Romance For Horses

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A mare longing for more in a relationship than the stallions are willing to put in finds a magical array left close enough to her barn stall for her to reach. Now with a human shape, she seeks this fabled 'romance' concept the humans have.

(Equine tf Human, Human tf Equine)

Flint looked out over the pastures of his ranch and chuckled as two young women squealed in alarm and averted their eyes as a stallion mounted a mare in the field not too far away from them. Well, they are animals, what did they expect? Flint is a bit gruff looking; no longer a young man, but still handsome all the same. Was always awkward around women and found himself busy with his own work so never truly entered the dating scene, so ended up forever single. Always found he got along better with critters, so he was happy to inherit his uncle's ranch years ago. Now the only females he tends to are horses, usually. These two women are too young for his tastes. They stopped by from the arcane university to practice magic and needed to use his ranch. Didn't bother the horses any, so he did not see why not.

The mare being mounted is Ivory, and the big lug on her backside is Jet. Ivory is white with freckle-like tiny grey speckles over her large muscular rump, and her mane and tail are blonde. Jet is dark brown and his entire torso is covered in tiny black spots. Ivory had been trying to flag down the massive stud because her pussy felt like it was on fire and itchy at the same time- hungry for meat, insatiably horny. And itch she could not scratch, but Jet took care of it real fast. His cock is so fucking thick it feels like all her other organs get shoved to the side to stretch her passage around him like a living condom. Her tight, pulsing clit is crushed between her and his scrotum as his heavy balls spank her tiny little dormant udder. He grips her as tightly around her midriff as he can, and nips her neck from behind as he slams into her one last time and cums.

His pillar of meat slides out of her limp, swinging violently back and forth before slowly drawing back into the sheath. Ivory turned to thank him but he was already wandering away, looking absentminded with his nose up in the air, enjoying the wind. Ugh, males. Probably off to fall asleep in the shade now. Couldn't stick around long enough to say hi before or after fucking her, huh? Eh, whatever, at least her pussy isn't driving her nuts now.

Ivory wandered over to the women with their papers and books, listening in on their conversations. As a horse, Ivory recognized the sound of many of the words they said, but not what any of them mean. She is curious, so she tried to put together what the words meant but humans have so many words. The books are magic- they contain spells, she put that together. What is a spell? Hell if she knows. The women are from a school that teaches magic, and were assigned to create a working transformation spell- they cannot use any existing runes as reference. That means they need an animal to trace its arcane signature. That is why they came to this ranch, they need to learn the arcane signature of a horse so they can transform into it. Ivory had no idea what they were talking about really, but managed to put together that they wanted to be able to become a horse, for some reason.

The women started talking about some books they had been reading while they waited for their signature trace to finish. This perked up Ivory's interest as well. These books they read contain something called 'romance'. Where human men will stay with their mate and cuddle, or offer them gifts, shower them with affection- and either partner would go to any lengths to be with and keep the other happy! Ooooh, why couldn't any of the stallions be like that?! Jet can pound her brains out, which is definitely something she needs too... but he doesn't really care about HER. A wolf jumps the fence into the field and runs at Ivory, he probably wouldn't even bat an eyelash. Or worse- run and save himself. He never cuddles or gives her gifts, he just fucks and then leaves.

Ivory was startled when one of the women suddenly leaned heavily on the large wooden fence as her hands and feet suddenly turned into horse hooves! A bulge formed in the back of her pants and flicked from side to side till it squirmed its way out over them, revealing a horse tail! She told her friend to cancel the spell- before her body started to grow and rupture her clothing. They knew the spell worked. Ivory was amazed! The humans could turn into other shapes using this magic thing??

Ivory listened a bit longer, and the women talked about a spell that would turn a horse into a human; a counter-spell for the horse transformation spell they just made. In order to pass the test however; they needed to make it from scratch too, but turning human from a full horse is more difficult. For a human to horse you can just copy the arcane signature of the horse and turn into it. For turning back into a human, you generally don't want to be A human, you want to be THE human you were before. So you can't copy a human's arcane signature, you need a more flexible transformation that can adapt to you, then link to the previous spell, so rather than simply overwrite your previous form, it swaps forms, keeping your original shape in limbo till you call it back. In order to do that- they required time, so they set up the array and told Flint they would be back tomorrow for it. It would trace back the two signatures overnight and give them the information they need to put the spell together by tomorrow.

Once the women left, it was back to business as usual for Ivory. Racing the other horses, or relaxing in the sun with the strong breeze blowing by to keep her cool. It is a happy, relaxing life... but after hearing about the humans talk about this 'romance' thing, Ivory is left a bit longing. Wondering what life would be like if Jet loved her, instead of just lusting for her.

Night came and now she wandered under a starry night sky. Out in the country there is no light pollution to black them out- so the night sky is always twinkling. Ivory could not help but wonder what it would be like to have a man at her side to look at the stars with.

*I bet Flint has romance. He is always giving us treats, and brushes! He talks to us, even though we not understand.* The arcane equipment at the edge of the barn flashed- indicating it was done. *WAIT! Magic can do human shape now!*

Ivory was already a clever mare- she is penned up because she allows herself to be, she learned how to open the latch with her dexterous lips long ago. She put her front hooves up on the wall by the door to her stall, leaned her long neck over and took the latch into her mouth, and unlocked her own stall. She wandered over to the spell array and nudged it gently with her nose in an attempt to activate it. Obviously no horse in the world is going to be even remotely smart enough to cast even the most basic spell possible- but the spell was already set up, the women already made the spell. They just needed the correct runes, and their equipment decoded those runes now, so all Ivory needed to do was activate it, the spell was already finished for her. It is also dynamic- so it would not turn Ivory into any specific human, it would turn her into whatever a human equivalent to her is.

She seen it flash, and then felt a strange sensation and backed up quickly. It felt sort of like a breeze passing over her, except it went through her- gently caressing all of her insides as well as her outsides. She neighed loudly in surprise and suddenly Ivory's entire body seemed to pull inward! It was an inward pressure like she was getting hugged but over every inch of her body at the same time, and slowly her body started to shrink and compress! Her muscles became less defined. The hair on her tail started to shorten. Her face started to compress inward and then her neck too! Ivory's entire body was letting off sharp snapping and loud hollow popping sounds constantly as it shifted structure rapidly all over! Her neighs and whickers started to sound more like moans and gasps- her voice softening and becoming smoother. As her limbs shrank and brought her closer to the ground, new digits started to grow out- fingers, and a thumb! What is her hooves stands in place of where a middle finger and toe would be- and are rapidly shrinking to assume that very role.

Her entire body changed all at once, overwhelming her with sensations and not at all giving her time to ponder any of the changes. Her mane started to fall out as her neck continued to shrink- but stopped at her head, leaving the rest to assume the role of human hair. Her ears compressed and rounded out, becoming fused to the sides of her head so they could no longer rotate. Her giant nose compressed into a tiny, slightly upturned human nose. Her already big dexterous lips shrank and lost dexterity- but remained quite large, now fat crimson human lips. Her pupils collapsed in to become circles instead of rectangles, so her eyes no longer tracked horizontal motion as well. Her tail fell away entirely- the short limb regressing and the long hair falling out. Her digits grew and hooves shrank down to meet them. Cannon bones splintered into the numerous bones of human hands and feet, the hoof itself regressed into a nail. Her midriff drew inward with a wet rumbling sound as her organs shifted inside and her chest cracked in rapid fire as it became wider than it is deep.

Ivory had become a human woman before her mind caught up. Her intellect was boosted to that of a human as well, completely disorienting her for several minutes even after the changes stopped. She leaned on the wall heavily with her back, trying to comprehend her situation with a new level of awareness. She is tall for a human woman- and quite muscular for one as well. Her abs in particular look rock-solid. Instead of a tiny little udder between her legs, she now has D cup breasts on her chest, hiding her pectoral muscles. Because she is so toned; Ivory found she can bounce her tits without even touching them, by flexing her pectoral muscles. Her hips are also quite wide for a human. Ivory's skin color is a near-white hue of pink and her hair color remains unchanged from when she was a horse- platinum blonde. There is what appear to be twin beauty marks flanking either side of the bush above her human pussy- markers where the teats of her udders used to be.

"Me am... I? I am... human. Wow."

She cupped her pussy, thinking it felt so tiny in this form. Jet would probably rip her in half if he tried to mount her now- though she supposed her scent is also that of a human now, so Jet probably doesn't care about her at all now. Flint on the other hand....

