Lycans of the World part 1

Story by Little Draco on SoFurry

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#1 of Lycans of the World

This is the renewal of this series. My older brother has asked that I redo these for him because many of you loved this story. I am going to do it but with a little bit more and corrected in spelling.

Lycans of the World part 1

Morning had come and the day was to be of great beauty. A lone Lycan sat in a small cave that he had recently found and had made it his home. His ears perked up and his black eyes opened as he heard the sound of birds singing in the morning and the wind brushing on the blades of grass outside his home. He picked up his head; scanning the view for any sign of intruders.

He watched for any sudden movements before he stood up on all fours and walked outside of his small cave. Though his cave was small, it was slightly under ground and away from any mountains. He walked outside of his cave and stood up his hind legs and stretched out all of his limbs, making a few of them crack. He let out a happy growl and walked over to the fields.

As he walked over, his stomach growled and knew what he desired. He walked over to a tall patch of grass before he walked on his fours and walked quietly as possible. His fur was pitch black so it was harder to hide in the grass. He used his long dagger like claws to steady his movements. His snout which was slightly pointed carried his nose, which he could already smell his prey. And his black eyes remained steady as he peaked in through the grass.

He saw a herd of wild animal that resembled gazelle but were darker in color and to his personal interest, the females go to heat often, which makes their hinds tastier. He knew one thing for sure; the fields were surrounded by a river that was nearly half a mile long and nearly twenty feet deep. They were good swimmers but by the time they got to the edge, he would have hunted and killed them easily. And his other knowledge to them was they may be intelligent to talk and when they are in trouble, the males will often try to fight back, which to the lycan, was no trouble what so ever. So it was safe to come out and expose himself to them. And as soon as he did, they all looked over and soon ran to a cave that was under ground. All the females and fawns ran while the males came to cover the cave.

The Lycan laughed at the excitement and walked on fours to them. One of the males, which was almost his height, he being nearly five feet, when the lycan was on fours but was short when he stood up. The male gazelle walked up to him.

"Be gone wild beast! We have no use for your trouble here!"

The lycan smiled darkly. He stood up on his hind legs and walked over to the gazelle which was starting to shake.

"Don't worry." said the Lycan. "I am just here for a one meal course only and a single female to play around... if you know what I mean."

The gazelle growled at him. "Never, leave right now you perverted foul monster. We care for our kind so go do your hunting else where."

The lycan's smile grew. "You got the perverted part down but you know what, I think I will stick around here to get more of my delicious meals here."

The male guzzle growled louder. "Then we will have to try and kill you."

The male charged at him but the lycan only smiled before he quickly put both of his hand in front and he grabbed the gazelle by the horns and whirled him around before he slammed him on the floor. The other male gazelles were shocked when he was slammed.

The lycan smiled and looked down at the hurt male.

"So I guess you will be my meal for the day but first i think a nice round of horse play before I can eat." The Lycan moved the male around before he laid him on his belly and spread his hind legs were he saw the male's anal hole. He moved his covering a side, showing off his giant seven inch red dick; it was large and red and slowly the tip was starting to become wet with his pr.. He bent down before he grabbed the males sides and rammed his dick in.

The male gazelle yelled loudly making the other nearby males to flinch. The lycan smiled down and gave the male a long lick on his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. "Don't worry you love this and then you will die."

He rammed more of his dick into the male before his dick was fully in and he started to bang him. For the whole time the male cried out to his fellow gazelles but they could only stand by and watch.

About five minutes passed when the lycan felt his load building up and the male was already done squealing and gave up. The lycan quickly rammed harder and trying to finish off early. The build up got too great and he howled as he released his load into the male making him cry before he collapsed. The lycan was panting heavily before he leaned down to the male's ear and whispered:

"So how did you like it?"

The gazelle was already in tears before he just laid his head on the ground awaiting his doom. The lycan lowered his head more. "If you are worried about your fellow herd here, I will not kill them."

The male picked up his head and moved it so he can see him. "You won't?"

The lycan smiled kindly. "No I won't, however, I will take one for my own use and I will only hunt your kind in the next morning only; I will search else where for food."

