Zoo Chapter 2 "The Bulldozer"

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#2 of Zoo

Greetings to you all! This is an m/m Adult Transformation story! This Material was not meant for readers under the age of 18! And if you are in any way offended by such things, I suggest closing this file and going on your merry way.

The Zoo, Chapter 2, "The Bulldozer"

The door shut loudly behind Benjamin as he stepped outside of the locker room, the sound of faint laughter is heard from behind him as the other boys joked about Ben's willingness to go first. Clad only in a leather jockstrap that left his muscled ass exposed for all to see, Ben wandered down the hall, looking for an entrance to the stage "I'll show those little shits who the real man is...there going to be screaming for more when I get up there!" Ben said with a proud grin on his face as he walked further down the hall. Finally after searching for a few moments, he finally found the door marked "Backstage" and he opened it up to find Gus, shouting something to one of the stage hands before turning around to see Ben standing in the entrance. Gus smiled as he examined the nearly nude jock, "Heh, you look good boy, you wear that jock well! But first we gotta get you all "prettied up" before you go up on stage, head over to the mirror over there and Angie will get you all fixed up!" Gus then pointed a meaty finger towards a brightly lit mirror and desk, where a ragged looking man dressed as a woman stood nearby, wearing a bright orange wig and an overly sequenced dress. "Come on over darling!" he/she said with a slight "Diva" tone as they held up a powder puff and a bottle of Nail polish while smiling mischievously. Ben made a nervous gulp and looked over at Gus, who laughed deeply as he walked over to Ben and lightly slapped his bare ass, which caused him to jump in surprise. "Aww, don't worry about her, she is just teasing. Now get going! Curtain is in 5 minutes!" Said Gus with a slightly raised voice so that he made sure everyone heard him as he walked to the other side of the stage.

Ben then slowly walked towards the bizarre looking drag queen as he watched the stage hands scramble around, grabbing props and pieces of scenery, most of which looked like an old western theme. While walking however, he neglected to watch where he was going, and he accidentally bumped into the drag queen, who only smiled as he/she examined Ben. "Ohh ho!...aren't we a big boy huh?" The drag's eyes then glanced down at the front pouch of Bens leather Jockstrap and he/she smiled lewdly. "Very big indeed...." The drag then made a horrible sounding purr noise as she placed the powder puff and nail polish on the table and leaned down and started going through the drawers of the makeup table, while purposely shoving his/her ass in Ben's face.

Ben wanted to vomit right there as the horrifying looking drag put themself on display while he was standing there barely wearing any clothes at all, but he decided that wouldn't bode well on his paycheck, and he swallowed his pride as "Angie" turned around and began his/her work on him. Throughout the entire ordeal, "Angie" continued to ogle, and occasionally grope Ben's massive frame and crotch, while making all sorts of perverted comments, until Gus finally came to rescue him and tell him that it was his time to go on.

After being pried away from the Disturbing drag queen, Ben mouthed "Thank you" to Gus as he pulled him to the side of the stage, finally Gus gave him an approving pet on the shoulder and said "Good Luck" before walking off to do something else. Ben as this point was feeling slightly nervous, after dealing with a sex crazed drag, he was wondering what sorts of things the audience would do to him once he got up there...so he leaned out the curtain slightly to get a better look at who it was he was dancing for, but when he looked out into the crowd, he let out a gasp and quickly ducked back onto the stage. The once empty bar was now packed with a large number of guys, some wearing strange animal ear accessories on their heads, and he swore when he looked out onto the stage he saw the bartender from earlier, but he was wearing what looked like a realistic donkey mask...

Such a strange sight had thoroughly disturbed the once headstrong Ben, and He shook nervously as he thought about making a break for it, to run off stage right then and there rather than embarrass himself in front of all these people. But as he turned around, the massive frame of Gus was standing behind him, looking down at the nervous Ben, grinning. "Got a little stage fright do ya? Well don't worry, all someone really needs in these kinds of situations is the right...Push!" and Gus pushed Ben roughly on to the stage, nearly causing him to lose his balance as he looked out at the audience. Ben only stared, like a deer in the headlights as he smiled sheepishly out at the crowd, which suddenly burst into cheers! "Take it off!" he heard one man say, "Hey there! That's one Biiiiig Man!" he heard from another, followed by my more cheering and a few wolf whistles, which seemed to knock Ben back to his senses. Suddenly the music started blaring what sounded like an old western song, but re-mixed into an upbeat techno music, which for some reason sent shivers down Ben's spine, and a tingle throughout his groin as he started to shake his hips to the music.

The Crowd practically roared at the sight of Ben awkwardly attempting to dance to the strange music, some of them holding up dollar bills, pleading for the jock to come over to them and let them fondle his massive groin. Ben grinned as he listened to the horney audiences comments, and his confidence rose and he started to get in to the beat of the music, twisting and shaking his defined ass for the crowd, inspiring more and more cheers from the group. Unknown to Ben, as he danced and shook his rear for the audience, a faint green symbol began to glow on the front pouch of his jockstrap, and began to send tingles down his spine and slowly changing his DNA. Ben only blamed it on the excitement of the moment and ignored the strange feelings centered in his groin as he walked out onto the center of the stage and started striking poses, showing off his massive physique to the horney on-lookers.

As Ben struck pose after pose for the crowd, he began to sweat as his body heated up from his changes. Each pose caused the muscles on jocks body to swell a little more, increasing his body mass and causing two small nubs to form at the top of his skull that began to lengthen with each movement of the sweaty jocks body. Ben, then deciding to give them a bit more, then took a hold of the pole in the center stage, still un-aware to his changes, he began to slowly hump and slide on the pole as a nub of a tail begin to sprout from his backside. With each thrust and movement, Ben sweated even more and began to emit a musky stench as his body filled out even more and his height increasing. A strange tingle then filled Bens groin as short, brown hairs then began to sprout from his crotch and begin to slowly cover the jocks chest.

