Bed Wish

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Bed Wish

A space age monitor turns itself on in a darkened room. Appearing on the monitor in vivid color is a male human with a rugged complexion, square jawed, perfect blonde hair and blue eyes in a red jumpsuit that features golden pauldrons, a lightning bolt and cape to match. He is only seen from the waist up so the golden belt and boots are not seen right now as he makes his announcement.

"Good Morning, everyone, this is your Captain, Thomas Kennedy talking to you from the bridge of Terran Federation rocketship Capitalism. We have been cleared for take off from the moon and will be so in a few hours. I need everyone up and at 'em with the proper attitude. I need to see the following people on the bridge within the hour for a special briefing: Lieutenant-Commander Ezekiel Spark, Ensign Bubbles, Doctor Athena Necros and last but certainly not least, Sergeant Bruin Grognard. Everyone else get to your stations as soon as possible please our mission depends on in."

In the darkened room, an anthro bear stirs. He growls "Oh what is it now, you Gaylord gaybird?" at the monitor before shuffling his way to the shower. In the shower he gets an urgent message from the bridge on the radio: "Gorgnard! Get your fuzzy butt up here!"

"I'll be up when I've gotten showered and dressed!" The brown furred grizzly growls back as she washes his green hair. "You of all people should know that much, Captain!"

"You saw the general message?" The voice of Captain Tom Kennedy asks.

"Yes, I did," Bruin frumps, "I was having such a nice dream too, I had Athena in my bunk..."

"Spare me the details!" Tom growls. "Just get your tail up here yesterday!"

On the bridge a dark haired man in a blue jumpsuit but the same accouterments as the Captain walks up to Tom and fondles him from behind.

"Not now, Zeke," Tom says lovingly, "Bruin is taking a shower but Bubbles and Athena should be here any minute."

"Now that's an image I needed," Ezekiel says with a smirk. "I bet the bear has a nice fat cock."

"Yeah, he's got a nice cock," Tom says with a smirk and gives Zeke a kiss. "Do you have everything for the presentation?"

"Yup, how soon can we expect the others?" Ezekiel asks.

"Soon I hope," Tom says with a sigh. "I really hate these missions to Thebe. Everything is so hush hush, I can't have Bubbles send the exploits back to Earth for my publicist to disseminate to my adoring public."

"I thought we were through with all these pulp melodramas?" Zeke growls. "Really, Tom, all this aggrandizing is so illogical."

"Maybe so, but it pays the bills, more than my salary actually." Tom says in a half surprised manner.

Bruin Grognard steps out of his cabin and into the corridor, his uniform is black and silver but otherwise identical to the Captain's, to see a gorgeous pale skinned elf woman with bone white hair in a very feminine version of the uniform that Lieutenant-Commander Spark.

"Athena!" Bruin says in a friendly manner. "Any ideas as to what the Captain might want?"

"Don't know," Athena says in a dismissive manner. "And I really don't care to be seen with a mere sergeant."

"Well, excuse me, princess!" Bruin exclaims mockingly.

"Back on Venus I AM a princess, hybrid!" Athena growls sharply. "At least the Captain is a real male, not something created in a test tube!"

With that she increases her pace as much as she can without going into a full run as a column of blue protoplasm in the general shape of a human female shoops its way into the corridor.

"Poor, Sergeant Grognard," the ooze creature states as its nucleus-eye turns to regard him, "By the way, the Captain and the chief science officer said they were too busy to feed me this morning, can I get something from you?"

"Sure, Bubbles," Bruin says with a smirk and undoes his fly. "At least I can get some from the Plutonian if I can't get some action anywhere else."

Bubbles giggles and extends a pseudopod to encapsulate Bruin's scrotum and penis before stimulating his sex organs as only one of "her" kind can. Technically Bubbles does outrank Grognard as an alien life form from the planet Pluto. While everyone refers to Bubbles in the feminine the race is actually asexual, adopting a female personality to better get males of other species to donate their genetic material is more socially acceptable so that's what her species does and thinks little of it.