Ivory grinned as her little plan was working perfectly so far. She pranced off, sneaking out of the barn to get to the farmhouse. The ground felt so... hard in this form. She was used to walking on hooves, but human feet are so soft and squishy- they require shoes, but she obviously doesn't own any. She also only steps down on the front of her feet- Ivory is not at all used to walking with human feet and it feels strange to a former ungulate to be walking like a plantigrade. She would be a natural at wearing high-heels though.

She shivered a bit once she was out in the night air, but also smiled- she liked the cold. Summers are always so hot around here that even during the night she is room temperature at most, but now without a pelt of fur she is actually chill. No one would be out here to rob Flint so he does not even bother to lock the farmhouse door, so Ivory walked right into the house unhindered. She walked up to the bedroom and with a grin slipped right into the bed with Flint while he slept and went to sleep with him! Oooh- the first time she slept with a mate.

Flint woke up the next morning slowly like usual, but when he went to get up and brushed against the bare flesh of someone else in the bed with him, he kicked the blankets off and jumped to his feet immediately.

"W-who the hell are you?!" He was about to dash for the shotgun propped up against the nightstand but hesitated when he seen the woman was entirely nude and obviously unarmed herself.

"I am Ivory." She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. Her voice was quite groggy sounding.

"How did you get in my house?!"

"The front door."

"...I mean, like, why are you in my bed, naked?"

"I didn't have clothes and people sleep in beds?"

Flint lowered his brows. Is this woman for real? "But this is my bed, and I don't know you."

"Oh, sure you do!"

Ivory went on to explain she is in fact his horse, transformed thanks to the magic array the women left there the day before. Transformed because she regards Flint as a better mate than the actual stallions. The horse do not know the concept of romance, but Ivory wanted it! Flint did not know what to say- but Ivory lead him back to the barn to prove her story- the horse she claims to be is clearly missing, and her hair and eye color match the horse. Flint was baffled as to what to do. It is not every day a woman shows up already claiming to be his 'mate' and trying to cling to him like they have been dating already. For now, he scoot her back to the house to get her dressed in some of his clothing since she has none of her own. Thanks to her breasts filling out the front of the shirt and her wide hips helping to fill out the pants- she actually fit into his clothes perfectly fine.

Flint was leery of the woman, but knowing she was his horse means he does in fact know her, just not in this shape. She seems nice enough as a human- a bit dumb though. Her intelligence was raised to that of a human but not her knowledge. So she knew how to talk and she knew human words but not always how to arrange them properly. She has no experience interacting with humans as a human so Ivory doesn't understand how to act. Flint caught her after a while trying to yank grass up off the ground and eat it, grumbling about how its difficult in this human body. Flint had to usher her inside again to make her a lunch, informing her that humans cannot digest grass.

Flint did not even catch some of the other problems Ivory was having because she was deliberately hiding them. She felt a bulge in the back of her pants in the early after noon and reached down to adjust the pants only to realize she grew a tiny horse tail! Her muscles tensed around it in worry that her magic was failing somehow and the tail slowly shrank away again. A bit later the middle toe on each foot grew huge and stretched her feet out, causing her to fall forward and crack her head against the wall of the barn when helping Flint with tending the other horse and donkey. Again- once she realized the mistake in her form she was able to will it away. Did she have to concentrate on being human to keep her form? It seemed to want to change itself randomly back into a horse.

Five mares other than Ivory, three stallions and two jenny for producing hinny. The other animals did not seem to recognize Ivory in this shape at all, but she still recognized all of them. When Ivory was helping give them all their food she grinned at Gunner still tied up, prancing on the spot with an erection below wobbling back and forth violently from his movement. He wanted to be untied to get to Valley but she had already been serviced by Clay, so she had no interest in Gunner even if he was let out. Gunner is the youngest stud, so he only got what the other studs didn't already take. His cock sure is impressive... in length anyway- it is a bit on the narrow side but its long enough to tap his lower chest so easily three feet of meat.

Ivory chuckled as she set down some food, completely unnoticed by Gunner who was only looking at Valley. Ivory grabbed his long, wobbling cock to hold it still and settle him down, and Gunner immediately calmed his movements when he felt the warm flesh against his shaft. Ivory was a bit captivated now too... she was never able to touch a stud like this before; since, y'know, she had no hands. She slowly moved her hand up and down the shaft, feeling the fat veins scrunch up and then pop through her grip. His entire shaft covered in rounded ridges of turgid flesh. The black skin pulled so smooth from internal tension that it looked wet. A second-long stream of pre burbled up from the head as it flared huge for a moment then relaxed and shrank again. In comparison to the narrow shaft- Gunner's glans flare to four times the width of the rest of his cock when completely full.

Ivory only teasingly grabbed his cock, but her curiosity made her lick her lips and kneel down, placing a second hand onto the hot, tight meat. Gunner started to make micro-thrusts into her hands, causing his smooth black balls to swing back and forth. The fat veins up his cock pulsed tight, shoving Ivory's grip open to let the blood past. She leaned closer, gently caressing the entire cock in fascination- not even noticing that her ears slowly turned back to those of a horse. Her lips enlarged even more and her mouth lengthened as her jaws stretched a tiny bit longer. Her nostrils flared taking in the heavy, earthen scent of his musky sheath. Ivory's entire nose stretched larger and wider to keep up with her grown nostrils.

She bent his rigid cock toward herself and kissed the glans with a playful, absentminded giggle. She didn't mean to do this, but her mind was shifting back equine, causing her thoughts to float around in limbo between human and horse. His dick bucked hard like it was trying to yank out of her grip again and spat another long stream of pre, and without really thinking Ivory popped the head into her mouth not wanting to waste the salty fluid!

The moment he felt himself penetrate something, Gunner turned his body and started to buck against Ivory! Her face extended a bit more to take in more cock and even then she had to take several inches into her throat- bulging her neck with his huge flared glans. Even partially changed Ivory could only take his dick to the medial ring- using her huge dexterous lips to nibble at the sensitive muscle ring at the halfway point where the cock folds back in on itself when dormant. Using both her other hands she managed to cover most of the lower shaft, feeling his heavy round balls slap against one of her hands with each of his thrusts! Mmm, his skin tasted salty too. She played over the bumps and curves of the shaft, tracing every part of it that entered her mouth with her enlarging tongue. Ivory never took a stud into her mouth! She loves it! The taste, the feel of filling her mouth! Mmm, and the scent. With her nose right against it, his manly musk is so powerful here.

Most of the nerves in a vagina are toward the surface, in the mons, and the clit- the inner vagina doesn't have a whole lot of feeling. She can detect if something is in there but not exactly where. In her hands and her mouth however- she can feel everything in fine detail. Every skin pore on his entire penis, every dollop of pre, every throb of his veins and tug of sexual tension from the muscles flexing in its base. She could FEEL his need growing, she could feel his sexual tension rising. She could control it. He was at her mercy, he needed her to get off, to get his sweet release! Ivory is used to wearing the reins- she has never had power over anything else before, but she likes it.

She had enough awareness through her hormone daze at least to take a deep breath just as Gunner flared massively again and thrust into her hard! He slammed that battering ram halfway down her esophagus before blasting his load directly into her stomach! His dick is squeezed into her so tightly she can feel the bulge of his urethra pulse hard against the inside of her throat- the bulge of fluid blasting through visible from the outside on her throat; it looked like she was swallowing but the movement was his cock inside, not her actual throat. Luckily a stallion's dick softens very quickly once it blasts off, so she was able to breathe again before her vision started to turn blue. The fit was so tight that when he pulled out of her throat it made a loud wet *shulk* sound.

When catching her breath, it finally dawned on Ivory what she had done, and grabbed her face with both hands in surprise trying to will the changes away again. Her face and ears slowly compressed and returned to normal human. The sensation of change was intense for how little change was needed- like her body was struggling to pull it off. It is a good thing she told Flint she would take care of his chores tending the horses, since she is a horse herself. He did not see any of what happened, so Ivory did her best to pretend nothing was amiss.

When the women came back to collect their magic gear, Ivory quickly moved in on them to ask them some questions before they could leave.

"Hey, uhm, have you two ever experience an unstable transformation?"

"Unstable in what way?" The other girl held up the magic book. "We are still learning the basics- haven't fully transformed ourselves into anything, yet."

"W-well, like, a form fluctuating between the transformed state and the original?"

The first girl shrugged. "Was the humanity removed?"


