Deer and Dragon Transformation

Story by tetsumi on SoFurry

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"Nikki, cut it out!" Rachel said mock-sternly, and pushing her friend's hand away. "This place is creepy enough, and I don't need you making my heart jump out of my chest every 20 seconds." Behind her, Nikki giggled quietly to herself, still smiling at her childhood friend. Rachel turned back down the hallway, and Nikki followed behind her slowly, the smile beginning to fade from her face.

Light shone softly through the bare windows, the dust in the air floating in lazy circles in and out of the pillar of warm light. Beneath their feet the floorboards groaned with age, and even the slightest noises seemed amplified by the bare walls and wooden construction. "I can't believe this is really the home your grandmother grew up in..." Rachel said with a touch of awe. "This place must have been here for almost a hundred years, and it still looks to be pretty well intact." she observed, running her hand gently over the wall. She felt the thick layer of dust under her hand, but beneath that, she could feel the strength of the old wood, still healthy at its core.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. See how the windows are a little warped?" Nikki pointed out as they entered what would have been the dining room, now devoid of furniture or anything but dust.

"Yeah. I think I've seen windows like that in old houses before." Rachel replied.

"I read somewhere that glass is actually a liquid. I think it's called an "amorphous liquid" or something." Nikki pontificated. "Supposedly they warp like that over the years because they're actually dripping kinda." she concluded.

"Huh, learn something new every day, I guess." Rachel said, rather uninterested.

They continued to walk through the house together, moving from room to room. The house was relatively small, at least by today's standards, but it did have a second level. There was absolutely nothing left in the house, just some animal droppings, dust, flecks of plaster from the ceiling, and an occasional beer can. Outside the house, the surrounding forest had reclaimed what would have been the yard, and branches sometimes grew in through windows. Nikki and Rachel had come here together researching a paper they were writing together on American life during the Great Depression of the 1930's. As college juniors, they were taking a sociology class together, and had elected to write their final paper as a group effort between the two of them. Nikki's grandmother had been only a child at the time, but she had grown up very poor in a large family, and they had all lived in this home. She and Rachel continued to stroll through the home in near silence, just taking in their surroundings and reflecting on what they assumed life must have been like back then.

"Do you think these stairs are safe?" Rachel asked, looking at Nikki as she put her hand on the aged wooden bannister.

"Yeah, I guess so." Nikki shrugged. "Just go slow, and if you hear something more than a creak, run like hell!" she said, laughing at her friend. Rachel looked back disapprovingly, clearly not seeing the humor in the situation. "Seriously, I'm sure they're fine. Just try to grab onto something when you fall so you don't end up in the basement." she chided again, giggling a little.

Rachel shot her another look, and began up the stairs warily. "Man, I really don't like this. These kinds of places creep me out anyway, and just thinking about ending up in the basement...all those spiders...God know's what else..." she muttered, moving upward one step at a time. Behind her Nikki creaked up the stairs more confidently.

Eventually they reached the top, and turned to their right down another hallway. Small rooms opened off of the hallway to the left and right, and a darker room loomed at the far end. They glanced into the other room as they passed them, but Rachel headed for the room at the end of the hall. "I guess this was her parent's bedroom." Nikki said as she followed Rachel through the doorway.

"Yeah, you can see where their bed must have stood." Rachel pointed out. From the center of the far wall of the room a section of floorboards were a darker color than the surrounding ones. "The bed must have kept the boards there from fading as much from the sunlight." Rachel explained. "Look how small their bed must have been! It looks like its no bigger than what a twin would be today!" she added, staring at the darker spot.

"Yeah," Nikki agreed, "and I'd bet that the mattress sat directly on the ground if it blocked out that much light completely. There couldn't have been much space for light to get under there."

Rachel walked over to the patch of floorboards and knelt down to look more closely. Nikki looked around the room more and decided to peek into the closet, the only room in the house as of yet that had a door on it. The doorknob stuck a little as she twisted it, and the door had obviously swollen a bit with moisture, as it was hard for her to pull open. When it popped open, she sneezed involuntarily at the rush of dust that was stirred into the air. Waving her hand in front of her face she peered into the tiny closet. "Hey Rach, look at this." she said, crouching down.

