Scamper's Reward

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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Scamper's Reward



The following contains zoophilia sex between an anthro male and a feral male stallion. If you are easily offended by this I suggest you leave now because you were warned and I don't want to hear you cry about how you didn't see this bold print.


A cool breeze blew through his hair as the big stallion trotted along the path leading through the forest which eventually would lead to the valley where his ranch was.

There was a definite bite in the air signaling it was going to be a cold night after the sun sunk over the hills. The stallion could feel it giving him goosebumps as he trotted onward with rider riding on his back.

The equipment he carried on his hips was what you would expect to see a camper carrying along with the usual tent and other camper type things.

Scamper was a trail riding horse who was owned by a trail riding company who specialized in day long trail rides or in some cases overnight camping trips.

Usually the trips were no problem for Scamper but the cold sharp biting breeze made the gear he carried on his hips seem to weigh a ton.

Scamper was shivering trying to keep warm as it seemed like this trip would never end. The temperature had gone from a tolerable sixty degrees to nearly forty bone chilling degrees with a wind chill well into the upper 20s.

When the forest ended they emerged into the valley where the ranch was located the full brunt of an early old man winter hit Scamper like a cheap shot out of nowhere making him snort in displeasure.

Scamper picked up the pace a little trying to get his body warm, however, when he felt a tug on the reins from his rider telling him to slow down all he could do was snort a grumpy protest.

"Sure, I'd just love to throw you off my back so I could go get warm and get out of this miserable cold" Scamper grumbled to himself as his rider kept him at a steady walk.

He wondered why a horse should be put through such monotony day after day, week after week, month after month, all for what, a boring meal of hay and oats? Scamper scowled at the thought wondering how a horse of his type ended up in one of the coldest regions in all of the United States?

Scamper was not a Nordic type of horse; Scamper was a horse who was foaled in a warm southern area where brief winters meant a lighter coat. His owners HAD to move their business up here to near the Canadian Border in Idaho where winter seemed like it was year around instead of a few months out of the year.

That was well over a year ago when they moved up with him from sunny warm Gulf Shores Alabama to bone chilling cold Bonner's Ferry Idaho.

"I wish I was back in Alabama where I could at least tolerate the winters" Scamper grumbled. "I wish I was back on the beaches of Gulf Shores enjoying the nice ocean breeze through my mane and on my body" Scamper lamented to himself. "I'd take a warm ocean breeze over this deep freeze in a heartbeat" Scamper whined in his mind. "If I could talk these morons would be short one horse permanently!" Scamper's mind grumbled out loud.

He missed the warmth but he knew his owners were going to be here for the long haul so Scamper just sulked and snorted a pitiful snort.

To make matters worse what little fat Scamper had on his body did little to shield him from the cold biting breeze which nagged at him like flies did. The only difference was he could swat flies with his tail but there was no way to swat away a banshee like cold breeze coming from the Canadian Prairies some seventy miles east northeast of where Scamper was on the trail.

When Scamper got back to his stall( if he ever did get back) he was going to eat the warmest and the biggest meal he could find to get some fat on his bones to endure this incoming winter chill.

First though he had to endure the last miles of this ride before he could realize his dream provided the rider was in the same state as Scamper was.

As the minutes ticked by the temperature continued to drop as Scamper neared his goal of getting rid of this rider and his blasted gear.

"Just a few more miles until the ranch and freedom from this torture and this bone chilling cold!" Scamper said to himself as he motivated himself to keep moving while he was thinking about what was to come once the ride was over.

By the time the ranch finally came into view a light snow had started to fall signaling it had dropped well below 30 degrees making Scamper almost shiver inside as the flakes whacked him in the face like annoying little bugs biting at him.

"Bah, damn snow is more miserable than flies, at least they know when to quit" Scamper grumbled to himself making his ears flatten on the back of his head.

"Just a few more steps and its over" Scamper reminded himself as he briefly closed his eyes to give them a break from the relentless snowflakes hitting them.

When Scamper finally passed through the gate leading into the ranch he knew the trip was nearly over and when his rider pulled the reins telling him to "WHOA" he whinnied with great pleasure knowing soon he'd be in a warm place getting the warm meal he so deserved.

A few minutes passed before Scamper's owners, a male and a female came out to remove the gear and the saddle from his back. When it all came off it was like a weight had floated off Scamper's back as he reared up in pleasure stunning his owners into complete shock followed by laughter.

"Sure, laugh, next time I'll put all that gear on your backs and let you carry it while I LAUGH AT YOU" Scamper grumbled to himself. "HA HA HA, is how it would go" Scamper said to himself forcing a grin to come over his face.

After his owners were done having a riot over his funny reaction Scamper was led to the back of the ranch where a huge barn was located.

Scamper could only whinny like a foal getting a gift from its mother at how lucky he truly was tonight to be spending it in a warm enclosed barn with all the food he could fit inside him.

Scamper felt his belly growl at the thought of warm food in it as he neared the huge barn. The male owner counterpart gave his female half Scamper's rope as he walked up to unlatch the huge double doors of the barn.

As he released the latch holding the two doors securely closed they groaned and creaked swinging open when the wind caught hold of them.

A rush of warm air greeted all of them as Scamper was led into the warm inviting space. His entire body went numb when the warm air hit it making the blood inside of him slowly start to warm his body.

Scamper whinnied in appreciation as he was led into a stall located on the right side of the massive barn. The inside of the barn had to be a good 2000 square feet not counting the rooms in it which were full of delicious food.

Near the front doors on the far left there was a bathing area complete with its own set of doors to let the water seep out when the horses were bathed. Both the left side and the right side of the barn had stalls for all the horses whose owners wanted to board them there overnight before they went on the trail.

