A Bonding Experience

Story by Draco179 on SoFurry

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#2 of R&K

Raze slowly regain consciousness feeling disoriented and groggy at first, as like he had awoken from a deep slumber. And while trying to move its paws to help himself get fully awake, the lycan finds something annoying. He felt as its paws were binded together and more than that its legs were also.

Moreover, Raze felt something round being put on inside its snouth. The werewolf tried to chew whatever such object was. However as he close its mouth hard, felt something being slipped on along the same . Whatever it was though, was strong enough to force its powerful jaws to stay close, thus leaving its canine teeth to press forcevily against what appeared to be some sort of rubber ball. The werewolf upon seeing more clearly, soon saw a familiar figure putting what appeared to be a muzzle on him, to which the large reacted angrily with a deep snarl.

"Forgive me for this, but need to keep this safe until you trust me"

He seriously and hatredly snarled back now and started to rampage at what could trying to get free.

"It's useless, so i suggest you calm down and listen"

The lycan still struggled but found that she was telling the truth. So for the moment opted to stop and hear out what she had to say.

"Thanks for listening me out. Like told before I am just doing this to stop you until I get the information I need. Promise you will get justice done, but need you to wait til."

The lycan more calmly heard this words again, but even still wasn't in the mood to obey. In order to make this clear he nodded negatively and snarled.

"Thought you would react like that. So am sorry, but you're leaving no choice other than to retain you here."

To this statement the lycan felt very much outraged as to who do think she was.

"Know you don't like this idea wolf but I promise you will be ok"

Raze himself wasn't so convince of that, though now that he analyze the situation maybe the hunter was telling the truth. Mean she had sedated him and could then easily have killed then. And by the sounds of Kara's voice it seems more likely that she was just being honest. This puzzled the lycan as to whether leave things be or try to get free. But more so over the male werewolf was again feeling something strange, that same sensation when he first saw her. An attraction towards her that pressed on some instinctive level. Feeling questioned at this and as things was, he simply chooses to try and find out why of this.

"Alright now let's get you somewhere more comfortable. Now I need you to walk with me, but seeing as you still are unsure on whether trust me or not, gonna have to do this".

The werewolf saw as Kara got some kind of bandage and slowly approached him. She wraps the bandage alongside its head, more specifically covering his eyes. The canine wolf feels uneasy with this and growls demanding an answer.

"Sorry for this, but I need to make sure you won't try to fight back, escape or anything else reckless".

The male himself also thought this could be true and more over, even if he gotten free from her, without being able to see anything and not knowing where to go, it would be pointless then. Later then it felt the tyings at his feet being undone. Once free, the wolf stretched them.

"Alright then stand up Raze"

The werewolf complied, but only because he choose to let things go on their own, especially when it wanted to find out some answers of its own. The canine then moves its legs just too naturally stand up.

"Good, now walk forward ok"

The male lycan followed on taking steps. It was easy to feel the rope that was connected to that of his paws being pulled forward working as an indication. However notice that the rope wasn't being pull on harshly or tugged, as he could feel that Kara was close to him. While walking on, Raze tried to open up his mouth, yet as much as he tried found out its canine jaws were no match for the leather muzzle. So instead opted to munch on the rubbery ball toy.

The black colored ball was indeed strong as he somewhat bites it. Upon noticing that the ball was able to withstand it's sharpen fangs and teeth. The canine guessed that this "ball" was quietly unique and somehow made specifically to hold on any kind of gnawing or biting. Now knowing such fact, Raze chooses to stop working on it. After this, some minutes passed as the werewolf kept on blindly walking curious as to where the female was taking him. It wasn't too long when Raze noticed something changed as then he felt the rope used to guide him being dropped.

"Stand still", the lycan heard weirdly and did so.

He could only hear her footsteps and what as appeared to sound like a door closing. The wolf tilted its head to the left wondering what this meant. After a few minutes, he then smelled and heard the female next to him.

"Were here wolfing"

"Turn around"

Seem weird but still comply with this new and unusual order. After this the male felt Kara more close to him.

