Love's Shadow Part 3

Story by Korrado-Xan on SoFurry

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#3 of Love's Shadow

******************************************************************** Love's Shadow prt.3 - c. Grey K. 1997 ******************************************************************* - Love's Shadow part III, * * *

> Patrick looked almost frightened again, toying restlessly with his walking-stick. Jace girded himself against rejection quickly, "It's all right, no big thing. If you're not ready for that yet I understand., You and I just met, I'll survive if you say no." Patrick regarded Jace earnestly, looking into the skunk's emerald eyes as he thought. Jace felt a thrill as Patrick's golden gaze surveyed his face ardently. The young feline bit his lip slightly, then stood and smiled at the skunk, "No. I think I would like to go somewhere else and talk. Yes, I would like to." Jace stood beside his new friend, ready to catch him again if need arose, "You're OK to walk now?, You think you can make it down the stairs?" Patrick moved experimentally, "I guess we'll find out won't we?" Jace nodded motioning for Patrick to walk alongside him, "Can you manage your pack or would you like me to carry it?" The feline's eyes widened a little and he smiled, "Oh, I think I can manage all right by myself for now, Thank-you., Besides I think I should get to know you better before I let you carry my books for me, people might get to talking." Jace etiolated a little. He felt slightly dizzy at the dip in blood-pressure to his face, hoping the feline hadn't seen how pale his ears had gone. He chuckled politely at the joke and saw Patrick grin slightly as he adjusted the straps of his bag over one shoulder, then the other. "Got it?" Jace inquired seeing Patrick nod. With help from Jace the two made it down to the third floor where the skunk's pack and coat still sat along side the forgotten book. Jace started to pull on his coat and pack, stopping and regarding Patrick sharply, "I just realized, I didn't see whether or not you had a coat or jacket with you. It's cold out." Patrick looked embarrassed, "It, uh, wasn't too bad out when I left the dorms this morning. I didn't think I'd need one. Jace straightened, "Oh, OK. Well, we can always stop by your dorm room on the way to where-ever we decide to go." Patrick spoke a little louder than he intended to, "NO!, Uh, oh, n-n-no. That's all right I'm fine, really. It's just my dorm-mate will be in this time of day, I try not to be around when he's there. He's some sports god around here, some jock, doesn't really care for those of us that are, uh, athletics impaired." Jace steadied Patrick with a hand, "I know the type, real pricks." Under his breath the skunk added, "Probably some bigoted, scum-ball, ass-hole no doubt." "What?" Jace looked at Patrick, gods, the feline morph had good ears. "Hmm?, Nothing, that's fine. We don't have to stop by your place at all, what-ever you say." His new feline friend nodded gratefully, "Thank-you." Jace finished collecting his things, slinging his pack over one shoulder and hefting his book in his free hand. Patrick squinted, trying to make out the title, "What does that say?" Jace angled the book out to Patrick, who read the title aloud, "The Mechanics of Inter-Tidal Saline Pool Eco-Systems'., Biology?" Jace nodded at his friend, "Uh-Huh, verging on Zoology and Marine Biology." The feline nodded nonchalantly, trying not to look too skeptical, "Interesting." Jace laughed, seeing Patrick's ears dip slightly, "You don't sound convinced of that. What's your idea of a good time?" He was regarded by the glowing yellow eyes once more, "Me?, Shakespeare, a warm fire and something by Handel playing on the stereo. Bad huh?" Jace saw that the feline had seemed half ready for him to laugh and the grey morph seemed genuinely surprised that he hadn't. He raised an eyebrow at Patrick, "Handel is OK, I prefer Bach or Vivaldi myself. What's your favorite play?" Patrick shrugged, "I'm somewhat torn between 2, I love MacBeth as one of his best tragedies but I like Much Ado About Nothing if I need a comedy." The skunk smiled at him evidently agreeing. The two were making some-what slow but steady progress down the stairs, Patrick leaning on his cane, the railing and occasionally Jace to help keep as much of his weight as possible off his knee as he could. Jace slowed to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, allowing them both a rest for a few moments. Patrick was breathing heavily from the exertion, ears and nose looking slightly flushed. Jace noticed that there was a little perspiration on the feline's face and forehead, making the silvery hair limp and stick together in tufts against his face