In the back there were several rooms, two of which housed food for the horses and the other housed the equipment, saddles, and everything else you'd typically find on a horse ranch.

Scamper's stall was not too far from the feed rooms, in fact, it was right by them. Since Scamper was the only horse in the barn tonight he was going to get into both of those feed rooms one way or the other to feast on every speck of food in them.

So what if he got in trouble, at least he'd be fat and happy for an entire winter. Once his bridal gear was removed and his trough filled with hay and oats Scamper's owners closed his stall door before walking out of the barn bidding him a good night until morning.

Scamper waited until his owners were long gone before he set his plan into motion. He knew how to unlatch the gate with his nose and it clicked open after some effort.

The rooms housing all the food didn't have doors attached to their openings which meant easy pickings for one such as Scamper as he trotted over to the first room stocked full of large bins full of oats.

His belly growled loudly as Scamper made his way into room one housing all the oats. Scamper was drooling like a mad fool as he dove into all the bins of oats devouring the oats like a favorite candy popping the lids off with his mouth.

Bin after bin full of oats were sucked up by Scamper's vacuum of a mouth as he savored the warmth and the granola taste the oats presented his taste buds.

Scamper was in heaven as he felt his belly filling with the delicious oats not caring if he was eating like a pig or acting like one.

Scamper felt his entire body gaining mass as he finished off the last of the fifty bins full of oats. He thought he could also do the hay but realized he was stuffed with so many yummy oats that if he wanted to get back to his stall he'd better save the hay for later.

Scamper happily trotted back to his stall closing the door with his hind leg content he had eaten his fill. He topped it off by devouring everything in his trough making his belly hang just low enough to where it seemed like he was a tad overweight.

Scamper fell asleep content at what he had done and was going to be marveling at the reaction of his owners when they saw all of the oats gone. If they asked who did it he could just blame one of the many farm cats he saw walking around the ranch which elicited a wide happy grin on his muzzle.


By the next morning a foot of snow had fallen on the valley snowing the ranch in meaning Scamper's owners were stranded until somebody could get them out of their house down the road from where the barn was. So that meant Scamper could finish off all the hay too and not be suspected of a thing other than being "forced" to survive on what rations he had at his disposal.

Scamper undid the latch of the stall door gate swinging it open pointing his gaze towards the hay room this time. He happily trotted towards the hay room looking forward to pigging out on the hay the same way he had done in the oats.

Scamper trotted by a huge mirror distracting him as he stopped to investigate who the big horse was in the mirror. What he saw at first shocked him but eventually made him smile a big smile. All of his body had filled out with the winter mass needed to stay warm and his belly hung with a light slope which dropped a tad of pudge like it had been filled with the exact amount of food it needed to be called a real belly.

Scamper had made his goal of getting fat, warm and happy for the winter as he neighed in satisfaction admiring what he had done to his body.

Scamper trotted around happily taking in every inch of his body including his dormant cock and balls flopping around as he trotted making a swinging motion making him whinny in pleasure. He liked how his butt flexed as he trotted by the window each time and how well defined his buttocks were thanks to his night of feasting on oats. The muscles were well defined now with mass around them as Scamper turned with his butt facing the window. Scamper lifted his tail whinnying in joy as he turned his head to watch his balls wiggle with his butt crack as it winked in appreciation making Scamper nod his head.

Scamper was enjoying every minute of this and slowly becoming turned on by the whole thing as he felt his shealth start to slowly stir as he continued to admire himself in the mirror.


Caleb Doobie had been hired by his parents to shovel out their ranch road and check on Scamper to make sure he was fed and bathed. The young wolf reveled at getting the chance to do this job since class at Idaho State had been canceled for the weekend due to the blizzard.

Caleb would rather be doing this then sitting in a classroom trying to stay awake listening to boring lectures. The 19 year old wolf wagged his tail as he trudged back to the garage to get the snow equipment necessary to do the job his parents had given him.

One snow blower and shovel were loaded into the back of Caleb's truck. At the back of the garage sat a massive snow road clearing shovel which Caleb dragged to the front of his Dodge 250 with a Cummins diesel engine in it.

It took a few minutes to get the shovel rigged on his truck but once it was rigged all Caleb had to do was go get the salt machine and load it on his truck. He had shoveled out the driveway before he had loaded all of the snow equipment on his truck so getting out of his driveway would be no sweat.

The salt machine Caleb needed was in a shed at the back of his parent's property. He got into his truck firing the massive grumbling beast to life. It growled like a lion as Caleb let the heater run for a time to get the cab warm before releasing the parking brake to back out of the garage.

Once he was out of the garage he pointed his truck to the right pulling out of the driveway. Caleb used the controls in the cab of his truck to lower the shovel to clear the road ahead of him leading to the back of his parent's property and the shed.

The shovel made a robotic type whine as it hit the ground clearing the small road of any deep snow which was on it.

A couple minutes later Caleb arrived at the shed so he pressed a button on the shovel control making the shovel go up with a robotic hum.

He stopped the truck once the shovel was safely up figuring it would be best to just keep the truck running while he went to go retrieve the salt buggy out of the shed whose trail leading to it was blanketed in a good foot of snow.

Caleb walked back to the bed of his truck lifting the heavy Torro snow blower out of it. He filled it with some gas before firing the engine up letting it clear the way to the shed. Snow flew out the blower by the metric ton it seemed as the machine gobbled it up and spit it out to the side like a tornado sucking up dirt.

The quicker Caleb got this done the quicker he could get back into his truck to get warm again. The blizzard had not only put a foot of snow on the ground, it had taken the temperatures down with it to a bone numbing eighteen degrees with a wind chill well down into the single digits below zero.