"Alright now, sit",

A dubious male felt this command weird but still complies to, finds it funny though as whatever he's sitted on felt comfortable and jumpy.

"Good, now I want you to lie down on the bed"

The werewolf heard wondering if it was truly what he was he sitted on which would then made sense.

"Something wrong?"

All until now felt wrong and weird for the furry creature. That much that it simply refuse on following such order, letting be known by its captor with a loud able snarl.

"Do this stud, I promise you won't regret it."

A dubious lycan opted this time not to listen being still that it was muchly confused. He questioned as to what "possible reasons" the hunter would want him to simply lie down on the furniture. After all Kara had said that she needed to retain him for some days or what so ever, but was there any hidden reason or motive besides that. A doubt he found amusing, meanwhile the hunter puzzled as why the male lycan didn't do anything.

"What's wrong Raze? , lycan still thinking tilted its head sidely.

"Please lie down", but the wolf still wouldn't comply.

"Alright then"

The wolf heard and snapped from its thinking as it felt the rope connected to its paws being pulled against something. His furry paws were pulled to its left and almost somewhat behind him. The lycan pulled back not liking this, but found on itself on some kind of tug war as whatever was pulling its paws was almost as strong as him. This made the werewolf angry growling and snarling loudly or as for what it could if it wasn't for the gag. But then it felt something that changed all. He felt something on its furry chest, a hand to be more exact softly touching him there.

"Stop struggling"

The werewolf felt uneasy at this, for some strange reason the female touching him felt somewhat deep and that like out of nowhere could calm the canine beast just like that. Kara noticing that he has stopped fighting back, talked to him.

"Now will you listen and do what I say?"

The canine was uneasy wondering out the reasons why this female had that kind of power over him. Not that it felt wrong or unnatural but wondering if it was something else, and even so with everything he sought to comply again. The werewolf then lifted its legs on the bed and as was told lie down. He waited for Kara's next move wondering what she wanted to do with him really.

Meanwhile his captor began pulling the rope connected to that of Raze's binded paws to the bed's frame. Eventually, the werewolf itself felt its paws being pulled over its head softly until they were above it just with a few meters away and then force to remain like that. The canine tug softly though wanting to test if its paws were really secure to the frame, and after doing so determined they were really bounded up. While at this he then felt its legs now being grabbed and roped. The lycan pulled them not liking this at first, but then again felt her hand touching him back.

"Easy there stud"

A reply that again was followed, allowing Kara to finish tying his feet. Yet she leaves some rope in order to secure them to the end frame. Once finished the wolf again tested the rope knot but as well find it good. The lycan realized what that this meant; him completely restrained and at the disposal of a blond hunter.

"Now that you're like that, hope you enjoy this"

Wondering what she meant, the canine was about to find out why this female had gone to such trouble. As he felt her hand petting its head softly, moving down its face and neck until it rested once again on the lycan's strong looking chest. Kara moved her hand along it rubbing and almost massaging it making the werewolf feel strange. She used both hands to touch the males' nipples, occasionally other then rub these, the female would also tweak and twist them softly for at least a couple of minutes. Raze on the other hand could only felt this strange, but fortunately not something that would molest him.

Instead he could only gasp and feel powerless.

Mean between having paws and legs immobilized, there was the blindfolding and gagging. He could only move its head and gasp as the female continued touching him. For Kara on the other hand was an opportunity to discover why she felt attracted to this male, especially because such creature was something she would normally hunt and kill. But not this one, no something about it was different that called her attention in many ways. Especially since the first time she had not only observed him from far but also seen its genitals.

Now she had them for close up view, and not that they were special or different from any other male werewolf, but for Kara it was hard resisting not to handle such sacred organs in multipe and distinctive ways. With this in mind, she moved her hands down from his nipples and touched its stomach. Curiously she rub and tapped his stomach several times, softly though just to feel more of the werewolf's' powerful muscles. The lycan himself felt this odd and annoying, answering back with a low pitched snarl.

