Chapter 3 - Unbelievable Truths! Bitter Rivalry Between Men! (Part 1)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#5 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my close frien...

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my close friends from YC. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and things used from the Legend of Dragoon game are trademarked to them. Do not use in your stories without consulting me first.

Bad boy indeed. My lover...forever. Although he may rule everyone with an iron fist, hedoesn't rule me. I know he'll take good care of me for as long as we both live, or else he'll regret it.

Date - Unknown.

Location - Identified as N.D.'s Castle, N.D.'s Private Bedroom.

Time - 12:55 pm

A large bedroom built to N.D.'s specifications. One large room with everything needed for a good time. A bed large enough for four people, and a jacuzzi for two. The lighting was kept at a constant purple to make the mood a bit erotic for those "intimate" times. Everything was all set for the couple's group time.

The doors were pushed open, entering N.D. while holding a in his arms a giggling white vixen dressed in a purple see through top and nothing below . N.D. himself was dressed in a black robe, that matched his hair color and his gray eyes. Both of them were looking at each other with wide eyes, until N.D. placed her down by the bed but still held her close to him, "Oh really are the one for me. Fate was with us when we crossed paths that faithful day...45 years ago. You really did complete me after I felt like something was still missing, even after I took over."

"Hee-hee! Oh you...That was such a magical night, where you swept me away and showed me the time of my life. We both also share that one thing lover...", she said, landing a big wet lick all over his cheek. N.D. chuckled gave her a loving kiss back, but landing it on her lips. He stood for that moment, enjoying the exchange of flavors between their tongues while they waltzed together.

His hands wondered from her waist and forcefully grabbed her ass, groping each cheek in his hands. Heat began to engulf their bodies, Jessica tracing down her lover's chest, then immediately sticking her curious hand to grasp a hold of his throbbing member. The jolt of ecstasy shocked N.D., moaning into Jessica's mouth and then breaking the kiss.

"Mmm..why don't we get a bit comfy sweet fur..", said N.D., letting his robe fall and jumping onto the freshly made purple bed. Her arousal began to grow, shades of pink appearing on her cheeks from her blushing. She pounced him and rubbed her fur against his furless body, giggling and then murring suddenly. Her head was being rubbed, his fingers scratching behind her ears was one of her pleasure points.

With her tail wagging, N.D. sought to make her feel more. He stopped with his scratching and made her moan loudly with a wet slushy penetration via his finger. Another Murr softly came from her mouth, pushing her lower body up in response. Tight as usual N.D. thought, her muscles clenching tight to feel his fingers exploring her love hole.

He could feel the heat rise up his arm, giving a low grunt while Jessica clawed at his chest. Soft scratching of course, scratching down until stopping right above a sensitive area. Her claws couldn't bare to hurt the prize, taking gentle care to grasp it firmly and jerk it back and forth. The foreskin was easily peeled back, pre-cum taking hold of her palm while she rubbed the sensitive and swollen head.

With a yelp, N.D. was pushed to his back, his fingers with a *pop* came out from her neitherlips. Jessica gave a playful *rawr*, pawing at his chest while she lowered her head and began to lick up and down the erect rod before her. He began to grind his teeth, taking in deep breaths and leaning back slightly.

Her nostrils began to get a large whiff of his pheromones, taking one hand and putting it between her legs while she took his manhood into her mouth. The stimulation began to drive her wild, pinching her clit and rubbing it as her fem-juice leaked onto her hand and the bed. Sticky and wet was how she loved it, giving a murr as two fingers forcefully penetrated her petals.

The slushy interior of her mouth was indeed breath taking, N.D. flinching just a bit and giving her a large grin. Her tongue pushed the hard shaft against the roof of her mouth, taking in more and more of his size. She had her mate in the palm of her hands, giving his cock a nibble with her sharp teeth. "Nngh!...careful there sweety...", he said nervously, feeling her teeth beginning to dig in. It caused the feeling of pins and needles to travel through is body, fidgeting back and forth while her tongue did its work.