Caleb was wearing a navy blue sweater, a white long sleeved undershirt, and a wool lined Stetson leather jacket with long johns, heavy cotton pants, and knee high light brown snow boots with double layered socks. Even with all of these so called "warm insulators" on the bitter chill of the wind knifed right through them making the wolf shiver.

The last few feet of the walk leading to the shed were cleared so Caleb shut off the engine of the snow blower giving it a couple minutes to cool as he stood there shivering like a leaf. He reached down to feel the engine and the residual warmth felt very good to the wolf as he lifted the snow blower up letting the warmth of the cooling engine warm his paws.

He carried the snow blower back to his truck setting it back into the bed before opening the extended cab door on the driver's side to retrieve the keys for the shed hidden in the back seat glove box.

Caleb had to dig around for a minute to find the shed keys which were buried underneath some Idaho and Washington road maps. The cold feeling of silver told Caleb he had found the keys. As soon as they were in his paw the wolf shut the glove box crawling out of the truck shutting the door making his way to the shed.

Caleb walked up to the door, unlocked it, and pushed it open. Inside the shed were the buggy and several bags of salt weighing fifty pounds each. Caleb would need at least fifteen of these bags to get this job done.

Experience had taught Caleb to bring along a few extra just in case the ranch road was snowed in more than he expected. He did not want to drive back here again for more bags. So instead of fifteen Caleb would take twenty just to be certain he wouldn't run into any surprises or unexpected snags on the ranch road.

But before he could load the salt he had to first install the buggy in his truck bed which was fitted with a ramp complete with a salt spout Caleb had built over the summer break from college. Without salt the buggy weighed as much as the bags of salt, with salt in it the buggy weighed triple that.

Caleb grunted and groaned as he lugged the bulky buggy to his truck. Even though his truck was a few feet away Caleb had slacked off on his fitness and it showed as he huffed and puffed trying to get oxygen to his heart as It pumped fast making him suck up air faster then he took it out.

Caleb after some struggle finally reached his truck as he put the buggy on the ground to catch his breath for a minute. It was going to be a long day for the wolf as he regretted letting college life take over his ranch life.

Once Caleb had caught his breath he lugged the buggy to the back of his truck giving it one last heave hoe setting it on the ramp in the bed of his truck.

Caleb clamped all the locks in place and connected all the wires running from the back of the cab to the unit itself. Once that was done Caleb went to retrieve the twenty bags of salt carrying them two at a time loading the first ten into the salt buggy before retrieving the last ten setting them in his truck bed on both the driver's and passenger's sides of his truck.

Caleb was exhausted as he looked like a steam engine with his steamy breath belching out of his mouth as he was doubled over trying to catch his breath.

"Ok, that settles it, no more goofing off on my free time, it's back to the gym and back to doing chores on the ranch" Caleb grumbled to himself angry he had let himself get to this point.

While Caleb was catching his breath he slowly walked up to the door of the shed taking one last look to make sure he had gotten everything he needed for this snow job.

Satisfied he had gotten everything he needed; Caleb closed the door of the shed and ran back to his truck getting inside it. He had broken quite a sweat and now felt like a piece of raw meat as he took off his jacket, sweater, and undershirt to let them dry off while letting the sweat dry off of his fur.

Caleb took a towel and dried his fur off while gulping down a big jug full of Gatorade to rebalance his electrolytes and his hydration.

Once Caleb had dried off and was getting warm again it was time to go salt the ranch road.

Caleb backed down the side road of his parent's property to access the ranch road. Once he reached the ranch road there were two ways to go on it. To the right led to the main highway two miles away which went into the Town Center of Bonners Ferry ten miles east of the ranch. To the left was the ranch road which was five miles long leading to the ranch itself and the equestrian boarding area of the ranch located a half mile from the entrance.

Caleb backed out on the road pointing his truck to the left to head towards the ranch. Caleb engaged the salt machine and the shovel clearing the ranch road in both directions.

Midway through his plowing of the ranch road the heater suddenly stopped working on his truck forcing Caleb to throw his undershirt, sweater, and jacket back on. Twenty minutes later the cab of his truck had turned into a little fridge as he cussed out his broken heater shivering like a leaf.

"You fucking piece of cheap made jackass junk" Caleb spat as he smacked the heater controls. "If I had any decent sense I'd throw your sorry ass out the window" Caleb yelled. "And further more I HATE YOU!" Caleb roared slamming his fist into the heater controls rupturing them as a shower of sparks hit him in the face.

Caleb knew his temper wouldn't solve anything so he trudged on finishing salting and plowing out the ranch road before he entered the ranch itself.

Caleb plowed the remaining bit of road before he turned around lifting up the shovel on his truck one last time before he drove into the ranch finding a place to park his truck. He found a spot about three hundred yards from the barn where his parents were keeping Scamper.

His truck lurched to a stop before Caleb got out slamming the door in disgust at his rotten luck with the truck's heater. Not only did he have to finish snow blowing and shoveling the ranch out but now he had to call the nearest tow company to see if they could tow his truck into the nearest garage to repair the busted heater.

Unfortunately the barn didn't have a phone in it so Caleb would have to go all the way back to his parent's house to make that call. All Caleb could do was grumble to himself as he made his way to the barn.

Caleb trudged in the deep snow up to the big barn front doors. He heard some whinnying and neighing figuring Scamper was probably hungry or knew he was about to come in to feed him.

The wolf walked up to the large doors undoing the latch for the left one. It swung open and Caleb walked inside the barn closing it behind him quietly.

As Caleb neared the area where the stalls were he noticed one of the doors on the right side of the barn was open so he went to go close it as he figured old Scamper must have found a way out and was helping himself to the goodies in both of the feed rooms.

"Oh joy, now this" Caleb grumbled as he went to close the stall door. "Last time we put him in here he did the same thing and we had to buy a whole new supply of food with MY ALLOWANCE MONEY" Caleb grumbled to himself recounting the five hundred dollars he had to spend thanks to Scamper's last raid of the food rooms.

