Different: Chapter 4 - Lover

Story by husky_pie on SoFurry

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#4 of Different

DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual encounters between two males. If you're not into this or are underage, then turn back now! Characters are copyright their respective owners.

Hiccup and Toothless slowly made their way down to Meade Hall. The cold winds constantly blowing rain into their faces, both of them shivering even after the first few minutes of being outside. The storm was finally starting to let up a bit but was still coming down hard. Lightning flashed around them but now mainly towards the northeast side of the island. Hiccup would've had them jog the rest of the way to try and escape the cold, but it would've been harder to keep hold of the dragon. He knew Toothless wouldn't attempt to leave now, but he still had to keep up appearances. After a few more minutes, they finally reached the hall.

They climbed the stone staircase, Toothless almost slipping once, up to the large entrance doors between two large, stone Vikings. Hiccup knocked on the carved and hand painted door a few times. It swung open and the two stepped inside, feeling a burst of warm air hit them. Water droplets glistened on the black scales as the torches reflected off of them. His yellow eyes narrowed at the sight of Vikings standing in the middle of the hall. A red dragon stood behind them, being carefully watched by a few of the men.

"Here you go dad. Just like you said," Hiccup pushed on the dragon's back, shoving him forward. Toothless glanced over his shoulder in a half-upset, half-angered expression. The boy was looking past him, at his father who had a smile on his face.

"You did well, Hiccup," he said as the two walked over to him, "You, put this black one over by the red," he motioned to one of the Vikings. One of the larger males walked over and picked up Toothless. The dragon struggled a little in the grasp but couldn't escape. Hiccup tried not to look at it for fear of showing sympathy in front of Stoick. He had been working so hard these past couple days to show him that he could at least look like a true Viking. Toothless was held in front of one of the giant pillars holding up the building while another large figure quickly tied rope around the base and to the dragon's bindings. He struggled a little but quickly gave up, then looked up at the boy. His eyes were wide, the flames reflecting off them, wanting Hiccup to stop this, but then remembered he would be rewarded later.

"Alright, now give me the key to the cage," Stoick reached his hand out. Hiccup went fishing in his rain-soaked pocket to get it and placed it in the giant palm. The smaller Viking was a little nervous but tried his best not to show it. He didn't want Toothless to get hurt. He wanted to scream at his father that this was the wrong thing to do. He wanted to scream at everyone else in the village for going along with this plan and to let the beautiful creatures go.

"I'll be at Gobber's," was all that came out as he choked back the urges, "can you send someone to get me when you're finished?" Stoick assured him someone will tell him when it's over and he left the hall, not looking back at the struggling dragon.

Hiccup ventured out into the rain once more and made a dash for the blacksmith's. He was doing well until he reached the stone steps just before his destination. The boy misjudged one of the steps, causing his foot to slip on a wet rock. He fell forward and stretched out his hands in front to stop his fall. His hands struck rock first, pain shot up from his palms. The momentum from his fall caused his elbows to buckle out, but luckily he landed on them, his nose only an inch away from slate. More pain came from his stinging hands a moment later, along with his left elbow. It had landed on the edge of a sharp stone which cut through his thick jacket and scraped his skin. It wasn't much of a scratch but enough to sting and bleed a little. Hiccup quickly picked himself up and tried to examine his wound but couldn't with the jacket on. He looked at his now red hands, both of them so sensitive he felt as if he could feel his pulse.

Taking a deep breath, he finished his journey and hurriedly closed the door behind him. The room was dark with the exception of lightning sneaking in through the closed shades. He quickly got out of his jacket and let it drop to the ground in a wet heap. Hiccup had been in here enough times to know exactly where everything was. Near the center of the room was a small fire pit, along the walls were metal objects of all sorts, along the back wall was the forge, and to the right was his personal room.

A few minutes and a couple of bumps later, Hiccup finally had a fire going. Being a Viking, he knew exactly how to set up a fire quickly, making it easy for him in low light. He went over to the front door, picked up his jacket, and placed it next to the fire. His other clothes he decided to leave on, just because he didn't know if Gobber would come in. Near the forge was a small box containing makeshift first-aid items. He slid his long green sleeve up to expose his bleeding cut. It wasn't too much but it had stained his shirt a little. Hiccup picked up the wool gauze and wrapped it around the wound.