The second girl laughed. "Well yea, the thing that makes you human. Humans have humanity, beasts have beasthood. It isn't really a... uh, static concept, but basically it is a set of instructions a spell uses to identify the two states. Think of them as flags- or a label. If you turn into an animal you shove your humanity into a jar- if you don't label the jar then the spell wouldn't ever be able to turn you back, because it doesn't know what you used to be, it doesn't know what is in the 'jar'. If you don't remove it however, then both forms are considered to be inside the same jar, jumbled together. That would definitely cause a fluctuating form. When you turn into an animal you are supposed to put your humanity into a vessel for later, otherwise you could randomly gain back human traits without meaning to. It also makes turning back to normal really hard because if your form changes randomly while you are removing the beasthood, you'll unintentionally break off part of your humanity instead."

The other girl nodded. "Then you'd be part beast permanently."

Well... oops. Ivory did not know about any of that obviously- she never removed anything and doesn't even have a vessel to put it in, in the first place. It can't exactly be a bucket or something mundane like that, because what you are trying to contain is entirely magic- pure energy, so it needs a mana-insulated material in order to act as a vessel for humanity or in this case; beasthood. She never removed her beasthood, so she has one full humanity and one full beasthood in her body at the same time, causing her body to be unstable.

"Do you girls have a vessel I could, uh... borrow? To test something?"

They shook their heads; reiterating that they are students still learning the basics- they have never advanced far enough in their practices to need a vessel themselves so they don't have one. Oh well, at least Ivory felt better knowing what the problem is. The spell did not mess up, she just has two different sets of instructions in her body as to what her form is supposed to be. It is not like it will hurt her- she just needs to get a vessel eventually, instead of trying to dispel the beasthood, that way she can safely divide the two before trying to completely get rid of one. But, she isn't in a particular hurry, it's more of a nuisance than an actual problem.

Later that day, Ivory asked Flint to brush her hair and bathe her. He was surprised and embarrassed, but Ivory was just confused by his reluctance. He brushes and bathes the other horses... he has done that many times for her, why is he embarrassed about it now? She is a human now- a viable mate, so he should be less embarrassed to romance her now if anything. Ivory was still not entirely clear on how human mating works, and her concept of what romance is, is still naively vague.

Flint agreed, not particularly wanting to go into the details of why it is weird to do it now. Ivory stripped for him eagerly. She is human now, so she has to be cleaned the human way- into the shower, which then required him to also strip and get in with her to do properly show her.He stood behind her helping to soap up her back... but mostly so he doesn't have her tits in his face and his boner visible to her.

Ivory glanced over her shoulder in the middle of the shower. "So am I acceptable as a human?"

"A-acceptable in what way?"

"For a romance! Am I a good enough mate? Now that I know how to read and use human tools I can use your computer and look up other spells to try and modify this form, if you don't like it?"

"W-woah, who says I am looking for a 'mate' in the first place?"

"It is not human mating season?"

"...there is no human mating season!"

She grinned, thrusting her large hips back and pinned him to the shower wall with her rump- feeling his hard erection hotdogged between her cheeks. "Then why is this standing up?" He stuttered but could not think of a good enough reply. She turned and kissed him, smooshing her tits against his chest without even meaning to. "Well? Breed me? We can be a romance together!"

"I... I don't know..."

"Breed me and find out! We can try, and if you don't like, I can try to change." She kissed him quickly again. "You have always taken such good care of me~"

"Ah... uh.... o-okay, I guess if... you want it that badly." His dick was nodding early- bowing from the water beams against it and then flicking back up from tension.

Ivory made for a beautiful woman, and the fact she was so eager to skip right to the sex was certainly a turn on for Flint who had otherwise always been alone. He got on better with animals than humans but the thing is that now Ivory IS a human... who is also an animal. She regarded his tending to the animals as 'romance', confusing his care-taking for the romantic gestures of a lover. She barely allowed him the time to pat them both dry before assaulting him with kisses and caresses, nudging them both back toward the bed before stumbling over the bottom of it and falling onto each other.

Ivory climbed up on top of him to ride his rock, pinning him down with her hands on his chest, playing her fingers through the sparse hairs across the middle of his chest. His dick is microscopic compared to the stallions, but in human form; Ivory's pussy is also minuscule. Flint had a seven inch penis- not exactly huge but still above average for humans, and again- most of the nerves in a pussy are toward the outside, so after a certain distance; more length doesn't really do anything.

Ivory never had sex like this before, so her movements were a bit awkward at first, but once she discovered what the most pleasurable rhythm was, she started to ride him like a pro. Her butt cheeks bounced off his inner thighs as she dropped onto him heavily. She rocks her hips when she bobs on his dick as well, so she moves her hips back on the downward stroke, putting her clit closer to his shaft, causing the flesh between to scrunch up into it, making her shiver from the electric pleasure. Then she puts her hips forward when she draws off him, causing his glans to shove into the front wall of her vagina and grind the inner clit as its nerves taper off into her. The easiest way to hit the g-spot is to attempt to hit the woman's belly button from the inside out- its up and forward.

Ivory slowed suddenly, making several abrupt jerking motions while leaning far foward- causing her breasts to jiggle violently from the sharp motion. Flint thought she had climaxed at first, but her vaginal walls are not flinching like the rest of her is. She looked like she was trying to concentrate a moment- a radiant, hot pleasure was starting to build in her pussy. She groaned loudly and rocked her head back while the rest of her remained bowed forward and Flint could feel her clit suddenly shove against him, like it was trying to push him away! He looked down and seen it GROWING! Her clit tightened like a knot of pure muscle and turned violet from blood pressure! It overgrew its hood, then beyond her arousal-fattened mons and parted labia. Bigger and bigger it grew till it was the size of a ping-pong ball! Her clit is vaguely shaped like an upside-down heart! The clitoris of a mare, not a human.

It relaxed a bit, popping back into her a bit, but then yanked right back out again, winking uncontrollably! Ivory started thrusting against him again, this time her movements frantic with spiked arousal and pleasure. Her clit is so enormous that she can rub it directly against his shaft and crotch! She no longer lifts off his crotch at all, she leaned even further forward and used the rocking motion of her hips alone to lift on and off his dick, rolling her giant throbbing clit against it! Since she is leaned so far over, Flint cupped her wobbling tits from below since they are practically in his face. Her platinum blonde hair falls around his own head like a privacy curtain.

Her labia start to fatten, the flesh engorging and thickening at the same time, starting to look violet as well, then deep bruise purple, and then entirely black! Even when her clit recedes into the labia flesh, it creates a massive round bulge at the front of her pussy from its size. The coloration started to bleed upward, darkening her taint. Her anus clenched but the muscles within swelled tremendously. The opening remained just as tight, but the anus itself bulged up projecting out off her like a plump, puckered doughnut as the coloration spread and turned it matte black as well! Her guts gurgled and his dick started to feel like it was shrinking in her. Oh no- her genitals are turning back horse and she is too ravenously horny at this point to stop herself long enough to concentrate and turn them back! The muscles in her thighs and ass bulged up, spreading her butt further out, rising up as two massive globes of solid meat!

She wished he fit her like Jet did, c'mon girl, concentrate! Her briefly frustrated expression returned to blissful as he started to fill her again. Ivory managed to will herself smaller since it was pleasure-related. Or, that is what she thought anyway. Her privates were actually still expanding internally... which means the reason he is filling her again, is because Flint himself is growing even faster than she is! Neither of them seen his balls growing larger and heavier, rising up between his legs to get her massive butt cheeks gently pat them. From chicken egg sized to ostrich eggs! His scrotum thickened, pulled smooth, and darkened to bruise purple- his balls taking turns bouncing off his pelvis, eager to serve their purpose. His cock expanding further into her; new flesh peeling away from the old, his inner dick growing beyond his thickening foreskin to rise even higher inside of her body! Soon the bulge of his dick was visible on her lower body!

Ivory had been shuddering in a sustained bombardment of minor orgasms since her form started to slip, but once Flint's dick became truly behemoth she teetered over into a full, massive climax, causing her to collapse onto him, smothering his face in her boobs accidentally. Her pussy rippling violently around his shaft so firmly sent him over the edge too and his genitals started to regress a bit as they softened, but at the same time Ivory's equine features shifted back human quickly and Flint felt an odd sensation, like a breeze blowing through him.

A bit embarrassed; Ivory explained to him a short while later why she suddenly became more equine. Nothing a little concentration couldn't fix again, but she would eventually need to get a vessel. The two of them went to sleep together. Flint went to sleep wondering what he was going to do about this whole situation. Is he really considering dating one of his horses? She is nice, and pretty, and clearly... eager, in bed. He figured he would never find a woman right for him, but maybe the woman found him instead. Ivory went to sleep quite content, assuming already that they were perfect for one another, and she found a man to dote on her, worry about her, care for her. She has never been able to cuddle after sex before, she fell asleep quickly because she was so comfortable but almost wished she didn't so she could enjoy the feeling longer. So this is what romance is. So perfect~

The next day Flint ended up sleeping in- since Ivory now tends the horses. Ivory was having an easier time of it today- no slip ups in her shape! Maybe she has gotten so good at it she can take care of it without incident... or maybe her body just got used to it and realized on its own what form it belongs in now.