He had just about gotten to the door when Caleb heard hoof beats startling him as he ran over to a pile of empty oat sacks on the otherside of the barn.

If Scamper had gotten out there was no telling what kind of a mood he'd be in if he was really hungry.

Once Caleb had gotten his senses about him he decided to trace where the hoof beats were originating in the barn to see where Scamper was in relation to him.

After some looking around, Caleb saw a big mirror on the far right side of the barn by Scamper's stall. He saw Scamper's reflection in the mirror but couldn't make out what he was doing so he had to think of the best way to approach this.

Caleb decided it was best to sneak up on Scamper to see what he was up to. Caleb got on his knees crawling over to where Scamper was letting the stacks of empty oat bags act as a barrier so Scamper would not see him.

Caleb reached the spot where he could get a good view of what Scamper was doing. He stood up just high enough to where he could rest his arms on the bags of oats.

Caleb's jaw dropped and his eyes locked on the site before him. He could not grasp what he was seeing let alone watching as a seemingly slightly heavier set Scamper was in the middle of.. Admiring himself?

"What the fuck?" Caleb gasped quietly trying to make sense of what he was witnessing. For some reason Caleb just froze there where he was not wanting to take his eyes off Scamper who had gotten much bigger and much.. Sexier?

Every curve of Scamper's painted black and white body was filled out with extra winter mass making his blond light sandy colored mane look more pronounced with his massive neck.

Every muscle on Scamper's body seemed to be better defined with the amount of mass he had on him. His withers looked more that of a draft horse instead of a regular paint. His belly hung just right to where it seemed like it fit a well fed slightly overweight horse instead of a well ridden trail horse.

Caleb felt his mouth start to water as his eyes followed each muscle of Scamper's body as it flexed starting from the front withers all the way to the back. He felt drool start to come out of his maw as he watched the belly of Scamper move in such a way where it flexed everytime Scamper took a fast step.

Caleb's eyes kept going down further watching as Scamper's dormant horse cock flopped around like jell-o everytime he broke a trot. Caleb felt the erection in his slacks start to emerge as he watched Scamper's cock start to barely peek out of its sheath.


Scamper unaware of Caleb's presence continued to prance around in total bliss admiring himself in the mirror. He reared up giving Caleb a spot on view of his slowly emerging cock and grapefruit sized balls as he whinnied in glee.

Caleb felt his erection pop the button off of the front of his concealed long johns as the tip hit the front of his slacks making the poor old wolf whimper at seeing such an impressive beast model himself like this.

He was not but ten feet away from this gorgeous creature and didn't care one bit if he was watching a naughty show from Scamper. His left paw reached down unzipping the fly of his slacks letting his straining erection free as it poked out into the open air.

Scamper was oblivious to Caleb's own naughty show and figured he'd have a good roll in the dirt of the barn floor to see what his new body looked like with some dust on it.

Scamper sat down on all fours before lying on his back rolling first towards the mirror and then back towards where Caleb was behind the stacked empty oat bags.

Caleb tried not to groan out loud as he got an unobstructed view of Scamper's emerging cock and balls jiggling around as he made sure to get nice and dirty before he rose back onto his feet to shake the dirt off his body.

Caleb's paw went down to grip his aching erection making him gasp outloud as he watched Scamper rise to his feet shaking himself off making all the muscles on his body flex including his ass.

Pre dripped out of Caleb's painfully erect cock as he slowly stroked it off making his heart pound with the world around him going numb. The smell of his arousal was rising as a small little puddle of his pre stained the dirt floor making it smell like earthy herbs.

Scamper caught the whiff of forest floor smelling arousal as he stopped what he was doing snapping his head around testing the air with his nose.

The smell led Scamper's nose to a pile of empty oat bags making him flemmah rising the top of his lip up as if tasting for the smell. He gave a loud mating grunt as he stamped the earth feeling his cock start to slip out of its sheath as he made his way towards them

The sound of stallion mating calls and fast hoof beats startled Caleb out of his skin forcing him to remove his paw from his raging cock stuffing it back into his slacks before diving for cover away from the empty oat bags.

"Oh shit, if he gets wind of me I'm a dead wolf" Caleb thought as he ran into a empty stall a few feet away from the stack of empty oat bags trying to compose himself as he heard the hoof beats of Scamper getting closer to the spot where his puddle of pre lay.

"If that horse catches me here it'll be game over for me and I'm his mare" Caleb said to himself shuddering at what would happen if Scamper were to locate him and decide to savagely fuck him.

"I just want to play with him a little and maybe suck him off if he lets me" Caleb reasoned with himself. "I just hope he gives up the ghost and isn't that bright of a horse" Caleb hoped crossing his paws trying not to hyperventilate as cold sweat poured down the sides of his brow.

Caleb felt his heart skip a beat watching Scamper come to a stop at the puddle of pre he had left on the ground giving it a long sniff as his fully erect horse cock slapped against his belly squirting pre of its own all over the ground making Caleb whimper like a lonely pup watching 24 inches of raging horse cock pulsate at the smell of his pre.


Caleb couldn't help but shiver and whimper at how truly small he felt watching a cock almost two times bigger than his own slap across the belly of Scamper everytime some of his pre went up the nostrils of the big stallion.

After a few minutes the smell of stallion pre filled the barn making Caleb's dying erection spring back up throbbing as fast as his heart was beating. He wanted so bad to reach into his slacks to relieve the intense painful pressure of his erection but thought better of it when he saw Scamper trot away from the area satisfied whoever this mare was would get the hint to come join him for a good fuck.