The unused hand was finally starting to do something rather than just sit there. He gasped loudly, feeling his own sack being rolled around in the palm of her hand. The taste of his pre-cum finally appeared, tightening her hold around the meat. The soft skin of his two orbs was irresistible, giving them careful light squeezes.

Ecstasy personified, so much pleasure and love Jessica could give. The only one who could make him whimper with pleasure and she was giving him a marvelous blowjob. The rumbling climax was near, his fingers digging into the bed while he leaned forward. From her experience, she knew what was coming and it was nearly here.

"Jessie! Its cumming!", he shouted lifting his hands and putting them on the back of her head. The seed came on through, sending shivers through her spine while she felt the sperm began to fill up inside. Quickly she removed the hand fondling her snatch and the one fondling his sack and backed up so that she could hold his cock in both hands. Only the head was still in her mouth, sucking away the last few drops of the seed. Her mate fell back as soon as the well went dry for the moment, letting his semi limp cock go.

Black strings of cum was still on her lips connecting to his penis, breaking as soon as she crawled up the bed. N.D. layed back, sweaty and panting like a dog while his mate crawled over with a mouth full of seed and swallowed. She gave him a pout and prodded on his stomach, " gave me such a little bit this time Nefarious. You'd better improve on round two, or else you'll receive the wrath of a dissatisfied wife!", she exclaimed while winking.

A puddle began to form on his stomach, the smell intoxicating and the feeling so amazing. He lowered his head and nodded, "Yes dear...its just hard after you suck me dry most of the seven times a day is something most men cannot do. But I'm sure that the next round will be better...I promise you"

She loved to make her husband squirm, taking a finger to her mouth and licking it. The fingertip became black, using that finger tip to draw an arrow on her lower chest and stomach that pointed to her pussy, "Only "one way" out of this...theres no escape for you this time.", she said threateningly but playfully. She lifted her self up and grasped his cock once more, getting the excess cum and smeared it on his chest.

"Having fun with my black seed? Sometimes I wonder if thats the only reason why you're here with me--Mmph!", said N.D., sticking his tongue out then suddenly being cut off while she just leaned forward and gave him an incredibly deep kiss. Her body was still in the air, using the same hand to grasp his cock again and rub it against her swollen cunt.

A loud crash caused Jessica to fall off and N.D. to look over to the door. It seemed that there was an incredibly loud knock on it, along with someone yelling something. N.D. was very furious, hated to be bothered during his personal time with his wife. The door was forced open, Wiell rushing in but quickly stopping and neeling down, "MY LORD! I KNOW YOU SPECIFICALLY SAID TO NEVER BE BOTHERED DURING YOUR MATING PERIOD! BUT YOU ALSO SAID THAT GEARS LABORATORY TAKES TOP PRIORITY! ITS BEEN DESTROYED!", he shouted in a frightened tone, trembling in fear on the ground.

Really bad timing to get such news, N.D. giving a sigh and crawling off the bed to retrieve his robe, "God damn it...luckily the research data was backed up but my specimen got away. She was able to create Zoans without the need for breeding! We can't replace her!", he shouted while getting dressed.

Jessica on the bed growled and scratched up the bed from frustration, then just fell back and whined, "Aww! No fair! Nefarious, You owe me double for this! Seven straight hours tommorrow and I'll make sure that you stay for awake for the whole time!", she shouted at him. Her attention was turned at Wiell, tossing a pillow and hitting him on the head. "And thats for coming at the worst moment!", she shouted again, then laughing while seeing Wiell run away in panic.

N.D. gave a slight yelp and swallowed from the thought of the pain that he'd have to endure to satisfy her, turning around quickly to give her a nod. He then quickly rushed out to avoid getting even more of a punishment, on his way to talk with a certain someone.

"With Gear's Gone...I'll have to continue the research here. I'll have my good friend Abu look into it after I take him with me to destroy the one last thing in my way from total dragoon annihilation. The Master Dragoon Spirit...why didn't I destroy you the first time?..", he asked himself, walking down the dark hallway on his way to get changed, and prepared for his next plan.