He put everything away and proceeded to his small room consisting of a desk, some candles, and a small bed - in case he wanted to spend the night there. His exhausted body flopped onto the hard bed. Images of what happened earlier today flipped through his mind, but tried to keep himself under control. These past few days had been strange for the boy; never had anything like this happened before, nor has his cock ever felt so spent. It hurt just thinking about doing something with Toothless or another dragon for a while. Hiccup laid his head down on the pillow and quickly fell asleep.


Hiccup awoke with a start as he heard the front door close with a slam. He quickly sat up and wiped his eyes free of the sandman's snare as footsteps came over to his room. One of the men he saw at the hall was now trying to squeeze himself through the doorway, surely on the quest to wake him up.

"Oh, 'ey 'iccup. Everything's all set. You can go 'ome now," he told Hiccup, just after giving up trying to get through.

"Alright, thanks," Hiccup replied. The Viking quickly waved back as a good-bye, turned around and headed for the door, hitting his head on some metal objects dangling from the ceiling. Hiccup rubbed his eyes again and got out of bed. His pants were still a little damp but not soaked like before. The gauze stood up to its small task and blood didn't seep through. The boy got up and walked over to the fire, now embers, to check his coat. It was dry and warm to the touch. After throwing it on, he looked around the room to see if he needed anything else.

A light bulb went off in his head as he looked at one of the drawers near the left wall. The desk contained small metal parts and other miscellaneous objects he and Gobber needed for their job. The idea that popped into Hiccup's head was that he remembered Gobber stored extra keys for his locks in them.

How could I have been so stupid?! He mentally kicked himself. Hiccup went over and opened up the drawer containing the keys. There weren't too many in there, making life easier for the boy. Keeping the shape of it in mind, he found a few keys that seemed to match his mental image. He stuffed the keys into his coat pocket and headed for the door.

The rain had let up to the point where it wouldn't soak a heavy jacket in a minute but rather to a steady drizzle. To the east the clouds still looked ominous and had random flashes of lightning shooting through them. Over the horizon to the west, the sky was almost clear and the orangey-red glow of the sun setting was piercing through. The wind had also lightened up but it was still a little chilly.

Hiccup pulled his hood over his head and headed home. Instead of running this time he walked, not wanting to fall again. As he passed by houses and huts, he could see lights on inside of all of them. He was passing by one of the dragon houses and decided to take a quick peek inside. The dragon could be seen from the window he was at. It was the blue one, sitting down against the back of its cage, tied up. It looked miserable from what Hiccup could tell, and his heart began to ache. Hiccup wrenched himself away from the sight knowing he'd see it all with Toothless too.

After a few more minutes, he finally returned home. From outside he could hear a commotion coming from inside the house. Hiccup quickly slammed open the doors and looked over to see Toothless tied to one of the pillars again and Stoick taunting and abusing him.

"Dad! Stop! What do you think you're doing!?" Hiccup yelled as he ran over and pounced on his father's back.

"Get off me, Hiccup!" Stoick hollered as he tried to reach around his back to grab the boy. The massive body was trying to twist and turn while Hiccup was sliding all over, trying to hang on. He couldn't hang on for too long and his small frame was captured by the massive hands. Stoick held the boy in both hands, Hiccup's feet hanging above the ground.

"What was that for!?" the massive Viking yelled.

"You were abusing him!" Hiccup tried to shout back.

"Well of course I was! How else do you think we Vikings have ever gotten ahead!? By befriending everyone?" Stoick responded while walking over and placing Hiccup on one of the wooden benches by the fire. Hiccup immediately tried to get up but was put back down.

"You don't have to do that to Toothless!"

"Oh, so you named this... devil!?" He pointed over to the dragon struggling against his bindings, wanting to help Hiccup.

"Dad, you have to listen-"

"No, I'm done. If you think you're so tough, Hiccup," he moved his body back around to place his finger in front of the boy's face, "then why don't you spend the night in the devil's cage?"