The gazelle lowered his head back down. "Kill me quickly; I can't stand your lies much longer."

The lycan grew dark yet he said nothing. He only used his front paws and put them over the male before saying. "I am sorry but this is life."

"Yes." said the gazelle. "This is it may be life, but this is cruelty and I am not long to be those who have suffered the same fate. I hate you and your kind; ever since your kind got here so long ago. I hope that when I die, our ancestors will welcome me to their plain of safe heaven and then you will be buried under the dirt to rot!."

The lycan hesitated a bit; taking in the gazelle's word before he wrapped his arms around his neck and broke the male's neck and ending him in a quick death. The other males gasped and the lycan turned to them, sending them running into the cave. The lycan turned his attention back to the dead carcass and began feeding.

About an hour later, he finished off with the bones and headed to the cave where he saw hundreds of scared gazelle. He blinked before he growled. "Alright listen up, what I just told you male friend before i killed him was that I will only hunt one of your kind in the morning before I take my kills else where. Now i want all those that are male, child and females that have children or will have children to leave."

All were confused at first but they quickly ran past him and out towards the fields. In till four remained, two of them were coming out. The first one he let go but when it came to the second one, she hesitated and looked him in the eyes. He stared into her eyes. She was about to run but was held back. Her sides were held and she turned fearfully at him. He stared at her with seemingly darkness but no anger. He studied her before he leaned down to her rump; moving her small tail away and gave her a quick lick in her pussy lip before letting go. She skipped a few steps before she turned and looked at him. He looked at her giving her a wink before he entered the cave and only two females were left.

He carried them to his small cave and let them slide down. The two were shaking violently as he approached her. He spoke out.

"I will not rape you as originally planed; instead I will only require your company before I let you go." They stopped shaking a bit as he lay down in between them.

And so he told him to share their lives with him while he seemed to groom them. They were scared at first but as time passed on, they grew to like it. The two females' continued on with their life stories. He also asked about their history with his kind. It wasn't till he was done grooming them and as promised; he let them back to their herd.

He watched them both quickly leave out of his cave were gone and he was alone again. He wasted so much time with them he didn't see that evening had come already and he hadn't eaten since the morning. He didn't care for his upset stomach for after this morning's events, he didn't feel like eating. He put his head down in between his paws and fell asleep.

He woke up when the sun was completely gone and the night sky was starting to light up. IT was nights like these he would remember his past. Though mostly everything was fuzzy, he could remember his mother and father. They both had jet black fur like him. But he also remembered his little sister, Fayly. He remembered that they both would spent countless hours with each others at night, playing alongside with their parents but then after a while his memory got fuzzy in till up to a point when the last thing he remembered was being carried away from his mother, father and sister and then everything went blank. His next memory was waking up by a small river. As a small child, he was barely learning on how to hunt, so he had to rely on his small knowledge. At first he was able to catch small prey, like rodents, snakes and eventually gazelles. As time past on, he quickly learned to how to hunt more efficiently without wasting energy, then came the day were he caught all of his prey without a single remorse. IT was just the way life turned out to be.

A sudden movement in the distance caught his attention. At night, it was clear as day to him. From what he saw the movement was actually an animal. The animal was a gazelle and the gazelle was a female that he saw earlier. He stood up and walked towards her.

The female gazelle saw him coming and started to regret her earlier plan but when she saw him up close, she sat down on her hunches and waited for him.

The lycan saw her sitting and for the first time in his life his voice was of kindness. "What are you doing here?"

The female gulped before she spoke out. "I...I am here to... talk about earlier... and why you did it."

The lycan saw no use in talking to her on his hind legs so he landed on his front paws and sat close to her. "Alright, what did you want to talk about?"

She slightly hesitated before she moved a bit closer and stared at him with fearful eyes. "I am saddened that one of our males has been killed by you but I want you to know that what you did was an act of nature." He blinked at her in confusion before she carried on. "I know that you must be wondering why i would be telling you this but I can only say that if you do choose to hunt us, make sure not to violate us so many others. It breaks their spirits to live on and it is not fair for us."

