Echte Liebe: Part 2

Story by derfurguy on SoFurry

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(I currently do not have an editor/Beta reader, so there will be spelling mistakes)

Echte Liebe: part 2

Vincint (Ven-cent) kept on running. His shadow stretched each time he ran passed a torch. The fire made his eyes sparkle. After a while, he slowed down then stopped. He stopped right next to a torch. He put his back against the brick wall. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, his back scraping against the wall. He clutched himself as a gust of wind blew over him. Goosebumps erupted all over his body. A shiver ran down his body. The sound of padding feet came to Vincint's ears. He turned to see who was coming. It was Lucria, and she was still naked. Vincint turned away looking up the street. In his peripheral vision, he saw her sit down next to him. Silence stood between them for a few seconds.

"What is the matter Vincint?" she asked.

"Nothing" Vincint said in a small voice.

"That was not nothing. Please, tell me."

"It's just, it's just..." Vincint looked up at her bright gold eyes, tears in his. "Your personality and your.... Eyes.....they where just like my first lover's. You just remind me so much of her...." Vincint buried his face in his hands and he started to sob. He felt a strong arm reach behind him, smooth scales brushed over his skin. Lucria's hand grasped Vincint's upper arm, and pulled him closer to her. He felt her tongue tickle his ear.

"Do you think that she would want you to live the rest of your life in misery or happiness?"

"She would want me to be happy."

"Do I make you happy?" Vincint wiped his eyes, and looked back up at her, his eyes glistening in the torchlight, he licked his drylips

"You have made me the happiest I have been in many months." Lucria gave a toothy smile, then bent her neck over him. Their lips slowly touched each others. She didn't put her tongue into his mouth. They just held their kiss. With her right arm she had wrapped around him, she pulled onto her midriff, so he was laying with his belly against hers. He felt a warmth, one from her genitalia, and from inside of her. Vincint broke their kiss.

"I though that anthro dragons where cold blooded?"

"That's the fire within me. I feel warm when I have the male I truly love next to me. I've never had had this feeling for another male. The other twenty three kind-of forced themselves on me. They all said I was the best female they have ever been with." Lucria bent her head right next to Vincint ear "I want to share it with you." She whispered

"Uhhh share what?" Vincint's heart was pounding, he was afraid that she might ask him that, but he also wanted it.

"You know what I mean" She twisted her neck to face him, she gave him a toothy smile, lust twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh course I do...." He pulled himself up her and placed a small kiss on her cheek. His leg brushed up against the lips of her vagina. She squeezed him with pleaser. "Come on, let us go back to your place." Lucria nodded and let go of him. He stood up and help Lucria up. They walked together back down the street. She curled her tail up his back and over his shoulder, as Vincint placed his right hand on her back.


Lucria over to the pile of blankets in front of the fireplace. She laid down on her right side and motioned at Vincint, slowly moving one of her long scaly fingers. Vincint walked over to her and laid down next to her. He reached his arm up and started rubbing her jaw. She closed her eyes and gave a small hum of pleasure. Vincint reached down and untied his boots, and kicked them off. Lucria reached down and started to unbutton his trousers. Vincint placed his hands on top hers.

"A women shouldn't do the work." He removed her hands from his trousers. She lightly massaged his neck left cheek with her talons as he pulled down his trousers and long johns. He let out lung-full of air as a shiver of pleasure went down his body. He cast them aside, and since he was down by his feet, he pulled off his cotton socks. Vincint and Lucria's naked bodies pressed against each other. His erected penis was pressed downward against her belly, which pained him a little. She then turned over onto her back. She spread her wings out, and her tail flopped to her left. Vincint adjusted himself onto her thighs. Her scales felt so smooth on his butt cheeks.

"Isn't this hard floor hurting your back and spines?" Lucria shook her head.

"There are enough blanks here. I'm comfortable. Now stop talking. I want you to show me your love with out words." She opened her legs and he slowly slipped onto the blankets, his feet on either side of her hips. He looked down at her vagina. It was the first time he truly ever saw one. It wasn't exactly like he learned in the university. The m-Labia, her outer lips were scaly and the same color as her darker green scales. It jutted almost an inch. Her lips where thin, long and solid black. They glittered in the candlelight from her juices. He lowered himself flat in front of her lips. She brought her tail down and stated to massage his feet. Vincint slowly reached forward, and slowly and brushed her liner lips. She gasped, and some of her juices came trickled out. He slowly stuck two of her fingers in her. She moaned and clenched her toes. He pushed in a little further. It felt HOT inside of her. He then bent his fingers over to the side. It felt like smooth, wet silk. Just the touched of it made him even harder. He slightly moved his fingers to feel more of her pussy. Her vagina gave a comfortable squeeze on his fingers, and some more of her juices sprayed out. He pushed up more. His fingers came across rounded edges. That was odd. He never heard of ridges in his Body class at the Academy.