What she is doing is halfway between giving Bruin a hand job and a blow job as it's semen on which she and others of her kind feeds. Both Tom and Zeke get freaked out when they are called on to donate sperm to feed her need so they both make excuses to get out of it. Athena thinks less of Bruin for indulging Bubbles but since she acts like a snob anyway Bruin just ignores her turning of her nose and just enjoys the act of casual sex as he knows Bubbles is just being friendly and she really does need the semen.

Sergeant Bruin Grognard is a native Earth man like Tom and Zeke but his features are the result of a program intended to create super soldiers. To the degree that he is a success, Bruin is afforded the rank of Sergeant but because he is a created creature and not a natural born citizen of the Federation, rising from a non-commissioned officer to commissioned officer is next to impossible and Bruin knows this. But like the animal a good portion of his DNA is taken from, Bruin is content with his lot and life and is more than willing to take his frustrations out on marauding aliens and protecting the crew which will get him some respect but not much in the way of upward mobility.

Alien faction around the solar system that know of the situation are less inclined to attack the TFRS Capitalism so the pulps have more to play up this that alien scum are afraid of the ship and its dashing Captain which readers across the solar system buy in droves. The going public, Athena included to Bruin's eternal chagrin, reading these tales has a certain image of the Captain as a dashing hero traveling the galaxy and being the salvation of his native plane Earth. While it makes good press, it also annoys Zeke who would rather have some quiet time on some planet or moon without somebody wondering why Tom is cuddling up someplace with instead of some alien bimbo, like Athena or Bubbles.

Bubbles bounces onto the bridge with Bruin close behind with a big grin on his face. Tom and Zeke can hardly hide the feeling of nausea they are both feeling as they know why Bubbles would be so bouncy and that's because she just ate from whom is also obvious which disgusts the two humans no end. Athena is semi reading the two males, either one of which she would like inside of her, and seems a little confused as to why they would be so put off since the Sergeant is apparently willing to take on duties that they should be doing gladly as virile examples of their species.

"I'm glad you could finally join us, Sergeant," Captain Kennedy growls.

"Bruin," Bubbles asks, "Why is the Captain angry, he couldn't feed me today but you could? I thought it was something guys liked doing?"

"Don't worry about it, Bubbles," Bruin assures as he gives the Captain and his lover a dark look, "I'm sure the captain and the first mate had urgent business to take care of."

"Yes, of course we did," Zeke chimes in quickly, "Thank you for the vote of confidence. Now, can we get on with the mission?"

"Fire away, Commander!" Bruin beams with a knowing smirk.

"Thanks you," Zeke says in an annoyed fashion as he brings up a planetary chart in holographic form. "As you can see here our mission as it were is to make a run to Thebe, one of the moons of Jupiter."

"Something special there?" Athena asks with baited breath.

"Nothing too spectacular, Athena," Tom says with a smile, "Our spies on Io have delivered some information they have gathered on the movements of the star snails that sometimes prey on shipping."

"Specifically the space slugs that are frolicking in Jupiter and have been for a decade or more?" Bruin asks.

"Yes, Bruin, those," Zeke says in an exasperated sigh. "Now in order to get there we will need to go through the asteroid belt which is always tricky."

"Not to mention dangerous," Athena chimes in. "But I know our heroic Captain can navigate us through."

"Yes, well, our route will take us into pirate territory as well," Kennedy says nervously and adjust his collar. "We have it on notice the Black Buck the space pirate has set up shop and we'll be doing our best to get him to move."

"Just have my space suit and ray gun rifle fully charged," Bruin states, "I can take of that damn deer."

"Bubbles, radio back to Earth that Black Buck is as good as gone," Tom says proudly with a knowing smirk. "Bruin and I will be taking care of it."

"Can I get at least partial credit this time?" Bruin asks which causes Tom to narrow his gaze.

"Actually, I think we'll let the good hybrid get fully credit and just say he followed the tactics of the Captain in doing so," Zeke says which causes Tom to cross his arms over his chest. "Athena, I heard a rumor that Black Buck has some special plague particles he is intending to sell as a weapon of mass destruction to the Martians, would you accompany Bruin on his mission?"

