been fucking for almost a half hour, on and off at that point. He just hit the right spots just right, and she'd gone off. The last was when he'd bent her over for the final pose.

She'd almost had to stop. That last one with her bent over had been insanely intense. She'd almost kicked one of the camera guys when her left foot snapped back as the tremors ripped through her body. But that wasn't what had turned her on the most. And that was what had her so confused.

He'd treated her... differently. And she couldn't put her finger on it. He'd been the dominant, big, strong male. He'd fucked her. He'd used her. The finished product would absolutely show a slutty little sex kitten being railed for the enjoyment of an older male. And on some levels, that had turned her on.

But he'd also been playing a part, and she knew that. They both had a job to do, and he'd done his just as much as she'd done hers. The script had called for the spanking and the rutting and the money shot. She'd known that it would happen.

When he'd pulled out and told her to get on her knees, she'd complied, and made sure that the shot looked good. None of the cameras were on his face at that point, it wasn't the important part as far as pornography was concerned. But he'd looked down at her, right into her eyes when he'd splashed onto her. When he made a display of her. When he made her wear his seed.

At that point, she'd just come down off of her third release, still tingling, still breathing hard. And none of that mattered. She understood the biology. She understood that he would basically 'be done' at that point. He hadn't looked like he'd had another one in him. He was tired, and anything further would have probably hurt one or both of them.

She'd wanted more though. She'd seen him looking down at her when he blew his load all over his face, and she had been so turned on that she wanted to push him down onto the desk and ride him. To be the one to fuck him. To be the one to use him for her pleasure. To show everyone that mess on her face and her chest. Proudly. To use it to say, 'that's right, I just made him cum, he came so hard that he went all over me'.

She didn't plan on using her bullet vibe tonight. She didn't think she'd need to.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity or SoFurry page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.

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