"Got the message wolf"

For Raze he wondered if this was true cause it was really unease; however things for him were gonna be more resolving then. As Kara moved her hands below its stomach and down to his waist. He felt curious as if the female was going to continue from there. While in the other hand as we know, a certain female was anxious to touch the lycans' genitals and so pair of hands would once again move down. Reaching down to where his privates were, the female only uses one of her hands and moves over to the furry sheath. Tracing back at Kara, she lets her hand rest over the covered penis for a while and in the meantime grips and gently squeezes the organ through its furry cover.

Raze himself felt such action strange still uncomprehending why the hunter would touch him in there. He examines at the possibility that the female may have feelings for him, one rare possibility that at least that would explain everything.

While the bounded lycan vague on this, his captor moved its hand down again away from the sheathed penis and to the twin organs hanging below it. The captive canine could only feel this, while the female on the other hand lingered her palm against his balls, fingers softly stroking the fleshy fur covered scrotum on various places. Meanwhile the werewolf itself felt astonished to the fact that his genitals have been up to the moment: squeezed, gripped, touched and handled. Certainly something like this was a first timer for him. Again after some minutes she stopped with Raze wondering what's next.

"Alright my wolf, now I want you to turn around"

However the canine creature confused by this request didn't obey.


As simple as this sounded, the lycan vague on again as why would his captor chosen not touch its legs or feet. Turning around had no sense so he didn't comply to this command.

"Alright then"

The canine heard and immediately felt Kara move her hands across his stomach. The hunter herself began moving and flipping the enormous furry beast by grabbing and pulling him from the other side of the bed. The male himself felt this to be pointless and struggled back to keep itself on its position, while at the same time growling and snarling at what could.

"I know stud you're confused, but trust me."

This stud certainly still didn't understood very well yet, but something told it to yes "trust her". And so the canine stopped the struggle, Kara knowing her male had pipe down, continued flipping the wolf creature until it was lying upside down. And as Raze feels Kara some what petting him, its gentle hands moves down to touch its back. From there, they continue going down to where the canine tail began and while she gently touches his tail, Raze moves it not very much liking this. Kara gets this though and let it pass by, mainly on the little fact of being interested on touching and feeling the canines' rump. And as so and her hands traced at this place, a curious female began to feel and enjoy just how firm its butt was.

Wanting to tease the male a little bit, she then began spanking him a couple of times, while at the same time enjoying more of the canines' firm buttocks.

But on the other hand, a bound up male was not taking the situation too lightly this time; demonstrating this with some usual loud snarl, his captor ignoring this though and continuing. And with the canine creature noticing this, decided to end things himself. It the began rampaging and pulling on the restrains on his paws and legs. Noticeable for the female, but confident that the tyings wouldn't be undone, didn't pay attention to this and continued on. She was mistaken though, as that one holding the canines' paws had began to gotten loose. Raze feeling this, pulled on some more, until finally was able to free his paws. A surprised hunter could only step away cautiously as the strong werewolf angriuosly lifted itself up.

Having its paws free, the lycan also took off its blindfold and gag. Upon being able to watch again he stared furiously back at the blond hunter, denoting this with very loud snarl. Kara could only remain cautiously to what the male would do next; on the meanwhile the canine finished freeing its legs. It stands and steps out from the bed and by the things the hunter had done to him without permission; one would think he would again go after her.

But no, Raze deciding not to waist any more time instead walks up to the door and was about to leave when he heard her talking to him.

"Gonna leave thing like this?"

The lycan hearing the question tilted its head.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me besides I told you am not gonna let you do anything reckless until what happened to your pack is cleared up."

Raze turned around amused at the hunter still was determine to stop him.

"Really so I should let you have your way with me then, is that what you're saying?'

The wolf snarled, but then became surprise as the female began walking towards him. He was surprise to see her standing in front of him not looking afraid, but instead else.

"You're something hunter, aren't you afraid I could easily act now and kill you?"

Though a secure female could only chuckle.

"No am not, just as I know that you won't hurt me".

