Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 20

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#20 of Breaking The Line

draft 1 of Book 5 in the inheriting the Line Series.

Denton reels from what Damian revealed to him, Arnold runs the war as best as he can when everyone who is supposed to help him seems more interested in arguing with him.

but Denton might have kept himself out of the war too long by the time he realizes what Damian is really after, and those who'll pay the cost might be his closest friends.

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

or, you can buy the published book from Gumroad or Amazon

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"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! He blew up my club!"

"That's exactly why we want you to calm down," Alex replied. "Arnold, you're losing perspective."

"Nine of my clients are dead! Three of my staff! Everyone else is in the hospital--"

"Seven of your clients," Alex said calmly.

"What are you talking about?" Arnold growled. "We were nine short-living people according to who signed in."

"I got the report from the bomb squad investigators. They found two detonation points, with remains among them. The locations match survivors testimonies about to men, fully dressed, wearing baggy jackets, one of the servers tried to talk with one of them and said the guy look uncomfortable, like he'd never been in one of our clubs. The explosion was less than a minute later."

"No," Arnold stated. "Absolutely not! No one who is a member of my club would do this. They need to be brought by someone who's already a member, and they get fucked before their first visit is done. My clients know the kind of men who will enjoy my club."

"Yeah, men stuck on the nineties," Aiden said. Arnold glared at him.

"The police is going the list of men who signed in. The current theory is that the bombers stole their identities to get in. So they expect to find two of them either dead in their homes or at least restrained."

"I'm just happy the Society guys we have in the city have more tastes than to go to your stuffy place," Aiden said, He chuckled, "can you imagine the mess this would have caused if just one of them had gotten a scratch while under our protection."

"Aiden," Alex warned in exasperation.

"What? It's true, those guys are so used to having it easy all it takes to send them running to daddy is a strand of fur out of place. Those guys have never had it rough a day in their lives."

"Why do we have the songbird as the one interfacing with our guest?" Aaron asked. "Hey, that's mine," he tried to grab his phone out of Aiden's hand. "Give it back."

"Just a minute, I want to see what 'big word' app you're using. I have a few backup singers who could do with enhancing their vocabulary."

"Fuck off Songbird." Aaron grabbed his phone and sat. "I don't need an app, I read."

"I didn't know they made picture books with the word interfacing in them."

Alex looked at Arnold as Aaron launched himself out of his chair again. Arnold had no problem letting them tussle; it was something other than his problems to watch. Alex glared, and Arnold sighed.

"That's enough you two." Of course, neither listened. "I said enough!"

"He--" Aaron pointed to Aiden pinned under him.

"Do I fucking care who started it? Get back in your seats, and Aiden, fucking stop antagonizing Aaron."

Aiden stood and looked where Arnold's phone was slotted in the table.

"If you fucking try to take my phone out, I'm breaking your hand."

Aiden sat, grinning and keeping his hand on his side of the table.

Arnold sighed. "I swear, dealing with the two of you is like handling kids."

"Just think of it as practice for when our sons start walking," Alex replied. "And to answer your question Aaron, Aiden interfaces with them because he's the only one who isn't too busy with this war and is able to keep how he feels to himself when he's with them. Arthur made it quite clear what he'd do to them if he had to spend more than a few minutes in their presence."

The distraction had let Arnold calm down, so when he looked at Aaron he didn't feel like shouting. "How are you on their side with this? I'd think you'd want help me plot Damian's death."

Aaron looked at the table. "Look, normally I'd be behind you all the way." Aiden snickered. "But Alex explained his reasoning to me before the meeting, and it makes sense."

Arnold watched his brother squirm. What and Alex said to get Aaron of all people push for restraint? "Okay, explain it to me." Alex opened his mouth. "Not you. Aaron."

"Breeder," Aaron grumbled. "Okay. So every attack Damian orchestrated has been in reaction to one you ordered."

"Bullshit. He started this with the attack on the clinic in Reno."

Alex opened his mouth and Arnold glared him down.

"There's no proof, he ordered that," Aaron said.

"You really believe that?" Arnold asked. "You really think that he lets anyone under his command do anything without his say so? You guys were there when uncle Dominic and Dietrich told us how Damian was then they were teens, right? He gets off on manipulating people."

"I can prove to you he didn't order it," Aiden said. He sent a news page to the wall. The picture of a man beaten to death, with bleeding marks over his chest and arm. "That is Joubin Lund, the article gives his background, but it isn't relevant here except to say no one should have been able to do that to him, even without his marks. He'd give the two of you blue balls before you could take him down. We'd identified him as the man running things in Nevada for Damian. Every decision in that state went through him." Aiden pointed to the picture. "That tells us Damian was pissed with what he did. Now he was beaten after we retaliated, so I think it's more because it made us react and started this escalation."

"We didn't order the retaliation," Arnold pointed out.

"Doesn't matter, our people did it, so Damian has to believe ordered it, just like his men attacked the clinic and we assumed he ordered it."

"He could have killed that man to make us think he wasn't behind it."

"You know that isn't Damian's style," Alex said. "He doesn't pass the blame or hide his involvement. You two have been kicking each other in turns, each time aiming closer to the balls. I know," Alex said as Arnold opened his mouth, "you're just reacting to what he did, but you have to see that if you keep going, Damian will have no choice but to his something big in the city. Then he hit Royal. That was his warning to stand down. You didn't, so he hit your club. If you respond to this attack, what is he going to hit? City hall? What's more personal to you that the city? It might have escaped your notice, but other than Royal and your club, Damian has pretty much left us alone. The small skirmishes in the city caused barely any damage and only minor injuries on our side. He never escalated those no matter how many we killed defending the city."

