Rodentine Rapture II

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#34 of Shattered Shards

Rodentine Rapture II

By Von Krieger

Cassandra sat bolt upright in bed, panting. She'd lost track of time again. The moment she stepped into the hot tub to the moment she'd awoken in bed was a completely blur. But for the first time in weeks she'd woken up feeling sexually satisfied and not covered in sweat and cum. Sure she had a bit of a hard on, but that was supposed to be normal for those with that particular piece of anatomy.

She felt well rested, alert, and quite pleasant, oddly enough. It seemed that the previous evening she'd managed to find the amount of sex that her body was considering 'normal' and thus awoke without the overwhelming, uncomfortable, but still quite fun lust that had been her constant companion every morning for the last few weeks. She found she almost missed it, though then again just because her body wasn't demanding immediate sexual gratification didn't mean she couldn't caress her wonderful cock anyway.

Cassie reached beneath the covers, curling her hand around her shaft, only to gasp in pleasure as her touch excited sensations more intense than she'd expected. She tossed the bedclothes aside and gaped in awe at the sight of her shaft. It had doubled in size since she'd last seen it. It was absolutely insane; perhaps two feet in length, it reached from her loins, over her belly, and it seemed that she'd also gained the other aspect of the male anatomy. She had a pair of balls the size of grapefruits.

And on the topic of fruits, how about those melons? Cassie's cock wasn't the only thing that had grown; her tits were absolutely massive. They rivaled of the knockers she'd seen on one of those specialty starlets in one of the pornos she'd watch the previous evening.

"Daaaaaaamn," she whispered, drawing out the word with awe. She reached up and gave one a squeeze, a shiver coursing through her body. Wonderfully soft and sensitive, it made her moan with delight. She was of half a mind to call and cancel the doctor appointment if this was what she was going to walk around with from here on out. She didn't care if no one else could see her awesome assets; they felt so much fun to have, even if they were only delusions of her over-stressed mind.

Would they be even bigger tomorrow? Cassie wasn't sure if having them bigger still would be something wonderful or something terrible. She was almost positive that her cock would be unable to fit in just about anyone, and she was going to have trouble dealing with her massive hooters as it was. But then again, if it wasn't quite real, she wouldn't actually HAVE to deal with clothes.

She sighed happily and lay back on her bed. Cassie felt so comfortable in her hidden apartment. It was warm, and the scent of sex filled the air. It was too bad she didn't have anyone to share it with, but she didn't feel comfortable letting just anyone into her place. Plus all the ways in were really, really weird.

The thought crossed her mind that she didn't know her hidden space as well as she ought, as she'd never taken a look at where the exits from the other apartments lead. They were pretty much the mirror image of her home; one door in the living room that seemed to lead to a closet, but hers lead into the supply room of her office, and a sliding door out to a presumed balcony that was instead blocked off by something just a few feet beyond.

She checked the clock at her bedside. She had a good two hours before she needed to go into work; more than enough time to see where the other exits from her hidden realm lead. Without her paying attention to it, her hard-on softened as Cassie browsed through her clothes, looking for something comfortable to wear despite her altered anatomy. A bra was completely out of the question, and none of her shirts were going to fit. But thankfully she had a few shirts left behind by a past boyfriend. Even though they were meant for a much larger frame, the plain black T she'd donned left a goodly portion of Cassie's midriff exposed. There was barely enough fabric to cover her plentiful breasts, but it did indeed cover them, and in a quite comfortable manner. The lack of support from a bra didn't cause the slightest bit of discomfort. In fact she felt rather good going without, it felt more natural, more fun, and more erotic.

It looked ridiculous to put on a pair of panties over her impressive manhood, but Cassie did so anyway, giggling as she did so. The panties weren't for modesty's sake, but were more because it amused Cassie. The simple white and blue striped thong would barely even cover one of her balls. But still, Cassie figured she might as well put them on, since her cock was somewhat of a fiction, after all.

Completing the outfit were a pair of simple, loose athletic shorts. Typically they were tied off so that Cassie had quite a lot of laces left, but oddly when she tied the knot to secure the shorts at a comfortable tightness, she had about half as much as she was supposed to. In addition the shorts didn't seem to be quite as loose as she recalled. The clung to her hips, butt, and groin, showing that she sported a hefty bulge between her legs.