To lose what you had a second time is unbearable...the pain of loss. To keep those in your heart, the memories of how you spent with them will never be forgotten. But what do you do, if the one you love, denies his existence? Denial cannot overcome the power of the heart, or the faith of love.

Date - Unknown.

Location - Forest South of Rizan's home.

Time - 1:20 pm

"There's no mistaking it...hes gone into Gashway Woods. Pearly, Nimane and Jazmin are all in there collecting firewood for tomorrow's big celebration. Things will get pretty messy if they see that human, and it will be my fault if anyone else knows that an outsider was brought here. Gotta work fast, but if I fly I can't follow the scent...", thought Rizan, following the invisible trail that her snout could see.

The woods were very quiet most of the time, nothing really dangerous about it. Nothing but trees and some insects, while most of the dangerous animals lived in the desert in the opposite direction. The trail zig zagged past trees and through bushes, nothing hindering her but slightly ruining her dress. The sunlight made it easy to maneuver, the scent getting stronger and closer.

Eventually she arrived at a clearing, her children walking at her with firewood in hand. Nimane being the smallest one, was free from any wood carrying labor. From what Rizan could bring together, her children did not encounter the human but they could still end up smelling him out like she was. She then gave a wave and shouted at them to get their attention, "Pearly! Nimane! Jazmin!"

Nimane jumped up in glee with the cutest face anyone could ever see, running at her mother as fast as she could. Rizan kneeled down with open arms, catching her and licking her snout. The other two took their time however, walking up to her and putting the wood down. Jazmin began to stretch, popping several bones and her shoulders from all the heavy lifting, "Hi Rizan...I thought you were going to wait for us back at the house while we got the wood for your mate. What brings out out here?", she asked curiously while yawning.

She couldn't give her real reason for coming out here she thought, her tail tip digging into the ground and rubbing against the dirt. Nimane in her arms then began to sniff the air, looking around until pointing to a tree, "Mamma! There!", she shouted, her daughters looking into the tree as well.

"Wait...there is someone there! The smell is incredibly faint but I smell something not from around here.", said Jazmin, her ears perked up. The jig was up for Rizan, too worried about them finding out that she didn't realize that the scent was right behind her. The leaves ruffled in breeze, the silence making it even easier to hear their intruder.

Deep breathing could be heard, dragonic hearing far superior to normal human hearing. Rizan felt that this human was exhausted, thinking of taking quick action. She put Pearly down and stood up, turning around to face the tree, "There is someone two stand--Jazmin!? STOP!", she shouted, Jazmin just jumping into the tree and disappearing to the leafy tree.

Rizan quickly jumped up after her, standing on the tip of a massive branch that her daughter was on. Her eyesight caught the glimpse of the human in question. Her whole body froze in shock, the identity of the scent suddenly coming back to her as soon as she saw his face, "C-could it be?'re..", she muttered, her eyes tearing up from the feelings overwhelming her.

Jazmin looked puzzled at what she seeing, scratching her head while she stared at a creature she never saw before, "What?...what is that? No scales...a human perhaps? Is that a human Rizan? What you've told us about when we were kids?", she asked, not looking back to see that her mother was close to crying.

This human did not feel like being interviewed, turning to the side and jumping off to another tree. Jazmin gave chase, wanting to know what he was and why he was there. Rizan saw him jump away and made a grab for him, "WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN Eur--!", she shouted, but was cut off as she lost her footing on the branch. Everything began to fade, the world around her spinning before going black. Her tears floated in mid air, hearing only one more thing before passing out.



Date - Unknown.

Location - Rizan's home, Rizan's Bedroom

Time - 8:20 pm

She began to sink into darkness, struggling as much as she could but to no avail. The sadness within her heart multiplied and began to engulf her, sucking her deeper and deeper. As he body sank, her head and arms were left still afloat while she tried to get free. Nothing but silence while she writhed in pain, unable to scream or cry. Within moments, her head went down as well, sticking her arm as far up as she could before fully being taken in.