"It's almost as if those attacks were just to give the impression he was targeting us without actually doing it," Aaron said.

Arnold looked at one brother, then the other. "Let me see if I understand this. You're saying that the only way I have to protect our city is to back down. To turn over and let Damian fucks not just the eight of us, but every man in the Society, every man out there who saw what Damian is doing through his church and stood up to him.

That's what you're telling me? You want us to crawl in a hole and let the world burn down around us?"

Aaron looked away. "We can still take in refugees, we can offer that to the war effort, but I agree with Alex, Damian has the whole of the Gray Church at his command. How many thousands of men is that? What do we have? It isn't like that Society is coordinating with us. Maybe if we were all in this together, we'd have a chance, but they made it clear that in spite of the successes we've had, we're still the bad kid in the block. Why should we suffer for them?"

"You can't be that blind," Arnold said in disbelief.

"Then enlighten us oh wise one," Aiden smirked.

"You think Damian is at war with the Society?"

Aiden smirked. "I don't see anyone else who fit the bill."

"Damian is acting for a god! You think his god just cares about taking people out? Damian isn't trying to hurt us, his target is our god! He isn't going to leave us alone if we get out of the warm he's just going to leave us for last." Arnold glared at Alex. "Tell me you haven't worked that out Alex, I dare you."

Alex stared back, then faltered. "Arnold, we need to think about our sons. No matter what, Damian is family, he--"

"No! Damian betrayed us, our god. He isn't family. He's nothing to us, and if you think he cares about us, you weren't listening to Dietrich and Dominic. Damian cares only for Damian."

The silence stretched. A light blinked by his phone, indicating he and an incoming call, but Arnold ignored it. He waited for one of them to raise an objection, for them to decide to gang bang him out of the leadership position.

Aaron sighed. "What do you want us to do?"

"Aaron!" Alex warned.

"He's right, okay? I don't want my son to come to me, ten years from now, asking what part I played in beating Damian and that only answer I have is that I hid. I'm an Orr. I was chosen by a god to lead men, not to hide. We also decided Arnold would run this war."

"We can change that," Alex said. "If we both agree he shouldn't--"

"I just said I'm with him, Alex."

Alex looked at Arnold. "I'm not a coward."

"I know."

"We can't win."

"I don't believe that," Arnold replied. "We're not just some Society Followers, we didn't seek Him out at His weakest and extract gift after gift for our allegiance. We took on duties in exchange, to rule, to protect, to ensure He would remain. I believe that He knew something like this when the first of our family found His hearth. I believe that He chose our family to be his warriors, his champions. It's our duty to Him to stand in the way of His enemies."

Aiden smiled, Aaron straightened. Alex rubbed his face and forced a smile. "No wonder you're the one who finally stood up to our fathers. Okay, I'm in. What do we do now?"

Arnold deflated somewhat. "I don't know, not exactly. We need to find a target that's going to send Damian's balls straight up in his throat. Maybe whoever this is will have an idea." He accepted the still waiting call.

A tiger's face appeared on the table. "About time you answered me. Maybe you guys think you have the time to suck each other off but we--"

"Swallow the attitude, Albert," Arnold told his brother. "None of us is in the mood." Albert's face turned and Arnold wondered if the table had cameras that let him see each of them.

"Somber bunch. Okay, so directly to the point, you are not going to like this any more than whatever you were discussing. I need control of your wall screen." Arnold transferred it, and the news story vanished, to be replaced by a dozen videos without sounds.

"These, and hundreds more like them, flooded the net fifteen minutes ago. You don't want to hear the commentaries that accompany them."

Arnold tried to understand what he was looking at. They all showed men in public places, they were identified by name and age.

Alex cursed. "Are the names real?"

In one scene, along a street lined with stores, the identified man caught the eye of a man holding a woman's hand. He approached once the woman entered a store, and even without sound, the flirting was obvious, and one-sided.

"I have a bunch of Aiden's slicers looking onto that."

Somehow, the identified man convinced the other man to follow him to an alley, what happened was in shadows, but the motions made it clear as to what happened and that it wasn't consensual. When they left the alley, the two men held hand, the unidentified one a confused expression on his face. As they walked by the exiting woman, she called after him and whatever he replied with had he shaken and dropping her packages, before crying.

Superimposed over her was the message. "Gays are the Devil's tools. They will steal your men. Stand with the Church against them. Stand and fight the devils among you."

A new one began, a man, identified by name and age, walking in a park, families enjoying the day. The man's expression was predatory as he walked among them, looking for a victim. He found it in a boy, no older than eight, playing with a ball, alone. A quick conversation, a handful of candy, and the boy followed the man into a van with a large tinted side. It was dark enough to hide the actors, they had to be actors, weren't actually performing the acts the motions implied.

When they were done, the exited the van, the boy dazed and disheveled, he was handed to another man, also identified by name and age, who groped the boy's ass before taking him off-screen, away from the park. "Gays are the Devil's spawn, they will abuse your sons. Stand with the Church against them. Stand and fight the devils among you." Anger and disgust fought one another for dominance.

"There's no way anyone is going to believe those lies," Aaron said.

"Repeat a lie long enough," Albert replied, "and it becomes truth. That's always been the concept behind propaganda. These clips target all major species groups, all age demographics with threats specific to them, stealing the husband, sending the teen into a cycle of debauchery ending in their death. The one about desecrating a dead I can't even figure out who it's targeting."

"How the fuck are we supposed to fight those lies?" Alex asked.

Arnold let the scenes blur as disgust won. Damian was going too far. This was going to cause men who had nothing to do with this to be lynched. Well, if Damian could spread lies like that, there was something Arnold could do in response.

Arnold stood. "We're going to answer those by spreading a few truths of our own about Damian's followers."