"What? Dad! You can't do that!"

"Oh, yes I can. You have disobeyed me for the last time, Hiccup. Just when I thought you were getting better, now this happens..." He looked strongly into Hiccup's eyes and then looked away, "...you're no son of mine."

Hiccup couldn't believe what he had just heard coming from his own father's mouth. He was completely stunned and could only watch as Stoick walked over to Toothless, whose head hung defeated as well, his ears pressed against the back of his head. He untied the ropes trapping him to the pillar and walked him over to the cage. Toothless dragged his paws and tail on the ground until he was put into the cage. Stoick then went back over to Hiccup.

"Dad, you can't be serious," Hiccup gasped out around the lump in his throat.

"This is the only way you'll learn to be a true Viking. It's all I ever wanted from you. Now get up!" commanded Stoick. The boy's only choice was to do what his father said. He took off his jacket and placed it on the bench. Stoick accompanied him to the cage door.

"Why do you never listen to me?" Hiccup couldn't even look at his father's eyes as he asked. Stoick completely ignored him and only responded with, "The devil was a pain today. You better be able to tame this beast, or else it's going to be a long night." There was a lot of disappointment in the big Viking's voice as he closed and locked the door. Hiccup could only stand there and watch as his father did this, turned around, took some fish from beside of the fire, and headed upstairs for the night.

The boy was still in shock at what had just happened. He was viewing the room he lived in his whole life behind crude, metal bars now. All he could do was sit down and shift to the back corner so Toothless would have room too. The dragon got down on his knees - his paws, wings, and mouth bound - and sat next to Hiccup who had now pulled his knees into his chest and put his head down between them. The once narrow, golden eyes had now become wide after witnessing what happened to the boy who tried so hard to help him. Toothless purred as he closed his eyes and nuzzled the boy's shoulder, trying to comfort him. Hiccup lifted his head up to look at the dragon who had now lifted up his own. Sympathy could be easily seen in the big eyes that looked at the red human face. He fought hard to keep the tears back and the lump in his throat down, still trying to look tough in front of Toothless.

"Here, let me get those off of you," he sighed. Hiccup shifted his legs to the side as he turned to face Toothless. He reached up, took off the binding on his muzzle, then around his back to untie his wings and then paws. As soon as he freed Toothless completely, the dragon put his arms around Hiccup and pulled him close into a hug. It was unexpected, but Hiccup put his arms around the dragon as well after a brief moment. He closed his eyes as Toothless did the same and nuzzled the side of his head into the human's neck. They stayed together for a few moments before pulling apart; their arms still around each other but now were face-to-face. Toothless leaned in and placed his lips on Hiccup's. The boy blushed through his already red cheeks as the black lips pulled away and they looked into each other's eyes.

"Thanks, Toothless," was all Hiccup could say as his mouth formed a small grin, lump still in his throat. He placed one of his hands on the dragon's head and started petting him, feeling the scales and studs under his fingers. There were six small stud spikes running up the middle of his head leading to two sets of pads that acted as his ears: a set of two small ones near the middle and two large ones on the outside of those. The scales on his head were small but he could still feel each of them. Hiccup moved his hand to the back of Toothless's head and pulled him down and in, kissing him on the top of his forehead. The dragon purred at this and raised his ears a little, making Hiccup smile a bit more.

"At least I have someone I can trust, even if you can't speak my language," Hiccup told Toothless. They let go of each other and the boy resumed his spot where he was before untying the dragon, except he extended one leg out and left the other close to his body. Toothless lay down on his side next to Hiccup and placed his head on the human's lap. They both closed their eyes as Hiccup gently stroked Toothless's head.


Early morning daylight was beginning to shine through the close curtains when Hiccup softly awoke. His back was aching from sitting on the hard wood all night and his neck hurt from pressing against the bars. He quietly yawned, stretched his arms, rolled his neck, and arched his back to work out all the kinks. As he finished rolling his head, he looked down to see Toothless still on his lap - the dragon had awoken due to Hiccup's movements. He rolled onto his back and tucked his wings under him, head still on the warm lap. Toothless opened his wide muzzle and yawned, only to be interrupted by a hand placed in his toothless mouth. The annoyed dragon quickly closed his mouth but the hand got out, just in time. Hiccup chuckled at his silly prank as Toothless grunted at him.