"Plague particles?" Athena asks with a gasp. "Sure, I will do that!"

"Alright, everyone strap in," Tom orders in a dramatic pose, "It's time to blast off to adventure!"

"RIGHT!" Everyone else yells at once.

The Capitalism blasts off from Earth's moon without incident and travels into Martian territory. Observation stations on Deimos and Phobos track the rocket ship but no actions are partaken on the part of the Martian government. It's when the ship enters the asteroid belt that the trouble begins.

Pirate rocket ships of the same sleek design as the Capitalism but only half the size fire their nose mounted ray guns at the ship. The ship is torpedo like with four sweeping fins at the rear and ray gun nose cannon at the front with twin turret ray gun cannons on the top and bottom of the ship for added defense. Sergeant Grognard undoes his safety belt when the ship gets hit by ray beams and attends the bottom turret which is fortunate as the top turret is soon blown to smithereens as the pirates assume Tom Kennedy would be manning that station.

Sergeant Bruin Grognard is a space marine and well trained in the use of such weaponry which gives him a slight advantage over the pirate ships with lack turret guns due to their smaller size. The bear is able to knock two of the four pirates from space quite easily and from the lack of ejection modules, it becomes obvious these were automated ships rather than piloted by sentient beings. In fact all four are remote control attack drones which suggest it's really just Black Buck out here instead of a full crew of pirates.

Athena and Bruin get suited up with bubble helmets and rocket packs attached to the suits they are already wearing with Bruin taking up his trusty ray gun rifle as the hatch to the outside opens and robots monitor their progress. Bubbles is relaying the excitement back Earth as Tom and Zeke make their way in the zero gravity to their cabin. Since the only other thinking member of the organic crew, even those robots sentient enough to have conscious thought are of lower rank than Grognard and can be easily ordered into silence by Captain Kennedy or Commander Spark, is busy at the communications station the two humans decide to have a bit of a fuck break.

The pair actually had less time than they thought they did as the pirate base turns out to be automated station without a single living being. The pirate drones would attack and destroys merchant vessels, gather the loot and then store it for pick up later. The automated defenses are a simple matter for Bruin to defeat as a few well aimed shots with his rifle are all it takes to destroy the supports and bringing the defense grid crashing down.

Bruin has Bubbles radio space patrol on Earth to come pick up the evidence and the lost cargo to redistribute to the merchants that lost material in this part of the system. When they return to the Capitalism, Athena rushes to find the Captain and report their findings. She finds Tom and Zeke sucking each other's cocks as she enters their cabin without knocking and leaves before she is discovered by the pair before running to her cabin crying.

Once the Capitalism has left the asteroid belt, Tom and Zeke emerge from their cabin with big grins on their faces and notice that Athena isn't on the bridge. Bruin tells them of what he and Athena discovered and informs them that she insisted on telling the Captain herself but feigns confusion that they would ask him. Captain Tom then has Bruin go see where Athena is and this he does gladly.

Athena is ultimately found in sick bay working on the life form reconstructor which will resurrect the fallen within a certain time period from of their demise. Ezekiel is well aware of what this machine can do in theory but only Athena knows how it actually works well enough to play around with it so it will reconstruct any of them in the proper manner and thus return them to life. She is just finishing her work when Bruin stops by.

"Do I want to know?" Bruin asks in a dark tone as he walks in and sees what Athena is working on.

"Probably not," Athena says honestly as she wipes some sweat from her brow. "Unless I can persuade you to keep a secret."

"And how what might you be offering to help me look the other way?" Bruin asks, more or less facetiously but when Athena fondles his crotch he smirks lustfully, "Don't rub the lamp if you can't handle the genie, hun."

"Well, with what I saw earlier," Athena answers, "I'll take what I can get."

"Which was?" Bruin asks in a manner that bespeaks his piqued curiosity.

"They were doing this," Athena pulls Bruin's cock out and suckles it a little, "To each other."