Thankfully her shoes fit, but just barely. It would probably be a good idea to go shopping after work, picking up a few things. Not too far off from what her real sizes were with enough extra to be comfortable and cover what she needed, but without displaying her little mental malady to the rest of the world. She'd probably look absolutely ridiculous if she tried to buy clothes that went along with her imagined body.

Cassie slipped a flashlight into one of the pockets on her shorts. She grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen and munched on it as she walked next door. As she passed the bathroom, she paused for a moment. As best she could tell, the four apartments were the same size. But the bathroom was nestled between the two across the hall from Cassie's apartment. If that was correct, there ought to be something that filled the same space as the bathroom, but there was no door on the opposing wall, just the same paneling, wallpaper, and light fixtures that decorated the hallway wall. It would be something to investigate later.

The very idea made glee flutter in her chest; she loved exploring like this. How had she ever been afraid of this place, and why had she bothered tossing a thousand dollars a month down a hole paying for a place to live when she could've been living here for free? Everything was much nicer here, all the hot water in the shower that she wanted, no noisy neighbors, no one to complain about her lustful moans in the night. She could cry out and cum in her sleep however she wanted, without having to worry about some bigoted old bat thinking she was sneaking another woman into her apartment.

She started with the apartment next door; it was a bit more spartan than her own, with mismatched furniture, shelves that were kludged together, and more beds than bedrooms. It looked like five or six people were sharing the two bedroom apartment, and had accommodations for a few more to stay over. The sofa and two loveseats all folded out into beds; there were two air mattresses in a closet, and a fold-up rollaway bed in each of the bedrooms in addition to the main bed. The bedroom closets lacked doors, and were almost filled to bursting with clothes. Probably not her size, but it wouldn't hurt to look later on. Her curiosity piqued, Cassie found herself giving the apartment a good looking over before finding out where its exits led. The books on the shelves were mostly of a textbook nature, medicine and biology, mostly. Med school students had used the apartment, it seemed. That would explain why there had been so many of them living in here once upon a time. It was a good way to cut costs.

There was some nice cookware in the kitchen; Cassie had already snatched up a few pieces when she'd first gone over the apartments, looking for smallish things to take back to her own place. If she ever got time enough to cook for herself she'd pop over and take a few things. This was her place now, and the pots, the pans, the crock pot, everything belonged to her. She'd been a bit superstitious earlier. But things had worked out for the best. The hall closet was filled with blankets, and there were some nice, fluffy towels in the bathroom that were better than the ones Cassie had. She made a note to come get them on her way back.

The kitchen cupboards had been mostly empty, but that was no surprise. There hadn't been a speck of food that had been in Central City, or the whole of the CTA, that had gone bad because of the End. It was divine intervention, some said. It was strange at first, all the houses that were looked in during the initial drives to find food had fresh foodstuffs located within. But those that were explored later on lacked anything that would rot. Even now people were opening up places that had been undisturbed since the End, and aside from a few cans, most were empty of food. It was like some higher power had gone through and made sure that every building the CTA would be a nice place to live, even years down the line. Trash cans were empty, there were no mummified house pets; there wasn't even anything repugnant floating in the toilet bowls.

Some people attributed it to God. Cassie didn't think that was the case. Whatever power stitched together central city, it seemed to leave little things hidden for people who had their eyes open, like her little pocket of apartments that shouldn't be in an office building that were connected to other places. It seemed driven by an intelligence that was more... mischievous and curious. Especially if you added strange things like Cassie's slowly growing levels of arousal, her copious self-pleasure while asleep, and her alterations. It seemed more like something with a great deal of power, and a sense of humor toying with humanity.

