The Princess Rides

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Hey there SoFurry! This is a commission peice I have done for LordRevan here on SF.

I hope you enjoy the following work of fiction, as well as my other stories, and please know I am always open to commissions. However, I must remind you here, this is an adult work of fiction (duh, goblin is one of the tags...) and as such, you had better be 18 or whatever the legal age where you come from is, and you had best enjoy the tags listed. Oh, and for anybody that doesn't like non-furry themed stories, there are no talking cats, bunnies, or dogs in the following text, I'm sorry, but the comissioner is always right! :D

Enjoy! Just clean up your messes :D


"Sami!" Came a call, a flustered, but resigned, older woman, standing with hands on hips and a bemused smirk on her face, "Sami! Your too young to ride alone!" It was a stable master, or rather, mistress, calling after her as she rode off into the beautiful early summer sun. She knew the little girl, maybe only nine years old, should not be off in the woods alone... That said however, she could not hope to stop the beautiful, free spirited nine year old.

Sami, the cheerful, ever friendly daughter of the cheerful, ever kind king, was above her control. The little girl came and went as she pleased, only child from the kings first, late wife. He had sons to take the crown from concubines and such, but that beautiful little child had his heart, beyond any other in the land since the passage of his wife three years before.

She road quickly now, and soon passed from sight on one of her many, many mounts. She was in love with horses, hopelessly enthralled by them, and the older woman understood, she loved them as well, and it did her heart good to be able to help that young girl have the chance she never had, to own the beautiful beasts, to enjoy them day in and day out as a young girl.

The princess, riding as she often did, was heading into the kings reserve, a vast, mostly unmapped forest where the king went when he wished to hunt, or simply get away from the throne with his daughter, his sons, or a mistress. It was vast by all standards, covering more land then several of the lesser kingdoms nearby, from the northern boarder with the wilds, to the neighboring kingdoms in the east, and his own lands to the south and west, the massive wild forest was famous for many things, myths of dragons, perhaps the last in the lands, and tales of roaming bands of evil goblins, as well as dark demons and evil magic. The king feared it not, and his beloved daughter rode out almost every day into its vast boarders, knowing the boarder area near her fathers castle and estate better than nearly any other, even her father. Only the wardens, tasked with keeping hunters, invaders, spies, and any monsters from the wilds north of the boarders, from harming the forest or kingdom beyond.

That day, the young princess rode faster than was common for her. She felt she needed to put distance between herself and the world, and she rode hard and far. The trails she knew well flew by as she bounced atop her favorite mare, golden hair streaming behind her in the patches of warm sun that broke threw the trees and made it to the ground.

She put many miles behind her, until she knew her mare needed rest, and she felt like standing for a spell herself. She found a clearing, and swung down, the untouched, unspoiled grass coming up to her waist, the wild flowers still in bloom in this deep, quiet part of the forest, bugs and birds singing on all sides of the clearing. A small stream could be heard not far away.

Walking around to limber her legs up after the long ride, she heard her mount taking a mouthful of the fresh, green grass, and hoped it tasted better than the oats he made due with most days, this wild, fresh, natural grass. The wind smelled of summer, a hint of smoke from some far off forest fire, the sky had been hazy for weeks, always was by this time of year, and along with the smoke came the smell of flowers and grass, evergreen trees and the water flowing not far away.

She climbed the top of the little hill that formed the clearing, and found the source of that water. Closer than she thought. A small, crystal clear, and from the cool touch of the wind as it blew over it, ice cold, spring spilled forth from a outcrop of rock on the far side of the hill. Smiling at her good fortune, she knelt and tasted the water as she had been taught. Not spoiled or tainted, clean and fresh and pure. Standing and hurrying over, she ran the twenty yards or so to her horse, who for her part, looked up at the ever energetic girl, wondering if she had reason to worry or if the little one was simply trying to startle her.

When she got to her mare, she lead her over to the little stream, and sat down, letting her horse drink her fill from the small pool that formed at the bottom of the rocks, while she herself took a few cupped handfuls of the cold, cold water and drank gladly.

