A Change of Pace

Story by ostainawolf on SoFurry

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Adrian woke up and stretched his arms out and let out a groan, 'This nocturnal lifestyle is going to kill me' he thought to himself as we swung his legs over the bedside his black fur shining in the red evening sky as the sun got ready to fall down past the horizon. As he stood up he looked at himself long and hard in the mirror. He stood at 5'9" tall at 175pounds he had brown eyes and black fur with a white streak that ran from the bottom of his neck to the base of his tail.

Walking into the kitchen he started a cup of coffee and walked into the bathroom and started a shower, stepping inside he let the gradually warming water fall over his body thinking 'Oh boy what a day yesterday' Adrian, a Captain worked as an EMT in the City of Bangor, they had been called to a bus roll over with children trapped. After the shower Adrian stepped out and dried himself off just in time to hear the phone ring. Answering the phone he was met with the sound of his lovers voice.

"Heeeey Adrian what's up my big bad wolf" came the voice of Draka the white Dragon that had Adrian all aquiver.

"Not much" Replied Adrain " Just getting come Coffee and something to eat, how about you?" Even though Adrian had not been told anything he felt he knew that answer before Draka even said anything.

"Hmm Just sitting here thinking about you, Plus it is Wednesday so you know what that means" Draka laughed over the phone "When are you going to get here?"

"As soon as my food is ready, I'll head out" Adrian smiled as he replied

"Good, I'll see you soon, by the way dress for the occasion" Draka said before the click of the line closing was heard.

'Will do' Adrian said as he put down the receiver 'Will do'. Grabbing the cup of coffee Adrian headed back to the room and opened the closet. He grabbed a white short sleeved dress shirt and a pair of skin tight leather pants and his combat boots and got dressed. Grabbing the car keys he headed out to his Fire truck Red 2010 Shelby GT500 Super Snake and Headed to go meet his lover.

Pulling into Draka's driveway he Parked next to the familiar image of a Black 2010 Corvette ZO6, the car always gave him chills for some reason. Getting out he locked his car and headed for the door that was already open, Draka Met him in the Driveway, "For some reason I have never gotten used to that green light Bar on your car" Draka said referring to the Green Low Profile Light bar on top of Adrian's Car.

"That doesn't matter right now" Adrian said walking into the house "What does matter is why I am here" He said sitting down in the chair that he liked. Adrian looked Draka over his white scales dully shining in the dim light except where he was covered by a bathrobe.

"Yes" Draka conceded "It is true, Shall we?" He asked bowing his head and swinging his arms in a pointing motion, pointing towards the staircase. "The room is all ready for our adventure tonight" Draka said in a low but soothing voice.

"Ah that is very very good because tonight there is going to be a change in the programming." Adrian whispered into Draka's Ear. And running his paw over the other side of the dragon's face. "You get to be the one taking me tonight, It has been a while since I have felt you inside of me."

"Oh really" said Draka with a surprised look on his face "Well then tonight should be very fun indeed, I still have the stuff from last time" As he said this he began walking upstairs.

Adrian followed him up to the room where the windows where blacked out and a soft light emanated from the candles that circled the room. Draka laid on the bed and ushered Adrian in. "Undress for me" Draka said flicking his tail. Adrian walking in undid his shirt button by button until he slid out of it, his pants were much easier he just undid the button and they fell right to the floor and Adrian walked right out of them.

Walking over to the bed Adrian climbed onto of it and straddled Draka's Tail, slightly rubbing the Dragon's cock through the bathrobe as the dragon played with the wolfs sheath. As Draka did so the tip of Adrian's Cock started to poke out eventually followed by the full length of it except for the knot and by now Draka's cock stood at full length.

"Hmm" Murred Adrian as he slowly stroked the Dragon's large throbbing member.

"Go ahead Taste it" Said Draka in a low voice undoing the bathrobe and taking it off. Adrian slowly went down on the dragon's cock taking it as deep as he could before moving back up again all the meanwhile flicking his tongue all over the length of it but he worked mostly the tip, causing Draka to groan in Appreciation. Soon Draka could not take it anymore and Picked Adrian up and into the air and held him above his cock.

"Time for fun has begun" said Draka with an Evil Grin and lowered Adrian onto the tip of his cock allowing Adrian to get ready for it. Soon though he slowly let gravity take Adrain down until he couldn't go no more. Adrian moaned as he was let down on the Dragon's large member and repositioned himself in a squatting position, as soon as he stopped moving down by gravity's hand he rose himself up until the tip of Draka's almost fell out of him and then slid himself back down to the base and then back up again letting the moans and groans coming from Draka permeate the air.

Soon Moans and Groans turned into grunts, ""God your ass feels good, it has been to long" Groaned Draka, who was starting to thrust a little bit. As he leaned forward Adrain gave Draka a kiss and looked him in the eyes as he quickened the pack that he had set himself into. Soon Draka moved into a sitting position at the side of the bed still allowing Adrian to move at his pace but soon though the tension that was building up inside of Draka began to take control over his thought and limbs.

As this began to happen Adrian was in complete bliss moaning like a female wolf so he was oblivious to what was to come next. All of a sudden Draka grabbed a hold of Adrian's upper body and began moving Adrian at a faster pace, this sent Adrian into a moaning frenzy, the feeling was amazing for him. Soon Draka began to feel that the end was near for him and he laid back and began jerking off Adrian's cock, "Adrain I'm going to cum soon" Draka moaned loudly, In response to this Adrian set himself into a fast grinding motion until Draka made a couple fast thrusts and Yelled "FUCK YEAH!!" and Came deep into Adrian's Tail hole.

The forcefulness of Draka Cuming deep into him sent Adrian over the edge and he came all over Draka's Chest as the dragon squeezed his knot gently but firmly. Adrian then collapsed, fully spent onto Draka's chest, "Wow that was great" Sighed Adrian as Draka laid back.

"Hell yeah, you bet it was. It has been to long" Draka said with a smile on his face moving them onto the bed.

"Yeah it has been" replied Adrain quietly, as he fell asleep Adrain looked at Draka and his eyes delivered a message, Draka just looked at him and smiled and Nodded and they both fell asleep.


Adrian M. Lord