"Heh, good morning sleepy head," Hiccup whispered; Toothless groaned, "Hold on buddy, I need to get up." Hiccup slid over a little bit and let the dragon's head rest on the floor. He got up and stretched again but wasn't able to reach over his head. Toothless slyly grinned as he watched the boy arch back, his obviously tented pants visible in the low amount of light. Hiccup felt the strain on his groin and looked down to see his morning wood greeting him.

"Ah, great," he muttered to himself, but then turned and looked down at Toothless and asked, "Enjoying the show?" Toothless responded with a head nod, and then reached his scaly arms out, silently asking Hiccup to join him on the ground. The boy adjusted himself into a more comfortable position and couldn't resist the invite. He lay down on top of Toothless as the arms came down and pulled him into a tight hug. Hiccup placed his legs in between the dragon's with the tail in between his, their hips together, and his arms hooked underneath the dragon's.

The boy lifted his head to look into Toothless's eyes when suddenly, the black head moved close and their noses touched. They shook their heads softly, nuzzling one another. Hiccup then turned his head as their lips touched. He pressed them together in a passionate kiss, not wanting to pull apart. It lasted for a while before Hiccup felt the paws moving down his back. Not wanting to break the kiss, Hiccup let Toothless's paws slide over his butt, gently squeezing it. Having never been touched there by someone else, the boy jerked his head up from the sudden touch. He then just smiled and returned to kissing his dragon.

The paws then moved up a little, going underneath the boy's shirt, and then right back down to his butt only this time in his pants. Hiccup felt the warm scales slide over the sensitive area and took a quick gasp. Toothless quickly moved in with his tongue, taking advantage of the open mouth. The boy realized what had happened after a brief second and let the tongue massage his own. Occasionally, their tongues met in such a way that the human's slipped through the slit down the middle of the dragon's. Every time it happened, a shiver went down Toothless's spine in pleasure. His paws groped the smooth, flesh cheeks, enticing Hiccup to grind his hips onto the dragon's.

After a few minutes, a dull, rounded claw worked its way down to the warm hole in between the cheeks. Hiccup clenched his muscles as the intruder started rubbing and pressing against it. He let out a sigh and then let the claw continue. Hiccup cut off their kiss and took in a sharp breath as the claw slipped in. He scrunched his face a little from the sudden pain but then relaxed as he slowly released the air in his lungs. The claw started moving inside the opening, trying to gently massage it a little to relax away the pain. The boy took a few more deep breaths before the claw finally came out.

Toothless moved his paws out of the pants but left his thumbs just inside the waistband, and pushed down it. Hiccup giggled a little before helping the horny dragon take the green pants all the way off, then carelessly tossing them aside along with his fur boots. He sat up on his bare knees with the dragon in between his legs. Toothless looked up at him and couldn't resist wanting to see the human fully naked again. He moved his paws up the human legs, moving gently over the boy's hard cock, and then under the shirt, trying to lift it off. Hiccup helped Toothless again by slowly untying his vest, taking it off, and then lifting up his shirt, giving the dragon a bit of a show. The dragon watched as the human finished removing the tight shirt revealing a skinny body with some muscle and a bandaged elbow. He couldn't take his eyes off him, gazing up and down the bare body, the erection pointing straight at him and his balls resting on his belly scales. Toothless licked his lips in anticipation as the cock dripped a little pre onto his black stomach, his tail slightly moving back and forth as well as his ear perking up.