"What the hell? That's weird." Rachel said, looking over Nikki's shoulder. Sitting on the floor of the tiny closet was a thick, leather-bound book. As the dust settled and the air began to clear, both girls could see clearly that the book was in pristine condition. "There's no dust on it at all." Rachel observed, bending to look closer at it.

Nikki reached out and picked the book up, standing with it to bring it into better light. "It's warm!" she said, holding the book away from her body a bit, still peering at the cover.

"Warm?" Rachel said, furrowing her brow and turning her head from the book to her friend.

"Yeah, touch it." Nikki said, still staring at the cover of the book. Rachel stretched her hand slowly to the book, and gasped as she touched it.

"Wow..." she said, all kinds of questions whipping through her mind. "Should...should we open it?" she stuttered, still staring at the book. It was very plain looking to the eye. The leather cover was of a very average tone, and there was no writing on it whatsoever. It was maybe 3 inches thick, Rachel guessed, and as Nikki slowly opened the cover, she could hear the spine creak as if it were being opened for the first time.

"What the hell is this?" Rachel asked.

"How should I know? You think it's some kind of family heirloom or something?" Nikki shot back, still holding the book in her outstretched hands.

"There's no writing at all. This is so freaky..." Rachel went on, unperturbed by Nikki's testy remark. Nikki grasped the bulk of the pages in her hand, bending them and letting them flick past one by one, each one as blank as the last. When she reached the end of the book she and Rachel sat staring at the inside of the back cover. A single image, in black and white and very simple looking, was embossed on it. The image showed the outline of an antlered deer standing in a field, while above it a dragon circled through the air.

As Rachel and Nikki looked at the image together, Rachel couldn't help but reach slowly toward the image, as if to run her hand across the embossed lines. Her hand slowly neared the cover, and it seemed as if both girls were holding their breath. The deer flicked its head to the side.

"Shit!" Nikki gasped as she recoiled in fear, dropping the book. Rachel grabbed Nikki's arm as the book slammed the wooden floor, the flat smack of the heavy object seeming to echo off the walls of the empty room. Outside, a crow cawed in the distance.

Both girls looked at each other, breathing heavily, their palms beginning to sweat. "Seriously, what the fuck was that?" said Rachel, still holding her friend's arm, her eyes wide with sudden fright. "Did you see that too?" she added when Nikki just stared back at her. Slowly Nikki nodded her head.

Rachel let go of Nikki's arm and stepped back a bit. Both girls turned to look at the book lying on the ground between them, and froze. It had vanished. "Where the hell is it Nikki?" Rachel asked, the hair at the base of her neck beginning to stand.

Nikki stood rooted to the spot, her gut twisting as she tried to decide whether to run or not. "Ok, we're done here." she said finally, a wry note of sarcasm trailing in her voice as she tried to keep the panic from overtaking her. "Lets just, ah, get the hell out of here." she said, looking at Rachel. Rachel nodded, and they turned to leave the room.

Walking briskly, they passed through the doorway and marched down the hall. As they went, both could feel the panic rising in their minds. Both began to imagine looking behind them and seeing something, anything, staring back at them. Rachel began to become certain that when she turned the corner at the top of the stairs she would see some freaky, pet-semetary-looking deer waiting for them at the bottom of the steps. 'Please, dear God don't let there be...' she thought to herself as she reached the top of the steps and turned the blind corner to descend. She sighed inwardly when there was nothing at the base of the steps but dusty floorboards and their footprints from before.

She stepped lightly down the stairs, moving slower now, Nikki trailing close behind. I don't feel right, Rachel thought, her hand going unconsciously to her stomach. "Whew..." she sighed out loud, in the way someone sighs when a wave of nausea passes over them. She paused a moment before continuing on.

"You ok Rach?" Nikki said, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm cool." Rachel replied, continuing down the stairs. "Just a little woozy I guess. That really freaked me out Nikki. I just want to get out of here."

"I know. Did we really see that? I mean, there's just no way..." Nikki trailed off, not sure how to finish.

Suddenly, as she reached the bottom of the stairs, Rachel doubled over in pain, one hand on her stomach and the other grasping the bannister for support. "What's wrong?" Nikki said in alarm, her friend's face twisted in a grimace of fear and surprise.

Rachel breathed deeply, and let go of the bannister, sitting back on her haunches. "I don't know." she said shortly, between breaths. "Feels like my insides are twisting!"