Caleb needed a good ten minutes to calm down once he was sure Scamper was long gone into his stall. Even if his erection had finally gone down the wolf still had to figure out a plan to get out of the barn without Scamper realizing he had even been there.

He figured the best way to get out of the barn was through the bathing area at the left front of the barn.

He silently tip toed toward the bath area of the barn gingerly opening the door and closing it quietly. He then opened the door leading outside from the bathing area closing it resting his back against it trying to fathom what he saw.

The wolf could not get the image of Scamper's fully erect horse cock out of his mind as he closed his eyes hoping the images he saw would go away. Unfortunately they didn't as his cock once again sprung to life making him idly grope the front of his slacks as he rested his head against the door.

Caleb snapped out of it when he felt the chill of more pre squirt against the front of his slacks forcing him to open his eyes and try to think of something else.

"I hope to god the chorus I still have to do will clear my mind" Caleb said to himself as he made his way to his truck trying not to moan as the tip of his raging erection skimmed across the front of his slacks coating them with even more pre.

Opening the door to get into his truck was a chore for Caleb as he nearly lost his balance trying to get into his truck feeling his oversensitive cock head rub against the front of his slacks forcing a low groan from the wolf.

Once he shut the door Caleb dug out a pair of ear phones and a walkman to listen to some of his favorite rock music trying to get his mind off of Scamper.

Unfortunately the song from Nine Inch Nails called "Like An Animal" came on making Caleb's erection rage as the lyrics "Fuck me like an animal" buzzed in his ears making him grunt as his paw groped the front of his slacks making him moan Scamper's name outloud as he once again snapped out of it throwing the ear phones off coming to a final decision in his mind.

Caleb finally made up his mind that if the damn horse wanted to fuck him like a mare he'd let him as he got out of his truck slamming the door shut walking back to the barn opening one of its doors wide open as he walked in closing it behind him.

Scamper felt the blast of cold air hit his nose as he whinnied in anticipation of whoever it was that was there to see him.

Scamper walked up to the front of his stall to poke his head out to see who this was coming to see him. He whinnied happily when he saw it was the Doobies's son Caleb who always gave the stallion some extra feed on days like this.

Scamper was a bit nervous when Caleb didn't greet him in the usual way he did so he neighed nervously as his hazel eyes made contact with Caleb's ice blue eyes.

Caleb stood there in a trance looking at Scamper planning how he was going to approach the big stallion as he heard Scamper neigh nervously.

The nervous neigh of Scamper broke Caleb out of his trance just enough to approach the stallion smiling warmly at him laying his paw on his nose.

"Hey big guy" Caleb said softly kissing Scamper as he stroked him on the nose. "I see we've been a naughty horse haven't we?" Caleb purred as he undid the latch of Scamper's stall holding it with his knee.

Scamper realizing Caleb meant no harm gave a soft whinny welcoming the warm contact from the soft paws of the wolf.

Caleb continued to softly pet Scamper's nose getting him used to the contact. Once he was satisfied Scamper had accepted him Caleb stood back letting the stall door swing open before making his way into the stall.

Scamper softly neighed at Caleb who returned the favor by wrapping his arm around the massive neck of Scamper giving him a warm hug.

"You like that, don't you boy?" Caleb said in a soft tone.

"Yes, I really do boy" Scamper said to himself. "God his paws feel real soft too" Scamper whispered in his mind as he was almost smiling at the incredible softness of Caleb's touch.

The feeling of Scamper's neck muscles in Caleb's arms turned him on as he felt his erection straining against his slacks once again.

Caleb decided Scamper really liked this attention so he broke the hug and continued to massage Scamper's neck making Scamper close his eyes whinnying softly.

"Keep going, this feels awesome" Scamper said to himself as he bowed his head smiling as he felt all the kinks erasing themselves from his neck.

Caleb focused his attention from the neck to the withers of Scamper as he needed those muscles trying not to pant as he felt each muscle relax in his paw.

Scamper felt like heaven had collected him for a trip up to it as he stamped his hind feet nickering happily as each of his upper muscles were massaged with great care.

Scamper felt Caleb's paws leave his withers as they tracked their way down to his spine making him turn his head around wondering what Caleb was up to.

Caleb could barely fit his paws on the massive filled out back of Scamper as he worked his way back to the front of Scamper who nudged him playfully on his shoulder.

"Wow, you're really good at this kid so please keep going" Scamper said to himself in the form of a neigh assuring Caleb the stallion wanted him to continue.

Caleb now knowing Scamper wanted him to continue focused his attention on the lower half of Scamper first starting at the front of his neck down to the soft part of the front of his legs.

Scamper lightly nibbled on Caleb's exposed neck making the wolf jump a little as he felt his painfully erect cock jab against the front of his slacks. It elected a small inaudible sigh breath as Caleb made his way from the front of the stallion to where his middle section started.

He paid extra attention to the start of Scamper's middle massaging and rubbing it as the stallion above him drooped his head once again closing his eyes almost purring like a cat.

When Caleb reached the belly of Scamper his heart pounded and his erection twitched as he felt the smooth round surface of the well fed belly of Scamper lightly massaging it with his paws as he rolled it around in them.

He almost could not help himself as he licked at Scamper's belly tickling it a bit with his tongue.

Scamper had been watching the wolf the entire time since he had reached his belly as he felt his cock start to slowly stir. It felt god like to Scamper as he felt each part of his belly being expertly attended to by Caleb.

"Holy fuck kid, you're starting to really turn me on" Scamper purred in his mind as the tip of his cock started to poke itself out of its sheath as he watched intently closing his eyes intermittingly while bobbing his head in appreciation.

The front of Caleb's slacks were soaked with pre as his legs turned to rubber when he looked up at the emerging mushroom tip of Scamper's cock slowly making its presence known as he heard the stallion nickering and whinnying happily at his attention to his belly which gave off incredible body heat.