and neck. The skunk withdrew a solid black kerchief from his coat pocket, proffering it to the sweating cat, "Need this?" Patrick took the cloth nodding gratefully, "They really need to put a general access elevator in this place, Damn." Jace noticed that his feline friend had shifted away slightly as he swabbed at his face with the handkerchief. He had turned the right side of his face away from the skunk as he moved the hair away from his face to dry his brow. As Jace watched Patrick finished drying his face and readjusted his hair back to it's original position, once again hiding his eye and cheek. The skunk glanced away quickly as Patrick turned back, returning the kerchief. "Thank-you." He smiled warmly, still not able to penetrate the curtain of hair once again over Patrick's cheek, deciding not to pry just yet. Filing things away in his brain for later Jace pondered his new friend to himself, 'Seems I'm not the only one with secrets around here.' The skunk thought silently, continuing to keep pace with Patrick into the library lobby. He caught the feline's eye, "Just need to check this real quick. Come on." Jace struck out for the front desk with Patrick in tow, knowing full well that his librarian friend would be there. He was correct and the big woman looked up at the approaching figures. Jace saw the librarian eyes brighten, her habitually present smile widening even more, "Well, seems you beat me to things." Jace smiled at Patrick's puzzled expression, "Hi, Mrs. Dewitt." Patrick used his free hand to wave hesitantly at the librarian. Mrs. Dewitt reached across the counter ruffling the hair on Patrick's head, the left side of his head Jace noticed. The large woman's hand never strayed near the tenaciously covered right side of Patrick's face. The skunk's sensitive ears caught a faint purr emanating from his feline friend's chest as the librarian scratched one of his grey furred ears. "Hi honey. How is your day so far?" Patrick smiled, shooting a reticent glance at the skunk, "Getting better I think." "Good, good." The stout woman turned to regard Jace, "So did you...," "Find my book?, Yep, right here!" Jace cut off the librarian in mid-sentence. He ignored the odd look from Patrick and brandished the book at the big woman, holding her gaze. Mrs. Dewitt nodded slowly and took the hard-cover book from Jace's sable furred hand. The two of them stepped further down the check desk, leaving Patrick to peruse a small shelf of new paper-back novels. The librarian spoke in a low voice, "So, it looks like you've met with Patrick." Jace nodded, "Uh-Huh, he seems nice." The librarian nodded holding Jace's gaze stoically, "Good, I'm glad you think so., But remember the boy has quirks, be patient, don't push him., He's better when he's relaxed and comfortable." Jace looked confused at the librarian's tone, "OK, I'll go easy on him, don't worry." Mrs. Dewitt nodded, patting the skunk's furred cheek, "I know you will., I think you could find a good friend here if you play your cards right." "Mmm." Jace couldn't shake the feeling that the portly woman knew more than she was saying as he turned to look at Patrick. He saw the feline gazing austerely across the lobby and out the main doors, "We'll see." "I know he's not like other people., But don't be afraid of that, you're not like other people either, it may work out for the better for the both of you." Jace turned back looking at the librarian, his ears pivoting back slightly as a sudden thought struck him, "Wait a minute!?, You make it sound like we're going on some sort of date....," He lowered his voice an bit, "This isn't one of your set-ups is it?, I don't even know him., He, he may not even be ga..AHHHHH!, Uh, .....mmm, INTERESTED IN the same things as ME." Mrs. Dewitt cut Jace off with a wave of her hand, "I know, here's your book, now go on he's waiting for you. Oh, and Jace, be nice, don't hurt him, he's been through quite enough. Say good-bye to him for me, I'll see you two later." The stocky woman walked away, leaving Jace to fume silently as he gazed at the book in his hands and at the waiting feline. Sighing in consternation and slipping the book into his pack Jace rejoined Patrick, attempting to angle his path to come from the side of the feline rather than from behind. It sort of worked. Patrick still jumped at the motion in the periphery of his field of vision, but relaxed seeing it was only Jace. "Ready?" Patrick nodded falling in stride next to Jace. As the two reached the doors another pair of students walked in, both female, one a black rabbit, the other a tawny colored vixen. Jace looked up at the pair, greeting them with a nod of his head as they passed, seeing both of them smile back at he and Patrick. The fox