Never one for dressed, and thankfully one with an understanding father, she was out riding in what would have looked to any other a young lads riding gear. But it was growing hot as the day wore on, so she pulled pulled off the rather heavy jacket she had picked out that morning, and, folding it into a pillow, lay down in the tall, soft, sweet smelling grass to watch the clouds go by as he horse rested and she relaxed.

Now, most would know better than to go out into a wild forest alone at the age of nine, and any that would go in alone (at that age or otherwise) would likely know better than to fall asleep, alone and unarmed, at a water source in the middle of a dry spell... Sami knew all this. But of course... She was just watching the clouds go by.

About two hours later, her eyes flashed open when she heard her horse scream and the pound of hooves near her. She sat up, just in time to see her beloved mare darting from the clearing, back the way they had come. The sun was lower in the sky now, and from how hungry she was, she knew it was getting close to dinner time, if not well past it.

All thoughts of time, and food, melted rapidly from her mind however, quickly replaced by a numbing, breath taking fear that left her unable to move, or even scream.

Goblins had once, it was said, been a common problem in all lands, and her father was beloved by the people for finally driving them lastingly from the land. However, even with no sizable goblin kingdoms remaining in the lands, a few strays still found their way toward civilization. She had seen one once, a 'Civilized' goblin, a course oddity at another kings hall. They were intelligent but barbaric, seemingly by choice, crude and rude and dirty, but shrewd and cunning when pressed. These were not Civilized, she could tell just by the smell, from this distance it was the stink of a dog in bad need of a bath, and she didn't want to find out what it would be like closer to one of them.

Had she not woken, she may have been overlooked, as they came and drank and then left to search for the possible dinner that had run, but when she sat up they noticed her, and a grin spread on the gray-green face she could see, drawing nearer as it walked toward her, clearly not worried about her running.

Running however, was the first thing she wanted to do, and finally, after what seemed a lifetime, but spanned only a few heartbeats, her legs listened, and she scrambled to her feet. She spun and took three steps toward where her mount had run, and fell. She thought she was attacked, she reached for her leg, expecting in her fright to find it miss. Instead, she found her jacket wrapped around her ankles, and her left ankle badly twisted.

Struggling to her feet, she took another step, then that left ankle gave out and she tumbled, crying and curling up into a ball, to the ground once again, rolling twice in the flowers and grass. Screaming in fear and pain, and closed her eyes and curled up tighter, wishing it would go away, certain she was about to be eaten alive by monsters.

She screamed again, a squeeking, terrified noise, as a leather shoe at the end of a gray-green leg kicked her rather roughly to her back, "Human." Came a single gruff word from it, as it looked up at another approaching monster, "Smells girly, but dressed like man."

The other goblin leaned down, and rather roughly, pulled her arms from her face, uncovering her small, tear streaked face. She screamed as she saw him, closing her blue eyes, "Who you?" The second Goblin asked.

The first Goblin to speak said, in a angry tone, shoving the second in the shoulder, "Lets eat it and move on, we have to make it to the castle before a warden find us!"

A scream came from the girl, but neither of the goblins payed her any mind, "I know you as stupid as most our kin. But I live with humons for years, I knows them! This land bad for any that not wardens or royales, she no warden, and the king no out hunting..."

The first goblin looked to be lost in very hard thought, face squished up, like a small child trying to learn math, "You mean... she king?"

The second goblin slapped the first, and Sami realized, with a mixture of fear and hope, that it was the same she had met before, "She is a princess, you idiot, the child of king."

Understanding dawned on the face of the first goblin, and he nodded to the woods, "I go get others, you take care little girly here..."

And with that, he was gone, clearly not one for long talks or deep thought. Trying desperately to remember a name, Sami reached up and grabbed one of that second goblins green-gray hands, "Please, I know you! We met in a court years ago... You brought me a tray with my lunch on it and I thought you were a monster... I think I... I screamed and order a guard to behead you... you just laughed and assured me you..." She looked at the leaving goblin, "Didn't eat little girls..."