"Really and why is that?"

The male questioned while raising one his paws, its pointy claws tips being close at her.

"Because you're different"

The lycan heard and saw Kara softly grabbing its paw feeling strange by this. Sure the hunter had done a lot of things to him, but for some yet unknown reason its mind told him to let it go. This incited the werewolf to angrily debate against itself, Kara only watching and wondering if the male feel something for her.

"You're not there alone stud, whatever conflict you got, you have to know that I would never hurt you"

"If that's true then what do you want with me, and why have you put me through such situations?"

"Like told you, just like you am exploring at the reasons why you seem to be different"

'What the hell does "am different" suppose to mean?" Raze questioned back with a snarl.

"Well you have certainly prove this"

"Yeah how?"

The hunter then slipping her hand down, reaching down for something known. Raze could only feel then something grabbing its sheath gently. He felt as the furry cover was stroke on softly multiple times. Looking down and realizing it was Kara again, the lycan didn't know if she was trying to molest him or else.

"I suggest you quit that hunter for your own good"

"Really stud I dare you make me"

An enraged male could only watch at a smirk and confident woman. He snarled and lowered his paw, but as always was stopped by something. His mind again entering in conflict not to, made the wolf exhausted and simply chooses to let it go. This threw him into doubt and as Kara notices this calls out his attention.

"Don't feel like that my wolf besides it's clearly you're enjoying it"

A dubious male wondering what she meant it, felt something unusual down below. The curious lycan traced the sensation coming from the stroked organ. All that conversation with Kara and him thinking had distracted the male, otherwise he would have felt its sheath swallowing or at least it appeared that way, if not that it was his penis the one that was growing. The male felt this strange and at the same time good.

"Do you see now Raze?"

Kara then stopped the stroke leaving the wolf feeling surprisingly unsatisfied.

"Do you want me to continue? the male wolf felt this question a good one, answering it honestly.


"Alright then, but only one condition"

"And what is that?" the male wondered

"That you're gonna get in that bed all restrained as before".

"What and why do I have to do that?"

"Well stud that's how things are, so what is your answer gonna be?"

The werewolf tilted it head all while grumbling and groaning, mainly against himself. He really didn't like the idea of being bound again and all. However looking down at the furry groin, it's easy to note the canine organ twitching. The lycan on some instinctive level thinking that idea of his penis being stroke was something that couldn't let be easily be dismiss.


"Good then you know what to do then"

Certainly the canine knew and complied uneasy at this walking up towards the bed, laying itself on it and waiting to be tied up again.

"Thanks but are in a wrong position"

"What do you mean?"

"Wolf I mean that turn yourself like you were before"

"No, and if you're thinking of continuing that what you were doing before, you can forget about it"

"Told you my conditions stud"

This annoyed the lycan even more, but even so still opted to just let it pass hoping that the handling of his wolf hood was worth it. And so the canine fellow turn around just like Kara wanted. Meanwhile the hunter moved to the bed frame getting ready to continue, with him observing this knowing pretty well what was next. The lycan extending its paws so that a certain hunter ties them back, which is done calmly and at the same time making sure of securing the canine good this time. Once finished, she then goes to pick 2 things which Raze recognizes unpleasantly.

"Open wide stud"

Again complying the canine beast opened up its maw just so that the hunter could stuff in the rubber ball, once this he close its mouth pressing somewhat hard on the round up toy. Subsequently the hunter, carefully slips the muzzle on Raze's snout. Next, the wolf notices his eyes again been covered, Kara wrapping up the bandage around his head again. Unfortunately the proudly male growls and shakes its head not liking these.

Kara was full aware of her male feeling like this; dewily to remediate the situation went on to stroke the only thing that would calm him. The werewolf immediately felt that, its sheath that is being once again being fondled on. This excited the male making him moan softly. She kept on doing this for a few minutes, and for Raze it was good enough to make him forget his uneasiness. Once this passed, Kara moved to the end of the bed and finish on securing its feet. She then resumed the unfinished business concerning the large male's buttocks. And so the human tapped the canines' firm butt several times. Of course again Raze felt a little bit annoyed and as always pointed this out loud.