lingered at the door, holding it open for Jace's outstretched arm. "Thank-you." Jace looked at the vixen, smiling warmly as Patrick shot past him out the door, head down, nearly stepping on the skunk's bushy tail. Jace jerked it out of the way just in time, grinning a little wider at the fox, hoping to smooth over the feline's hasty exit. He felt the vixen's tail brush across his thigh as he stepped outside, hearing a light giggle from the fox's lapin companion as the door whispered shut. Jace blinked at the grey haze that still hung thickly over- head. He spotted Patrick standing at the edge of the covered con- course. "You OK?" Jace saw Patrick nod tensely shifting his gaze up from the damp concrete, "Yeah, I guess so, sorry. You must get that a lot, huh?" Jace felt puzzled as to what his feline friend was talking about, "What?, Oh!, The two females?, Sometimes, but not often. Usually only if they're new or don't know me from around." Jace knew he got looks from both sexes and most species now and again. He tried not to dress too suggestively when he was on campus, trying to discourage blatant stares and whispered comments as much as was possible. He usually settled on plain clothes, generally jeans and unobtrusive shirts most of the time. Jace really didn't see what turned people on so much about him, he was pretty much average for his breed. He had seen larger, more muscular and more engaging members of his species right there on campus. Jace was an average height, but slightly under weight for his five foot eleven inches, Jace had always been that way for some reason. Not that he was close to having ribs showing. Under the ministrations of his mother and then Thomas, Jace had always tried to eat well. Thin wasn't quite the right word, more like slender, lithe. Jace had a runner's or gymnast's physique, compact and lean with tight muscles visible under his ebon fur. He regarded the soft drizzle falling once again as he stood next to Patrick, "My car is in the south parking lot. This way." Patrick nodded, following the skunk under the walkway. The covered path allowed the two to stay dry for most of their journey but stopped as the buildings gave way to the lawns and open paths surrounding the main parking lot on the south side of campus. Jace saw the mist settling on Patrick's hair and fur, making it glisten as it hung limply around the feline's face, neck and arms, "It's not too much farther." The two were crossing into the periphery of the large parking lot, Jace's car was on the edge of the lot near the main street. Jace was focused mainly on helping Patrick reach the car before he was totally soaked or tired out from the walk. He was keeping a careful eye on his feline companion, helping him over the rough or slick areas to keep him from slipping and falling. Jace helped Patrick to skirt the center of the parking lot where a large puddle dominated the scene. Gradually, over the years, the asphalt of the parking lot had settled slightly, creating a shallow basin where rain-water could collect, forming a miniature lake of sorts. Nearly ten feet across at the widest and the better part of two inches at it's deepest the water posed something of an obstacle in the two new friend's path. Jace had a peculiar feeling as he helped Patrick traverse the massive puddle. He didn't hear the truck's engine till it was too late. Jace gasped, trying to shield Patrick as best he could as the small electric blue pick-up truck sped through the rain filled depression as fast as it could. The rapid spin of the truck's tires threw an icy sheet of water up over the two of them. Jace regained some of his senses after the polar deluge, hearing shouts of laughter coming from the cab of the truck as it sped by. One of the unknown assailants could be heard as he shouted at the soaked figures. Jace could barely make out what the person was yelling but it didn't take much imagination to realize the context, "Fucking Freaks!, Some gimp feline and that fucking faggot skunk!" Jace shook his head, feeling a seething heat rushing through his face and ears. He drooped a little as he, moved to help Patrick. The feline had fallen hard, jarring his hip, and was struggling to get to his feet from the wet concrete. Jace pulled Patrick upright, hearing him cough and spit, panting from the shock of the icy deluge and the fall. Jace felt Patrick tremble, his clothes and fur were soaked and clung wetly to the feline's unprotected body. Jace's coat was positively dripping but had saved the skunk from the brunt of the freezing splash. Jace felt rage building in his chest at seeing his soaked friend gasping and trembling from the cold and wind. He punched his pack fiercely, "GODDAMN IT!!!!, FUCKING, NO GOOD