Vincint slowly withdrew his fingers, Lucria's pussy pressing down on them. Some of her juices where on his fingers. He brought his fingers to his mouth and licked and licked them. A taste. A taste he couldn't describe. It was sweet. But no storywriter or poet could capture what he was tasting. He held her juices on his tongue, every taste bud holding on, savoring her warm juices. He lowered his head and started to tickle her inner vagina lips. She gasped and started to moan. Vincint pushed his tongue into her. He glided his tongue around, feeling along her hot velvet innards. He lapped up all the juices he could. He pushed even deeper, and started to fondle with the ridges. Lucria let out a small roar of pleasure, her talons on her feet ripped the two top layers of blankets. Juices sprayed all across Vincint's face. He pulled back, licked his lips and went back down. He played with her vaginal lips with his tongue; circling around and playing with the loose skin. Lucria reach down and started brushing her fingers though his hair, massaging his scalp. Lucria gave another shudder, she suddenly put her hands under Vincint's armpits and pulled him up, so the head of his penis was resting on the outside of her vagina.

"I need you inside of me" she said breathlessly "I NEED you". Vincint was a little apprehensive. He had never had sex. What if he was no good? What if was unable to satisfy her needs? That would break his heart. With the head of his penis, he started playing around with her outer lips. A jolt of pleasure shot up his body. He didn't know how longer he could take it. "Please Vincint" she hissed in his ear "I want your shaft inside of me, I want you to........I want you to fuck me." Vincint could not ignore her request. He slowly pushed into her. Vincint gasped, her hot velvet innards pressed down on his shaft. He pressed in an half of inch more, and the head of his penis came to the first ridge. She suddenly tightened on him, almost to the point that it was uncomfortable. Lucria gave a long, low growl. Vincint thought he did something wrong. He was about to ask, then he felt her ease up, and he continued to push in.

Two inches, three, four, five....Vincint could not believe he had never had sex before. Each warm, silky ridge pressed down on his cock's head, opening his hole and hr juices flowed inside. It was a warm fuzzy feeling. Her hot juices traveled down his shaft on the inside, making his dick want to press further in. Six inches, seven. Then his pubic bone collided with hers after he had stuck all eight inches in her. Vincint held the position, his hands slipping on the blanks. He pushed up so his hands where on her hips. Each of her ridges inside her cunt seemed to be moving on their own accord along his shaft. They where massaging it, milking it. Vincint started to pull back out. He gave a shudder of pleasure. The ridges where now pushing on the underside of his cock's head. Pushing up around the bump, then going along the length of his head. Lucria was now moaning with ever ridge he passed by as he withdrew his length.

Vincint kept on pulling out until only his head was inside of her. He then pushed back in. He gave a groan of ecstasy as each ridge brushed the tip of head and moved down his hard length. He pushed as far as he could then pulled back out. Vincint slowly picked up his speed. He was brining his dick out until only the tip of his head was in her then he slammed back into her. Lucria could not stop moaning. Her breathing was shallow and rugged. The tip of her tail twitched and her outstretched wings moved up and down slightly. She clenched her hands every time he thrust in. Vincint noticed this and started to thrust even faster. His cock soon became a blur. His breathing became sharp and short. His hands became sweaty and started to slip on her scales. For a second all he could think about was the wonderful pleasure. To fuck her, to get her pregnant. He was pounding her as hard and fast as he could. But then, his primal instinct died away. He was making love to her because he loved her, not just for pleasure.

He could feel a pressure start to build as he continued to move his shaft in and out of her warm innards. He look down and watched as his dick furiously, but lovingly pound her cunt. Moving in and out. This aroused him even more. He felt he was about to cum. He started to pull out, but then he felt Lucria's legs cress-cross across his butt and force him back into her.

"No" she said breathlessly, "I want you to cum into me." Vincint gave one more push up then slammed as hard as he could into her with out hurting himself or Lucria. His dick pulsed and he injected her four times with his seed. He started to move his cock more to make sure all his seed had been pumped. Lucria suddenly contracted on Vincint and could not move his length. She gave a deafening roar of pleasure. Her juices sprayed around Vincint's dick out of her cunt. Her juices soaked his private area, his chest, the blankets below them, both of their legs, and some of it sprayed all the way to his face. He wiped his face off his hand and licked it. He looked down at Lucria, and their eyes locked. He lowered himself onto her and she embraced. Lucria was still holding him inside of her with her legs.

"I love you Lucria"

"And I you Vincint"