He listened to her carefully before he sighed and his ears dropped.

"I am sorry for that mess earlier own but I needed to show that I watch over you all. You are my food that I need to survive and you need me."

"Need you?" she ask. "What do we need you for?"

He chuckled. "Well I guess you haven't notice but have you seen any other beast around here that is trying to eat you?" She shook her head. "Well that is because I protect you all from them. Last time a fought off a group of raptors that were here to eat you all up but I scared them off and even though I hunt you, I still care for my food supply."

"But is that all we are to you? Food?"

He looked down for a bit before he breath in deeply. She spoke out more. "And what about 'us mating toys' as you call it?"

His ears perked up and his cheeks that were covered by little fur showed a bit pink. "Well I just have a lust and I can't control so instead of trying to eat you, i try to play with you."

She smiled and giggled. "Well that is one beast not even you can contain."

They both giggled before they stopped and looked at each other. She moved up closer so that her face was mere inches away from him. He stared deeply into her eyes before he asked: "what is your name?"

She smiled and stared deeply into his eyes. "Revena"

He smiled. "I like that name. Mine if I can clearly remember was Death hunter or what my parents called me, Keyno."

She smiled. "Well its nice to meet you Keyno. So now that we have talked about all that we could, what now?"

He looked down a bit before his ears perked up and he leaned in close to her and gave her a small lick on her muzzle. She was startled by it but then got into it. Once he leaned back, he looked at her with worried eyes. "I am sorry i should have done that."

She looked up at him with sadden eyes. "Why not? i liked it."

He looked at her with deep passionate eyes. Then with nothing else said he approached her with a lick on her muzzle, this time, it went in her mouth . They both held on dearly to their kiss and both loved every moment of it.

When they both separated, Keyno slowly reached out for her sides and switched her position. She giggled as he was about to do what he did earlier. He gave her a lick that sent her spine into a tingle. He continued on licking her and loved hearing her moan as he did.

Her juices slowly began to flow out and he loved every bit of it. It took vast amount of self control to take her off her feet and eat her pussy out. He remained loyal in till he could no longer take it and he stood on his hind legs and mounted her. She gasped at the feeling of his member that was so hard it was hurting him. He inserted her slowly and enjoyed the sensation. She cooed under the feeling in till he entered her more and slowly trusted inside of the young female, almost shoving everything inside of her in till his half of his tip was gone.

For the next few minutes it was heaven for both of them, Keyno rocking back and forth in her. His precum starting to load up while the same went for Revena. Her juices were spilling out more and her moans got louder and louder. Both were in utter bliss in till Revena couldn't take it any more and she released her juices on to his thick cock, making him howl in pleasure. Keyno was next and he finally released his seed into her womb and they both fell to the side, both breathing heavily. Keyno gave her a kiss on the muzzle and she smiled.

"That was incredible!"

He laughed still panting. "Yeah that was."

They both waited till their breathing was slow and Revena spoke to him. "So does this make us mates?"

The question startled him and his eyes went wide. Her attention was now focused on him. She waited for his answer which seemed to come out very unethical. "I...I can not say yes Revena."

She turned her head to face him and looked into his eyes. "Why not?" was her simple question.

He sighed deeply before he licked her muzzle. "Because it is not right for hunters and the hunted or predator and prey to be mates. It wouldn't balance it out. I am sorry but I cannot be your mate, no matter how far we go to make it like that."

She closed her eyes and a single tear ran down her face. "I am sorry."

"As am I; If anything should make you feel better i am leaving this place and i will go off to find my kind. It will be better for you to stay here were it is safe."

More tears fell from her eyes but she didn't sound depressed. "I understand."

He felt sympathy for her. He gave her a long kiss before he wiped away her tears and spoke.

"I will leave tonight. If I did anything to make you think this would work out, i am truly sorry and you should hate me." He stood up on his fours and looked down at her.

Her eyes were still closed and her tears ran down faster.

"Good bye...Revena." He walked away and headed west, thinking there might be some of his clan there. His last thoughts were of Revena before he ran off into the wild and leaving a poor animal to feel a heart broken that will last the rest of her life.