Help for Mankind - Chapter 1 - Open For Business

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#1 of Bull's home

Help for Mankind - Chapter 1 - Open For Business



For those who've been hurt, tossed out, left out in the cold, or simply disowned. I have opened six apartments for those who have nowhere else to go. Please call ahead and don't be afraid to come any time. I know life for those of the Male x Male preference can be rough. I only wish to help any way I can.

Please Call: 347-555-3899

Address: 102 Coyote Ct.

Apartments include - Private bath, one bed, TV, Wifi, and privacy.

Cost: Negotiable

Ask For: Andrew

That's what I wrote on my computer making a flier. My large fingers tapped silently as I a peered through my glasses. My thick cream-colored fur stained with large brown patches. My horns glowed softly from the light of the computer. I moved to the print button only making one for a small section of town. This was my way of correcting a promise I gave someone a long time ago.

AS you may have figured, my name is Andrew. A normal 6'1, 252 lbs, green eyed bull. I live in the historic district of a small town across the river form a large city. With the economy the way, it is more people are turning to religion for help. This is a good thing except for the local fanatical priest spouting nonsense about how Jesus hated homosexuals. I'm a god-fearing man but I know that Jesus never once spoke that he had a hatred of any race, creed, or dissention. Therefore, the amount of gay haters has increased dramatically. I wasn't a homosexual but someone very close to me was.

I lost my wife ten years ago to cancer. One month later my only son contracted HIV from his ex boyfriend. I accepted that he was a homosexual even though I wasn't but even then, the lord decided to steal him from me. He passed away two years ago and I made a promise that I would do anything in my power to help those who weren't as fortunate as he was. He died six years to the day from when my wife passed away. Therefore, that is why I'm writing this big flier.

My house wasn't special, a three story brownstone with a tiny yard. The attic was my room; it was only a small bedroom with a single window. A smaller room built off to the side where I kept my computer and documents. I walked down the steps and opened the door at the base slowly. I stepped onto the second floor. A U shaped landing stretched forward and around the stairwell to the steps to the first floor. Bedroom was on my left and two were on the right next to the stairs. I crossed the landing going down to the first floor.

When you stepped off the stairs on the first floor, the living room was on the immediate right. It had a ceiling high window as you looked into it. I kept three sofas and a large TV for when anyone moved in. A small bathroom to the left had a door leading to the basement. I left the sitting room to the dinning; the room was dominated by a large dinning table and the back door leading to the street. I moved up to the kitchen and slid on my coat. I stepped out the back door to the garden. I moved across the garden to the small parking lot across the street where I got in my car.

Making a small trip across to the city center, i pulled into a parking spot. Everyone came by here at least once a day so this was perfect. I found a bulletin board and stuck my flier up. I turned and headed back to my car and went back home. I sat in my kitchen at the island on the wall. A window in the wall showed the dinning room. Below my hand was a small crossword, which I worked on while I wasn't busy. Suddenly the phone rang I peaked up at the phone on the wall. I moved over slowly and picked it up and off the wall.

"Hello?" I answered a small voice came over the phone. "Is this Andrew?" I heard him say. "Yes it is May I ask who this is?" I sat down. "My name is Jordan, um...I saw your flier and decided I would call, um...can I come over and see the apartments?" He barely whispered. "Of course you can," I smiled. "Thank you so much, I'm on my way," He sounded as if he started to cry. He hung up with out a goodbye and I hung up as well. I didn't realize anyone would call so early.

I waited and soon a knock came from the front door. I stood and moved to the thick wood door and opened it slowly. Standing outside the door was a young lizard wearing dirty cloths. He shivered in the autumn wind and peered up from his golden scales. His tail swished slowly staring at me with bright blue eyes. "Andrew?" His teeth chattered and I stepped aside letting him in. He stepped in and I smiled at the little guy. "Thirsty? Hungry?" I patted his shoulder. "Both," He whispered and coughed softly. I led him to the kitchen and got him some leftover from the night before. I warmed them in the microwave and when I set them in front of him, he quickly dug in. He was severely underfeed and needed help above and beyond.