"Want some, boy?" Hiccup slyly asked as he stroked the top of his cock and gave a wink. Toothless sat up on his elbows and opened his mouth, wanting to taste the human again. Hiccup slid his knees forward until his cock was directly in front of Toothless's wanting muzzle. With wide and excited eyes, he let out his tongue, placed the cock in the slit, and slowly licked from the base to the drooling tip. Hiccup moaned as the warm, slick muscle was dragged along the underside of his seven inch member. He sat up on his knees to give Toothless easier access and put his hands on the bars to support him. The dragon leaned forward again, opening his mouth enough to take in the entire length but not close down on it. Instead, he licked the underside a few more times, along with the hanging sack under the tasty length. Hiccup shivered with pleasure on each lick, breathing heavily as he felt the pressure slowly build. Toothless closed his mouth around the cock and started to gently suckle on it while massaging it with his tongue. Pre dribbled out of the tip slowly with some bigger spurts each time his tongue wrapped around the entire length. Hiccup whispered and gasped Toothless's name and instinctively started thrusting into the muzzle. Toothless pulled off as soon as he saw Hiccup's sack starting to pull up closer to his body.

"What's wrong?" Hiccup gasped as he felt the warmth suddenly leave and his climax start to go down. He looked down at Toothless to see what was wrong, but it seemed like nothing was. He then felt some shifting behind him. Curiosity got the best of him and he looked behind to see what was going on. Toothless had taken off the loin cloth to reveal his swollen sheath and big, scaly balls.

"You're not even hard yet!?" His eyes widened as he looked at the dragon's sheath. He looked back at Toothless's face and the dragon blushed under his scales. He didn't know how to communicate what he had wanted but he tried his best. Toothless took one paw and touched the wet tip of Hiccup's member, and then moved the paw over to the tip of his sheath, pushing a claw into it.

"You want me to go inside you there?" Hiccup kind of motioned back and forth just in case Toothless didn't understand. The dragon nodded in agreement with wide eyes and a nervous smile. Hiccup was nervous as well, having never even thought of doing something like this. He wondered if it would even work, but didn't argue as he turned around, his body still on top of the dragon. Hiccup's heart was pounding, not wanting to hurt his dragon. He gently stroked the sheath which was almost fully attached to the dragon's body, feeling the small, soft scales at his fingertips. Toothless moved his hips up to press harder against the human's hand. Hiccup could feel the semi-erect cock still inside of the sheath through the outside. He let out a nervous sigh, moved his hand to his lubed up penis, and guided the tip to the sheath entrance.

Toothless groaned a little as Hiccup pushed the swollen head of his cock into the protective area. The human immediately stopped to let Toothless catch his breath. The dragon then moved his hips up, letting more of the human flesh in and silently telling Hiccup it was ok, while rubbing one of his paws on the bare human's back. Hiccup moaned as he was enveloped in the warm, smooth sheath. It felt like someone had wrapped silk tightly around his penis, feeling a bit better than Toothless's hole from yesterday. Inch by inch, his cock slid in until he was a little over half way. He stopped as he felt Toothless's pointed tip against the head of his own. Pre dribbled onto the head of the dragon penis as Hiccup slowly shifted himself around, trying to work himself next to the other cock. Toothless murred and groaned, enjoying the movements and full feeling inside of his sheath. Hiccup could see his cock moving under the scales, turning him on even more that he thought possible. After a few more adjustments, he finally got past the other cock now twitching with life. Toothless tried to hold himself back as much as he could, not knowing how much it would hurt with both of their cocks fully erect inside of him.

Hiccup had finally got the last few inches into the tight sheath, feeling the silky smooth skin on one side, a warm cock on the other, and enveloped in Toothless's saliva and the human's pre. The boy couldn't believe how great it felt, being so close to the dragon and being in such a private area. He enjoyed the moment a little longer before slowly removing some of his cock until he was at Toothless's head, and then pushed back in. They both moaned in unison, some of the dragon's cock getting a little larger. Hiccup could feel the sheath tighten even more, but not sure if it was good or hurting his dragon. With the paw on his back pressing against him, he continued his slow movements. In order to stay up, he put up hands on the tail in between the dragon's legs. One hand moved to the twitching sack lying on the tail as well and gently caressed it, feeling the heavy balls inside. Hiccup's movements started to speed up as Toothless started to move his hips slightly up and down, wanting the boy even more.