Thinking more on the matter as she searched, Cassie opened the living room closet, her flashlight beam piecing the darkness of the hallway beyond. She'd opened the door before, but only to replace the lock. She knew that a tiled hallway lay beyond it, but not what the hallway was attached to. The door itself was a normal door, with a small plaque that read "Auxiliary Access" placed on it at general eye-height. It was something that no one would pay any attention to, but also something that no one would need to go into. Cassie picked a direction, finding a few offices, but it didn't smell like an office. The hallway led out into a reception desk, situated in a bigger hallway. The sign above it read "Nursing Station." But all the lights were off, and it was silent as a tomb. The hospital wasn't at all active. A check of the patient rooms found that they were all made up quite nicely, not a single patient, corpse, or brain-eating zombie in residence. Cassie entered one and made her way to the window, the light of the near-full moon illuminating the city streets below. Though Cassie could see buildings, she didn't see any lights. Not a single illuminated window or the headlights of a car. Perhaps a section of unused city that lacked people, put away for use some time in the future? Cassie didn't feel any sort of ominous chill, or anything that would indicate danger, just a sense of isolation and loneliness. There was a whole city out there to poke around in and explore if she wanted.

On her way out she flipped the switch on the wall, finding that the light came on when she did so. Odd that an abandoned city was getting power from somewhere; it made her feel all the more like someone was playing games with the bits of the United States that had become the CTA. Apparently you didn't need to have a manned power plant to get power, yet there hadn't been any in Central City until they'd sent technicians to flip the "send out power" switch in the nuclear plant. Or at least that's what Cassie assumed.

She left the light on, presuming that if the exits from the med student apartment were like her own, the balcony door would lead out onto someplace near the hospital. She'd come right back and turn it off once she'd figured out where the sliding door lead.

A minute later Cassie found herself pushing open a section of brick wall, actually on a balcony. She was across the street from the hospital, with the entire parking lot between this building and that one. With the molded plastic chairs and the grill, Cassie assumed it was an apartment building. She could see the light she'd left on, the only one in the large, nine-story building, about halfway up. She took a few steps and peered into the sliding glass door of the apartment. It was identical to the one she'd just left, down to the green and tan wallpaper and the three mismatched hide-a-beds. Apparently the apartment had been copied from an actual location.

That made sense. Central City hadn't had bits and pieces scooped up from all over and brought together. Rather it was made up of pieces copied and pasted from reality, and the people and animals brought over during the thunderous uproar and the incredible disorientation that had knocked those that were awake unconscious.

The balcony door was unlocked and slid aside easily. Cassie wondered if the apartments within were also copied to make her little section. She walked through the apartment, opened the front door (also unlocked), stepped out into the hallway, and opened the opposing door. Much to Cassie's disappointment she found that it was a completely different apartment. It looked like it belonged to a family, what with the scattering of toys across the floor. Unlike the four-pack of apartments she'd stumbled across, these lacked the coat of dust that came with years of disuse. So something was keeping this place nice and pristine.

Cassandra closed the door behind her and checked the rest of the doors. Though the bathroom's layout was the same, the coloration was different. This one had dark green accents to the tiles and pale green fixtures amongst the white. Her own was much the same, but in navy and baby blue. The other two apartments were also different. But the one oddity that stood out was the door across from the restroom, which lead to a mix of janitor's closet and laundry room, sporting a pair of washing machines and matching dryers.

That was just about the only thing Cassie needed that her hidey hole didn't have, she'd been going to the laundromat once a week. From now on she could easily use these. The thought made her grin; there was even plenty of detergent and dryer sheets as well. Yay freebies!

Cassie hummed to herself happily, snatching an armful of nice, fluffy towels out of the med student apartment and slipped back inside her secret passage, making sure to close the false wall, and lock the sliding door behind her. It was on fetching the second load of towels, which were still present in 'her' version of the med student apartment that she noticed that with all her extra poking around in the hospital and the apartments, that a little over ninety minutes had passed.

"I guess I'll have to save the other two for after work," Cassie said with a sigh, reluctantly getting dressed for the busy day ahead of her.


The meeting was just as boring and pointless as it had been the previous day. They'd gotten past the flinging of buzzwords, and were now onto the topic of whether or not 'color' should be spelled with a U. Hours were going to be spent discussing the matter, not to mention the man hours thrown down a hole in researching the issue.

Cassie was bored as hell, and recalling what she had done the previous day, a grin spread across her face. It was time to see how mischievous she could be, to see if her hunch about the way things worked was correct. With a giggle she tore open her blouse, the buttons clattering across the table. The noise drew some attention, and a few helpful individuals picked up the buttons and handed them to her, but no one noticed the huge pair of tits that had been bared in the process.