Smart for goblins didn't make him any great mind by human standards, but he was bright enough to know a face he had seen before, and the story reminded him, "I don't eat any people... but... some of my friends are less civil than I." His voice had changed, taking on the almost cultured, smooth accent she remembered, she realized he must have been faking that gruff stupidity for the others sake.

"Please don't let them eat me..." She pleaded, then his name came back to her, "Please Klox..."

The gears, faster than any of his kind he had met, in that green-gray, mostly hairless head were turning with speed unknown even to them, "You could help us a lot... We were traveling to your kings lands... There are many of us here in this wood, and we are forced to live in shattered communities, traveling always to avoid the wardens. Your father is a good man, I am traveling now with a few of my closest followers... we wish to establish a town for ourselves here, and to civilize ourselves as best we are able..."

He was silenced as four others goblins walked up, and then he looked back at her, dropping back into his gruff, rough tone of broken english, "Now take you back to king, and king be glad we no eat you, and we treat you good, not hurt you, so he like us and agree to us. You big help."

She would have agreed, not only because she had taken such a liking to him when she had first met him, after a rough start, but because she most certainly did want to get home safe and unhurt. However, she never got a chance. A greenish fist landed on the side of Klox's head, "Not eat her or hurt her? You idiot now! You thinks me and us going eat grass tonight so girly here can be safe? Me say we eat her then tell the king we never seens her!"

"No!" the little girl screamed, curling back into a ball and starting to cry again.

"No!" Yelled Klox, "You not lay one finger on her!" His faked stupidity forgotten, "If you touch the Princess, I'll have your head as a gift for the king, as an example of how we will treat savages should he grant our request!"

The other goblins were silent for a moment, the air was tense, then the green goblin that had thrown the punch drew a dagger from his crude leather belt, "Have my head?!" He bellowed, "I'll kill you!"

Drawing his own knife, Klox took a step forward, standing over the now sobbing, curled up Sami, and said, "Put that away! We are here to show we are civilized enough to not be hunted like game, and driven from where we have lived for generations, eating a young princess will not get us what we dream of!"

"Please stop! I'll do anything if you let me go home safe, just don't kill me!" Sami yelled up at the agressive goblin, tears streaming down her face.

"If I can't eat you, I'll atleast use you!" Klox took a step back, as they both resheathed their daggers hesitantly, but at his request to use the princess, Klox heart skipped a beat, "Klox here has us marched from home... it been almost a moon since I see my wife... Same for the other boys... Let us use you and I won't kill the smart coward, or you."

She didn't know what he ment, but she nodded her agreement before Klox's half formed objections could be heard, and four of the five goblins answered that with toothy, leering grins. The little girl just knew she wanted to live to see home again, and assumed that anything they did to their wives couldn't be bad.

Klox tried to voice his objections, but he was knocked back by one of the goblins as they closed around the little girl, she heard him ordering them to stop, but he didn't DO anything, and she was glad, she didn't want him hurt, or to make him hurt anything, and she would be safe at home soon enough.

Then one of them reached down and grabbed her shirt, roughly ripping the fabric of her tunic, uncovering her undeveloped chest. She screamed, but that scream was silenced as one of the goblins, the first one to find her, shoved of all thins his toes into her mouth, "Clean those like good lil wench!" He growled down at her.

She sobbed, the taste of those feet filling her senses and making her eyes water, but she forced herself to do as told, trying not to gag as she licked his toes clean. Then she squeeled around his toes, as her riding trousers were roughly tugged down, followed at once by her white silk panties. The males all stopped for a moment to examine her. They were all married and had many children, but they all felt like horny young boys again at the sight of that tiny hairless cunny, goblin women not well known for their self grooming or attractive bodies, she was a gift from their gods in their eye.