ASS-HOLES!!!, Why can't they just leave people alone?!, Fucking shit-heads, I hope they burn in Hell!!!" The skunk calmed slightly at feeling Patrick's shaking hand on his arm, "It's OK, I'll be fine, really. I-I'm used to things like that." Jace looked at the feline still slightly angry, "No, it's not OK!, They weren't aiming for you, they were gunning for me." "W-w-why?" Patrick was shaking earnestly, teeth chattering, slightly interrupting his speech. The skunk pressed a finger to the feline's lips, quieting him, "Don't talk, if you keep talking while your teeth are chattering you could shred your tongue or lips." Jace had once seen a leopard bite his own lip when he had been talking while eating, even such a little thing had required a few stitches. Any morph with carnivorous anatomy of the mouth was in danger should they bite their lips or tongue. Patrick nodded falling silent as Jace opened the passenger side door of his older model mustang, the skunk helped him to sit and closed the door. This provided some relief, but little more than shelter from further moisture and the biting breeze. Jace pulled off his drenched coat, tossing it into the back seat as he lowered himself into the driver's seat. He looked over at Patrick, seeing the feline's head resting back against the head-rest, eyes closed. He was still shaking slightly, breathing in shuddery pants. Jace was worried at the pale color seeping into Patrick's nose and ears, both were freezing cold to the touch. Jace patted the feline on the cheek, "Hey, Pat, stay awake..., No napping, it's not good for you." He was worried that the feline was slipping into some hypothermic slumber from the dousing. Gritting his teeth Jace started the car, cranking the heater up as high as it could go and aiming the vents at Patrick. This seemed to rouse the feline slightly after a few moments. Jace was still worried at the poor state of Patrick's being, he was afraid perhaps hitting his head earlier paired with his double falls and the icy inundation had caused some type of black-out, "Change of plans. Let's go, come on, stay with me." Patrick's eyes fluttered slightly at Jace's words and he looked at the skunk, "Anywhere w-w-warm and dry will d-do." Jace nodded, "We'll go to my place. Hang tight for a minute, it's not far." Patrick's voice quavered as he sat shaking in the passengers seat, "F-fine by m-me." Jace's apartment complex was only about a mile and a half from campus. A small complex compared to some, only about 40 units on two levels, arranged in a U shape around a central court, huge brick grill and pool. Jace liked the complex, it was secure and he was familiar with most of his neighbors, knowing a lot of them on a first name basis. He often had coffee or a conversation with his next door neighbors or the couple below him. Most of the complexes residents were a little older than he was but only one or two individuals he knew of topped 40. It seemed the older individuals avoided him more than the people nearer his own age. His next door neighbor did know of a few of the people on the opposite side of the complex that had some strong opinions about him and the company he kept. He knew the individual on his other side as well, a 28-ish female feline that had something of a habit of touching (nearly groping) him constantly while they talked. But lascivious advances aside Jace liked her well enough. It was fairly obvious she liked him, or at least parts of him. A lot. She had gotten in a good goose to his crotch as they had passed on the stairs the day before. Despite all her earnest but misplaced carnal overtures, she kept him appraised of any rampant rumors. For a laugh one day the skunk had taken his shirt off while she was over for coffee. Just to see how the feline would react. Jace was amazed that she hadn't shut up for over an hour. It seemed to the skunk that the more aroused she got the faster she talked. He had to admit the feline would make an interesting, if not distracting, bed partner. When he had finally buttoned his shirt back up the skunk knew more about his neighbors than he really wanted to. As for the rumors, Jace really didn't care one way or the other what a few pin-heads had to say, but it's best to stay informed. His apartment had originally been Thomas' before he had moved, Jace had lived there with his brother for several years before assuming it from Thomas. His brother had offered the free bedroom in the apartment after things at home had taken a southern turn. Jace still saw his mother often, she and his genial human step- father lived about twenty minutes away and his mother's medical practice was on the far side of town. His father now lived on the east coast somewhere near Washington DC, he thought. The