She slipped off her suit coat and pulled open her blouse, bringing a massive breast upwards, her tongue tracing over her nipple. She didn't even get a second glance. Gods, she felt so good. The thought of a public performance for her co-workers had gotten the blood rushing to her loins, but the gentle caress of tongue upon nipple made her fully erect in no time. She leaned back in her chair, propping her feet up on the table, still not drawing the slightest stray look as she tugged up her skirt and freed her erection from its panty and pantyhose prison. It was absolutely perfect, so big and thick, its length was enough to nestle up between her tits most of the time, and if she bent a little bit, Cassie could take it into her mouth. That would be something to try later, right now all she wanted to do was to make a big, sticky mess all over the conference table.

She giggled again and climbed up atop the table. Her colleagues absently shifted their papers out of her way, but paid her no attention, even though they were totally and utterly bored by the meeting. Well, most were, there were a few that seemed to relish the opportunity to present pros and cons over the presence or absence of a single letter. Someone droned on about how they were encountering more outsiders with accents, so eventually the U spelling might be the one that comes into common usage... blah blah blah.

Cassie lay back on the table, bucking her hips as she titty-fucked herself. Her shaft produced more than enough lubrication to make it possible. Mmm... it had such a wonderful, sweet taste to it. She turned her head, her gaze locked onto the sexy secretary and her wonderful cleavage. Should she try and have a bit of fun with her? Would the others notice? Would Eve? Even though she was being ravished by the thickest cock she'd ever taken in her life (probably), would she still not realize what was going on?

More mischievous thoughts crossed Cassie's mind. Coating the table didn't sound as fun as coating the sexy, slutty secretary with what passed for her seed. For some reason it was still clear and translucent, despite the fact that she had a pair of balls between her legs the size of small melons.

Her body rewarded this course of thought with a warm flush that sent her pleasure soaring. This was what she was supposed to be doing; this is what was intended to be done with the bits and pieces yanked out of reality. Screwing around with the willfully ignorant and the mindless office drones. Cassie's cock was mere inches from Eve's cleavage, and she didn't even notice.

Cassie moaned, a thick jet of precum gushing forth from her cock, splattering Eve's face and breasts. She blinked a few times in confusion and dipped a hand in the stuff, looking at it, and then up at the ceiling to see if the fire sprinklers had gone off again. The look on her face was priceless; her gape-jawed confusion sent a delicious thrill through Cassie's loins.

Just keep your mouth open, Cassie thought to herself. Keep it open, and open wide.

Cassie pumped her shaft frantically with both hands; she was seriously considering canceling the doctor's appointment. It was so much fun to have this wonderful organ, to be able to perform such wonderfully deviant acts, to make such big messes, but without anyone noticing. There would be no way for her to get caught.

She let out such a wonderful, loud cry of pleasure, it was enough to make some of the drones look confused, but they didn't associate it with her. A virtual tidal wave of cum leapt from Cassie's cock, completely drenching Eve from head to toe. She swallowed involuntarily, getting a mouthful of Cassie's cum right down her throat. Cassie could hear her panting, she watched as the secretary's fingers twitched, trying to roam to her loins and breasts on their own, but she managed to resist them with great will power. Everyone was looking at Eve now, dripping wet. The president sighed, "Lovely, now we're going to have to get the entire sprinkler system looked at," he grumbled. "We'll continue this discussion by e-mail, then reconvene on Friday to summarize the discussion and see if things need to go further."

Eve was virtually clinging to her boss. "I... I need you, now!" she whispered, loud enough for the entire meeting room to hear.

"Meeting adjourned!" the president said, waving off his staff.

Cassie had a grin from ear to ear as she walked from the room. She stuffed her leaking cock back into her under garments and took the time to wipe the mess on her hand onto the neck of the vice president of accounting. The woman shivered and let out a soft moan, darting across the hall to the women's restroom and locking herself inside.

Her cum was an incredible aphrodisiac. Awesome.

She strode down the hall proudly, enjoying the freedom of being, essentially, naked from the waist up. She'd left her suit coat behind since she didn't really need it. It wasn't required by the dress code, and she wore it more out of habit than out of comfort. The only thing it would do for her is keep some of the chill off her if she went outside, but since she didn't have to leave the building to go home it didn't matter.