His defined six pack abs' he had gained through many hours of hard work at the gym, began to harden into a tight and powerful eight pack before being covered in the dark pelt, and the small nub of a tail lengthening out into a fully grown bulls tail, complete with a tuft of hair at the tip. Hearing the crowd roar even louder than before, Ben smiled as he turned and faced the crowd, his tail wagging behind him as he spread his arms out to his adoring public. The once tiny nubs that had begun to sprout on the top of his head had now lengthened into full horns, twisting and pointing parallel with Bens Face and clearly visible through the jocks short hair. As the fur spreading across his chest began to cover his swelling pectorals and darkening his nipples, he shouted out to the crowd "You wanna see some more?" The crowd roared in collective agreement that they wanted to see more of the slowly changing stud, some of them snickering, knowing full well what was happening as Ben slowly toyed with the strap of his leather jock, his hardening cock rubbing against the material and begging for release. Finally with a hard tug, he released his member from its confines of the jockstrap and grinned as the crowd burst into a roar of applause! "Yea that's right! This is how big a real man...is?" ben said before suddenly stopping and looking down at his cock. Expecting to see his normal Human cock hanging below him...but what he saw wasn't his usual massive member...it was something different, alien, almost...animalistic. Ben stared in horror as his member had swollen to a new thickness, much larger than any normal human, and its length rivaled a real bull's cock!

"What the fuck is happening to me?!?" Ben shouted as he finally realized the changes that had begun on his body. He first noticed how much larger, and taller he looked, and how Dark hair had completely covered most of his body except for his legs and face. He then remembered the tingling feeling from earlier, and he reached up to touch the top of his head, his fingers meeting the solid horns protruding from his skull. Upon realization that he was turning into some sort of mutant freak, he quickly grabbed onto the straps of the jockstrap and tried to pull the pouch over his erect and swollen member. "I...I gotta get out of here!" he said with a frightened tone to his voice, but as Ben tried to pull up the straps of the leather jockstrap, he came to the realization that his member had grown too large to fit in the front pouch, he then took a hold of it and tried to cram it in there so that he could make a quick escape and see if he could get himself back to normal, but as he gripped his new, larger member, a jolt of pleasure shot down his spine, and caused him to gasp as his member started to leak an unusual amount of pre-cum from the tip. "Ahh....ahh..." Ben moaned as he slowly began to stroke his sensitive member on stage for all of the audience which caused them to cry out a loud "ooooooh!!!" His ropey tail, which he had still not noticed, began to thrash around in his throes of pleasure, and the dark pelt that had been covering his entire body began to move down to his feet. There was a sudden cracking noise and Ben nearly lost his balance as his toes began to merge together into a single, darkening object, until where his feet once where, were two powerful cloven hooves.

Bens mind tried to fight the feelings that where going through his mind at the moment, the rational side of him told him to stop displaying himself for the crowd and make a break for it, but a new, more bestial and animalistic side of him told him to give in to the feelings and the changes...to take off the restricting jockstrap and stroke his member and look for a tight ass to fuck.

Images of nude men, doing all sorts of perverted and sexual acts began to fill Bens mind as the fur began to creep up his neck and begin to cover his face, causing it to lengthen out into a bovine muzzle. Ben started to slowly give in to his other side as the images of muscled men began to change into Bull men, each with a long, throbbing cock that leaked pre into the floor. Ben then allowed the jock to slowly slide down his legs, revealing his hairy and swollen balls, and sheathe that had attached his member to his mid-section. Ben then started to stroke his member faster, his new bull balls shaking with each stroke and sloshing around the new Bull seed that filled them. Taking his member in both of his hands, he began to rapidly jerk off his Bull-Hood as his orgasm began to build as his changes completed, where the once Human jock was once standing, was a powerful Bull-Man, with a cock that was about ready to burst.

Moaning and grunting loudly, his cock began to throb as he reached his limit, and he let out a loud bellow, as he shot out his first load in his new body, seed practically spraying from his cock and covering the stage in his sticky, white sperm. The massive Bull kept firing load, after load of his thick cream, creating a large puddle on the stage, while some of the more powerful spurts landed in the audience. The audience cheered as some of them even attempted to catch some of the Bulls seed in their mouths, and wanting to get a taste of the Bull man's seemingly endless fountain of cum that fired from his cock.

But finally, after a few more large spurts, his orgasm began to fade and Bens balls where drained, leaving him standing on the stage, heaving for breath after firing off such a huge load everywhere. Ben smiled however, looking at his new hot body, and wondering what was in for his friends when they got up on stage...

Ben then waved goodbye to the crowd and leaned down to pick up his cum soaked jockstrap, then turning playfully and flicking his tail before walking to the side of his stage, where a brown furred and clawed hand gestured him to come over...

Back in the locker room, the boys all heard as the crowd roared for ben, and Scott scowled angrily, feeling slightly jealous that he hadn't gone first... He knew that Ben would have been great up there on stage...but there was one area where Scott overpassed Ben, and he just loved to rub his face in it every time they saw each other in the showers. Deciding he wouldn't be outdone by his best friend, he told the others that he would be going next, and that he would show them what a real man's member looked like. He then groped his large package through the fabric of his pants with a proud grin as he walked over to the box of jockstraps and looked inside, smiling, knowing he was going to give that audience one hell of a show....

To be continued....