"Are you ok? What...oh...oh God..." Nikki groaned, doubling over and falling to her hands and knees beside Rachel. She put her head down and tried to breathe, her long, dark hair falling around her face and barely brushing the floor. Beside her, Rachel took a deep breath and leaned back on her hands. She opened her eyes and reached up to pull her blonde hair out of its ponytail. "It's ok Nikki, it'll pass in a second." she said, the twisting in her stomach subsiding.

"God..." Nikki said through gritted teeth, then gasped and twisted to sit back on her hands as Rachel had, her pain dwindling as well. "Jesus, what was that?" she asked, her chest heaving, looking at Rachel. The both sat at the foot of the stairs, breathing deeply as if they had just run a lap around the building.

"I have no idea." Rachel said, looking back at Nikki. Nikki's dark hair flowed in large curls down her shoulders to her brown, crew-neck sweater. She had her sleeves pulled up to her elbows, and her thin arms were splayed behind her on the dusty floorboards. She had pulled her blue-jean clad legs up in front of her to sit almost "Indian" style, with her sneakers tucked under her knees. Beside her, Rachel sat in much the same way, but had her legs splayed in front of her, her right leg cocked sideways and her right foot tucked under her left leg. Both girls breathed deeply, and Rachel's chest heaved slightly under her red, fleece pullover. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders and partly down her back. Her blue jeans fit snugly and her ankles were exposed, her shortie socks poking out of her running shoes.

"Do you feel ok to keep moving?" Nikki asked, beginning to stand.

"Yeah, I guess so." Rachel said, turning and pushing herself up off the floor as well. "I'm just kinda feeling hot now." she added, pinching her eyebrows together again, and plucking at her collar absently. "It doesn't hurt anymore, but I still feel pretty weird. There's definitely something not right." she said, looking at Nikki.

Nikki's eyes were wide, and she wasn't really paying attention to Rachel. Rachel watched Nikki bring her hand up to her chest slowly, rubbing very thoughtfully. Nikki's eyebrows pinched together as well, and she turned to Rachel. "My chest feels really weird. Almost, I don't know, bigger." she said, glancing at Rachel. As she rubbed her chest, Nikki swore she could feel her breasts changing, swelling slowly. It felt already as if her normally full B-cup was a bit tight.

"Holy shit, you're right!" Rachel said, both hands on her own chest. "Mine are definitely growing! What the hell is going on?!" she said, alarmed now.

"I don't know Rachel, I'm scared!" Nikki whined, looking at her friend's growing chest. Beneath her pullover, Nikki could see that Rachel's breasts had started to grow. Nikki had always been a little jealous of Rachel's larger bust, though it had never been more than a cup larger than her own. Now, she could see her friend's fleece pulling tight across her breasts, and Rachel let out a small moan. "Rach, I'm starting to get really hot! I'm sweating now..." she trailed off, reaching down to pull the hem of her sweater over her head. She clutched her sweater to her growing chest with both hands, frightened, and still watched her friend change.

Rachel felt her breasts growing slowly outward, and she was scared. Still, she couldn't deny that it felt good in a way, and she could tell that they were becoming more sensitive as well. She was feeling hot as well, but hadn't come to taking her sweater off yet, she merely unzipped the neck as far as it would go. She clutched her breasts in both hands and wondered what was going on. Glancing at Nikki, she gasped out loud.

"What!?" Nikki said, looking at her friend wide-eyed.

Rachel's mouth gaped open and she pointed at Nikki's head. Nikki reached up in fear and her hands met with something hard. She could feel two bony protrusions sticking out from her forehead. "Oh God Rachel, what the hell!?" she moaned. She could feel them pushing slowly out of her head, and as she ran her hands up and down them, she felt them begin to branch off slightly. "Oh Jesus Rachel, they're antlers! The deer, from the book!" she gasped, looking at Rachel as she continued to explore her new features. Rachel's breasts were swelling out of the neckline of her fleece now, and were stretching the fabric tightly. Nikki could see Rachel's bra peeking out of her pullover now, and she could see that her breasts were beginning to overflow the material. Rachel opened her mouth slightly as new sensations began in her body, and Nikki could see that her canines were elongated and pointed. "You're changing too Rachel. Rachel, I'm scared! What's happening to us?" she whimpered.