It didn't take too much longer before the pressure in Hiccup's cock was too much. Holding back his loud moan, Hiccup climaxed into the hot sheath. His penis rapidly pulsed, letting out wave after wave of cum while pure ecstasy shot up to his head. The hot liquid filled the tight sheath and some even escaped out of it, pooling and dribbling down Toothless's side. Hiccup finally let out his breath as his spent cock shot out the final wave of cum and his hips stopped moving. The dragon under him groaned as his own cock twitched and swelled more, letting some more cum dribble out. Hiccup quickly pulled out as Toothless's cock grew and his own shrank. With a few more pulses from its owner, the large 10 inch, thick dragon member was finally free of its confinement and Toothless let out a sigh of relief. Most of the cum from inside the sheath poured out as well, and Hiccup could only watch. He smiled as he saw everything happen, and just stared at Toothless's cock which was now slick with his cum.

Hiccup slid back a little more, dragging his now soft cock along the black belly, and dribbling some of the left over cum across the scales. His breathing calmed down as he was about to swing his leg around to lie next to Toothless, but his leg was held down by a scaly paw. Hiccup was about to look back to see what was up, but instead looked down at the two paws that were now around his hips. Toothless pulled the boy up his chest until his virgin hole was aligned with his muzzle. The dragon kept one paw on the boy's hips while he pushed his other paw on his back, forcing him to bend over and onto his hands and knees. Hiccup followed along with what Toothless had in mind, his head still a little fuzzy from his recent climax. As he bent over, his head was directly above the cum covered dragon cock - a smile crept across his face. Just as he was about to lick the pink member, he felt a slick warmth against his hole. Hiccup gasped and arched his back, bringing his head back up with wide eyes. He turned his head around to look behind him but could only see the black head, with closed eyes, moving up and down as his hole was licked. Toothless alternated between the forks of his tongue to get the full taste of the boy. His warm breath could be felt against the tight hole, making Hiccup sigh and moan.

As Hiccup got accustom to the tongue licking and playing with his butt, he turned his attention back to the now leaking cock in front of him. He bent his head down, getting a strong whiff of the salty cum making his head spin a little. The boy pushed through the scent and licked the underside of Toothless's dragon penis, tasting both the flesh and himself. The taste was immediately addicting and he continued to lick the entire pink cock, from the base at the sheath, all the way to the pointed tip where pre was leaking out. Hiccup licked up some of the pre and savored the light, salty flavor before swallowing it.

The boy was about to take the head of Toothless's cock into his mouth but was interrupted again by one of the forks now demanding entrance into him. Hiccup looked back at Toothless only to see one of the yellow eyes looking back at him. He relaxed his sphincter to let the dragon get back to work on him. As he did, Toothless closed his eyes and pressed his tongue into Hiccup all the way to the end of the split. Hiccup moaned as he felt the thick tongue penetrate him and he closed his eyes in pleasure. The tongue started to push in and out of him, stretching his hole for what Toothless had in mind. Hiccup returned to the long cock in front of him and took the thick head into his mouth. It wasn't too much but it was enough for Toothless to buck his hips up and to release a warm, deep breath across the wet entrance. With a kiss, Toothless pulled away from the human and pressed his paws against Hiccup's butt, gently pushing it forward.

Hiccup kissed the tip of the cock and left a bit of saliva on it, hoping he knew where it was going. He crawled on his hands and knees forward, letting Toothless slide out from beneath him and got on his knees.

"Oh Toothless, I want you inside me," Hiccup begged quietly. The dragon couldn't resist the wiggling butt in front of him and the wanting face of the human boy looking back at him. He sat up on his knees and placed his cum and saliva covered member in between the boy's cheeks, also placing his paws on Hiccup's hips. Toothless moved his body up and down a bit, grinding the underside of his cock against the bare flesh and wet hole. Hiccup pressed back against him, wanting the big cock inside of him. Toothless flashed a toothy grin as he moved his hips back and placed the tip of his member at the wanting hole. Pre from the pointed tip helped lubricate it a little more as Toothless pressed harder against Hiccup. The tip entered the boy and was immediately stopped. Hiccup clenched down out of nervousness but took a deep breath and calmed down. The dragon continued pushing in, feeling how tight the human under him was. He got the head of his cock in before Hiccup tightened up again. The boy inhaled a sharp breath from the pain and scrunched up his face a little.