She fondled herself in the elevator, almost purring as she ran her hands over her breasts. Considering she'd just seen other people affected by her juices, which were produced in an unnatural amount, Cassie was rather sure that her changes were somewhat real. You couldn't have boobies or a cock more than double in size over night, especially without some source of caloric intake, or something. And not only that, but Cassie was growing. She'd gained at least four or five inches in height in the past month, and her build was bulking up a bit, but in a solid way, not in a flabby way. Originally Cassie had thought that her newly acquired muscle tone was from all the movement she made while playing with herself at night while she slept, but instead it seemed to be driven by the very same changes that were altering her body in a sexual way.

She paused by the technical manual shelves as she realized she wasn't just being physically altered. The longer things progressed, the more she changed, the more her desires and fantasies shifted towards her own gender. Well... her former gender, she was technically male, she supposed. Her thoughts had long since drifted in that direction, with idle fantasies of what she wanted to do to the cuties amongst her co-workers filling her mind as she sat at her desk. She'd even blown a load all over the boss' sexy secretary. It wasn't like her at all. But it felt GOOD. It felt better than anything she'd ever done before. She enjoyed it, reveled in it. She loved the new Cassandra in both mind and body. She wasn't going to give this up just to go back to a normal, mundane, boring life. She was going to take advantage of her altered world to the best of her ability.

Cassandra drew in a deep breath, delighting in how it made her nipples rub against the fabric of her blouse. Something caught her gaze out of the corner of her eye. She turned to the shelf of technical manuals, each in its own black three-ring-binder, each one labeled meticulously. But amidst the plastic binders, there was something that didn't belong. It was black like the binders, it had the same shape, it was also labeled, but it looked more like a massive tome than a proper binder.

"The Transubstantiation of Subservient Man," Cassie read the title and author aloud. Her curiosity piqued, she tugged the thick book off the shelf and returned to her desk. She had expected it to be some rambling philosophical text on some sort of societal issue, but instead it seemed to be something odd, something interesting. It was all about seduction, about subsuming the will of others and replacing it with your own.

It was weird, strange, and was filled with references about magic and strange rituals to further bind one's servants further to one's self, as well as altering them to be more pleasing in body and more skilled at defending their master with sword and sorcery. The more Cassie read, the more engrossed she became in the book. Somewhere along the line she had absently begun to stroke herself, a thick pool of precum forming beneath her.

Her chair made a wet, sticky sound as she pushed back from the desk, blinking as if recovering from a daze. Only the sound of the late night janitorial crew and their vacuum cleaners had broken Cassie from her reading trance. Odd, she had only meant to flip through, reading a couple pages here and there. She realized with a bit of a shock that she'd absently been tracing one of the diagrams she'd seen in the book over her body, on her breasts and shaft. The flesh seemed to glow where she'd drawn the design in her own lubrication.

She flipped back to the ritual, finding it in an instant, seemingly out of instinct. Mistress' Mark was what it was called. It was used to grant traits belonging to the ritual caster upon those she'd marked as her own. It was, in fact, one of the easiest things to do in the book, as all the items required were easily provided. You needed essence of the Mistress, an item belonging to the thrall to have marked the thrall as yours in some way, and the book itself.

Apparently the tome was in and of itself a battery of magical power, and a key to using the spells and techniques within for an amateur magic user. The spell seemed simple enough, drawing the geometric shape shown in the book on whatever feature of hers she wished to utilize to 'make a mark' upon her potential thrall's body. Cassie grinned at the thought of making Eve her thrall, having the sexy 'secretary' as her own sex toy when she wasn't in the company of her boss.

She licked her lips as she thought of Eve's own wrapped around her tremendous member, her platinum blonde hair loosened from its tight bun and spread over Cassie's bed, the way Eve would moan and pant as Cassie introduced her to the wonders of her brand new cock.

Cassie couldn't help it; she wasn't absently playing with herself anymore, she was fully jerking herself off now. She was bent over the desk, seated in her chair, bucking and grinding against the underside. She couldn't stop herself from repeating the simple incantation, her mouth and tongue forming syllables that she didn't recognize, but seemed to subconsciously know the meaning of. With each repetition the glow of the drawings on her flesh intensified, the hued shifting from a dull blue up the spectrum to green, then yellow, then orange.