Caleb could not take it anymore and within seconds his tongue was expertly licking Scamper's belly while his right paw went over to grasp the big balls of the stallion rolling them around like Chinese bell chime spheres in his paw.

The tip of Scamper's cock touched the cheek of Caleb as he stopped licking Scamper's stomach turning his head to lick at the tip of Scamper's cock.

Scamper who had been watching all of this bowed his head down grunting and raising his lip as he caught the smell of his arousal as he closed his eyes enjoying the contact he was getting from the wolf's expert tongue as it teased the tip of his cock.

Caleb reached down with his left paw and undid the snap of his slacks unzipping them letting all of his twelve inches of wolf cock spring free as pre continued to flood out of it onto the ground.

The smell of the forest herbs hit Scamper's nostrils as his arousal mixed with Caleb's as it finally clicked in his mind this was the mare he had been looking for as he snapped his head around smiling evilly at what he was going to do to Caleb if he let him.

For right now though having his cock teased with was very satisfying to the stallion as he whickered in pleasure granting Caleb a taste of his pre on his tongue.

Caleb could taste sweet cherry fruits as he went from tongue lashing at the tip of Scamper's cock to engulfing it in his mouth.

Scamper was one horny stallion as the entire twenty four inches of his cock were fully erect as he whinny moaned in pleasure with his head bowed and eyes closed loving every minute of this blow job.

"Oh fuck kid, this feels incredible, don't stop, because I'm going to cum hard if you keep doing this incredible BJ to me" Scamper purred in his mind.

Caleb got the message when he felt an intense twitch at the tip of Scamper's cock taking the part of his cock not in his mouth into his left paw his left paw wrapping it around the girth giving it a light squeeze.

Scamper feeling this arched his head up whinnying a rut call which echoed throughout the entire barn as his cock twitched intensely at the sudden soft squeeze of Caleb's paw sending jolts of pleasure through the stallion's body.

Pre was flooding Caleb's maw as he greedily took as much of Scamper's cock into his maw as he could fit. Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and finally twenty inches of horse cock found their way into Caleb's maw as he relaxed his throat letting the massive intruder mold itself to his throat as his teeth gently glided along the length.

"Oh fuck I'm going to cum so hard, I can feel it" Scamper groaned in his mind. He couldn't take much more of this incredible blow job.

Caleb felt Scamper's balls tense up more against the stallion's body making him realize he was close to blowing his load.

Caleb not wanting to delay the inevitable gave Scamper's cock one hard squeeze while twisting his balls.

Scamper let out one huge whinny moan as he exploded firing jet after jet of his seed deep into Caleb's throat.

"OH AHHHH NNNNN" Scamper's mind screamed as his body shook like a leaf with him arching his head up in the air.

Caleb couldn't take all of the massive streams of horse spunk as he released his mouth from the pulsating rod of Scamper letting it coat his maw and the entire front of his clothes with horse spunk as the orgasm lasted for a good minute.

Finally the stallion's massive flow of cum ebbed just enough for a coated Caleb to put his maw back on Scamper's tip to suck up any remaining spunk out of the stallion's cock as he swallowed some of it like vacuum cleaner.

Finally the last drop of stallion spunk went down his throat as he released his maw's grip on Scamper's softening cock.

Whatever cum he didn't suck up dripped off the wolf's maw as he gingerly got to his feet removing all of his clothes throwing them on the ground where they landed with an audible splotch.

By the time Caleb reached the front of Scamper he was stark naked other than his boots which he kicked off letting them fall on the ground outside the stall door.

Caleb felt his own erect cock and balls jiggling as he walked up to Scamper's mouth giving it a deep intimate kiss letting Scamper taste his own spunk which he happily swallowed before Caleb broke the kiss.

Caleb's lust filled ice blue eyes met those of Scamper's hazed hazel eyes as both stared at each other intimately for several seconds before Caleb spoke.

"Well boy it's your turn to blow me as I blew you" Caleb said in husky voice as Scamper's eyes ventured down to see 12 fully erect inches of wolf cock ready to be blown by him.

Scamper needed little coaxing as he first interlocked with Caleb for another tongue to tongue deep kiss before Caleb broke it going to retrieve a bucket to stand on.

Scamper was staring at Caleb's twitching ass and flopping balls as he went to retrieve the bucket. Scamper let out an excited whinny as he was given a great view of Caleb's ass as he rose his tail teasing his hole while he picked up the bucket.

"Nice ass baby, I'm going to blow you like you've never been blown before" Scamper's mind said in a husky tone as he watched Caleb reach behind and grip his balls rolling them around before turning around making his way back to the stall with bucket in left paw walking in a very suggestive tone making the stallion whimper inside as pre dripped off his bobbing cock and jiggling balls.

Caleb placed the bucket down on the stall floor and gave Scamper a little tease show as he gripped his fully erect cock letting some pre shoot on Scamper's nose and in his mouth.

Scamper could feel his cock start to get erect again as he slapped it against his belly whickering happily at Caleb's naughty show.

"You know you want this don't you boy" Caleb said in a lust filled voice while pointing at his cock rubbing the tip against Scamper's nose.

Scamper gave an impatient neigh letting Caleb know he was more than ready to blow Caleb's cock as his tongue lolled out.

Caleb stepped up on top of the bucket pointing his cock towards Scamper's open mouth.

Scamper used his tongue to first taste Caleb's cock eliciting a grunt from the wolf as he rubbed his cock across Scamper's tongue closing his eyes enjoying the moment as he felt part of the stallion's tongue come up to let his balls ride across it eliciting another grunt from the wolf.

Scamper was really enjoying giving Caleb's reproductive organs a great tease. He looked up to see Caleb's lust filled ice blue eyes staring at him as if to say you're good at this honey and I love it.