"Unless you want that in its proper place," Bruin warns through his moans, "please don't stop on my account."

"Oh?" Athena asks coyly before taking his stiff member into her crevasse. "Do you mean here?"

Ezekiel pokes his head into sick bay to see what happened to the bear and then sees Athena ride his pole. Before either of them could see him, the first mate gets out of there and goes to report back to the Captain. He did not see that Athena was working on the machine that patches them back together after death, Ezekiel was too busy noticing the fact that the hybrid was indulging in the carnal cravings of the medical officer.

Bruin is not surprised at all by what Athena is trying to convey in fact he has puzzled out this fact from how but Thomas and Ezekiel treat her and Bubbles. Especially Bubbles who is offering to suck prick with no strings attached but she is a feminine seeming alien so that puts them off but not himself. So for Bruin the idea that Tom and Zeke might be gay is certain not alien.

A part of Athena's mind is chastising her for lowering herself to a mere beast man but the fact of the matter, of all the males on the ship; this is the only one that is interested in her so she makes do. The fact Bruin has a nice and thick prick that fills her quite nicely is going a long way to justifying this as a right choice which is taking away any legs the argument against fucking him might have had. Bruin might be an enlisted man and not a commissioned officer but there are ways of changing even that if need be.

When Bruin reports back to the bridge he finds a chilly reception waiting for him from the Captain who refuses to look at him. Bruin merely shrugs his shoulders since he is the grunt of the team, when they need heavy lifting or some fool to take point and act as fodder they'll be talking to him again. In fact they have a job for him as they make their way to Thebe and that's to supervise the robots repairing the upper turret.

On the way out, Bubbles hands Bruin a sheet of paper of a communication she received while he was enjoying the sensual talents of the Venusian doctor. The document is a contract proposal from Captain Kennedy's own publicist back on Earth and a few looks and gestures passed between them tells the bear that the human is entirely ignorant at this attempt at communication from the sensationalist news man and the lowly hybrid soldier. Upon reading over the document Bruin sees that the publicist would rather his Captain remain entirely ignorant and that the bear is poised to be the next big thing if he will consent to have his adventures publicized by Sensational Press.

Bubbles relays a positive response to the inquiry from Bruin as they conspire to keep this from the Captain and the first mate as long as possible. While keeping watch on the robots, more to protect them from marauders than to direct their actions as they know more about what they're doing than Bruin does and he knows it, Bubbles informs him that a meeting is planned for him and Silas Barnum, the publisher of Sensational Press when they get back to the moon. Before Bruin can acknowledge this, Commander Spark comes on the radio to inquire about the progress, which the bear can only estimate as he does not have the technical expertise to fully answer that question.

Ezekiel looks at the repair job from inside the Capitalism and is satisfied with the progress but gives Bruin a verbal reprimand anyway. Athena overhears the berating and goes back to her station in sick bay but not before she gives him a dark look. She receives a visit from the pair shortly thereafter.

"Athena," Tom says darkly, "I'm starting to get concerned for morale among the more mentally active crew members. Are you sure you are quite content with where you are now?"

"Yes, Captain," Athena answers back, "isn't time for your annual check up, you and Ezekiel?"

"We have that done when we go home to Earth, thank you very much," Ezekiel responds coldly. "It can wait."

"You're sure about that?" Athena asks as if disregarding his answer entirely. "I can perform the examination right here and now." She then looks over their charts. "Well, look at that, you are both overdue! Alright, boys strip for me and we'll take care of this right now."

"I am going to have to insist that this wait until after the mission is over, Doctor," Tom says in an attempt to pull rank.

"Refused to be examined," Athena says as she writes that down on their charts. "I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about. You both look like such strong and virile men..."

"I think that's enough of a talk for now," Tom announces then looks to Zeke. "Come on, Zeke, we have our own charts we need to look at."

"Yes, Captain," Zeke says and they both leave sick bay. When they are out of earshot he turns to Tom and says: "She either knows or suspects."

"Yeah, I'll write this off as a sex deprived Venusian trying to get some anyway she can," Tom states as Zeke gives him a look. "What?"