Rachel's mind raced as she could feel her body changing all over. Her skin felt dry and was beginning to itch, and the heat continued to build. She could feel her breasts pushing against her taught bra, and her fleece was beginning to tighten across her back. She pulled it over her head and dropped it to the floor, looking down at her expanding breasts. Her flesh now pushed over the edges of her bra, and her nipples were clearly outlined against the fabric. They were becoming more and more sensitive, and she thought she could feel every stitch in her cheaply made bra. She reached behind her and unhooked it, and sighed at the release of pressure. Her breasts hung heavily on her chest, but appeared to be firm, and did not sag. They were easily D cups now, or larger, and her nipples were as thick as her fingertips, standing out from her breasts almost half an inch. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Nikki's bra hit the floor, and she looked up to see her friend had undergone very similar changes. Nikki's breasts were full and rounded, and appeared to be two cup sizes larger than before. She looked to be nearly a D cup herself, though she was likely a large C cup. Nikki's antlers were now nearly a foot long, extending from her forehead straight up, and branching into several points. Nikki was clearly more distraught than Rachel, though she seemed to be holding herself together fairly well.

"Rachel, something's happening to my feet. I can feel them shifting in my shoes! Oh God!" Nikki cried, sobbing a little as she sat on the steps to pry her shoes loose. Rachel could feel something changing in her feet as well, and dropped to the floor to pull her shoes off. She looked up as Nikki shrieked, and saw that Nikki's toes had begun fusing together. As Rachel watched and Nikki cried, her feet elongated slightly, and her toes fused completely into what appeared to be a large hoof. "Jesus Rachel, what are we going to do?" she said, looking at Rachel with expectancy in her eyes.

"I don't know, I guess...holy shit!" Rachel gasped as she finally managed to slip one of her shoes off. She gazed down at a foot with only three toes on it, and what could only be described as a claw protruding from each one. She had to consciously choke back her rising panic as she looked at what used to be her feet. "Nikki, that's not all." she said with dread, looking at her friend. "I can feel something else..." Rachel pushed herself to her knees, and looked over her shoulder.

"Is that...?" Nikki breathed almost inaudibly. She had almost forgotten her own horror as she looked at a lump at the base of her friend's spine.

"God, I think so!" Rachel said, now feeling the panic begin to take hold of her. She sat up straight on her knees and began to fumble with the button on her jeans. "Jesus...!" she said in frustration, finally working the thing loose. She quickly unzipped her fly and pushed her jeans and panties down over her ass in one swift movement. "Oh my God!" she shrieked as she looked over her shoulder to see her tailbone slowly pushing out of the base of her spine. She knelt, frozen in place, as she felt her body shifting. Her new tail pushed slowly out of her spine above her ass and curled into the air behind her. It was thick and muscular, and as it grew in length, it also grew in thickness.

Nikki was awestruck watching her friend's tail extend from her body. As Nikki watched, her own changes continued almost unknown. Rachel's tail grew to nearly 6 feet, and Nikki could see small lumps forming on her friend's shoulder blades as well. As she watched her friend continue to change, she became aware of discomfort in her own tailbone. Something was pushing forcefully against her panties, and she quickly pushed her jeans down to her knees, still sitting on the steps. She looked over her shoulder to see a small tail beginning to grow from just above her ass. As she watched, it grew quickly to nearly 8 inches in length, but remained thin and short. She found that she could move it from side to side slightly, and could wave it up and down fairly well. Somehow, seeing this most recent change calmed her, and she realized that she could feel other changes as well. She reached to her ears, and could feel that they had stretched from her head, and become several inches long and pointed. She reached down to two small lumps growing on her stomach just below her belly button, and was shocked to see them develop into two small breasts, neither more than a slight handful. She touched one, and found that it was incredibly sensitive, making her gasp slightly at the sensation. She brought her other hand to her chest, and moaned as she found her breasts to be even more sensitive. A gasp from Rachel snatched her attention.

Rachel could feel her shoulder blades stretching, and found that this change was painful. She could feel her body changing and growing, and she felt sensations completely new to her. Nikki watched as her friend grew small wings from her shoulder blades. She couldn't believe it. Wings. As she watched, Rachel writhed on her hands and knees, her tail swaying fitfully from side to side as two new appendages stretched from her back. The wings were small, each only two or three feet long, but Nikki watched her friend stretch them to their full length as they reached the end of their growth. Rachel groaned and arched her back, tightening her whole body as a person does upon waking after a long night.

