Dalmatian Air, Part 1

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#1 of Dalmatian Air

Dalmatian Air.

Written By: Wolfie Steel.

Part 1.

This story will contain gay furry sex, and the occasional use of strong language, if you are not old enough, (18/21), to read such material, or if there is a chance that it will offend you, please don't continue to read past this point................So, still here I see, well then, sit back and enjoy.

In a rundown Aircraft hanger just on the outskirts of London town a Dalmatian stands at a desk staring at a computer screen.....

"Damn it, there's gotta be some cargo jobs out there somewhere Joe, if this job drought continues, I'm going to have to consider folding the company, we are already two months behind with the rent for the hanger, and now to make matters worse we have one of the worst snow storms for 20 years hitting us"

Joe, another Dalmatian walks up to the desk with his head down as he replies.

"Leo, I have every confidence that something good is just around the corner"

I stand at the other side of the desk still scanning the screen and rubbing my temples.

"Joe, I wish that I could share your confidence, but the only thing that will save us now is if a massive contract falls into our lap, and with this snow, that is not going to happen"

Joe can now see the stress on my face and slowly walks around to my side of the desk; he then pulls me away from the computer and shuts it down.

"What we both need is a quiet drink at Lloyd's Bar followed by an early night, and don't forget, I own half this business so don't even think about arguing with me"

A weak smile creeps across my muzzle as I answer.

"Thanks Joe, but right now I'm so broke that I can't even pay attention, so a drink even though it sounds nice, is definitely out of the question"

Joe puts his paw into his pocket and pulls out a ten pound note.

"I have been saving this for a rainy day, well ok it ain't raining so snow will have to do, now march your butt over to Lloyd's with me and have one drink, then I will drive you home, in the morning I will come and pick you up and then we can start a fresh new day"

I let out a deep rooted sigh of resignation.

"Ok Joe, you win, but if I get any money, you are getting the drink back, with interest"

I follow my fellow Dalmatian from the hanger making sure that everything electrical was turned off. I finally step through the exit door and lock it up for the night, I then catch up to Joe and walk with him into Lloyd's Bar.

The place is absolutely full with furs drinking to forget their worries, Joe and I finally make it to the bar and I notice a sign asking for a full time bar tender, well it seems that at least one business is thriving. Joe orders two glasses of beer, we take the drinks and manage to find an empty table where we can sit with our drinks.

Joe looks at me concerned as I am being unnaturally quiet, and he knows that I'm hiding something from him.

"We're in deeper than you are letting on aren't we?"

I let out a resigned sigh and nod slowly; I then take a letter out of my jacket pocket and hand it to Joe.

Joe begins to read the letter, his eyes getting wider the further he reads.


** This is to serve notice to Dalmatian Air that as of Monday 17th January 2011, they will cease trading and be evicted from their current premises. This action is being taken after numerous attempts to contact the company owners have failed.**

Joe could not read any further, he looked back at me and spoke in a tone that was verging on angry.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me about this, I could have done more to help, there was no need for it to get this far"

Tears start to fall from my eyes and I quickly get up from my seat and rush outside into the snow. After ten minutes Joe has calmed down enough to come outside to join me, carrying both of our drinks.

"I didn't handle that very well did I Leo? I'm sorry I yelled at you, but damn, you and I built this business up from ground level; remember the day we left school together, the day that we both said that we were going to make a name for ourselves"

I slowly turn to face Joe and then my head droops as I reply.

"I remember that day Joe, and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this, but I just couldn't face you with the news because I knew that it would end our working relationship"

Joe now puts his arm around my neck and giggles slightly.

"I'll tell you something my friend, we have known each other since Junior School, I have been to every one of your birthday parties since I was five, we take it in turns to go to each other's place at Christmas, hell we are practically brothers, so there is no way that I'm going to walk out on you or the business now. I will get in contact with the leasing company and plead for a little extension on our eviction notice, and then I will re-mortgage my house which should help keep us afloat for a while longer, now drink up, and we'll head back to my place for the night, neither of us should be alone tonight"

Joe knows about me being gay and he's ok with it, I know that he is as straight as a ruler and I know that his offer to put me up for the night is just an offer of friendship. We finish our drinks and head to Joe's truck and we make the half an hour trip back to his home.