In the house, Flint dragged himself out of bed finally and was going to get a coffee when he smiled out the window at the sight of Ivory playing with the horses in her human form. No one is going to know horses better than a horse- she can read their feelings and tend to their needs even better than Flint has. She really is shaping up to seem like the perfect wife for him. Her hips are so wide in human form when she walks she cannot help but swing that butt back and forth. When the wind cools her you can see her nipples through the shirt- since Flint obviously didn't have any women's underwear to loan her.

Flint groaned at the growing erection between his legs, reaching down to rub it and try to shuffle it around so the back of his cock wasn't bent against the front of his pants, when he flipped it around however it yanked out past the waist of his pants! It's too tall to fit in his clothes! His underpants felt so constricting. Flint shuffled to the bathroom absentmindedly- too horny and slow of thought to realize his dick isn't supposed to be this big in the first place. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and flopped his balls out over his underpants to hold them down- already twice as big as they are supposed to be, he had to pry his fingers in between flesh and cloth to pop his testicles out of his underpants safely. The sparse hairs that used to be on his scrotum are gone- they are bald now save for ultra-fine peach fuzz hairs. He held his cock at the base and worked it slowly, enjoying his heightened arousal and sensitivity, and because he held the shaft so low he also lifted his nuts when he moved his hands up, shaking his balls to revel in the increasing weight.

He had to draw his legs a bit further in together as his taint started to swell- putting too much pressure directly on his taint would cut off blood flow to his crotch. His balls swelled a little big larger every time they lifted slowly in the scrotum and then announced their new weight as they quickly flop back to the bottom of the scrotal flesh. The veins in his shaft started to swell- making it look like they were digging further up his shaft, but they were just bloating to the point of being visible. They also started to spread from the base, around his entire groin and even onto his inner thighs. Even though they were pulled down and should be loose- his pants pulled tight as his thigh and butt swelled with muscle. His anus swelled up larger and darkened, causing him to rock back a bit to rub it against the edge of the tub through his pants. Pushing on it gently pushed in on the rest of his anus, which then remotely brushed his prostate as it also started to swell in size, creating a mild buzzing pleasure as its growth caused it to shove against all of its surroundings to make room!

Flint's scrotum darkened to a deeper red as his balls bloated to the size of tennis balls, then baseballs. Then the scrotum turned violet as his balls hit softball sized. Then his ballsack turned bruise purple as his nuts swelled to ostrich eggs in size! The coloration started to spread up onto his foreskin as its flesh bulked up and the shaft within bloated larger. With an oddly pleasurable peeling sensation- his inner shaft started to divide from his foreskin, stretching longer than it could contain. Over a foot of dick meat, his shaft seemed to stall a moment before resuming its lengthening- causing tissue to bunch up, forming a small medial ring where it folded back on itself. Now his dong had three tiers- the base that was formerly his foreskin has now bulked up and turned colors to a matte black sheath- the skin from the base up at the back tightened, drawing it toward his torso and slowly fusing the two together. His mushroom shaped glans flared wider and wider, darkening to violet and then purple from blood pressure before the skin of the entire shaft started to shift to black. His urethra stiffened a bit further as the glans immediately around the opening collapsed in a bit, creating a pit around a short urethral procession.

Flint was in a trance- his conscious thoughts drown in a sea of hormone. His mind shifting toward equine causing his intelligence to plummet, so he was nothing but blissful while watching his endowment stretch to inhuman sizes. He quickly had to start using two hands, but then had to space his hands further apart, and as the sheath yanked his immense cock upright he nibbled the bumpy corona as it was now long enough that he did not need to even bend over to get his mouth on it! Soon he had to start bending the shaft to get DOWN to his mouth! A bulge grew in the back of his pants, tickling his butt cheeks with growing hairs and becoming cramped for lack of space. He grunt in frustration and leaned forward a moment flicking the tail from side to side, wedging it out of his pants. In leaning forward though, he flexed his thigh muscles and burst several seams on the sides of his pant legs because he is still getting more muscular!

Soon he was just sucking on the side of his shaft because his glans were too far up for him to even reach! His cock is as thick as his arms and almost as long as he is tall! It is big even by horse standards- and its attached to someone who is still mostly human! Flint's pubes changed to a mat of black fur and started to spread out, covering his crotch wrapping around toward his tail, while more formed on his shins and started to consume his legs separately. He was breathing very heavily in arousal now- Flint's head leaned back to look up at his massively flared glans wobbling around above him! His balls are each the size of a soccer ball by now! The bottom of his scrotum was lightly brushing the floor under him while he is still fully sitting on the side of his tub! His toes curled in pleasure but he was unable to stop- and soon his central toe started to grow rapidly in response. It grew bigger and its nail thicker till it consumed all other digits and stretched his feet out into horse hooves!

His legs ruptured his pants and then his butt- causing him to rise higher into the air on increasingly muscular butt cheeks. His own hands felt so tiny on his still growing cock! He felt his penis brush the ROOF, and then jam into it! His flared cockhead was stuck between the tub and the roof! His sheath is now as thick as his thighs used to be! His dick is more like a seven foot battering ram of meat at this point- he is so immense he would break an actual horse trying to use this thing! There was a wet thumping sound against the roof- the flow of pre slamming against the roof escaping between it and his glans pressed against it! The veins at the base of his dick are as thick as his fingers! He looks like a horse-satyr; his body from the hip down looks like a full sized stallions- including how his legs socket to his pelvis, which means he cannot stand up straight even if he tried.

The roof started to groan and crack from pressure! His medicine ball sized testicles took turns thumping themselves down onto the tile floor below. Never mind a girlfriend- his dick is getting so big he is about to fuck his HOUSE. His cock is starting to break through the roof! Flint groaned loudly, rolling his eyes back in his head and his head back to avoid the shower of fluid as he hit orgasm before he ruptured his roof. His urethra was right against the roof however- so when he came the glue-thick cum blasted in every direction at once, splatting across the entire room, painting the entire bathroom white!

His dick went soft afterwards so quickly that it smashed against the inside of the bathroom door so loudly it sounded like someone pounding on it with their arm. The soft rubbery flesh wobbled violently from the impact as it flopped to the floor a moment later and then started to drag itself back to his body as his sheath fattened and swallowed the tower of cock. Flint just sat there with a dumb look on his face before flopping backwards into the tub and taking a nap right there in the tub without a care in his mind.

Ivory found him several hours later and woke him up- clearly more distressed about it than he is. She was able to figure out quickly enough what happened. Her body did not get used to dual-instructions her humanity and beasthood were giving it; she unintentionally dumped her entire beasthood into Flint last night when they were having sex! That is why she has no problem maintaining her form today- she only has her humanity, all her equine traits are now inside Flint, making HIM unstable. That is also why his genitals were able to exceed even a proper stallion by almost twice over- he has a FULL beasthood but only turned half his body beast, so the other half of a horse worth of mass he had got stuffed into his genitals alone. Flint nodded along, but did not seem particularly worried about it. His dwindling intellect made him unable to think of the many reasons this could be bad for him. Shaking her head at him, she at least instructed him on how to reform himself. He still has a full humanity, so he can be human still... his body is just going to have a hard time KEEPING that shape for any length of time. When it came to his endowments however he only regressed them to a small stud in size, deliberately keeping them equine. Ivory told him it would be even harder to keep his human shape if he doesn't reject all the horse, but he insisted he would be fine; quite adamant that he did not want to lose his newfound endowments. Siiiigh, men.

This certainly put a damper on Ivory's plans. She turned human to experience romance, but then unintentionally turned her human into a part horse and now he's acting like a horny stallion. She tried to find something online that she could do as a quick fix, but the only real solution was going into town to buy a vessel. But... obviously Flint isn't going with her because he could turn horse randomly at any time which would be real bad in public. She supposed her own form is stable now, so she could technically just go into town herself without him, but she doesn't have access to his money and she obviously has no money of her own, so unless she plans to ROB the store; there isn't much she can do.

Flint seen her concentrating at the computer monitor with her brow furrowed in frustration and walked up behind her, massaging her shoulders gently. "You should take a break. Isn't like it is hurting me or anything. No hurry."