By the time she felt her climax coming, the light was an intense, hellish red. With a strange cry parting from her as she spoke the final syllable of the incantation, something gave way within her. Cassie arched her back violently, an incredible torrent of cum spewing from her member, splattering against the underside of the desk and all over her legs. Wherever the translucent, slimy fluid touched her, it began to glow purplish, while that that struck the desk turned red.

"W-wait..." Cassie panted, breathless, "What did I just d..." her words were cut off by and incredible surge of pleasure from her midsection. She found her hands clasped against her middle, just below her breasts, her fingers seeking out strangely rubbery spots, tracing and caressing over them. She slumped back in her chair and moaned as her flesh began to inflate, slowly swelling outward around the round, rubbery patches. A shiver went through her as her skin shifted, beginning to add detail to her new nipples. "Oh... oh shit..." she murmured, cupping the new pair of rapidly growing breasts that adorned her body. In less than a minute they were equal with her original pair, as large and ridiculous as they were.

Cassie winced as she realized that she had just cast the Mark upon herself, what with her climaxing, thus coating the targeting item with her 'essence' as it were, the item being the desk she'd sat at for years.

Though they were not expected, Cassie found that her new additions were not at all unwanted. She rather liked them, their comforting, pleasurable weight upon her middle, the way she could place her cock between all four breasts, making a wonderful tunnel of tit for her cum-slicked shaft to slide through.

She giggled; it wasn't like anyone around her was going to notice the oddity. Thankfully she hadn't gained a second cock, as a matter of fact the design she'd drawn upon it was still glowing; having gone back to the original blue-silver shade of light it had been at the start. Apparently she'd invoked two castings of the spell. She was going to have to go upstairs and snag something of Eve's to jack off on. Not that she had a problem with that.

In fact she found herself thrilled with the prospect of breaking into the secretary's office. It seemed wonderful and exciting to do, slinking around in the dark, sneaking into places unnoticed.

As she put a pen in place to mark the ritual in the book Cassie noticed that there was an odd mist upon the floor. As she watched it appeared that her cum was evaporating, dispersing into the air, leaving only a pleasant, decidedly sexual scent behind. She giggled again at the thought of cumming all over her boss's office, and him coming in the next morning being none the wiser about the mess that had been there a few hours before.

Cassie was so aroused by these thoughts she could barely keep her hands off herself. She drew in a few deep breaths. Her erection remained annoyingly at full mast, and Cassie couldn't help but moan when it rubbed against her tits, but she quickly learned to deal with the pleasure as she walked with her new assets. Running up the stairs, however, was something that she was incapable of dealing with, having to stop at the top of each flight to calm herself.

"Damnit, if it feels this good, I think I just might take up jogging," Cassie said with a chuckle. In the dim light of the stairwell she looked over her altered form; wonderful sexy, beautiful, and still changing. The clothes she had picked out earlier in the day were nearing uncomfortable tightness upon her body. She was still growing, still becoming more toned, fit, and athletic. Admiring her reflection in the darkened glass of a window Cassie though that she could see the beginnings of a six pack upon her tummy.

"I just keep getting sexier and sexier..." she whispered to herself, awed, "D... do I really want this to stop?" she asked herself, reaching out a hand to her reflection, finding that she wanted to reach through the glass, seize her reflected double, and make out with her. How much fun would it be to have someone else like her to share in the fun?

The thought snapped Cassie out of her self-admirative trance; after all, just another few floors and she'd be able to start someone down the same road she was traveling. Mmm... and maybe there were a few other spells in the book that she could put to good use on Eve. She wasn't particularly bright, nor did she do much thinking for herself. Cassie knew from what she read that Eve would not only be happy, but positively ecstatic about being made into her thrall. After all, she was pretty much that to Cassie's boss, and the sexy shemale knew that the moment Eve experienced the wonders of a body like hers; she'd never want to go back to being her old self.

Sure as hell Cassie didn't want to. The thought brought a grin to her face as she started up the stairs once again.