The goblin that had demanded her do this, waisted no time, he dropped to his knees over her, pulling his leather pants down enough to let his seven inch green goblinhood free, dripping pre from its tip, rock hard already. She suddenly knew what she was about to have to do, and her sobs turned to frightened squeeks around the toes in her mouth. She had seen her beloved horses bred before, the males thrusting into the females, making new life in them. It had seemed magical at the time, and the sight of that huge horse member had made her feel a little funny, in a vague, not understood way, but now she knew what was about to happen, and couldn't do anything to stop it.

He took her virginity roughly, uncaringly, and she bit down rather hard on the toes in her mouth, making the goblin squeal in her place. She bled, but that didn't bother the wanting male. He thrust fast and hard, pounding her tiny, tight self. It was heaven for him, that tiny virgin passage around his thick, dripping member. He felt her cervix with each thrust, and couldn't even hilt himself in her half grown body. He slammed against it anyway however, and loved every second.

She almost blacked out, but after the pain of her virginity being taken passed, she felt simply numb, unwilling or unable to understand or accept what was happening, her crotch felt like it was a thousand miles away, not real, not happening.

He was quick, to say the least, and rough, violent would not have been an unfair term for the way in which he used her. He slammed her tiny body against the ground, groping roughly at breasts that were nothing but soft baby-fat on her chest, pinching her nipples. He finished after less than twenty fast, rough thrusts, and pumped that tight little cunt full of thick white goblin seed. After he pulled free, he growled at the other males, "Back off, she is mine, and I will mark her as such!"

They waited, knowing what he ment, they had all done it to their wives, most on their wedding night, and they were not about to deny their friend, and the largest of the group, the right they felt he had earned when he got her to agree to this. It took a few moments for his hard, grey member to soften enough, but when it did, he marked her.

They thought of it as marking, she thought of it as the most horrible thing ever done to her, somehow worse, dirtying, than being roughly violated and deflowered in the dirt. A long, hot arch of urine left his tip, and it splashed over her face first. She would have had it in her eyes and mouth, had her eyes been open and that green foot not still been in her mouth, but as it was, it simply soaked her face and ran down into her hair, wetting that. The smell was unbearable, it made he want to gag, to plug her nose or run away. She felt that stream move down, over her neck, her now bruised chest, over her tummy, soaking her clothes and making her tremble as the heat rapidly left that golden fluid, chilling her to the bone as it cooled in the breeze.

Finally, his bladder was empty, and she was sobbing again. The male that had had his foot in her mouth moved, and made it clear he was next. He grabbed her hips and lifted them, pressing his tip against her now cum-lubed hole. He pressed in just as roughly as the first, and this time, her screams filled the clearing, birds taking wing in all directions as his thicker shaft spread her and hurt her even more than the first.

She begged him to stop but he refused, and as he built speed, five thrusts, then six, she started to feel a warmth inside her, the pain was melting. Ten, twelve. It was feeling good now, that wet, thick meat slamming in and out of her tiny self. Twenty, "Yes!" She yelled, and the stunned goblin looked up at her, "Don't stop... please don't stop!" The tiny girl begged, even as she cried, the pain and fear and embarrassment still there, but the pleasure made it all ok, as long as he didn't stop, as long as it didn't stop, she would be ok.

He grinned up at his friends and started pounding her anew, and one of the other males, she realized only after she had already started, that it was Klox, shoved his foot for her to lean.

She bathed that dirty gree skinned foot with her tongue, sucking on his toes and even nuzzling up the underside of that foot to like at his heel and back to his toes. As her tongue was slowly dragging along the underside of that foot, she tensed up, from head to toe, back arching and toes curling. What had felt good, almost good enough to make her stop crying and accept what was happening, suddenly changed. In a heartbeat it grew beyond containment, it spilled over, from deep inside her and ripped down every nerve in her spine, bounced around in her head, blinding her to the world, and then shot out to every cell in her body, setting her afire. She was bucking against him and sucking on the toe in her mouth, her bladder had let go, and her golden piss was squirting around his cock, even as she clamped down tight, setting him off with a howl and a large load of cum. He pulled back, and she lay there, twitching and peeing over his crotch, until he moved, and the next male took his place.