"Alright I hear you wolf but am not done yet. However let's see if this calms you down again."

Wondering what she meant, the intrigued werewolf soon felt his canine sheath being on handled again. The excited male could only moan at this and at some point making it wanting for the strokes to be stronger. Naturally this made him involuntarily to press his hip somewhat hard against the bed. He then began rocking back and forth against the mattress, enjoying feeling of having Kara's hand being pressed against his sheath while he repeated this movement. However at one moment it feels her hand no longer grabbing him there.

"Aren't you a naughty wolf, but in case you forgot am the one in charge Raze. Or would you prefer to stroke yourself down there."

The canine did have forgotten this but only because he was becoming on more excited. Still the large werewolf whimpered and nodded negatively.

"Alright then let me handle this ok?" again he nodded with a yes.

"Ok then gonna have ask you to please lift your hip"

The canine complied and before even knowing, felt something grabbing his sheath again and stroking, this time harder thus sending wonderful sensations back at the owner. A happy male moan back as a respond, as the stroking went on for several minutes, yet again being stop.

"Alright wolf turn around"

Curious at this, the werewolf obeyed the female and turns itself. He wondered what was on next and soon gets his answer, as the furry cover of that of his penile organ was gripped on again. However this time there was no stroking puzzling the male and thus instead feeling something different occurring to its member. The females' hand moving to the tip of the sheath gently pulling it down, and although the male couldn't see this, the sensation wasn't new. The canine felt and knew very well that its penis was being uncovered.

Karas continues to retract the canines' sheath all the way down to the very base. She keeps it there while making sure of maintaining a soft grip on the retracted sheath. And while a bound up and puzzled male could only feel its penis unprotected, the female human herself took its time to closely observe the strange looking organ. While indeed it looked exactly like that of any canine species, for her the smooth, pointy and pink colored organ being on display was too great. Certainly it was different now to see his organ out of its covering and she also certainly knew that like any normal canine it would look something else once it reached an erect state.

Wondering this, Kara looked back at the werewolf whose head was turn on sideways and wondering how it felt having its wolfhood like this. Staring at him, she did notice that there was no indication of being uncomfortable or uneasiness. For her, he seem calm and probably wondering what was she gonna do next. Certainly as expected she continues, but first and carefully moves her fingers with the purpose of having these keep a firm grip down there, with this the canine organ would be pointing away from the males' furry belly.

A bound up wolf felt this and could only wonder; fortunately not much of a time passed before it could get an answer. It felt something wrapping around the penis now, he did knew that it's was obviously Kara's other hand but even so it felt good. They felt soft or at least they were grabbing the organ like that, this making the male be more turned on by doing some soft moans. But suddenly the gripping was not the only thing Raze felt, as he gasped upon the exquisite feeling occurring directly to the canine member.

He moan as Kara began to administer harder strokes to it, the male began to feel lost as inexplicable and joyful sensations were being transmitted threw out his body from one certain point. It moaned even more as his mind dept in the fact that Raze himself was immobilized and powerless at all on the situation, and not to forget that fact not being able to speak or watch what was been done to him. This only contributing on heightening the sensations, thus making the excited male to demonstrate it by lifting its head up and down several times. He would lift it up with the intention of trying to see its penis being stroke but with no avail, frustrating the male a little.

But that frustration would leave as more exquisite and delightful emotions arrive, making the male push its head hard against the mattress while moaning exquisitely. This continued going on for a while until the stroke ceased. A gasping male wondering why, while a certain female contemplated something. Kara watching with amazement at a certain large and proudly erect organ.

For the hunter it was strange having to look at the member of a male who wasn't human. But as mentioned before this neither bothered her, the female still find it interesting and intriguing to have his genitals' on display. For her, the organ looked gorgeous and more appealing now that it had acquired a dark purplish color, not to mention its size now that it had swollen up. Furthermore she could now freely let go of the base now that its sheath won't be able to retract back on its own. The reasons behind are the 2 huge and swollen up twin orbs at the base of the canine organ or better know as a knot.