Scamper breathed a grunt through his nose as he felt his own cock riding against his belly as he slowly stroked the tip of it across his belly with small thrusts.

Drops of Scamper's pre hit the ground with an inaudible plunk as he closed his eyes ready to give Caleb the blow job he was asking for as he closed his couth around Caleb's cock staring up at the wolf who had opened his eyes giving him the get to it stare as he closed them waiting for Scamper to make his move.

Caleb howled at the top of his lungs as his cock was engulfed inside Scamper's mouth and around his tongue as he expertly lashed the entire length of Caleb's cock.

Caleb felt his eyes start to roll back in his head at the incredible feeling of his cock being in the mouth of such a powerful creature who blew it like he had always known what to do.

Caleb humped the mouth of Scamper picking up the pace as he balls slapped against Scamper's jaw making a lewd pop as they bounced off.

Caleb moaned outloud as intense feelings of pleasure rocked his body making his howl echo through the empty barn. He could hear Scamper's cock sliding against his belly as the stallion slowly jerked himself off.

Caleb wasn't going to last much longer as his balls instantly tensed up against his body and his humping inside the mouth of the stallion picked up speed as he thrust his cock across Scamper's tongue at a fever pitch grunting and groaning in ectasy.

All Scamper had to do was wrap his big tongue around the tip of Caleb's engorged wolf cock giving it a squeeze creating a love tunnel effect.

Caleb lost his senses with the world roaring outloud shooting bucket after bucket load of his seed deep into the throat of Scamper who swallowed all of it like a lawnmower eating grass.

"ARRRRRRRRRNNNNNGGGHHHHHH!" Caleb howled as his massive orgasm consumed his senses making his body shake as his cum shot out of his cock by the gallon.

Scamper feeling the warmth of wolf seed going down his throat gave two last fast thrusts of his oversensitive horse cock across his belly before clamping his mouth down on Caleb's cock careful to not bite it as a second even more intense orgasm rocked the stallion sending jet after jet of his seed all over the ground and onto Caleb's ankles.

Both orgasms seemed to last for minutes as both stallion and wolf rode them out. Caleb had long since lost his grip on the world as it spun around him like a top threatening to knock him out.

Scamper's body shook and his breathing was ragged as he sucked down every last drop of Caleb's seed like a balloon being deflated of its air.

Several seconds passed before both finally felt the ebb of their orgasms and the softening of their cocks letting them enjoy the warm afterglow before having to release their grip with the sexual world to that of the real world.

Scamper released his mouth's grip of Caleb's cock as he felt his own cock start to finally go back into its sheath. As he did so he felt Caleb starting to fall forward snapping him out of his buzz enough to drop his head running forward catching the falling Caleb who could barely keep his balance or his eyes open as he fell on Scamper's back.

Scamper feeling Caleb's full weight on his back carefully backed up giving him enough space to lie down on the ground letting Caleb fall off his back.

Caleb had just enough strength left in him to crawl on his knees over to the warm part of the stallion's body around his belly resting his back against it getting into the fetal position with his head closest to Scamper's and his feet pointed to the back of the stall before he passed out in slumber a few seconds later.

Scamper feeling the warmth of the wolf's body heat against his own rested his chin on Caleb's chest joining him in slumber.

Sometime later Caleb felt something wet coaxing him out of his slumber. The licks continued even as the wolf started to stir. He looked over smiling at Scamper who had been trying to wake him up for quite awhile.

He pat the stallion on top of the head lovingly and kissed him on the nose which was returned with a loving whicker from Scamper.

"Well boy I have to continue with my chores now but I'll see you later tonight" Caleb promised as he kissed Scamper who rose to his feet with Caleb.

Scamper shook off any remaining dirt on his bottom part as he watched Caleb yawn and stretch smiling to himself as he scanned over Caleb's body.

Caleb knowing he was being watched wiggled his butt at Scamper who gave a whistle sounding whinny in approval when Caleb took some extra time to bend over to pick up his clothes.

"Looking really sexy there boy" Scamper said in a playful tone in his mind as his ears went forward and he set his jaw leering at Caleb who giggled happily.

"I'm glad you approve Scamper because this is all yours now" Caleb said playfully smacking his ass making Scamper whinny in excitement as he saw the stallion's dormant cock stir a little in its sheath.

"I know it is Caleb and that's why I want so bad the next time" Scamper said softly in his mind as he closed his eyes smiling a big smile which made Caleb blush.

"You know you're really hot when you smile boy" Caleb commented as he made his way towards the bathing area of the barn making sure to twitch his ass as he walked eliciting more excited whinnies from Scamper who was leering at him as he walked towards the bathing area.

Once inside Caleb washed off his stallion cum soaked clothes thoroughly before he dressed himself walking out of the bathing area making his way to the hay room loading a wheelbarrow full of hay rolling it out to Scamper's stall filling his trough with the delicious wheat.

Scamper pranced into his stall giving Caleb a thank you nudge before he dove into the plentiful bounty of hay.

"I guess I can let you go on this one and say it was the storm that made you do it" Caleb said softly to Scamper who nodded his head in approval as he gobbled up the all the hay before he walked over to Caleb licking his face coating it with some uneaten hay..

"Hey, cut that out, you want me to bathe again?" Caleb protested trying not to giggle at Scamper's playful response as he wiped the residual hay off his face.

Scamper neighed happily resting his chin against Caleb's left shoulder eliciting a warm hug from Caleb as both of their body heats warmed their exteriors.

Caleb broke the hug and made his way out of the stall to collect his boots which sat right outside the stall.

Scamper trotted up behind Caleb giving him a nudge on the back as he was bending down to pick up his boots forcing him to catch his balance. He heard a you forgot something whinny as he got face to face with Scamper who licked him on the face again to jog his memory.