A red flash light up the area, followed by a hand going into the abyss. It grabbed her own and began pulling her out of the void that swallowed her. When everything seemed at its darkest, she was saved and hugged tightly by a stranger. Her eyes opened slowly, to see the face of her one true love, "E-Eurasia! It's really you!", she shouted, bursting into tears while holding him tight.

Indeed it was Eurasia, wearing the same outfit he wore the last time she saw him. The dragoon armor and standard issue clothing were what he wore then and now. Eurasia himself looked down upon her crying face and began to cry as well, "Rizan...I'm sorry. I may be back but I'm still not alive yet. I need your love to fully awaken who I am. Please...I miss you more than you."


Everything began to fade again, but not into darkness rather into light. Rizan quickly found herself back at her home, in her large comfy bed with her son and two daughters Pearly and Nimane sitting around her bed. Everything seemed fuzzy for a second, trying remember what happened earlier, "I'm...home?...wait, what about Eurasia..did he get away or was I mistaken about who that human was..", she thought seriously for a second, having no answer to anything.

"Mamas woken up!", cried Nimane, hoping on her bed and pouncing her. Pearly did so as well with tears in her eyes, very worried about her mother. Eurasia breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his head and slowly trying to make his way out. Rizan happily hugged her two daughters but did not forget about her son. He had some answers which she wanted, so she had to make sure that he did not get the chance to escape.

"Don't worry, mama's ok. Sorry to make my pearl and necklace worry...and you Eurasia, stop right there!", she stated, making Eurasia stop in his tracks with his ears perked high and his tail tremble. Pearly and Nimane were lifted up in both arms and taken to the door while Eurasia awaited beside the door, feeling incredibly nervous while she put them outside, "Now you two wait outside for a bit. Mother has to have a little mother-son chat about the rules...don't worry, I won't be too long."

A kiss was given to both of them on top of their heads, causing them both to giggle. Then they pointed to their big brother with a bratty smirk, "BUSTED! You're busted big brother!", they chanted in unison, running away when they saw him get up with a balled up fist. Rizan just chuckled at their childishness and shut the door, looking at her 9 foot tall son sitting on the side of the bed.

Rizan was smart to build the house with doors large enough for 10 feet dragons and ceilings about twenty feet high. The guest room in the back had a 15 feet high door for her best friend Shyranrya. Even so, Eurasia still had slight trouble walking around, so even though he had a room upstairs, he liked to hang out in the guest room when Shyranrya was not around. With that out of the way, she paced for a second with a claw to her snout, "Well...Eurasia, what do you have to say for yourself? You brought a human, an outsider to our world. Do you know what would have happened if this went out and reached everyone around? We could've been exiled!"

"Mother! I knew very well what the consequences were for bringing an outsider, but I had no choice! He...saved me from the...N. Cyphers who you told me to avoid. However they assaulted me, saying that they were looking for someone named Eurasia, so its not my fault! I had to save him as he saved me, and believe me, this guy is not just a simple human as you think.", explained Eurasia, standing up to show how serious he was.

The words "not just a simple human" brought back memories to a time long ago. Back to when she first met the dragoon Eurasia. She played back that very conversation they first had, back after he had saved her from being the prize in an auction.

  • That day long ago

She sat on a bedrock soon after arriving at her cave, turning her attention at her human savior. She had many questions for him, but she started with the most important thing, his motives, "I want to thank you sincerely, but I must know why you saved me. You are a mere human. A race bent on loathing and destroying things that differ from them. What make you unlike the rest of your vile species?", she asked in a serious tone, but not trying to sound ungrateful.

Eurasia gave a sigh of discomfort, looking at the ground since he has dealt with that question many times before, "I am not just a simple 'human' that you think of me. As you've seen, I am able to do things that no ordinary human can even dream of doing."


"Mother? Don't you want to hear more about my side?", said Eurasia, noticing that his mother zoned out. Rizan shook her head from her reminiscing and stopped pacing.