"So tell me your story," I smiled and poured him a cup of tea. " sure you wanna hear it?" He coughed and I nodded. He sipped his teal and sat up letting the small barbs running down his back stick up. "Well I had a boyfriend. He was much older and told me that if I ever needed a place to stay I could with him. After he told me that I told my parent's I was gay and they had a fit. They...they threw me out back in the spring. I went to my boyfriends and he told me that I couldn't stay there. His wife was home and we broke up instantly. I've been living on the streets ever since," He sighed and poured him some more tea. "I see; do you have a job?" I asked and he nodded. "Just a little fast food job, KFC down the street," He sighed and I patted his back. "It's not enough to afford any place...then I saw your flier," He looked up at me. "I see, how much do you make?" I asked and he looked down.

Suddenly the phone rang again and I answered. It was another boy looking for a place to stay. This one's name was David. I told him to come over and hung up and the boy wiped his face. "You ok?" I asked and he nodded. "I make 200$ a week," He started to cry and coughed a lot more. I nodded and sat next to him pulling a paper from the kitchen counter. I wrote on the paper slowly. "Can you pay me 100$ a month and I'll give you a room," I slid him the paper. It was the resident information form and he nearly started to cry again. He suddenly lunged over hugging me tightly. "Thank you!" He cried into my arm. "No problem, now can I get you something for that cough?" I patted his back. He nodded shyly as I moved over to the cabinet. Quickly I grabbed some flu medicine and set them down next to him. He downed the pills, finished off the form, and handed it to me.

I read through it briefly seeing that he was only twenty. "Well Jordan lets go find you a room shall we," I patted his shoulder and led him through the dinning room. "So would you prefer upstairs or down?" I asked and he shrugged. "Upstairs I guess," He looked up the stairs. I nodded and led him upstairs and we stopped on the landing. "Alright pick a room," I smiled and he moved to a large red door. He pushed it open slowly and peeked in. His did this to the other rooms and picked the purple door with a large number five on it. "I like this one...if it's ok," I nodded and walked to the room stepping in. It was one of the two basic rooms.

It was just a bed, a closet, small-shared bathroom with the room next door, small TV and that's about it. "Are you sure?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Alright glad to have you here," I reached out and grabbed his hand shaking it. He shook it back and I stepped out letting him get accustomed to his new home. I moved downstairs just as another small knock came at the door. I walked over opening it. This time it was a small very woman like deer. One of his antlers was broken as he stood in the doorway. "Is this 102 Coyote Ct?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes please come in," I motioned for him to come in.

He had a gym bag hanging over his shoulder and I knew he was going to move in. "Alright lets start with the basics David," I patted his back and we moved to the kitchen. "Can I get you anything?" I asked and he shook his head no. "Alright sit down and let's get acquainted," I sat at the dinning room table and he sat across from me. "I'm sorry that I'm being so quite," He looked. "Don't worry just tell me why you need to be here," I looked up from my glasses and he scratched the back of his head. "My parent's passed away a few years ago. I...I've been living with a guy..." He glanced up at me. "I prefer people who are honest," I smirked and he shivered.

"I'm a hooker, my pimp kicked my out and beat me up when I refused to be sold again," He cried silently. I could see the faint bruises under his fur and I knew why his antler was broken. "I see, have you been tested?" I asked and he nodded. "I haven't caught anything luckily...thank god that I haven't. Nevertheless, I don't want to have to go back to that. I don't have a job yet so I don't know how I can pay you. However, please just one night and maybe a quick shower would be more than enough for me. I...I'm sorry I shouldn't have wasted your time," He stood and moved back towards the door. "Sit back down David," I ordered and he moved back over sitting down. "Are you looking for a job?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you have any prior drug history?" I asked and he looked down again. He rolled up his sleeve and pulled back the fir showing needle marks. "Well then welcome to de-tox, I can let you stay here but if I see a single drug enter this house I will make you leave," I gave him a look that I could tell struck fear into his soul.