We arrive back at Joe's place and head inside, we walk into the living room and Joe heads to the fire place and gets a good log fire burning, I sit on the couch whilst Joe sits in his arm chair which faces the couch.

"Now then, let's continue our conversation about where things went wrong. That day that you walked into work saying that you had totalled your car that was a lie wasn't it?"

I gently nod my head and Joe continues.

"So what was it, you had it repossessed, or did you sell it?"

I look at Joe and sigh.

"I had to sell it Joe, it was either look good in a Mercedes, or put fuel in the tank of the plane, the plane won out, and my house well that is mortgaged to the hilt, with what I made from the sale of the car, I was able to put fuel in the planes tank and make the next two mortgage payments on the house, after that it's cardboard city for me"

Joe stands from his seat and then sits next to me on the couch.

"Damn, you have done everything you can to keep the business going, I feel like such a fraud for not helping you out, well that changes here and now my friend, tomorrow we check the system to see if there are any freight jobs to do, and then you will put your place on the market and get it sold before you get kicked out, it's better to come away with your dignity intact and a little money in your pocket, once the house is on the market, you will move in here with me. We will face the hardship together"

I let out a slight sniff and then give a gentle nod. We sit in front of the fire for an hour and then we decide to head off to bed for the night.


The morning dawns and both Joe and I take it in turns to use the shower, once showered and dressed we then head down to the kitchen and make a hearty breakfast, Joe looks out of the kitchen window and notices that the snow is now coming down even thicker and heavier than before.

"It's a good job that I got the four by four, we'll have breakfast and then head out to work"

I look up from my plate of buttered toast.

"Joe, why are you bothering? We both know that there will be no jobs on the system, and even if there are, the CAA won't allow us to fly in this weather"

To be honest I don't know why I just wasted my breath, I have known Joe long enough now to know that once he gets an idea into his head, there really is no shifting it. So with another sigh I finish off my toast and we both head out to Joe's truck.

The journey in takes a little longer because of all the snow that has fallen overnight and is still falling, but we eventually make it to the hanger. Standing in front of the hanger doors is a large official looking Doberman, flanked by two huge and heavily armed Bulls.

Joe looks at me and speaks.

"Stay in the truck, if any shit goes down, turn the truck around and get the fuck out of here"

With that Joe gets out of the truck and heads towards the large Doberman.

"Can I help you gentlemen in anyway?"

The Doberman approaches and holds out his paw, Joe accepts the Doberman's paw into his own as the Doberman introduces himself.

"My name is Ian Danter, and I'm the cultural attaché to Jersey, I'm also in charge of Jersey's main pharmaceutical company, and I need to get a flight back to Jersey. I have tried everyone else that I can find with a plane, you are my last hope, you see my father is on his death bed and I need to be at his bedside"

Joe turns around and calls me from the truck. I gingerly exit the truck and join my business partner, Joe outlines the Doberman's problem to me, and I make my reply.

"Well Mr Danter, normally I would take the job, but unfortunately the plane will probably be grounded due to the weather, and then as of Monday Dalmatian Air will not exist, so I'm sorry but we can't help you I'm afraid"

The Doberman looks at me with a sad face, and then he hits my soft spot.....money

"Sir, at this moment I'm a desperate dog, money is no object to me, hell if I have to I'll give you more than enough to get you back into the black and keep you there for quite some time"

I turn to Joe and he just nods at me with a pleading face, I look back to the Doberman and let out a sigh as I make my reply.

"Ok, let's head inside and I will see if the CAA is willing to give me clearance to fly"

The look of relief on the Doberman's face is immense. I unlock the door and enter the hanger, closely followed by Joe, the Doberman and the two Bulls. I contact the CAA and outline the flight plan, at first they are unsure about giving me permission to fly, but after being spoken to by the Doberman, they eventually agree that I can make the flight.