"Hold on, boy. Just hurts a bit," Hiccup managed to get out. A purring Toothless paused and let the boy get used to his size. After a few minutes, Hiccup gave Toothless the go ahead, letting him continue pushing in. Hiccup squeezed again after a few inches and the process repeated until Toothless was buried to the sheath inside of the boy. It was a slow process, but Toothless hadn't felt anything like it around his cock. The hole was tight, hot, and well lubricated due to natural lubricant of pre, cum, and saliva.

"Heh, wow Toothless," the boy said, "you're huge." He chuckled as he looked at Toothless's surprised yet smooth reaction. As the boy squeezed down to feel the cock inside him, his dragon let out a soft murr. The hot member felt a little soft on the outside but was rock hard inside, and he could feel the warm pre dribble out of the tip and touch his insides. Toothless bent over and rested his chest on Hiccup's back while wrapping his arms in between Hiccup's and put both paws on either shoulder. He softly kissed the muscular back and pressed his hips forward more, letting more of his cock in.

"Okay buddy," Hiccup told Toothless. The dragon nodded and started to slowly pull out. An overwhelming feeling of emptiness came over Hiccup as the cock left him but was still inside by the head only. Both of them sighed before Toothless slowly pushed back in, only feeling a little resistance from Hiccup squeezing down but still felt a good tightness from the virgin hole. Once his cock was fully engulfed by the human again, he let out a bit of a growl of pleasure. Hiccup felt air being pushed out of his lungs because Toothless was so large, and the pain was still there.

After a few more slow thrusts, the pain was starting to go away and be replaced with bliss, especially when the large cock rubbed against his prostate. Toothless couldn't restrict his hips anymore and started to pick up the pace of his movements. Hiccup lightly bit down on his tongue from the sudden pick up in speed while his breaths were pushed out of him. Pre started to flow out more from the head of Toothless's penis, lubricating Hiccup's insides more.

"Oh Almighty Thor, Toothless. This feels so good!" Hiccup let out, only slightly able to hold himself back as ecstasy rushed to his head every time his prostate was touched. Toothless's breaths became shorter and more rapid, making Hiccup's breath match his own on every thrust. It wasn't too much longer before Toothless couldn't hold back anymore. Choking down his roar, he thrust one final time into Hiccup, making sure his sheath was pressing against the no longer virgin hole. Hot cum poured deep into Hiccup as Toothless climaxed. The sudden rush of a new feeling inside of him unknowingly sent Hiccup over the edge as well. As cum was shot into the boy, cum also spurted out of Hiccup's cock onto the floor. Both of them moaned inside of their throats as pure bliss overwhelmed each of them. Toothless was still shooting cum into Hiccup as the boy stopped, his penis dripping with the delicious liquid. Not too long afterward, Toothless had finally finished and came down from his climax high. Both of the males took deep breaths as their heads still swam in the aftermath. Hiccup could feel the dragon pulse his cock, stretching his hole a little each time, trying to shoot out the rest of the cum still inside of him.

"That was amazing..." was all Hiccup was able to say as his breathing started to return to normal. Toothless murred in agreement and started to pull out. With a small 'pop' sound, the dragon freed himself and cum started to leak out of the hole. Not wanting any to go to waste, Toothless quickly dove in and licked up all that came out, enjoying his own taste. After he was done, Hiccup sat back on his knees and turned around to face the dragon who was on his knees as well. The pink member was shrinking into the sheath, still covered in dragon cum. Hiccup bent down and licked what was still exposed clean, savoring the salty taste before swallowing it. He then sat back up and looked Toothless in the eyes, seeing nothing but passion.

"Toothless...?" he finally spoke nervously, "I-I think I'm in love with you..." a brief pause, "I have never done anything like that with anyone before, a-and with you, it just felt so... right. I don't care if you're a dragon; I want you to be with me."

Toothless didn't understand all of the words Hiccup told him, but he could feel it in the softness of his passionate voice. The dragon slimed and purred in response, then leaned forward and licked the side of Hiccup's face.

Just then, their moment was interrupted by the creaking noise of wood above them.