The engorge organ with knot and all was just so appealing for her that she went on and began caressing it for several minutes. And so, while the dark purplish penis rested against Raze's belly, Kara gently passed her palm above the whole organ while at the same time pressing and massaging in various spots. Trace backing to our favorite bound up werewolf, he feels amused and delighted at the treatment his wolf hood was getting, again showing this with soft moans.

"Yes I know prideful wolf, you're happy and should be, after all this is an excellent tool you got."

Thus the tied up wolf could only feel his organ but not see it. He raised its head again trying to do this but the blindfold prevented this again, making the male upset. Raze then attempted to remove it, even though there was the possibility that would ruin the whole play by simply interfering with the conditions she established. Never the less the excited male followed on and so turned it head sideways rubbing the blindfold against one of its arm. At first it wouldn't budge, but after a while it started to get loose or at least enough for him to see things with one eye. However an aware hunter noticed this and remarked.

"Aren't you a devious one? But if you recall wolf you accepted being blinded"

Kara then to quickly retie the blindfold again and this time also making sure to do it well. And in the other hand it made the male creature feel annoyed, especially when it didn't have enough time to watch his prideful and engorged organ. To be sincere, for Raze this was the first time his wolf hood was like this. While this sounds to be very unlikely, it was very true indeed. As for some reason this wolf hadn't been attracted to anyone of the opposite sex within its former pack. He never felt any sexual desire for and therefore obviously never got mated.

So in the end this brings us to the fact that an erection of the sort wasn't something that normally occurred to him. In other words him bring brought into an erection that wasn't naturally was also a first timer. So it is understandable why he did that, especially later when he growled and snarled because of this, which unfortunately made Kara, take it the wrong way.

"Well aren't you feisty and are remarking me for something you did. You seriously need to be thought to respect your decisions."

The lycan heard and became afraid for what Kara meant, finding out soon this. He felt as the hunter turn him quickly and without any warning. However she only turns the male sideways, throwing off more doubt and regret to this wolf. Soon feeling pain as his firm butt was being slapped on again. He yelps and growled to this loudly, regretting for any of this.

"Learned your lesson yet?"

The annoyed and angry lycan responding with a nod while whimpering. He did really hate to do this because in its mind the whole situation would show it being no more than a scared and afraid dog. This really annoyed and pestered him deeply. However that was gonna be pushed from his mind as always as something familiar wrapped around his erect organ. The females' hand moved back and forth several times while this time applying a soft stroke. And even so it was enough to push Raze into pleasure as the stroking went on for several minutes.

He felt thrown into ecstasy as his erection threw even more powerful and strong sensations. All of that sheering pleasure rocking his body, making him gasp and moan. The canine felt happy again.

"Think of this as your reward my wolf"

The lycan heard and yet while it sounded misdemeanor, he didn't let it have any importance, mainly his stroked on erection erasing this degrading part.

"Alright you big goof its time to finish this"

Raze heard this only wondering again what she meant as always. Again it was thrown into more confusion as once again the canine beast was turned over until it was resting on its stomach. He wondered tiredly if more spanking was gonna be involve. But got surprise when the rope restraining his paws was undone, this making things more confusing. He made muffled voices hoping to get an answer.

"Easy stud don't worry and just follow my orders ok"

The male nodded and waited, but only felt its legs been free from the end frame.

"Alright my proud wolf now I want you to kneel for me"

The wolf felt weird at this request but never the less chooses to do it. Even though he was still blindfolded, this task was easy and simple. Lifting himself up the canine stood there kneeling on the bed for minutes wondering what his captor wanted.

"Good stud now put paws behind back"

Weird again but never the less the canine obeyed. Once moved its furry paws behind it felt them once again being restrained with rope. Kara tied the werewolf's paw good enough to make sure her male wouldn't get free accidentally at least. Now in order to keep him in a secure kneeling position, the hunter uses some extra rope to tie the wolfs' paws to its legs.