He nodded and I reached over touching his hands gently. He smiled and wiped his face. "Now upstairs or downstairs?" I asked. "I prefer down," He picked up his bag. We moved down to the fully refurbished basement. The walls being thick cement and a door to the laundry room sat at the base of the steps. We turned looking down the hallway at the three rooms. "Alright pick your poison," I held out my hand and he moved down the hallway. He picked the last room, which was a very nice room. He looked back at me and I moved down. He sat his bag down and he opened it pouring his things out. He blushed deeply as I moved his toys aside. I found his little heroine kit and stash. "This is never to come back into this house ok," I looked at him and he nodded. I took it all upstairs and tossed it all into the trash.

Two tenants introduced and I hope I can help them all in some way. I decided to go ahead and make dinner. I wasn't a people person and I didn't enjoy people most of them were idiots. I guess a lot of people get used to living alone. I made some spaghetti and a meat sauce for the new people living with me. Turning around I saw the two staring at me. I stepped aside and they both gave me a glance. "Go ahead that's why I made it," I smiled and they both charged the stove. They quickly made themselves some bowls full of food. I moved over to the dining room and they sat at the island watching TV.

I sat silently and ate my dinner. "Poor guy," I heard David say and peek in at me. "Come on," Jordan picked up his plate and the two slowly moved into the room. They sat on each side of me and I looked over seeing the two newly reborn boys. Jordan had taken a shower and cleaned all of the dirt and muck that had covered his gorges scales. They started talking about whatever came to there minds and I smiled. This was the first conversation that this old table had in a long time. As I finished another small knock came at the door and I looked up. I pushed myself up and moved over to the door opening it slowly.

I nearly fainted at the sight in front of me. A smaller bull stood in the doorway and was completely brown with a small white spot between his horns. He looked just like my son had the day before I lost him. He looked up at me with those bright auburn eyes and smiled. His horns filed down to small nubs as he looked up at me. "Are you Andrew?" He smiled and I nodded. I stepped aside and he stepped into my home. It was almost like welcoming my son home once again. "So um what's your name?" I asked and he smiled warmly. "It's Charles, I heard you have rooms for rent for people like me?" He smiled at the two at the table. "Yes he does," Jordan waved hello.

"Oh are you tenants?" He asked then David and Jordan introduced themselves. I offered him some dinner and he sat down with us. As we ate, he told us his story. It seems that when he was younger his mom and dad were not good together. But when he turned, sixteen he found out, he was gay. His dad got drunk one night and raped him. His mother found out, divorced his father, and wanted nothing to do with him. So he had to run away to prevent himself from being hurt any further. I patted his back when he became silent and he quickly picked up.

"Well now what kind of job do you have?" I asked and he smiled. "I have a part time job at the college I'm going to, I couldn't afford to live in the dorm, I can pay two hundred a month if that's ok," He looked down and I nodded. He filled out his sheet and when we had finished dinner and cleaned up the two retreated to there room. "Upstairs or down?" I asked and he looked up. I led him upstairs and he looked at the two remaining rooms. He looked at the two rooms and picked the former master bedroom. It was large with a desk and right below my room. I handed him the key and he hugged me suddenly. "Thank you!" He nearly cried and kissed my cheek suddenly. I only blinked once and he moved into his new room.

I moved back downstairs slowly smiling knowing I was doing the right thing. Suddenly another knock came from the door. I knew there were a lot of people who were down on there luck but I never expected so many on the first day. Moving to the door there were two people instead of the usual one. The first was a large Cobra. The Naga's long tail stretched down and off the porch. He smiled as his tongue darted out before his hood lowered slowly. The smaller figure was an average built otter. A slim creature with the classic colorations. He had a large cast around his arm and was pulling a suitcase behind him. "Can I help you boys?" I looked at them. "Um we saw your flier in town," the Naga rubbed the back of his head. I motioned for them to come in and they did. "Can I ask your names?" I moved to the kitchen getting them some drinks.