Caleb now realizing what it was took Scamper's jaw into his paws giving him a deep kiss as both of their tongues lashed together letting them taste each other before Caleb broke the kiss.

"Better now?" Caleb asked looking intimately at Scamper who returned the question with a nodding "yes" of his head.

"Good, so I guess I'll see you later tonight so we can do things your way" Caleb said in an intimate tone hinting at what was going to come the next time he came to feed Scamper as he winked at him.

Scamper whinnied a happy whinny at what Caleb meant as the tip of his cock poked out from its sheath making Caleb lick his lips in anticipation as he coaxed the big stallion back into the stall latching it shut.

"You know what I mean don't you boy?" Caleb said in a low husky voice. "I can hardly wait" he added as he watched Scamper prance around his stall nodding his head.

"See you next time sexy boy, I'll be sure to bring some treats" Caleb said as he blew a kiss at Scamper who returned it with a knowing leer making Caleb blush like mad as he made his way to the front of the barn.

Caleb opened the door of the barn feeling a cold blast of air hit him as he walked outside.

The sun had come out as it set in the west giving off a beautiful hue to the sky giving Caleb just enough time to finish up his chores.

Once his chores were done Caleb hopped back into his truck turning it on not caring if it felt like a fridge as his body was toasty warm from the romp he had with Scamper.

The engine of his truck fired to life and Caleb put it in drive. As he was pulling out of the ranch he figured he could call the tow company that evening and let them pick up his truck at the ranch entrance. In the morning they could pick him up at the ranch since he had to be there anyway to "feed" Scamper.

The word feed elicited a coy smile across Caleb's face because he knew in his heart he was going to be doing more than just "feeding" Scamper as his cock and balls stirred making him smile in contentment.

If the tow company asked how the heater broke Caleb could tell them he hit a wrong switch on it and it blew up.

"Yeah that was the ticket" Caleb thought to himself as he stopped at the house to get a change of clothes, apples, carrots, and call the tow company.

They said they'd come pick up his truck at 9pm which gave Caleb ample time to shower, eat some dinner, and freshen up for his night with Scamper as he headed upstairs.

A few minutes later a clean for the moment Caleb went into his closet to pick out his look for his night with Scamper.

His choice of clothes was a long Stetson jacket with a pair of boots and not much else.

Caleb modeled himself in the mirror for a few minutes planning how he was going to surprise Scamper. An evil thought crossed his mind as he ran downstairs and got a large carrot out of the fridge bring it back upstairs with him.

He did some mock strip dances with the carrot until the most erotic one came to his mind giving him an erection. He settled on the carrot up the old love tunnel show as he grabbed his twelve inches of throbbing wolf cock squeezing it gently while gliding the carrot across his balls murring happily to himself closing his eyes enjoying the feeling for a few seconds.

Caleb satisfied with his plan snapped up his Stetson and threw his boots on. He made his way down to the kitchen of the house writing a note before going to collect his keys in the laundry room.

Caleb headed out the door of the house leaving the note for his parents tacked on it. It said he had to take his truck in to get the heater fixed so he'd be staying with friends overnight until the tow company could pick him up in the morning.

Caleb got back into his truck firing the engine making his way back to the ranch entrance where he put it in park and gathered all of his clothes and the food for Scamper stuffing them all into a duffle bag.

He hurriedly sprinted to the barn as the bone chilling five degree air knifed right into Caleb's body making him shiver like a leaf as he sprinted as fast as he could to the barn.

He finally reached the barn doors swinging one of them open letting the rush of cold air let Scamper know he was there. He quickly closed the door as a familiar warm whicker greeted him making him smile deeply.

Scamper poked his head out from the confines of his stall neighing happily that Caleb was finally back to see him.

Caleb walked right up to the stall of the big stallion giving him a deep hug and deep kiss on the lips as the smell of his arousal filled the barn exciting both him and Scamper.

When Caleb broke the kiss he backed up unlatching the stall door making his way inside carrying his duffle bag full of goodies.

Scamper watched him intently as he walked over to a corner covered by some darkness. Scamper heard the duffle bag hit the ground stirring his interest into what Caleb had inside it.

Caleb unzipped his duffle bag pulling out a carrot holding it in his left paw. Once this was done Caleb turned his back to the stallion and started to dance undoing the snaps of his Stetson with his right paw as he twirled around with carrot in hand and bobbing erection.

Scamper felt his own erection slip out of its sheath as he watched Caleb stick the carrot into his hole twirling it around making the stallion even more excited as his erection slapped against his belly.

Caleb pulled the carrot out of his hole putting it up to Scamper's nose eliciting a lustful whinny from the stallion as his mouth drooled ready to eat the sweetened carrot.

"Are you ready boy?" Caleb asked in a lust filled husky voice.

Scamper neighed in response with head bobbing about ready to bite into the carrot:

"You bet I am boy" as he took a bite of the carrot loving the taste of it ready to make Caleb his mare as both locked lips in a hot kiss ready to make this a night neither would forget for the rest of their lives.

Doggy Daydreams On A Pier

The following story and it's characters were created by me so that means you can't touch them. If you do a voodoo curse will commence upon you giving you some bad luck if you try to pirate them. Keep this in mind and enjoy my latest...

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Naughty Things In The Neighborhood Finale

Enjoy the final instalment of this short series from Tyler's point of view. Read on as he plans to change things up in bed with Torro before asking him a very important question. As always the following story was written by me and or created...

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Naughty Things In The Neighborhood

The following story was made by me and me only. If you want to try to steal this good luck with trying to explain to people who watch me or follow me you aren't a fraud. Think twice before you do it or better yet don't do it at all. All characters...

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