"Rachel," Nikki said, stunned, "you look...beautiful." Rachel lifted her head, and opened her eyes to look at Nikki. Her friend sat on the steps with her feet drawn up underneath her. Her feet had fully developed hooves at the toes, but were otherwise mostly normal. Nikki's legs remained mostly unchanged, and Rachel saw the two small breasts on her stomach where her legs joined with her torso. Nikki's original breasts looked magnificent as she leaned forward, resting her forearms on her thighs, and only her antlers seemed out of place on her body. They stood 10 inches off of Nikki's forehead, and looked like those of a 6 point deer. Rachel saw no trace of fear left in Nikki's eyes.

"You do too." Rachel said softly. She looked down at herself and took stock of her changes. Her feet were now separated into three toes on each, and a wicked looking claw adorned the end of each. Her tail curled thickly behind her, protruding powerfully from her tailbone and tapering to a point 6 feet long. Almost as an afterthought, she flicked her new wings experimentally. She found she could control them with ease, and drew them in to rest on her back softly. Suddenly, she felt very aware of her jeans still around her knees, and pushed them off her feet, leaving them lying on the floor beside her. Her skin felt drier still, and as she thought about it, it began to itch again. Suddenly, a wave of warmth washed over her, different than anything she had felt during the rest of her change. "Whoah, what was that?" she said, looking at Nikki.

Nikki had felt it too. The feeling was calming, and Nikki thought she felt something else along with it. She gazed down at her feet, and felt a tingling start just above her new hooves. "Oh, that feels good! That's totally different than before!" she sighed, even smiling a bit. As she watched, she saw light brown fur begin to sprout from her feet, slowly spreading up her ankles and beginning up her calves. She looked at Rachel, and could see that the skin tone on her feet was changing as well, splitting into tiny orange scales that slowly spread up her legs. Rachel closed her eyes and moaned with the sensation. Nikki felt a familiar pressure building in herself. Instantly, Nikki felt her pussy moisten, and as the fur spread up her calves, nearing her knees, the feeling intensified. "Oh my God, that feels amazing! Holy shit Rachel!" she said, caressing her thighs as the warmth of the fur spread to her knees and continued up her legs.

Rachel heard her friend moan and opened her eyes to look at her. Nikki had fur spreading up her thighs, and Rachel watched as Nikki slowly began to rub one of the small breasts that had grown on her stomach. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as she continued to moan with pleasure. "I'm so horny Rach! What the hell is going on now?" she asked quietly, not even opening her eyes. Rachel was feeling it too, now. As the scales reached her knees and continued to spread, she felt her pleasure grow. Her pussy began to ache, and she felt it drip. She reached to her breasts and shivered as a jolt of warmth shot through her nipple and traveled down to her pussy. "Nikki, I think I'm gonna cum. Oh my God!" Rachel panted as the scales continued up her thighs. The feeling was almost unbearable as her scales spread across her inner thighs, coming closer and closer to her opening. The feeling was mounting and growing stronger still when she heard Nikki cry out in pleasure.

"Oh my..g...gaahhh....GOODD!!" Nikki screamed as she came. She had reached under her legs and begun to flick her fingers across her soft lips as the fur spread down her thighs. Just as it reached her sensitive pussy Nikki's body tensed as an orgasm ripped through her. Her pussy spurted, and she felt it drip onto the stair beneath her. Her other hand immediately went to her breasts, and she stroked them firmly, teasing her nipple between her fingers. She opened her eyes to look at Rachel, and saw her scales reach her hips. Rachel had one hand between her legs and was pumping it rhythmically while her other hand massaged her breast passionately. Nikki watched as Rachel came, and she heard her shriek with pleasure. Rachel's wings spread out behind her, tensed with the orgasm that shook her body, and she shivered with tiny aftershocks for several seconds. "Ah shit, ah SHIT....NNGGGHHHHAAH!" Rachel screamed through her teeth as she brought herself off again, her body quivering. "God Nikki, come here!" she said, looking at Nikki again.

Nikki stood and walked over to Rachel, still seated on the floor. Nikki smiled inwardly at the feeling of her slippery pussy lips rubbing against each other between her legs as she walked. She looked down at her friend and lowered herself onto Rachel's thigh. Her scales felt warm and smooth against her wet folds, and she ground herself onto her friend's leg. Her fur was still spreading up her stomach and passing her belly button.