"Yea well that is what I thought, till I made things even more complicated by giving you my old traits."

"Mmm, you look too stressed though. We should have some fun~"

Oh great, he just wants to get his dick wet again. "Uh huh..."

He put his head beside hers, speaking softly into her ears. "You deserve to enjoy yourself. You did all this to enjoy yourself."

"Mmm... true... but..."

He nibbled on her ear, making her moan and then when her defenses were down scooped her out of the chair entirely! He did not even bring her to the bedroom, he twirled her around and plopped her down and kissed her so deeply she had to back herself up into the island counter in the kitchen, then turned her around and pulled her pants down, wedging his erection between her butt cheeks. She cooed at the feeling of his dick rising even further- growing to proper stallion size as it popped itself out from between her butt cheeks. He was intending to fuck her right here- bent over the counter! Ugh, just like a stallion, no sense of atmosphere and no time for foreplay- just straight to the sex, wherever, whenever.

Ivory managed to squirm her way free before he tried to actually shove that meat stick inside- she felt a particularly strong pulse in the veins of his shaft that made her hesitant to take him in. She is fully human now- Ivory has no beasthood left in her so taking a stallion's dick would fill her completely to max or already be too large- but Flint has a full humanity and beasthood so he has the potential to get far bigger than that, which would literally destroy her if he was inside of her when it happened.

Ivory grabbed his dick and pushed down and back, guiding him backward to the living room and making him stumble over the arm of the couch and flop onto it, using his dick like a sort of leash to pull him around by. "I know how studs work Flint. How do I know I can trust you with this thing, hmm?"

He grunt. "I... me am... t-trust?" His hormones were causing his thoughts to swim already... it also probably did not help that his dick was depriving his brain of needed oxygen in order to feed itself.

Ivory pet one of his large balls and then tugged gently on the scrotum while using her other hand on the shaft- she did not grip it at first but instead placed her palm and open fingers on the underside and rubbed up the urethral bulge softly. Flint was breathing heavier and his sharp exhales started to sound like a stallion snorting. Ivory watched the glans flare and relax rapidly back and forth with the movement of her hand- but the glans can engorge faster than they can empty, so they flared a bit wider every time. The moment he fully flared once, she gripped his shaft just below the glans, squeezing the shaft and tugging up with her hand to press her index and thumb into the underside of the flared glans. Nudging her hand up against the sensitive corona caused his dick to hold the full flare.

Ivory smiled, shaking her head a bit. "Ah, what is this? Not satisfied with the size already?" Sure enough, her hand started to raise despite gripping his dick firmly- it is growing.

Because of how he tumbled over the side of the couch- his knees and scrotum were resting on the arm of the couch, his dick angled diagonally over his own body, and his body resting on the couch itself. Ivory lifted a leg and carefully put her knee down on his scrotum- careful to place it over the empty scrotal flesh, causing the balls to get squeezed on either side but not put any of her actual weight on them. With one hand she gripped the base of his dick and squished the thick and loose skin of his massive sheath below, the other gripped the shaft on the opposite end and nudged the corona. She had to lean further over as her hands became more distanced as the penis grew still larger. His balls let out quiet muffled gurgles and swelled up massively on either side of her knee and occasionally hugged her leg when they try to draw up, but cannot because her leg is in the way.

He was panting now, his nostrils flaring so large they were starting to stretch his nose wider. "Just a... just little... little more." It throbbed larger. "I can... so good... why not, right?"

"Because I can't fit it all inside of me. I am not a mare anymore, remember? If you put this in me and did this I would snap like an overstretched elastic band. And you just can't help yourself, can you?"

"N-no, I... I can nngh, bigger...." And bigger he swelled. "Control. I can control it, I... I just, I want....nnngh!"

His shaft so wide now that Ivory could not grip all the way around, her fingers and thumb were being forced apart! She had to shuffle her seating, climbing up onto the arm of the couch and placing her legs on either side of his nuts so she could still reach the head of his cock as the arch his shaft made continued to grow- the head now further than his actual head. Flint was cross-eyed with pleasure, groaning and grunting in the shadow of his own phallus. The flare at its head was now so broad you could use its face as a dinner plate!

This was far from the only change however- now that his cock exceeded the realm of any normal equine endowments his entire body started to change all at once, slowly. Sparse fur started to grow in slowly on his arms and legs and his hairline started to grow down his neck in the back slightly! His middle digit swelled massively and the nail darkened as it grew as well, starting to devolve his limbs into hooves. Flint groaned loudly and squirmed in place as his entire body swelled with muscle suddenly! His massive abs swelled so quickly they exposed a dozen fat veins spreading out from his crotch- pinching them between flesh and muscle. His thighs became so muscular and huge they started to change shape, becoming slightly more disk shaped instead of perfectly round. His hips popped loudly and expanded which queued his ass to swell up massively with giant glutes.

Flint's balls were now the size of a basketball each and the scrotum now large enough that they were starting to droop over the opposite side of the couch arm. Even kneeling on the arm of the couch; Ivory could no longer reach far enough to touch the glans, and his shaft is so thick she would need to place both hands on the same spot to actually grip it all the way around! She pulled it upward so it would not wedge itself into the arm on the opposite end of the couch! The flare is wider than her entire head now- the urethral procession now big enough that she could probably slide her thumb into it without much resistance.

She chuckled at him, shaking his dick up and down a bit, making the long length wobble. "This doesn't look like you have control to me."

"Nnngh... howbeh- 'bout... just m-more... MmmMOAR!" He groaned as he said it, sounding almost like a growl.

Ivory just shook her head smiling at him. Yea- Flint had absolutely no control at this point, figures. The 'little head' is piloting now, his 'big head' has shut down for the night. Neither the human nor horse in him was calling the shots- his cock controlled them both. His dick drooled pre perpetually, occasionally spurting it out during a clench in response to Ivory manipulating it. To tease him, she climbed up fully and put her hands down beside his hips, bending his dick down- but at this point it is so long that it rest on the other arm of the couch, preventing it from being pushed all the way down. His glans were beyond the couch itself! Ivory crawled over him on all fours- the shaft shoving her shirt between her tits and her bare pussy grinding on the shaft from below, smearing lube up the entire shaft over his head as he stare up with a blissfully brainless expression.

Ivory ground her pussy against the head of his cock before she popped off the other side. Her sliding off caused his dick to bounce into the air, spurting a gob of precum high enough that it cleared her entirely, landing against the wall behind ivory before his dick came back down. She cradled the giant head in both hands and started kissing the urethral procession. The divot around the urethra is deep enough that she could wedge her plump lips into it, and suck the urethra itself into her mouth as if just the urethra alone were a phallus. Her thumbs worked the sides and her index fingers the top of the corona, up and down rubbing the rigid bumps of the corona. The entire glans composed of soft, gradual curves- very subtle divots but the skin is pulled so tight and solid that even the tiniest curve is so perfectly defined, like it were cut from stone. The remaining three fingers on either hand gently brushed the steep, deep ridge of the underside of the corona. Ivory managed to shove her entire tongue into his urethra! The glans flare so wide that even with her tongue in the urethra toward the front of the head- the edge of the other end spread far enough down that it was rubbing the top of her breasts! Pushed against Ivory the glans are so wide they cover from her tits to her forehead!

Flint's grunting became more frantic and the throbbing in his cock more aggressive and rapid. The veins fattened and tightened as rigid as the rest of his dick. It became even more impossibly tight, the bucking turned to throbbing, turned to vibrating! Ivory was having to gulp every two seconds because of the volume of pre that was forcing its way past her tongue and into her mouth! Flint's face was starting to push out, his nose now very wide and his nostrils huge! He had horse ears! His neck throbbed with increasing muscle and became very veiny looking as well, stretching out longer and MUCH wider. The muscles on his upper body swelled and tightened so large that they started to deform past their human shape, putting pressure on the bones within which no longer fit them properly. His ribs started to crack, and shove out longer, pushing his chest far forward starting from the bottom up, and his voice deepened as they expanded. His middle fingers and toes got even bigger, deforming his hands and feet even worse. He grew a horse tail, but at the moment it is still bald.