"I'm Terrance," The Naga hissed and opened the pop I handed him. "And you?" I looked at the otter. "Oh it's Gab," He wheezed out a scratchy response. "What happened?" I asked and he looked down. He went one to tell me that he didn't know he was gay till four months ago. When his friends in college found out, they ganged up on him and beat the living hell out of him. That was only a week ago.

I looked at the Naga and he sighed. "Well my story isn't like that, I just got tired of my mom and dad fighting all the time about who made me gay, so I ran away six years ago," He laughed a little and set down his drink. I nodded to myself and stood getting the appropriate papers. I handed them to them and they started writing. The Naga agreed on four hundred a month while the otter was stuck on one hundred. They both picked the rooms in the basement. I only had one more room to spare and it would go to the first guy that offered. Five boys now lived with me and I knew I was going to get a lot of crap from people about it.

Another ran came from the phone and I answered. It was exactly what I thought would happen. An older woman calling telling me what a terrible person I was for bring queers into my home. I just nodded as she continued on telling me that homosexuals are horrible people and that they were bent on hell. As she rambled, I simply hung up the phone. She didn't call back leaving me to sit in my kitchen staring at the wall.

I looked up at the window seeing rain droplets starting to fall outside. The droplets soon built up to a storm. The people now living here were probably so happy that they has a place to sleep that was nice and dry now. I looked through my papers listening to the water pounding against the side of the house. Suddenly a sharp knock came at the back door. I looked up from my seat at the door. I moved quickly knowing there was no awning over the door so whoever it is was getting drenched. I opened the door and a big beefy Zebra stood in the doorway shaking. His thick muscles and powerful legs made him look like a body builder. He sniffled with his arms wrapped around himself. "Get in here before you catch your death," I grabbed his strong arm and pulled him inside.

He let out a small sneeze and shook harder as I got him a large towel. He wrapped up in it and sat down. "Sorry sir I just wanted to rent a room," He had a deep voice but spoke like he was half my size. "Oh I see, well...if you can pay the rent then you can have the last one I got," I pushed a paper to him. He slowly filled it out as his fur dried. With a final zip of his pencil, he handed it to me and I raised an eyebrow seeing he dotted each of his eyes with a heart. "Well Dominic you can take the last room upstairs," I led the large boy upstairs. His heavy footsteps making the floorboards creak softly. I opened his door and he burst into tears. He hugged me suddenly crying loudly.

"Thank you so much!" He cried and I shyly hugged back lightly. "Are you ok?" I asked and he nodded. "I just never had someone be so nice to me!" He blubbered out. "Your not as bad as you look are you?" I smirked and he shook his head no. This big brute was nothing more than a teddy bear. I patted his back making him laugh. He entered his room and I headed back downstairs. This was working very well and now I had to go pull down the poster so I wouldn't have anyone else calling. I didn't want to turn away people but I only make so much and only had six rooms.

I slid on my coat and headed out into the rain. A small car trip and I was back at the town square. I moved up to the large board seeing where people had already written all sorts of things across it. I sighed and pulled it down slowly looking at it. "Are people really this stupid," I folded it and tossed it into the trash. Moving back to my car I sighed and sat in slowly. Scratching my head, I let out a soft grumble and stared out into the rain.

Whenever it rained, I always felt terrible. Rain was a million little things heading to an inevitable whole when it reached the ground. I felt like one of those droplets that stays in the cloud and never reached the ground. I never fit in anywhere that an old bull like me should fit in. My family was all I had and when I lost them, I lost everything. Oh well...I guess a lot of people feel like that. I started up the car and pulled away heading back home. Upon entering, I noticed it was very quite. No one was up and the soft snores of those I helped was the only sound.