two of them hadn't spoken since Jace had staggered out of the house and made his way to Thomas' apartment. His father still hadn't apologized for the round-house blow that had sent Jace to the floor, seeing stars and choking on blood from his nose. That had been over four years past. Jace still to this day didn't know why his father had hit him, he hadn't shouted or intentionally started the fight. His father was the one who had started the topic and who had struck his own son. It wasn't Jace's fault, he was who he was, there wasn't much he could do about it. His mother had been much more accepting of her son and his brother had gone ballistic. The normally affable older skunk had raged and shouted at the top of his voice on the phone with their father at seeing the drying blood and swelling on his younger brother's face. Jace had never seen Thomas like that before, his normally even-tempered and controlled older brother had yelled and ranted at their father. He had used every florid word and vulgar description Jace had ever heard and then some. Finally slamming the phone down and tending to his younger brother's wounds as best he could with help from a neighbor who happened to be a nurse. Jace had always felt close to Thomas as brothers should but that day he had seen first hand how much his brother loved and wanted to protect him. The separation and divorce hadn't been long in coming after the hitting incident. After seeing and tending to his injuries Jace's mother had said she didn't want to live married to someone who could send his own son crashing to the floor broken and bleeding for telling the truth. Jace had taken the apartment over when his brother had moved a little over a year ago, letting out the spare room to Gary, his human friend. Jace knew the super very well, the complex actually belonged to one of his aunts, so rent and repairs had never been a problem for either he or Thomas. Jace pulled into his spot in the parking area and got out of the car, trying to heft Patrick's shivering form from the passengers seat. Jace's worry was renewed at Patrick's state, the feline was still wet, shivering profusely in his clothes. The grey feline was barely awake, struggling to regain his senses against the numbing cold that permeated his body. Jace could barely hear Patrick, "I'm alright, just give me a minute." Jace looked around anxiously, finally spotting what he was looking for and looked back down at Patrick, pushing the feline back down into the seat, "Hold still, I'll be right back." Jace shut the door once again, then dashed across the parking lot to the main gate near the mail-boxes, "William!!!, Wil!, Yo, Stripes!!!" Jace shouted as he ran, seeing the familiar shape hesitate and turn back from the gate. William, the complex manager and super/handyman paused and watched as Jace skidded to a halt in front of him panting. Jace looked up into William's face, he had to. William was a tiger morph, huge and heavily muscled, standing a full head and then some taller than his own near 6 foot. Jace had known the older morph since Thomas had introduced them shortly after he had moved in with his brother. Despite the age difference, he was 19 and William nearly 26, Jace still considered the tiger one of his closest friends and confidantes. The two of them had even been involved with each other briefly, but Jace had found William to be too physically rough for his tastes. More than once Jace had been forced to go to see his doctor after spending the night with the massive tiger. The bites, scratches, sprains and pulled muscles, some often in awkward places, were painful (not to mention slightly embarrassing) and had worn quickly on the young skunk. So the two of them had parted ways amiably, William to find someone more his size and resilience, and Jace someone less ferocious in bed than a full grown tiger. Jace had to admit the sex had been astounding, but his insurance premiums had suffered from the frequent medical visits. William grinned at Jace, "What's up Little Brother?" Jace regained his breath slightly, "Hey William ., Would you mind lending me a hand for a sec?" The tiger's ears twitched a little, "What?, Now you want me and my body for something., I thought all I was good for was roughing you up in bed..." Jace sighed, rolling his eyes, the huge tiger teased him now and then on the terms of their break-up, "Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a wimp compared to you, the striped brick wall., This is serious, I need your help." The striped feline draped a huge arm across Jace's shoulders, pulling the skunk close to his chest and gesturing, "Lead the way Little Brother." He paused, holding Jace back a moment, "By the way, Why are you wet?, Do