Ivory was going to get out of the way, knowing orgasm was imminent- close enough that it did not matter what she did, he was going to cum at this point; Flint is already over the edge. But curiosity gave her a moment of hesitation, and she only had a moment to react in the first place. How much cum does this behemoth make? What does it taste like? Human, or horse? She got a taste of being in control of the sex when she gave Gunner oral before, and she liked it. Driving the male into more and more of a froth, watching as their self control dissolves rapidly. The urethra stretched wider and she knew it was too late to pull off so she instead latched on fully, pressing her lips into the divot around the urethra to form a seal as he erupted into her. She could see the jets of fluid travelling up his cock by the massive bulge in the urethra travelling up, like she had a cannon barrel shoved in her mouth. There is so much cum, firing out with enough pressure that Ivory does not even get the luxury of being able to swallow- it shoves its own way into and down her throat! A single jet of cum from this monster cock is enough to blow her cheeks up like balloons and still force her to gulp twice before it stops, then gulp again to empty her cheeks before the next blast forces its way in! The weight of all the liquid in her guts made her groan and sink to her knees, forcing the dick to bend at a steeper arch to remain in her mouth. She felt SO full. It felt like she just tried to chug three one gallon jugs of milk.

Flint's monstrous endowment started to both shrink and soften rapidly... but the rest of his body retained its demi-equine shape. Ivory made a loud pop as the seal between her lips and the stone-hard glans broke finally. She groaned loudly, dropping onto all fours and then started to gasp and breath rapidly as a subtle pleasure radiated through her entire body! She is changing again?! But how? She doesn't have any beasthood... unless... he just gave some of it back without even knowing how to?

Ivory's entire body started to grow slowly- but especially her legs! Her butt started to enlarge into a plump heart-shape, but then even further into a big bubble butt! She cried out from the sudden pleasure and cupped her crotch as her vulva enlarged a bit, her clit swelled to the size of a marble and her pubic mound grew rounder! Her nipples stiffened and enlarged, then her areola started to puff up, and then her breasts firmed! Her breasts sat higher on her chest as they became more taut, then rounded up, then started to blush as the skin rapidly stretched! The lips on her face got still plumper looking and her eyelashes suddenly grew longer and thicker! Her platinum blond hair started to cascade down past her chest, past her swelling breasts, stomach, and then even hips! Ivory's breasts started at D cups, by the time they finished growing she had no idea what cup size they are supposed to be. They are perfect tear-drop shaped yet are large enough that the lower curve still touches her belly button!

"W-wuh? What... happened?" Ivory looked herself over, pulling herself into a kneeling position again. "I am... bigger? Wait, these aren't horse traits though, its just... more woman? More human!!" She quickly looked at Flint still stuck half-horse. "You dumbass! You gave me half of your humanity! Now you have a full beasthood and only half a humanity!" She cupped her giant boobs, letting them wobble loosely with her palms as support. "And I have one and a half humanity."

"What human did I give half of..?"

Ivory grunt in frustration. His brain is operational again, but with only half a humanity his intellect is now sliced in half. Ivory needed to try and figure out how to use his money, and go into town tomorrow to get a vessel to fix this. She did all this so she could experience romance, but now she is an unstable over-human and Flint is an unstable, half-stud dumbass. In setting herself up to be able to be romanced- she took away his capacity to do it, putting Ivory back to square one.

Ivory is so tall now that she has to duck to fit through doorways. Her legs are longer but her overall body is also larger now, so she is like an amazonian woman at this point. In this state; Flint could not control himself. He still has more in him than his body can stabilize so his cock can still go into overdrive, and with more beast than man in his head; he is never going to summon the willpower to tell his dick 'no'. So he cannot be around Ivory, or he will end up trying to fuck her again, and their forms will end up jumbled even worse. Since she is the full human now- Ivory claimed the house as her own for the time being and ousted Flint to the barn instead, placing him into her former stall; although she did not lock the stall, so he could still get up and wander if he wanted, just not into the house.

Ivory went to sleep in his bed; her thoughts a jumble of all that happened. She did get a breif taste of romance, and all these strange, new sexual encounters were very hot. She learned that she likes oral a lot- she likes being able to feel their arousal and to be in complete control of it. Things have gotten pretty messed up, but she must admit; she has had fun so far regardless. She just needed to get that vessel to fix things. They are going to have to have at least one more sexual encounter though before she can- so she can force the excess humanity back into him, so she isn't walking into town with an unstable body.

Flint sat awkwardly on the straw in Ivory's stall in the barn, trying to sort his fractured thoughts. He became half horse, he had a massive dong now! They had amazing sex, but Ivory seems to want to fix something. What is there to fix, isn't everything great? He felt great. He looked at his malformed hands, thinking maybe that is what needed to be fixed. It is difficult to use his hands with such a giant middle finger; even gripping his cock is awkward. Flint went to sleep, but unlike Ivory he did not sleep as soundly- not accustomed to having a bed of straw. His dreams were a mess of fragmented sexual encounters, human and horse alike. He dreamed of being a horse in human situations, and doing horse things while human. His memories told him he was a human, but he has more horse in him at the moment than man, making his body think he must be at least part horse even if it did not match any of his existing knowledge.

He tossed and turned enough to accidentally wake himself up early morning- so early the sun was not yet up so the sky was still black. He was going to go back to sleep but groaned and the strength momentarily left his limbs causing him to slump over as his dick dragged on the floor when he moved. Because of his erotic dreams his dick was wobbling around at full mast; not rigid, but still fully out, causing it to wobble violently with every slight movement. His feet are malformed enough that he has to stand on his proto-hoof at the end, even though its not as hard as a hoof yet, and still flanked by his other toes that did not quite reach the floor. He needed to put a deformed hand on the wall to guide himself around, making sure he did not flop over. That would be how horse walk- Ivory would be upset if he did that. She wanted his man-half, so he had to be manly if he wanted to fuck her more.

He groaned at the sight of his long dong swinging around in front of him- the sheath prevented it from hanging down, so at best it was jutting straight out from him, so he could feel its every movement through the weight tugging at his groin at its base. Flint started to breathe heavier and leaned down to reach for it with a deformed hand, but only briefly brushed it before pulling back, shaking his head. He wanted to get rid of this erection, to feel his massive, beautiful equine endowment blast powerfully again, but... Ivory would tease him about it again. Flint wanted to show her he is a man, that he has control! She will be impressed and he can breed her again! But if he can't get rid of this erection she will see his dick is in control. If he cannot get himself off, how does he get rid of the boner?

Ivory is a horse in human guise- she might be able to talk to the other horses if he fooled around with them. Flint's gaze slowly turned to the two donkey pens. If he has sex with one of the jenny, Ivory might never find out. And if she does, she will see he was in control- he had bred them instead of masturbating. She will see what a good breeding stud he is and want his cum more!

Flint stumbled his way over to the nearest donkey pen and managed to clumsily unhitch the latch on the stall door, letting the jenny out. She was confused at first. His clattering around at the door to get it open with his malformed hands woke her up, and she wandered into the open but immediately seen it was still night time, making her wonder why she had been let out. This jenny is named Agate- her sex life is already quite wild, taking on stallions almost twice her size to birth fine hinny. Also because she has already been pregnant several times- she has very good sized tits for an equine. Her ebon udder segments each about the size of a D cup boob with very wide teats. Agate's tall ears turned to Flint's heavy breathing and she spotted the glistening thread of pre connecting his dick to the floor. Keeper horny? Why does the keeper smell like mate? Flint placed a malformed hand on her rump, trying to turn her around. Oh, o-okay, keeper wants breed. Smaller than she would proffer- but maybe he is good fuck anyway. Keeper kind, tends to Agate unlike stallions, maybe he will cuddle after?

Agate turned her rump to him, lifting her tasseled tail, and the bottom of her vulva bulged out from the tightening clit inside. Unlike the horses- her pelt is a bit shaggy so her muscle definition is hidden under thicker fur but she obviously is no slouch if she can take a stallion twice her size. That is why her offspring are so sought after- they are barbarically strong and refuse to back down from a challenge, but unlike a pure jack- they have a more disciplined demeanor like a horse.

Flint lined himself up with her, placing his deformed hands on either side of her rump, leaning a bit on her because of his devolved feet. Somehow in his confused thoughts; doing this was proving he is more of a man, more in control. He slid into her easily and she let out a high-pitched half-bray in approval, glancing back at him over her shoulder with a flirty look. Flint started to eagerly thrust into her, letting himself slip a bit deliberately, seeing as he had room to grow... why not, right? Her tail loosely wrapped around his side, hugging his body. She backed her big rump up into him, forcing him to stumble back and shoved him against a wall, ramming his dick deeply into her when she felt him growing! She never felt a stud do THAT in her before. She liked this party trick- more, do it more! She slammed him against the wall with her huge hips over and over as he grew into her- digging deeper into her ravenous ebon pussy- her puffy black anus kissing his bare belly below his stretched shirt. He never bothered to put pants back on after his last romp because of his deforming body, so his shirt was the only thing he had on.