"Alright then Raze, get ready"

The canine tug on softly feeling its limbs bounded and wondering vaguely what this meant. Not long after heard something unusual in front of him. Felt someone had climbed on the bed as well facing him exactly. Of course knew it was Kara, pretty easy to know and feel especially when her hands moved to caress the werewolf's muscular body. Touch its head on one side, going down just to tease the males' nipples lightly. Going down as always gently then tapping his stomach. And once again down until they reach up where the genitals were. The lycan felt one wrapping around the still engorge organ, stroking it lightly from the base to tip. And even as gently the stroke be , was stil enough to bring Raze to moan as usual.

He was so focused on this that didn't felt another hand moving below its wolf hood. Now that the male was kneeling, the female took the time to weight on its testicles. Meaning that because if the position Raze was, Kara could see now the round organs below hanging heavily, something that the female wanted to see since long.

Reaching out to cup them with her palm, the hunter rubs fingers between the canine orbs feeling the furry covered scrotum. She enjoys touching and massaging the twin organs for several minutes, something Raze feels clearly. The lycan enjoys the situation more, now that its cock and balls are both being caressed. This occurs for a few minutes before strangely the stroking stops. Wondering now what might occur next, the canine is caught in surprise as it suddenly feels something warm encircling its penis. Felt strange at first for the wolf mainly puzzling as well due to fact that it couldn't see what was exactly. Gets caught up yelping in surprise the moment its penis is being suctioned on.

The wolf at least feels something sucking on its wolf hood. It felt exquisite now that it reflexes on such sensation. Knowingly it was Kara who decidedly wanted to taste his penis. She closed her mouth on the swallowed organ ultimately sucking on the tip and half of the gland. The rest of the canine cock was being stroked on all the way down including the knot.

Kara didn't certainly felt weird sucking the precious organ. Surely maybe it tasted differently seemingly that it had no protective skin on. But for the huntress there was something that not only made her so much attracted to the werewolf but also made her enjoy and curious as to know everything about Raze. For Kara it was a first time she would do something like this, even if it was with another kind of male species. She never was interested on going with someone because of her way of living. But as we know everything changed the moment the hunter saw a yet unknown black furred werewolf. Mainly that's why whatever help her play like this with him, also was motiving Kara to experiment and play with the engorge organ. To such is then that she took out the pulsating member from her mouth and went on to lick and soflty suck the tip of it for several minutes. Kara enjoys doing such, yes enjoys to keep the werewolf arouse and erect. The female also on the meanwhile experiments all of the strange emotions that contributed to make the bond already formed between them be stronger.

Some what after, Kara stops and goes on now to take whatever she could of the appetizing and lengthy organ in her mouth. While recommencing the suction of such, dwelled on how she could make their relationship work. The female fully knowing now well what kind of feelings she held for him.

Back tracing to Raze, it humms and lost itself deeply on all the emotions possible being transmitted from his penis. The wolf loved it so much decided to play a little wanting somewhat to test how much did the female was enjoying this as well. And so the canine pulls back on its hip at least to feel his penis away from Kara. The female herself puzzled as to what her male was doing, though certain that she hadn't harm or was causing any uneasiness through the purpled member. Wondering if canine was just actually doing some teasing of its own she decided to pay him back differently. Reaching behind, the hunter moved one hand to his butt, that's when she slaps it at least enough to bring the large male forward.

As for Raze himself, the response caught it somewhat by surprise. She wasn't being subtle as he thought, but instead just being her, something the canine knew very well now. And well the wolf pushed in to give what this female wanted then, meaning its hips. The werewolf moved them forward at what he could just to show its captor how bonded up he felt with the situation.

"You have done playing my naughty wolf?

A question Raze nodded back now waiting for its captor response. And once again felt his wolf hood being sucked however this time the intensity was greater then before, or at least to the canine it felt that way. He muffled to this as more unlimited pleasure flooded through, all the exquisite sensations made him raise its head backwards. Kara notices this and was sure to this give her male a pleasurable memory. The female continues to swallow over the pulsating wolf hood continuously.