She realized the foot was gone, and looked side to side, desperate for that taste again, that horrible, horrible taste she wanted so badly, when her jaw was grabbed roughly. She was turned to look upward, even as a thick, long cock slammed into her. Klox kissed her deeply, her first kiss, as he claimed not just her cunny, but her womb. Her battered cervix couldn't stop him, and she felt his head push into her inner most place, the pain and surprise setting off both another climax, and making her scream against his lips.

He was slower, at least at first, trying to comfort and help this tiny female with the ordeal, but he was only able to keep his mind for so long, and after a few seconds in that tight, wet, rippling cunny, he was pounding her with the mad, rough force the others had used. He however, could fit all the way in, all eight inches, his tip easily seen as a bump on her lower tummy, his balls slapping her ass with each fast thrust.

She squealed and squirmed, and when the kiss finally broke, moaned like a whore. She looked around, and finally grabbed another of the goblins by the ankle, the first to take her, and pulled his foot to her mouth, licking along the underside of it. The taste set her off again, and the tiny girl, that had been a virgin when she left her fathers castle that morning, had now cum three times, while being raped by goblins. Her squeals of lust and pleasure still scared birds, but they mixed with the clamping of her twitching cunny to set Klox off, and a third, even larger load of white cum was added to her, filling her womb.

The two males still to go did not wish to wait their turns, and grinned to eachother, "Share?" One said, the other nodded. Laying in the stinking mud, urine and dirt and cum and blood under her, she was panting and whimpering, feeling suddenly empty as that thick shaft pulled from her now gaping cunny. She was lifted up, and opened her eyes. Met by a grinning goblin face, she blushed and whimpered. In short order, she was rolled over and layed atop one of the remaining goblins, lowered down atop his twitching, throbbing shaft. It felt good to have it in her again, and she squeezed it, expecting the rapid thrusting, that did not come.

With that cock in her, its tip lodged in her cum-filled womb, and the mess from inside her well used cunt dripping over his balls, it was next to impossible for the goblin under her to wait, but he did. He started thrusting only when he heard her squeal, knowing it was time. That squeal, caused by the sudden, rough thrusting of an eight inch goblin dick into her virgin ass, started off what was to be her most uncomfortable, pleasurable, and longest mating yet. The pain made her eyes water, but she fought back the urge to struggle, needing to feel that explosive pleasure again.

They thrust awkwardly, with the tiny girl between them, unable to get to the speed the others had. The male behind her simply could not go any faster, unable to shove in and out of her tiny, unlubed ass any faster without hurting himself. Both her holes were stretched hugely, gaping around those thick cocks. Then Klox shoved a foot into her mouth, the other two males each grabbed one of her hands, and before she knew it, she was sucking on Klox's big toe, being taken by two goblins at once and stroking the dripping cocks of two others. She loved it, it made her tremble with lust and pleasure, she felt that burst of pleasure building within her once again.

This lasted a long time, nothing said, just grunts of approving pleasure from all around her, and the three males around her trading places now and then, Klox once walking back and rubbing his foot against her dripping, musky cunny, and the balls of both males taking her, before offering those dirty toes to her. She sucked them clean happily.

It took what felt an hour, but was no more than fifteen minutes, for the slow, deep, double fucking to set her off again. It snuck up on her once again, seemingly growing from a little flame of pleasure, to a raging bonfire in a heartbeat. She bucked and squealed, clamping down on both members, setting both males off deep inside of herself. She felt dizzy, as the fourth and fifth loads of that evening pumped into her tiny body, she blinked a few times, as she was rolled to the grass and the males leered down at her filthy body, at her lewdly gaping cunny as it leaked their seed. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she knew sleep was taking her, the last thing she heard was Klox's voice, "She needs sleep, we have days left before we reach the castle... weeks with her around to keep us busy, don't wear her out tonight."