Rachel could feel her scales spreading down the length of her thick tail while still moving up her body, over her ribs. They seemed to be moving more slowly, but the pressure in her body was mounting again, and seemed almost unbearable this time. Nikki's pussy slid easily over Rachel's smooth, scaled legs, and she felt her friend's furry tail brushing against her stomach. Rachel put her hands on her friend's hips and began to move her back and forth as she curled her own tail over her hip and down in front of her. "Shit Rachel, that feels soooo good!" Nikki moaned, her fur just beginning to spread to the lower flesh of her breasts. Behind her, Rachel positioned her tail in front of her waiting pussy, bracing it against Nikki's ass. She slid Nikki backward, slowly, and moaned deeply as she entered herself with the tip of her tail.

Nikki smiled, knowing what her friend was doing, and reached a hand up to her breasts, fondling them as her fur continued to spread. Her clit rubbed softly against Rachel's scales, and she felt herself nearing climax. She felt Rachel's hand slide slowly around her hips, brushing past her extra breasts, and push easily into her aching opening. "Mmmm, Rachel, God I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Oh God..!!" Behind her, Rachel moaned in unison, her scales covering her breasts and beginning to flow over her collarbones to her neck. With one hand she pulled her friend's hips back and forth over her leg, and with the other she pumped Nikki's dripping pussy with her fingers. Each thrust pushed her tail deeper into her own slit, and she moaned as it touched sensitive spots she never knew she had.

Both girls began to rock their hips in unison, moving faster and faster as their changes neared completion. Nikki's face began to stretch outward into a muzzle. Her nose darkened, and her face was soon covered in fur. Unaware, Rachel began to grow small horns from her forehead. Bony white and sharply pointed, they grew slowly upward to nearly 6 inches as her face, too, was covered in orange scales. She continued to work Nikki's pussy and she could feel her friend approaching a climax. She began to work the tip of her tail around inside herself as her friend's hips brought her toward orgasm. Rachel began to pull more furiously on Nikki's hips, while Nikki rubbed her breasts, grasping her nipple between her fingers, and focusing on her friend's fingers filling her pussy. "It feels so good Rach! Mmm...oh....mmmMMM! Rachel, oh my God! You're gonna make me cum! You're, you're, you're gonna...." she moaned, unable to think straight as her pleasure built up. Waves of warmth washed over her, and she could hear Rachel about to come behind her.

"Nikki! Ahhh, ahh, oh god.....! Oh my God, it feels so GOOD! Ohgod, ohgod, ohgodohgodohgod, oh, Nikki, OH GOODD, AHHHAaaahhhAAHHH!!!" Rachel screamed, and came. She pushed her tail as far into herself as she could, and she felt her dripping pussy quiver as she screamed in ecstasy. Her body tensed and she pulled Nikki in to her as tightly as possible, waves of pleasure washing over her in a continuous stream. Nikki felt Rachel come and could feel her friend's warm scales pressed into her back. Rachel's hand tightened, and Nikki felt her entire body release. Her body bucked as she spasmed against her friend's leg. She screamed and she could feel her pussy envelop her friend's thigh, her fluids dripping onto the floor as she came again and again.

The two friends collapsed into a heap on the floor, Rachel gripping Nikki tight to her chest. Only now did the two realize the final changes they had undergone, but neither cared anymore. Their minds were clouded with sexual pleasure, and both could feel the other's juices on their bodies. They lay panting together without saying a word.

Gradually, as they came around and began to pick themselves up from the floor, they heard something outside. A car door slammed, and gravel crunched as footsteps approached the house. Red and blue lights flashed against the wall and they heard a radio crackle to life as heavy footsteps crossed the wooden porch confidently, nearing the front door.

Mary Cat Transformation 2

"Mary, what's going on? Is there someone else in there with you!?" Steve called through the door to Mary's dorm, concern evident in his voice. "Um...yeah, it's Kaitlin. Just give us a second Steve." Mary called back, trying to think quickly. She...

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Mary Cat Transformation

Mary lounged on the bed in her dorm room, absentmindedly flipping through the pages of a magazine and popping her gum between her teeth. A tiny 'Winnie the Pooh' lanyard dangled from the cell phone she had pressed to her ear, swaying back and forth as...

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