She walked over to the door and opened it, giving a glance to Eurasia, "No, its alright. I'll get what I need from that human. He's still here if I'm not mistaken...his scent is incredibly strong from outside this room. Can you please get him for me?", she asked, watching Eurasia walk out with a nod.

There was murmuring in the other room, followed by footsteps coming towards her room. She sat on the bed and awaited for what she hoped to really be who she thought he was to enter. The door opened slowly, her heart stopping for a moment to see the same face she had missed for so long. Even though his hair and eyes were a different color, she was 100 percent sure that it was him.

"Excuse to speak to me?", he said in the same exact voice that she remembers as well. A voice that echoed in her mind as she felt herself tingle with anxiousness. She quickly stood up and pulled him into a deep hug, murring at the delight of holding her human friend. The human gave a bit of a yelp, wondering on what to do now. He poked her in the stomach in hopes of getting her attention, "'re welcome too said that you have something to tell me?", he asked, trying not to let the warm hug get the best of him.

The happiness within her heart began to fade, letting him go and looking at him eye to eye, "Eurasia...what are you saying? Don't you remember who I am? Its me Rizan...", said Rizan, her eyes drooping. This human looked away for a moment and gave a light sigh, then turning back to look at Rizan again, "I'm sorry, but you must have the wrong guy. My name is Michael, not this Eurasia person you've been looking for."

Something was not right in Rizan's mind. It just did not add up, the scent and his very look matched up to Eurasia yet he claims that hes not who she thinks he is. This had to be approached in a different way to make sure that she was convinced, "Well...never mind then. What I need to know from you Michael is your relation to my child? By bringing you here, hes endangered our stay here and we could be exiled. Please tell me that there's a very good reason for it..and I want the truth.", she said in a very serious tone, letting him go and sitting in front of him on the bed.

Michael scratched his head and tried to remember what happened, "Well...its a bit of a messy story. I was running away from someone who was incredibly strong by hopping on the roof tops. I then saw your son having a bit of trouble with a frozen leg. I just couldn't sit by and see him get taken out so I had to help him. Unfortunately after I helped him, we were attacked from behind. Luckily I pushed him away in time and took the hit myself...and my arm hurts. Thats the whole story Rizan.", he replied while holding his left arm.

Rizan nodded and stood up again, walking over to him and taking a look at his arm. She sniffed the arm and lightly tapped it, making Michael flinch just a bit. With all that, she understood exactly the condition he was in and knew exactly how to help him. Putting her two hands together and rubbing them against each other. After a few seconds, a blue light started to emit from her hands with Michael looking curiously.

Without expecting it, Rizan slapped both blue hands against the arm. Michael suddenly shouted in pain, feeling deep pain while the spell was injected into his body. The pain was so intense, feeling the bones within that arm move around until finally everything just stopped. The pain, the light, everything came to a halt.

"Sorry about that, but I had to heal that arm. Your arm should've made you wail in pain was broken in five places. I reduced it to a mere fracture that should heal in a about two days. You just need to take it easy for a while...and with that it does make me think that you're not telling me the full truth Michael.", said Rizan questioningly, eying him from the corner of her eye.

The arm was still a bit sore, but the pain was nothing like before thought Michael. He shrugged it off and began to make his way to the door, "Sorry Rizan, but I've told you all I know. Thank you for the help but I have to get back to my job--huh?! What?!..why?! Put me down please!", he shouted as he was suddenly picked up from behind by Rizan. She held him high by the back of his charred shirt.

She blew the ashes away to the floor, planning to clean it up later and tossed him on the bed. He landed with an "oof" and began to panic just a bit as Rizan sat at the bed's edge, "Oh come on, you have to relax a bit. At least hear me out why I think that you're Eurasia...then I'll give you a room for the night. I'll take you back if you stay and listen to me. Not a bad deal if I do say so myself.", said Rizan while grinning, knowing that he'll have no way back without her P.I.C.. This was her chance to see if she'll get a reaction, and she had a backup plan if that failed.