I even want to know..?" Jace laughed bitterly, "Ha, ha., It's a long story, come on." He led the massive tiger to his car, opening the side door. A low rumbling purr that had been resonating in the tiger's chest stopped cold as he spoke, "Jace, what happened?" Patrick stirred a bit, weakly at the new voice, letting his head sink back down to the head rest after a moment. "There was an 'circumstance' at the campus parking lot., Some ass-holes drenched us peeling through a puddle." The tiger turned his head to regard Jace, "I assume you two know each other?" Jace nodded, "Yeah, this is Patrick Lauren., Would you mind at all Wil, I don't think he can make it up the stairs in the shape he's in." William patted Jace's shoulder as he leaned down, "No problem Little Bro." Jace watched William reach into the car, withdrawing Patrick's slack form and holding the feline in his arms surprisingly gently despite his bulk. The skunk looked up into William's face, "You've got him?" The tiger's sleek head nodded, "Yeah, quickest and easiest this way." he paused, "Light, Little One here needs to eat., Skinny for his size, like you. Need to put something under his fur, fill him out a little." Jace hadn't noticed it earlier but he saw that William was right, lying there in the huge tiger's arms Patrick looked like a kitten. The smaller feline was lean, and looked ill-fed, his slender body was rangy, verging on skinny. Patrick was semi-alert in William's arms, struggling slightly in protest against the tiger's unfamiliar touch. "Peace Little One, I won't hurt you... Just relax." William started toward the gate as Jace fetched the packs and Patrick's cane from the car. The two of them passed through the court- yard as more cold rain began to fall from the leaden sky. Jace dug his keys from his pocket, opening the apartment door for William. "I put him down on the sofa, OK?" Jace nodded at the tiger's question, putting down the packs next to the front door and keeping Patrick's cane in his hand. William looked over his shoulder, spying the walking-stick in Jace's grasp, "That his?" The skunk nodded at William, seeing the massive tiger turn back to Patrick, smoothing the smaller feline's hair over his head, "Little One here isn't_ healthy....." Jace wondered why his tiger friend had trailed off. Looking up he saw that William, not knowing, had pushed the hair up and away from Patrick's face, fully exposing it. Jace heard William breathe something in his native language. Being part Siberian Tiger and having been brought here to the states with his parents when he was only ten, William spoke an off-shoot Russian dialect. Jace knew that although the massive tiger spoke near perfect, albeight slightly accented English he also spoke Russian and several other minor dialects fluently. From the tone and inflection in his voice Jace assumed what-ever William had said had probably been a rather ornate curse. The tiger hissed softly, "The Little One here has had a rough life., What makes a mark like that?" Jace sighed as he leaned on William's broad shoulders looking at Patrick's now exposed face, "Looks like scarring from a burn most likely, maybe a heavy scalding, near or boiling water perhaps." What looked like a slightly odd colored patch of fur against Patrick's cheek and face was on closer inspection actually scar tissue that showed through his silky coat. Jace now understood why Patrick had been so adamant about keeping his face covered, the scarring covered a moderate portion of the feline's upper face and cheek, where the dark keloided tissue showed through his fur. In respect for Patrick's feelings Jace restored the silvery hair back to it's original position, over the feline's face. Patrick was stirring gently, the color creeping back into his ears and lips as his body temperature rose again. Jace was glad he had left the heat on when he had left for classes that morning. The massive tiger shook his head, "Ill-fed, battered, scarred., What more can God to to this young-one?" Jace spoke bitterly, "I somehow doubt it was God that did that." William rose slowly putting a huge hand on Jace's shoulder, "Let me know how the little one does., Get him dried out and keep him warm., You don't want to mess with hypothermia in weather like this., It can be a real bitch., Trust me, where I come from this is beach weather, but still not to be toyed with." Jace nodded at the tiger, sidling up close and putting his arms around William embracing him warmly. "Thanks." Jace felt the silky striped fur under his hands, smelling the tiger's familiar scent, and couldn't resist himself. As he embraced William, Jace allowed a hand to stray down the tiger's back, seeking out his tail and rubbing it's base as he had done when