A week flew by at an amazing speed. All day it was in and out with every one of my new tenants. Finding new jobs, going to school, and unfortunately getting their sexual choice questioned. As I aforementioned a church was right down the street, the church I used to go to. Now not all church going people are over zealous zealots. But a majority of this church believed that me opening my house was a complete and total abomination. I dealt with the usual group of people coming down to my home and making threats. Luckily, my brother was the chief of police and all I had to do was mention it and the groups moved on.

I came home from work at the construction site beat from the long day of welding. I grumbled and sat down still in my overalls my flannel shirt opened slightly. I pulled off my gloves and looked at the hole where I had placed my hand on a red-hot piece of steel. My hand wrapped in a bandage making me grumble. "Afternoon," Gabriel stepped into the room his arm recently out of a cast. He smiled at me and I looked up at him. "Aw your hurt," He noticed my hand. "Yeah welding accident," I explained and he reached over grabbing my hand and looking it over. "Can I?" He asked and I nodded.

He slowly removed my bandage and stared at my large burn. "Oh, ouch, hold still," He moved out of the room and came back with a first aid kit. Pulling a burn cream from the box he put it on my hand making me take in a sharp gasp. "Sorry, just hold still," He laughed a little. He rubbed it gently in the wound and put on a new bandage. "Thanks," I smirked and he nodded. He quickly got up, moved over, and grabbed a bag of chips sitting down next to me. "Why you home so early?" He opened the bag and munched on the chips. "Well I got off early," I grabbed a pop off the counter.

The door opened slowly and we looked over seeing Charles the young bull. He slammed the door behind him and rushed upstairs. He limped the whole way prompting me to stand up. I followed him to his room. "Charles? You ok?" Suddenly the door slammed in my face. I blinked blindly and reached down turning the knob slowly. "Charles?" I stepped in seeing him sitting on the side of his bed. Tears streamed down his cheek slowly as he stared at the floor. I moved over and sat next to him. His muscles shivered and I looked him open. A bloodstain on his shirt and his nose bleed a little. A large bruise on the back of his head making me concerned.

"I got beat up..." He sniffled and wiped his bloody nose. "Oh I'm sorry, here lets get you cleaned up," I stood up and he followed me into his room. I sat the lid down and sat on the toilet. He sat on the side of the tub and I grabbed a wet rag. "Ok off with the shirt," I spoke and he pulled his shirt up and off. Large bruises were visible under his fur. I began wiping them slowly; he flinched with every single tiny touch. I turned his around seeing a few small claw marks on his back. I dabbed them with the rag and they stopped bleeding. "Ok those are good," I turned him hearing him sniffling.

"Why are people so stupid," He closed his eyes tightly and I moved him down so he sat on his knees. I looked at his face seeing he was ok. "Blow," I wiped his nose and he blew getting all the free blood out of his nose. "There we go your ok, now your horns aren't cracked, but this bump worries me, all I need is for you to have a concussion...would you mind if I sat down here and kept an eye on you?" I asked. He nodded and wiped his face. "Anything below the belt?" I asked and he cringed nodding. "Ok boy let me see, don't be bashful you don't have anything I've never seen," I leaned back.

He stepped back and slowly pulled of his jeans and boxers. Like I said, there was nothing I haven't seen. An average bull, noting amazing but still having a bull shape. "Ok now lets take a look," He moved his hands. He had long scratches on a lot of his lower body. I wiped each of them making sure each of them was cleaned. "Um...could you?" He clenched and I looked up at him. "Before I go anywhere near that please tell me what happened," I looked up at him. He explained that while he was coming home a large group of guys grabbed him at the top of the street. They force him down scratching him and punching him. One forced an object into his rectum and he didn't know what it was. "Ok ok, I'll check," He put his hands on the wall and leaned forward slightly. I check him finding that he wasn't torn, no blood, no signs of damage. "It just stings," He looked back. "Well I guess they didn't use anything sharp," I leaned back and he turned around.