This was something that Michael did not really enjoy, but it was the only way to get back to work. He decided to play along and walked up to the side of the where she was and sat by her, "Ok ok you got me. Tell me what kind of person this Eurasia was that you would mistake him for me? I'm curious since you're a dragoness and a dragon that seems to have feelings for a human doesn't sound like anything I've heard before."

Rizan ruffled Michael's hair and giggled, looking towards the ceiling and leaning back, " have his same scent, and even the same eyes. He was just someone who really tried his best for us. When we first met I do admit that I did not have any feeling for him, since my dealings with humans was pretty poor. But after he saved me and made sure that I was safe, I started to get a different view on him and humans. In fact...well I don't think you want to hear that part, but what I can tell you is that hes the father of my children.", she explained, pausing right there to see if there was a reaction.

There was a gasp from Michael, followed by a deep blush on his face. That was something she had hoped to see him react to, sitting back upright and continuing her telling of her human lover, "Yes, he left me a litter of five eggs but that N.D. took away one of them from me. He also took away a dear friend of mine, right before our very eyes. Eurasia stood up to him with the help of his friends, and helped get me to safety. He did promise that'd be back and I will forever wait his return. Ahh, thank you for listening Michael, let me take you to your room so you can relax and we'll get you to your room. Its late so be sure to get some sleep."

Michael felt something within him wanting to shoot out, but he held it back it as Rizan grabbed him by his right hand and pulled him to the door. He heard the sound of footsteps running away from the door as they approached it. It was probably nothing he thought, Rizan opening the door and taking him downstairs to the guest room. Shyranrya wasn't going to be there until the weekend, so it was alright.

As they were walking down, she was passing the living room where she saw a large green dragon in blue shorts looking out the window. She suddenly panicked and pushed Michael into the guest room quickly before this dragon could look back. She shut the door behind them, locking them into the very dark room. The only light came from the window and the skylight, which brought moonlight into the room.

"Whoa, hey! Chill a bit Rizan...I can walk on my own.", said Michael, dusting himself off while looking around the dark room. While it wasn't too dark, it was a very large room with a bed that could possibly fit three or four of him without problems. the ceiling was even higher than in Rizan's room.

He was then patted by Rizan while she lit a lantern with her fiery breath, then opening the door just a bit to have a look outside, "Sorry...but I forgot that I was expecting company tonight. I can't let anyone see you, and hopefully he won't notice your scent. This room is completely covered in everyone's own scent and they should overpower your normal scent. I not want to deal with him. Hes supposed to be my mate, but I have no interest in a self centered male like him. Stupid father really does know how to make things harder for me, knowing that I'm a single mother.", she said sadly while shaking her head.

"Wait...if hes no good for you, why is he going to be your mate? Your father should respect that you don't want him for a mate...", asked Michael, scratching his head to find out why.

Rizan sighed and pushed him to the bed slowly, thinking of the proper way to explain to him. She led him to the bed and sat on the side, watching him climb up and lay back on it, "Well, I don't have time to tell you all the details, but its part of the dragonic way of life. You humans value a relationship between two who love each other, and thats what we lack. A small percentage of male dragons know what love is, while the rest only care about passing on their genes with as many dragonesses as possible. With females, its slightly opposite with a large percent of dragonesses wanting a loving relationship. Thats why even though its forbidden to crossbreed, some dragonesses prefer a human mate or even another species. Dragons have the highest rate of loveless males compared to every other species.."

Michael listened closely, giving everything she said close thought, "Whoa...thats...I didn't know at all. Is that why you love Eurasia so much? Because he treated you with respect and showed you love?"

"Well, love is a bit strong to use at this time. I never got a chance to tell him that I really did love him, but he did tell me that he cared for me. Enough to give his life...but thats not important right now. You stay here and rest up for the night while I take care of some unfinished business. Good night Michael.", she said, giving him a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room.

Resting a good idea, laying back and looking up towards the night sky and thinking about his next plan. His mind was cluttered with conflict now, wondering about what really was more important to him, "'re right. Eurasia loves you very much...but he also wants to protect you from any harm...No matter what, I love you too Rizan...All I regret is not telling you that in person.", he whispered, turning around and closing his eyes.


