You Shall Stay: Discovery

Story by Myuu on SoFurry

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#1 of You Shall Stay

"It's hard to see in here." The researcher whispered into the recording Pokédex.

"...Seems most of the Pokémon have left this area..."

The long, dark cave seemed to go on for miles under Mt. Quena.

The sound of freshwater moving through the walls of the caverns was unsettling.

"There is a faint smell of vegetation in this area..." The researcher continued.

Raising an LED endowed arm forward revealed the path ahead.

"There is a narrowing of the cavern toward the North - South, East...uh..."

The researcher's compass was reading erratically. "...My compass is malfunctioning."

The passage came to an end.

"There must be a way through here," the researcher began, "all the signs point to another opening."

The researcher scanned the walls with the LED band. There were scratches along the path.

"There seem to be indications that others have been where I am standing now."

The researcher followed the lines to an indentation in the rock.

The researcher felt along the indentation. "I can feel air rushing through here."

Looking around, the researcher searched along the ground. "There are paw prints in the sand."

A grinding sound startled the nervous researcher who fell to the ground.

The LED band shot up to illuminate the source.

The once motionless rock seemed to be dissolving into itself, slowly but surely.

Ostensibly, the indentation in the rock was widening into a sort of ...doorway.

Unsteadily, the researcher held up the Pokédex to speak, but fell speechless for the moment.

A rush of air filled the space on the other side.

The ominous opening was now wide enough to allow access to the curious researcher.

Standing once again, the curious researcher peered into the newly opened cavern.

There was a definite glow to the room, it smelled of... plastic and was much warmer than the last.

Once again raising the Pokédex, the researcher failed to articulate.

Just then, a sound from the far side of the room echoed past the researcher.

A bit of fear and excitement pulled the human into the new cavern.

Slowly scanning for the source of the sound, the excitable intruder shined the LED band from alcove to alcove. There were electronic devices and used energy cells in each one.

Pokédex in hand once again, the researcher pressed the record button and began to speak:

"Someone, or something has been us-" The Pokédex was ripped from the researcher's hand.

The red recording light flew off into the dark. "What?! Who is there?!" The researcher exclaimed.

"Please, I am not going to hurt you. Where are you...?" The nervous human inquired.

The LED band being the only source of comfort began to flicker, and then fade.

"You are peaceful now." A deep voice commanded.

Suddenly the human was calm and relaxed. "No more thoughts." The voice suggested.

The impaired human fell to the floor, and the source of the voice stood over the limp victim.

It was Mewtwo, the great felinoid - larger than most humans, and more intelligent than any.

A paw rose up slowly, a psychokinetic field formed around the human.

"You shall stay." Mewtwo instructed.

Focusing on his new plaything, the powerful creature began to reformat the researcher's genome.

"Modify." Mewtwo thought, "Become like me."

The researcher temporarily regained some level of consciousness and looked around.

The creature's attention was now completely focused on physical domination.

Lying on the ground, a strange feeling was running through every nerve, every muscle.

Fingers were merging together, and white fur was emerging as well.

Everything was changing; even vision and other senses were altered.

A caudal pressure forced the researcher to whimper. A thick feline tail soon projected outward.

"What is going on? Is this a nightmare?" The researcher tried to reason.

A voice from the Pokédex broke through the confusion.

"Update S3-97.5 received, new file added... ... ...Mew-two, a Pokémon engineered by Rocket Genetics Corporation from genetic material obtained from a fossilized Mew. The last recorded siting of Mew-two was near Mt. Quena National Park. Mew-two has been known to abduct humans and is incredibly dangerous. Trainers are advised not to approach this Pokémon under any circumstances... "

As the Pokédex went on standby. Mewtwo glanced at the device, smirking, "Good advice."

Again to the visitor, "No more thoughts." Reestablishing control of the once human being.

"You shall stay."