He stretched her further as his cock grew in every dimension and soon his enlarging balls were clapping loudly against her udder- the loud clapping sound coming from the air trapped between the divot in balls and udder segments meeting. His balls increased in weight, sending ripples through her titties from the force of impact of their thrusts. When he tries to thrust back, his hips moving forward angles his dick upward causing the base to grind lower in her pussy, shoving the flesh toward her throbbing clit and making her shudder from the pleasure. She let out a few breathy, low-pitched brays under her breath. She was slamming him against the wall with her huge ass so hard it was causing the entire barn to move slightly, making the wood rattle at the joints.

*Just a little bigger, s-she likes it so much, it feels so good...*

And bigger he grew- too big, in fact. He started to shove himself OUT of her because his glans were pressed against her cervix, having run out of space, so more and more dick was exposed outside of her, no longer fitting. That did not stop her from trying however. Having already given birth several times, her sexual organs had become a bit desensitized, so he was unable to actually hurt her. One inch, two, three inches exposed! The neon pink of her inner folds started to become pastel pink as the flesh was stretched around his thickening shaft so tightly the blood could not properly circulate around it! Agate did not care- she loved the feeling of being absolutely overstuffed! She has become numb to normal sex- she NEEDS to be stretched to her breaking point to be entertained! His cock was stuffed in her so tightly it almost felt like his dick was going to pull out her internal organs when she slid off of him. His balls are so large and low now that when they swing forward they clap the underside of her udders!

*N--no... can't... fit! T-t-too big! More need... good horse. Horse... man? Ivory want not grow too big... need to stop.*

The horse in Flint was going wild, and wanted more and he wanted more of it, but he remembered Ivory playfully scolding him for losing control to just his ever-growing dong. And seeing as how he is already too big to even fit it all into his current hole of choice; Flint knew he needed to stop it. But rather than rein in his inner-equine like he should, he simply diverted the changes away from his dick and let the changes run rampant elsewhere.

His neck started to get even longer, and his hairline continued to grow down it, forming into a full shimmering black mane! His nose expanded even more, deforming his entire face and pulling his jaws out further and further, flaring his nostrils even larger. Their equine genitals clapping together sent gusts of their combigned scent up to his massive nostrils to drown his thoughts in hornyness. His chest got even larger as well as his hips, pulling his midriff out between them, once again hiding his abs as his torso became barrel-shaped. His tail was already flicking around wildly behind him but now quickly started to grow in hair to become a proper equine tail. His hands and feet deformed even more, putting him higher up and altering his balance, forcing him higher up on Agate's giant fluffy butt and over it, causing him to rest his body on top of hers- properly covering her like a true mate. He hugged her body but his hands devolved further as well as his arms, breaking his grip. Soon he was hooking hooves around her midriff, but squeezing her with the force of even more muscle mass.

Agate inched forward slightly with every thrust now- Flint growing bigger and stronger and bigger again; thrusting back against her now with more strength than she had to resist, inching her forward. His groans and moans deepened and became breathier, devolving into the lower grunts and nickers of a rutting stallion. His shirt pulled tight around him, started to rip and finally burst off entirely, falling away unnoticed. The sparse fur growing all around him completed the coat first around the hooves and groin but spread to encapsulate his entire body! Flint's beasthood took over completely, repressing his half-humanity to being simply a passenger in his body. By the time he stopped growing he was large enough that his front hooves were hooked around Agate's shoulders and her own front legs were trembling to keep his weight up on her back. His cock rammed so far into her it felt like he had hollowed her entire torso out and her eyes rolled back in her head, loving every moment of it.

They slowly shifted across the floor, because his thrusts were too powerful for Agate to fully brace, so they stumbled forward a half inch with every thrust. She did her best to guide them to one of the stalls and then bowed down, forcing Flint to put his hooves up onto the edge of the stall to brace, letting Agate breathe a sigh of relief, having gotten his tremendous weight off her back. Shoving her against the wood and using the structure to brace himself he was really able to smash his dick into her, and Agate's clit stalled, popped out of her pussy as a river of juice splashed out as she trembled in orgasm. She brayed in pleasure but was so out of breath all that could be heard is nearly-inaudibly high-pitched 'hee-hee- heeeee'.

Flint had not climaxed yet though, and kept humping away. He lifted his hooves higher up on one of the support pillars between stalls, standing up fully! He lifted Agate off the floor entirely! He was holding her entire body up by his cock! She felt completely breathless and then her lungs felt actually cramped. With a few rapid-fire cracks her rib cage collapsed! It remained just as wide but now is only half as deep! Her midriff started to sink in and from her belly button outward- her fur started to fall away! Flint shoved his humanity out of the way so he could be bigger and stronger and fuck even more savagely- but he discarded his humanity so readily that he unintentionally rejected it from his body entirely! He gave Agate half of a humanity! Flint stabilized his own form without even meaning to- trapping him as a stallion now. Now Agate is unstable with a full beasthood and half a humanity.

As the fur fell out of her chest it revealed areola and nipples, but she did not grow breasts. She did not have enough human in her to shift her endowments so she retained a completely flat chest. However- humans have permanently enlarged breasts with fat reserves, so their endowments always project out quite far... that much Agate inherited. Padding of fat started to bloat her udders even larger and even her teats enlarged a bit more! Her udders swung more and more energetically with every one of Flint's thrusts. Since she was being held up entirely by his dick, he was basically bouncing her butt off his sheath when he thrusts. Agate's hips popped, remaining as large but changing shape to allow her to stand on two legs- this also caused her butt to become more globular, as its size hadn't reduced, but its shape changed to be more human. Little nubs grew out just below her wrists and her hooves shrank rapidly on her front limbs, till her arms turned to those of a human; hands included. Her neck regressed in size a bit- mostly just width to better match her reformed upper body.

She let out several shrill brays from the confusing and uncomfortable feeling of her skull compressing. Her entire head was getting much smaller, but her face was also collapsing back into it. A donkey has an unusually large head compared to its body size, that sets it apart from horse. Her head became... mostly human. Her hair is a mohawk, following the form of a donkey mane still. The bridge of her nose and her nostrils are still gigantic for a human, and the front of her nose is level with her upper lip- but her lips are human shaped, and the rest of her face is now human, except her rectangular pupils. Her ears remained entirely those of a donkey, making them look particularly giant on her now comparatively tiny head.

Her udder segments were already around a D cup in size before human traits touched them at all, now with the added humanity the teats are longer than they are wide, making them almost look like a goat's huge cone-shaped teats, and the udder segments themselves have fattened up to the size and shape of a medium sized watermelon each, wobbling around under her loosely, slapping Flint's balls. Her brays are no longer sharp or high pitched, they are now smooth sounding- she brays with the voice of a human woman.

Her sweet sounding breathy brays, and the increased weight of her swollen udders smacking against him finally sent Flint over the edge. For a moment it felt like someone was trying to blow her up like a balloon! His cock took up all the space inside of her; there is no room for cum! His urethra bulged tremendously with backed up flow, and then Agate was shoved up along his dick, far enough out from the sheath that her weight started to bend it even though it is fully erect. The flow of cum is actually shoving them apart! Flint finally blasted himself completely out of her, continuing to cum for half a minute while not even inside of her anymore, while her gaping pussy slowly tightened back into its proper shape, spewing waves of thick molten love onto the floor- too stretched at the moment to hold any of it inside.

Agate tried to catch her arms by her fingertips and hurt herself, immediately opening her fingers to catch herself on her palms. She looked at them in confusion for a moment before lifting them both over and over- patting the ground under her. No, this did not feel right either. What happened to her hooves? They are all spread out and tiny? These looks like people's front legs. Is Agate a people now? She shoved herself up, teetering a moment before slowly easing herself up into an upright position. Her legs are still entirely donkey- hooves and all. Her asinine pelt covers her legs, crotch, butt, and most of her back, but has fallen out everywhere else. Her normally charcoal colored skin is now a light grey-pink. Walking on two legs is awkward, both because she is not at all familiar with it- but also because her udder is so huge the segments lift against her inner thighs. She cannot walk without flopping the udders back and forth. Her tasseled tail flicks around wildly trying to help stabilize her but its mass isn't nearly big enough to help with that. Agate had hoped Flint would dote on her a little, cuddle with her afterwards, maybe brush her mane? At the very least give her a treat to eat for being such a good fuck- but nope. The human Flint definitely would have- the stallion Flint was already laying down and going to sleep on the floor by the time she got her barrings. Typical stud.