they were curled in bed together. William stiffened, looking down at Jace, "Hey!, Careful how far you take this hug, I might hold you to it." Jace grinned, knowing that William wasn't kidding. He hesitantly released the tiger's tail, noticing with an even wider smile that William was forced to re-adjust the front of his jeans before ambling out the door. Jace missed his older lover but he knew that an on and off relationship wouldn't really fly with the tiger, normally it was all or nothing with William. The skunk knew he likely wouldn't survive all so he had settled on being intimate friends with the massive feline. Jace looked out the door after William for a few moments then turned back to see Patrick blinking groggily at him from the sofa. He helped the feline to sit up slowly against the cushions. "Where are we ?, I guess I must have blacked out for a few minutes." Patrick looked confused, Jace guessed he probably didn't remember much after being hit by the freezing wave of water in the parking lot, "We're at my place, I brought you back here after you started to space in and out from the cold." Jace settled himself in the arm-chair next to the coffee table, giving Patrick his space on the sofa to recover. The grey furred feline relaxed back on the sofa, "It's nice in here." The temperature in the apartment was pleasant and mild, not hot but not cold enough to chill one. Patrick gazed about at his surroundings, brilliant eyes soaking things up as he looked around, "Nice." "Thank-you, I try." Jace gave a limited tour from his seat in the living room area, "Living-room here., Kitchen there behind that little dividing wall., The bedrooms and bathrooms are down that way." Jace pointed to the small hall-way that opened off between the living-room and kitchen. Patrick was nodding as Jace ticked off the rooms and features, "Must be expensive." Jace looked slightly embarrassed, "Uh, not really., My aunt owns the complex, my rent is pretty much controlled and fairly low." "Oh!" Jace felt a familiar weight land on the back of the arm-chair, seeing Patrick jump slightly, "Sorry, I should have warned you about Cherokee." The skunk felt a long tail whip against his neck and small paws rest on his shoulder. Reaching around he seized the Siamese house-cat perched on the back of the chair. Holding Cherokee in his lap Jace looked at Patrick, "You don't mind house-cats do you?" He felt a little foolish asking but felt better seeing the feline morph shake his head, "No, that would be kind of prejudiced of me wouldn't it?, I'd feel like I were rejecting some ancient ancestor of mine if I did." Jace laughed, nodding and releasing the cat to wander toward Patrick. "Where did you come up with Cherokee?" Patrick stroked the cat tentatively, making the Siamese settle down on the cushions to be petted. Jace looked at the cat, "Kind of a long story, actually. The mask colouring around her face and eyes there looks something like a common ceremonial paint pattern used by some of the Cherokee and Cheyenne tribes., They would put paint around their eyes and faces like that before dance ceremonies or battles., It was actually my brother that suggested the name, it kind of stuck." Patrick gazed toward the hallway, "Is that who lives here besides you?, Your brother?, I heard you say bedrooms." "Oh, no., My brother moved out about a year ago., He lives and goes to school in Washington state now., I did have a roommate up until last semester, but he moved back home and I'm alone now., Actually I'm looking for a new mate, ROOM-mate, ROOMMATE, ahem, roommate ." Jace grinned way too broadly, wanting nothing more than to find a wall to beat his head against at that exact moment, "Haven't found any takers though!" Patrick looked thoughtfully at Jace as the skunk calmed down again. "My brother's name is Thomas, there's a picture right there on the table next to the lamp." Jace watched as the gold eyed feline peered at the photo, "That's your brother?, I thought it was you, the two of you could be twins." Jace smiled, "We get that a lot., There are some differences though, his hair is longer and has more black in it than mine does., His eyes are a lighter green, oh, and he has that little white mark on his fore-head above his muzzle, I don't." The grey feline nodded, looking back and forth between Jace and the photo, "Mmm, I see now, subtle differences., Handsome though, uhm, that is, you're both handsome, I mean." "Thank-you." Jace heard a soft rasping noise, looking down to see Cherokee slowly grooming the fur on Patrick's hand. Jace laughed, seeing the feline morph's ears flush slightly, "She does have a point, would you like to take a shower?, Get some of the dirt and wet off you...?" * * *

>end part III