While at these notices a pair of furry balls hanging as always away. For her it's tempting not to leave them alone and so cups them. On the moment the hunter chooses to squeeze them something that the wolf lets passes by if not because the uneasiness doesn't compare to throbbing pleasure coursing.

His furry balls in the other hand don't and so retract back close to the sucked on organ. Not liking this, Kara reaches out for them, after all she enjoy having them on sight as well as seeing the furry scrotum hanging with the heaviness it deserve. Then so the female carefully wraps thumb and forefinger around the scrotum and begins pulling them down, always with carefulness none the less. Tugging them gently outward, the female saw how the skin stretched until finally once again the egg shaped organs were pretty much hanging away. Just to make sure they stay this way, Kara wraps her fingers around her mate's heavy sized testicles and then keeps this gentle downward on pull on them. Afterwads, Kara switches to tend matters with his other organ as she begins to suck the engorge penis with a little more intensity and seemingly tender aggressiveness.

The werewolf moans, biting hard on his gag feeling the imaginable force of suction drawing at his member. The feeling was so intense the canine felt its body jerking and spasming, the sensation was too explicit it was hard not know that he was about to ejaculate. Kara indeed catches sign of this and get ready to end the play. She stops sucking on the wolf hood and instead strokes the heated organ fastly. Whichever way Raze felt pleasure from both ways, too much which soon his genitals responded back. Immediately the male quivers as his engorge organ began shooting semen. The male feels literally liquid pouring out of the base of his spine, through the stroked on shaft. The process lasted on for several minutes, enough for the males' testicles to run out of the precious fluid.

Kara upon noticing such goes on behind the huge lycan just to release the tyings on his limbs. Consequently the female helps Raze sit down before taking off the gag and blindfold. The canine although is exhausted, is seemingly relieved and satisfied.

"So what now stud are you going to listen to me?

"Am sure you have already know that"

"Well just wanted to know. Anyway I want you to remain inactive for a couple of days just until..."

"I know until you can clarify everything"

"That's right I promise as always to help you get justice for your former pack"

"Am sure of that, though I gotta admit it's gonna difficult not because of the whole chasing after the culprits but instead....."

"You being the only werewolf here"

"Yes difficult now that I think about to be alone"

"Really you think are alone now?

"Humpp, not now but you know what I mean"

"Yes I do but that can be fixed"


"Well stud if you wanna know, look for me when you sense me"

"What do you mean by that Kara?"

"You'll see"

The werewolf kept puzzled at her words before seeing Kara standing up heading towards the door.

"Ok then stud guess see you later"

The canine can only observe her heading out the door wondering what se meant. Tilting its head to left just to see the results of their little play was. No that he didn't enjoy it neither including the whole being bounding up to bed the experience itself felt so good. So good he traced down to its legs where all the emotions and sensation flown from, its penis. The male observe the still half swollen wolf hood twitching as slowly the dark purple coloring faded. By the time the canine organ returned to its normal size, it had also recovered its original and lively pinkish coloring. Eventually even its knot disappeared or shrinks back until it is left as mere bulge at the base.

With the knot gone, the canine's furry sheath springs back from the base just to swallow the organ, thus once again keeping it covered and protected, or at least for now Raze thinks. The male himself chuckles at that knowing that once he meets Kara again his penis would be once again out, engorge and erect, at least he hopes for that. Meanwhile the wolf stands up and heads out the room, it explores the hall looking for a window until it finds one. The werewolf looks outside recognizing down at the alley he was leaded and everything started. He smiles for that though and as he jumps out and reaches for another building. The lycan ponders seriously though if it's a good idea to keep meeting with her captor. Given her profession wasn't sure for now if everything would be good for the 2 of them on a nearby future.

Not to forget there the matter pending with his pack, to whom Raze swore to get revenge for. The lycan ponder its mind on this, wondering if Kara would really help him, but for now he could only retract back to its temporal hideout.