Ivory entered the barn the next day to find Flint, but the first thing she found was his shirt- looking more like a shredded rag on the floor. Since she is familiar with all of the horses already- it did not take long to spot the odd one out, and put together that it was what is left of Flint. He trot over to her, assuming she would be eager to let him mount but she shoved him back, repeatedly trying to explain to him that he is too big. Not only did she need to fix this situation he made even worse AGAIN, but even if she wanted to have sex with him- he is too big to fit into her! He would skewer her entire body on a cock that big- it would pop out of her mouth! Unfortunately as a horse- he has no idea what she is talking about and because it doesn't involve fucking, he isn't trying especially hard to try and understand, either. He recognises all the words she is saying but his attention wanders too quickly for him to string them together into more complex thoughts. He wasn't willing to understand the why, and continued to try; so Ivory ended up putting him in reins and tying him to her old stall- preventing him from trying to badger her with that giant wobbling dick.

Ivory had to wander a bit to find Agate. She did not know Flint went all the way at first and had started letting the other horses out on her way over to his stall- and Agate was not in her own, so she dashed out while Ivory was distracted and was trying to rizz up the other stallions. Her half-form was leaving her body confused and horny, especially with her giant udders flopping around under her. They grow out from her upper crotch, but they are so large they flop down when she is on two legs- causing the loose flesh between udder segments to squeeze against the front of her vulva, shoving against her clit when they swing! Agate figured it would be easy to seduce the stallions now with her new endowments, but she now smelled of half a human, and a human none of them were familiar with, so the other equine were just confused by her presence. Ivory walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder to pull her back from Gunner- trying to fondle his sheath to see if she could coax it awake.

Agate looked at Ivory, her giant ears tucked back. "Agate not good e-EEE-enough to FAAWk?"

"You're stuck partially human... sorry, it is sort of my fault. Well- mostly Flint's fault. I can fix it, but I need to go into town and steal his wallet." She placed her other hand on Agate's other shoulder and moved closer, brushing the half-woman's flat chest with her double-humanity bloated tits. "I need you to hold onto something for me~"

"Hawww? Wh-h-hAWW-what do-?" Ivory cut her off with a kiss.

Ivory hooked her foot around the backs of Agate's hooves and braced an arm across her back as she swept the hooves out from under the asinine woman. Ivory eased her down in the soft, cool grass of the open field and got down onto all fours, kissing the still equine pussy. The pussy bulged at the front as the clit swelled tight within; a fat knot of tangled pleasure nerves. Ivory grabbed the giant cone-shaped teats filling her hands entirely with just the soft rubbery teats alone and used them like handles to wobble the udders back and forth. They are very soft, so you can squash them in quite far and manipulate their shape- but also very rubbery and taut, so they return to their default shape immediately when you let go. When laying down they immediately become circular instead of the more elongated form of a watermelon, and sort of pool into her lap- too big to fit entirely between her legs.

"Ah- Aaww heee! Hee~ haw~ IvoreEE mate? PEEEople Ivory mate Agate?"

Ivory peeked at her through the smooth valley of udder flesh. "Any objections? I need to get something out of my system, and I trust you more than those brick-head stallions."


Ivory knelt back down and resumed kissing the clit through the matte black labia flesh. It started to keep out, and eventually the throbs in the clit were powerful enough to part the dark curtains entirely and expose itself to the open air. Ivory smiled and immediately started kissing it directly, making it tremble and jump- causing it to pop back out in response before it was able to fully retreat back in. Once natural lube started to well up between Agate's thick equine labia; Ivory used her teats as handles to pull herself up and sit back down, on top of Agate's lap- her legs sitting in the crook of Agate's legs between her thighs and body. Ivory pulled her teats up and then lay forward, squishing them into Agate's belly, and aligning her super-charged human pussy over Agate's donkey vulva. The moment her clit winked again; Ivory thrust down and ground their wet pussies together! Agate's clit is large enough to partially penetrate Ivory and rub directly against her clit- grinding them together; cross-species tribbing!

The udder is so large and soft that it squishes out around Ivory's torso, billowing halfway around either of her sides while her body compresses the middle. She kisses Agate repeatedly- giving Agate a taste of her own pussy juice still on Ivory's lips. Slowly the smooth, sultry brays become less abrupt, softer sounding still. Less like brays and more like moans, less like snorts and more like gasps. Her ears started to shrink down and lose their coat of fur, and her nose shrank down tiny causing her pseudo-muzzle to regress entirely, and her huge lips to regress to more normal proportions. Her mane spread wider but the hairline in the back receded off her neck as her throat shrank in width and length to become proper human.

Agate squealed and squirmed suddenly as her nipples stood on end, then started to wobble as they enlarged rapidly! From little eraser nubs into the size of half a pinky finger! Her areola spread to twice the width and puffed up and then little A cup slopes formed behind them, then B cup bumps, C cup hills! Her udders rapidly started shrinking and the skin color lightening to match the rest. The rest of her skin also started to lighten too though- from grey-pink to just pale pink alone. Her hooves started to regress and toes started sprouting as the fur of Agate's legs started to fall away, till she had human feet to walk on. Her tassel lost its hair and the tail started to shrink away. Her anus flattened out more as her giant bubble butt regressed in size. Her pussy brightened as the neon pink from the inner folds started to overtake the entire pubic mound. Her labia became thinner and luckily the two climaxed before her clit started to shrink rapidly to only a fourth of its former size. Agate's udders vanished entirely leaving only little teats in their place, then regressing to small nipples, then just discolored dots, and then simply nothing at all. By then the breasts forming on her chest had hit somewhere in the range of K cups- but unlike Ivory her endowments were not impossibly taut for their size, so they sloshed loosely all over the place. Her areola were unusually dark brown with a wide faded edge- a steep contrast to her pale pink skin. Agate's hair is dark charcoal grey- and the bush over her pussy is pretty massive and still looks like a mat of fur.

Ivory got off her and flopped the other way- though their legs still tangled and pussies only a half inch apart still. Ivory chuckled as Agate kept shaking her head, trying to get the hair out of her face- she couldn't see! In human form her hair is fluffier and more voluminous than Ivory's, and hangs to her shoulders, completely obscuring her view. She never had hair like this before, so Agate doesn't know she could just tuck it behind her ears. Even in fully human form- Agate's ears are still pointed, making her look like an elf. Ivory had rejected her extra humanity into Agate. Now Agate is unstable with a full beasthood and a full humanity- but that means Ivory's form is once again stable. Her enlarged pussy returned to normal, her giant bubble butt turned into a pert little bubble butt. Her legs shortened and her overall size shrank drastically. Her obscene beach-ball sized boobs regressed back into reasonable D cups, and her lips... well, her lips are still very plump, but not overinflated porn-star kinda plump. Oddly her hair remained extremely long- long enough to brush her thighs, but, she supposed she could just cut it.

Ivory needed to steal another outfit from Flint and then his wallet. Now that her form is stable she can sneak into town trying to pretend everything is normal. With his money she is going to buy a vessel that will allow her to siphon and store a beasthood or humanity. That way even if the form fluctuates while she is siphoning it; she can very easily just put it back, and re-take the extra until its done correctly and the divide is perfect 1:1. Once the extra is isolated and properly identified, she can just use a spell to dispel it. Boom- fixed. Unfortunately the vessels are fairly pricey and she is going to have to rob Flint to buy it, but- Flint made the situation worse TWICE, so Ivory is just going to consider the money a payment for fucking everything sideways.

After getting the wallet and getting properly dressed like a human again, she headed out on the long walk into town. When Flint heads out- he takes a horse to ride, but since Ivory IS supposed to be a horse, it felt kinda weird riding on her peers, even though they themselves will be blind to the irony. She smiled at Agate who was standing at the edge of the field, still perfectly human for the time being, but entirely nude, reading a softcover book she found. Her form could still turn full donkey by accident, but hopefully she maintained enough control that she did not discharge the extra essences into someone else. Ivory trusted a fellow female to have at least three times the level of control any male would.

Agate dashed over to Ivory before she could leave, holding the book up a moment. "Hey, I found this block of sheets the people use to put their words on. I think those female people forgot it here."

"Y-yea, that is probably what happened alright."

"Maybe Ivory can use this to fix? It has magic."

"Really?" Ivory leaned her head in and examined the cover- it looked like a cheesy dollar store romance novel. "Doesn't look like a spellbook."

"It has a magic called Romance in it. It says the romance can create magical moments, and memories. Is this the magic Ivory need?"

Ivory chuckled, shaking her head. "No." She let out a long sigh as she turned to leave. "Trust me. Romance is dead."