Erotic Tournament (Part 1)

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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(This first book starts a new series based on the adventure based systems of Gideon's "Lands of Luste". If you like it feel free to comment.)

His white fur shined easily in the lighting of this locker room. Each line of fur bent to show off more and more of his heavily muscular body. An easy lean back and he'd feel his back loosen with a good long stretch. Those pitch black eyes turned to look around the room, it wasn't simply the pupil and the iris that was black, but then entire eye. Usually eyes reflected some form of gleam, but his didn't, they stayed at a stagnant black. His body alone had already caught the eyes of some of the competitors here. Beyond anyone was a lovely tigress sitting right across from him on the other side of the doorway. She gave a nice smirk to the thick furred, canine wolf. Wolf turned his eyes around the room to see who else was here.

What he saw was a nice little wolfess. Her gray fur was enough to draw his attention at first, but after that there wasn't much to really focus on. At least not while she sat beside the black equine. This one seemed far different than horses he'd seen in the past, this one had glowing red eyes and a long black horn reaching in a spiral from the top of her head. Wolf knew a bit about regular anthromorphs, but when it came to mythos he didn't know too much at all. The next was a little vixen sitting in a corner by herself. She did say much, or even seem interested in being here. From what Wolf could gather someone probably forced her into the fights for training or some other BS that goes around these rings. Those pitch blacks turned more and found a white squirrel sitting down near him, it wasn't her that he noticed as much as it was her gracious breasts. The tigress had a nice pair and the equine was expected to considering her racial size, but these things were huge. A male raccoon caught his attention he was eyeing Wolf with some intent, probably prepping himself for the fight and focusing one what looked to be the toughest person in the room. The last was a buck with a full set of horns. Obviously having he experience from being here before this male deer was expecting to be a contender in this place.

It didn't take long for the announcer to come over the loud speaker, which unfortunately reached here in the locker room. He'd give his long winded speech, something about "Here today" and "A great set of matches", it was really hard to focus on anything he was saying with the echo from the arena cutting off anything he was spitting out. The only thing that this canine needed to listen to was the sound of the his own name and the cheer calling out loudly to him. Everyone looked around slowly to see who among them would answer the call, with his given name matching what he was it didn't take anyone more than a few seconds to realize it was Wolf. Standing slowly he'd smile to his group and nod to them before heading out to the ring.

Wolf was hit suddenly by the bright stage lights of the arena. These lights made his fur glow brightly thanks to the pale color that they already possessed. With a lift of his arm he'd guard his eyes from the bright light and make his easy and fast approach to the ring. A grip on the middle ropes would allow him to pull himself over easily and stand on this elevated platform for all to look over his strong body. Finding himself a corner to call his territory he'd wait for the other to come out and join him. It was only to his surprise when he heard the name of Susanna being called and soon after the shape of the female wolf arriving from backstage. She only smiled to him when she came out, her hips swaying easily displaying for her canine counterpart and the crowd the assets that she had been hiding back in the locker room.

Finally her approach to the ring ends when she enters it and finds her corner. Her back to the massive wolf to shake her delicious tail at him one more time before the bell tolls and she quickly spins around. Wolf didn't know what to expect from this at this point. It was Susanna that made the first attack with a fast rush that cleared the length of ring in but half a second. Wolf put up a fast guard over his chest, but found to his surprise that she'd taken the low road. With her wolven hand wrapped around his thick sheath the canine gasped lightly before moving his knee out for a harsh kick to her side. This would have gained him more satisfying distance had she not released him and planted her hands on his knee to lunge away from him.

She would only land half way up the stage before bounding her way back to him, not wanting to give this massive wolf even a second of breathing room. This time she jumped at him and swung herself to launch the heel of her foot at the side of his head. Wolf would simply lift his arm to defend this and jerk her leg out to the side. With her ankle in his grasp her speed advantage had been cut off entirely. With her other leg arching it's way up to join the first in attack the canine had no problem catching this one too. This was only part of her plan when she started landing her hard punches to the side and front of his head. Wolf wouldn't let go of her, not at this point. Pulling her legs low he'd put her into the perfect position to land a good and firm headbutt drawing a harsh yip from the girl. With her dazed the strong canine wasted no time and turning himself around and bending her at her knees where he could continue to grip her ankles and keep her front pressed against the turnbuckles. Their height difference was made apparent when she finally came out of her daze and found that she couldn't even manage to reach the mat despite his body pressing hers into the corner of the ring. Those legs were spread easily and her tail simply nudged to the side to open those sweet cunny lips to his already dripping maw.

The large wolf moved his snout down easily against her hot slit giving a long and thorough lick for a sample taste while she struggled and moaned under him. That tongue dived into her ripping another hot moan from the girl while her hands gripped the bottom rope for support. It started with just a dry taste, but soon the taste changed to include a delicious wetness. The scent of the girl followed making him only want more of her while she gasped out for mercy. It wasn't long before her hips were gyrating with his licks, working to bury his muzzle as deep into her as he could while his tongue did it's work for her. Those moans finally shaking with the rest of his body and drawing into a long and deep cry while she reached her orgasm and flashes from cameras caught every second of her defeat. With the taste of her cum still fresh on his lips the large wolf released her and left her panting on the mat while the ref simply lifted his arm in victory. Wolf looked to her, but would allow her to pick herself up while he made his way to the backstage area.

He'd arrive back stage to find the white squirrel clapping her hands for him as well as the tigress who was only sitting there smirking to him again. The other fighters were watched him thanks to his display of strength and battle skills in the ring, but the equine only crossed her arms and turned her head away from him. Wolf hadn't joined this competition to impress anyone and instead of speaking out to the rest of them he'd reclaim his seat while the female wolf staggered her way into the locker room and towards the showers.

"You did really good out there. I'm impressed." the squirrel would say to him, but receive no response before the announcer started his echoing speech up again.

When the name simply known as "The Vixen" came up wolf turned his head to the female fox who was still sitting in her corner. With a quick movement she'd stand and ready herself for her fight by leaving the backstage area. It was only half a minute later that the other name would be called. Someone by the name of "Domina". Wolf turned his view to the tigress expecting someone exotic like her to have such a fancy name. What Wolf didn't know was that there was someone even more exotic here and as the nightmare rose from her seat the large canine's attention was drawn to her. She'd look at him with that stern and serious glance before heading out towards the ring.