"You'll be ok," I smiled and he smiled back. He got dressed in some new cloths and looked back in at me. "Um...Sir? Would you mind if I called you...Dad?" he peeked in at me. "Why would you want to do that?" I smiled and tossed the rag into the cloths hamper. "You treat me better than my real dad ever did," He looked at me and I patted his back. "Alright I got no problem with it, I'll go change then I'm gonna sit here and watch you tonight just to be sure your ok," I moved out of the room. "Is Charles ok?" David asked as I walked past. "Yes he's fine," I turned up the steps. "Are you positive?" He asked. "Yes David," I entered my room.

When I came back downstairs seeing the small group looking at me. "Ok boys, Charles is fine; He got beat up and that's about it, now he didn't know any of them, I'll call the cops tomorrow, and now go about your business," I sighed. They all nodded and I moved into the room Charles was already in bed balled snoring softly. I moved over and sat next to him running my hand along his arms. I sat down in a chair and watched his TV periodically looking over at him. I admit I soon dozed off myself a long day of work knocks a man out faster than a baseball bat.

While I was out Charles woke from his slumber slowly. He looked up at me with tired eyes. "Thank you," He reached over clasping his hand in mine. Instinctively I gripped it and he pulled himself over setting his forehead up against me. I yawned and slid my arm around him letting it rest on his back softly. "Good boy," I spoke in my sleep and he looked up at me. "If only," he whispered and I let out a loud snore. That tiny voice instantly woke me up and I snapped out of it. "What?" I sat up and yawned to myself.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked and I shook my head no. "No I was just resting my eyes," He yawned softly and leaned back. "You feel any better?" I asked and he nodded. "I feel much better dad," He let out a small yawn into my side. I looked down at him a little amazed and he smiled up at me. I patted his back and watched TV the rest of the night, the bump slowly fading away. The sun began to rise and I moved to stand up but he held me tighter. "What's wrong?" I asked and he shivered slightly against me. "Please don't leave me...I couldn't...I can't lose the closet thing I have to a dad," he started to cry into my side. "I'm no going anywhere," I spoke and suddenly he grabbed me through my pants. It was an odd almost unwanted sensation. I pulled away a little and he held tighter. "Please I'll do anything to keep you here next to me," he started to run his hand up and down my member.

"I'm not like that...I," He gripped me tighter and I let out a surprising gasp. His hand softly rubbed me. I was completely stuck in my own skin, my mind screamed for me to move away but my second head begged me to hold still. Instinct and sense slammed against one another inside my mind clashing terribly forcing each other for control. However, in their stalemate I stood forced to hold still as my hardening member was stroke through my pants. Roughly, the hand on my member pumped faster.

A small wet spot formed from the drooling head of my cock. This only increased his intention to force me to orgasm in my pants. I stopped my hoof feeling the sensation build in my loins. He held tightly and whispered gently to me. "Please...cum for me, show me I can do something right daddy," He closed his eyes and I let out a soft groan. Suddenly I exploded into my pants. The spot growing bigger and the thick white substance seeped through the fabric. I fell back in the chair gasping lightly. He cried against me knowing what he just did was wrong. I hugged him lightly and he tried to push away but I refused.

He wasn't bad or sex crazed. He just didn't know how to treat someone who cared about him. No one in his life treated him like a real person. From what I knew, his father treated him like an alien. His mother treated him like an abomination. The group at the church treated him as if he was the spawn of Satan. This is what he seriously thought would make me like him like a son. "Your ok," I patted his back. "You're...not mad?" He asked and I nodded. He stared up at me intently and slowly he moved up. I couldn't pull back and he softly kissed my lips. I shivered unable to close my eyes as he pressed up against me. He pulled back and I stared at him gulping slightly.

To be continued -

(Comments are appreciated)