Shes indeed a dragon goddess one more capable of handling the birth of my children. Regardless that shes a single mother already, it'll be good for me and for her. She'll be raising the finest hatchlings ever, regardless if she wants to or not and I'll be free of the burden of worrying that my genes have not been passed.

Date - Unknown.

Location - Rizan's home, Living room.

Time - 9:00 pm

The green dragon snorted out a bit of smoke, his arms folded together while waiting for his host to show up. A door behind him shut, followed by footsteps which he knew belonged to the dragon he was waiting for. Rizan brushed her red dress off and walked into the living room, taking a seat on a wooden chair which she made herself to sit on. Four lanterns were lit, giving the room a darkened glow but more than a enough for a dragon to see.

"Took you long enough Sular Zaraphan! You know better than to make your mate wait!", shouted this twelve foot tall dragon, coughing just a bit but keeping his eye on her.

Rizan just shrugged and folded her arms as well, wiggling her tail back and forth behind her, "My name is Rizan, get it right Zachure. As for that mate comment, you know that I'm not interested. I have my own children to raise that came from a better male that you'll never compare to."

Zachure chuckled the coughed lightly, taking what she said as a joke. He began to pace backand forth, ready to bring his case against hers, "Heh, thats funny...there is no male betterthan me! Plus if hes so great, why isn't he here now? As beautiful as you are, you probablydrove him away because he could give you the loving that I can offer. Seeing how you are adragoness with high standards...Plus you're father said so, and you know what'll happen ifyou don't get a male soon. The heat season is coming up and if you do not have a male, you'llgo crazy and kidnap the closest male to you. Even your own son is at risk...though incestisn't that uncommon in our kind, but you go by the human teaching that incest is a bad thing."

"You're talking too much Zachure, and you know that I have little patience for the crap that you keep spitting out that hole in your head. I'm not a whore and I don't have standards since I'm taken.", she exclaimed, getting up and walking up to him.

Zachure looked down and kneeled to see to her eye to eye. Rizan grabbed him by the snout and held tight, "I don't like you, my children don't like you and you know that I have a mate. His name is Eurasia and he may not be here now, but I know that he'll be back someday. Now get out of my home before I really get angry. I'm done with you", said, giving his snout a scratch which drew blood to her claws.

It was a light cut, not making him flinch in the least. He gave her face a lick and smiled, "You're so sexy when you're angry...and you know that you liking me is not a factor. You have no choice, its me has the choice. But if you don't want me, there's two things I can do. I can go after your black and white friend, or I'll kill the one who's keeping me from having you. Its your choice, so think it over quite closely.", he said, crawling towards the door and walking into the night.

Rizan was disgusted by his behavior, his green saliva staining her beautiful red dress, "Go after Shyranrya or anyone I love and I'll chop off your penis, then the rest of you. She whipped it off her face and began heading towards the bathroom to get washed up. As she turned the corner, she was met by her four children, all looking very annoyed.

"I hate him so much...thinking that he owns you mother. Does grandfather really want a guy like him to mate with you?", he asked while he had Pearly sleeping in his arms. Nimane was hiding behind his legs, a bit frightened while Jazmine stood by her big brother and petting Nimane to calm her down.

The whole situation had her family on edge since Zachure came into her life a few weeks ago, but she did her best to assure them that it would be alright. She gave them a smile and hugged them all at once, "No worries my children...I'm still waiting for your father to come back. He not only ensured that we have a future, but he promised that he'd be back. So until then, you won't be getting another father. Especially one that only cares that I have children. Now off to bed with you! Tomorrow is that day again, so we need to wake up bright and early."

  • 5 hours later

Location - Rizan's house, Rizan's bedroom.

Time - 2:00 am

"Mmmf...Eurasia..lower...", moaned Rizan, dreaming about Eurasia and their various special times together. Sleeping in her hand made covers, her fingers sloshed inside her slit to stimulate the throbbing cock she felt. The esctasy and the lust she had for him, pent up from the years of refusing to have sex with any other.