"Oh she got some recently," Zeke reports. "Remember what I told you earlier?"

"Yeah, but the Princess doesn't consider him to have a proper sausage," Tom boasts and then grabs his own junk. "My schlong is what she really wants and she's not getting it."

"We may have to let Bubbles taste us before too long though," Zeke cautions. "If for no other reason than keep our orientation under the radar."

"Tell me about it," Tom says in an exasperated manner. "If that vulture, Barnum ever got a whiff of what really happens up here both our careers would be in jeopardy."

The arrival on Thebe is relatively without incident. The landing is a little more rough than it needed to be but the crater in which they landed is not as well textured than it was thought to be when Lieutenant-Commander Spark first took his initial readings. They parked their ship a ways from the drop point for their own relative safety as pirates have been known to make fly-bys of the moon in case anything interesting might be deposited here.

Captain Kennedy goes out to retrieve the package with only Sergeant Grognard to act as bodyguard. Lieutenant-Commander Spark visits Doctor Necros to make sure the machine that reforms killed officers is working properly. Doctor Athena Necros assures her superior officer that all is in working order; however she does not tell him that she altered a few things after she saw what they were doing and had just finished when Bruin interrupted her.

Martian space pirates, lowly goblin looking aliens with a great hatred of anything Terran, are inspecting the boxes that contain the data that was dumped here to be retrieved by Captain Kennedy and crew. Leading the lowly goblins is the high Martian rebel, a leader among those who would slaughter humans set in place to oversee the Martian colonies by proper Terran authorities, Marshal Redblade who knows Tom Kennedy personally and at one point was even a lover of the Captain. Tom and Marshal had a falling out which is why Redblade is so virulent in his quest to slaughter all humans, to assuage his broken heart.

Knowing all this Tom Kennedy does not wish to be seen by the High Martian Rebel Leader but their space suits catch the fading light of the sun so far out here in space just so and without hesitation, Marshal Redblade orders the attack. Tom Kennedy has a ray pistol in either hand while Bruin Grognard uses a ray gun rifle to devastating effect.

With a few choice shots the pair are able to down all four low Martian flunkies that Marshal had with him. Snarling his defiance Marshal draws a Martian broadsword and deflects Tom's ray gun blasts back at him. Bruin is able to wound Marshal enough that he has to retreat but the damage is done: Tom Kennedy is dead.

Bruin radios for the robots to retrieve not only the cargo but the Captain's body. The cargo is stowed in the hold while Tom Kennedy's body goes into the life form reconstructor to be resurrected. Ezekiel waits for the process to finish its work while Athena excuses herself to check on Bruin.

Sergeant Grognard is relaying a report of events to Silas Barnum on Earth when Athena finds him. Bruin's wounds are relatively minor compared to those of the Captain, but Athena has other reasons for wanting to see him. After the report is filed, both to High Command of Space Patrol for whom they all naturally work for and Master Barnum, Athena and Bruin make their way to Bruin's cabin for a victory celebration of their own.

The pair quickly get undress and Athena performs fellatio on Bruin to get him up and hard enough to enter her. While the bear and the alien make love, Tom Kennedy slowly but surely returns to life with Bruin licking and suckling at Athena's tits as he ramrods his fat phallus into her petite pussy. It is now that Thomas is at his most vulnerable that Athena's machinations for revenge are realized.

A body placed in the life form reconstructor to be renewed must be stripped completely nude for the machine to work. This is well understood and even appreciated in certain situations. Ezekiel is anticipating some victory copulation with his Captain as the ship is returning to Earth on auto pilot.

Bruin is just reaching his climax and takes his member out Athena's crevasse as she order him to give her a pearl necklace as the life form reconstructor finishes its work on the Captain. He is giving her the necklace as the Captain walks out of the machine initially in triumph to Ezekiel's horrified gaze. Athena is sucking on Bruin's cock to swallow any semen remaining when the Captain looks down at his nether region and then howls in rage: "ATHENA!!!!!!"

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