She felt him lick all over her lower body, his tongue working its way up and down her thigh while laying back with her eyes closed. Her scales tingled with enjoyment, followed by a shock of pleasure while he then reached the prize. A loud churr came from the happy dragoness, his tongue licking her inner snatch. Eurasia himself gave a grunt, enjoying the bitter taste landing on his tongue. But the bitter taste left a sweet aftertaste, giving him the need for more.

Even while lost in the wave of bliss, she had plans for the one whom she could call mate. The long flexable tail slide over and began to rub against his soft fleshy sack. Such a wonderful sensation, as no dragon she had been with nor heard of had external testicles. The feeling between her legs vanished, opening her eyes to come face to face with her lover.

"Rizan...I want to be with you all my life...I love you.", said Eurasia, leaning in for a deep kiss and wrapping one of his hands around her head to pull her closer. Rizan's meep was silenced by the meeting of their lips. She could feel his lips part just a bit, giving her long forked tongue a chance to probe around his mouth. The flavor of Eurasia was something to enjoy, wrapping around his tongue and pulling it into her maw while being careful of her sharp teeth.

Rizan suddenly gave a muffled roar, feeling her innards being filled in an instant. The penetration was just too much, wanting him deeper into her. Her legs wrapped around his lower body and pushed his whole length into her swollen and wet slit.

Even though everything was all a dream, her bed was getting slightly soaked. Rizan has been having dreams like this every October 24th, the day before her love left her life. The family was a bit concerned when she preferred to wash her bedsheets by herself the next day, but they were convinced that it was nothing at all.


Date - October 25th, Unknown Year

Location - Rizan's House, Guest room

Time - 2:00 am

In the distance, he could see a tower of smoke rise into the sky. He had heard of a village not far from where he was, but it was not his mission to go there. Michael was about to leave, but he suddenly felt something stop him from leaving. Looking down, he saw a little black vixen, probably 11 years old holding on to his leg and crying.

"Please! my village! We need your help Mr. Dragoon!", cried the little vixen, practically begging him to help. Michael however pushed her away and turned his back on her. He just scoffed and began to walk away, "Sorry little girl, but that's not my problem", was all that he said before disappearing.

The dream forced Michael to wake up in shock, breathing rapidly and deeply while covered in sweat. He gripped his chest to feel the throbbing of his heartbeat, knowing that this was yet another sleepless night for him, "Ugh...again the dream with that little girl...I won't be getting to sleep anytime soon now. I should take a quick breather outside, then rest here again.", he muttered to himself, jumping off the bed and heading towards the window.

He slid it open and jumped outside, feeling the night breeze run past his hair. It felt relaxing while he walked out just a bit, in front of the large yet cozy home of Rizan. The moon was actually a bit bluish compared to what he remembers back home, but it gave the land a bluish glow. A feeling then came over him, an ominous feeling that brought a shiver to his spine.

"Who would've thought that Rizan's mate was actually human...I actually can't figure that outmyself. Humans can't have children with dragons, its a proven fact. The chromosome countdoesn't add up, and also human sperm is far too weak to penetrate a dragonic egg. So can you clear this up before I kill you...Eurasia?", said a deep voice that came from the forest.

Michael gasped from what he was just told, seeing two red eyes stare at him from the darkness in the forest, "What are you...who are you!? I'm not this Eurasia who everyone keeps thinking that I am...", he said weakly, wondering on how to assess the situation quickly.

A green dragon came into view, his scales sparkling in the moonlight. His footsteps thundered under the ground beneath him, grinning while he kept his eyes on the little human, "Oh how rude of me, sorry about that. The name's Zachure Thornhike Shindrom, one of the best male dragons around and about to be the mate of "Rizan" Sular Zaraphan. Once I kill you, she'll have no reason to deny me. Just hold still Eurasia, this won't hurt one bit!"

to be continued in part 2....